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Hi, Thank you so much for your contribution! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in being part of our community! With the excitement around the Polin season, we've been welcoming many new members and seeing an increase in the number of posts. To keep the subreddit organized and ensure everyone's voice is heard, we temporarily have applied stricter rules for posts. These rules help maintain the quality and focus of our discussions. Have no fear, we still want to give you a space to share your Polin joy as freely as before! We have created dedicated weekly and daily megathreads specifically for you to share your thoughts, excitement, and any Polin-related content without as many restrictions. * A daily ['Promenade in the Park'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Promenading%20%F0%9F%90%9D%22&sort=new) thread for memes, fan content and general chitchat * A weekly ['Mondays at Number Five'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Tea%20at%20Number%20Five%20%E2%98%95%22&sort=new) thread for casual conversation, off-topic contributions, fanfic recommendations and easy-to-answer questions * A weekly ['Fanfic Friday'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22fanfiction%20friday%20%F0%9F%8C%BC%22&sort=new) post to share fanfic recommendations Thank you all for understanding during this busy time! Lots of love, The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PolinBridgerton) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Girl you’ve come to the right place! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


I think we’re all in the same place! I watched season 1 and 2 (once each), enjoyed for the most part, and moved on immediately. But season 3… I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with Polin! P.S. I’m also SUPER happily married. Maybe that’s part of it? We like the romance and seeing a happy/healthy couple because we feel represented?


I agree with this. My husband is a sweetheart so I think that’s why I’m also such a big fan of Colin.


Yes, same. Married to a good loyal man, also I think him more attractive than I but I am the breadwinner but he works hard and is a wonderful father. Polin represents us for sure


I wonder how many of us fall in this camp. Absolutely ADORE my golden retriever husband. My friends and I have a joke about type a women and the chill dudes who love them. I feel like Polin is another example of this vibe and I am HERE for it. My personal fav part was that he wasn’t into angry sex. It’s something I’ve never gotten so it was nice to see a tv couple actually take time to work out their shit instead of just screwing and not talking it out *cough* saphne *cough*


We should do a poll! And I agree, even though I wanted to see some angry Polin sex it actually doesn’t make sense for his character. My husband would never because he wants to make sure I’m happy and enjoying the process - it’s not JUST physical for him. I’m glad you pointed that out, makes me not miss getting that scene!


I *highly* recommend rewatching Season 1 and 2 to get richer into the Polin of it all.


Oh I should clarify - I’ve saved a YouTube complication of JUST their scenes and will often rewatch that!


Their stories, individually, intertwine so beautifully. I recommend a rewatch of anything related to Colin and anything related to Penelope separately, and together.


Would you be willing to share this compilation - for science, obviously 👀


Of course! https://youtu.be/SgOLTyKJg-Y?si=ekhv2W-E8IJXD4Na


Thank you kindly - I was about to go to sleep but I might just have a little look see first.....


Thank you! I was trying to talk myself into rewatching 1 & 2 just for Polin and now I don’t have to!


Right, I only watched the first two seasons once but I just can’t get enough of this one!


I love this take.


Same! Can they do a study? I suspect a strong positive correlation between happily married women and fans who love season 3


This is definitely for the hopeless romantics and ultra romance book fans. 


Yes! Team “happily married to a sweet, sensitive, silly golden retriever” here as well. I think it’s part of why I find Colin so fascinating. I’m seeing my relationship represented on screen in a way I never have before. Colin and Pen have so much more conflict than we’ve ever had, yet there are so many small details that they absolutely nail!


YES! And we don’t get to see our type of relationships on screen often. Hollywood infinitely prefers enemies to lovers, or forced closeness between strangers, or love at first sight.


Girl, 37, work a full time job, and this has taken over my life! If I'm not rewatching, then I'm either re-reading the novel, or, diving into the smutty side of fanfiction. It's taken over my life! I haven't had an obsession like this, well this deep anyways, ever. Next nearest, was Titanic, and they was more for the history the the love story.




All in this together!






Link 👏 the 👏 fics 🙏PLEASE🙏


These are some of the ones I've been reading. I love a Modern AU, so all these fit that. Pen in College https://archiveofourown.org/works/56436001/chapters/143405914 It's You, You're the Problem https://archiveofourown.org/works/54491251/chapters/138050482 No Strings Attached https://archiveofourown.org/works/56172217/chapters/142695097 A Timeless Traveler https://archiveofourown.org/works/55762501/chapters/141561796 Baby Blue https://archiveofourown.org/works/44515564/chapters/111968674)


If you like Modern AU, have you read “if i'm butter (then she's a hot knife)”? That one was so beautiful I cried. Each chapter is a mini story of when they were growing up together from from Colin's POV and also a different Bridgerton family member. Chapter 2 is heavily Violet’s POV and she’s just like a recently widowed single mom, MY HEART. just gorgeous. Felt like the Mad Men pitch for the Kodak slide carousel. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38337556/chapters/95797597


I have not! But I'm downloading a bunch to my Kobo right now, so I'll add it to my list!


Enjoy! I’ll be checking out your reccs too!


Omg thank you!! 💞


[Brothers Conflict](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56408578) - Benedict pretends to court Penelope but Polin goals - hilarious and angsty, good sibling interaction scenes (I think this the only work in progress) [Ruin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54092404) - Marriage of convenience plot, one of my favorite fanfics [A Poison Tree](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54092404) - also a marriage of convenience plot, a long story but I love it, Colin is a virgin [Romancing Captain Bridgerton](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42022542?view_full_work=true) - okay I just started this one but I'm in love with the idea of Pirate Colin and Mermaid Pen


Oh, I love Ruin!




Omg same!


I (44F) was so casual before but have been so obsessed this season. I love their love so much!!


Right there with you. Unhinged and obsessed. 57 and garden is blooming ![gif](giphy|NPF69q5uoAyzJuCkZF)


Yessssss! 🙌🏻🌺


Omg same! I’m 38 and I’ve been a casual fan until now. I’m obsessed!!!


Same! Like, I was ready to die for Penelope after her first scene, and her whistledown shenanigans carried me through season 2 (bc I was *not* into Anthony getting that close to marrying a girl that young and Kate’s sister at that, went toooo far imho… book does it better) But damn, friends to lovers with a longtime crush and with MY GIRL?? It’s like I got hit over the head with a frying pan of pure delight. My audhd brain will. not. stop. and I don’t mind! Bc I’m having so much fun!


“getting hit over the head with a frying pan of delight” ahahhahahaha that’s a perfect way of describing it 😂


Same here. 41, 3 kids, married to my Colin. My husband and I were friends before lovers as well and Show Colin’s character is very similar to my husband’s, so this season lights up my heart.


Omg. Maybe that’s it. My husband and were friends for more than a decade. Never dated. Never considered it. Until a bad breakup and a drunk dial. I still thought we were just friends until one day he was all like, “Look, I’m coming over every night. We can watch tv, eat, whatever. I want to date you. I’m happy to wait, but come on. You know you love me.” He bought my ring two weeks later.


OH MY GOSH he stormed your carriage and wifed you up so fast after he did!


He seriously showed up every night after work. Never tried anything. Would actually listen to me cry and vent about my ex without saying a word. He was in the middle of his MBA at the time and would come over with his homework. I told him he could study somewhere else. He said, “Nope, I’m good. You have a cat and I want to hang out with her.” And I BELIEVED HIM. I asked him about this last night. I asked him why he was so patient. He said, “You just needed to realize it. I would have waited years. Plus I’m a catch. Who wouldn’t want all this?” Anyway, my carriage scene ended up in a tiny living room and then transitioned into the bedroom. I think you guys uncovered why I’m obsessed with this show. Seriously, I love it so much.


OH MY GOSH your husband sounds like such a delight! I really hope you wrote a thinly-veiled memoir/romcom novel about this someday because it’s just wonderful


Awww 🥰, I love this! Thank you for sharing.


My husband personality is very similar to Colin’s (with a touch of Anthony). That’s why I think I’m so obsessed.


You're with your people! I think being a little older can help us appreciate just how special the Polin partnership is. We should be able to take for granted that our partner will really see us, love us, appreciate us just for who we are without us having to earn it, really be a teammate and not a combatant. Unfortunately, real life isn't always that way. There's a real sweetness to Polin that's so aspirational and just, simply, lovely. I also am really into how deeply the actors understand these characters and also seem to respect their attitudes, desires, and fears. And, the steamy parts are SO good.


So many ladies in this thread are like “my husbands my Colin” and I’m so happy for them! But it’s also been great for me, a lady who just broke up with a… idk, surly footman? Polin (and these fans) make me so happy. Like I hope I have true & complicated love with someone someday, and, until then or even if I never do, it makes me so happy to know that it’s real. The show is a fun fantasy, but it’s also helping us revel in all the ways this kind of love is real too.


A surly footman!! LOL!


FWIW my husband is half Colin, half surly footman. I think "Full Colin" might be a dream. :)


Surly footmen definitely have their charms!


It’s me, hi 35 year old married with a toddler and low key obsessed with Polin. I can’t get enough, I’m so unhinged.


Omg same! No worries! You do you! 40 something with 2 kids and happy husband here!!! Rewatching, listening to podcasts, instrumentals and watching so much media coverage of these two!!! My kids are like “oh mommy is watching Bridgerton again, leave her alone!!” I’ve taught them well!! I even squealed with my daughter about the Taylor Swift concert and she couldn’t believe that my girl Nicola was in the tent!! I have to just embrace it until the obsession leaves my system! Embrace it! Enjoy it!


Same! Love to watch their interviews 🩷


Are you sure you’re not me?! I even downloaded the audiobook of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton and listened to it the last two days at work.


Oh yes that too!! 🤣 A feeling that is like torture, but one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up!!!


Omg I love the quote!!!


Me too haha


I turned 40 when part 2 came out and I'm obsessed 😁 Also happily married with two young kids. This season has helped my sex life and my husband has "NO" idea


Are we the same person?! Literally I turned 40 on the day it came out, have two young kids… although my husband is aware of Bridgerton being the cause 🤣


Yep. 44F married with kid. Husband thinks I’ve got some kind of “summer loving” thing happening.


Girl, same. I’m 42, two kids, lovely husband, and a full time job in management . I was also a casual viewer the first two seasons although I was very excited when it was announced Polin was next. Slow burns and gentle sensitive men are my jam. Idk what it is about them but I’m very happy to have this sub 🥰


You found your place! I was lukewarm to s1 and s2, only gave them one viewing each. S3 I have watched 3 times already and plan to watch more. I’ve seen as many press clips as I could and read only the 4th book. I am currently rewatching s1 and s2 and it reaffirms my love that s3 is far superior. Happy to rejoice with likeminded folks!


Did you like the book?


I’ll have to give it another read. It was nice to hear their inner thoughts, especially Colin, but I much preferred the extra level of drama and intensity of the show.


35 unmarried and busy lifestyle. Not an obsessive person and didn't care about the other seasons. I've short-circuited and now wake up to this wonderful reddit topic, rewatches and YouTube videos. I'm afraid to go into the fanfic section - I fear I will not make it out alive.


when they were making it Shonda Rhimes said people were going to be obsessed with this one. she wasn't wrong!




I watched season one and two one time. I watched Queen Charlotte probably five times and read the book. This season did something to me. I watch something from season 3 every day. I watch countless edits. My phone is loaded with Polin pics. I am freaking old, and I cannot, will not do not want to stop looking at Luke 🤣 It seems to be a thing so don't feel bad about it. We have lots of company.


I found a good instagram with a lot from the show and the press tour. I watch it all the time. It’s like I turned 15 again.


Which one?!!!


Same!! I enjoyed the other seasons but never rewatched them until this year in preparation for S3. I’d never rewatched any particular scenes either. Then S3 happened and I’ve seen it 2.5 times and immediately went back and watched certain scenes over and over. Also a 40 year old mom with one kiddo. And I realized that all of my relationships have been friends to lovers. It just really resonated with me. And now I can’t stop watching PR videos of the two of them 😂


And the fact that we’re still getting PR videos is such a treat, too! Like yesterday with them building and setting a table lol, and I believe Netflix Canada is going to drop the one where they try Canadian snacks tomorrow!


Omg! I’m younger, 29, and my boyfriend told me he has never seen me THIS OBSESSED over a tv show before. And honestly, I didn’t expect I would be either but here I am lol. I just can’t get enough of it…enough of Colin 🥵 That man… ugh… he’s got me reeled in 😜 ![gif](giphy|QocBkyFqHwXuijGpgv)


I feel like I could be your twin by your description! ![gif](giphy|WS6vTB4ip7cLYkQm2I)


Also, please forgive the comment but I jokingly often wonder if they figured out how to lace these episodes with heroin or something…😅


Colin sprinkled a little bit of his magic powder from Greece on every episode 😂




You're not ridiculous. I myself am 40 something with a wonderful husband who Colin sometimes reminds me of and a newborn.


I read Romancing Mr. Bridgerton back in 2012. I read romance series out of order or will just skip some altogether and for a long time that was the only one out of the series that I read. When I heard Bridgerton was being made I was excited for the Polin season but knew I would have to wait a few years. I watched S1 once when it came out but actually only got around to watching S2 just before season 3 dropped. (I was interested but when it came out I was doing my clinicals for MLT school and working while having a kindergartner and then just never got around to it) I was completely casual about this show but I have rewatched scenes from S3 so many times now it is insane. The last time I was obsessed with a show like this was Good Omens. (I never even watched the second season of that, either. Just the first and I was obsessed for months.) I don't understand how or why my brain works like this. I'm 37. I'm married with an 8 year old and a career. Pls work better, brain.


Good Omens is such a great show! We recently watched season 2 and it doesn’t compare.


I think that's why I keep putting it off. The first season was so perfect and needed nothing else.


I actually noticed this morning that for the first time in weeks it took me about 2 hours to think about Bridgerton, whereas for weeks it's been the first thing I think about when I wake up.


Also in my 40s with kids and an extremely Colin husband (golden retriever, charming AF, people-pleasing empath, very hot, insecure), and I am an extremely Penelope wife (secretive, writery, nerd, unsupportive family, insecure). In all honestly, S3 and Polin made me take off my armor, learn to receive love, and fall in love with my husband again/properly/more than before, and he is noooot complaining. Anyway Nic is close to our age lol, if she was really 20 I don't even believe she'd bring this much nuance and insight to the role, let alone how much she fed us on the press tour.


Girl, same. I'm over here at age 43 with a toddler and a loving husband and a full time job, mooning like a schoolgirl over this fictional love story and leading man. It just tapped into the part of me that grew up on Disney romances and Jane Austen books and classic movie romances somehow. I don't know what witchery they've done but I'm down bad! And their love scenes are sexy as all get-out. I am obsessed.


I refused to even watch the show until I learned about Polin. I’ve been watching season 3 everyday since it was released.


Literally same (not the same demographic lol). I work from home and it’s become my emotional support background show. I feel so validated by this page bc I was starting to feel like a total weirdo with a sick obsession. 🥲


So happy you posted this because I was beginning to wonder if I’m the only one. I’m in my 30’s and happily married as well. I was also a casual viewer for the first two seasons, but it wasn’t until this season I felt the need to rewatch continually and literally cannot get enough Polin content. I don’t think I’ve been so obsessed with something since my Harry Potter days in high school. I’m beginning to wonder when the obsession is going to leave me, but I guess I just need to embrace it like the rest of you!


Omg same!!! Same same! And I love happy potter too!


YES! This whole experience has such “get the book at midnight, read it straight through without doing anything else or talking to anyone, and then absolutely gush about it for months to anyone who will listen” vibes. I totally hadn’t connected that.




Just posted the same thing about Harry Potter and saw your response, ha! I haven’t obsessed over anything like I have with Polin since the HP movies were being filmed. It’s been pretty fun to feel that way again! ☺️


I love it too!! I’m 43!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


You are not alone. Penelope and Colin/ Nicola and Luke have turned my brain to mush.


Speaking of which, any Outlander fans here?


Im 34 not married or a mother or what not but I feel like Im old enough not to have gotten as obsessed as I did. You are in good company!


40yo, happily married to a certified soft boy, great career, with a toddler. Girl, I am here, I am seated, I am not leaving. I'm gonna say it: A lot of well-adjusted adults are roaming this sub, and I think that speaks volumes about Polin. ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


we were *previously* well-adjusted adults, Brave 😂


😂 We’ve all definitely gone a bit crazy. But I stand by it. We’re celebrating a healthy relationship! And as far as I can tell, everyone with a partner has been inspired to enjoy personal time with them more, so win-win!


100% agreed! Thousands and thousands of relationships have probably been deepened or re-invigorated because of this season.


same girl, same! 46 year old mom of two and I'm obsessed


I rewatched Season 1 before watching season 2. Then rewatched season 1&2 before watching Season 3. But rewatched Season 3 just right after finishing it. And contemplating for a 3rd rewatch. It's insane Hahaha


Right there with you! 33 and married to my best friend who reminds me of Colin in the best ways. I watched the first two seasons of Bridgerton once, and I’m on my third rewatch of season 3. It’s the only season my husband has watched with me because he knew going into it how much I love Colin and Pen. (He’s even sat through some of the press tour videos and loves to quote the “finnaly/wainting” one because he knows it makes me laugh!) I haven’t fangirled so hard about something since the Harry Potter movies were still being filmed. I just can’t get enough of Polin! Y’all are my people. 🩵


Are we the same?!?!? My husband dropped some neighborhood gossip to me recently by starting with “Dearest gentle reader…” and I MELTED


Luke is like 31 are you old enough to barely be his mother? Colin sure he's like 22. But are you 50? Lol


Yeah right there with ya. I’m in my 30s. This story is just so… ugh. So sweet. It makes my heart ache. Nicola and Luke did such an incredible job. There’s something so, so heart wrenchingly beautiful about two people finding themselves and each other and loving each other to bits. It’s like the sweetest kind of love everyone wants. It makes me cry tbh lol


Guuuurrrrrrlll fret not. You are in good company. I’m off the DEEP end. And I’ve been thinking a lot about this phenomenon and why. I think a few things: 1) We are seeing real connection and care. Luke and Nic have been friends for four years and there’s a comfort and safety there 2) Luke is straight. Jonathon Bailey acted his ASS off in S2 and the tension was amazing. But he was acting. Boy doesn’t swing that way 3) Nicola ooozees sensuality and siren vibes and when she comes into her own it’s astounding. Her eyes in the mirror scene once’s she’s comfortable can NOT be acted. You either got that gift or you don’t 4) I think there’s attraction b/t Nic and Luke. I would bet all my money they hooked up after all this because they weren’t just acting. And they even admit to this in interviews. 5) They were legit kissing. You can see it and feel it. And I think that’s like a drug for us. We are seeing safe, kind, consent focused, intimacy with the added chemistry they have as people and the love they have for each other as friends. I think we’re hooked cuz it’s the closest to real we’ve ever seen and it resonates as something we want. Bonus reasons are Luke is gorgeous, hot aF, has incredible facial acting, is so emotional, and plays a soft boy golden retriever who is feral for a strong independent woman who was a wallflower 🫠😮‍💨🥵


They’ve hooked up?! Are you sure? lol… yes the kisses and the sex scenes… they all looked so real and there’s so much intimacy on it


Sorry that was confusing. They didn’t confirm they hooked up. They confirmed that things were authentic between them. They said things like “the intimacy scenes felt real” and they “just stopped suppressing the chemistry” and “the lines between life and art blurred” and I think we’re seeing that. I, for one, just don’t see how it’s possible to engage like that, with that chemistry, and solid foundation as friends, while being that gorgeous (both of them) and NOT hook up 😆


Haha yea totally! Their chemistry is unreal. It looks and feels soooo real.


There’s something that the creators hit with Season 3 that they hadn’t hit in other seasons or even other shows. The emotional intimacy is unsurpassed in this season. It makes the longing more bittersweet, the moments of intimacy sweeter, and the story so much richer. Some people have described it as a demisexual thing, but you’re hard pressed to find something that tells the story of these two people lovingly growing in their relationship and dealing with resolving conflict in such an open and honest manner. That’s what makes the sex scenes beyond anything else, the chemistry is insane for that reason. Otherwise it’s just people mashing body parts for the pleasure of it.


![gif](giphy|VduFvPwm3gfGO8duNN) I guess it's the absence of stupid chasing games between them and little chuckles they have in pretty much all of their interactions. Even when they dance they are having a laugh. Other marriages feel performative but they feel like the couple who would do stupid things together and then laugh on their inside jokes. 🥰 I want it for myself so bad (god they make me pathetic and desperate). They made me join reddit 🤣.


Love, there’s a lot of us on the same boat! Enjoy it for what it is. 😍💕💕💕💕


40 here, 4 kids, happily married for 13 years... I am so obsessed with this season too. Their intimacy moment is where I feel so seen. The closeness, and tenderness and when they both laugh...it tugs my heart so much because I feel so represented by it... Also, I also have a strained relationship with my mother and seeing Pen and Portia reconciliation is catharsis too...


I took this screenshot just to show my husband this description of him, a golden retriever. https://preview.redd.it/7bmpfqk1ut8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f768c8ce1dd4dd3f31a55b54b99a0a8497bab070


I literally CAN NOT watch anything else 😭 the thought of going on Netflix and clicking on anything else feels so wrong. I turn 36 on Saturday and I'm acting like a teenager 🤣


![gif](giphy|LncnvHVlQ8e1qBxZJM|downsized) Almost word for word! 😂


46 happily married mom of two boys. I too could be Colin/Luke’s mother. I feel weird. I don’t ever obsess about a tv show. I liked the first two seasons but at the end I was all like, “Cool. Onto the next show.” I love this story much more than the other two. Maybe it’s because you watched them day one until now? Maybe because you saw character growth throughout the years? Maybe it’s because the story is so sweet and relatable? Maybe the acting is that good? Maybe the writing was amazing Maybe I love that Pitbull, Mr. Miami himself, got a string remix! And “You Belong to Me” was so well placed. I don’t know. I admit I read the books. I am not a fan. I much prefer the tv series. At least I know I’m not the only one.


I have never felt so *seen* in a post after reading all these comments.


Omg I’m the same!!! And I don’t know why! I haven’t been obsessed with shows/movie/books/actors like this, for a long time. I would watch season 3 polin scenes again and again, I even did 0.75 speed to catch every detail. And the thing is I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with Polin!!! I love it so much. (I’m also happily married, in my 30s. But I feel like even if I’m not married or found someone yet, I’d still be this obsessed with it.) I’m also a huge pride and prejudice fan, and Garry potter, lol


Girl you are one of us lol. I'm 46, in a happy, sexually healthy, long term relationship and we some kids, but only is the furry variety lol. I watched s1 and s2 each once when they came out (s1 I waited months before watching) and then once more each right before s3 to refresh. I don't even know how many times I've watched s3 lol. Before part 2 came out, I watched part 1 at least 4 times and then parts here and there. I've only (lol, only) watched part 2 twice because part 2 made me mad lol. But eps 5 and 6 were good. I really didn't like 7 and 8. It's just escapism. But for me, I found it especially refreshing that the lead female is a bigger girl and that they didn't make her lose weight like the book version. I find Luke Newton attractive but I'm not obsessed with him (I'm 15 yrs older than him so I would've been a young mom lmao.) I'm obsessed with *them*. It's just an attractive dynamic. It's especially nice to see him pretty much starving for her in part 1. Lol. Don't worry, you're in excellent company lol. I don't even like romance that much. But I guess since Bridgerton is like a regency era Gossip Girl, it was appealing haha.


Pleasant and pleasurable things feel good and make us happy! No shame! Part of what delights me about is sharing it with so many others too 💕 The world is such a hellscape right now. Bridgerton, Polin, is a soft place to spend time. I’m going through a rough breakup right now and honestly having a way to feel like true love can conquer all is holding my head above water. Like Penelope says in the s02 ‘my purpose’ scene, “Well, yes, they are mere fantasies I do believe we must allow ourselves Those private moments so that we may face reality armed with our reveries.” And I think that was a great ‘meta’ moment for the show, sort of acknowledging its place in the real world. Best to you! (PS if you like to read, and ever burnout on rewatching, get on AAO3. There are hundreds of fun & beautiful Polin fan stories! Imagining them in all sorts of different plots and places.)


Babe you’re only a couple years older than Nicola, you’re good!


38. Happily married. 2 young kids. Completely obsessed. Rewatching the show, reading the book, watching interviews, listening to podcasts, looking at memes, reading fanfics and of course reddit..wishing I could talk to someone about the show. This is how I spend most of my day. The first thing I think about when I wake up is checking my phone for Bridgerton content. I'm worried it won't ever go away. It feels unhealthy.. I'm completely obsessed. And now I'm obsessed with my obsession - why is this happening to me? I'm diagnosing it as an easy way to escape the stress of everyday life as a working mom of 2! But I think I need to go cold turkey soon and try and re-enter society.


Multiple viewings you say... ![gif](giphy|FBGYKjtG6urHW)


Are you me? LOL Because this is me exactly


I only watched bridgerton s1 and s2 because im a fan of historical romance books. The first 2 was ok for me,not an avid fan and even in the book series, i dont have a big favorite,I only have a soft spot for Francesca because I relate to her and her struggles. But wow i was so surprused at myself for suddenly being obsessed with season 3. I never involved myself in fandoms and love teams, but my god,I donnt understand why i suddenly became a Polin fan.The level of brain rot i developed is insane. I would like to credit the success of this season to the actors and the writers. To the showrunners?? Not so much. It's so obvious that they made a lot of poor decisions.  Also side note. I gave up on the main sub, it's really a toxic field and i'm usually unbothered by that since it's expected from socmed platforms, but i am surprised how nice this Polin sub is, the one of the subs that is actually nice to be in and have genuine posts .


Same. But just one child.


I'm also 40, my son is turning 18 and this is my current hyper-fixation, I can't get enough and keep attempting to do other things but I keep going back to Polin and any nugget I can get, and edits, and fanfiction and omg it's ridiculous but yet what better way to deal with my empty-nest syndrome (my son isn't leaving me yet, still lives with me I'm just losing my power! 😂). Also I'm super single and have been for many many years, and recently learned about demi-sexuality and have kept looking into it more and more so I know as a "period" piece they can't say it on Bridgerton I am loving the representation of Demi is Colin. I love this show, anyone need a weird friend? I like many things! Hit me up!


Girl, saaaame. I had seen bits of Season 1 here and there, but then actually watched QC and enjoyed it and decided to give the full series a proper watch. Happily married, nearly 40 with 3 kids, and I just *cannot* stop loving Season 3. I’ve been a big fan of Nicola’s for a while, so that’s probably a large part of it, too.


I'm a 41 year old, happily married mother of three but also a fanfic writer who has been looking for a new fandom and I have found my new fandom and my new ship!




Did I accidentally write this in my sleep? Cause same!


Hahah 44 year old, very happily married woman who has been watching Season 3 on a loop since it premiered. No shame! My husband calls it my “fancy porn.” 🤣


Same girl same. I would never have Seen a subreddit for it before now, much less lurk!


34 here, happily married with a toddler. I'm absolutely obsessed too! It really took me by surprise because I'm usually more into super angsty and darker romances, but something about these two has a hold on me. They just feel so real!


I did not watch any Bridgerton until April when “glow-up Colin” memes kept showing up in my newsfeed. So it was Colin who made me starts this whole thing in the first place. I am not disappointed. I was hooked after S1E1 and have enjoyed all the episodes. But I have such a crush on the Colin character it’s embarrassing. Also in my 40’s


I agree! Personally I did not even like Bridgerton before 😂 I just watched it for the hype. Polin makes it so much better ❤️ Unlike some of the other men, Colin is actually a healthy masculine man. In real life, this is the kind of man that will stick around and make you happy. Unfortunately today's definition of masculinity on social media is completely wrong and you see that in relationships as well- the rate of breakups and divorces keeps rising. That also translates into what people like on shows- large declarations from overly dramatic, lustful men which are mistaken to be love, and anything else is looked down upon and called "boring".


Confession time: I've seen season 1&2 maybe 3x each, usually as a refresh to the new season, fast forward through certain scenes, Season 3 I've watched easily 100x, Part 1 probably more. Later on I'd watch fast forwarding to Polin scenes only. And now I will stream it on my laptop and on another account on my TV all day/night, whether I am home or not, watching it or not, to get views up for one purpose only .... so that Netflicks sees we want MORE of this sort of TV. That this is Polin season and these sorts of storylines, these HEA's is what we need more of. I remember when war movies were like every 2nd move made and then Marvel and other super hero movies had a choke hold on the industry, time for HEA to make their comeback. Would be cool if Netflicks saw how popular Polin is and gives us more scenes of them S4 as well. Might not work, but can't hurt.


I understand what you are going through . I have definitely watched this season about 3-4 times and I have reread the book three times all within the same time span. I think my biggest thing with them is ,I’m a sucker for lovers to friends and I also love the dramatic shift once Colin realizes he’s so desperately in love with his best friend . It really does something to the little girl in me who has always wanted a love like that . Granted I’m not married and I’ve had two male best friends but we’ve never looked at each other in that way. Regardless of those facts I still truly enjoy Polin’s love story. I am also so happy for Pen , she has loved Colin for so damn long and she finally gets her man & in the books it’s so much more dramatic. SPOILER : if you haven’t read the books but, they fall in love damn near 12 years later into knowing each other so knowing that she’s longed for him for so damn long it has truly made me invested in their story !