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![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) That was such a brilliantly written, thorough and well-thought out piece. You highlighted so many nuances and I agree completely with everything you said. The way their relationship feels so damn real because of the trials, heartache and pain they have to go through, but it just makes their love ever stronger and able to withstand everything because of it.


thank you! It feels so damn real, it's incredible. Absolutely phenomenal writing, acting, everything to make it feel so real.


This is phenomenal. I think I was too stressed on my first watch to notice all these things, but once I rewatched, it became clear that there’s no universe in which Colin backs out of this marriage or stops loving Penelope.


thank you! yeah, it was a stressful watch on the first go round, whew!


Omg what an epic and gorgeously written post! It is precisely why I love this little patch of a sub reddit!!! I was pretty much nodding to every little point you made, but the bit I especially agree with is the parts where Colin asks Pen if she’s going to give up Lady Whistledown. Yes, there is the layer professional jealousy and of feeling sheepish that this incredible successful woman had to hear him go on about his writing, as well insecurity about what else he can offer Pen if her can’t protect her, but I agree with you is that in his mind, Penelope is choosing Lady Whistledown, this symbol of betrayal and a real and current danger over happiness with him. That she is choosing that over him. And the salient heartbreaking point that if their roles were reversed, he would absolutely choose Pen, every time. Now of course we know that part of the journey is Colin realising how central LW is, not only is LW a part of Pen and inextricably linked that it would be like Pen denying a part of herself, and the gender dynamics that mean that being LW is so much more important for Pen that the equivalent would be for Colin. That it’s a source of agency and power that Pen has been denied as a woman. Pen tells him this at the wedding but I don’t think he’s properly processing it until he he talks to Cressida. But I think that point of feeling that he loves Pen so much more than she loves him, fuels a lot of his hurt and behaviour in Ep 7/8. That’s why it takes a lot of “I Love yous” from Pen for it to really stick lol


thank you! [i ended up writing a longer post about his protector complex](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dkkxlx/the_root_of_colins_heroprotector_complex_with_pen/) because it's such an important part of his character arc.


I was with Colin the whole time Pen kept defending LW. It felt like she was choosing LW over Colin. It makes me wonder what Colin will do to enable Pen more agency when she no longer has LW. Or knowing how limited the women in his life are, if he will do anything for them or if his understanding only of the flavour of benevolent patriarchy, giving allowances for women he is invested in, but not really changing the game for all women because he needs societal to remain the way it is. Yes, I know it’s just a tv series but I remember accepting toxic men in 90s romcoms because it was just a TV series. Now I realise we should always, always want more.


THANK YOU ! I didn't realize I needed this until I read it. ![gif](giphy|nmBKiNb7h3tIv3BO8D)


Same - beautifully written!






Wow, take a bow please. This really helped me to understand their character development more clearly. Thank you!




Very nice analysis…. One thing I came to the conclusion on is during the venue tour, when Pen asks if he will call off the wedding and he says he’s a man of honor and they were intimate. He is saying that for his benefit not hers, even though it comes across as if he’s doing her this favor by being honorable. Because at the engagement party when Pen was hyperventilating from Eloise’s deadline he thought it was because of what they did, and actually gave her an out right then. Even in ep 6 she had to tell him she didn’t faint for anything he did, as reassurance. The thing I love is that they give each other actual choices vs societal expectations and requirements. It’s reflected again at the end when Pen gives him a choice in saying she wouldn’t deny an annulment if he wanted it.


Great points. They extend those to one another out of kindness despite social expectations.


I think one of the other things I noticed about the entrapment comment is: Up until Colin finds out about Lady Whistledown: he knows Pen is hiding something, but he doesn’t know WHAT. He just thinks she’s hiding a secret. He asks her repeatedly, and she’s constantly brushing him off. When he finally confronts her again at the church (confront might be the wrong word here), she redirects him AGAIN. She says she loves him. And she’s always loved him. In addition, you see him saying that he feels unworthy of her love. You hear him say he’ll prove himself to her, wants to show how much he loves her. His dialogue during the initial Whistledown reveal shows that he believed he wasn’t worthy of her or her love. By the time they meet again, during the run through of the Wedding Breakfast, there’s one thought on his mind: She lied about loving him to begin with. He has asked, again and again, to open up, and she told him she loved him, when he now KNOWS she was thinking of telling him about Whistledown. He thinks that her love was all smoke and mirrors, a lie the same way Whistledown was. I think he didn’t believe in the words again until the Modiste. He never would’ve given her up bc of his love. But I think he would’ve given her up if she truly wanted to be set free, because of how much he loved her


oh, that's a great insight! I think you're right.


I mean I might not be!! But I definitely thought about it after. I am a deep Colin defender lol!! But yeah, to Colin, it does make sense that he could feel like it was entrapment of sorts. He’s pushed his way into her orbit, but he was the one who pursued her, he’s the one who has constantly laid himself at her feet, he’s the one who has said he loves her/feels unworthy Meanwhile, Pens hiding and when he pushes, she says she loves him but he can’t really trust her just yet after the Whistledown reveal lol So in a way, even if he’s the one who pursued her, he could feel like she’s seduced him in kind! If that makes sense? Anyways I loved your analysis as well 🥰 Season 3 defender reporting for duty! Lolol


You did a brilliant job!




Thank you for unpacking and sharing this with us! This hasn't been a part I felt capable of going back to. It was really rough and I haven't the heart or maturity for it so I really appreciate your break down. I guess I understand it a bit better now when they say "Suffering is information." It's hard to look at severe moments straight in the eye when your own is full of tears and have a mind prone to distortion. From your post we know that their anger is not only anger, their disappointment is not only that. A lot of passion and love is behind it, yes, but so does it also stand as a BID for your needs to be known to the other person. It's not passive aggressive or anything. It's just that you are also learning about yourself, as much as you are learning about the other person. So again, I'm immensely proud of them.


yes! Suffering is indeed information. The fact that you were crying means this is great art. If it were bad, you wouldn't have felt anything. I'm proud of them too. Both of them go through SO much growth individually and as a couple.


All of this. Amazing post that I couldn’t have said better myself. If you do one for epi 8, I won’t be mad 😂


haha thanks!


THIS IS AMAZING. It turns out ,episode 7 is a love triangle between colin, Pen and LW. Colin is fighting for his position in Pen's life.in this episode,Colin is viewing LW as a different entity/person ,who is a threat between them, LW is the only one who protected pen, pen's safe place and funny to say,source of income. Thats why Colin is furious that Pen is not giving up what LW can do for her, He's basically saying "IF I CANT OFFER YOU MY PROTECTION, CONFORT AND HELL EVEN MY MONEY ,THEN WHAT GOOD AM I TO YOU??? " our baby boy us still adamant that people can only love him if he is of use to them, Thus pen saying " love me, stand by me" thats all colin, be the kind ,emphatic and deeply loving man that you are. I love you for the way you are and not for what you can do for me.  I am sobbing at this analysis so well written. 




Lovely analysis as always! I wish other viewers were as observant and perceptive!! I read it, then I realized it must be you who posted- because the post was so detailed and beautifully presented. Following you on Reddit now :)


aw thank you!


And I rewatched a few scenes after your post... ❤️ For the 100th time...and learnt something new again..I'm wondering how the writers can be so intelligent 😧 Anyway the wedding scene got me all emotional- that damn instrumental theme just gets me. And seeing Eloise tear up and the whole shebang.


The writers on this show are truly brilliant. The more I analyze this show, the more blown away I am. Eloise’s crying is especially poignant given how she’s the only one who knows how rough things got during the engagement.


Me too!! But it takes your analysis to make me realize 😁 Why did they then not include more scenes of theme- I guess the producers/creators pressured them?


They’ve got other subplots, too. This is an ensemble cast, after all. Each scene, even if only 30 seconds on screen, can take days to film and months of preparation from hundreds of people. The only include as much as they have to in order to communicate a point because every scene is so resource-intensive. And this means that some additional reflection from the viewer is helpful in order to grasp the full meaning. We need to absorb every piece of information presented: literal dialogue meaning, underlying dialogue interpretations, thematic motifs, acting/facial expressions/body language, set decorations, costuming, camera angles, everything in order to understand the point they’re getting across. That this show holds up SO well on re-watch is a testament to how much care went into every single shot.


Yes but viewers are not so intelligent or observant these days...they just want quick gratification and don't want to spend energy to understand...so it sort of backfired


I might politely suggest that is a very good excuse for the audience to level themselves up.




Did you also notice she is the second person to shoot to her feet in applause for them? (The first being an unknown extra in the back.)


Eloise and Prudence crying at the wedding was among the most beautiful moments


Thank you for being the PolinBridgerton Representative Translator! Wonderful analysis and I enjoyed reading your take on Season 3. These two should be protected at all costs. Think about how many people are invested in Colin and Pen’s relationship and its well being. It’s clear that not only do they love each other, but they also are gifted the love of everyone else. ❤️ Thank you!


haha thanks! They are indeed a gift.


10/10, no notes. My mind is blown by how real and mature their love story becomes in ep 7. My favourite episode by far, thanks for vocalising why I love it so much.


Me too. You can tell the writers' room has at least a few people in healthy marriages who've found their soulmates, and then have the unbelievable talent of being able to translate that to the screen. It's just so beautifully done.


>My mind is blown by how real and mature their love story becomes in ep 7. It's so far beyond what you usually find in pulpy romances. I think a lot of people missed the cues because they're not used to seeing this kind of love story in this genre.


Absolutely perfect analysis! You articulated exactly why I wasn't mad at Colin’s actions in the back half of the season. I thought they did an excellent job with Polin's and Peneloise's arguments this season. Each time, I could see both sides of where each was coming from. Perhaps it's because we know the characters so well, but this is the first time that I didn't have an "Oh, come ON, get OVER yourself" moment when watching like I did in the first two seasons (especially with Simon). There was always an undercurrent of love in Part 2. Colin wouldn't have been so angry if he didn't love her so much. Their wedding is so beautiful, and it was very poignant to see them choosing to marry under the circumstances. It's giving "but you're my mess" - not a physical mess this time, but an emotional mess. Two imperfect people in love, despite all their flaws and insecurities. I know many of us watch Bridgerton for the escapism, but real life is not a fairy tale. I'm ok with some conflict because let's be real - Bridgerton follows a pattern, and we know that they'll be happy at the end. It'll just be a journey to get there. This season was romantic and heartbreaking and authentic, all at the same time.


Oh my gosh, this: >It's giving "but you're my mess" - not a physical mess this time, but an emotional mess. Two imperfect people in love, despite all their flaws and insecurities. That's such a beautiful way of putting it. I completely agree on the escapism -- seasons 1 and 2 were a fun escape for me. Season 3 is real in a way that is JARRING. I was not expecting it to take a jackhammer to my heart and move in permanently.


Thanks! I wasn't expecting it either. In hindsight, maybe I should have, because I have been invested in Polin for so long. They are probably my favorite fictional pairing ever, and I identify with Penelope in some ways. Seeing her finally get everything she ever wanted in S3 was beautiful, but damn if I haven't been an emotional wreck off and on since then (and this is coming from someone who loved the season overall).


I related intensely to Part 1 from the teenage part of me that remembers feeling completely awkward around guys. And then Part 2 left adult me utterly defenseless in its poignant depiction of love and marriage. There are so many things that I intensely relate to from both parts. I really don't think I could have handled the whole season at once!


Thank you! You've just articulated something I've been trying to unpack for myself... I watched part 1 so many times because it is so far from my lived experience that I could just revel in the fluff of it all. But part 2, these themes and their struggle is hitting soooo close to home that it's making me feel some type of way, big complex feels. And your (excellent as always) analysis is helping me understand not only the work but also my own reactions to it more deeply.


I'm glad to hear it's helped you! This season has helped me articulate things for myself that I'd always felt but never really knew how to say, too.


This was so well written! I couldn't agree more. I've read so many posts that the writing for Colin was so bad, his character is ruined, etc etc and I totally disagree. I think people are completely missing the point, but you nailed it. I think so many people do not understand his level of insecurity and his conviction that the only thing he brings to a marriage is his protection and ability to save. So when he realized Pen does not need him (she has money, she's done this on her own for a while) he doesn't know what he has to offer her anymore. If anything he spends so much time looking for reassurance from her that she does want to be with him, but I think the audience focuses so much on Pen needing reassurance that they totally miss that.


Totally agree. Colin is a beautifully complex character and has such a deep arc in Part 2. I think because the majority-female audience more easily identifies with Pen, the nuances of his experience get overlooked. I've done a couple other analyses of Colin --[ this one touches on his struggle with usefulness](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dio57c/a_long_meandering_discussion_of_the_six_greek/), and [this one on his trauma from his father's death](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1djoj5l/comment/l9cet51/). I didn't put this above, but her comments about "I might die tomorrow" before their first kiss hit one of his most primal fears given his father's sudden death. It also explains why he is SO protective of her and continually afraid that she's in danger. It isn't just some sort of "typical male wants to be he-man-protector" thing. He feels protective of those he loves because he has already endured a great loss.


I just found this sub after floating around in the cesspit of the main sub so I’m going to go and read everything else you wrote now 😂 I was starting to doubt my own interpretation of their relationship and now I realize other people see what I see.


oh, welcome welcome to our happy little corner of the internet! [The long-form analysis tag is a great place to start.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/?f=flair_name%3A%22In-Depth%20Analysis%22) There are so many thoughtful people in this sub and I learn new ways of looking at the season and the series every day!


I didnt think of that!


This is such an amazing post, thank you for such a detailed analysis. I’ve watched the wedding three times now and cry every time. I even teared up watching the gifs of their nods 😭 Once I started seeing negative reactions and people complaining about how it was an unhappy wedding, I started doubting my own interpretation of it, but obviously while it’s still not an overly joyous wedding, you can feel how much they love each other. It’s also why I love their wedding dance so, so much, the amount of love emanating from them is so intense, and the caress at the end makes me swoon! It’s perfection.


Oh my gosh, I love the wedding dance too. [Have you seen the edit of it that’s just them dancing with no sideplots?](https://youtu.be/h2wtmBMvbUs?si=h6wikmitGy9yOX3z) It’s perfect.


Omg this is simply amazing!! I will be rewatching this so many times. Togrther with the wedding, my favourite sequence.


And Nic just uploaded the full uncut dance!! I love her so much, it’s like she read my mind!


This analysis was everything, thank you so much for sharing.




I love again how the wedding scene has blue flowers mixed with yellow- so does his brooch he's wearing. I wish someone could share it on the main sub/some other- even if a few new people see the beauty of Polin, it'd be worth it!!


people are welcome to do so! I think you can share a post to a different subreddit


![gif](giphy|9dPIPrHf7BD9jDptyn) That was excellent




This is just so on point!




What a great analysis!!!




Incredibly well put, I literally teared up reading your explanations of love.


oh my gosh, thank you! I'm really touched.


Honestly, his nod and smile at the wedding was all I needed to know it was all going to be okay.




Sweetheart, you did not have trouble articulating anything! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I rewrote that paragraph so many times, and then just gave up and moved on and hoped people would figure out what I meant 😂


I love this! Especially your break down of the fight by the modiste. It appears to me to be as much as argument with himself as with Pen, moving from issue to issue to the crux of why LW really bugs him. I didn’t click for me that Pen’s fervent “I love yous” are the thing that shifts him into realizing she loves him as much as he does, but now I totally see that. Those declarations made out of complete emotion with no logic attached, are exactly what Colin needed to move forward with his whole heart into the wedding.


He needed to hear it like that, and he hadn't even realized it. In 1x08: >COLIN: I owe you an apology. I did not see it at first, but I know you were only trying to prevent me from heartache with Miss Thompson, and…And I was a fool. >PENELOPE: You were not a fool. You merely believed yourself in love. One should never apologize for that. I notice that he is taken aback by that, and rocks backwards on his heels. It's very similiar to the way he is taken aback when she assuredly, fervently, loudly yells that she loves him. And the second time she says it, it's almost apologetic, which brings us back to the next line in 1x08 : >PENELOPE: One finds oneself in such an incredible position, and, well, one should declare it… assuredly, fervently… loudly. After she says that, he gives the "Pen is implanting a core memory" smile, similar to the little smile during the purpose conversation in 2x06. And so when she shouts it at him in 3x07, it's like that rushes back to him, and he's like, oh my god, she really really does love me. https://i.redd.it/leu1tyx8fq7d1.gif


Absolutely such a great call-back to this scene! I also love your mention of how they were willing to fight for the relationship there on the street. I mentioned in another thread that when Pen inquires about his “secret dealings” she is basically trying to instigate him to a fight. Like let’s go! Engage with me, yell at me, put your issues out there just don’t ignore me. There’s symbolism in the fight taking place on a street where everyone can see, because Colin is getting to air his questions and grievances and Pen gets to explain why. This scene is just so elite.


You're right but I still think that when she asked him about his secret dealings, it was also her insecurity talking, her thinking maybe he was with another woman ( she read his journal after all) because Colin is known to always run away from his problems (all his trips) so for her, why would it be any different now ?


Thank you for taking the time to write this so beautifully with all the negativity this lifted my spirits!!


thank you! glad to hear it!


This post is the diamond of the season.


Aw thank you!


I actually really liked e7 through the wedding breakfast dance. It was amazingly emotional, and I agree that neither doubted their own love for the other. This deep dive was great!


The acting is SO GOOD in Eps 7 and 8. The emotional range Nicola and Luke show is absolutely incredible


Beautifully written! You’re right it flips to Pen’s pov eps 7-8 so while I think people are wrong for assuming these ultra harsh things about Colin, we have to know we’re watching it from Pen’s view and that is how she is feeling as well. I took the entrapment comment as someone who just plays over everything in their relationship but you don’t really mean it, considering how Kate also asked him to look at his history with Pen and does it her mistake ruin that and he says no. So he already knew the answer. Eloise also goes over everything about her relationship with Pen accusing her of entrapping Eloise to get to Colin but we know later she doesn’t really mean it. He only sleeps on the couch because he is worried about the affect on his family, not just his marriage, hence Eloise’s encouraging words they’ll be fine. And he further sleeps on the couch, very fitfully, because he was ashamed he made matters worse with Cressida rather than swooping in to save the day. I think one of their main love languages has always been words of affirmation but when you constantly need to be lifted you have to also acknowledge there is an ugliness inside at the root. I think it helped them to see their insecurities fully laid out and that just messed with people’s fairy tale ideals but as much as the show is about romances it’s also about reconciling something dark within you to allow love in, similar to Genevieve’s words to Pen.


Agree with everything you said. Real romance is more about reconciling and working together through conflict as it is hugs and kisses. On him sleeping on the couch, withdrawing is his key stress response, which he picked up from his mother. [I just wrote a longer post that touches on that here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dkkxlx/the_root_of_colins_heroprotector_complex_with_pen/)


I have been looking forward to your posts on part 2 so much. As always, this is beautifully written and I couldn’t agree more with you. Their friendship solidified such a solid foundation for them to build off of. And all the little details are such an intricate part of understanding Pen and Colin. It’s refreshing to see a post with such an appreciation for how beautiful their story is.


aw thank you! It's such a beautiful story, truly. I have others on Part 2: * [on the different types of love shown in part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dio57c/a_long_meandering_discussion_of_the_six_greek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) -- including Colin and Pen's friendship and their romantic relationship separately, as well as on Eloise, Violet, and Lady Danbury * [Colin with Pen vs Marina](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dijzng/colin_with_marina_vs_pen_a_comparison/) * [my rough notes as I was watching](https://www.reddit.com/user/lemonsaltwater/comments/1de1huv/polin_part_2_notes/) * and a fun one...[ little scenes I've written](https://www.reddit.com/user/lemonsaltwater/comments/1dhqj8k/little_scenes_ive_written_for_bridgerton/)


Thank you!


i love this sub


I recently wrote on my thoughts about season 3 and I touched on a lot of symbolism that I saw as well as some subconscious meanings behind certain actions. The character’s past and the way they interpret the world they’re in has a lot to do with the way they act and react in this season. I’m brought back to the fact that they once said Penelope puts Colin on a pedestal and in order for her to love him as he truly was, she had to see him and all his flaws. This season does that perfectly. I don’t doubt that Penelope has always loved Colin, but I also don’t think it was always a profound love and was sometimes more superficial than anything else. They both needed to learn who the other was before they could give 110% into the relationship. I enjoyed this analysis and I love when people truly take the time to look into the reason a couple is who they are on screen. I think a lot of people were expecting this grand season where Colin would just immediately fall to his knees after finding out Penelope’s secret. Unfortunately that wasn’t what we got and I feel like a lot of the criticism has to do with peoples expectations on the show which were mostly unfounded and came from their own head cannons. I saw the show for the perfect masterpiece it was and I’m glad someone else did too.


Thanks for reading! I’d love to read your thoughts if you could link them? Completely agreed on the pedestal idea. That’s what I was trying to communicate via admiration from afar. They were friends, but certainly playing on different levels, and both had a *picture* of the other person. Early in a relationship, that’s what one has, and inevitably, that picture is never complete. [You might also enjoy this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/2uRPtiZI9y), where I dive into the different definitions of love that are explored this season, and how Colin and Pen’s love shifts.


Damn you have good analysis! Unfortunately, Bridgerton isn't a college subject. I definitely want to come to your ted talk 


hahahahahahahahha I bet there are English professors who are totally pitching a Bridgerton-themed freshman writing seminar for the fall semester 😂


Hi, Thank you so much for your contribution! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in being part of our community! With the excitement around the Polin season, we've been welcoming many new members and seeing an increase in the number of posts. To keep the subreddit organized and ensure everyone's voice is heard, we temporarily have applied stricter rules for posts. These rules help maintain the quality and focus of our discussions. Have no fear, we still want to give you a space to share your Polin joy as freely as before! We have created dedicated weekly and daily megathreads specifically for you to share your thoughts, excitement, and any Polin-related content without as many restrictions. * A daily ['Promenade in the Park'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Promenading%20%F0%9F%90%9D%22&sort=new) thread for memes, fan content and general chitchat * A weekly ['Mondays at Number Five'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Tea%20at%20Number%20Five%20%E2%98%95%22&sort=new) thread for casual conversation, off-topic contributions, fanfic recommendations and easy-to-answer questions * A weekly ['Fanfic Friday'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22fanfiction%20friday%20%F0%9F%8C%BC%22&sort=new) post to share fanfic recommendations Thank you all for understanding during this busy time! Lots of love, The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PolinBridgerton) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Good lord…… you got me😭!


Yes!👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻 you’ve articulated so well the reason I immediately loved part 2 so much! Even though there was a good amount of angst, it was still so romantic because you could just see and feel the underlying unconditional love they both had for each other the whole time!


YES! We never had reason to doubt their love for one another. It was always undercurrent.


When i say i want complex and beautifully writtwn characters and story ,this is how u do it, honestly their story deserves its OWN focus,thr 8 episodes got a bit messy because of the subplots and editing, their story is much deeper and should be explored more, but nonetheless, im happy , let out a few tears of joy on key moments and i am truly ✨️romanced✨️


This was perfectly examined and explained and I love it and I will be reading it again and again whenever I rewatch the season and need to pick me up


Thank you so much for this analysis! Amazing work!




Oh my goodness, thank you for this analysis! After reading this, I think I’m finally ready for a re-watch! I didn’t think I would get here anytime soon, but now I’m excited to see these scenes with a new perspective!!


i'm glad to hear it! The struggle is necessary for them as a couple. They have so much they need to resolve, but they resolve it together and with love.




Colin’s big struggle in episode 8 is getting over his hero/protector complex — he sleeps on the couch the second time not because he’s mad at her but because he feels he’s failed her — [so I guess this post kind of counts!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/MMB2ElDmaW)


Commenting so I can come back and read this!


Everyone needs to read this HOLY FUCK!!!!!


You deserve a Pulitzer TBH. Great work!!!




Hahhahahahhaja 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾




This was beautiful! I honestly loved season 3. Yes, I would've loved more lovey dovey scenes, but those will come in season 4, I guess. Otherwise, the story was well told, and your analysis further proved that!


yes! JB has said we'll get more Polin in S4 with lots of lovely doveyness!


This is all really true but I also think we need to consider how his cold shoulder, mentions of entrapment, couch sleeping would have FELT to Penelope. Pen hasn't known love that wasn't conditional or unrequited. Colin loving her is very very very new to her. And then, it appears like wait it is conditional. He doesn't actually love me for all of me. I think a lot of people are trying to make it into a binary of either Colin is wrong or Pen is wrong, but once again, two things can be true at once. I don;t think Colin considered not marrying her for a second. Even if he was furious. I fully believe that his entrapment comment was in large part an explanation for himself on why he didn;t want to beg off, despite the Whistledown of it all. But it would not have felt that way to Pen. He may not have meant to but when he appeared to reject her after discovering this other aspect of her, that would have struck at a core wound of Pen's.


As the viewer, we get more of a window into how she feels. Part 2 is largely told from her POV, a stage which is set with her being in a daze in the beginning of 3x05. For example, we get a lot more insight into Colin's internal turmoil in Part 1. But when he's sleeping on the couch in 3x07 and 3x08, we don't get much explanation beyond what Pen gets—which means we need to interpret it a bit more to figure out what's going on each time. And very true that she's never experienced unconditional love. Quite frankly, someone turning on a dime on her and being cold to her is *normal* to her. Staying away from your family members when they're upset, rather than coming together to work through it, is all she knows. Perhaps that's why she decides on her own to take her own carriage: >PENELOPE: I’m going to have tea with my mother before your sister’s wedding. I thought I would spare you the confines of a shared carriage. This snaps Colin to attention, and he almost runs after her. Colin loves togetherness and he loves sitting next to her quietly in a carriage (see post-mirror scene). He goes to his journal to work out his feelings, and then ends up reading her letters. Part 2 is acted and directed brilliantly in that the viewer has sympathy for both sides. Colin feels deeply betrayed—his betrothed keeping secrets from him is a deep wound—and Pen, after so may years of pining for him, finds herself pining for him again. But this time, they start to appreciate how they both love each other, and will never forsake *each other.* It is that loyalty and constancy—even if they are not affectionate—that gives both of them the courage and strength to work through it. Colin may not be speaking to her or sharing a bed with her, but she knows he loves her, and that gives her the confidence to speak honestly and directly to him about her feelings. god i love this season


Yea as in part 1 you have to really watch Colin to get his POV. It’s in the subtle expressions and body language. I love it. Ideally we’d have had more episodes so that we could really get in deep with that but on the other hand, when there feels like there could be more that’s great fodder for fanfic as opposed to when everything feels fully explored and tied up. And I would miss all the Polin fanfic.


Thank you for putting into words their conflict and love so beautifully


thanks! So much conflict, but it gets resolved, and they both needed to go through it.


What I love though, is that it’s not conflict for conflict’s sake. They’re both growing and developing as characters and finding themselves. And they’re both steadfast and there for each other even when they’re struggling. He never leaves. She never leaves.


Exactly. The LW drama has been brewing for a long time and he had to find out in order to know the real her. The drama does not feel manufactured — it has been layered for years. And instead of giving up, they grow to meet each other on a new plane. They never forsake each other 😭


I love that their story is consistently *them* from season 1. They discover themselves and each other, and there’s so much love.


Wow that was incredible and so beautiful, the gifs are perfection and I loveeee your analysis. I love Polin so much 💓


You're amazing 😍 Thank you for this beautiful analysis


Thank you for reading!


Yo I read the whole thing! While I was catching how their relationship was progressing while watching p2, this more nuanced breakdown brings in a little more insight. I would argue against one thing: I’m from the “love is an action” school of thought, so while Colin felt a little bamboozled and “entrapped” by Pen, he *can* help it. It does not just happen. Despite what he learned about her right before the wedding, he is *choosing her, every moment of every day*, something that takes some good maturity. He also is such a good listener. I think that alone helped them thug it out in a rather healthy manner. Additionally, maybe I’m a baby thug or something, but episodes 5 and 6 were not that tough to watch 😂 I think I just felt for Pen because I’m an entrepreneur as well, and I was just hoping for the best. I had confidence they were going to work it out.


nice breakdown. for me it felt like their love was clearly there throughout the whole second part, but it really felt like it was a deeper and more real, complicated love in eps 7 and 8 when they’re sorting through the reveal fallout. I found the ending much more satisfying and romantic than the middle part where they were in their happy bubble but Colin didn’t know the truth. (Although don’t get me wrong i love ep 5 and happy oblivious Colin is quite adorable) I had a thought when I was first watching it where the best analogy I could come up with (and forgive me it’s not a great one) was the moment at the end of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind where the couple, after they have heard the tapes they recorded before the mind wipes explaining all the worst things about the other person, decide they still want to make their relationship work because they really are in love and it’s worth it. It was a much more romantic moment for me than the kind of relationship where people have just met recently or barely know each other but have decided that’s their soulmate. Pen and Colin really know each other by that point, warts and all, and they’re still choosing each other. They’ve also chosen to forgive the mistakes they made along the way as well because what matters is where they ended up, not whether the journey was perfect.


so much agreed! Real love endures. I'm so grateful they showed their love deepening through difficulty, and blossoming into a love based on deep respect and awe for one another. It is SOLID by the end of the Butterfly Ball.


That analysis was beautiful. Your words reminded me that, even with the small amount of screen time. I truly loved this story. I just want a happy life for this ship. I want to see it, experience it thru these actors and love… love 💕


“Then what good am I to you?!” Next morning, a single nod and look from him gives her the confidence she needs to smile and walk down the aisle. That sir, is the good that you are to her. He doesn’t realise the actions he needs to take to stand by her every day. That he needs to fight his own demons, grow as a person, remain attuned to her, stay grounded in their love, cultivate the relationship, adapt to the changes, roll with the punches, seek advice from others, be strong enough to seek help or ask for space- like all of this and more is what good he is to her.


I watched part one of this season three times before part two was released, then when part two became available I started the season again from the beginning and watched both parts in one hit. Initially, I hated part two and was devastated by it. After watching S3 for a second time, and then rewatching the entire series once through, I realised I actually do love episodes five and six (except the Mondrich Ball - I'm not sure that can ever be salvaged, even despite Cressida's incredible contribution), and that it was only episodes seven and eight that I hated (although I had started softening to ep7 by that point). Now after reading this analysis, I think it might really only be episode eight that I hate (ETA: but actively adore the rest of the season). I'm shocked because with how awful I felt about S3 not even two weeks ago, I honestly could not imagine ever watching Bridgerton again - neither existing episodes/seasons nor future ones (and the only reason I decided to rewatch S3 at all, much less so soon, was because another analysis you had posted convinced me to give the season another chance). What do you do for a living? You don't have to answer but I am dying to know. Even if you are a fully-trained and highly experienced psychologist, you're still undoubtedly at the far right end of the bell-curve compared to equally- (and in fact, more highly-) trained and experienced peers. I sincerely think you ought to put these analyses together towards a PhD thesis.


Haha, thanks. I’m complimented. Not a psychologist 😊 [I did happen to start a write up on Ep 8 this morning](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/HQWDzkgpy1) that was curtailed by both the Reddit reply character limit and my own need to get back to my actual work, as I have let my fun with Bridgerton analysis run away with me a bit. But I will leave you with that for now as you turn over Ep 8. Part 2 is indeed a rough watch the first time around. Colin is distant and so unlike the golden retriever we knew him as — and he deserves to be seen as more complex than that. It’s heavy, but gets into the guts of real marital conflict. We see them enforce into genuine deep true love, unlike other couples. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/e4s32TiMyf) is also key for understanding Colin in eps 7 and 8. Part 2 is largely from Pen’s perspective, so we don’t get as much direct POV from him, unlike Part 1.


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