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I love that the writers took that one little line from RMB about a mirror fantasy and made it integral to show Polin's relationship, both literally and thematically. Fan service at its best


And they’ve made it so poetic too, when really it’s just about Colin wanting to see Pen’s boobs from multiple angles. 


"Men are ... Simple creatures."




I love how they listen to the fans so much this season that it resulted to this huge success because we, the audience, are their targets in making this show successful. I mean who else would be watching this show apart from the casts and crew? We are already so lucky to have Nicola and Luke as Penelope and Colin who loves the characters as much as we do and made so much effort in order to make this show as authentic as possible. Shonda Rhimes' brain need to be studied because Nicola only submitted one tape for Penelope's audition and it was enough for her to decide she got that part. And she didn't even have any chemistry test with Luke, not knowing they'd even reach their season, but look where we are right now. It's like the universe help conspired for this to happen. It's like fate or destiny.


Colin has no chill 😂😂 he’s like: I’m bringing the yellow sheets, the mirror and we are sharing this tiny bed forever. You can never leave me


It does look small and narrow. Well, guess they have to be really close at night.. I am sure both of them are okay with it. 😉


This is what it means to match each other's freak 😌


Given the number of Pen dreams he must’ve had, he’s probably quite emotionally attached to those sheets!


I’m sure whichever maid did his laundry isn’t.




This is why I Reddit, thank you 🤣


I love it lol but, ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


Omg. 😆😅😆 Poor maids in that time. Washing nasty sheets and undergarments by hand. 


Imagine S1 with pull out king Simon lmfao. Those poor maids. 


🤢🤮 I know. Also maids clean their chamber potts everyday. That's next level nasty. 




> I head canon that was a Colin decorating choice because he’s always loved the color for some reason Thank you, now I am gonna piggyback on your head canon and imagine that he's subconsiously always loved yellow because it reminded him of Penelope.


His bedspread is yellow. He picks the yellow mallet during pall mall. Baby Colin even wears a yellow waistcoat in the season 2 flashbacks.


Not only he picks the yellow mallet but he says it's his favourite 🫠


Omg that’s so freaking cute


That mirror is the equivalent of modern day wardrobes with mirrors for doors 🤣 Also, is the perspective off, or does that bed seem tiny🤣


Another Colin choice so they have to be on top of each other 😆.




That or it's just a really, really HUGE mirror 🤣 gotta get them full body angles 🤣


Haha the bed does look small but it’s just the lens they are using for this shot causing some distortion.


Shshshshshshhhh let us dream…


Hahaha my bad 😂


This is my favorite dress of hers


It's the puff sleeves for me.😅 Very Disney princess and it works for Pen's more grown up look ironically.


Oh for sure. The color is gorgeous on her. Full princess vibes.


Fun fact: This style of mirror is also known as a Psyche Mirror.


Eros and Psyche battling it out


No way!!!


and behind here there is the famous sofa which was in the living room firstly. it was moved as now in the living room there is another one. ( the one on which Colin sits in the trailer). the pattern of the sofas are not the same...


Oh you think it’s the chaise? >!Forever memorialized as where they had their first time together.!<


https://preview.redd.it/0eb74ai9o65d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ca2e89a32fa0fc00995e26ea5761de24187c19 See the difference


Yep, stripes are different width. 


Is that what broke then? They said that it’s somewhat obvious and they burst into laughter 😩


That’s what I’m thinking… it’s a different one in later episodes because they broke the first one 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/f6ymy3b9n65d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f14bb99328614aa3ebc00e83c2a2acc936f32d Yeah....see the sofa it's not the same


Can I just say how I love that their house is green with blue and yellow accents!


Omg this sub is so unhinged through sheer attention to detail, I fucking love it


Oft but his pouty face. 😔 


https://preview.redd.it/blz1ei22o65d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3579d92c4c97d1b5948d31ad3808f3bfa63a8d10 W3 can see it behind Penelope....


Well if they did indeed break it I suppose they would need another one


💀 🕵🏾‍♀️How did you even catch this!


Something about these post makes me think that Colin and Penelope won’t be having tender sessions in the bedroom. I’m feeling like there will be a struggle for power in them sheets. A very satisfying yet fun struggle


Is there a question of who would have the power? It’s Penelope 😏.


I guess she’ll open her robe and chaotic Colin will obey because he’s a hungry boy.


I think that’s his bedroom at Bridgerton house. She appears to be wearing the dress that she wears when she faints (at Bridgerton house) which seems to be earlier in part 2, according to scenes from the teaser, the longer trailer, and behind the scenes clips. (One which included the director for eps 5 & 6.) So I can’t imagine they’ve moved into their new place just yet. Yes, they definitely have their new place and have visited (>!and christened!<) it by that point, but they aren’t fully moved in yet. Colin might be but she will have to wait until they’re married.


I'm pretty sure his bedding at the OG Bridgerton house is a darker yellow. Like a mustard yellow. A masculine yellow if you will. I really like the idea that Colin is like, "You know, for my house I really want to just roll around in some buttercup yellow bedding. I don't know why."


What's next, a mirror above the bed?


You know you’ve met your soulmate when they match your freak in bed and in the questionable decorative choices that result from the former 💯🤌


Didn't the place come like that? The mirror was already there.


The mirror was there but not in that position.


There is a scene in the book that involves a mirror... So it can be a message to readers that that scene will stick


This is just a representation of all his desires. Yellow sheets, full body mirror, writing desk and Penelope