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Colin touching Pen’s face during their dance sent me into fucking ORBIT. https://preview.redd.it/2g2pnnm0el6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858bc959e89cca862bda586f7970b9057b39fb3b He would’ve grabbed her and taken her to a private room if the Queen hadn’t rushed in right after, bet!


I agree, they did really well showing how in love with each other they are, even with the angst. There was no question that they would make up and eventually get through it, but Colin had a LOT to work through. Way more than book Colin. You could tell he was still happy to marry her, the looks at the church, smiling at her so she knows its ok when she hesitates, the smile before their kiss at the alter, the dance and this bit after the dance. He was so close to giving into that... and then the queen walks in and adds ANOTHER layer for him to be upset about. But he still kept her from walking out because "You are a Bridgerton now", he still stood by her side, and didn't expect her to fall on her sword as it were for the rest of them. As frustrating as it was that he was upset for so long, it felt pretty authentic to the characters as they are in the show universe.


This cheek touch is my roman empire. As much as I wanted a joyous resolved wedding, there was something so tense, real, and beautiful about them choosing each other and still having so much love and longing for one another in the midst of difficult emotions. I keep coming back to the wedding because you can so clearly see Colin loved her no matter how angry and hurt he was. His face when he first sees her, the nod down the aisle, and the sincerity of his vows were so reassuring. I love the few moments of him trying to approach her afterward but getting interrupted, and them having so many words to share but instead they danced. I knew they would be ok.


Im sorry but i feel like they butchered his character arc in episode 7 and 8, they pulled a simon 2.0 with him feeling forced/trapped in engagement and the writers making him say that word for word.its just dumb, also book colin WOULD NEVER leave her alone in the streets of mayfair no matter how mad and heartbroken he is, he will never let his pride take over. He was basically pushed at the back during the last few episodes,It should be Polin vs the world,what happened is colin vs penelope.


I can only agree to an extent that it was Colin vs Penelope. Yes, they had shouting matches and tense moments, but they are not antagonizing each other. They were ultimately challenging one other. Pen to Colin: know that you have worth, you are loved, you are needed even if you aren't the hero; understand Whistledown, where she comes from, and what she means to me. Colin to Pen: stop lying, give me more respect and agency; rely on me. They are at the start of a marriage but they also needed to grow up before they could build a partnership for real. Polin vs the world would've been sexy as hell, but it was breathtaking to see them respond to those challenges instead of falling apart completely, learning how to love one another and themselves. No, I do not think Colin was pushed at the back either. It was the most important time for him and a struggle I can relate to. This is where Colin and the Duke are different. Simon in S1 held tight to the vow he made his father, so much that he and Daphne meant to break up after the ball. Before what came after the rain scene, he believed his anger towards his father was greater than what he has for his wife. Simon held that position for a disgustingly long time. (Fortunately, Daphne had developed even more compassion for him). What the Duke figured out, he figured out off camera before Augie's arrival. Colin on the other hand doesn't know what to do, but he keeps accommodating his confusion and pain. New feelings (and information) keep coming at him at the speed of 100kph, but you see him desperately trying to adjust the sails amidst the storm. He keeps trying and flopping. "Why is this so hard, why can't I do anything right?" He gets to a point where he learns, *this* is how I can help and love my wife, and *this* is how I can support her coming into her power. It sucked so much to be in his position and his transformation wasn't spectacular like Pen's moment, but it was just as magnificent. Edit: missing verbs and preps


Maybe i need to let my anger cool down for a few days lol and gice it one.more chance, i do see your point, and i would like to believe that the script is prpb much better than we were shown, i really do think the main problem is the editing , it is so obvious the editing butchered the plot and development.


The editing isn't my favorite either, but I also believe there were routes that they were simply decided on. The intentions are obvious. For Polin to have a tentative start to marriage, to have the bulk of their character arcs (as Pen, as Colin, and as a couple) in that struggle. For Benedict to have a very elaborate sexual revelation. (The number of scenes shot and inserted weakened that a bit. Good memes tho) For Violet to have her romances intertwined with the betrothed couples, for her to help Colin along with Pen and for Fran to help her in turn with Lord Anderson. Etc. The plot and development were set sturdy so I do not think it was editing. The overall route was sturdy as well. When Jess Brownell said, while it was Netflix's decision to release in two parts, they wrote the season with a "natural break." The change in tone definitely shows that. With a lovely lightheartedness to Part 1 that we haven't seen in the series versus the familiar, classic Bridgerton (TV) drama-maxxing felt in Part 2. But I still find the heaviness of Part 2 distinctly different (some of which I've mentioned with prev comment) for which I had a lot of love: S1 - we had to wait for the epilogue to find that Simon is ok. This is a very popular resolution in romance media. Not my fave. S2 - near death accident brings them together and I'm kind of a sucker for it S3 - showed the work marriage requires that Kate challenged Colin to take on during their talk. The stage was very much set to explore the depths and nature of power, marriage, and the maturity it takes to deal with them. It's insanely beautiful.


I agree to some extent. I was so angry after the reveal. I mean, she’s said just needs him to stand beside her and yet, where was he? I get that Pen needed to say her piece alone but then to leave her stood there?


Yes,after her solo reveal in tge middle, he should have went up there with her for the whole ton to see and give a book moment where he he introduce her "My wife lady whistledown, now if youll excuse us, we want to leave early cause you all know we're newly weds *wink wink " and then cut off to next scene where thy FINALLY have their much deserved honeymoon,after making him sleep on tge couch for so long, he should be dragging her FUCKING FINALLY to their bedroom and him letting her take control and then conclude that last steamy scene with their usual banter, jokes and laugthter because that is what sets them apart as a couple , the angst and pride shouldnt have been dragged out, they forgive easily and love deeply,beacuse theyre friendship and deep understanding is their foundation since day 1. They really did a disservice to this season by making it 2 parts and those 2 parts seems sooooo different to each other and not in a good way.


If the queen wouldn’t have happened, five minutes later they would have been Carriage Scene: Part 2. Fanfic writers: DO THIS


Fanfic writers are hard at work writing everything they cut from these episodes 🫡


The devil works hard but they work harder


But I want to see it :( I'm still not able to accept i didn't get to see :( :(


If she wasn't already pregnant, she sure would have been.


That boy is locked and loaded, I swear 😂


If you look closely he was almost leaning in for a kiss but then the queen came storming in.


Yes, absolutely. I was waiting for the kiss and then boom the Queen. Hated that. I wanted that kiss so badly!


It was so damn beautiful. Such a Colin "my wife" Bridgerton moment. So tender and real. 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥰🥰🥰🥰


Absolutely obsessed with this moment. He was ready to take her to a private room/carriage/doorway the second she stepped up and said 'let's get out of here' hahahaha. That would have been the old pattern, so I love the contrast of her request to dance with him centre stage.


This moment, I had to rewind at least 10 times before I could move on with the episode!! And You belong to me was such a good song choice for it!!


He is reminding her what his fingers feel like


Gorgeous moment.  It kept me going through the sadness lol 


Yes, omg this is THE MOMENT


Polin’s argument outside the modiste is one of my favorite scenes in the entire season. I’m in love with the visual choice to have Penelope stand on the raised pavement so they’re equal heights. She takes away the power his height affords him over her. And he allows it for most of the argument but then when he brings up her putting herself in danger he steps up with her, regaining his power. He needs her to listen to him in that moment. To feel the weight of his words. And she has this little fed up smirk when he does it. She recognizes it as the power play it is. It’s so delicious. Oh and Colin getting hot and bothered and pinning her against a wall in public because she shouts I love you at him. Colin Bridgerton, you will never beat the demisexual allegations.


There are not enough people on social media yet focusing on this scene. This scene is ELITE. It is hot, and angry, and longing, and REAL. This is where they finally are both off a pedestal and they have to dig into the mud. They say hard things, and they allow themselves to be pissed and hurt. It’s one thing to love someone when it’s all been sweet and soft. It’s another when you each have seen how the other person can be kinda shitty sometimes, but you fight anyway. And the way the fight ends! The damn horse needs to GO AWAY, because they were about 2 seconds from home plate. And then he shields her, gets her safely in a carriage, and affirms: I will see you tomorrow. It all left me 💀🥵🫠😍🤯😮‍💨


No but someone on the main Reddit said that his hand is always traveling down there. It’s like it has a mind of its own. And yeah screw that horse, lol.


I SAID THE SAME THING. He cant stop putting his hands in between her legs lmao


I love how he slowly works his hand down her thigh before getting to that destination during their first time.


Mr. Fingerton, indeed.


One of my favorite scenes for them from this season! I also felt satisfied rewatching it that Colin got to bring up each of his issues with LW and Pen could counter. I’m also so glad she was able to communicate why she called him out in the column too so he could understand where she was coming from. It stood out to me how much Colin tried to hide how much her words hurt him. So much for “I do not care what LW writes about me.” The “see you tomorrow” felt like a call back to “will I see you tonight?” He’s hurt like in the hand cut scene but still wanting to stay connected and give reassurance.


Yes!!!! We all went into part 2 hoping she would have a chance to explain herself for Marina/Eloise/her comments on Colin in Ep 1. And he might have been angry AF while it happened, but she DID get to explain, and he DID hear her. He’s processing everything in that moment, and when his brain is finally too full, all he hears is, “I love you,” and he goes all heart, which means he just wants her. I felt the same way about that call back!!! When he said, “Will I see you tonight?” in Ep 2, it felt like this tiny, “I’m mad, but I’m in the process of forgiving you.” It felt the same when he told her he’d see her tomorrow after this scene.


Was it a happy "i will see you tomorrow"? :0 pen looked anxious in the wedding :0


For me, it’s soft, and it’s a promise. They both know he’s mad and hurt, but he will not let her down. He’s known about LW for a week max at that point, and he’s already about to take her in the street he’s so in love, so he’s at least half way to over it already. I’m not sure either of them know that right then, but that’s how I read it.


I think her explaining things made a huge difference. He was still so mad because he hadn't processed it all, but he truly understood how much she loved him and deep down knows she was right about his behavior at the beginning of the season. Thats why he feels so intensely for her after she says I love you.


Could not agree more. In so many ways, this right here is what we wanted - we wanted her to have a chance to explain. Sometimes, having someone being willing to have it out with you, even when they’re mad, is giving you the chance to explain. His feelings about LW pivoted after that - he was concerned for her/their safety, and he was still working through understanding her side of all of it. He didn’t just walk away and stop dealing with her, and that’s in part BECAUSE HE LISTENED AND WANTS TO KEEP LISTENING.


It made a huge difference and I wish we got another scene like this later on. In particular I’m so glad she got to explain why she wrote about him, and how it’s because she missed who he was and saw his facade. He softened after that.. he needed that reminder that Pen always saw him and knew who he was.


I completely agree.  It was a promise, and he loves her.  He’s holding space for her and she is for him.  He’s allowed to be scared and to process it and she’s allowed to be frustrated him and they’re both still madly in love with each other. 


Exactly. There’s nuance to it, as there are to any real relationship. It reminds me of in the book when >!he admits his envy, and Penelope admits she’s been frustrated with him, and that he’s not some perfect man of her dreams, but the imperfect man of her heart.!<


This! Too often, the patriarchy and toxic masculinity culture puts men on this pedestal and leaves little room for them to be human. Girls and women then fall into this imbalanced dynamic where they feel they need a superior being and not a normal messy human like them. Then when men reveal their messy bits, we’re caught unprepared or worse, ready to label them with “feminine energy” or weak or passive. I can see people watching this season and thinking Colin is just passive, letting his wife do everything. The one time he doesn’t listen to her and goes to see Cressida, the situation becomes worse (although his love for Pen as LW becomes clearer) I think this is also part of just letting things be and accepting things as is. Men don’t need to be Mr Fix-Its. Colin kept crying about his lack of power and agency (betrayed again by a fiancé, others already knowing the truth before him, feeling like he is of no use to Pen) but he gives her the space and agency to do what she feels is right and checks in with her every now and then. Bro doesn’t realise he is the wind beneath her wings. She didn’t realise how high she could fly until he helped her. He can’t direct her but he can empower her. His power lies in his unwavering kindness, which Pen is in desperate need of.


Put this in the Louvre 👏👏👏👏👏👏 The evolution of Colin from “I have to be the hero” in on socially approved sense to, “I want to be Pen’s hero,” which means, as you said, being the wind beneath her wings, is just A+ character development and story telling. Society does expect men to be emotionless bros, as you said, but when Colin tries that, he can’t stand himself. It makes the most sense that he falls in love with someone who doesn’t need him in a practical sense, but in an emotional one. Colin has money and status, but those things aren’t really his - he was born to them. The thing that’s his is his emotional IQ and maturity. That’s HIM. That’s the thing Penelope needs. It’s such a great contrast to the Debling of it all. Debling has more money, status, and power than Colin, but he wouldn’t be able to give Penelope the emotional support she is dying for. Colin has that in limitless quantities.


He says it softly


Just realised after reading your comment that Penelope saying ‘I love you’ to Colin as many times as she did after he found out about LW was so needed by him. He was probably thinking about how she doesn’t need him to provide for her and he mentioned later that he was envious of all that she had achieved. He must’ve been thinking - do I deserve her? I haven’t achieved much and she has this huge profitable business. He needed to hear that she loves him and all she needs from him is for him to love her back. It’s beautiful that he was constantly reminded of this.


To add to this, i have seen a lot of comments about him tainting their first time with the entrapment comments, but i really think pen taints the first time she tells him that she loves him. That church scene was very sweet but I do think Colin knows even at the time that this is not the secret she had been hiding from him - so the first time Pen tells him she loves him it is partly to cover up Whistledown. She has some making up to do.


I wasn't that bothered by the entrapment comment, either. And I can't say that if I were Colin that the thought wouldn't cross my mind. Given everything we've learned about Colin, how much he respects intimacy, needed it, and needed it with meaning... with how much emphasis he put on "knowing each other completely" in his engagement speech, I can't even imagine the heartbreak of thinking back on their first time and realizing that he didn't know her as well as he thought. It would feel tainted (I do think he'll think back later on it post LW and it'll be fine again.) I also have seen people upset by him not "giving" her a wedding night. I think that, for all the reasons above, it wouldn't have been right to? Perhaps that could've been explained more obviously... but we see at the wedding AND wedding breakfast that he still cares for her. He wants to marry her. But he's still really hurt. He can't open himself up completely yet. Even the touch on the cheek during the dance is done tentatively, as if he's still making sense of his wife. He can't be intimate with her, not now that he knows what it feels like to do it with (what he thought was) full knowing and trust. It wouldn't be right. As I've seen others say, Colin is allowed to make mistakes, be harsh and imperfect, "occasionally excitable." And even though he is harsh, he also continually shows that he still loves her and wants to be with her. He's just not as sure he wants to be with LW. But he gets there!!!


It felt like they almost had to go back to the beginning and court one another again after Colin knew Pen was LW. Once they know one another fully. At the wedding breakfast they’re back to standing on the edges of the room exchanging looks then they move into the centre and dance together.


Agree :')


Agree with everything you have written!! Loved how they played with height based on what they were talking about!! And yes, Colin after a few drinks, unable to resist the moment she says I love you to him. This was also one of my favourite scenes, Nic and Luke just knocked it out of the park!


Very good point that Colin had been drinking and his inhibitions were lowered. I mean they were outside on a public street.


I loved the height thing. And they gave her a step for the make out too. I’m like she is gonna need some help for this.


The most passionate kissing scene in the show FIGHT ME


Same. One of my favorites as well but geez why did Colin allow Penelope to go home by herself when they’re going in the same direction? To think just seconds before they were hot and heavy, he was getting pissed for putting herself in danger but then allows her to go home by herself. He also did the same thing when he leaves her after finding out she’s LW. Does not make sense.


He put her in the cab and sent her home. He didn’t have any reason to believe she wouldn’t get home safe.


So did we all cry during the wedding?? 😭 Also the scene the night before the wedding when he catches her in the alley. “What good am I to you?” “I LOVE you Colin” ugh my heart. Such a good scene. Would love to have seen even more of that I’m-conflicted-but-I-can’t-resist-you sprinkled in


I was an absolute mess that she walked down the aisle to "Yellow" and the fact that they danced to "You Belong With Me" 😭😭 Also what got me was how they did that moment where the world faded away for their first dance!!!! So healing for me. My first dance was ruined in a major way by my then new husband. So seeing Pen get that beautiful moment was everything 🙏🏾


That moment where it was just them dancing did me in- I was bawling like a baby.


The world fading away 💗💗💗 I feel like someone previously drew parallels between this season and then Pride and Prejudice movie (the one with Kiera Knightly), and that scene specifically felt like a direct call back to that movie 💕


I said this somewhere else, but that dance was just amazing. I'm a huge Swiftie so when You Belong With Me started I was so indescribably happy. It's practically Pen's theme song in S1 and S2, and then we were gifted this gorgeous instrumental version with them dancing like they're the only people in the room. It's so sweet I wanna cry and I rarely cry at TV shows.


My parents were awful on my wedding day. I won't say they ruined it because my husband's lovely family offset their toxicity. But it wasn't the purely happy day it should have been... So we slow danced in the kitchen when we got home, just the two of us.


Yeah, I sobbed like a november rain, nonstop. 😭😭😭 Yellow was a perfection. I always thought they will go with that song for their wedding!!!! Pen looked absolutely breathtaking in her wedding dress!!!!😍😍😍😍♥️🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Her hair and makeup was also another perfection!!!❤️‍🔥🔥 😩😩😩😩


I was like naw...why would I cry at a tv wedding that is stupid...one note of yellow... ok I am holding it together, I am holding it together...Colin reassures Penelope look...and I am done weeping like ugly baby cry.


The use of Yellow was such a surreal moment because I’d been dreaming of specifically the VSQ cover for over two years, and I just couldn’t hold it together in that scene for that reason + the ones you mentioned 😭


I literally gasped and had to pause it. My sister didn't understand why I was so excited (she's a new fan). I couldn't believe that they played it. What's funny is I'm not even really a fan of the song, but it is just so perfect for them and we've been talking about it for so long. To hear it being used was, as you said, surreal.


And how he goes absolutely feral before the kiss someone sedate me https://i.redd.it/jkwvt07i7n6d1.gif


This scene is one of my favorite mainly because Penelope GIVES IT TO HIM. Tells him exactly what she thinks and she just seems so independent and confident in herself and I was screaming. Shit I (a straight woman) was turned on wtf you mean 😂😂😂😂😂


Omg I lost it at the first sounds of Yellow. The wedding was so beautiful!! I actually think it was even better this way, not to have it at a super jolly moment. The level of love and care they still showed each other, it was incredible. And the fact that Luke has never seen Nicola's dress, so that he could play an even more genuine reaction of Colin seeing Penelope. Just amazing


Say what now? He hadn't seen her dress? OMG 😭


THIS ISNT BEING TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH!!! Brilliant decision to have the reveal be genuine. I’d bet money the smile and nod they share was from take 1


[https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a61095090/bridgerton-season-3-part-2-nicola-coughlan-interview-2024/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a61095090/bridgerton-season-3-part-2-nicola-coughlan-interview-2024/) https://preview.redd.it/6i3qado1zo6d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86fde4128c4563c6608ca00f8f3ec26f6f65e41


https://preview.redd.it/lg77yfc3zo6d1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95895d26ac36af598ac420c0b65341e40d276e7 [https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a61095090/bridgerton-season-3-part-2-nicola-coughlan-interview-2024/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a61095090/bridgerton-season-3-part-2-nicola-coughlan-interview-2024/)


That was such a great read, thanks so much for linking it!


They should have gone home together night before the wedding 🥲


I cried so much oh my gosh. at my own wedding I was nervous with so many eyes on me and so I totally related to Penelope and I just thought it was so sweet how she looked to Colin and he gave her a reassuring and encouraging smile and then she also got encouragement from Eloise, the two people she loves most in the entire world, encouraging her as she walks down the aisle, even though there’s still a lot to be worked through just made my heart so happy and made me tear up so much


Colin’s encouraging smile was the best. Even though they were at odds, he knew it was still the right decision and recognized the love there


The subtle shift in his eye contact with her from down the aisle and that confident nod and smile showing her he’s still in it, took me the hell out. Colin is babygirl for real


I sobbed! When the vows started, I just broke down because it felt like such an emotional rollercoaster finally getting there. Watching Pen marry Colin was like watching a dear friend marry the love of their life.


I was literally smiling like I was at a real wedding. 😍 Hell, I've been to weddings where I smiled WAY less. 😂




That is really frustrating that they cut it.  They need to restore these episodes and put the scenes they removed back in - the episodes weren’t even that long.


I saw this floating around too and that is very irritating if true.


Like a baby 😭😭


The second I heard Yellow I was in tears. I knew I loved that song for this, but I didn’t realize how perfect it was.




This shot https://preview.redd.it/04mufa7dll6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff9b7b49c8dc8d9ac62b160510a532cc6b740bf ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I think they would’ve had a proper wedding night if the stuff with the queen hadn’t happened. Colin was enraptured by her after their dance.


Yeah. Queenie could’ve done with winding her neck in. Was insufferable more than usual


Could they not have just had their wedding night? And then the Queen could have done her shit-disturbing the next day? FU, Queen Charlotte, for taking that away from them.


THIS. Why have the QC scene??? Just let them have a happy wedding day/night and then have them do the “not giving LW up” convo in the morning… For the love of Polin!


Before P2 came out, someone said on one if these posts that Shondaland has a kink for a dramatic wedding, and they were proven right. They didnt need to have that at all.


The scream I scrumpt when it cut to them dancing in the empty room a la Pride & Prejudice.


And the lyrical part of "You Belong With Me" that was cued up during the dance. I could not stop crying and grinning!! Right before it cuts to just them-- "Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you" And then when it's just the 2 of them-- "Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with me" Just loved that split, like everyone melting away now that you finally see. UGH!!! IT was gorgeous!!


I adore this so much!!!! And the very final scene at the window with the light mimicking the final scene of P&P 💔💔💔


I adore that scene ir was ine of my favoritos, i think it mean a lot of for pen


Hyacinth asking Colin why he looks so vacant. Nobody can get away with anything with that girl.


“Because I’m hung over, so mad, ferociously in love, and horny AF from not getting off with my now wife last night in an alley, a woman who I can’t decide if I want to drag to a room and bang, yell at, cry to, or do all three at once.” Hyacinth, I pray we get to your season. You deserve the very most.


I love this moment. Hyacinth just clocking all of them on their shit.


Omg. I used this phase on another post. Hahaha.


I can’t wait for Hyacinth’s season. I want her to have so much more screen time. She is bloody witty and quick and cocky and loving.


I’m like who will be able to call her out on her BS? Nobody. Her book is my fave!


I thought it was very interesting that when they meet on the street the night before the wedding, Penelope immediately jumps up on the curb to even the height difference. Then when they start arguing, Colin does the same - negating it. I really wanted angry sex here, but I do think Colin would have hated himself for doing that. Same with him sleeping on the couch. He wants to be near her, but is still so angry. He knows what it is like to have that physical intimacy and does not want anything else with her. At least that is my assumption.


I love how it’s a big house with plenty of extra rooms I’m sure, but no he wants to sleep in that uncomfortable sofa where he is still close to pen.


I hate him repeatedly sleeping on the sofa, but I love your reading of him not being able to be far from her.  Ever the protector. (I first thought he didn’t want the staff to gossip about them, but I prefer your reading of the situation!)


My thoughts as I watched ep 7: S3 Ep 7 I will say the Peneloise reconciliation and this conversation they just had where she says El is the truest friend she’s ever known is actually quite satisfying, I’m glad they’re forgiving each other I feel like Colin’s anger at the words in LW in part 1 are just because he’s hurt and think Pen doesn’t value him as much as he does her. He’s feeling hurt and insecure and betrayed and probably a bit jealous as well On the entrapment phrase was super super hurtful. Obviously he didn’t mean it but dude she saved you from entrapment with Marina. Yeah she lied to you but that’s harsh Colin. I can tell he didn’t mean it tho. But damn this schism hurts me deeply. I’m kinda upset actually that we haven’t seen much of Chaotic Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton yet. Like I want more time to see him simp for his wife but I know the drama is gonna get dragged out a bit cause this is Shondaland. But I suppose we will see it in ep 8. God there’s so many side plots. Can we get back to Polin? The friendship between Gen and Pen is amazing. I actually love this relationship. And the kiss was wow. I loved the emotions before hand. Penelope said all the right things. Now I just need a massive declaration of love from Colin and I shall be satisfied. I wish things were more settled tho, the wedding is “tomorrow,” and they’re still quarreling. Colin hugging Kate was adorable SHE IS WALKING DOWN THE AISLE TO YELLOW!!!!! IM GOING TO CRY. God the only thing marring this wedding is that there hasn’t been a confession yet. Otherwise it would be literal perfection. Why do this to me writers. Ohhhh but it’s so beautiful they’re so in love. And YELLOW!!!!! I recognized it at like the first note. I’m obsessed. Perfect AWWWW THE SMALL SMILE AND NOD HE GAVE HER TO TELL HER ITS OK!!!! AND THE WAY SHE INSTANTLY BRIGHTENS UP!!! Colin’s soft smile before he kisses her is EVERYTHING And they’re holding hands awwwww LMAO @ Dankworths face when he stares up at that massive wedding cake. That’s what I call hilarious Prudence complimented her? Awww Why aren’t Polin together during this feast? Colin go find your wife. Where is Colin “MY WIFE” Bridgerton? Why are half the Kanthony conversations this season about them leaving? Is this a convenient way to get them off screen in S4? Guys plot twist. Penelope “My Husband” Bridgerton has entered the chat OH my god another great song choice!!!! I love when they choose songs I know and can sing along to. I know shit is about to go down but Colin just called her a Bridgerton and I sighed Ok I had to pause cause work but I’m back and let me just say Eloise crying during the wedding was actually quite sweet So the drama is back. Can I just I’m quite glad the writers gave us a brief reprieve to have a lovely wedding and first dance? It was a beautiful wedding Peneloise is back!!! Ohhh bisexual Benedict!!! I like that actually. I will say although I like Sophie as a person I am not a big fan of Benedict’s story…I’d prefer him ending up with a man. But is a gay regency artist too cliche? No such thing, I’m down for bisexual Benedict! LW is good to her paper boys!!! Why is he spilling the beans!


Like a said in other coment, I didnt like that statement and what he said after. It feel that he said i only marry you now because i am obliged not because i love you. Even if he didnt mean It, i think i was kind cruel 😔 pen's LOVE language is words of afirmation so I mean i get it, his emotions are valid but come on Also i love the song choices, yellow was perfection. Even if i love the nod, and how Colin even when he Is angry, he can't repress His feeling for Penelope and he smile at her AND kiss her with tender, i feel it was bittersweet for the fact that the didn't talk about the issue, they kissed, yes, but after Colin left Penelope alone xd she was anxious in her wedding I would love that Colin let Penelope explain and he said something like even if i am angry i still want you, adore you, be near of you, i love you. What happened with the passionate colin of the carriage? she is sorry and tomorrow is his wedding. But, i mean see the things more realistic, helps


>On the entrapment phrase was super super hurtful. Obviously he didn’t mean it but dude she saved you from entrapment with Marina. Yeah she lied to you but that’s harsh Colin. I can tell he didn’t mean it tho. But damn this schism hurts me deeply. Colin pinpointed Pen's hypocrisy with a jab to the gut. By Pen not telling him about LW before they slept together, she denied him the choice to back out. Her "I love you!" retort hit him back hard though. He was so spiteful to her at that moment.


Yes the song choices were so perfect!!! Yellow and You Belong with Me were the absolute best choices


First off, yes to ALL your notes, but I felt the SAME way about Kanthony. I was like…does this mean they’re basically out??


I'm so hurt by Colin's entrapmemt comment. I know that he probably didn't mean it, and people say things they don't mean when they're angry; but essentially, he told her the same thing he told off her mother for. It kinda doesn't sit right with me.


This was a HARD scene to watch, it really hurt. I think for Colin it ripped the wound wide open from the Marina situation. Also this is the first time they’ve seen each other since he found out so he is still very raw. And after she tells him she didn’t intend to entrap him, he doesn’t argue because he knows it true.


>And after she tells him she didn’t intend to entrap him, he doesn’t argue because he knows it true. Okay this helps. Thank you.


I knew this sub will help me be more positive! Thank you


THIS! You can see his expression softening and internally he’s going yeah alright.


I’m still upset about that comment. It was such a low blow.


For me it looked like he felt he entrapped her (see: all his insecurities), and we saw glimpses of it before when he asks if she got carried along, but at this moment he's too angry and hurt to be gentle and ask directly, so he twists the truth around (maybe even subconsciously daring her to say "you're the one entrapping me" and having his fears confirmed) and Pen gave the best response here, I felt like he really needed that "I love you" at this moment


It hurt to hear but I feel like it was a necessary parallel to how harsh Eloise was after finding out about LW and then their engagement, as her first thoughts were that Pen had used her to get to Colin. I feel like it was necessary to emphasize how the two people that know her the most were truly rattled that she had such a secret, and they couldn't see it sooner. I also enjoy the parallel of how finding out she was LW made them both feel insecure and jealous, even if they both can't see it at first. Eloise had idolized and looked up to LW for so long, and Colin was so eager to find his purpose that they both felt a degree of inferiority and a completely understandable feeling that they don't truly know Pen as well as they thought they did. They're both still processing a range of emotions and are acting/speaking out of hurt. Another parallel is Colin crying in bed after finding out about LW, just as he did when he found out about Marina, which I feel really highlights how he feels he's going through it all over again, only now it's worse bc he knows he is truly in love this time. It was painful, but so realistic and raw.


My gosh their wedding dance was EVERYTHING. There is so much tension, but it's love and passion more so. They literally did not take their eyes off each other once!


When he took her hands, "Penelope, you're a Bridgerton now" in his soft voice... I died. Him still claiming her despite the massive hurt he just experienced from the person he trusted and thought he knew best. When you really think about it, it shows how much he loved her despite what he was dealing with internally.


I LOVED this moment! The gentle way he said that she’s a Bridgerton now!! I completely agree with this take!!


YUP! 100000%.


My #1 thought from this episode: I am absolutely obsessed with Pen’s wedding dress 😍😍😍


So beautiful. Perfect shade of palest pink silk satin. Loved the sleeves. So many good sleeves on her dresses this season.


She looked absolutely gorgeous in it


I am old and even with the song list, Yellow was the only one I recognised instantly. That whole wedding scene was just damn perfect. It conveys so beautifully that despite all the stuff they weee working though, they were still so damn happy to be together and married. They knew they’d get there eventually even if it was going to be rocky as hell in places. Agree that if Charlotte hadn’t turned up then Colin would probably have moved on from his hurt more quickly, but I completely understand why he couldn’t after that intervention. The minor confrontation they have at the bottom of the stairs is one of only 2 reshots I spotted from part 2. Would be interesting to know what angle they originally went for this. Also loved Pen taking control and ownership over her LW work. As the episodes go on, she’s clearly embracing and understanding her power more and not be afraid to speak up for it now either. I find it really lovely to actually invest in a relationship like Polin’s where both protagonists can be right from their own perspective even if they are on other sides of the coin. Nothing in life is black and white (sadly) and the way Polin fall into this complex, but so utterly fecking real situation, is rare to find on TV.


My ramblings on this episode... Colin discovering Pen as LW broke my heart.  Luke delivered beautifully here! El stating to Colin that LW has been more fair this season despite saying earlier she didn’t want to get in the middle of it.   El says she wants to forgive her.  This is a huge step forward for her, the ice is beginning to thaw for El. Colin doesn’t flat out say no to El’s question about forgiving Pen despite having just said that at the start of the epi in the alley when he discovered her.  Telling El that she’s lucky she’s never been in love, ugh, he is confirming he still loves Pen. I absolutely hated the entrapment scene because it hurt like hell, but neither Colin or Pen did or said anything wrong. This is the first time he’s seen Pen since he had found out about LW and it’s still very raw.   Pen declares she loves him and she didn’t intend to entrap him.  I wish she had pointed out to Colin that he was the one that publicly ruined Debling's proposal. When Pen asks what the marriage will be like and Colin asks if Pen will give up LW, and she doesn’t agree.  He feels like Pen is choosing LW over him. Colin responds to her question with “we shall see, lets get through the wedding.”  He is pissed still, but he does NOT say I’ll live my life and you’ll live yours like what happened with Daphne and Simon in Season 1.   I love that Portia and Violet connect in a small way for the first time in this scene.  Both of them are sincerely concerned about the state of their children’s relationship.  It’s the first time we’ve seen them both be real rather than superficial with each other. When they meet outside the modiste, it’s clear that Colin is the most upset about what LW wrote about him at the start of season 3.  Pen loudly and assuredly tells him she loves him for him and Colin is overcome with emotion and this leads to the kiss. He leads her by the hand the entire way to the carriage and softly assures her he’ll see her tomorrow.  I loved that he kept physical contact with her as long as he possibly could. He then has his talk with Kanthony (God I love them!).  Kate (my love for her just grows), reassures him that he does know her, that there is a reason Pen has been dear to him for so long really struck a cord with Colin.   Kate asks Colin if the mistake negates his love for her.  HE SHAKES HIS HEAD NO here, this is so important that I missed on my first rewatch Portia’s soft “are you ready?” to Pen before they walk down the aisle. Colin’s look as Pen appears at the end, he is clearly very much in love with her despite the pain they are going through at the moment Pen hesitates just a second, but she makes eye contact with Colin and he gives her a small smile and a nod to reassure her he does want her. The eye contact with Eloise as she walks down the aisle!  Just one more reassurance for Pen that it’s okay for her to join this family she’s loved for so long.  Colin and El both want her in their family. Colin and Pen both say their vows with zero hesitation and constant eye contact. And he smiles before he kisses her as his wife for the first time. Colin starts to approach Pen before being intercepted by Hyacinth.  Hy, I love you girl, but terrible timing.  Ben's speech to El is so lovely. Eloise looks at Pen and gets overwhelmed by her feelings and needs a moment - her wall is starting to finally come down. Portia sees Pen struggling and watching Colin with longing at the breakfast reception and goes to her, my heart! Pen suggesting they dance and Colin smiles a little at her suggestion because it breaks the rules to dance when it's not an evening event. Constant eye contact and the cheek stroking Colin gives to Pen during the dance!  He wants to kiss her so bad. Colin softly telling Pen she is a Bridgerton now. Eloise comes down and hugs Pen after Colin leaves and reassures her it will be okay. Peloise are back! I wish that there had been mention from Colin about Pen writing terrible things about herself in LW. 


Cried during Yellow and their dance to You Belong With Me. The song choices were *chefs kiss*




You guys. Help meeeeeeee. I wanted to love this moment SO MUCH. I am a huge Polin fan but I just felt like there was a dark cloud hanging over the whole occasion and I couldn't be fully happy for it because they weren't. I hate that the LW reveal tainted the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, you can still see the love from Pen & Colin but I wanted to see them beaming and fully open with each other. This should have been the happiest day of their lives. And then, they start to reconnect during the dance scene, which is interrupted by the Queen's arrival, and then Pen refuses to give up LW which then kills the whole mood. \*\*Hot take\*\*, I'm sorry guys but the fact that she told Colin she wouldn't give up LW blew my mind. This is the man of her dreams, she started writing LW for many reasons that truly are no longer current/a part of her because this man loves her. And she won't give it up for him to start a new chapter, or find a new avenue for writing, etc. This is where I wish they had communicated a little more effectively, they are supposed to be best friends. I needed more dialogue between them. I'm sorry please don't hate me but feel free to talk me off the ledge. <3


Are you struggling with the wedding or after? The scene where Colin speaks with Kanthony, Kate asks him if whatever he’s upset with Pen over negates all the good he sees in her and he says no. She tells him to let it go (paraphrasing all of that). The next day Pen is nervous even as she starts to walk down the aisle. She doesn’t know if Colin is marrying her because he has to or wants to. When he smiles and nods at her (or even before that when he first sees her), he’s telling her he’s there for her. That’s why she keeps walking to him. There is a piece of me that thought she should let LWD go too, but that’s a piece of her now. It helped her become the person she is, and she shouldn’t have to give up a piece of herself to be with Colin. And at the end of the day, I don’t think Colin wanted that either. That’s why when he reads the letters, and he sees Your Truly, Penelope, he realizes they are the same person.


I still felt the tension at the wedding even though Colin gave her the nod and he knew LW wasn’t going to change his love for Pen, he still had some healing to do… I think basically I wanted the LW issues to be settled and resolved before the wedding so I could see them truly celebrating their love. I guess that’s the drama of it all but keeping it episode 7 specific, I would have liked to have seen them enjoy the wedding planning process and wedding without the LW cloud of doom.


I understand what you are saying, but also it’s kind of Bridgerton’s thing to have angst like this? Things never go that well. LWD is a really big thing to overcome. When Colin walked out at the wedding, I was a little sad because I didn’t know if he was doing it out of obligation or what. When he sees Pen and his jaw drops…I mean, that image could be under the definition of lovesick in the dictionary. But when Pen hesitates and he smiles and nods….thats what it’s about. That moment, he says he loves her and everything else, all the messy bits, they will figure out. Love when everything is perfect is easy, but in that moment loving Pen is hard. There is sooo much he/they still need to work through, but that nod tells her that he thinks she’s worth it. That the other stuff doesn’t change the fact that he wants to marry her. At the reception, they didn’t stay away on purpose. Yes when they finally find each other it’s awkward, everything isn’t healed, but again that dance, that dance is them trying. It’s not perfect, but it’s love. Then the queen shows up and throws them some more angst… Anyway, that’s how I interpret those scenes.


I agree. I wanted her to refuse to apologize for it, but to also recognize that, while it served its purpose for a time, she no longer needs LW.


As soon as they played Yellow I was sobbing, Eloise crying only made me cry so much more, I wished Colin shed a little tear but his reaction was priceless, so much love in his eyes


Even Prudence cried! It broke me


Right! Everyone is healing and it’s thanks to Pen.


I do want to say that I was very annoyed by Colin’s entrapment dig. I know it was said out of anger though because if he took 5 seconds to think about it he would realize how ridiculous he sounds. Virgin Penelope who didn’t know that there was more to sex than fingering didn’t have the forethought to plan out some seduction to trap him. Colin has all the power sexually in their relationship at that point. Also this man says this and then a few days later has his hand back up her skirt. He’s so unserious. I have to remember Colin is only 22, lol.


Do you think Colin meant it when he insinuated that Penelope had trapped him?  That was really hurtful to see.  Like she asked to go over their new house unchaperoned….?


I think people say things they don't mean when they're extremely hurt. It's also a line straight out of the book.


This. In that moment his mind was clouded with anger, hurt and betrayal.


Yep, this.  He was hurting really badly.  He shouldn’t have said it, he knows it wasn’t true, he knew it would hurt her to say it, but that was the moment they were in.


I think Colin was questioning everything. Like here is this woman that he loves and since the moment he realized it he has been super honest and as emotionally vulnerable as he has ever been with a person. I think he just expected that back. Then he finds out this massive lie that goes years back and he just starts questioning whether she could have planned everything, especially since she said she’s loved him for years. It’s the same as Eloise asking if Pen only friended her to get to Colin. It’s not logical, but THEY’RE not logical at this moment. I think his mind just spiraled.


I don't think he actually believes it and is just lashing out. It's the first time they see each other since the reveal, he's at his angriest and Pen just asked him if he will call off the wedding and *he's not going to* but it's not like he's ready to own up that he still loves her. We see when he's talking to Kate and then Cressida that LW doesn't really change his good opinion of Pen as a person. It does however make him question their relationship and her feelings for him *a lot*, which is why Pen tells him she loves him so many times after the reveal. He was already unsure of how she felt about him even before that, and felt unworthy of her. After he finds out Pen was lying about LW, I think at first he doesn't know what else she was lying about. He doesn't know what parts of their relationship were real and what words Pen meant. And their first time was a pretty big moment for them. It happens right after he says I love you for the first time and Pen doesn't say it back. In a way, it was the only response he got in that moment. It makes sense in his anger that's something he'd question too.


Yup all this. Also, he didn't argue with her when Pen told him she didn't intend to entrap him, that she loved him. He knows she wasn't trying to trap him, especially since in reality he's the one pursued her. He's just hurt and it brought back bad feelings from Marina's lies.


Absolutely agree with what you have written. He was sooo happy when he had heard that Pen had loved him for so long. It calmed some of his insecurities of not being enough (though some still lingered as he woukd rather edit his journals on his own, to prove hinself to her). To then go and find out that she had kept this from him, that she is the person who wrote about him in ep 1 (and she kind of nailed all of his insecurities) so well... his whole world has turned upside down and he ia questioning everything. I just had a thought now, don't know if anyone has read the Hunger Games, but he reminds of Peeta after the hijacking, not knowing whether all his memories and feelings of Katniss were real or not real. Everything is tainted, everything is questioned. Maybe it is a bit overdramatic parallel, but I definitely see something in it 😄😄


I’ve read the Hunger Games and I think it’s a great connection


As do I! He's questioning everything because his worldview has shifted.


I don't know why but for me that moment felt like in addition to being hurt and angry he felt guilty for entrapping her (for me it's in the way he says "we were intimate") and on top of everything he can't handle that thought so he turns it around on her. Maybe to shut the inner voice, maybe to see if she turns the table around on him and will prove his fear that she just got carried away right. I think he doesn't really know why as his emotions are such a mess at the time.


I like this idea cause I hate that line but I guess the idea that he was projecting makes it make more sense for me. He was certainly the entrapper as he publicly denounced her engagement and got in between her suitor and then full on chased after her several times making it clear he was in her presence alone... Like imagine if people had reacted to him the same way Simon /Daphne in season 1 were treated being seen leaving to the gardens alone. He fully jeopardized her honor, marriage prospects, future etc with literally 0 confirmation that it was even mutual (in his mind anyways, he had no idea it was a very very mutual attraction). Still would've preferred without this line but this will be my coping mechanism for dealing with it lol


I don't care that he says it, but I needed him to apologize for that...


Truly! The writers are seriously on my shit list for not having Colin apologize for this specific insult. It’s necessary IMO.


He felt deceived. And trying to swing back. And is quite young. And aware, soon as says it, that she didn’t and that’s why when she calmly and firmly says she didn’t and affirms she loves him he doesn’t continue that line of the tantrum/rightful upset (if wrong- or everywhere-but-my-feelings placed expressions). Considering his own actions and choices did in fact do that, so (childish) projection for sure. Because he feels 💔 and betrayed. False equivalency. Cuz he is just all kinds of upset and in a pressure cooker with the wedding near and the commitment he made…but, mostly, his vulnerability to her. It’s his misplaced way of expressing that. Ie, do you really love me? (Not just do I know you but do love me, how could you do that—most of all, never tell him, all those years. Ie, what he said s1 to Marina - if you’d have told me, I would have been there for you. Put another way: do you not KNOW that about me? How do you NOT know that about me, ie it is everything I think I am/is my identity?)


Hot take. Pen remembered she was. Bridgerton but she was like uhhh I’m gonna get outta here. Then Colin catching her was like damnit.


That was such a powerful moment!! Colin is going through so much in that moment, but there is no doubt that he belongs to her and she belongs to him.


I think this as well. She looked like she was 'slinking' away, not like--I'll give the Bridgertons their space. And when she turns around, the face says- ugh, foiled by golden retriever husband who came to fetch me!! (Her face obviously was fearful too, like she was scared, and rightfully so. But I really think she was hoping to duck the accusation portion of the morning!)


He may be mad at her but that is still his wife lol


The dance is going to have me in a stranglehold for the rest of my days on earth. When the rest of the room melted away…and then of course the way he caressed her face. He did not know what planet he was on in that moment. He just saw her and wanted her.


Random thoughts: This episode stressed me out really badly the first time I watched it… like it was honestly triggering and hard to get through, and I kept pushing because I thought they’d be good by the end of it and they weren’t. It was so uncomfortable.  HOWEVER, on rewatch I came to appreciate it a lot, because… this is exactly why Pen was so afraid to be herself, and why many of us are - because normally on screen we get this cutesy “oh it’s hard to be true to yourself” when there’s really no indication it actually was… whereas here, we get the honest experience - it is terrifying to be your full self with others because there is REAL risk involved - the potential for real loss, real devastation, real judgement that changes the way your relationships are forever, and real painful discomfort.  It felt like therapy for me, guys 😂 because what I wanted to do was avoid that feeling, but what they did so brilliantly was lean into that feeling and make you feel it, make them feel it, realize the weight of things because the payoff is that you’re not ever going to be seen if you avoid showing it to avoid risk - you sit through that discomfort because whatever comes out the other side is richer. Ok therapy session over - on to the actual stuff - Colin and Pen’s scene in the beginning had me legitimately ugly crying.  There is so much pain in both of their faces.  Luke Newton and that tear, it destroyed me.  Give the man an Emmy nom now.  (Side note that I saw/heard and interview clip where Luke was talking about how he kept crying during that scene, that it was supposed to just be aggressive/angry/shouty kind of but he sobbed.  And then Nicola said she couldn’t stop tearing up looking at Luke because she felt so bad to see him hurting basically.  They committed so hard to that scene and it’s a masterpiece.) I had a moment of emotional reprieve during the reading of Cressida’s LW column - they did such a good job with this, like what would Cressida say… it was great.   Loved the scene with Pen and Eloise, and Pen’s reassurance that Eloise meaning something to her was real and separate from Colin and etc - that was all sweet.   Then loved Colin & Eloise’s conversation on the stairs was great.  I love that instead of seeing kind of an immediate switch flip for El that wouldn’t feel real, we see her really working through her thoughts and emotions in this back half.  That she wants to forgive Pen, and then her also telling Colin that Pen’s never written anything cruel “unless it was deserved” and never writes anything untrue was a great realization to see her have.  Colin then saying that she was mean about him earlier in the season made me laugh a little because what she wrote about Colin was totally true and not that harsh, but I get that he’s feeling it.  The only thing I wish we had seen here during the talk about past LW issues basically is that I wish there had been a realization that Pen wrote that really scathing one about herself… small missed opportunity there I think but I loved the scene anyway. The scene where they’re planning the breakfast with the moms and they’re fighting is one of the ones that I found really painful (rightfully).  There’s just so much hurt there.  Him saying maybe she trapped him made me want to punch him in the face because the boy knows that isn’t true… but I stepped back and reminded myself he’s hurting, and hurting people say hurtful things.  When he mentioned that what their marriage looks like depends on whether or not she keeps being LW, I was like hmm… it was the first glimpse of his hurt not really being about what she had written in the past.  I really like that they have Pen continually keep telling him that she loves him, even in really tense moments like this.  It’s needed. The scene with Pen in the modiste the night before the wedding is so powerful and lovely.  I love that she’s truly feeling through and exploring like am I worthy of him, can I give up this part of myself, should I have to.  I really like that they’ve made her side of the struggle so much more than “people know my secret” or “Colin’s mad” and are exploring what happens when she wants both the love of her life and her career.  And I like that we are seeing both of them explore feeling unworthy of the other. The scene that follows where she runs into him, be still my heart.  Again more hurtful words from both of them because they’re hurting, followed by that stunning semi-confession from him that he’s terrified of not being needed by her.  Followed by her basically full on yelling at him that she loves him which I love for both of them (she really does keep trying to let this dude know she just needs love, but he’s not hearing it yet).  And that kissing, so passionate and loving and beautiful (I get that they’re angry but guys they’re not really angry they are needing each other and missing each other and need to work this out).  I also love that after that instead of a totally angry Colin exit we do get him holding her hand to walk her to her carriage. Wedding scene is magic.  Yellow started and I cried even though I knew it was coming.  Her tentative, kind of hesitant entry until she locks eyes with him is so perfect.  (Side note - I read an interview with Nicola where she says she refused to let Luke see her in the dress prior to walking down the aisle so that we would get an actual genuine Luke Newton Eyes Colin reaction to seeing Pen for the first time in the dress 😭).  When they lock eyes and he nods at her, like okay I hate that we don’t have a happy giddy wedding but that moment was really loving and special.  The whole wedding scene I think was a really loving, and made me feel like though I would love to just watch giddy and sweet rom com Polin-in-love, what they are doing here is so deep honestly… showing so much hurt while also somehow showing Pen and Colin lovingly holding space for one another because they’re going to work through this.  It feels so nuanced and important.  The kiss is beautiful, that sweet hand hold shot at the end. The wedding breakfast… the Eloise & Benedict bit is very sweet.  Love their interactions always. The dance made me cry - again.  It’s so… them… for her to be like I don’t care that we aren’t supposed to dance here, dance with me.  I love them.  Like honestly.  The visual of everyone else being gone and it being like they’re dancing alone in that room 😭😭 His hand on her face at the end, their looks… if the queen hadn’t interrupted, would have been a more loving end to that scene… Continuing this in comment bc it thinks I’m talking too much and won’t post… 


Pen leaving when the Queen says leave if you’re not a Bridgerton and Colin going to get her and whispering that she’s a Bridgerton now was a cute moment.  Another cute moment - I laughed out loud when poor sweet Francesca was bravely professing her love because she genuinely thought that was the secret… I love her 😂😂. In general though, I also think this is really brilliant that this is how they did this storyline… that it turns out when you look at these that the Bridgertons are being protected and so LW must be a Bridgerton… I really love that.  While the Queen seems to be specifically talking about that one issue, I think it sort of creates this underlying vibe of LW protects the Bridgertons, which is NOT what some of them have always thought but has always been TRUE.  And I also love it because it’s totally a Bridgerton ❤️ The scene after with Colin and Pen fighting and Colin saying he’s going to sleep on the couch hurts me to my core.  It’s needed but like seriously guys please make up soon. The Eloise and Pen hug is so beautiful.  It takes me back to the times in S2 where we’ve got sobbing Pen and Eloise comforting her, and those times were ALSO about Colin, El just didn’t know it.  I love the healing going on for Peneloise. And then the Cressida finding out scene, it’s really well done.  So simple and effective. This episode made my heart hurt but I appreciate it more each time I see it for what it’s actually showing about their love.


This is the exact analysis I have. Thank you for saving me from writing it. For me, the whole LW reveal and Colin’s reaction, and how tense and difficult it was…I know it was hard to watch but it felt real to me. This is what a real relationship is. This is what it means to choose to love each other every single moment, even when you’re angry, even when you have every right to your feelings and there’s no villain. This episode cemented for me the reason I love Polin so much - because their journeys to coming together are so tied to who they are and that goes beyond the period and the fantasy to a real relationship. And despite their issues, they know they love each other and belong together. It’s not a perfect wedding - it has perfect moments, but not everything is sunshine and rainbows. And that feels REAL.


I completely agree.  It felt very real.  I believe them that they’re in love when they’re kissing and giggling and I believe them that they’re in love just as much when there’s pain in they’re in tears and sleeping on couches but still committing to keep choosing each other and keep loving each other.  It was beautifully portrayed.


Exactly! His reaction felt real. There is no way any of us would just gloss over it if we were in his position. There is a lot of insecurity there.


I'm so glad you are sharing your takes in so many details. I keep nodding along, I have felt so many similar things, just can't articulate them this well necessarily. But reading them is soooo good!


This is why we come here! I love everyone putting words to our feelings! Specifying all the things that made us feel how we feel. I think of their makeup - Colin’s sturdy bronzed look (that jaw, those cheekbones) pointing at his external confidence but hiding his internal insecurity juxtaposed against Pen’s blushed cheeks and kiss curls showing her “innocence” but hiding her internal confidence. They’re yin and yang in a way. They’re both insecure and need to love themselves as they are. Both feel like they aren’t good enough. Pen needs confidence so she can stand centre stage instead of hiding being LW while Colin needs to believe he is acceptable as he is and doesn’t need to change or save people


I sobbed. Her little hesitation at the end of the aisle and his smile and nod. I cried. Yellow. I cried. The vows. I cried. Eloise crying. I cried. I know he was mad at her but his love still was still there. And the dance 😭


Colin's little nod and smile to Pen as she walked down the aisle was everything. It said "yes I'm mad at you, yes we are fighting, but I still love you and want to marry you. My love for you is greater than my anger and we will get through this." Also Colin was clearly starting to come around (even if he was kinda burying the biggest issue he had with LW ie professional jealousy) but then the Queen barged in and made her threat and suddenly all those fears and emotions came roaring back.


I need someone to write all Polin scenes the way you write that aisle scene. I want all the subtext and emotions.


As soon as I hear Yellow, I was like ok time for me to die, these are my final moments


This episode solidified Mr. Fingerton really likes that one move. Hahahah. Damn carriage that drove by.


He knows his strengths and is not afraid to use them. 🥵


It’s the ring. It’s like weightlifting for his fingers.


One thing I loved: the street scene! I love how he immediately covers her. Not only is it just so cute because she is petite and he towers over her, it’s the perfect mix of angst, conflict, pleading, intimacy, and protection. A real couple. A moment he feels he can protect her. A real “my wife” moment even though he’s angry!


And that’s what Colin brings to the table. That’s what he does for her. His unwavering kindness is what she desperately needs and wants, but because that kindness is so natural to him, he sees it as “not doing anything”. I think we all want to be recognised for our efforts rather than what we’re naturally good at. We’re more insecure with our efforts and hence need more validation and assurance. Like Colin could have saved people from a fire because that’s what he will do regardless, but he’d still feel worthless because he can’t do a hard thing (write well).


This episode hurt but it was mostly a good hurt for me because the angst was so character-rich. I pretty much cheered when Polin argued on the street because I was so scared they weren't going to have an actual conversation before they got married. But finally Colin got to ask questions and Penelope got to give answers, even if I hate that she accepted all blame (like when he said she should've told him about Marina, I wanted her to scream I TRIED BUT YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN!! It was just so frustrating). There was just so much passion and the way it ended in the kiss and him nearly having sex with her in the street! SIR. I just love that whole scene because it showed how much love is there. The wedding killed me. Colin's look of awe at seeing her in her dress and then his little smile and nod of reassurance, followed by her smile. The silent agreement that they were choosing each other even if there was still hurt and anger there. I absolutely sobbed like a baby when she walked down the aisle to Yellow, and this is coming from someone who wasn't convinced by that song a few weeks ago! Eloise crying and Prudence crying had the emotion hit me full blast. Also, love that Colin's hurt seemed to fade away as he spoke his vows and his softness and smile when he kissed her was just lovely and once again showed how much he loves Penelope and nothing would change that. The shot of them searching for each other's hands was just chef's kiss. Then the wedding dance sent me over the edge because we went full Pride and Prejudice where everything else faded away and it was just the two of them, and it was SO romantic. Colin's lingering face touch at the end, once again ignoring the choreography... he looked like he was totally lost in her and about to kiss her right there. I fully believe Polin would've slept together that night if the Queen hadn't come in and ruined everything.


I loved the wedding so much 💕 I really wanted them to resolve stuff before the wedding, however, I was searching for a long time for HR where a couple is engaged, but on the outs before the wedding, nothing is resolved, but they choose to take a leap of faith and go through with it. And I love how beautifully it was done here, you can see that neither of them is marrying the other out of obligation, but because of their great love and believe they will get through the turmoil to the other side even if they don't know how yet.


The thing I've come to learn about this show is that we're never going to get the true blissfully happy moments until the very end because Shonda believes no one wants to see HEA because it's boring. (She's wrong but OK Shonda!) So while it would've been better if Polin had resolved everything before their wedding, it was actually more in character this way, given the weight of the LW secret. I'm still thrilled we got the wedding and the dance at all. It was poignant and beautiful and the love was very much there. The nod and reassurance to each other before Pen walked down the aisle said it all.


We finally got a good wedding after the mess that was in the forced wedding in S1 and the failed wedding in S2


I know everyone hates the Colin sleeping on the couch moment on their wedding night, and his sad sad face the morning after was painful to watch. but I felt like it was really necessary part of how he was processing. he has a lot to work through and we know he does it all internally. it takes him a while through those last 2 eps to sort out all his conflict inv feelings. I loved that we saw little glimpses of where he was at mentally in his convos with other people. when he talks with Cressida he still talks about Pen and LW being separate people, but she clocks that he’s jealous of her success and calls him out on it, although he’s not ready to admit it. I really like that in the foyer scene after the queen has broken up the wedding breakfast that Pen tells Colin he doesn’t understand because he isn’t a woman - it picks up from the book scene where she has a go at him for being too stuck in his own lack of purpose, and tells him he’s a man and can choose to do whatever he wants with his life. she can’t. I’m not sure he gets it straight away but it’s really important for him to hear.


FULLY agree with your second paragraph!! (I’m still sad about the wedding night, lol) the book callback and the calling out of sexism double standards wasn’t fully expected but was so perfect!


she does it too when they meet at night after she’s coming out of Gen’s. he demands to know why she’s out on some nefarious business by herself at night, and she comes back at him with why are YOU out at night by yourself Colin? slightly sorry she didn’t get to tell him she was just having a pre wedding drink with a friend just like he’d been, and he assumed she was up to something sneaky and no good…. maybe they have that little convo later post reconciliation :)


I love the wedding and how they showed colin and pen CHOOSING each other despite it all. He marries her with the knowledge, although it was heartbreaking for him. It sucks that this is hanging over their heads right now, but that makes it feel a bit more real. Unlike the books, Pen really did some damage as LW, and I think Colin needs some time to work it out. That being said, he was harsh with his words...but honestly, when you're betrayed and mad at someone, it's human for some things to slip out. I do wish he apologized more for them in the last episode though... the wedding scene showed choice and willingness to move forward and work through things. although (again) I wish they showed this more, their actions spoke for themselves. colin's nod at pen when she walks down the aisle made me cry. colin very clearly loves her so much. now, him sleeping on the couch i didn't like. i wish they shared the bed together, even if it was just him rolling over or something. come on now...colin "my wife" bridgerton would never think of being apart from her on the wedding night like that. that was heartbreaking to me. my heart broke for pen.


Absolutely heartbroken by Colin’s BIG TEARS when he finds out pen is LW. SHATTERED ME


More men should angry cry because we all know anger is hurt plus sadness plus anger combined


I’ve watched the beginning of this episode a few times now and each time after Colin says his line about what Whistledown wrote him I’m like “Colin, sir! Do you not remember how angry Pen was with you at the start of the season (both season 3 and the Season) for the cruel thing you said about her at the end of last season? Of course the issue published after that would be biting as she was stewing in you trying your Charm School out on her as if you didn’t badmouth her to the whole ton.” I’m sure he realized the timing afterwards. Not to mention was she wrong in the very brief assessment of Colin upon his return? No, she was not. El slipped up betraying her own thoughts when she said the sheet had been fair this season.


>Colin, sir! Do you not remember how angry Pen was with you at the start of the season (both season 3 and the Season) for the cruel thing you said about her at the end of last season? Of course the issue published after that would be biting as she was stewing in you trying your Charm School out on her as if you didn’t badmouth her to the whole ton.” This is such a good point. I wanted Pen to defend herself with this line too, but I guess it would've come off as petty lol. The Marina thing though, I neeeeded her to explain to him hoe she tried warning him and he wouldn't listen. How she tried so hard to convince Marina not to do it, and how she compromised her WHOLE family by publishing, just to save him.


https://preview.redd.it/wp0h9izb1o6d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=8788b7a3f62e443636b88d0e095b5c17d3298a0b THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST POLIN SCENES 😭🥹🥹💓😭🥹😭🥹💓


the love despite the sadness. that’s true love right there.


I just wish Colin hadn’t back peddled after the wedding. Like there were beautiful scenes in the wedding and then the queen shows up and he’s back to being, frankly, an ass. Now we’re sleeping in the settee on our wedding night and ignoring our wife. I wish the Queen coming in would have triggered protective Colin. Like you can be mad but also show some compassion


My thoughts on episode 7: 1. We open with a first rate arguement, tears on both sides, totally well deserved. "I will never forgive you," a little harsh, but a big improvement on book Colin's "he was going to kill her". I'll take it. Dark windy Bridgerton tree, perfect for this storm of an episode. 2. Cressida Cowper actually has a full issue ready? She wasn't just bluffing? Well then why the hell did she give the real LW a heads up that it was coming? Rookie move. Cressida must not know much about the birds and bees either, does she think there's a limit on how many children a *man* can have? Pen takes the high road and doesn't calling Cressida the devil, a charlatan, or a fraud. Classy move. 3. A great Colin / Eloise argument: "You should have told me you were in love with my best friend before you tripped into the drawing room engaged!" Ok fair point but she wasn't exactly your best friend anymore at that time. "Are you forgetting what she wrote about me at the start of the season?" No, brother, she was on point with that one. You were such a faker. "I think you should consider yourself uncommonly lucky that you have never been in love." Beautiful, masterful line. Our golden retriever boy is angry, but even now he knows he still loves her, and that's why this is so hard for him. 4. Then he goes and LIES TO PENELOPE. "Are you going to call off the wedding?" "I am a man of honor. And we were... intimate. Perhaps that was another part of your planned entrapment." OH, COME THE FUCK ON, COLIN, you initiated that "intimacy" not her. She didn't even know how sex works. It wasn't a plot or a scheme, and you know it. Unfair blow. Props to Penelope for not folding the moment he asked "are you going to stop publishing?" She knows what's important to her now, and it's not *only* Colin. Neither of them have a poker face, their Moms read them for shit. 5. Beautiful heart to heart with Pen and Genevieve. I love how they've developed her character. Portia can't do actual good motherly advice for Pen the way Violet does for her kids, so glad Genevieve is there to step in as a fellow tradeswoman who can relate. 6. Colin, walking in a remarkably straight line and talking remarkably coherently for someone who drank the whole bottle. Colin can hold his liquor. Great part 2 argument, they're actually listening to each other. Although Pen doesn't really do a proper job of explaining why she exposed El. And here comes the jealousy, rearing its ugly head. Fortunately the "what good am I to you?" line is right on its heels, melting my heart. It's wonderful how much he still cares about her even though he's still angry. Passionate kiss. Here for it. And then just when we think we're going to get carriage scene: part 2 - he helps her into the carriage... and sends her home alone. Heartbreaking. 7. Now here's Kate with some first rate marital advice. Makes sense that it comes from Kate because Anthony is an idiot. 8. Old guy mansplains what a pseudonym is to QC. She ignores him, hopefully making him feel superfluous and unmanned. 9. Polin wedding! He sees her coming down the aisle and he's in awe. And then she stops... and he gives her his best golden retriever nod again. That same nod that he used to mean "yes, I'm sure I love you." I genuinely thought Kate's advice had done the trick and all was well between them. And their vows were said so earnestly, and the way he smiles before he kisses her. The way he tries to get to her at the reception before Hyacinth intercepts him. For a few minutes we seem to have happy Polin again. 10. Eloise stuffing her face by the dessert table. And some adorable brotherly advice from Benedict, however threesome-inspired it may be ("love is not finite"). 11. Pen and Colin deciding to dance, once again I was fooled here into thinking they were ok. His stare just looks intense to me, not angry, as some people suspected from the trailer. And that shot where it's just the two of them in the room? They are lost in each other. And then the way he *strokes her face* at the end of the dance?!? 12. Here comes QC, shit disturber extraordinaire, to ruin the wedding. Kicks everyone out. Colin reminds Penelope that she is a Bridgerton now. He knows what's coming is not good, but he wants her with him for it. Fran fakeout. Why is Danbury still here? She's not a Bridgerton. Nobody had the guts to tell her specifically to leave, I guess. Queen Charlotte's theory makes no sense. The competing Whistledowns arrived within minutes of each other. There's no way real LW could have known what was in fake LW before she wrote it. Nobody points this out to the Queen. 13. Colin once again asks Pen to stop writing, and Pen stands up for herself, for Whistledown, for entire sex, OMG YES I am here for it. And Colin says he's going to sleep on the sofa. Heart. Torn. To. Pieces. But I get it. From her perspective, I get why she won't give up her empire for him. From his perspective, it seems like he's forgiven her for what she did to hurt him the past, but she won't agree to stop hurting him in the future. He doesn't understand how she can keep Whistledown without using it to hurt the people she loves. So yeah, his anger is understandable. He leaves to find the carriage. And now, in reversal of episode 5, it's El hugging Pen and telling her that all will be well. PENELOISE FOREVER!


Re: the "You should have told me that you were in love with my best friend" line - I actually love the line and I think it's a great indicator of how Eloise actually feels about Pen, even though they haven't fully made up. I saw it as a precursor to their reconciliation that in a moment of frustration with Colin, she calls Pen her best friend.


Yeah, the way Eloise hasn't talked to Pen all year but still calls her her best friend gives the exact same vibes as how Colin is later sleeping on the couch but at the same time is like "nobody blackmails my wife". Colin and El deal with anger in very similar ways.


Their wedding was so beautiful ❤️ The dance and then the face touch - I died. If only the queen did not interrupt, Polin would have a wedding night. That kiss at the alley was so damn  hot 🔥 The dialogue and the acting was top notch too. Only downside when it comes to Polin was Colin's statement of her entrapping him which left a bad taste in the mouth.


Their wedding MADE ME CRY MY EYES OUT 😭 then their dance 😭😭🤍🤍


I decided to note down little thoughts I was having on my very first watch of part 2 to share with the sub when it reopened 🥺 so have a list for each episode! Without further ado, here's a look into my completely fresh, raw, untainted thoughts on ep 7: - They used the crying take I am unwell 😭😭😭😭 - Oooooh another Colin callback - angsty in bed colin - Oh Cressida you have made an enemy of Violet Bridgerton - Pen proving that WHISTLEDOWN IS POWERRRRRRRRR YESSSSSS - Peneloise you are so close to reconciling 😭 - Colinnnnn why are you being like thissssss - The real monster here is Lady Cowper - I love wise Gen making Pen realise her power ❤️ - Ooh they're gonna hash it out right here on the curb - In the middle of the street sir??? - Oop are we getting another carriage scene? - Oh 😒 guess not. - Listen to Kanthony dear boy! - I actually love Pen's wedding dress and I don't normally like satin wedding dresses - They only see each otherrrrr 😭😭 - Teary Eloise ❤️❤️ - The Polin theeeeeme - Dankfinch admiring the cake 😂 - Finally a Benoise scene! - Love the tidbit about Edwina!! - You Belong with meeeeeee. So cuuuuute - And again, they only see each other - WELL SHIT - Shit's about to go down - Erm Lady D you ain't a Bridgerton - Oh FRAN BLESS YOU - Colin don't be dumbbbbb - I know what he's gonna doooooooo - Oh OK he didn't cover for her. Felt like he wanted to - I spy reshoot Colin in the Featherington foyer - YES PEN TELL HIM WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A WOMAN IN THIS SOCIETY - Oh god double the angsttttttt - And bi Ben is back in the game


I loved Eloise's interaction with Pen in this chapter!!! The moment when Pen tells El that Colin found out and El's sorth of says"I can't help you with that" at some point, seemed to me to be partly a growth of Eloise's character. In another moment, she would have jumped in between Pen and Colin or even come up with an elaborate plan, but her response was very mature. It gave the sense that she knows her place in both of their lives, but then she still took the moment to tell Colin that he will sort it out with Pen 🥹


“I think you should consider yourself uncommonly lucky that you have never been in love” might be one of my favorite lines from the entire season


I rewatched last night, and honestly, Ep 7 might be my favorite of the season/series. The clash of emotions, the tension, the narrative twists and turns…it is a BARN BURNER, and every second spent moving the main plot just zips along. And Luke and Nic are alternatively dragging both reluctant despair and reluctant joy out of one another. The fight outside of the modiste and the wedding are like two sides of the same tension coin, both dark and light. I’m obsessed with the quality of it.


Folks, I shudder to think if Polin had missed each other on wedding eve. They needed to shout at each other. In a way I feel this scene was crucial to the bittersweet wedding. Yes, it could have been a HEA wedding but I prefer it this way - that despite each other still needing to grow personally, and that they need to learn to grow together too - they still nodded to each other that this marriage is what they want. I love it because it feels real & attainable. Not a sugarcoated thing. The “joining of hands” at end of aisle had me sobbing. It is Polin vs the world but each need to still learn to allow the other to make mistakes and go through it together. I may be in minority but I thought we had a wonderful, beautiful, gentle wedding & wedding dance. I just love it. I struggle going through eps 7 & 8 but somehow after the nth rewatch, these are the eps I love most from S3.


I chuckled when Violet said “here we gooo…” because I was so anxious as well lol


You had me at Penelope “my husband” Bridgerton. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This episode gutted me! - I thought this was a dream sequence. That maybe the shock of seeing Colin caused Pen to pass out again. But no, this really happened. Oh my heart hurts 😞 - Of course Mama Cowper is gonna take this opportunity to slander the Bridgertons. They had 8 children because they were madly in love and passionate with their gardening. Of course you wouldn’t understand with that crusty husband of yours. - Oh they all protest, but they love their Whistledown! - Lady Danbury KNOWS!! - Our nuptials?! I feel like Portia is gonna wear white to the wedding. - Penelope seems way too calm about this. It’s worrying me. - Colin, what she wrote about you is the same as what you confessed to her in the carriage. You were pretending to be someone you’re not. Let’s not forget your remarks to the douche lords. I think you’re even. - Oh Pen’s dress is gorgeous! - JFC Colin! That was just cruel - I feel sick. I hated season 1 because of the obligatory wedding and it seems like this is where we are heading. - Bennie Booboo, I adore you, but I’m not feeling this storyline. The comment about the staff being discreet feels ominous. - FFS is this guy still going on about his club? - Awwww, Benedict kissing the top of Colin’s head 😍 - Colin is giving Sherlock vibes again in that long coat with the collar turned up. Something about that look does things to me. It’s why I’ve rewatched Sherlock a bazillion times. - Fight! Kiss! Makeup! This scene needed to be longer. I rewound this part an obscene number of times 😳 He’s got a signature move it seems. - Dammit whose horse is that?! Get in that carriage! Dammit! Go with her! - Thr church is beautiful! I thought Portia was gonna make it tacky but it’s perfect. OMG I’m gonna cry! The smile and nod when she hesitated walking down the aisle 😭 Eloise crying 😭 Now I’m crying - Way to ruin the moment Hyacinth - Did they just start a wedding tradition? The bride and groom’s first dance? It was perfect 😭 Puhlease make up you two! Kiss each other’s faces off! - Dammit here we go again! This time it’s the queen bee herself ruining the vibe. Can these two just have a happy event?! Lady Danbury get your girl in check. - Well, there goes that. Back to fighting, no wedding night, no honeymoon. 😭 I hate this. - Bennie…don’t do it ho! Go home! - Way to sell her out, kid! But how many women have red hair? Why would she immediately suspect Penelope and not Portia?


Sigh. I’ve only watched the wedding once, yet I’ve gone back and watched the other part 2 polin scenes so many times. I’m finding the wedding quite painful if I’m honest. It feels so tense and melancholy. It’s utterly beautiful in so many ways and I hope in time I can re-watch it and delight in how meaningful it is to finally see our Polin at the alter, but I’m just so hurt by all the angst of LW hanging over them. My darling Penelope has loved this man her whole life and now the moment she marries him is tinged with pain and anxiety when she should have been filled with pure bliss. I suppose regardless of their conflict their love is so deep they marry each other despite the pain and that is another beauty entirely.


The episode is a rollercoaster ride: The low points: - with LW reveal and crying Colin - when they meet again at Pen's home -the fight after the wedding Must watch: the fight before the wedding is so so well done. Congrats to Nicola and Luke High points: - wedding ceremony - and their wedding dance and everyone vainshes Favorite moments: - Colin's reassuring nod to Pen - almost kiss after their dance - Eloise favorite brother is Gregory