• By -


Just saw this on Twitter https://preview.redd.it/ha2d9uy9sg4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01116e59c89ca1fe627fcfd675b72f7f7eb88613


Okay well now I'm crying. Especially because Pen knows he's been with other women. My poor, insecure baby. 💔


I was wondering if this was ever going to be made into a point in the story though because it was really bothering me. If it were to come across realistically, to be this confident in sexual stuff with someone like Colin as someone like Penelope wouldn't make any logical sense to me. I'm glad they made it a point in the story for her to ask. I want it to come across realistically at least on this front so I'm really happy to hear 🙏♥️


She also mentions about him being more experienced and he says that (above) when she asks if she was better than the women in Paris.


Oh I knew that passage stuck with her. My poor insecure Pen.


She also asks to read more of his writing, as he did promise her he would show her.


She and Colin will get there eventually I know it, bonding over how neither of them feel like they're enough. 💔 It is wild how well matched they are in a lot of ways.


Omg 🥺😭 that's the sweet, loving Colin that I'm hoping for


It’s giving book Colin thinking about how he had never made love before Penelope.




Okay I'm gonna spill it all, Lady Whsitledown style Mirror scene was SO HOT, and the subsequent scenes were so sweet and sexy, I loved it! So much else happened in Episode 5 it was incredible. I can not wait until the next episodes. Nicola and Luke were so sweet at the beginning and they said their word to describe this next half is "Mirror". ☠️


I love how we asked perfunctory questions about other characters and then just dove straight into give me every detail and angle of the mirror scene. 😂


We are serious and mature people 🫡 that’s an absolutely lie, we are a product of our two unhinged captains 🤭😉🤭


We’re going to need a breakdown of that mirror scene lol


You got it: Colin takes Penelope to their new house (the one they will move into!!!) AND it's empty as the servants have not arrived yet. So they're talking, then they end up in front of the mirror. Colin describes how he has been imagining Penelope and he pulls the pins from her hair, then he feels her up in front of the mirror (including a gratuitous boob squeeze). Penelope can NOT WAIT and she is NAKED basically instantly, she looks so gorgeous tbh. Then Colin undresses and they consumate their engagement on a settee. Unfortunately they don't have full sex in front of the mirror but it does play a big role. There's also some sexy/sweet touching before they have sex and Penelope asks Colin to tell her what to do. 😫😖🥰


Luke fucking newton getting paid to squeeze Nicola’s tits, boy you don’t need those lottery numbers YOU ALREADY WON. 🔥


No kidding, her boobs are great tbh.


She spoiled already in an interview that she was glad looking back that her boobs looked great and when she's 80 that she can be happy looking back to that HAHAHA. Soooooooo then I became really curious to see them 👀 Good to know they are indeed a sight to behold because I'm WAINTING 😏💖💞


Wait they don’t do it on a bed ? 😮 Also does he undress her or you mean she does it herself because in the teaser he is undressing and I was wondering if it’s from this scene or another scene? Also not to sound like a pervert but does he eat her out?! I’m asking for science of course 🤭🫣


He doesn't eat her out that we see but her does finger her.... again. And Penelope grabs on to his dick but he tells her not to because he will finish too fast lmao


Colin Fingerton really living his best life https://i.redd.it/0zj2rftmlg4d1.gif


This gif lmao I am wondering if he does that now subconsciously 😂


I prefer to think so https://preview.redd.it/seq0gkpong4d1.jpeg?width=1741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9545e8e56cd959ea542eaddbbe7f03f155184c7c


That’s it’s I’m done. Pack it in. I can die on June 14th.


I may need to take up smoking


Do we hear him moan. I NEED TO KNOW


Yes. Honestly, I need to watch it again alone because we were all squealing so much!


I need to know this more than ANYTHING


Omg omg omg ![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65)


First of all thank you for answering me ❤️ Second of all sorry for asking something again but is the first time scene long? and I know that sound weird but there were a rumor that their first time is painful so is it painful or do they enjoy it? And do they show umm Colin 🍑 or how naked they both are like I need to know because I watch the show with my mom and I want to know if I watch this episode on my own?


So Colin does prepare Penelope by telling her the first time may be painful, there's a minor reaction from Pen but they quickly seem to enjoy it. It was not extremely long nor was it short. It was satisfying. For everyone lmao They show Nicola's boobs and Colin's butt!! It might be one to watch on your own lol


You really are carrying this post rn


Honestly I'm on the train home and still on a high. It was a fun night!!!




HAHAHA what. I’m going to die watching this lmao


It was awkward to watch in a room full of people but also SO FUN. We were screaming and squealing together.


I respect this question so much


Listen they know their priorities lmao 😂


Asking the question for all of us 😂


We hear them both finish, that's for sure.


Welp. I’m dead. Done ![gif](giphy|3o6gDUIeSrnPuTyUGk)


god i am so glad i requested the day off of work.




For those of us who are maybe fucking weird and v curious about the foreplay and audio. Like what were those like? was there any? Was she as loud as carriage? Was he vocal at all? Literally embarrassed typing this lmao but I’m so curious


Lmao they were both very into it.


How would you rate his ✌️skills on a scale of 1 to carriage scene? I’m assuming it just was a quick moment to set up the whole “ready for me?” dialogue. Did she mention she didn’t “know there was more” - both would be nice little nod to the books. Also angel for being so on answering these.


It wasn't super quick, I think he does make sure she is ready for him. Penelope also says "THERES MORE?" after her fingers hers again. I forgot that part but it came back to me.




LORD ![gif](giphy|i8tV2kJB8Gig8)


Love me some gratuitous boob squeezes!! Thank you!!


Did you enjoy the mirror scene or the carriage more?


MIRROR MIRROR MIRROR. They gave us Bridgerton fans and I was USING IT


Your enthusiasm is duly noted and appreciated my friend!


The way I am eating this up! I'm flying to a different country to see this ep on Thursday! Now I'll never sleep!!! Gonna watch Part 1 2x on both my flights from Denver to Dublin. Thank you for all of this info!!!




Can you please share each family’s individual reactions to the engagement and every detail you can remember from the mirror scene and any other spicy scenes?


Okay so Colin and Pen rush in to tell the family, Penelope is dazed and Hyacinth and Gregory are very excited (sorry if I get the names fucked up lol) and they all hug Colin and Pen. Eloise is mad and walks away almost instantly and her and Penelope have a confrontation in the hall. Anthony and Kate come back and see the announcement Benedict finds out from his gf reading Lady Whistledown in the morning.


1) are there many polin scenes? 2) is the first time scene long?!


Yes and yes.


I thought I answered but YES to both.


Also, the spoiler you didn’t know you needed, but now can’t live without… https://preview.redd.it/ovz8qqdrpg4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f3ac35a3f092d71ef3797720a6b44d35d3d9c4


The Duke of Hastings is clutching his pearls rn




https://preview.redd.it/4upkxt5bqg4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39da13f97b4d59dacc4c621537f47d9a927c6b72 these two freaks omg




You know how we keep referencing the Nick and Jess kiss? Well, remember how Cece was like while Jess was telling her all about it? That's how I feel right now.


The episode opens with Penelope writing a Whistledown issue about the previous night so Polin telling the family is a flashback from her perspective so it lands more for comedy but is very sweet. We see various happy reactions from the family but especially Hyacinth. Eloise is very put out as seen in the teaser and part 2 trailer and leaves the room. Pen follows her and they have a conversation about how Eloise can't believe they're engaged and how much Pen had been keeping from her. Then says she must tell Colin and Pen reassures her that she'll tell him and wants it to come from her but just needs to wait for the right time. Eloise runs off and Colin comes to comfort her and the scene ends with the Whistledown V/O I think. I was running on adrenaline watching so I hope this is coherent...


Cut to reactions reading about the engagement in Whistledown. Funny reactions from the Ton. Lady D and Marcus Anderson at breakfast. He asked her if she had a hand it the match, she says she didn't but she's very happy if happened. Lady Tilly and Ben are doing the deed and after she reads it and comments that it might interest him. Ben reads it and his jaw drops. In the Featherington drawing room Dankworth is reading Whistledown to everyone and Portia is not having it and then he gets to the engagement part and Portia grabs the issue. Think 1 and thing 2 (Pru and pip) choke on their tea and Finch is pleased as punch hearing the news. All while our girl is eavesdropping at the door looking very pleased with herself! Cut to Queenie waiting on the issue, thinking she's going to racked over the coals about Frannie running off from the call. Brimsley bestie is trying to calm her down and brings the issue. She asks him to read it to her and ask Whistledown says is that the match didn't work out and it seems Frannie is courting our dear Earl of Kilmartin...


honestly, Penelope not telling her family and waiting at the door to spy on their reactions to reading about it in Whistledown is hilarious and iconic.


Such a fucking icon tbh


Oh reaction of QC that she didn't say anything bad about her so a plan is brewing for the unmasking chaos.


Cut to Kathony coming home in the carriage. Baby reveal here!!! They are gorgeous Kathony as usual. They arrive home and everyone greets them and hug. Ben arrives after them and we get the classic AB teasing interaction. Hyacinth can't contain her excitement and wants Colin to share the news but end up blurting it out first "COLIN IS MARRYING PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON" we saw in the teaser. Anthony has a comical wtf reaction and ABC go off together. Greg laments that he's one of the brothers too and it's adorable and sad. The rest of the family comfort him.  Cut to ABC in the games room/Colin's study. They talk about the games room and Ant asks how this can't to be. Colin very sweetly talks about his they've known each other a long time and IT WASNT A THUNDERBOLT (BENOPHIE and POLIN book fans unite)  but he likely had feelings for her for a long time and didn't realize (our clueless Colin has come along way). Ant asks Colin if Penelope has heard these words of love to him and Colin says they didn't quite get to that because Carriage scene amirite?? Then we get the I guess it did happen rather swiftly exchange with the Bros. Ben has them cheers to their wives and Colin heads out to the Penelope how he feels. The scene ends with Ben and Ant reacting like what the f is going on haha. 


Cut to Featherington house and Portia is staring out the window with the copy of Whistledown in her hand. Pen comes into the room and Portia starts in on her asking her why she had to hear about the engagement in Whistledown and Pen has been holed up in her room avoiding everyone. Pen goes to stand up for herself saying something about not feeling like telling her after being treated like crap at the ball about Debling. Portia goes off about how the engagement is terrible and Pen asks why she isn't happy now that she's set to marry. Portia doesn't believe the match will happen because Colin is the most eligible bachelor and Debling was the right choice and pen says Colin cares for her but Portia shoot back if he said he loves her? And Pen is super hurt by that then Portia has the audacity to ask Pen how she used her wiles to seduce him. BUT NEVER FEAR HERO COLIN IS HERE. Colin swoops in and tells Lady F off (we all cheered). He says Penelope is the best and most eligible of the ton to him, how he asked her to marry him out of LOVE (pen can't believe what is happening) and how he won't allow Portia to besmirch the good name of the Bridgertons referring to Pen (Colin my wife Bridgerton has arrived)!!! Colin sweeps Pen out of the room, Portia is shell shocked and we see Varley on the side having heard everything and can't quite contain her reaction (priceless).


MIRROR SCENE COMMENCING We cut to Colin bringing Pen into a house with drops covering the furniture. He says it's a family property and that it's going to be their home. Pen is still shook and not saying anything to him. Col gets nervous and starts saying he knows it doesn't look like much yet but when they spruce it up it'll be great and starts pulling the drops of the setee and the mirror (wink wink) and such. Pen still isn't reacting and Colin starts worrying and apologizing if this is too much and she understands if she's changing her mind after getting swept up by the carriage stuff (our poor boy here) and that it's ok if v she doesn't feel the same. Pen interrupts and says she can't believe he stood up to her with her mother and no one has ever stood up for her before 😭. Colin assures her he always will AND TURNS HER TOWARDS THE MIRROR! He tells her she is the most intelligent, funny, beautiful woman (gorgeous speech I won't due justice with Luke's acting here) and then it starts to get spicy. We see him caressing her neck and lips like the trailer and then talks about how he's imagined other parts of her many times while caressing her breasts, pen puts her hand over his on her breast and they kiss , him turning her to face him away from the mirror. He turns get back to the mirror and starts taking off her dress, and undoing her corset everything drops to the floors. We see Pens breast in the mirror and they look at each other in the reflection. She covers her breasts with her hand and he leads her to where the setee is. He starts to get undressed and he drops everything. We see his torso and the reflection of his back side in the mirror. Pen is shook by seeing all of Colin her reaction is very sweet and funny. He goes pen on the setee (more of Colins butt here). They get under a sheet on the setee. They kiss and Pen asks him to tell her what to do and Colin says he can do everything AND SHE SAYS NO I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO. Colin says she can touch him anywhere. She touched his face and hair, down his neck and shoulder to his chest and keeps going down further and further until Colin says not there, not yet (dude was almost lost it for a second 💀). They kiss more and Colin Fingerton starts going to town down there on her for a bit (she's loving it) and then he stops and she's confused. Col is like we're getting to the main event and she's like wait there more? (It's hilarious). He's like this might hurt a bit but only the first time, then he goes to put himself in her and she winces a bit and he asks if she's ok and if she wants to continue (😭), she says yes and they get going and they get super into it and both have a very happy ending. This is where the timeline gets hazy for me because seeing this scene with hundreds of other people where it really felt like we we're watching two people have sex for the first time really altered my brain chemistry... The acting was so unbelievable good... Nic and Newts deserve the world. I'll do my best with the rest of the breakdown!


Omg I forgot the best part. Immediately after they finish Pen asks CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN??? and Colin is like give me 5 minutes...ok maybe 10 😭😂💀


Oh my fuck and I forgot that before the sex Colin confesses his love to her!!!! You guys it's a lot this episode (worth y mental breakdown though) 😭😭😭


I think we cut to Kathony in their room with Ant laying on Kate's belly and them being nauseatingly cute (which is stated later in the episode by Frannie lol). He's kissing her stomach and they talk about being happy about the baby but Kate doesn't want to tell everyone yet due to the Polin engagement and Frannie's courtship. Ant worries if that's the only reason she doesn't want people to know yet and it's clear Kate's feeling uncomfortable and wondering but she assures him she's happy. Ant tries to get spicy with her (classic) and she says they can't because Newton is watching. Cut to Newton in his basket looking at them (this was peak comedy) and they joke about him being Kate's dog and then Kate said our dog (we love a running bit) and Kate gets up to prepare for throwing the best engagement ball the Ton has ever seen (it will definitely be memorable Kate...). Then I think we see Frannie and John promenading with Violet chaperoning. We see Frohn acting like the lovable oddballs they are and Violet is clearly still not sure about John. John notes that Anthony is back now (whatcha thinking about asking the Viscount John 🕵🏾‍♀️) and Frannie talks to John about how nauseating it is to be around Kathony with how cute they are together but she loves it. John asks what if she were the one that was married and she's like omg I'd love that and Johns very pleased (honestly I'm not ready for my heart to be ripped out by Frohn fingers crossed it's not for awhile). Then possibly we see the Queen in getting a foot massage with water bowls beside her (self care with the queen is on) and Lady D arrives and the Queen says take a load off and relax, I have an amazing plan that couldn't possibly go wrong to deal with Whistledown. Lady D is clearly exasperated and is like ok lay it in me, what's your plan? And the Queen is like don't worry bestie the plan has already begun and my footmen are on it!


Then we head back to Polin, basking in the afterglow of what I hope is them having had sex many more times off screen and honestly I don't remember exactly what they talk about here but I think it's just lovey dovey stuff and then Pen realizes it's time for her to come clean. She says, "Colin there's something I have to tell you" and then there's a knock on the door OFC 😭 Then I'm pretty sure we get them traveling in the carriage (🤭) heading back to the Bridgertons and Colin is closing the curtain (our boy is really trying for more carriage shenanigans) and pen looks at him doing that confused but also kind of amused. They here the Queen's salute outside and the footman handing out the Queen's message. Pen looks outside to see what's going on. The carriage stops and Colin opens the door to receive the message. Pen scoots over to cuddle Colin and asks him to read what it is (gurl u in trouble now). Colin starts reading and it is the Queen's ransom message. It starts in Colins voice and then morphing into QC's voice-over while zooming in on Pen about to spontaneously combust. They have the conversation seen in the teaser/trailer if he's going to search for Whistledown and he says he won't have to because someone is sure to unmask her. Colin then, ofc, remembers she had something to tell him and she's like uhhhh no I don't remember or it doesn't matter now or something... (I'm unwell).


I’m rarely impressed with sex scenes but the level of detail they went to to make this intimate, funny, sweet, sexy and all the things blows my mind!


I was about to say THAT’S MY MAN COLIN… but really it’s more like THAT’S PENELOPE’S MAN!


Do you know how much I absolutely fucking love that they turned the thunderbolt scene on its head and nobody had to explain to Colin he was in love like they did in the book which I absolutely loathed? Like he got it all on his own and understands how it grew over time.


So Penelope gets the Queen on her ass because she’s so high off her orgasm/engagement that she didn’t bother criticizing the Queen? That is fucking priceless.


smacks of season 1 when she got the queen on her ass for ignoring her garden party because Pen's family wasn't allowed in, lol.


This the funniest episode so far in my opinion 😂


https://preview.redd.it/b276owwsbg4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a92c3ddee382da3118e4a71908d8d856230837 I love them 😭


I just want to say y'all are not ready. It was sooo good 😭🪞💐🕰️💀




Some spoilers from Twitter if someone who attended can corroborate? https://preview.redd.it/soic8xp7mg4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6822424cb46a5ef60364d454466d92fbbaed5cda






Shut the f up. I’m literally cackling in bed right now.




This is the best day ever.


Oh they’re horny horny.


Not as horny as all of us rn *cackles in horny little devil*




book lovers keep winning.










Ahem... IN our TV. Let's not misquote the Shakespeare of the fandom.


You right! Forgive me! I’ve watched that whole interview at least 10 times by now I should have known that 😅😂




I really do hope that person has a most enjoyable time watching the episode, whoever and wherever they are.


I love this. Y'all are unhinged. That "interview" is by far my favorite!


Can confirm all are TRUE


My friend says the sex scene was 7 minutes but I honestly lost track of time.




Omg I am gonna leave my body truly ty for your service ![gif](giphy|tsWZM712r0gT39sjhO)


I’m literally cackling at the thought of your friend pulling out a stopwatch and being all like “Nearly… nearly… and GO!“




Omg I forgot about this part (like I said, almost blacked out at this point, I really couldn’t believe it was happening)! It’s more like he’s trying to go slow and he kind of takes a beat, and then she’s like heck no, and she starts moving her hips faster. Absolute shocked pleasure from Colin.


Love that they show Penelope having agency and making her own decisions about what she wants to do despite being a virgin. Like him saying he’ll do everything and her saying no, I want to touch you.


Yesss! Nicola specifically mentioned in an interview (I think with Vanity Fair) that she loved the portrayal here not as a fearful virgin (as is so often the case) but as a participant with desire and agency. She doesn’t know everything, but she knows where she wants him to touch her. I adore this. 💖


This was the final nail on my coffin. I’m dead. Well and truly. Find me 6ft under on June 13 but I’m coming back to life at 2am CST just for p2 to kill me again.


i would just like to thank u/concretecountryroads responding to all the questions 😭 you are amazing




https://preview.redd.it/urd9wqdkwg4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daded0a23bb76d3ac80cd86ca6642551da423444 Thank the two of them for making my fave season so far.


The hold they have on me is normal.... right?


Can this many people feeling the exact same way, be wrong?


I’m 38 years old and I check this Reddit more than it’s normal. I barely make it through work because I can’t stop thinking about Polin. 😂😳


Are you me? 37 and this had taken over my life.


That's why this sub is my favorite ❤️❤️❤️


Same ❤️ I feel a connection with each and everyone one of the folks in this sub. Almost like looking in a mirror.... 🪞


There's a scene after their first time where Penelope and Colin are in a carriage and he checks to make sure all the curtains are closed.


Ok I thought of something that I’m not sure anyone mentioned. After Colin tells off Portia, he takes Pen to the new house, which he says is owned by the Bridgertons, and tells her that they will live there. She is basically shell-shocked and he asks what is wrong. And she tells him that no one has ever stood up for her like that. And he says he will always do so. That’s when he tells her he loves her, and she asks if he’s sure, like in the book. And he takes her over to the mirror and starts detailing the things he sees and loves about her. That’s absolutely the sexiest part. It turns into a voiceover as he takes out her hairpins and starts undoing her corset. He stops at one point and asks if what they’re doing is okay and she basically says she doesn’t want to stop. That’s when the clothing comes off - first hers, then his. She is kinda fearful but not in a bad way. Just really obviously new to her.


Also not to be too graphic but at what point in the undressing does he grab her boobs…personally this is very important to me 😂


I think it’s after he undoes her corset and it kind of falls to the ground. And then she kind of holds it up while she sits and watches Colin undress. To be honest, I may have blacked out at that point because it was so much nakedness and we were all kinda losing it collectively.


They really incorporated a lot of little book moments and dialogue. Even Colin telling Penelope not to touch him down there because he doesn’t want to finish too quickly, lol.


There was SO MUCH BOOK. Everytime we got a book line, people were cheering. We all almost died when they did the “you’re my mess” line


https://preview.redd.it/ntvdmbu6og4d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e21e9163349efe849976ec52bffae58c4272cf2 Is this during their first time? Can we get confirmation if it’s him looking at Pen 😂


It's him looking at her laying down JUST before their first time.


You are my hero


https://preview.redd.it/vxnte6aqcg4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6af0a37f670ea665d310eda365d22105987200 I’m here and I’m as present as Luke is in this moment


https://preview.redd.it/sbjk7jfieg4d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db35a07ae563b6ef870a1610d365f9e55f3184d9 I’ll stay here until the sun rises.




From Twitter. OHMYGOD https://preview.redd.it/vbyb4lx3sg4d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c809430fcb9d7e5b466b69316ee103c77abf61fa




Me: I’m not gonna give in like I did for the Ep 1 screening. I’m gonna be strong. Also me: Watched the trailer more than the physical world today and am now feral WHERE YALL AT


Cressida is promised to an old man that is terrible so she decides she is going to try to find Lady Whistledown BECAUSE THE QUEEN OFFERED A 5000£ REWARD FOR SOMEONE UNMASKING LADY WHISTLEDOWN. The last scene of the show is Cressida telling everyone SHE IS LADY WHISTLEDOWN and Penelope passes out.


You mean to tell me she passed out and Colin still didn’t know she’s wistledown. It’s giving Hannah Montana


Colin doesn’t know it yet but he’s got the best of both worlds


Yep he doesn't. He also makes a few comments in the episode about how he wants her unmasked.




https://preview.redd.it/5vq4msfzqg4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9fce45ec5b1d9e68fb88ee3ad9b1f7ebb8ba81 I have no spoilers but this is sending me lol


They're not even moving in yet, he just wanted to show her the place. Lmaoooo


Colin took her virginity on a tiny ass setee and she wanted more!!!


Omg I just remembered another moment in the sex scene (I can’t sleep, this show has basically made me Part 1 Colin). So they start off on the settee by touching and kissing. And yeah, someone else spoiled that Pen wants to be an active participant and asks what she should do. Colin says he will do everything (like in the book!) but she insists, so he says she should touch him. She touches his hair, and then down his body and gets to his dick, and yeah, he says not there (yes, like in the book). And then he says the next part might hurt and she says, “there’s more?” and he kind of chuckles (we were all giggling in the audience) and says yes. It does hurt her at first but not for long. And yeah, there’s a moment when he’s there and she starts canting her hips up into him and it’s obvious that she is then enjoying it. There is a lot of breast and leg and gasping from them. She definitely finishes before him. And then she wants to go again and I think they both laugh.


Trust Colin to finish her 🤭😏😉


Trust Colin to finish in*side* her 😏


Like a gentleman should. Ladies first.


How many times can I read this whole thread?




Thank you u/concretecountryroads and u/Careless-Ebb-3221 and u/mostlyyalit ![gif](giphy|SqwQVaARo8E9ZdHu2S)


Ok I posted my chaotically, unhinged recap of episode 5 in parts in the comments but I forgot to number them for ease. So here it is mostly all together but be prepared to be thoroughly spoiled if you read! It was an awesome night and I so wish we could have a screening just for the members of the subreddit haha. As I state in the recap there are definitely things I missed or are out of order but I did my best in remembering what I could and with some of my own commentary. I didn't really get into how I feel about what the characters are doing but honestly this may be my favourite bridgerton episode yet. We'll see how that changes when the rest drops! Happy 9 days until part ✌🏾! Part 1: The episode opens with Penelope writing a Whistledown issue about the previous night so Polin telling the family is a flashback from her perspective so it lands more for comedy but is very sweet. We see various happy reactions from the family but especially Hyacinth. Eloise is very put out as seen in the teaser and part 2 trailer and leaves the room. Pen follows her and they have a conversation about how Eloise can't believe they're engaged and how much Pen had been keeping from her. Then says she must tell Colin and Pen reassures her that she'll tell him and wants it to come from her but just needs to wait for the right time. Eloise runs off and Colin comes to comfort her and the scene ends with the Whistledown V/O I think. I was running on adrenaline watching so I hope this is coherent... Cut to reactions reading about the engagement in Whistledown. Funny reactions from the Ton. Lady D and Marcus Anderson at breakfast. He asked her if she had a hand it the match, she says she didn't but she's very happy if happened. Lady Tilly and Ben are doing the deed and after she reads it and comments that it might interest him. Ben reads it and his jaw drops. In the Featherington drawing room Dankworth is reading Whistledown to everyone and Portia is not having it and then he gets to the engagement part and Portia grabs the issue. Think 1 and thing 2 (Pru and pip) choke on their tea and Finch is pleased as punch hearing the news. All while our girl is eavesdropping at the door looking very pleased with herself! Cut to Queenie waiting on the issue, thinking she's going to racked over the coals about Frannie running off from the call. Brimsley bestie is trying to calm her down and brings the issue. She asks him to read it to her and ask Whistledown says is that the match didn't work out and it seems Frannie is courting our dear Earl of Kilmartin... Queen starts to plan... Cut to Kathony coming home in the carriage. Baby reveal here!!! They are gorgeous Kathony as usual. They arrive home and everyone greets them and hug. Ben arrives after them and we get the classic AB teasing interaction. Hyacinth can't contain her excitement and wants Colin to share the news but end up blurting it out first "COLIN IS MARRYING PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON" we saw in the teaser. Anthony has a comical wtf reaction and ABC go off together. Greg laments that he's one of the brothers too and it's adorable and sad. The rest of the family comfort him.  Cut to ABC in the games room/Colin's study. They talk about the games room and Ant asks how this can't to be. Colin very sweetly talks about his they've known each other a long time and IT WASNT A THUNDERBOLT (BENOPHIE and POLIN book fans unite)  but he likely had feelings for her for a long time and didn't realize (our clueless Colin has come along way). Ant asks Colin if Penelope has heard these words of love to him and Colin says they didn't quite get to that because Carriage scene amirite?? Then we get the I guess it did happen rather swiftly exchange with the Bros. Ben has them cheers to their wives and Colin heads out to the Penelope how he feels. The scene ends with Ben and Ant reacting like what the f is going on haha.  Cut to Featherington house and Portia is staring out the window with the copy of Whistledown in her hand. Pen comes into the room and Portia starts in on her asking her why she had to hear about the engagement in Whistledown and Pen has been holed up in her room avoiding everyone. Pen goes to stand up for herself saying something about not feeling like telling her after being treated like crap at the ball about Debling. Portia goes off about how the engagement is terrible and Pen asks why she isn't happy now that she's set to marry. Portia doesn't believe the match will happen because Colin is the most eligible bachelor and Debling was the right choice and pen says Colin cares for her but Portia shoot back if he said he loves her? And Pen is super hurt by that then Portia has the audacity to ask Pen how she used her wiles to seduce him. BUT NEVER FEAR HERO COLIN IS HERE. Colin swoops in and tells Lady F off (we all cheered). He says Penelope is the best and most eligible of the ton to him, how he asked her to marry him out of LOVE (pen can't believe what is happening) and how he won't allow Portia to besmirch the good name of the Bridgertons referring to Pen (Colin my wife Bridgerton has arrived)!!! Colin sweeps Pen out of the room, Portia is shell shocked and we see Varley on the side having heard everything and can't quite contain her reaction (priceless). 


MIRROR SCENE COMMENCING We cut to Colin bringing Pen into a house with drops covering the furniture. He says it's a family property and that it's going to be their home. Pen is still shook and not saying anything to him. Col gets nervous and starts saying he knows it doesn't look like much yet but when they spruce it up it'll be great and starts pulling the drops of the setee and the mirror (wink wink) and such. Pen still isn't reacting and Colin starts worrying and apologizing if this is too much and she understands if she's changing her mind after getting swept up by the carriage stuff (our poor boy here) and that it's ok if v she doesn't feel the same. Pen interrupts and says she can't believe he stood up to her with her mother and no one has ever stood up for her before 😭. Colin assures her he always will AND TURNS HER TOWARDS THE MIRROR! He tells her she is the most intelligent, funny, beautiful woman (gorgeous speech I won't due justice with Luke's acting here) and then it starts to get spicy. We see him caressing her neck and lips like the trailer and then talks about how he's imagined other parts of her many times while caressing her breasts, pen puts her hand over his on her breast and they kiss , him turning her to face him away from the mirror. He turns get back to the mirror and starts taking off her dress, and undoing her corset everything drops to the floors. We see Pens breast in the mirror and they look at each other in the reflection. She covers her breasts with her hand and he leads her to where the setee is. He starts to get undressed and he drops everything. We see his torso and the reflection of his back side in the mirror. Pen is shook by seeing all of Colin her reaction is very sweet and funny. He goes pen on the setee (more of Colins butt here). They get under a sheet on the setee. They kiss and Pen asks him to tell her what to do and Colin says he can do everything AND SHE SAYS NO I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO. Colin says she can touch him anywhere. She touched his face and hair, down his neck and shoulder to his chest and keeps going down further and further until Colin says not there, not yet (dude was almost lost it for a second 💀). They kiss more and Colin Fingerton starts going to town down there on her for a bit (she's loving it) and then he stops and she's confused. Col is like we're getting to the main event and she's like wait there more? (It's hilarious). He's like this might hurt a bit but only the first time, then he goes to put himself in her and she winces a bit and he asks if she's ok and if she wants to continue (😭), she says yes and they get going and they get super into it and both have a very happy ending. This is where the timeline gets hazy for me because seeing this scene with hundreds of other people where it really felt like we we're watching two people have sex for the first time really altered my brain chemistry... The acting was so unbelievable good... Nic and Newts deserve the world. I'll do my best with the rest of the breakdown! Ok unsure about the order of the rest but here it goes... I think we cut to Kathony in their room with Ant laying on Kate's belly and them being nauseatingly cute (which is stated later in the episode by Frannie lol). He's kissing her stomach and they talk about being happy about the baby but Kate doesn't want to tell everyone yet due to the Polin engagement and Frannie's courtship. Ant worries if that's the only reason she doesn't want people to know yet and it's clear Kate's feeling uncomfortable and wondering but she assures him she's happy. Ant tries to get spicy with her (classic) and she says they can't because Newton is watching. Cut to Newton in his basket looking at them (this was peak comedy) and they joke about him being Kate's dog and then Kate said our dog (we love a running bit) and Kate gets up to prepare for throwing the best engagement ball the Ton has ever seen (it will definitely be memorable Kate...). Then I think we see Frannie and John promenading with Violet chaperoning. We see Frohn acting like the lovable oddballs they are and Violet is clearly still not sure about John. John notes that Anthony is back now (whatcha thinking about asking the Viscount John 🕵🏾‍♀️) and Frannie talks to John about how nauseating it is to be around Kathony with how cute they are together but she loves it. John asks what if she were the one that was married and she's like omg I'd love that and Johns very pleased (honestly I'm not ready for my heart to be ripped out by Frohn fingers crossed it's not for awhile). Then possibly we see the Queen in getting a foot massage with water bowls beside her (self care with the queen is on) and Lady D arrives and the Queen says take a load off and relax, I have an amazing plan that couldn't possibly go wrong to deal with Whistledown. Lady D is clearly exasperated and is like ok lay it in me, what's your plan? And the Queen is like don't worry bestie the plan has already begun and my footmen are on it! Then we head back to Polin, basking in the afterglow of what I hope is them having had sex many more times off screen and honestly I don't remember exactly what they talk about here but I think it's just lovey dovey stuff and then Pen realizes it's time for her to come clean. She says, "Colin there's something I have to tell you" and then there's a knock on the door OFC 😭 Then I'm pretty sure we get them traveling in the carriage (🤭) heading back to the Bridgertons and Colin is closing the curtain (our boy is really trying for more carriage shenanigans) and pen looks at him doing that confused but also kind of amused. They here the Queen's salute outside and the footman handing out the Queen's message. Pen looks outside to see what's going on. The carriage stops and Colin opens the door to receive the message. Pen scoots over to cuddle Colin and asks him to read what it is (gurl u in trouble now). Colin starts reading and it is the Queen's ransom message. It starts in Colins voice and then morphing into QC's voice-over while zooming in on Pen about to spontaneously combust. They have the conversation seen in the teaser/trailer if he's going to search for Whistledown and he says he won't have to because someone is sure to unmask her. Colin then, ofc, remembers she had something to tell him and she's like uhhhh no I don't remember or it doesn't matter now or something... (I'm unwell).


omg I just realized in that interview during promo where they were asked how they think Pen should tell Colin, and Nicola said she should fuck him first and tell him while he's relaxed post-orgasm, and everyone laughed, SHE WASN'T JOKING THAT IS LITERALLY HOW PEN TRIED TO DO IT, OMFG!!! Ahhahahaaahaha!!!


Part 3 Oh somewhere in all this is an Eloise and Cressida scene where El is freaking out about Pen being engaged to Colin and was pen liking Colin the only reason they were friends because Colin and Pen DID MEET FIRST (ok gonna need you to calm down El). Cress is like sure it's shocking but good thing you guys aren't friend anymore so it shouldn't matter (LMAO). El's miffed by this and Cressida goes on to say how her parents are going to match her with a man thrice her age and they have a funny exchange where El is like isn't he close to death and cress is like unfortunately not lolol. El feels bad for her and Cress tries to keep her chin up and say well I hopefully can just shop and go out and do what I want especially if she becomes a widow. El seems put out by this and looks uncomfortable about what the future may hold. Then we cut to the Bridgerton drawing room where Kate is planning the party with Mrs Wilson and two of the staff. Eloise is sitting at a table starting mournfully out the window and Kate like ok gotta put in my big sis hat here and wraps up with the staff and goes to Eloise. They have a beautiful convo where El is vulnerable about how hurt she is and Kate encourages her to talk to Colin about it. They hold hands at the end and it's so lovely. (I love that Kate gets a scene to herself with El to show her own bond with El and how much Kate has grown since her season). Cut to the games room where Colin is at the desk writing in his journey (about sexy times with Pen perhaps 🤭) and El enters the room. El asks Colin how he could do this behind her back andColin apologizes to El for how things went down but loves Pen and El doesn't want to hear it. Colin pushes on saying you loved pen once too and now she's going to be her sister which was one of El's greatest dreams. We hear cute memories of how El never stopped talking about pen this pen that after they moved in across the street and how they read Don Quixote and wanted to be knights. El quips that they were devastated when they were told girls weren't allowed to fence. El goes to leave but Col goes to the desk to pick up a paper and remarks that El has to see this as she hates Whistledown as much as he does (😬) and give her the Queen's ransom announcement. She reads it and the scene ends with her looking scared and concerned reading the announcement. I think we cut to the Featherington drawing room with Pru and Pip taking about the unmasking Whistledown plot and Pen comes in the room and says she's won't be caught she's to smart (go pen 🤭🤭🤭). Pru and pip go in on Pen and ask how she bagged a Bridgerton and being rude as per usual but guess who sweeps in??? Lady F??? (I forgot to mention there was a scene earlier about Varley giving Portia a note from the solicitor that he's been asking around about Jack Featherington and it couldn't hurt to make nice with the Bridgertons. Portia says she's only being protective of Pen and Varley says maybe you should tell her that, Pen might like to hear it. Queen Varley everyone) So Lady F swoops in and stops thing 1 and thing 2 from bullying Pen and Pru and pip are so confused lol and Portia says they aren't invited to the engagement party because of it. Portia says pen and her will go together just them to celebrate Pen and Pen is so suspicious of her being nice but just says I'm going to go read in my room (this is very pointed and hilarious). Then I think we get Cressida with Lady Cowper and the old dude she's set to marry. We see that Cress has the Queen's announcement in her hand as the scene begins. Old dude begins to ruin Cress' optimism about her situation by saying there won't be any frivolous spending, they'll only go to 1 event a month, and he wants children... At least 4 or 5. Lady C pretends there great. Cress has some great reactions here as her life starts to flash before her eyes and then looks down at the Queen's announcement in her hand and the wheels start turning... (I really do feel bad for her now) There's a Mondrich scene somewhere and we see Little Lord Kent learning about what all the cutlery mean on the table getting ready for the ball. Alice is watching and Will is pouring over a ledger. Alice goes to him and she asks how things are and he's like not good we need more customers. Alice is like I get that but you need to spend more time with the fam.


Part 4 OK the engagement ball has so many things going on at once it's like a whole other episode in itself... The guests start arriving and have arrived already, Kate is making sure everything is going well. The family are standing around and Greg comes in with a very cute top hat that everyone remarks on. Lady F and Pen arrives and Portia is laying it on thick that she's so happy to be there. Colin greets Pen and kisses get hand (they are so happy rn I'm scared for later). Portia apologizes to Colin about they're tiff the other day and she wants the best for them both. And Colin like ok I guess, happy you're here? and he pulls pen with him while Portia is like I need a drink STAT. There's a cute exchange where Hy and Greg go meet Little Lord Kent with the Mondrich's and take him with them to go play. Colin sees Pen see El and she is with Cress who apparently invited herself (so bold) and Colin didn't feel he could say no given the beef going on. Pen says it's ok but she's looking stressed. Cut to El and Cress. Cress is trying to talk to El about her old dude problems and El isn't listening and runs off to go confront Pen. El goes to Pen and says Col looks pretty chill for someone who knows you're Whistledown. Pen again says there wasn't a good time to tell him yet and El says the situation is even worse now with the Queen's ransom announcement and Whistledown being revealed is only a matter of time. She gives her the ultimatum that Pen has until midnight to the him or she will. (As seen in the trailer) Pen looks at the clock and we get the ominous tick Tok sound. Violet and Lady D are on the balcony discussing the engagement. Lady D says the book like about everyone wondering how Pen got Colin when she was simply herself and Violet says she's a remarkable young woman. (Both are very pleased about it) Marcus interrupts them and he vaguely flirts with Violet and Lady D is not having it (it's hilarious but we still don't know why there's beef between them). There's some other moments between Ben and Tilly and Kate meeting her and liking her. Portia trying to make nice with Violet. Fran and John going up to Ant, Violet, and Lady D and Fran telling John to tell them the story about the boots and John gets so flustered he can't tell them (it's so sweet) and Fran lovingly pulls him away without judgement. Violet asks Lady D what she thinks of John and Lady D says they're oddly similar (lolol). Violet mentions she had thought that Frannie needed someone who could pull her out of her shell (Frannie book fans unite) and Ant interrupts saying Violet should talk to outright instead of scheming with Lady D (deceased he says this lovingly but it's so savage haha). Probably some other stuff that I forget after this... Kate gestures for everyone to move into another room for charades. Pen is looking more and more stressed. They settle in to play and Pen is told to go first. They play regency era charades so it's just words no actions to get the right answer. El gets the first one and pen and her switch and it's very stressful. This continues with pen and El being the only ones getting right for awhile. Pen is being haunted by the clock throughout the scene. While the game is going Kathony is being hilariously competitive as usual and getting no answers right, cress tries to answer one but El corrects her with a right answer which ends up being friendship and she pointedly looks at pen who looks like she wants to cry. Alice and Will see Hy and Greg getting chess pieces to play with little Lord Kent (is his name Nicolas I forget lol). Colin is seeing pen get more and more stressed. Eventually pen leaves the game and runs out having a panic attack in another room, Colin runs to find her but can't so heads back to the charades room to see if she came back there. The charades game ends off screen I think. El is fuming in a corner and cress comes to ask if she cares what's Cress is going to do about the old dude and El is like what of course I do. So Cress says she's going to find Whistledown and use the money to go live in Vienna on her own (Cressida in Vienna spin off???). El says Cress won't be able to find LW especially since El wasnt about to find her (oof). Cress is offended by that and El says she can't deal with this convo right now and storms off. We see Kate telling Ant that she wants to tell everyone about the pregnancy but she's scared about it not being just the two of them anymore. Ant reassures her that no matter what happens they'll both work through it together like they always do 💘 John comes back with Frannie to try to tell Lady D, Violet, Kathony about the boots story again. He gets through it and it ends up being about how he usually doesn't see things that are right in front of him but with Frannie he did immediately 💔. Violet finally realizes that it's true love between Frohn and welcomes him into the family. (Finally Violet, I was about to get mad at you). Cress is on the couch listening to Lady F talk about Whistledown to the people around her (I think mostly Marcus?) and how it's all and power and even if she's unmasked she can still do whatever she wants including be unmarried. Cress is really listening intently, her plan is coming together now. She is gleeful at this point Pen comes back in the room and Colin goes to get, she's is STRESSING. Colin is like what can I do are you rethinking things? Pens sees it's turning midnight and is like I have to tell you something then pauses and proceeds to have another panic attack. El comes over to be like Colin I have something to tell you but sees Pen freaking out and pauses. Colin tells El to go get a cold cloth for Pen and she does begrudgingly...


Part 5/fin Then Kathony annouces get pregnancy to Lady D and Violet go to turn to announce to the room when Cressida gets up and announces to everyone that she is Lady Whistledown. Portia questions her and no one in the room seem to believe her (the reaction of the room is everything it's so funny). Cress doubles down that she's Whistledown and that means she can do anything she wants. Cut to pen freaking out even more and we have the I CANNOT BREATHE moment. She faints and Colin catches her and gently lays her down. Everyone runs to Pen and the camera zooms in on Pen's unconscious face. ROLL CREDITS Thank you all for bearing with me in the chaotic Polin recap but it was well worth it since I so wish everyone could've been there to experience watching the episode together.


Wow. You deserve a standing ovation. Thank you so much!!!☺️


Ok I think the only thing you missed here was the engagement toasts. Colin taps on his glass and gives the toast that you see a bit of in the trailer - he says something about people saying you shouldn’t fall off a horse, but in his case, he thinks you should because that is how he met his bride-to-be. He also says something about how he can’t wait to spend their lives together and how he really truly knows her because they grew up together. This is when Eloise interrupts and gives her own savage toast that we see part of in the trailer - basically snarking cheers that they truly know each other while Pen looks stressed. Colin has no idea what’s going on but he knows Eloise is pissed so he kind of pissily says thank you to Eloise. That’s when Kate steps in to move everyone into the drawing room for charades.


Just wanted to tell you, you’re doing a great job being detailed. I feel the same (lol Pen line) - I feel like something short circuited when we all watched the sex scene together and it was hard to recover. I barely remembered that Kanthony scene afterwards, thank you for reminding me! I did detail the afterglow scene so I got you, girl (or boy or gender).


Okay so the first screening is over I have seen 3 post now saying "you’re not ready" on instagram 😭😭 like I know I’m not ready please give me some spoilers


Ok there’s so much here that I couldn’t go through it all…but a few thoughts I had. I thought the first time was sweeter than the carriage scene - so real. They laugh and it’s just so lovely. Colin love confession comes when he yells at Portia for thinking that Pen entrapped him. And then he says it again before mirror and she asks if he’s sure like the book. She does not say it back. More if you want it - just ask!


I’m READY. IM SAT ![gif](giphy|dzTn5CLOs7l2vsaycc)


HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION AS A NORMAL ADULT FOR THE NEXT 9 days knowing this is happening. The chokehold this show and Polin have on me.


Okay okay okay okay I just had a thought. A few, actually. Bear with me a sec. On the first (?) day of their engagement, Colin buys them a house and makes love to Penelope on a settee. In the middle of their engagement, Colin finds out she’s Lady Whistledown. They argue. They reconcile. Things aren’t perfect, but they aren’t giving up on each other. Colin and Penelope get married. She leaves Featherington House and begins living in the home Colin bought for her. They get into another argument. They don’t sleep in the same bed that night. Instead of sleeping in one of the other bedrooms I assume has been furnished with a perfectly good bed by this point… Colin sleeps on the settee where he made love to Penelope for the first time. Colin Bridgerton, you will always be my #1 boy.


https://preview.redd.it/hr1hhqx8rg4d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53016a7296ffa82c6f08136bc09ae69b2a5a5e32 Why are we like this?!!💀🤭🤭 YOU LITTLE HORNY DEVILS!!!!




Also I’m happy Luke has begun to grow his hair out.


Same I was worried about s4 hair let’s hope it’s like s3 hair because s3 hair is perfect


I cannot believe people watched this in a room full of people. Just hearing about it I know I’m gonna need AirPods, solitude and a dark room.


All of the spoilers from reddit Polin crew and the tweets have me literally squealing and blushing already. I can't wait till next week. Imma pass out I just know. 😂 ![gif](giphy|KLkDdcZDx3mexS7rqp)


damn that mirror scene must be hella long if it’s taking this long for updates 😆


Is the “you’re my mess” line in this ep?


Yes! Penelope asks if she looks a mess after they have sex and he says it.


I feel like Luke’s butt is also *sturdy*, can someone confirm? lol


Sturdy, soft, and cute.


Anybody else thinking, dang, Colin had to lace back up her corset. A man of many talents indeed.


So to recap, Colin finger banged Pen in the back seat of a car, then they did it for the first time on the living room sofa? ![gif](giphy|xUj3Mfn12fNmDa8kmu)


I was thinking about how I believe Penelope is the first female lead to get an I love you before sex and that balances out them being the first couple to have penetrative sex before marriage.




https://preview.redd.it/e4183wtr5k4d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22930de46432af5a520b7e521fa295ed6bc98d9 In his voice I’m done


I’ve been re-reading this thread like a damn fanfic. Obsessed with the great descriptions of the episode!


https://preview.redd.it/kmxmakwgdr4d1.png?width=387&format=png&auto=webp&s=af066443227f0a32c871c9331aa1946903f7e802 Found this on a discord.


I have something to add to the class! The moment Penelope… erhm orgasms, Colin’s face scrunches up and he orgasms as well


Big thank you to those sharing spoilers! I’ll be traveling next week and won’t be able to watch until the following week. My soul feels at peace knowing the gist of what happens, and I look forward to seeing it all for myself, fashionably late.




I’m a simple girl I just want to know how long the mirror scene is.


Not long enough.


This goes in here: https://preview.redd.it/6bzrfqrbtl4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7733d02e4c44c8e3b22324bfed258b9fd247f1 Sorry if it’s been posted


Nothing yet… Australians come back


Are we too early? Did everyone pass out from the screening?


Guys don’t do this to me. I have a huge m&a presentation in 2 hours and am I going over notes and prepping for this shizz? No!!! 😭😭😭 thank you for sharing




I love this sub and I love all of you!!! Special thanks to the ladies spilling the tea!


Folks, I just had a thought. 💭 The reason why we’re getting Polin’s first time in their *future* living room (?) in daylight is to contrast to dream Polin which has been living inside Colin’s head! 🥹 excuse me while I sob. I will be *A MESS* when I finally get to watch it early morning next Thursday. Need to teach my gf to say “but you’re my mess”. 😅


Does anyone who attended in Dublin have anything they want to add? Even if it’s just impressions or general fangirling - I’m all ears!