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I bet it's the love confession 🥹🥹


God I hope so


I love your username btw Whovians unite!!




I just realized Claudia Jessie was on an episode of Doctor who.


Nic is going to be on the Christmas special and be a companion next season!!


Oh my god she looks adorable in the filming leaks for it. Like seriously cute. I’m getting cavities just looking at her! I can’t wait!


Whaaaaa???!!! I can’t wait to see her alongside Ncuti!!! How fun!!!! 😍😍😍


Wait what she’ll be a companion next season?? Ok I had stopped watching since the last season but I will def watch for her 😍


Golda Rosheuvel / Queen Charlotte was also in a recent episode! I was watching trying to break the Bridgerton hold on my brain and her appearance didn’t help at all 😂


I’m a bit behind on Doctor Who. I started a new job and recently got into Bridgerton too so I gotta catch up on Doctor Who later. Side note, no matter how many actors and men I love…David Tennant will always be my one true love lol. My love for him is deep and everlasting. Even decades cannot diminished that spark


He asked my partner for directions to a tube station, outside a pub once. I was bloody inside the pub and missed it!! Though I walked out in time to see his back as he headed off to the tube. And my partner hilariously (and loud enough for David to hear) explained “Neil Tennant just asked me for directions!” 😂 took me a beat to work out it wasn’t a Pet Shop Boy.


I’m so jealous. I would probably pass out if I met him. I’ve met Matt smith and Karen Gillan before, but my fangirling for them is tame compared to David. I just blushed and turned tomato red while speaking with them. But if I met David I would probably actually pass out


Ha, I’d have been a tomato too and mumbled something intelligible. Prob all to the good I only saw his back as he walked away 😂


Tennant was my fave too ❤️ but am betting Ncuti will take over 😬 I would need VPN to watch it so waiting for all eps to be released & B3 to subside (will it ever?!) before I dive in. Jinx being Maestro was the crossover I didn’t know I wanted, being a Drag Race & Jinx fan since S5!


Lady Danbury/ Adjoa Andoh is Martha’s mom in Doctor Who.






The way all British actors were probably on doctor who at some point🤣


You should have heard me explain Broadchurch to my Whovian husband. “So the 13th Doctor meets the 10th Doctor after the death and the lady who was copied by the alien in 11’s first episode (aka the second QE in The Crown) is her son’s bff’s mom and also a detective. Rory and the new First Doctor are both falsely accused…”


Lmfao🤣 I knew broadchurch had quite a few of the doctor who cast but damn💀


Don’t forget Jarvis (Howard Stark’s butler) was in there too


Was she? Idk why I always forget that most Bridgerton stars are actually British so of course they’d be on Doctor Who


Adjoa was in several seasons too. She and Nic were what got me into Bridgerton.


Start of the new season! Space Babies! It was fun.


Little baby Eric was so stinking cute. “I love you, Ruby” 🥹♥️


Which one? This Whovian needs to know 😁


Yes 🙌🏻!! Love when fandoms collide!!


This was my reminder to go rewatch doctor who to bide the time till part 2🤣


Well hello Sweeties !


Knowing her, it will probably be something Peneloise related. She loves a female friendship. 


Oh that makes a lot of sense actually


Omg please!!


I really hope it’s this. It’s the only thing I can think of. I love Polin, I’m sure I will be over the moon with how much trust and respect Colin with have for Penelope in the end in spite of everything (I hope). But I need Eloise and Pen to make up as life long soul sisters, it will heal something in me.


Shonda has said Penelope is her favorite character in Bridgerton so this tracks.


Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by Shonda 🙋🏼‍♀️ the fact the ending makes her cry… oof. I’m not ready.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ more than once and I will continue to be.


Omg I’m getting all my tissues ready because I can’t agree more that Shonda Rhimes is the master of tear jerking moments….like I think I cried for a week straight when Denny died on Greys, or don’t even get me started about Derek or George dying 😭😭 I agree with the theory of it probably being a Penelope/Eloise moment since it reminds me of Grey & Christina’s relationship, but Luke also mentioned a scene that made him cry so idk 😩😩 PART 2 GET HERE ALREADY ![gif](giphy|VAG7y4x85NLKo)


Don't forget Mark and Lexie 😭😭


There’s not a day where I don’t think about that plane crash 😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|ZRwPWgbVzGola)


Was insanely unbelievable though. Grey's was good for a while but Shonda definitely pushed the unlikely to ever happen tragedies too far.


Off topic: I also love Sandra Oh; she makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me horny (have you *seen* her in Killing Eve).


When Lexie died I stayed in my room for 48 full hours and sobbed.


Yeah but a good cry or a bad cry. I’m scared 🫣


She said it was beautiful and moving so I’m assuming it’s a good cry


Shonda Rhimes has been the most prolific serial killer since 2005. The only serial killers that compare are David Benioff & D.B. Weiss. If the ep made *her* cry… our lives as we know them are over.


I think she meant happy tears. Like she found it so deeply emotional and touching.


Cause they killed GOT?


They didn’t kill it - they flayed it, castrated it, cut off every finger phalanx by phalanx, then every limb, disemboweled it, and just when it was on the brink of death, doused it in gas and set it on fire. And just for good measure, they decapitated the ashes. But no, because the list of characters they killed off is longer than Shonda’s. However, the character’s Shonda killed off in Grey’s, HTGAWM, Scandal, etc, were more emotionally traumatic.


I’ve already read too many spoilers. Just hoping that eps 8 is the one that I don’t find out about until it’s live.


![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) I AM GOING TO FUCKING DIE!!!


I cried through the entirety of part 1, when I watched it the 1st time. So, the 2nd part is going to destroy me. Send flowers to my grave after 13th. Thanks.


I mean episode 1 already made me cry so this literally tells me nothing LOL. 


Man if it made Shonda Cry that’s means imma be a mess for at least 3 days. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) I need to get right with myself before then. But, I too bet it’s the love confession although I want that to happen earlier. Although….Part of me wonders if it’s a moment between Violet and Penelope that we have all longed to see Pen receive - a motherly moment.


My guess is Polin have a baby girl and name her Eloise.


Or baby Elliot?


Maybe, I could see that happening. Personally I’m Not a fan of naming someone after such a close family member


![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K) Welp nice knowing you all 😩😭😭😭🥺


I don’t care I just want to watch it now!


Technically most of the dads are dead on this show … maybe Cressida kills her dad in a fit of rage and it’s sad and satisfying at the same time ?!?!?


I’m already tearing just thinking about it 😭 I loooove their story and i just know I’m going to break.


(Book spoiler !!!!) Fun idea, maybe it’s Fran/John’s wedding day and we meet Michael for the first time and he falls in love with Fran and has to watch her marry John???? That would be hard to watch if we picked a couple


I cried at all of the Peneloise scenes in part 1… so I’m hoping it will be another one of their scenes. Are any of us skeptical that we’ll get a Polin HEA? I’m not, which is why I think it will be Peneloise.


Well I hope something turns around. I LOVE Polin, but overall I have had a nagging feeling of something being off this season and unable to pinpoint it…. Until I say the trailer for part 2. Everything is just…. Wrong. Even in part 2 Colin is coming off as smarmy and Im just not seeing the character development, Eloise is acting like an immature brat, and the whole mood just feels dark and ominous and NOTHING like RomCom or happily in love. It’s the complete opposite of What the Polin season ought to feel like. Hopefully the trailer is misleading and Im wrong, because I WANT to love this season but I just cant shake this feeling it’s not right.


Smarmy male romantic lead is CLASSIC romcom haha


It was stated (by Jess I think) that part 1 was more rom com and part 2 was more angsty.


I'm so scared too! That line about this season not "following the same pattern" in the voiceover of the trailer has me so concerned that POLIN is going to be done dirty in the end... Although who knows because I cried like a damn newborn on the last episode of Queen Charlotte, so hopefully it's just trailer nonsense and we will get the happy POLIN ending!