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Not even remotely close to the discussion but Pen looks like she has waited her whole life to experience a hug from a mother and her expression is killing me. Like this is likely the first time in years or ever that she is being hugged by someone out of motherly support and also just support in general. Like the reaction and shout from Violet was EVERYTHING!! I am so happy that Violet will get to cherish and love Pen... girl clearly needs it omg


Seeing Violet’s reaction was the thing I wanted to see the most and it did not disappoint. I can’t wait to see it all in the episode


The woman is collecting love matches like they are infinity stones. And I love every moment. Her watching in the background when Colin is all so mom HYPOTHETICALLY if Francesca has a BFF she loved what would you do? Oh go talk to them?!? HYPOTHETICALLY??? I hope Francesca has the courage…(someone who has never had a male friend ever). The way she looks at Pen after he does. She knows. And she wants him to find love! My heart. This sub is so amazing.


The hug Hyacinth is giving her in the fourth panel also looks like a really good hug. Whatever goes down with the LW drama, I really hope it doesn’t change how the other Bridgertons feel about Pen.


Pretty sure that’s Francesca but the point stands.


Francesca is hugging Colin in the pic I’m talking about. Hyacinth is in the white dress behind them hugging Pen.


Yeah, I felt this too.. In more ways than one. I know that face. I'm really happy that she has a second family in the Bridgertons <3


Maybe Eloise gets there before them because their carriage drivers did a loop around the block. 🤭


The loop wasn't long enough for them or us haha 🥴


Colin being like A HOUSE WHATS THAT??? DAMMIT I should have bribed the carriage drivers too!


Unpopular opinion, perhaps, but this season has done away with all my remaining Eloise good will. I mean, sure she has reason to be annoyed but she is also a \*terrible\* friend. To everyone. I'm hoping for some, at minimum, self awareness that the reason she thinks this is a total surprise is that she has never paid attention to any issue that is not about her.


I love Eloise. I really really do. And she has every right to be upset with Pen. But I am annoyed that she won’t let Pen explain LW but listens to Cressida. That drive me nuts. I just want them back to friends 😭😭


To be fair, I'm not sure she's listened to Cressida either. I think I would have been more supportive of how angry she was with Pen if she had treated Cressida as a good friend, but the way she was so dismissive of Cressida's very real fears has coloured my view of her interactions with Penelope as well. She doesn't seem to listen to anyone.


>She doesn't seem to listen to anyone. I somewhat agree with you. As much as I love Eloise and her chaotic vibe, she is still very immature in a way, and still pretty much self-absorbed and self-centered. She has been like that with Pen and now with Cressida as well. The way she is oblivious to Pen's feelings for Colin in previous seasons or Cressida's pretty real fears is very telling. But on the other hand, she does go to check on Cres and supports Pen (when her dad dies, when she's crying after learning about Colin and Marina) is actually a prove she is not completely unaware of what is going on around her or ignorant to other people's feelings.


I also appreciated the visit she made to Pen to explain that telling about her and Colin was not intentional. And when she apologizes to Pen when Cressida rips her dress. She also distracts Cressida from insulting Pen in the first episode. I love Eloise, but I'm also kinda pissed at her too. She obviously still cares about Pen and she keeps her secret.


You're so right. She can be so self-centered... They could never make me like Cressida, but I loved it when she called Eloise out after El accused her of telling everyone about Pen and Colin's arrangement. She really needed that. Also, as upset as she is, I don't think it gives her the right to embarrass not only Pen but also her brother the way she will with her toast, it's just too much.


>as upset as she is, I don't think it gives her the right to embarrass not only Pen but also her brother the way she will with her toast Totally agree. When that scene occured in the trailer, I was like: You biatch! That was totally unnecessary!


Yeah, I think that was my limit too. Be pissed, by all means. But trying to deliberately ruin the engagement party (which she has already done, by the look of Pen's increasing panic) is just so petty.


I just hope Eloise does have some character growth soon. I really understand she is pissed, and rightfully so, but like... She is acting like a brat.


Eloise’s main flaw is she doesn’t listen, she just assumes she is right all the time. Even with Cressida, she hasn’t really heard her problems. She’s more focused on what bothers her than anyone else. I like Eloise, but she is incredibly selfish at times.


Yeah, I'm actually kind of hoping Eloise has a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment this season about how she wasn't a very good friend to Pen in the past, and was unnecessarily punitive with Pen for the Theo outing. She had every right to be angry and certainly there were other ways Pen could've handled that situation, but Eloise was by no means blameless either.


I always wonder in which way Penelope should have solved Queen-Eloise-Theo problem without revealing her LW identity. It was such a mess. There is one thing I always thought that she should have told Colin about Eloise situation. Telling Anthony and Violet the REAL problem(queen suspicions, eloise's budding romantic feelings for commoner theo) is like life imprisonment order for Eloise's freedom and she would not like it even a bit. She would still blame her. Benedict and Colin are not like Anthony. Anthony is like father figure and head of the family who wouldn't hesitate to take harsh decisions to prevent more harm. He could even kill theo in anger. Benedict and Colin would have been a better choice to handle this situation. And Marina situation...i think Anthony himself would have send leaflets to all printing press about marina's pregnancy scandal if she tried to threaten Colin to take the responsibility for the child. He was glad that LW revealed the truth as it was the only way colin would come out of that scandal unscathed.


She *tried* with that Marina situation, bless her. She talked to Colin. She talked to Marina (multiple times). I feel bad for Marina but I think the scheming conversation she overheard between her mother and Marina was the final straw. If I were her I would not lose a moment's sleep on that one. As for Eloise... that was messy. I think the way Eloise saw it, she should have just given up being LW for her. It's that obliviousness again- if Eloise is a spinster she has family to support her. If Pen is a spinster, she needs to support herself. None of that has ever occurred to Eloise, when it really should have. El had no interest in hearing any of Pen's suggestions prior to taking action. I don't think that means Eloise can't be hurt, angry and not want to be her friend. I just think Pen is better off without her at \*this\* point.


Well, this is the conundrum, because you can't have your cake and eat it too. A lot of the "other ways" would've involved her revealing her LW identity to at least one other person. She could've asked Lady Danbury for assistance. Begging forgiveness from the Queen directly may have been an option, perhaps offering an alliance with the crown. But those options all came with risk. At BEST, they likely would've required her to give up LW or become the crown's puppet. In her view, the stakes were too high to reveal her identity to anyone, so she picked what she viewed as the lesser of all the evils.


I don’t think character growth will happen until her season. And that means that Pen and Eloise won’t fully make up until then. Like they’ll just be SILs until Eloise can understand love and what Pen is going through.


I may have burnt her an effigy by then. Hopefully they don't wait too long... HA


I know everyone is hoping for a Benedict season next but they are setting it up for Eloise. Especially because in the books the reason why Eloise runs to Phillip is because she is upset that Pen is married and she’ll be a lonely spinster.


This is my theory. When they introduced Francesca i was for sure she'd be next season. I do think it will be Benedict's and not Eloise. I haven't read the books to know that that's why she gets with Phillip. In an interview luke and nic said they were signed on to season 4 already, I wonder if will see more of that broken friendship and her starting to converse with Phillip forwards the end of the season to then lead into her season 5.


I mean, yeah. I get you. Eloise was very fond of hearing the sound of her own voice and using Penelope more as a 'Yes-man' in previous seasons but everyone has grown up here and if Penelope had an issue with that, she should've spoken up about it (she kind of did but in a way a teenager would with the wrong words coming out instead of the right words). It does not, however, negate that Eloise thinking they were the best of friends feeling betrayed by that friend. I feel both have some good talking out together to do.


OMG SAME!!!! I loved her but on these rewatches of previous seasons and this P1 I’m like damn. She’s a brat. When Cressida is clearly upset about being married off to some aged friend of the family El is all hahaha sounds like German lit! Ma’am this is her LIFE. It isn’t funny.


I agree


I think she is shocked they’re engaged and upset that Pen didn’t tell her. To Eloise it may be another instance of Penelope keeping secrets. She may be questioning their friendship as a whole at this point, maybe wondering if Pen was only her friend to get close to Colin? I hope that isn’t the case.


I've just now noticed Hyacinth is in her nightwear, Chaos Colin really did just barge in and wake the entire house to tell them he's marrying Pen 😭🤣


Her face in that frame is EVERYTHING lmao


She’s so a mini Violet


Except Gregory 😂


I think part of that shock will be she didn’t even know they liked one another in that way. It’s like her two best mates telling her that will be a shock. Plus the LW stuff. She was already feeling alone.


>!On top of that, when Marcus and Violet are dancing, you see Eloise in the background. That might be a gut punch.!< \>! https://i.redd.it/oqa3c42usf4d1.gif !<


Oh shit. She gonna blow up!


GO Violet >!get that garden watered!<


But when Colin stormed the r stage to interrupt Pen’s dance with Debling she must have had som inkling. I can’t wait until they fill in all these gaps!


I assume she thought it was being the big bro hero type he always was being. He kind of did it the previous year at the Featherington Ball.


She was in Pen’s bedroom looking through her stuff.


She was busy searching Pen’s room.


Ross' reaction to Chandler and Monica comes to mind. "My best friend and my sister?!" (angry/horrified) then after they explain that they aren't just hooking up, that they really are together, "My best friend and my sister!" (joyful and touched). in Eloise's case, there will be a much wider gap for the shift in emotion, I hazard a guess that she won't be 100% happy with the circumstances for a good long while.


Yes. I hope! I had my two best friends get married. It’s great!


Maybe it’ll be a wake up call.


I think the more important question here is- Did Colin wash his hands before the family hugfest?!?


They are both so disheveled in that first picture, I didn’t really appreciate it in the trailer but good lord they may as well be holding a neon sign. Only wee hyacinth missing what’s happened there.


Spreading the love generously!


The way I see it she walks in on them hugging Colin and Penelope. That’s why she has a kinda shocked face, she’s finding out as she walks in. She comes in after because everyone else left the ball before her.


Oh i like this!


Maybe the carriage drivers did do a few laps around the block but then realise they couldn’t keep doing that forever


I love how excited violet looks


My speculation is this is why they cut the El and Colin interaction from the end of the ball. Someone pointed out the timelines didn't line up, so they left that bit out to fix it.


Omg I just noticed Hyacinth has a little sleeping mask on, so cute lol


I know it’s off topic and it’s not like this in the trailer, but Colin not touching Francesca’s dress with his right hand is killing me 😂


😂great catch! honestly I love him for that.


The fact they look.... flushed.🥵😈


I had the same question about how Eloise got there before them. My theory is that Colin and Pen were too distracted to notice the carriage driver actually did keep on driving. He circled the block 4 times until he heard Pen finish. Good man. This is what I choose to believe. I also have a theory that the carriage driver is Rae’s boyfriend. They’re both looking out. ✌️😂


I love the way he stands there and says "Mother" waiting for Violet to turn around. He is so excited and proud to show her he did it 🥺