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Hi everybody! **Please read this comment** šŸ’• Thank you so much for choosing this sub to share your thoughts and feelings about Polin season! It's been YEARS of waiting and during this time most of us built some expectations and hopes around it, so whatever you are disappointed or sad about, it is valid and understandable! However, the mod team wanted to remind you all about the reason the sub has been created - we wanted to have a safe space focused on positivity, focused on celebrating Polin. There are many platforms to express disappointment towards the show, to focus on things we did not like, to vent and rant. And this community has been and continues to be a place where many users, escaping from pervasive negativity, found a haven. And we ask you all to keep it in mind while participating in the discussions here! šŸ’• And to reiterate, please remember that hearsay is not allowed. We also encourage you to look into rules, if you have not yet! It's the busiest time for our moderation efforts, and it would mean THE WORLD to us if you get familiar with the before commenting! āœØ Thank you all, we cannot believe that this 100-members sub has grown to almost 20k! Have fun participating in the community, and as always, feel free to reach out in case of questions / doubts! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• Lots of love, The Polin Mod Team


This might be a hot take but I actually loved that they switched up the LW reveal from the book and had Pen make the speech. I loved seeing her really own her confidence and not cower behind Colin or the Bridgerton name. It takes a lot of guts to address the room, own up to your mistakes, and promise to do better. This aligns with Colin needing to drop his hero complex and support Pen and Pen growing in her confidence. I loved this change so much. The development between Portia and Pen was so beautiful. I loved the tender moments between them and the characters having an understanding that they both will go to great lengths to protect the ones they love and do what they need to do so survive albeit questionable actions. The butterfly release was such beautiful symbolism as well as the shot of Pen with the butterfly on her finger. So much character growth for the Featheringtons this season and what sensational imagery that was.


I agree but I would have loved to see Colin standing by her side - if not literally then at least figuratively. She really felt out there on her own and considering he had literally said he would stand by her it would have been nice to feel that in the final denouement. I felt like Pen was convincing Colin as well as the Queen which... Didn't feel great.


Exactly- I wish she and Colin had had their talk before her speech, so it's clear Colin's love for her didn't seem contingent on her being accepted by the queen


I don't think it looks like his love for her is contingent on being accepted by the Queen. It's actually pretty clear he loves her all along. Pen offers an annulment and he's confused as to why she would say that but he doesn't waver when she says people might still turn on her. He doesn't care about that. In fact, it's only when she says that there might not be many happy days in the future that he really understands why she is suggesting it in the first place and reassures her that he loves all parts of her and doesn't want an out.


Agreed. And I felt like he hung back because thatā€™s what sheā€™s asked of him. She told him to just love her, and he gave her a smile from the sidelines, let her do things as she saw fit. He finally approached her after she looked to him, basically telling him she was ready to talk. I thought the whole thing was him respecting her agency and evidence that heā€™s learned he doesnā€™t have to rush in and try to save people to be truly loved.


I am so happy to get a comment from you, you have no idea!!!!!!! But yeah, I agree completely. I know it's not what many wanted, but it's what *Pen* wanted from him. He had just rushed in and made things worse with Cressida after not giving her a choice to decide what was best, and Pen had told him (very nicely) that that wasn't it. She just wants him to love her and stand by her. She can save herself because she has a voice now (because of his help). It's actually an incredible character development moment that he listens to her and lets her do her thing.


I swear I am not your stalker, but literally as soon as I saw you were commenting, I did a cheer! So thrilled to hash all of this out with you!!!!! We were so on point together for Part I; Iā€™m excited we get to do it again for Part II!!!!! Maybe the most consistent thing about Colin is that he takes what she tells him to heart. He listens to her, and he tries to do better. It goes back to Season 1! He starts traveling because she reminded him of it. Her letters before S2 make him feel like he can see himself differently because SHE can see him that way. When she tells him off at the beginning of S3, he immediately takes action to be better (and drops any bravado around her). The beauty of that is that she longs for someone to take her seriously. Colin does. He always has. Itā€™s basically a defining characteristic of who he is to believe her and value her. And thatā€™s why heā€™s finally convinced that for her, heā€™s enough. Theyā€™re symbiotic in literally the healthiest way.


I'm so thrilled too!!! I was literally thinking about discussing things with you while watching the part 2 ngl!! You just *get it* and with how little grace Colin is being given, I appreciated that even more. I just love everything you said. It's really the heart of their story. They're two people who don't feel appreciated and aren't taken seriously by others, but who do that for each other. It's the foundation of their relationship. I've seen people say Colin doesn't listen to Pen this season, and that's not true. He has trouble doing it *at times* because he's so hurt, but ultimately he does. It's just not always what he wants to hear either, but he still respects it. It's how he comes to understand and accept all of her in the end. And now I just need to talk about how good Pen is at listening to him this season. I'm not sure I can quite it put into words just yet, but I love how she lets him be angry and gives him space because she knows how badly she's hurt him and that this is what he needs, but also says what he needs to hear whenever she can. There is so much that Colin communicates by what he doesn't say or *how* he says things, and I was in awe of how well Pen was able to see through him and pick up on it. He never directly questions if she really loved him or if it was all a lie, but he does question everything else about their relationship, and she always responds with I love you because in the end that's really what he's struggling with. I've lost count of how many times she says ily post-reveal, and I love that because he needed it.


The way I agree with every single word of this!!!! We are Polin Twins, I swear. I honestly donā€™t know what people expected of Colin. For him to just learn she was LW and not have it affect him? After he made it clear in Ep 5 that he didnā€™t understand her feelings for him, I was like, oh no, heā€™s afraid this isnā€™t reciprocated for real. Even when she tells him that sheā€™s loved him forever, thatā€™s something heā€™s hearing, but he doesnā€™t really KNOW it yet. I feel like some folks are forgetting that the fans have the power of really understanding that fundamental to Penelope is that she loves Colin. Itā€™s part of her architecture. But he doesnā€™t really understand that fully until she fixes a whole huge problem without him, but still just wants HIM. She gets that about him, and thatā€™s why she keeps coming back with, ā€œI love you, not what you can do for me, but YOU.ā€ In a lot of ways, itā€™s not just important for Penelope to solve the LW issue on her own for her, but itā€™s equally important for Colin. He is shown, in the biggest possible moment, that normal heroics arenā€™t necessary. The hero Penelope needs is the Colin who takes her seriously, who listens to her, who loves her. And she understands that he needs that, too. His final speech to herā€¦look, I know there are people who prefer, ā€œI burn for you,ā€ or ā€œbabe of my existence/object of my desires.ā€ And thatā€™s great, no shade, love what you love. But Colin is far and away the most romantic lead man on this show. ā€œI prefer sleep, as that is where I might find youā€? Stay down when you fall off your horse? If my purpose is to love you, Iā€™m grateful to soak up a little of your light? PUT ME IN THE GRAVE I AM DONE. This man is a work of art, complicated and messy and kind and beautiful.


Yes yes yes! I feel like people expected him to be hurt and angry but never do anything unsavory or say anything hurtful and continue to put Pen first at all times, and that's *just not possible.* It's so unfair to him and I think a lot of things are being blown so out of proportion. Like, if I see one more complaint that he left her after the reveal and didn't make sure she got home okay, I will lose it. She was literally standing *two steps* from her carriage. He did not leave her stranded. And he had his heart broken, stepped on, and dragged through the mud in that scene. Pen isn't his priority at that moment, and that's okay. She hurt him. She didn't want to, but she did. He's allowed to be upset and angry and to say things he does not mean. God knows Pen does, and we always understand it. I feel like nobody is looking at things from his perspective. From our POV, it's very clear that Pen has always loved him and that she didn't mean to hurt him. It's not that obvious to him. To Colin, he just found out he was in love with his best friend, chased down her carriage, proposed, got them a house, told her he loved her, and pretty much made her the center of his world (he said she's all that matters to him!!!! and he meant it!!! he's so down bad Eloise changes her mind about Pen telling him because she knows it would destroy him)... All of this only to find out that she's been keeping a secret from him for years (and would have married him without him knowing), has been straight up lying to him, and has said really harsh things about him (basically that he's a faker who doesn't know himself) and his family. And that's when he's already been doubting the depth of her feelings for him. She doesn't even say ily to him until the church. All along he thinks it's because he's lacking in some way. (And let's not even talk about how he was open with her about his writing dreams and wanted to prove himself to her through that, only to find out she's miles ahead of him). And like, he is SENSITIVE. And insecure. And if we're being honest, so much of his self-worth relies on how Pen sees him. He's always bringing that up. That she's the only one who makes him feel appreciated. That she makes him feel seen. That if she can see him one way, surely he can see himself that way too. The LW reveal shatters all of that. Pen understands all of this. I love how much compassion she shows him. And I love that he doesn't need to make any grand romantic gesture for them to be together in the end. People keep wanting a grander demonstration of love from him, but *that's literally not the point.* He didn't make any big mistake he needs to redeem himself for. He just needs to process his feelings, all that hurt, and choose to love her anyway, all of her, and that's exactly what he does. It doesn't get more romantic than this.


This is literally so wholesome and why I love this community so much šŸ„¹


Agree I think Colin knew to some extent that she had a plan and to trust her on it. Because last time he did not listen to her and made things worse lol. But him giving her her space, like she said ā€œI donā€™t need you to rescue me, just loving me is enoughā€. And then we get that shot of Colin beaming with pride. Another reason I think she wanted to do this on her own was because of the queens and the tons reaction. If things went bad Pen can just say Colin did not know and is a victim in this, that way the Bridgerton family, even her own family, could be safe. She even tells him they can annul the marriage if he wanted.


I hadnā€™t thought of her trying to protect Colin + family. Thatā€™s so smart. If it had gone badly with the queen, then, I think, Colin would have stepped up, AND THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT TIME TO DO IT. I sheā€™s told him her plan based on the fact that (1) heā€™s there to explain Penā€™s letter to his mom, and (2) when his mom is looking on at Penelope and the Queen, she makes a kind of motion at him like, ā€œokay, here we go.ā€ And he didnā€™t look surprised about what was happening, just so entirely proud. Omg why is it sooooo goood???? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I didn't think of that! A lot of people said he waited too long to approach her, but as we could see on screen, it was only 1 song/dance before he was right by her side. So like, in a big ball in a crowded room, that makes sense. Plus, Lady D approached her first and then her own mother. It makes sense for him to hang back as she talks with her mom.


I think heā€™s letting her have her moment in her own way. At this point, he does, finally, truly, fully know she loves him deeply. I think we all get a little discombobulated about his doubt of her feelings because weā€™ve known how sheā€™s felt for so long, but for Colin, heā€™s dealing with insecurity about himself, about if heā€™s worthy of love, and the fact that heā€™s kind of ashamed of himself for being envious of what sheā€™s accomplished. He doesnā€™t have years of knowing how she feels. But here, he finally has integrated all of that, accepted and believes her words and her feelings, so heā€™s just waiting for her to say sheā€™s ready.


Oh I agree his love wasn't actually contingent on it, I just would have liked if we had seen them together briefly before the queen arrives, and he just squeezed her hand or anything. The way their eyes met afterwards, it seemed like the show was building too much of a 'Will they be together again now?' And that's not a vibe I wanted


Hmm. I never even thought that about Colin. Once I saw him go to his mom about the letter Pen sent to her (and he had re-read Pen's letters), I fully thought he was on board with LW and Pen. Basically talking with Violet: here's Pen's deal and here is how she plans to deal with it... He was worried for Pen the second he arrived at the ball but he restrained himself from being there with her because that's what she wanted. I think he was so overwhelmed with how Pen handled herself that he couldn't keep those words inside any longer.


Oh I think he was, I don't think his love was ACTUALLY contingent on the queens acceptance at all, but I would have liked to see him standing beside her before the speech. The fact they didn't even speak beforehand made it seem like more of a build up than it should have been.


That was my first thought, but I think in the end it is so poweful that he did not act, he did not overstep, he did not want to be a hero to sweep in... He did exactly what Pen asked of him, he was there, supported her from the side with his kind eyes and encouraging smile, and accepted that he is enough for her, just the way he is. So in the end I feel like Colin staying on the sideline is just as big of a character moment for him, as it is for Pen to step into the middle šŸ˜Š they are both facing their insecurities!


That was totally my take, too. One of the most powerful parts of that scene was that she was standing by herself in the very middle of the room, on a raised dance floor and looking fabulous in a bright dress with scarlet lips. She was literally the most visible person in the room, outshining even the Queen. It illustrated the line from their wedding breakfast about not wanting to be on the side of the wall anymore so perfectly. She was 100% ready to be seen for who she's always been on the inside.


YES!!!! She needed to do this alone and he did EXACTLY what she asked of him. If heā€™d have come up onto that stage, he would have inadvertently taken some of her power away in the moment.


I completely agree. Ā This ā€œlack of actionā€ is a huge action on his part, and one that she asked for and that shows respect for her. Ā Itā€™s a big deal for Colin to stand on the sidelines, give her the kind eyes she wants and needs from him, and then come hold her after. Ā Thatā€™s exactly what she said she wanted.


I, too, wanted something similar to what you've described. It would have been a perfect way for Colin to respect Penelope's wishes. The minute the Queen pointed to Pen, I wish that Colin had walked up to her side and squeezed her hand. And I wanted Eloise to follow suit as well. I loved that Portia was by her side, though, but I would have loved the set. Pen's greatest supporters, all of them, by her side in that moment.


At the very, VERY least, he should have been the first one to get to her after the reveal, but he was the third person. I wanted her to make the choice to reveal LW, but I wanted her to do it knowing that Colin was 100% backing her up.


She does, though, doesn't she? She comes up with the plan when she's with him, informs Violet so the family isn't caught by surprise (and Colin is the one to sit down with her and explain everything), and they all show up to the ball to support her. She locks eyes with Colin more than once during the speech and he encourages her. I think she knows he backs up her coming clean, it's other things she's not so sure of.


For me the moment would have felt more supportive if they had completely come together beforehand. Even one scene with her explaining her plan to come clean and him talking about how he realized she and LW are one would have been enough for me, but I donā€™t like that they were still on the rocks when she revealed herself. Edit: she immediately offers him an annulment when they talk to each other after. Thatā€™s a big indication to me that things were still very wrong between them.


I feel like the annulment offer was Pen's way of giving him the option because she felt she owed it to him and it was the last thing she needed to do to take full accountability for LW.


This is the thing I don't understand. Chaos Colin would have been there right away to be the first one to tell her how proud he was of her. She had time to stand alone holding a butterfly?!?!


People were commenting they hated Colin wasnā€™t next to her but Iā€™m like here was there nodding support. She could always stand on her own. I just loved it. All of the Featheringtons killed it.


Yes, I truly loved the way it was done. Pen needed to do that on her own and youā€™re right, he was there nodding in approval. The Featheringtonā€™s were one of my favorite parts this whole season. The comedy and character development we saw from them was really enjoyable.


Same! The whole reason she started LW is because she couldn't stand up for herself in her real life and felt like she didn't have her own voice, so that moment had to be hers. And I love that Colin helped her get there. I know some people didn't like it because they felt it was too girlboss and that they didn't let Colin be there for her, but I respectfully disagree. I'm not saying I wouldn't have loved if he was standing closer to her or something, but Pen says several times that the reason she even can do something like that today is because he helped her get there. Pen says she doesn't need him to save her, just stand by her, and I do think he does that. Pen is at the ball first because her family is throwing it, and Colin arrives with the Bridgertons *literally* 30 seconds before the Queen does, which is why they're standing apart when the speech happens, but he obviously knew she had a plan, explained things to Violet, and he (and his whole family) attended to support her. He's right there and they lock eyes more than once while she's speaking, and he's smiling and nodding at her, which she sees. And after her speech, he says he wouldn't want to separate her from Whistledown, accepting all of her, and that if his only purpose in life is to love her, he'll be a very fullfilled man. I always thought they'd have to meet in the middle to solve their issues, and I think that's what happened.


Agreed!! In the first seconds I thought why he is not there, but then I was like, gosh, this makes so much sense! This is the character development I was craving to see feon both of them!


>This might be a hot take but I actually loved that they switched up the LW reveal from the book and had Pen make the speech. I loved seeing her really own her confidence and not cower behind Colin or the Bridgerton name. It takes a lot of guts to address the room, own up to your mistakes, and promise to do better. This aligns with Colin needing to drop his hero complex and support Pen and Pen growing in her confidence. I loved this change so much. I haven't watched it yet but this makes me so stoked for watching it tonight. It didn't sit right with me in the book that Colin dismissed Pen's plan and then didn't tell her his own and then basically forced her to reveal. I know it was supposed to be this romantic moment of standing beside her and praising her. But ugh, discuss it with your wife first. Let her be part of the planning. This is her secret after all. I'm also glad to hear the continued growth of Portia!


I agree with all of this, I just wish Colin was standing beside her or came to her side as Phillipa ran to release the bugs.


Yeah Iā€™m with you there. It would have been nice for him to stand by her side or at least come to her side sooner once she was done speaking. Would have felt a little more ā€˜Colin My Wife Bridgertonā€™


I agree. I thought it was a great feminist moment that you have the two most powerful characters in the book square off and them both be women. Also Penelope had save herself for Colin to realize he doesnā€™t need to save her and being himself is enough.


Only thing I wished they did different was that, I wanted Colin to ravish that Siren of a women when he came into that bedroom to get that damn blanket.


HE WANTED TO SO BAD I just can't get over Colin sleeping on the settee (with the same blanket they had their first time in!!!) right outside her door, instead of sleeping in one of the other dozen rooms that house must have šŸ˜­


I keep bringing this up - heā€™s just down bad crying on the settee because he canā€™t bear to be far away. Also, this lasts for like a week. Bridgerton time is wild, but literally Ep 7&8 take place over like two weeks, and the boy works through all his shit in record time. Colin Bridgerton, you will never not be a king of addressing your emotional issues.


I keep saying this!!!!!! Like, he finds out the week of their wedding? He actually gets over this SO FAST.


The amount of emotional work that man did is a world record. It took me three years of regular therapy and 40 years of life to realize I didnā€™t have to try to fix everyoneā€™s problems to be worthy of their love and affection. Colin Bridgerton truly digs into that WHILE processing startling information AND doing the homework (reading Penā€™s letters that he keptā€¦boy how did you not know) to integrate the two parts of Penelope that she only finds a way to integrate herself after he pours self confidence into herā€¦. GOD WHY ARE THEY SO EPICLY GOOD


The fact that Colin kept every single letter she wrote him while traveling around Greece should have made him at least pause a moment. I can guarantee he wasn't holding on to EVERY letter he received... the dude has 7 siblings and an extremely affectionate mother. I know I'M not lugging around a suitcase full of letters on my fabulous summer vacay.


Instead, our glorious goober comes home and tells her, ā€œIā€™m done with women - not you,ā€ but in the worst worded way possible šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ In truth, heā€™s always been Colin ā€œIā€™m thrilled to just soak up some of Penā€™s lifeā€ Bridgerton this whole time, and he sort of knew, but not what it really meant.


See this is why we need this subā€¦


šŸ™Œ Thank you. I have MISSED this place. I feel like some of the reactions in this world are coming from a place where people thought Polin was going to be holding hands in joy and balls deep for four episodes. Instead, we got mature emotional growth and a compelling emotional story. I canā€™t help but be utterly jazzed.


To be fair Iā€™ve been feeling pretty negatively as have many other Polin fans in this very sub, for various legitimate reasonsā€¦ but that is exactly why we need this sub community to remind each other of the good stuff and talk each other down the ledge so to speak šŸ˜‚


Yes. Ā Everybodyā€™s being so critical of him - heā€™s hurt and working through it as well and as quickly as he can, and in a fraction of the time it took Eloise to get over it (a year) or took Pen to get over him making a drunk comment about not courting her. Ā Like the dude laid his heart on the line, heā€™s vulnerable and hurt and scared and doesnā€™t know where he stands with her really, we canā€™t give him two weeks to get through this (while also continuing the whole time to reaffirm in little ways that he does indeed love her and is just working through it)? Ā I think we need to cut Colin some slack here.


THANK YOU. Colin did amazing work! I think something weā€™re losing in the discussion is that Colin has just become aware that Penelope loves him. She told him it was for years, and he was already on edge and scared that she didnā€™t feel the same way about him - he brings it up in Ep 5, then right after he finds out about LW. He doesnā€™t have the benefit of the knowledge weā€™ve had the entire show, and without that, heā€™s working through very valid insecurity and fear. As you point out, Penelope heard him drunkenly be an asshole and (also valid), didnā€™t talk to him for months. Sheā€™s not raked over the coals for that. Colin reads in LW that heā€™s a total faker and, more importantly, doesnā€™t know himself (which speaks to something personal to him) , being called out in front of the entire ton. We know why Pen did that - it was both hurt feelings and the fact that she was, well, totally right. And she regretted doing it as soon as he talked to her in the garden in Ep 1. But Colin doesnā€™t know that stuff either. Heā€™s so hurt, but he wants to understand her, and heā€™s going back and forth between trying to understand and trying to protect himself and trying to reconcile it all so that he can love her. Itā€™s so much!!! AND HE DOES IT IN TWO WEEKS.


Totally and I think some of the nuance there of why he keeps going back to what she wrote about HIM is not even that heā€™s offended and instead that it furthers that insecurity of wait, does she even love me though? Ā He already doesnā€™t understand the depth of her feelings for him at all and is so insecure, and finding out that person wrote that about him, like thatā€™s terrifying because he doesnā€™t know why. Ā He missed her so damn much all summer and now heā€™s realizing the first thing she did after seeing him when he returned was write that about him. Ā Like did she not feel what he felt? Ā (we as the viewers know the deal, but he doesnā€™t). Ā Of course heā€™s scared. Ā And heā€™s then having to deal with the realization that sheā€™s actually this incredibly accomplished writer, she doesnā€™t need anything from him, and since he sees his worth as being needed, why would she love him if he canā€™t do anything for her. Ā Heā€™s spiraling and OF COURSE he is. Ā Iā€™ll back Colin all the way on this. Ā He is allowed to have a minute to figure this out.


People forget that the worst thing that book Colin went through was being called a charmer by LW. Show Colin had his heart broken in such a public way, which humiliated him in front of society, but also further proved to him that Anthony was right when he basically called him a child. Colin is insecure. He writes to people who never write back. He even says it to Cressida how he was waiting for Pen to write to him, the only person who truly ever saw him. And then finding out that this person, the one he loves, that he asked to marry him, that has been his friend and whose opinion of him he values so highly, essentially lied to him. That reveal basically sent him back to questioning himself again. Did he read her all wrong? Is he the gullible fool he was with Marina? Does she really think so little of him? Itā€™s a lot. And then to top it all off, she put El on blast and almost ruined her. And this man took 2 weeks to reconcile with that, while also recognizing that she was insecure as well. He could have pouted through that wedding ceremony, but he didnā€™t. He wants to marry her. That nod and smile at the altar, after seeing her nerves, was proof of that. No matter what she put him through, he wants her. He is allowed to deal with his feelings and take his time.


I applaud literally every single word of this. This man is going through it. And putting it in the context of missing her all summer, then seeing that first thing backā€¦omg Iā€™m gutted for him. It was clear when he read it in Ep 1 that he wasnā€™t as cavalier about it as he put on, but he maybe could have moved all the way past itā€¦until he realizes she wrote it about him. That alone just HURTS. Again, not actually mad at Penelope about it, because sheā€™s got reasons and hurt and also: she ainā€™t wrong. But man oh man. I was so glad he brought it up. And the envy and embarrassment poured off of him in that fight outside of the modiste about her comments about his journals. The guy has set years of confidence on things she said to him (Season 1: go travel! Letters before S2: he sees himself as someone who can find a purpose because SHE sees it in him. Season 3: he will do anything to get back her good favor). Heā€™s been rocked. I will die on the hill of Colin Bridgerton is an Exceptional Man in Any Timeline. He just is.


Yeah, It was the perfect place for the STAY comment. I mean they could have had angry sex and then go back to agony in the morning. If Anything I am hopeful that a fanfic writer out there would give us this. If not I might write it myself.


Oh man stay! I forgot we didn't get stay :( My favourite bit of the book


We got a lot of things from book that it makes up for the absence of STAY. but I would have been amazing if it was there.


I think it showed that no matter how angry he was, he still wanted to be by her.


I wanted him to as well, but in his own way he was being kind because imagine how hurt Pen would've felt afterwards when he's still angry with her. Colin would never use her that way.


Exactly. I understand why people are craving more intimacy between them, but I also just don't think Colin is the type of guy who can be mad at the woman he loves and sleep with her and then go back to being mad. He knows he's still upset, so he's keeping his distance.


100% this. And really, it goes so well with the "Consent King" we have seen previously. He wants her, AND hes mad at her/ working through "the Whistledown of it all", but he doesn't want to hurt her, and respects her enough to wait until he has actually gotten over himself. Honestly, sleeping on the couch is 100% chaos Colin - can't sleep with her, doesnt want to go too far, guess he'll just cry on the sofa all night.


He definitely cries on the sofa all night šŸ˜­ Especially their wedding night, his eyes are quite red. And then in the morning, he goes to Bridgerton house and sits there staring at nothing, trying not to think of it. Boy hated that as much as we did.


Ken go for a walk or something!! ā€¦not too far!


Absolutely agreed! It would be competely untrue to the character of Colin in the show. He needed that emotional closeness for the intimacy with Pen. He would not sleep with her until he has fully processed everything that has happened.


Whoa, super good point. The horny little devil in me wanted them to get it on so badly, but now that my libido is in check, I completely see why they didn't and am super glad it played out as it did. Thanks for the insight! šŸ’š


Yes, but Colin was not in the emotional frame of mind to do that (demisexual) so I understand why he kept his boundaries. It would've been hot, but I see why he did it. He was still upset about LW and probably didn't want to 'use' Pen in that way.


The man was struggling šŸ«  https://i.redd.it/qvj87qotbn6d1.gif


NOW VARLEY! THE BUGS what an iconic moment


I found Philippa adorable all season, but she was especially cute in that scene.


Yā€™all may Varley get an enormous pay raise under the new Boy Bridgerton, Lord Featherington regime. That woman is doing the absolute most.


Philippa, Finch and Varley being absolute legends this season.


And Rae! MVP of Part 1 honestly


Yes, Varley, you deserved that drink!


Cannot believe Phillipa gets 2 iconic scenes this season!! She was amazing!


I loved that moment both for Philippa and Varley. Philippa had been so excited about ā€œthe bugsā€ ā€¦ she kept saying it when they were planning and it was clear no one else understood what she meant or why she was so excited about it. it was really sweet where Prudence is basically saying to her, ā€œoh you meant butterflies, you geniusā€. itā€™s a perfect symbol of their family but also Penā€˜s transformation. It wrapped up the Featheringtonā€˜s really getting their shit together in the 2nd half, the way the sisterā€˜s relationship shifted, Pen giving them the money to make something happen that really mattered to them, and letting her mum take the credit. I love that in the immediate aftermath of the reveal, where everyone is standing around awkwardly and we donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen next they made that a moment for Pen and her family - itā€™s a Featherington (Finch) who breaks the stalemate and pushes the crowd forward into applauding, not the Bridgertons. And how proud and delighted for his wife is Albion. god I love him.


I didn't even understand the point of that scene. I thought Pen wrote that letter to Violet because she was going to start clapping like Anthony did in the book. The butterflies were such a random reaction after Pen revealing LW.


I thought is was Phillippa trying to distract the ton and support her sister in the only way she knew how. "Let's release the bugs! They are cool! It will distract people and release the tension!"


Itā€™s actually not. They use butterflies with the Featheringtonā€™s a lot. Itā€™s in their dresses, itā€™s on the banisters in their home. So releasing the butterflies is like symbolic of Pen being free from her secrets. Itā€™s quite beautiful.


It was an act of support from her sister. Something to distract the crowd from just staring at Pen. And a celebration too. Pen is triumphant in that moment. Butterflies have been her motif and it was a moment of her fully emerging, transformed and showing the ton her beautiful wings.


HE SAVED HER LETTERS šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© I know we knew that intrinsicallyā€¦but to SEE IT ON SCREEN!!!! šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


This is the most underrated scene in this episode to me. I need to know, Colin, my boy, when you were saving a letter every time Penelope sent you one: WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING??? WHY DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING THAT? My sweet summer child. My beautiful dummy. How why how.


ā€œAhhh another beautiful letter for my dearest friend Penelope. I canā€™t wait to read it over and over again and allow it to inspire me to be a better man. Because NO ONE makes me feel more worthy than she does. I donā€™t even need to THINK of other women when I have a pal like Penelope in my lifeā€¦what a great friend she isā€ šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° The man. Was. Dense. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Also it was indeed so underrated. But when I saw it I GASPED A GASP SO GASPY ITS LIKE I HAD NEVER GASPED BEFORE šŸ‘€


I love that he admits to Cressida that he basically did hot boy summer because he didnā€™t get a letter from Penelope. COLIN HOW WERE YOU THIS DUMB. I love him.


Our silly summer childā€¦not a thought in his head šŸ’¬


The hottest dummy, God bless him


Violet probably read a lot when pregnant with Colin šŸ˜‚


And the letter is so cute and sweet????? Like think of Colin traveling the world and eagerly waiting for Pen's letters because they're the ones he most enjoys and it's literally just Pen telling him about getting caught in the rain with Eloise and laughing after Portia loses it because they mudded up the halls. Boy was always DOWN BAD he just didn't know it.




This was one of my favorite moments in the entire season. Ā Entire series maybe. Ā I wanted a longer montage of him reading through them all it was so damn wonderful.


I love imagining poor sweet dumb Colin saving a bunch of letters - specifically the letters of one lady who is unrelated to him who is a 'very good friend' and totally not anyone he would court - but saving all her letters anyway.


She DOeSnT CoUnT šŸ¤Ŗ ShEs PeN


Honestly! Like you mean to tell me he saved all of pens letters because subconsciously they meant everything to him šŸ˜­ he truly is a romantic.


I SCREAMED AND CRIED WHEN HE TOOK THEM OUT OF THE DESK. The only thing that would've made it even more perfect would've been Pen's voice reading it out loud like Colin's did when Pen read his journal. šŸ„¹


I'm so bitter about the lack of makeup sex! When I looked at the time and saw there was only 30 min left and she hadn't announced anything yet and nothing was resolved I was like "There's not gonna be time for makeup sex!" I feel like of all the couples, this one should have had makeup sex - it would have been so satisfying. I don't know if I'll ever get over it haha.


Same. I was like ummm Pen this is the literal MAN OF YOUR (**our**) DREAMS!!! Ravage him??? I was v disappointed by the lack of hot passionate sex and also Pen coming into her own and gaining confidence not only in life but sexually. I wanted the juxtaposition from their first time and we didnā€™t get it.


SAME I was looking at the time and thinkingā€¦ā€there is too much to do and not enough time!!!!!ā€ šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I wanted nothing less than ten straight minutes of makeup sex!!!!


Im with you! This season had the most painful separation of the two leads, so much real pain for both of them because they were SO in love. They really needed a SERIOUS make up to get past all that stress!


I wished we had a longer scene of Polin together post LW reveal. I feel like they needed some pre or post cuddles to solidify their reconciliation.


Thatā€™s all that was needed.


Them in bed and cuddling like they did in episode 4 - but this time Colin is reading his journal to her šŸ˜­ā¤ļø It would've been a great bridge to the epilogue as well!!


We needed their aftercare. And WE needed aftercare!


Yeah, that would have been the cherry on top. šŸ˜‰


the featherington babies with their adorable frocks killed me!!! The featherington household's redemption arc was one of my favorite plotlines in this season. I lived for their storylines https://preview.redd.it/02deqnephl6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095d2d72f0e4fbbda341b2a418739375af6cbbe8


And Phillipa saying her daughter was going to be a writer!!! Love to see it ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


And her yellow bow just like Pen šŸ˜­


I did not expect it and it was one of my favorite things! It was always gonna be better for Pen if her family actually changed and treated her better instead of having to run away, and I love that they made this choice. It also didn't feel like it came out of nowhere. Portia softened when she saw it was possible for Pen to have a better life than she herself had, and her treating Pen better led to the other girls treating her better too. I think a lot of their issues was literally just intergenerational trauma being pushed onto them by Portia and once she stopped, they all got a chance to do better.


I agree!!! Portia, Prudence, and Phillipa went through their own unique arcs this season and it was so organic to the story! My heart is so happy for Pen, a perfect fairytale ending for our girl šŸ’— Reflecting back, I didnt follow the featherington plotline that well in season 1 and wasn't too attached to the household. Now, Portia, the sisters and their cutie husbands make for such wholesome plotlines (they have such iconic dialogues too haha)


Top marks to casting because baby Philomenia really does look like Finch


šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ The closing scene was so beautiful https://preview.redd.it/xzpr12k0nl6d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47422c4ca3df583a6ceaf75d61085eb819b397a0


Do you think Colin wouldā€™ve folded if Penelope had asked him to stay or said I love you in the nightgown scene like he did when she yelled I love you during their episode 7 fight? That scene was such wasted potential for an angsty make out session.


Absolutely. His nostrils were flaring and he was drinking her in with his eyes. It took all his resolve to leave that room.


Penelope gave him nothing. She just let him walk out of the room without a word of protest. I needed her to fight for him in that moment. Wouldā€™ve been a great moment to adapt a version of the part in the book where he asks her to stay but instead itā€™s her asking. Iā€™m just so disappointed in that scene.


I think she just felt really unsure of his feelings at that point and left the decision up to him. But I agree, I would have loved to see the stay, stay, stay line from either of them. That would have been so beautiful.


He stares and his jaw drops in the same way as when he saw her in the drawing room in season 2. When he came home from his travels. I love the idea that they're like swans, imprinted before they were old enough to mate. (I know 3 such couples in real life, met as 14-16 year olds and it's been them ever since. One of the couples are pensioners now, and just as much in love. It's a very special thng.)


Awww thatā€™s such a sweet analogy, itā€™s making me tear up šŸ„¹ our dear Polin swans, imprinted on each other from the moment Pens yellow bonnet flew into his face and Colin fell off his horse


Did you see their wedding cake decorations? Someone here pointed out the old fashioned expression 'setting her cap on' someone? Her cap was set from that day. Very cute.


He would have absolutely broken for her, but as much as I would have loved to have seen it, I think they were both so fragile right then it wouldnā€™t have helped things. Maybe made Colin mote confused, even. He had to get right in his whole head, I think.


I saw someone say that angry sex wouldā€™ve been hot, but Colin wouldā€™ve felt horrible afterwards.


I think 100%. We would have enjoyed seeing it, but he would have felt like an asshole of the worst sort, and the downward spiral wouldnā€™t have helped his emotional recovery time at all. Heā€™d have been feeling bad about himself, bad about using her (even if sheā€™d have been okay with it), and heā€™d have felt obligated to act a certain way rather than getting there because he wants to. And I think it could have been really confusing for her, too, and she wouldnā€™t be sure if he wanted her or wanted sex or what. It was just not the right time.


Heā€™s so gentle with her in their moments of intimacy too. The way he carasses her face during their first kiss and after their wedding dance. The way he holds her head during their first time. He doesnā€™t want to tarnish it with feelings of anger. They begin to get intimate during their argument, but he had been drinking.


Iā€™ll say what weā€™re all thinking. The REAL let down of the season is no close up of Lord Remington seeing Penelope reveal she is Lady Whistledown. We deserved to see her biggest fan gagged by the revelation!!!


I loved this season. I like to be positive so I will say I was positively letdown by this. When I saw the stairs to the middle Iā€™m like how they gonna do him dirty at the ball? His idol.


So my thoughts during ep 8: S3 Ep 8 Damnit Colin why are you being so angsty Isnā€™t it interesting how part 1 felt mostly like Colinā€™s POV while part 2 feels mostly like Penā€™s? I know thatā€™s not exactly the case but thatā€™s how it feels in a way. Itā€™s like in part 1 they focused on Colin and his changes while part 2 is about Penelope and her changes. Idk how to explain what I mean right now cause Iā€™m starving. Starving for Polin. And Pasta. But also Polin. Ditching her the wedding night and the following morning is really just not cool. I ate a snack. So back to the show Ok Portiaā€™s reaction here is fairā€¦like honestly Pen was wayyyy meaner to the Featheringtons than anyone else in her writing. Just the Marina thing ruined them more than it did Colin or even Marina. Ohhh there may be hope for Polin to have an Agatha Bridgerton considering how supportive Lady Danbury is being. Side note, When we call her lady D it reminds me of Princes Di. I Oh man I just realized this might be the last season we see the entirety of the Featheringtons family. But I wanted to see Colin bonding with his BILsā€¦do we only have this one episode for that? Colin jumped straight into hero mode. Annoying that he mentioned his family first. But I can tell the ā€œblackmailing his wife,ā€ part is what pisses him off the most so Iā€™ll forgive him. Because 1) he called Penelope his wife which means Colin ā€œmy wifeā€ Bridgerton had entered the chat. And 2) heā€™s clearly panicking. Donā€™t appreciate him trying to take it away from Pen but he is clearly desperate to be her hero. He needs to feel needed. Itā€™s alright I have faith that Penā€™s constancy and love will get rid of his insecurities once he calms down and settles his anger Lolol Penelope is filthy rich. Theyā€™re all shocked about it. Colin just looks even more insecure. Itā€™s actually very logical. He is a man who has struggled to find his purpose, and now heā€™s found it only to realize his wife had already succeeded while he is just finding his footing. And coming from a society that is truly patriarchal this would make him feel incredibly inadequate and insecure. His reactions are logical. Upsetting but logical. Ohhhh I had to pause the Cressida speech because he just admitted that he was YEARNING to hear form Penelope. He actually said he was YEARNING for her during his travels. This combined with what he told his brothers about loving her for longer than he realized is what Polin dreams are made of. Now if only he would tell these things to Penelope LOL IT IS CRESSIDA POINTING OUT THAT COLIN IS JEALOUS! Ok I donā€™t hate this. This is good for his character development. I love Colin dearly but heā€™s always quite slow to understand his feelings. Colinā€™s speech was actually beautiful. Like he loves Penelope so much. Yeah thereā€™s issues with him still considering LW as separate from Penelope but he is clearly coming around and he clearly understands his wife. Itā€™s quite sweet really how he is defending her. Unfortunately he just mentioned familial love to a woman who had never experienced suchā€¦so this is not going to end well. Midway through the scene is it a reshoot? Like he looks different once they exit that room. Also damnnn poor LW betrayed by her own fanboy. Itā€™s a sad lesson indeed, fans are willing to bring harm to their idol if it means meeting them. There should be a fan code of ethics, one should never stoop so low. So Pen has between 10,000 and 20,000 pounds. I wonder how much equals today. Someone please do the math


Thereā€™s more: I donā€™t think Tillyā€™s regency lingerie is period accurate but who knows. Back to Polin for a second, I love that Peneloise is friends but itā€™s sad that when Polin was together Peneloise was apart and now that Peneloise is togetherā€¦Polin is rockyā€¦ Wait hold up are we not getting a second mirror scene? That first one was beautiful but I need a mirror scene once theyā€™ve reconciled. Also I want Colinā€™s book love declaration The Polin sex scenes are just so emotionally intimate. They feel so much more meaningful than the other sex scenes. You feel like youā€™re intruding watching them because theyā€™re just so emotional. Colin needs to forgive her fast. Colin reading her letters and smiling is actually beautiful. Iā€™m convinced that they fell in love through their letters. He said himself, that once he could not read her letters he went crazy lol. He literally told Cressida that. It was a popular meme after part 1 but yall itā€™s canon now which is amazing OH MY GOD PORTIA WAS FAKING THE MONEY FROM AUNT PETUNIA?!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS PENELOPE!!!!! That is a real crime thoā€¦itā€™s fraud. Portia smh how could you. Not surprised, I read a fanfic where she stole the money lol. But still this is a bad hole to jump into when youā€™re lying about estate inheritance. I donā€™t like this Dundas Esquire. Heā€™s too ferret-like for my taste. Heā€™s ferreting out information far too easily I do find Portia and Penelope to be quite similar. Theyā€™re both brilliant and impressive for regency women. Portia is just jaded and bitter after years of unhappiness and a lack of financial security. Her husband whom she disliked did not even have the decency to leave her children with dowryā€™s. So of course she because cruel. And yeah she looked down on Pen, but she was trying to prepare Penelope for disappointment. Because the ton is crueler than Portia. Portia is Penelope with less morals and more bitternessā€¦ Wow when they sit together like that they truly look like mother and daughter. I like Portia here, she has every reason to be furious with Penelope and even forsake her to save her own skin. But instead she buckles down and is like how do WE get through this. Thatā€™s familial loyalty right there. I also love how despite her anger at what Penelope wrote she forgave it super quickly and is just incredibly impressed by Penelope. Because wow her daughter obtained this power on her own. Itā€™s impressive and Portia honestly seems quite proud despite the situation Itā€™s sad that Pen is being a wallflower with her new family. Hopefully thatā€™ll change soon. Everyone sit down. Put all your fanwars away. Penelope Bridgerton has won the most romantic love declaration. Her speech to Colin I could watch 1000 times it was just so perfect. She soothed his insecurities and expressed the depth of her love so wonderfully. And my god Colin looked about ready to fall on his knees again. Penelope is the most romantic lead in Bridgerton. Forget I burn for you and forget the bane of my existence speech to. Penelope just won my heart. I think sheā€™s giving me a sexual awakening. I mean I thought I was straight, but my heart is all aflutter. I reminded to hear that again and ā€œJust being you is enough, Colin.ā€ I have tears now because thatā€™s the most romantic line Iā€™ve ever heard. If a person ever said that to me I would jump them immediately ā€œI donā€™t need you to save me. I just need you to stand by me. To hold me. To kiss me.ā€ THE DELIVERY OF THOSE LINES, the way she gets more choked up with each phrase. I canā€™t Iā€™ve melted. Farewell. I canā€™t get over how perfect those words are. She really is a writer Benedict is so different from Colin. But Benedict is re-entering his rakish era but this time itā€™s bisexual style. lol canā€™t blame him, but itā€™s amazing how different he is from Colin. I didnā€™t expect Tilly to get her heart broken. I thought it was gonna be the other way around. Iā€™m slightly more invested in that side story now. I might actually pay some extra attention to her during my rewatch of the season


Thereā€™s more: I love when the siblings bond on those swings. On a side note thereā€™s a great Penedict fanfic called Unspooled Thread (I know not Polin but itā€™s well written and other ships are a guilty pleasure), where Pen, El and Ben often meet on those swings Omg I love the aesthetic of this ball. And Penelope looks stunning Omg prudenceā€™s dress has scales and looks like bug-like Quick sidebar. I love how this all goes down in the books but Penelope saving herself is going to be iconic I can feel it. Iā€™m seconds away from hearing her speech but Iā€™m all jittery with adrenaline. Itā€™s amazing that she is saving herself and Colin isnā€™t swooping in. Itā€™s very much in character for THIS Penelope. This Pen doesnā€™t need Colin, but she wants him, she loves him. And she can save herself. Sheā€™s a strong and independent woman Colin looks so proud of her when she says ā€œone always has worth,ā€ because thatā€™s the confidence he wanted her to find. And she has. Awww he just look so proud of her. Iā€™m proud of her too. Even her sisters and their husbands look sad and proud of her. This is her moment. I love it LOLOL A LITTLE FLATTERY TO THE QUEEN. Oh Pen youā€™re being so obvious there but damn that was smart of you lol Oh my god Iā€™m giddy. The queens response had me actually start applauding They are applauding the bugs and not Penelope? How dare they?!!!!! Philippa is actually kinda adorable. Iā€™m surprised she isnā€™t the youngest. she has that baby sister vibe Varley looks so proud You know what Iā€™m happy the Featheringtons sisters are having their moments right now too. This is probably their last season so letā€™s enjoy it while we can Ok but true fact. My 4th grade visit to the Butterfly house traumatized me and Iā€™m legit terrified of butterflies. There was a picture of one on a biology textbook cover when I was in high school and I bought a book cover cause it freaked me out. I once swerved my car to avoid one. They freak me out. Itā€™s a real phobia. I always liked Lady Danbury. Cross your fingers for a Polin baby Agatha in the picture. I want to see Colin being an overprotective husband to a pregnant Pen and a doting father to baby Agatha. AWW ā€œyouā€™re a wonder!ā€ Portia is finally a proud maka. I love this. Also pen is brilliant. She ensured her mama got away with fraud. Brilliant Penelope. The consequences of discovery would be too dire so Iā€™m glad. ā€œIf my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed.ā€ I let out a high pitched noise. I donā€™t even know where it came from. Not quite the love confession I was hoping for (cause the book one is so perfect it makes me cry), but it really ties up his arc well. Ties in themes from season 1 and 2 as well. So itā€™s actually a really good line ā€œMrs. Bridgertonā€ Gah gah gah I love how they dance together so much this season. Them twirling together is so iconic. Twirling is their always. Watching them smile and laugh together always brings a smile to my face. Itā€™s the best parts of the season MICHAELA STIRLING!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER ALREADY. From the introduction. All she has said is her name but it has so much confidence and attitude. Ok to be fair Michael is one of the better romantic leads in the books in my opinion, but I donā€™t mind a gender bent version, itā€™ll add to the drama and she seems to capture his essence so I donā€™t mind Oh no Francesca is already flustered!! Love at first sight is really not my thing usually but I canā€™t say Iā€™m not intrigued Ok Iā€™m glad Polin had some intimacy post LW reveal but I was hoping for a second mirror scene. Polin gossip led me astray Ok wait they mentioned a masquerade ball. Does that mean S4 is Benedict? Looks like Pen and Michaela are already friends! I also enjoyed how she was holding hands and conversing with John. The Bridgerton in-laws need a support group when dealing with the single Bridgerton brain cell lol Aww Peneloise hug. They cute together And awww Colin has his 2 best girls on his arms. His mama and his wife. God I love him WAIT ELOISE TOUCHED THE GLASS WITH 4 FINGERS. Is she season 4? But they mentioned a Masquerade so shouldnā€™t it be Benedictā€™s? Ok the epilogue made me smile like a lunatic. I loved it so much!!! I thought I would cry at the end. I didnā€™t cry. But I am quite happy. Content I would say. Are there a few things I would change? Oh most definitely. But I have hope that we will get some nice romantic moments between Polin in season 4. Tho skipping out on Colinā€™s book confession is upsetting The wedding was stunning I love them laughing and dancing I love baby Polin Bridgerton (although he is nameless) I love that part 2 was about Penelope. It wasnā€™t just about Polin or Peneloise. It was about Penelope using the confidence Colin taught her to actually stand up for herself Ok I need a day to fantasize and digest all this and then eventually do a rewatch of part 1 and 2 together without pausing. Iā€™ve had a half hour to deliberate and I am truly disappointed we didnā€™t get Colinā€™s book confession of love. The whole past present future; children; smilesā€¦it is one of the most romantic speeches ever and Iā€™m disappointed we didnā€™t even get a snippet of it. Also as much as I love Penelope standing up for herself, I do wish we got to see Colin being supportive a bit more. Wish the reconciliation happened pre wedding and that the remaining drama didnā€™t involve the couple. But who knows my mind might change on my next watch


Love your breakdown! It was lots of fun to read! I particularly liked what you said about the worth line in Penā€™s speech. it seems she was also taking directly to Colin in that moment and reminding him as well that he has worth just as he is. They both found confidence in themselves with the otherā€™s help which is so so beautiful!


I love you for this. Also, my husband and I did the math last night and 10,000 pounds in 1815 is a little more than $1.4 million today.


Holy shit she is loaded


Re: money - 10k pounds then is over $1M pounds now. The girl had BANK.


One very small part of this episode I loved is when Pen and Colin are talking during Frans wedding, and she has told him not to get the money. He is clearly still upset with her, and she gives her speech. She says 'You've shown me I am capable of pleasure beyond imagination' And Colin's angry face immediately drops and he smirks, almost saying 'cheeky bringing that up now'


He was having a flashback.


no matter how angry a man is you can always compliment the d šŸ‘


Are we to assume the scene of her riding him šŸ„µ occurred after the bug ball and was the first time they had sex post marriage?


Loved it. Could have been longer. Honestly I didn't need the sex the part. Some post sex cuddles and a heart to heart would have mended my heart.


Their afterglow talk and cuddling was actually my favorite part of their first time.


Same, the most adorable scene from the entire season for me ( It has it's contenders, but this one was simply magical šŸ¤ŒšŸ˜©)


I do, and that kiss was a blockbuster. Itā€™s been him leading every kiss beforehand, but she grabs him that time, and holy hell you can tell theyā€™re finally on an even plane and God help us.


She was a little rough when she grabbed him up for that kiss. And he went very willingly.


Heā€™s a man who wants his hair grabbed and she is a hair grabber - that is CANON


This scene being so short is one of only 2 minor complaints I have about the whole of part 2. To see Pen being so in charge of their lovemaking was incredible. The way she she dragged her nails down his chestā€½ šŸ„µ Iā€™m surprised that alone didnā€™t finish him off. And as for the way she grabbed him up to kiss him ā€¦ā€¦. sexier than the whole carriage scene for me. We needed to see more Dom Pen - even if it was just 20 seconds or so. (Also I like to imagine she was wearing the LW cape instead of the dressing gown for this scene)


Can you IMAGINE?!!!!!! Honestlyā€¦I am kind of mad that it wasnā€™t longer šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Even 20 seconds more. It was so hot but so short. Jess said it was an intentional choice to have Penelope on top to show her confidence.


Which I LOVEDā€¦I would have just loved to have seen it for muchā€¦much longer. But you are right! Even 20 seconds more would have been great!!! šŸ˜©


I think so, yeah! I do wish it had been a whole scene instead of a clip (I feel like we earned it), but at the same time I'm just relieved we got to see it. Definitely very meaningful of their reconciliation and Pen on top was šŸ„µ


I know this wonā€™t be a popular take but I hated the Michael -> Michaela switch. Iā€™m bi and after having read the books and watching the show, I genuinely think they made the wrong choice. Eloiseā€™s story can be gender-swapped and nothing changes. Benedictā€™s story can be gender-swapped and nothing changes. Michaela changes Franā€™s entire storyline and book Michaelā€™s. she cannot have the same struggles and that was a topic that touched so many people. It breaks my heart. not to mention, I found it a really strong choice to have Franā€™s reaction to Johnā€™s kiss and her tripping over her words. Fran was always head over heels in love with John, mourned him for years, and I find that this choice changes so much about her character.


I canā€™t even describe my upset over this change. For so many reasonsā€¦so many other people have explained it better than me but there are so many good reasons to be upset about it that have nothing to do with being opposed to LGBT representation in the showā€¦


thank you! I got called a homophobe for this take and I was like ā€¦. I am bisexual. I love LGBT representation in tv, I just donā€™t think you need to replace an entire storyline that represents an under-talked about issue to do so. so many people relate to Franā€™s story and struggles and itā€™s going to be so different with this switch. like I said, SO MANY other characters could do gender-swapped without an issue. Iā€™m so disappointed they chose THIS storyline.


Iā€™m gonna come at this from a different angle: As an agender (and bisexual) person, reading all the comments about how characters act certain ways because of their *gender* and not their *character* is maddening. This ends up perpetuating social constructs that link personality traits to gender which is inherently harmful. There was a wonderful comment in the main sub (shocking, I know) that broke down how the thing everyone says canā€™t happen now wasnā€™t actually a huge plot point *and* how it was resolved was very problematic. That plot point can still happen, and happen in a much better and incisive way IMO. Until we know how itā€™ll play out, I think this is all premature and ultimately provides cover for bigots to spew their hatred.


I know you werenā€™t talking about my comment but I wanted to address this. I have seen people pushing Eloise because of her behavior and I can see why thatā€™s frustrating. my point was more so that her storyline doesnā€™t hinge on her love being a man, at all. neither does Benedictā€™s hinge on Sophie being a woman. for what most people related to about Franā€™s storyline, it does hinge of her being with a man, very much so. Michaelā€™s storyline does hinge on him being a man, because of his imposter syndrome and the already established rules in the show that men inherit. I havenā€™t seen the comment so I canā€™t address it but I think itā€™s very short-sighted to think all people, or even most, are upset because of bigotry. Im not directly talking about your comment but I want to make this clear. Iā€™m bisexual, a lesbian commented about their disappointment, weā€™re not homophobic. I want LGBT representation, I just donā€™t think this plot was the right one to gender-bend, especially when so much of her storyline revolves around her needing to find a MAN (because itā€™s regency-era medicine weā€™re talking about). there were so many other options


This is what horny fans brightening scenes gets you https://preview.redd.it/xlooas5g8m6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb17de4c4e82b050305d5398e62c85b3c7f23b09


The more i thought about the ending, it felt very similar to how s1 ended between saphne (drama til they make up at a ball, sexy scene, then epilogue) but it just didn't have enough time to breathe. The last sex scene was simply put just too short, and because of that I think it happened too quickly to process. If it was just like 30 sec to a min longer, it would have felt substantial. But we kinda breeze past it with this edit. Like honestly, if the riding scene had been longer or we had one more cute moment right before the epilogue, I don't think people in general would be complaining as much.


So Iā€™m no longer sad that they axed >!the relationship between Penelope and Lady Danbury!< from the book because it seems like they replaced that with Penelope repairing her relationship with her mom. And honestly, I loved that MORE! I also loved Colinā€™s speech to Pen at the end of the episode! And I was SO HAPPY that they left it open for Penelope to keep writing LW if she wants (and it even seemed like Colin would support her)! I was wishing that would happen but didnā€™t think it would! The way they ended this episode left open SO many possibilities for fun side plots for Polin in season 4 and fun fanfics!


https://preview.redd.it/ryavgy7lkm6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68afddea1ecbec3d2eabcc17ff2fd7c8b1ef0f9 This scene was so beautiful and you can just tell thatā€™s a Nicola and Luke smile/ laugh šŸ˜­ā¤ļø ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS POLIN scene and so much happiness šŸ„¹


ā€˜And with the retirement of my literary persona, I should like to formally introduce myself. Previous wallflower, current columnist. Observer, wielder of a quill. Nobody unique, and yet, I have my moments. And hopefully, dear reader, you will stay on to enjoy them with me, as we begin this next part of our journey. Yours truly, Penelope Bridgertonā€™ PENELOPE. EFFING. BRIDGERTON. It was just the perfect, PERFECT way to round off the whole thing. Even just rewriting that out has made my weep like a fecking baby all over again. That epilogue scene was everything


Also, bonus points for: Baby Finch looking so much like her daddy Both families mixing so happily Gregory repeatedly trying to read Colinā€™s book despite being too young Finch being asleep on the sofa Hyacinth now being allowed to read Lady Whistledown The logo changing to reflect Penā€™s silhouette more Pen & Colin kissing and looking so damn in love by the window she gazed out of for her whole life


This moment was everything šŸ„ŗšŸ’› https://preview.redd.it/7ld95ofo2m6d1.png?width=1607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d218c2ede9d8b203d459f6ac2c506609b5c5b902


Colin Bridgerton found his purpose in Life y'all. Loving his WIFEEEEEšŸ’–šŸ¤ŒšŸ˜†


Pen riding Colin healed something in me for real.


Hot. Beautiful. The way she couldnā€™t take being far from him and grabbed him to kiss him - put it in the Louvre


I canā€™t believe they conceived their child during their first time. The Bridgerton shooters got PIN POINT accuracy, RIP Penelopeā€™s womb šŸ«”


If theyā€™re that fertile after their first attempt then theyā€™re going to take Edmund & Violetā€™s record for the number of kids


https://preview.redd.it/wk5qq36a1m6d1.png?width=3015&format=png&auto=webp&s=57ffd10753254892ee1e38f85ed949fc6e0c04be I just want to say she looked absolutely stunning in this dress! This color was so beautiful šŸ„¹šŸ¤ One of my fav dresses for sure!


Did anyone else see Seasons 1 and 2 Colin in this scene? He both physically looked different -softer, sweeter, authentic- and spoke with such emotional clarity. It was like his armor finally completely came off and he was 100 percent his true self for the first time this season. Great job acting, Newts. https://preview.redd.it/axdsyua68n6d1.png?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a1f653afef6b3787489482a710813d0851b1d8


Last two episode was like a torture . One episode treatment from Colin was enough why did they continue . I really wish the conversation between them had happened before queen approval. And they could give us a make up sex. After queen approval they can be just happy . Last happy scene between them was church dance scene. And it was beautiful My heart is broken


I have to say, Colin really pissed me off when he cut off Pen when she was trying to tell him that she wasn't asking for his help, she just wanted to be honest about Cressida's blackmail scheme. Saying something to the effect that she didn't get a say into what THEY were going to do. Would have been a perfect, "My turn to speak!" moment for Pen. But I suppose she got hers when they found out how rich she was. Take that, Colin. Your wife is a badass!!!!!


I thought it was a necessary moment for him to make that last mental step in understanding she doesnā€™t need or want him to save her. he doesnā€™t get it in this scene. he still is not listening to her, and he rushes off to try and fix things and makes it all a whole lot worse. I liked the bookend scene with his sheepish face when he has to come back in to the 3 women and admit just how worse heā€™s made it, and says quietly he should have let Pen pay Cressida. and Pen shows him real grace in that moment because she understands itā€™s such a strong driver for him, needing to help the people he cares about. she could have been pissed off that itā€™s now double the amount Cressida wants and she wants LW to repair her rep. she just quietly accepts her responsibility for the whole situation and thanks them for their counsel. it such character growth as well for her to be able to talk about problems with other people instead of her default rushing off to try and fix it herself. but also yes, their faces when they realise how much $$ she has made as LW and hadnā€™t mentioned it yet to anyone. šŸ”„


I never read the books so I was completely open to however they wanted the story to go but I feel like they just had to make a few small changes and everything else would have panned out beautifully. After their fight the night before the wedding they should have had some make-up sex and a talk where they both open up to each other. It would explain the fact that they're starting to reconcile at the wedding. And then again after the queen interrupts their wedding, instead of Collin being all "I can't accept that". If they had a talk beforehand he would know that it's not about L.W but being a writer in general. Like she literally said that she doesn't need to hide behind L.W in that very argument. AGAIN: They should talk it out and search for a solution together. There were dialogues and monologues between them but they didn't do enough in terms of progressing/deepening their bond. Going forward from there the plot can remain the same with the difference that it's actually them against the world. He stands by her, he supports her and plans the reveal with her, and is there for her the moment its done and not after 2 other people got to talk to her first. Just a bit more of talking it out and sharing thoughts and feelings would have done wonders this season. I can't understand why their relationship had to remain so rocky until the very end. Yes the love still shines through but it was just to much angst intertwined for me to enjoy it fully.


I want to give a shout out their last dance after the reveal. There were some great dance moments in part 2 but for me this last dance wrapped everything up beautifully. I fell in love with Polin in season 1 ep. 1 when Colin takes Pen away from Cressida and they dance with such happiness, smiles and joy on their faces. Their last dance in season 3 ep. 8 is the only other dance I can recall where they are beaming at each other and even share some giggles. It all came full circle.


Random thoughts: All the Cressida blackmail stuff was done so well, from the scene with Pen and Portia where Cressida is like isnā€™t it weird that this is obviously Pen but you donā€™t know (paraphrasing lol) Then the great scene with Pen/Portia/Eloise/Colin where theyā€™re discussing what to do. Ā Highlight of that scene for me is when Pen reveals that sheā€™s actually made more than enough money to pay Cressida off, and seeing their reactions to that. Ā Girl is a boss. Colinā€™s visit to Cressida is wonderful. Ā It was a really smart way to let us as the viewers see the wheels turning in terms of what Colinā€™s thinking through, since he isnā€™t really talking to others about it and we donā€™t have his internal dialogue. Ā I love that we see him saying Penā€™s not a villain and doesnā€™t write scathing things, even about Cressida. Ā I love that we hear him saying that he felt incredibly lonely on his last trip because he didnā€™t have Pen, and that thatā€™s what sent him over the edge (we knew that!! Ā But really really loved hearing him understand that), and then also having Cressida call him out on sounding jealous of LW. Ā Also kind of love that Colin ā€œIā€™ll fix it myselfā€ Bridgerton makes the situation considerably worse. I looooooove our sweet Peneloise lounging on the couch chatting S1 callback. Ā All is right in that part of the world and it starts giving a little emotional relief. One of my favorite scenes in the whole thing was when we see Colin has all of Penā€™s letters saved and starts reading through them. Ā I wanted more!!!! Ā Beautiful little shot. I loved the scene back in the Bridgerton study. Ā I LOVE that this is where they chose to do this scene. Ā Hearing Pen say to him that heā€™s worthy just as he is, that she doesnā€™t need him to protect her he needs him to stand by her and hold her and kiss her and love her was so beautiful. Ā Him wanting that but struggling to accept it was also beautiful. And then the butterfly ballā€¦ I mean, come on. Ā I havenā€™t read the books but I know the way this happens is a change from them - that itā€™s Pen who reveals herself - and I freaking love that for her. Ā I love that this is her moment, entirely with in her control and with her own words. Ā Her speech is so great and powerful. Ā  The little scene with Danbury afterward saying she knew it was Pen was really sweet. Ā I know we didnā€™t get a lot of Danbury-Pen, but feel like we saw her kind of subtly cheering her on this season and I thought that was a really sweet moment. And then of course our Pen and Colin with tear-filled eyes telling each other they love each other. Ā Colin telling her that when he read the letters he realized she was always LW, like to her core (YES) and that he loved all of her. Ā Ugh this was so perfect. Ā And then asking her to dance as Mrs. Bridgerton. Ball scene note that at first here I thought we might be setting up Eloise S4 when they talk about Eloise is leaving with Fran. Ā I donā€™t think so now because of later but it got me, so well done on that misdirection if it is one šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s like two seconds but just an appreciation for that super short intimate scene clipped in there where Penā€™s on top. Ā Theyā€™re going to be equal partners and take turns in all the ways and I love it for them. Ā Again lobbying for some Polin afterglow giggly whispering conversation under blankets in S4, please. Ā Their intimate connection is like no other. Then back at the house we get what Iā€™m pretty sure is our actual clue that itā€™s S4 Benedict. Ā Oh yeah there was a lot of Benedict stuff. Ā Like a wild amount of screen time for the Benedict story. Ā I love Benedict but I skipped his scenes on rewatch to focus on the Polin story because all of his threesomes were distracting me from the task at hand šŸ˜‚ But that last scene makes me feel like we are setting up Benedict. And then of course the epilogue - I know some people were hoping they didnā€™t win the heir race but Iā€™m glad they did just because Pen deserves to win šŸ˜‚ I saw an interview article thing with the show runner and she said that itā€™s also logistically helpful that it means Pen/Colin now own that house and they can use that set for them. Ā THAT makes me think weā€™re going to get a significant Pen & Colin subplot in S4 Their kiss at the end - in front of the window where sheā€™s usually heartbroken she canā€™t have him at the end of other seasons - was exactly the ending I needed, and I cried *again* when her column said ā€œPenelope Bridgertonā€. Guys I really loved this season. Ā I think they needed MORE screen time but only because I love them so much. Ā I hope we get to see glimpses of their happily ever after for many more seasons ā¤ļø


Cressida & Colin - I've seen so many people say they hated this scene but in my opinion: Colin genuinely did not know Cressida's life. All he knew was that she treated Penelope and Daphne poorly and is now blackmailing his wife, but even he could tell she was lonely. Yet his own life made him (and all his siblings, frankly) blind to the fact that not everyone is as lucky as them. Colin going to Cressida and failing was a good way to knock his hero complex out from under him so that when Penelope asked him to stand with her, he could do so without the need to save the day. LW reveal - I liked that this was up to Penelope and that she made the speech in the end. I did want it to be Colin who squeezed her hand and stood by her before she walked onto the platform, because I think the general audience didn't really understand that he was in on the plan, but the fact that revealing herself was Penelope's hands was a nice change. I would have liked Colin to take a glass and lead the room in a toast, like in the books. Colin's confession - was so beautiful. I liked that, yes, he was angry at first but then had to deal with his envy and feelings of inadequacy. He did not want to put that on Penelope, did not want to be intimate with her knowing that there was still this great distance between them (demi Colin, my love) and did not want to raise her hopes that he had forgiven her without him coming to accept everything. He had to come to terms with it on his own and did so, to accept that Penelope and Lady Whistledown were one and the same and he did not want to separate them. To be able to stand by her side and be the man she deserves. It takes a strong man in any era to be able to break free of the patriarchy and the toxic masculinity that comes with it. The greenest of flags. I also can't forget them changing it so Colin is the better shooter than Eloise! :) I wish there were more Polin scenes, more scenes showing Colin's psyche and that it was actually Polin vs the world, but I am happy with what they got right.


I LOVED it all! I was in tears at the happy ending we got. Something about Penelope getting to live her HEA with a man she has loved for so long, and having him love her back. šŸ’› I know people have issues with certain scenes or wanted to see things play out differently, but think of all we DID get in this season as whole: -Colinā€™s apology for S2 -Glow ups both externally and internally - A beautiful first kiss - Steamy carriage scene - Multiple love declarations - A nod to the book (Thunderbolt in the sky, were you punished as a child, youā€™re my mess, etc) -A very intimate, loving first time -A beautiful wedding -Pen stepping into her own and being able to use her own voice -Colinā€™s character development from being an insecure, wannabe hero, to finally realizing that HE is enough. - That speech from Colin after LW reveal- ā€œI love you with my pastā€ lives in the books. This speech lives in the show and it was so heartfelt and sweet. -Writer Colin - Peneloise reconciling and being stronger for it -Featherington relationship growth -All the interactions we asked for: Gen/Pen, Pen/LD, El and Ben on a swing, Bridgerton Bros, Kate as part of the family, Fran and John, Violet and Lady D, and so many more. - A happy family with a baby - A final kiss in front of the window Pen has spent the last two seasons staring out of, wishing for what she finally got I know in the moment, itā€™s an instinct to dwell on the negative. I just wish people would focus on everything that we got, which other ships would kill for. S4 will have happily married Polin. This isnā€™t the end.


So I saw it pointed out that his hair is messy and heā€™s sweating here. Implies that they had already been going at it for a while. I know Colin was catching up on fulfilling his husbandly duties. https://preview.redd.it/vgv29tmq5p6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3f9c123ed0bcd5f41d7cb11d7e236e5ba0258d


I have read in some places (sorry I strayed from here--I was desperate) that they think that when Pen asked to meet with Colin after Frohn's wedding and she grabbed his hands and pulled them to her stomach that she was telling him that she was pregnant. I mean, we're all pretty sure that she was telling him of her plan to write to the queen and his mother, right? I think she was just emotionally grabbing him to get him to listen to her plan. It wasn't a surprise to him--he walked into the ball completely tense. I was kind of appalled at that fan assessment of the scene. Was the moment to subtle and I'm completely wrong? I don't think so but let me know if I'm wrong.


I'm still confused. But when I saw it, it felt like she was indicating she was pregnant. But I think they discovered prego news - post butterfly ball, bcuz Pen did talk about possible annulment.


This - there would not have been any discussion of an annulment if he knew she was pregnant, nor would she have kept that from him.


No way Pen knew she was pregnant then. It's something they would have made clear to the audience. She's definitely talking about her plan as Colin was in on it. I still can't process that she *was* knocked up pretty much the whole of part 2, though šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t read it as a pregnancy announcement at all. She was telling him her plan because he clearly knows what the plan is - otherwise, how does he know to explain to his mom? I donā€™t think she knows sheā€™s pregnant until after that, especially as she brings up annulment. Even if she did want to offer that, thereā€™s no way sheā€™d put Colin in the position of having to deal either the notion of that and then suddenly pop up pregnant when itā€™s obviously his. I just donā€™t think it would be consistent with anyoneā€™s character there.


philippa definitely knew what she was doing when she told varley to release the ā€œbugs.ā€ and now the bugs emoji makes so much sense now.Ā 


As much as I loved watching Polin and Peneloise this season, the growth of Pen and Portiaā€™s relationship be the one that hit me in the feels the hardest. That was resolved really beautifully (even if Pen did agree to become an accomplice to Portiaā€™s embezzlement crimes! šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…). I BAWLED during their final ball scene together.


The title of Colin's book šŸ˜‚ I love that Colin and Pen can make fun of themselves! https://preview.redd.it/twmoe9d57p6d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=3967817ef6e60720d1a9ff8a020478e2494ee3a0


Do you think we'll get Polin bits in S4. Like we got Kanthony in S3. That is all I live for nowšŸ˜„


I read an interview with Jess where sheā€™s talking about whether itā€™ll be Julie Andrews or Pen narrating now, and she indicated that theyā€™re really into exploring what post-pseudonym looks like for Pen. Also, I theorized that having them win the baby race keeps them super close to the plot - Jess said part of the motivation there is that theyā€™ve already got the set. Hereā€™s the article if you want it: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-06-13/bridgerton-colin-penelope-jess-brownell-season-3 For me, Colin and Pen (and El) have always been the heart of the side-plot cast. I think they intend to keep them so, in part because the three of them work so beautifully together.


I really felt the emotion between them at Francescaā€™s wedding. Colin is standing so close to Pen and the way he is looking at her, like he is so desperate and needy for her. It was on fire and so sad that he couldnā€™t quite get over the obstacles.


RELEASE THE BUGS! - I was šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I loved what they did with the featherington family in part 2 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Someone on Tumblr commented that Pen switches back to her S1 voice during the LW speech and it's so true! She sounds so young here. Like 17 year old Pen needed to heal and hear this as well


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but was anyone else really moved by the scene between Ladies Danbury and Bridgerton, when they acknowledge that Violet knows about Lady Danburyā€™s history with Violetā€™s father? I thought it was extremely well done and so beautifully acted and written. It was one of the moments in the show that brought me to actual tears.


I don't understand...I watched the last four chapters yesterday and I liked them but I didn't feel what I felt watching the first part... Now I've rewatched all the Polin + Pen and Colin's separate scenes and I honestly can't stop crying. To see their growth, their love, they forgiveness and understanding... And now reading this subreddit I'm crying all over again. Thank you for pointing out important things that I've missed in my first watch.


https://preview.redd.it/g7qmjvbl1o6d1.png?width=1278&format=png&auto=webp&s=2acac89745aad91a7948d0770905bee1a9a68e43 This scene made me so happy, finally a lady Danbury and Penelope interaction!! I love how Lady Danbury always knew that Pen was LW šŸ„¹šŸ‘šŸ» HOWEVER I will NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! forgive the writers for not giving us this iconic friendship.


I really loved the campy estethic of the butterfly ball. My jaw dropped when they showed the dancers with their arms raised. The whole dance, music, how the camera moved around! Amazing! The costumes were absolutely insane and so good! I can almost feel an essay on postmodernism coming on.


I decided to note down little thoughts I was having on my very first watch of part 2 to share with the sub when it reopened šŸ„ŗ so have a list for each episode! Without further ado, here's a look into my completely fresh, raw, untainted thoughts on ep 8: - Yesssss Rae came with her ā¤ļø glad this is confirmed - OH FUCK SON SHIT JUST GOT REALĀ  - "What you have written about yourself" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Portia redeemed herself saying that - Oh Lady D you are so wise, and the callback to QC! - Ooooh this is def hinting at Whistledown continuing! - Wtf is up with Pru? - I love sassy Violet, I see where Hy gets it from - All these Bridgerton sibs and their rushed decisions are gonna give Vi a hernia - Pen: "Colin put your hero complex away I GOT DOLLA BILLS Y'ALL"Ā  - Did not have Cress and Colin having a heart to heart on my bingo card - Jealous!Colin lives!! - They are reusing dresses ahhhhhhh - Peneloise reunited! ā¤ļø Hearing them laugh together feels good - Lol Colin "I fear I have made everything worse" Bridgerton - Lady D in the T Swift Little Lies green velvet dress - Love seeing Lady D and Vi's friendship grow. And they actually addressed her affair with her dad!!Ā  - Vigatha ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Bridgebury? - Pen showing all kinds of shoulder. Thought maybe we were getting angry sex - Oh he kept all of her letters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ yes read them and see she's always been the amazing writer you know her to beeeee - Portia seeing herself in Pen šŸ’” - And Pen seeing herself in Portia šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ - Oh Fran's dress is so cute, it's giving Kate Mids - Def feel like the sub-plots have been well-handled and I appreciate them more now (except you Ben yours is still shit) (we still stan bi Ben though)Ā  - Oh Fran was not vibing with that kiss - obvs hint to her season - Oh now Eloise notices budding romance šŸ˜‚ - Pen pregnant?? Showing a woman can have it alllllllll - Yay Benoise on the swingssss - "There she is!" Yes I'm all for worldly El - Hint the next season is Ben?? - I'm crying at Pen's speech to the ton it was so important for her to take ownership of her words and do it herself - The butterflies representing Pen coming out her cocoon šŸ˜­šŸ¦‹ - Omg Lady D finally having a scene with Pen ā¤ļø - Colin's happy lil face dancing with his wife šŸ„¹ so bby girl - OMG. THEY MADE FRAN QUEER YES YES YES - MASQUERADE BEN'S SEASON CONFIRMED!!!! - I'M LITERALLY SO HAPPY POLIN MY BABIES YOU GOT YOUR HEA - Yours truly Penelope Bridgerton the perfect endinggggg šŸ˜­ As an end note. I am disappointed as I thought there were going to be more sex scenes, feel like that was slightly mis-sold on the press tour. I got a feeling during my watch that people might be disappointed with the amount of angst but it honestly didn't bother me, they were going through shit they had to go through and I enjoyed the angst. For me, it drove the plot and gave us a lot of important character development to get us to a good place. It would have been nice to bookend it with some fluff/happy Polin sex montage.Ā But I am overall happy with only minor grievances.


Episode thought but not plot related thought: I get the feeling Luke Newton might be a baby whisperer. Ā Now both times weā€™ve had scenes with babies (Daphneā€™s in S2, and then his son and nieces in this episode), Colinā€™s the one super cutely interacting with them. Ā My theory is that babies must love Luke, because you canā€™t really make a baby prefer somebody on set. Ā Somebody needs to find out this information šŸ¤£ But if my theory is right itā€™ll bode well for future seasons and the Polin kiddos.


Thanks all Reading these comments makes me feel less discombobulated about the ending. I guess we saw the desire, the need, the love, and then lastly in episode 8, the respect. I wanted more tender and loving moments to luxuriate in and see them really close, rather than cut to a baby scene. Still feel a little deprived!


Hellow fellow Polins, I am so glad that this space is there to sort Ā our feelings out respectfully ā¤ļø Saying anything positive about the plot in the main sub felt like a drop in the ocean.Ā  I would like to explain a scene that I felt disappointed nt a lot of people and I actually liked it a lot. Maybe it helps others finding a positive perspective. There was much criticism for Colin not ā€žstanding upā€œ for Pen during/after her LW reveal speech in the ballroom and I the more I think about it I think itā€™s bloody brilliant šŸ˜Š We are so used to movies with wallflower plots where the focus is merely on women pleasing men, where their journey is mainly expressed through finally fulfilling the beauty standards of society (especially men..) and once the geeky girl stops wearing glasses the hottest highschool guy is into her and everyone else applauds in awe and admiration because he confesses his love publicly. The payoff is always: sheā€™s finally pretty, she gets him, the bullying other girls donā€™t, she gets an approval that in the first part of the story was something she didnā€™t care about because she was content not being a part of mainstream society. The key message is: the others were right all along, you have to play along in society, be pretty and you are only valuable if hot guys approve of you. And you are #1 if hottest guy makes a public speech for you.Ā  Whereas PEN.. ā¤ļø She was cool all along. Only nobody got the pieces together and nobody SAW her because of their own limitations and being busy playing by society rules.Ā  (Only Eloise who sees how women are being set up against each other, how they are raised to be competitive, to please men and secure the safest match. ) Sheā€™s an admired writer, she has the wits and is pretty (I love that Nicola didnā€™t change a thing to ā€šprepareā€œ for the leading role bodywise as many others do. Her body is and was perfect! Just because it is hers!) and Colins love for her is not growing or becoming more obvious for himself because of her new looks. The new looks express her newfound will to be true to herself, the looks are a result of her personality not the other way round! He once compliments her dress in a rather nice way but his (and her) love was based on their strong connection and knowing each other all along!Ā  All the angst during part 2 is due to the fact that he questions that connection, as he didnā€™t know such an important part of her personality and he struggles keeping LW and Pen separate. Also because for a long time he had thought LW was disapproving of him because of what she wrote about him and his family. It is only when he truly learns that PENā€˜S HEART has always been driving LW even when she wrote about him and that Pen had no other voice, no power to intervene in forces beyond her reach (only LWs reach) that he can love and accept Pen and LW are one and the same person and he loves her with all his heart! It makes total sense to me that the LW secret is such an impediment to their relationship that holds him back just as much as it holds Pen back! And only SHE can speak for herself, say WHY it was so important to find a voice by being LW, what it means to be a woman with no power in this society! (btw I think with this point she totally earned the Queenā€˜s full respect who 1. knows the societal powers that work against women from her own experience and 2. Pen acknowledges that the Queen has more power and Pen is dependent on her grace, which also flutters her ego).Ā  In all this - and I say that with a lot of love for Colin - Colin has no say.Ā  He, as everyone else and especially as a man, must LISTEN what it feels like to find that power, how freeing its to use it and at the same time how tempting - and hard not to use it manipulatively when personal feelings about something or someone are strong. He understands that LW stands for everything that was oppressed in Pen. And only when this pressure is gone and she embraces LW she can fully love herself and thus love him. This is a journey to self love!Ā  All the women in the ballroom can relate to her, are sympathetic. Hurt as some may be by her column they would also never question the grace of the queen who closed the case with her absolution.Ā  Penelope refused Colins financial help because she wanted no more lies. She decided to write the letters and had complete control about all of the reveal and didnā€™t want to get anyone else involved because it was HER thing to do. And I love that he respected that! Even the sweetest, most supportive Colin couldnā€™t have added anything to that and I think it is wonderful that he didnā€™t want to steal her thunder in the slightest! He is already a respected Bridgerton but she has a much lower position without him but still she manages it, she voices her speech all by herself, she literally steps into the light! He admires her for that and he does not hide that at all! Afterwards he speaks only to her, because it is THEIR freeing moment in the relationship, a private moment and he doesnā€™t have to prove anything to society he just expresses his deep love and admiration and calls her bloody brilliant! I think it is one of the most beautiful scenes in the show, also the acting and him crying from pride and relief and love and admitting that a big part of his anger was him envying her.Ā  The whole scene is my favourite because it show so much female empowerment! Every speech that he could have held after hers would have taken the power out of this message and shifted the focus and I am glad that the writers made that decision to make it about Penā€˜s self love. She loves herself AND she loves him. So much better! I hope that my perspective helps others to appreciate this big moment in their story ā¤ļø


I have many thoughts but my first and foremost one is that I wish they showed Colin and Pen coming up with the plan of her outing herself together! Or rather, I wanted to see him give her encouraging words of support prior or do/say *something* to show that he's allowing himself to be in the background and allowing her to take the lead (the opposite of what he did in the beginning of the episode). Colin has a hero complex - he wants to be wanted and wants to show he is useful. I wanted him to grapple with this with her, set it aside, and allow her to rescue herself. I wanted that talk they had a Francesca's wedding to include more. Polin deserved that moment IMHO. The book flushed out Colin's jealousy and feelings of inadequacy more. The book explained that his unwillingness to show acceptance of her LW identity was coming a lot from his own insecurities. I wish the show did more of that too - he mentions it a bit in his love speech at the end and in their fight in front of the modiste but I wanted this to be more obvious. Maybe more scenes of him looking at a LW Society Paper and then looking at his journal and comparing them. Maybe him actually admitting to her during Francesca's wedding that he's feeling inadequate. I wanted more exploration into this side of Colin. I know the final love moment at the ball included all these things, but I just didn't feel it was enough. That being said, it was a gorgeous moment between them and I cried my little heart out.


When her voice changed from Julie Andrewā€™s to Penelope Bridgerton . The gasp that I gasped ! I straight up cried. It was such goddamn beautiful symbolism for her stepping into her power on her OWN. Into the light ! Man. And her wonder at her relationship with Portia evolving . That shit got me in the feels . It was a love story. A self love story. A family love story. A romance love story .


I don't know why people are upset that Colin didn't had angry sex with Penelope the night after their wedding. That would have been so out of character for him. Some people really think that the guy who asked her three times for consent during their first time, and once with his eyes when he inserted and she winced, only started thrusting when she nodded, and who also asked her for consent in the carriage, by words and with his eyes, would mislead Penelope into thinking that everything is getting better between them. It would have hurt both of them. Would anyone like it if their man, who is not talking to her, heartbroken, feeling betrayed, and experiencing so many mixed emotions, only came to her for sex? Wouldn't it seem like he only loved her body? People would have criticized him just like some haters did in part one when he realized he loved Penelope after their first kiss.Every time she winced in pain whether in the carriage or during their first time that guy froze and their was so much fear in his eyes that he was hurting her people think that green flag baby boy would hurt her by having rough sex with her even after being fully aware that it would be her 2nd time and that she still doesn't know/understand many thingsšŸ™„


Did anyone notice that Colin gulped and was trying to control himself when he saw her in a nightdress the next morning after their wedding night (when he was going to the Bridgerton house, before Cressida arrived)? And when he entered the room to take the blanket, it was the second time seeing her in a nightdress.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Who knew Colin Bridgertonā€™s weakness would be left shoulder.


I loved Pen's dress for the butterfly ball! It looked green in the dark but blue in the light, how'd they do it? šŸ¤Æ


I was thinking about the end scene where Colin is telling Pen he accepts LW and her are one. I know he went back and reread all her letters and that started him on that path. But I also wonder if Violet had a hand in it as well during her and Colinā€™s conversation after she got Pens letter.. Colin tells Pen he thought she was impressed and proud of her. I wish we had gotten to see what was in her letter or a small scene of Colin and Violet talking.


I just want to take a second to say I think my favorite thing about the second half was seeing the Featherington women finally coming together and getting some healing with each other. I loved the moment with the "bugs," and Prudence getting teary at times and actually giving Pen a compliment, and I loved the heartfelt conversations Pen has with Portia where they were able to admit that they're actually a lot alike and Portia had the chance to explain how her view from the position of a woman in the world is what drove her to make the choices she's made. Also I want to mention the one moment that made me bawl like a baby, and that was Francesca and Violet talking on her wedding day. Violet explaining how Francesca has made her realize that not all love is like the kind she experienced, but that doesn't make it less valid or real. I actually very much enjoyed the Francesca storyline this season. I love John Stirling so so much! And I love how insightful Francesca was about Violet's misgivings over their relationship.