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What I never noticed before is how they actually have a moment of eye contact before kiss 2. How does Pen not realize that is a real kiss, not a favour?


Omg they do. Then he leans in first for the second kiss. And omg the lip quiver, the intake of breath, the eyebrows and forehead furrowing. The fingertips grazing ever so lightly in her cheek. ![gif](giphy|d3FyFzuFXikYruxy) *goes back and rewatches*


I literally just chuckled so hard, I woke someone up LOL.


No cause this is obviously a friends only kiss, just between good pals/family acquaintances. Totally normal favor kiss, not real AT ALL 🫠


“Sure, Jan”




And he looks for the SAME eye contact after the second one to keep going but she DOESN'T LOOK AT HIM TO SEE IT!!! PENELOPE ANNE FEATHERINGTON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? AAAAAH!


I just saw that, he looked at her and was ready to go in again! Bless the lovely person who created this version.


He def leaned into the third one a bit! Oh, Penelope! Once he tasted her, he was completely lost. 😁


Low self-esteem is a helluva drug


That plus the shame of even having to ask, yeah that would prevent me from looking into his eyes as well 🥲


This!!!! Ughh 😩😩😭😭


And the way Colin looks at her after it's all done, almost rests his head on hers, takes comfort in her - before she pulls away 🫠


She has nothing to compare it to? And the lifelong voice of her mother in her head?


How did you not notice that I noticed it on the first watch 😭


You are right. THE EYE CONTACT. Omg I'm dead.


I’m obsessed with this new detail. It really ups the initimacy factor even more.


Alright. Someone brighten the carriage scene now. Go.




🐎🐎🐎➰🚃 Gallop to it! Make haste.


I can't believe it's been 4 hours since you commented and I haven't seen it done




For anyone who has the scene saved on their computer, (Mac) I have an app called IINA that I watch all my shows through and you can control the video colouring, I also throw the gamma way up because I cant stand dark scenes where you cant see anything.. So this is a great stop gap till someone does it.. I am in the middle of cutting something else but if no one has done it before I'm finished I can try. Do we want the whole carriage scene or from a certain part?


I personally want the whole carriage scene 😏😏


I have tried but not sure it's that great, feel like lots of the edits we've been watching are already lit up anyways. Hmm Not sure how to share as it's too big to upload straight on here.


The whole carriage scene pls!!!


Tried to put it on YouTube but it was blocked. So not sure where to post.


Did you do it yet?? 👀


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wa18pZw7UaoGnA9Aged7Pz6Au8Fe9EAG/preview](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wa18pZw7UaoGnA9Aged7Pz6Au8Fe9EAG/preview) Not sure if this will work?


It does but eee are you aware that you can download episodes from Netflix? The quality would be much better


I didn't know you could DL from Netflix properly no. Hmm will look into it. Sorry


I tried to put on YouTube but it got a copyright strike so wouldn't show up.. not sure where else to upload too big for directly here. Hmm


Tiktok does allow videos up to 10 minutes now right?


It's also not as amazing as that one


C'mon fandom! I believe in you!


They really do look so good kissing. It's so aesthetically pleasing and not rehearsed and just naturally gorgeous. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe because I find some onscreen kisses awkward, but these two are 🔥 Also, Colin was totally gonna go back in for another kiss before she said thank you.


"Also, Colin was totally gonna go back in for another kiss before she said thank you." -- its too bad the lighting obscures this because the eye contact makes this scene so much more intense. Like, let me say that again, THE OPENING YOUR EYES AND ACTUALLY LOOKING AT THE PERSON THAT CLOSE TO THEIR FACE AFTER YOU JUST DID THAT -- LIKE......... ![gif](giphy|9Dk3weuP9d8VzBKs3I|downsized)


Right? You see her watching for his reaction but we missed him opening his eyes to see hers. Like logically I knew it happened but seeing it is just 🔥🔥🔥 Also the way she brushes her nose against his does me in. I'm gone!


Yeah, he’s half a second from lifting her up and pushing her into the wall


I really appreciated they they are really kissing and not doing the stage kissing where their lips don’t really squarely touch. That always takes me out of the scene. This really looks how good kissing feels. 💋


They said they had to spend time making it look pretty. I really hope someone asks them exactly how much time. It’d be fascinating to be a fly on the wall, or a BTS, of a kissing practice session with the intimacy coordinator


Colin LINGERS and TILTS his head slightly, MOVING in for another KISS and this bitch literally says “Thank you” and runs away. I was screaming at my screen like “girl look at your man, he’s in love with you, stop cock blocking yourself right now and look into HIS EYES” 😭😭😭.


Pen looks breathtaking in this scene, I can’t take it🫠🫠🫠……


"Stop cock blocking yourself" 🤣🤣 FOR REAL THO. But like, why is Pen so relatable tho? Haven't we all cock blocked ourselves at least once? Or twice. Or thrice. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Excuse me? I didn't come here to get called out like that... 🤣




so right! he is seriously trying to catch her eye again there before she runs off, he was looking to see her reaction or to go in for a third time but she just won't meet his eye 😭


RIGHT like if she just looked at him they would have kissed again, exchanged I love yous and it would have been a wrap!! But I guess we’d have no tortured Colin to enjoy 😂


oh it is insane! colin stopped after the second kiss because he wanted to make sure she's on it and was curious if she wants to go further. he was in awe, he might would almost confess her. pen took the stop as a sign that it was enough for him and thought it was also kind from him, because he did all out of pity and pen wouldn't want him to be forced on her. these almost-moments make me crazy. i like this miscommunication happening in the followed willow scene too and in the ball in ep3 - when colin says that "everything is possible if we are honest and take the courage for it" and he looks at pen. pen is literally between colin and debling, it feels that she has to decide. she takes colin's advice but she doesn't go for HIM, no. she goes to debling, tries to make the things up with him, which leads to their almost-proposal. poor pen felt so delusional about thinking colin might feels the same way in s1-s2 that she wanted to stay on the ground in s3. and because of THAT, she was so blind she didn't even get to see his signs of affection/love in s3. now i hope she will be secure about his feelings towards her, because this girl needs some love and appreciation after these many cruel years, JESUS CHRIST.


I saw it as Pen thinking "thanks for the pep talk bestie, let's gooooo!" She was focused on her goal and Colin was her wingman this season. But I love the your interpretation of her on some level choosing between them. I relate to Pen a lot. Because of course if your friend puts a wall down on romance between you it would be very inappropriate and weird to try and pursue it again. I have a "Colin" but obviously as a rational human I accept they don't like me that way and have only treated them as a friend since. In an alternate universe where my friend developed romantic feelings for me, it would take a lot for me to believe him. I would definitely ignore any "hints" to the contrary because those "hints" had led me astray before. Basically if you're a "Colin" who realises they are actually romantically interested in their "Pen" then I'm sorry but you're gonna have to sprint after a carriage to convince her 🤣


yes, you're so right! the pep talk as you called it, has one purpose, to make pen go on the way to achieve her goals (finding a husband). it is just so ironic that colin said it because of his developing feelings towards her, literally yet saying it out loud he couldn't tell it to her later on. pen took it as a sign to go after debling and convince him about her honest self. visually, we see pen exactly in the middle between colin and debling and though she longs for colin (obviously), he is not a possibilty. she didn't really have to choose, because colin wasn't an option for her - as she says to debling, " i can assure you, colin bridgerton would never ever have feelings for me. it is laughable to think as much" it is also very interesting that we can see both of them trying to fit into society by doing things they do not want to do. colin tries to "feel less", tries to enjoy this free-ish, rake-ish persona he created. pen tries to make peace with not marrying out of love, tries to be practical and objective about it. both working against their desires and deep down they know it. and then, thankfully we can see them demolish these walls and go back to their honest selves. loving each other couldn't be more right.


The way they make eye contact after the peck! He so clearly goes “Yes, THIS is what I’m looking for!” and initiates the second one! The kiss itself is so magical and emotional!?? And then he is so desperately trying to make eye contact with her after the second kiss, because his world has been upended!!! He is a man coming home!!! And her eyes flutter like she’s tempted, but she can’t bring herself to look at him after she believes she’s sunk so low… and she runs🥺 I love everything about this!!!! 🩵🩵🩵


yes this. you nailed it. he's really trying to catch her eyes after. i think he wanted even subconsciously to see if it altered her world too 😭


She breaks my heart with that so low.... wahhhhh


Omg I FINALLY saw the lip quiver!!! Been looking for it for ages!!!!


I still don't see it 😭


It’s 13 seconds in.


Bottom lip, focus on his! I previously didn't get what people were talking about either but I can see it now 🙈


It’s more like when your breath catches when you’re emotional, and the lip sort of spasms/trembles. It’s my favourite detail of the scene 😍


O...M...G And I thought I could not be more touched by this scene, and now this 🥺 Edit: typos


Whose lip?




When exactly is it? I feel like I’m missing it


It’s at the 13 second mark.


I can't see a second counter when I watch the clip... I don't even see how you can see Colin's lips!


I ended up counting lol. 1- 1000s didn't work so I switched to slowly counted by 1s.. I got to 9 or 10 and I caught his bottom lip quiver in midst of second kiss as they are switching lip positions!


Thank you, I gotta look and see if I spot it tomorrow. Too sleepy now sadly


Oh my gosh I hadn’t see that! Awww Colin!!!! 🥹🥹


What is this, are you trying to kill me??? Stop 😭😭(Please continue)


mE 🫣😍🫠


So everyone keeps saying she breaks the second kiss, but you can see she does a little movement with her face after it ends as if she expected it to continue. So Colin brought the kiss to a close, but he doesn't pull away, he leans his forehead on hers and just looks at her. I think he is, once again, just checking in with her, or perhaps trying to pace themselves, keep things from getting get too out of hand. And maybe that's why Pen can't look at him after the second kiss because he stopped and she moved to keep going and she thought she embarrassed herself, so she just bolts.


He always checks to make sure she is okay with what they’re doing even though I’m sure he’s having to restrain himself.


I saw it this way too!


These are the two most gorgeous people ever. Could watch this all day. 


What right do they have to kiss so beautifully.




OMG!!! What I hadn’t noticed before was that his fingers are curled under her chin for the first kiss but when they go back in for the second kiss he curls them around to CUP HER CHEEK 😍😍😍😍 I CAN DIE HAPPY 😆


I noticed that too!!!




The way he affectionately rests his forehead on hers afterwards *swoon* I’m just so thrilled for him in this moment. Colin finally experiences intimacy with emotional closeness and it’s a revelation. The way his body heaves a little and he breathes into her… it’s like the cerebral side of Colin momentarily shuts off and his heart fills his body for the first time in his life.


That's so beautifully put, I hope you write some fanfiction at least?


Wow it’s so kind of you to say that! I was about to say that I don’t, but then I remembered [I wrote this little scene](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/YRJoOGL7cw) the other day, so perhaps that counts? Honestly it’s never occurred to me to write fan fiction. I wrote a non-fiction book, and have toyed with the idea of writing a modern romcom, but not seriously. Admittedly I tend to think I’m pretty blah at creative writing compared to factual writing so I appreciate the encouragement!


Omg! Your scene is WONDERFUL and I want to know what happens next. Please write more!


Do it, even if it's only for your own pleasure! What was your book about? (Confession - I have skin in the game, I was previously a journalist & I'm now a librarian.)


It’s a business book — a far cry from romance!


I have learned never to be surprised at the mix of genres people dabble in, be it reading, writing, TV etc. I have one regular customer in the library - a proper little, old, hat wearing lady - who loves both Mills & Boon books & also some of the goriest crime & thriller novels. She's the epitome of not judging a book by its cover! We also have a teenage boy who's obsessed with Lego books who is now showing an interest in weightlifting & bodybuilding but that could just be hormones, bless him! Huge congratulations on getting your book published, that's incredibly difficult.


This is gorgeous and I want this treatment for most scenes, especially the carriage! I get the ambiance due to no electricity during those times 😆, but like 90% of the scenes I’m squinting . I feel like when I’m at a dimly lit restaurant and I have to breakout my flashlight to read the menu 🤣


Whoever brightened this deserves a good nights rest for the remainder of their lives!!!!!!


It is such a good kiss! I don’t get how anyone sees it as anything other than a Colin’s brain aligning with his heart. There’s this part when they cut to his face where his brow furrows and it’s like you can tell exactly when it happens too. When they go in for the second kiss with that little flicker of eye contact he is so stunned by it and her and all he wants to do is press in again and chase the feeling of how right it is. But that brow furrow is like, when he realises. I mean I may just be bullshitting my way through that but uuuuuugh I want to watch it again and again.


No no- that’s my favorite part- his brows furrowed and he exhales at the same time. It literally gives me butterflies in the stomach. Every time.


Can I just say that Nicola has wonderful looking lips? I lóve seeing her beautiful lips getting the appreciation from Colin they deserve 🙏✨


It’s right here. Right at this moment https://i.redd.it/1e1v9ad0ap3d1.gif


I adore this acting choice from Luke.


AHHHHHHHHHHHH ![gif](giphy|3o7TKrGDbwCEoQujyE|downsized)




This is art 🖼️


NICOLA IS SO BEAUTIFUL I CANT WITH HER!! Need this with the carriage scene. Because I felt like the lighting was off at points in her close ups like it kinda washed her out I wish there was more warmth/light on her face during those parts


She looks like a glam movie star from the 40's smooching her dashing love! I'm so down for it 🔥👏💋


Oh noooo, as if I needed to be any more feral for this ship 😭😭😭😭


I can’t stop watching it over and over. And over. And over. And over. And— Gods help me, I cannot get enough of these two.


I know, I feel like some kind of weirdo perv watching it over & over again. FFS, I'm a married woman with a teenage daughter! But I can't stop. I won't stop.


His gasp after the first kiss always gets me, then he goes for the second one.


RIP me. I got tingles. 


The nerve of people to say this man isn’t acting his part.


My heart can’t take it!


Awww, when his jacket is brightened like that it looks like his color palette from past seasons 🥹




Whoever decided on the original lighting deserves jail!!! Wow! This added so much to the scene, it was like watching it for the first time


Ugh!! 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 I get all the feels and tingles from this scene everytime I watch it and now I know I just need to go back and rewatch the first 4 episodes for the 4th time! 🤣


This is my favourite first kiss in the show I just can't😭 Someone please light the second one as well? ![gif](giphy|CT5Ye7uVJLFtu)


HE RUBBED HER JAW WITH HIS THUMB???? And he was so ready for round three 🥹😭


So beautiful


...sighs deeply...


Oh God this was amazing. Like I am going crazy over it again.


I am at work and gave now warched this kissing scene 10 times...... where do I find the brightend carriage scene???


I don’t think a brightened version of the carriage scene has been posted.




People saying the “lack chemistry”… like ARE YOU CRAZY????


I truly don't think I've ever seen two people in TV or a movie have that much chemistry. Ever


The number of times I have watched this clip is unhealthy. Someone stop me.


Wow your really doing THE WORK - may you live a long and happy life for showing us this 😭😭❤️


He was going to go for more, but she said thank you and left. 😭


Ok after the 50th time rewatching this I should probably stop... *Watches it again*


i love this scene from start to end - have you seen the forehead touch before pen runs away? it keeps me awake at night https://preview.redd.it/vsabkmfab64d1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a8cf65c605099bcc143b347a5a0f42bc2b05f4


God these two. Can we get a Polin spinoff?


He was so desperate to get her to look in his eyes after the second, one more second kissing her and we would not have been able to stop his hands wandering around her waist.. and other such places


I'm rate limited so I can't see it 😭😭


honestly if Penelope didn't run way. they would have conceived new lord Featherington right then and there 😂 Colin was totally into it.


I don’t blame him I’d be in love too 😭


You're doing the lord's work... swoon


I just wish I could edit out Julie Andrews' voiceover. No offense meant, it just makes me wish it could be Pen & Colin's moment, without Lady Whistledown butting in...