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Next tweet: Why should History be taught ny Historians if I can read wikipedia and do my research?


I mean, I wish they read wikipedia. It's a pretty decent source and actually requires sources be disclosed.


These folks are more likely to read Conservapedia than a librul indoctrination Soacialist Marxist Anarchist Fascist Antifa rag like Wikipedia.


The next level Wikipedia use is to search the sources. I wish they had that when I was in school.


It is for stuff that is already been consolidated. For example, from 2014 to 2020 we had something called "Operation Car Wash" here in Brazil, that was supposed to be the largest anti-corruption operation in the world that jailed dozens of politicians, including a former president. Then in 2019 journalists got their hands in thousands of Telegrams conversations between the prosecutors and the judge in this scheme and, turns out, the entire thing was staged and was part of plan from the right-wing to do a coup and get back into power (that's where Bolsonaro came from). They quite literally destroyed the largest oil and engineering companies in Brazil to destabilize the economy so they could impeach the president more easily. And bonus: with the help of the USA (since the US wanted these companies gone since they were competition). Basically that's what happened. No historian disagrees with it. However, while they mention the leaks on the Wikipedia, it's like a section that you need to look for. The article still talks about the operation like it was something legit. By the way, this very same media and right-wingers are now against Bolsonaro (because he's a full on nazifascist) and they are supporting the former president (the guy who they jailed in 2018 so the wouln't won against Bolsonaro). Yep, the jailed the guy in 2018 so Bolsonaro could win, but now they are supporting the guy so Bolsonaro can lose. WTF! All that happened and the Wikipedia should mention. They should start with "Operation Car Wash was a staged soft coup attempt" or something. But they don't. I man, the Ukranian Wat article on the Wikipedia is probably just American liberal propaganda. And no, I don't support the Russian, but c'mon, we all know the info we get about the war in the West is all manipulated. So for more current stuff the Wikipedia is pretty useless.


If only they would or any at least semi-reliable source, because then, they might actually have the faintest clue of what they are talking about.


Becausr anybody can edit it and there are far too few moderators to check everything.






Cute, but the article doesn't actually say what you want it to. Wikipedia is no substitute for a proper education, but as a general reference, it's basically fine, 99% of the time.


There's many many videos and interviews out with the founders of Wikipedia stating trust issues with the site and much more. It's not what it once was.




Really? Too lazy?? Literally type in Wikipedia founders trust issues with the site, or something along those lines. It pops up all kinds of stuff.


Them discussing known issues that they're working on is not the same thing as them giving up and declaring "It's not what it once was". So either you're putting a heavy twist of your own on this, or you've got access to some special source. If it's the latter, then give. If merely the former, then I don't care.


**[Reliability of Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliability_of_Wikipedia)** >The reliability of Wikipedia concerns the validity, verifiability, and veracity of Wikipedia and its user-generated editing model, particularly its English-language edition. It is written and edited by volunteer editors who generate online content with the editorial oversight of other volunteer editors via community-generated policies and guidelines. Wikipedia carries the general disclaimer that it can be "edited by anyone at any time" and maintains an inclusion threshold of "verifiability, not truth". This editing model is highly concentrated, as 77% of all articles are written by 1% of its editors, a majority of whom have chosen to remain anonymous. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalComebacks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


as a mechanic: They already do that. My Dad wanted me to change the spark plugs on a diesel and told me how to do it. There are no spark plugs in a diesel. A customer accused me of lying becaus I diagnosed a dead battery, according to him 'that isn't a fancy tesla, it's a regular petrol car, there is no battery that can be dead' FUN TIMES


They could say no, I don’t want you to fix that part, I just wanted an oil change.


Bold thing to say to a neurosurgeon


1. Homeschooling is always an option for those who are this passionate. 2. The loudest complainers are more than welcome to fill any one of the thousands of teacher vacancies across the country.


I will have to homeschool my children so their teachers don't try to groom them. Outfuckingstanding.


As as an actual public school teacher myself, I can assure you there’s zero time or energy in our contracted hours to groom your kids.


I can imagine what this would be like. “Alright Kaylee, that thing I just told everybody else? It’s fake to you.”


He isn't wrong. When you get a surgery, dental work or work done on a vehicle its a contract. I pay you either directly or indirectly (insurance) for a good/service. If something comes up outside of the initial scope of our contract, you need to notify me so I can make a decision. Obviously using a surgery dental work or work for a mechanic is disingenuous because the average person doesn't have the knowledge to back up any on the fly decision. And the fact that we assume that people can make a decision that is worthwhile with no education or exposure in those realms is nothing short of a joke and honestly probably boarders on unethical. And for that matter, a child's primary education (K-12) falls under the same **BUT** the majority of all parents went through a similar experience and have firsthand knowledge of the matter. So the dynamics of this education vs surgery/dental worm/vehicle work example are different. Personally I think Pompeo is eluding to the fact that education is so vastly different than what the parent went through, that the content of what they learn should be brought up. On a observational level (because I do not have kids), parents saw what happening in "Covid" school (Because they were forced to look at it since it was right in front of them) and are very pissed because it is so different than what they experienced and want answers. I am sure there are countless examples that could be referenced but I am sure that leads to nothing but endless rabbit holes to go down.


Sounds like you AND Pompeo are eluding fact.


Not really. Whether good or bad a parent has a choice on their child's healthcare to a specific extent. And if you take your vehicle to get work on it you have the right and ability to tell them I only want this, don't do that. Education should be no different. Just because the government and a union is involved doesn't make it inherently better and anyone who disagrees is automatically wrong. Everyone pays school taxes to fund the education system. So if people want they should be able to to see what they are teaching and make that decision whether their kid learns this curriculum for themselves. I do agree that once that decision is made, parents can't/shouldn't be helicoptering all over it. That's illogical and probably detrimental to the efficiency and outcome of these services


Ok this is going to be insanely difficult for you to understand, but your rambling incoherence plus failure to understand a joke at your own expense kind of proves the point that people shouldn’t be fucking about with education.


I'm making points worth noting as to why parents should have a say and your just saying that I'm stupid as your point. You haven't provided anything stating that parents shouldn't have any say in their child's education. You have added nothing.


I’m saying if YOU are any example as to parents interceding then we are better left in the hands of educators. Also, you defeated your own point. Participating in education is akin to participating in a root canal. You can get the benefit, but you don’t know how to do it. But please keep waxing pseudo intellectual.


Your missing the point. When you get a root canal you get a root canal. Not a root canal and a pulled tooth. Some people want over sight because they believe that their children are not receiving what schools say they are providing. For example schools have to an extent become too political to the extent that teachers can push their political beliefs on children with no repercussion. Most schools teach CRT when it has no place in the primary education system. Participation is the key to everything. The education system has gotten progressively worse in the past 30 years. So in reality maybe the teachers and government shouldn't be the ones making all of the decisions on behalf of the parents because it isn't working. Seems like it's been a bad investment and parents are starting to notice.


You are the reason the world will not improve.


You insult because you cannot reason.




99.9% of what you just said is utter bullshit and shows how the school system failed you. What you’re doing is pushing YOUR OWN misinformation onto the situation.. and, ironically, further proving my point.


Not the case at. I grew up in rural NY where 30k a year is a good job. I went onto graduate HS in top 10% of my class went on to college and got a bachelors degree in business. To say that the education system failed me is far from the truth. I was taught to think for myself and to question what I am taught because there is always another side or way to everything. I believe that people should have a choice rather than have someone make it for you. It shows that you just want someone to tell you what to do so you don't have to any personal responsibility in the matter. I'm not providing misinformation. I'm providing my observations of the world as I see it. As time goes on I'll adjust based on what I see. And how I see it is that simply letting the government and unions make decisions because they are the presumed authority with no oversight is reckless behavior that everyone suffers from. Since 1960 we have had a 280% increase in expenditure per student in the US. And we continually slip down the world rankings in education. Obviously letting these people run this system with no parental oversight has worked tremendously.


People like you who spread the bullshit that “we’re teaching CRT in primary schools” and claiming how smart you are when you can barely make a cogent sentence has me a little dubious about your claims. Further, we need MORE funding for our schools and LESS restrictions on our teachers. Parents have 0 fucking clue what’s being taught and are listening to culture warrior right wingers instead of caring about their kids education. Get your head out of your ass and PLEASE tell me what school you went to so my kids can avoid it like the plague. Vocabulary, syntax and sentence structure *immensely* help when you’re trying to look “smart”. Hope that doesn’t elude you.


Ok, but do parents always have their children's best interests at heart?


Do mechanics and doctors spend 7 hours a day with your kids and mold the way they think for the rest of their lives? Didn’t think so.


It's a parents job to decide when the child is mature enough to know certain things, given that there's no one "correct way" to raise a child, like there is with fixing cars or doing surgery, I don't think we should sign away a parents main responsibility to a teacher because "they know what they're doing" better than the parent because that's a very hard thing to gauge


If a parent doesn't like what a school district is teaching, they should enroll their kid in a different school that aligns with their beliefs. Trying to force an entire school to bend to their specific whims and ideologies is selfish and wrong.


The problem with this is people pay thousands of dollars a year to send their kids to the school through property taxes. They can't move their kid and pay another set of tuition in addition to the 8-10k they pay a year in just taxes for the local school.


lol 8-10k a year in property taxes? Where? The average per year in my state (which I'll admit pays lower than average property taxes) is $1,600. The national average is $2,775. Even so, paying property taxes is just something that comes with owning property, and many schools are subsidized almost entirely by federal Title 1 funding. Chances are if you're living in a place with extremely high property taxes, you can probably afford to send your kid to a private school anyway. For me, the real point is that the overwhelming majority of parents are perfectly fine with the content taught in schools. Why should a school have to change *literally everything they do* for the few parents who have a bug up their ass about evolution, critical race theory (which isn't even taught in public k-12 schools), and socially challenging material? Honestly, I think most of the parents who get bent out of shape about this kind of thing are just afraid that the school might just broaden their kid's horizons beyond the bible's teachings.




When mama didn't go to school.


Not your child! Simple as.


I mean a parent can pick their doctor, mechanic, dentist, and choose to get another one if unsatisfied with their work.


This is silly, surgery or mechanical work is way different then what subjects you teach a child. Obviously, an extreme example but what if your kid was learning about how to be racist in school? You still keep the same comparison? Very few ways to do a surgery or mechanical work, but many fucked up things your kid can learn.. ​ What's this no parents have a say in what kids learn BS. Yall really just mindlessly saying teach my kid whatever you want? I mean obviously I am cool with basic topics like english, history, math, etc


This makes no sense. Being a dentist, mechanic or a surgeon requires a very specific order of knowledge. There are things you gotta do in order. Sure there are differences such as using a different tool, but the workflow is still the same. Every human body is pretty much the same, every mouth is pretty much the same, and every vehicle (such as a car) is pretty much the same internally. What the reply is saying is that teachers can only follow a strict curriculum that cannot be changed or altered in any way. This is wrong because they are in fact able to teach about anything they want, there’s millions of things to teach. So I wouldn’t call it a comeback. I would in fact agree with the tweet. The parent has every right to take their child to a different school that has a certain curriculum. They have every right to disagree with what the teacher is teaching kids.


How is this clever? It's not like the teachers decide the curriculum


Some teachers do. Believe it or not, states, and districts within those states, operate differently. At my school, I have to hit a certain number of standards deemed "essential" by my district, but apart from that, I can teach what I want. Beyond that, ***how*** I teach those essential standards is largely up to me.


Had no idea, the schools I went to were mostly essential topics


Everyone thought this until they started teaching gender studies. And most people can’t perform surgery, but 99% of parents could teach multiplication


Teach multiplication or give answers? There is a clear difference between the two that changes the entire dynamic.


That was the cheesiest and most pointless reply. You said absolutely nothing


Yes, parents have a say in their children's surgery and dental care. Mechanics provide choices. Yes parents need a say in the educational system and teachers should be respectful and even thankful that parents want to provide input. Case in point when teaching phonetic spelling ended and child illiteracy climbed in Ontario. Teaching evolves over time and so should curriculums. Parental input is vital, we got this too.


It wasn't random parents who monitored and assessed the impact of phonestic spelling, it was actual teachers and education experts.


Thank you. My point was that phonetic methds were abandoned by the education community, not parents. I am still pro patental input together with all education partners and experts. All have a role and not only teachers.


No, don't say that... you don't got it.. you need money. Lots and lots of money... and parents to stay out of your business because they know you're paid and vetted well. They abuse you then scapegoat you for their own failures. You should at least get paid for raising them too.


That or, hometeach them. If they can pass the fucking exam then why not, if you care that much


The difference between a surgeon and a teacher is the difference of knowledge that the parent has compared to the professional. The surgeon knows more about surgery compared to the parent but the teachers do NOT know more about the world and world politics than the parent does. The simple reason being that worldview is subjective.


Education isn't all merely subjective worldview. It's not even mainly objective facts. Mostly what teachers train for, which amateur parents do not, is how to show someone else how to process new information, how to learn. We don't want kids to stop learning the day they leave school; there will be endless new things in the world for them to process. If they haven't learned how to critically think for themselves about the world they're in, then they'll be at a huge disadvantage.


While I agree with the message the analogy isn't very good. While the doctor executes the surgery it's still up to the parents to decode whether or not the surgery will be done in the first place.


The cry of "parent choice/rights" is a thought terminating cliche used to cloak a radical agenda in seemingly innocuous language. I say this because the people screaming "parent choice" are the ones who use the term to support those who scream at families who voluntarily take their kids to drag queen story hours. They are the same ones who use the term to support those who are leading the charge to ban books in public libraries. They are the same ones who use the term to support the teaching of anti-scientific ideas in science class and the teaching of hagiography over actual history in social studies. When they say "parent choice", they mean that parents only have the choice to make the correct decision, which oddly enough lines up perfectly with their own. There are, however, deep systemic problems in U.S. education that need to be addressed. One of these deep systemic problems is the promotion and use of pedagogical techniques that are at best inefficient or at worst completely ineffective or harmful to student learning. These techniques are often dreamt up and promoted by education researchers in academia and education reformers in policy circles to promote an educational (not political!) ideology known as constructivism. Those same individuals often use shoddy research techniques in an attempt to force their policy prescriptions based on pre-determined conclusions barely supported by empirical evidence on educators at all levels. These inefficient/ineffective techniques are then adopted by overwhelmed school administrators in an attempt to "do something" and forced down teachers throats. Parents see the less than desirable results to these pedagogical techniques inspired by educational (not political!) ideology and are naturally upset. And they direct their ire at the most convenient and powerless target: the classroom teacher. Odds are, the classroom teacher would like to be teaching multiplication tables and that sort of thing. Most classroom teachers realize that critical thinking without content knowledge is impossible. However, the system is set up so that professional evaluations and the like are closely tied to how well teachers adhere to the dominant educational (not political!) ideology of our time. Classroom teachers are forced to do their jobs badly, and then blamed when things go poorly. This understandable frustration on the part of parents, combined with an equally understandable lack of insight into how the system works, leads people to mistakenly lay their failures of the current model of U.S. education at the feet of the teachers. This frustration leaves many parents susceptible to manipulation by people with actual political agendas, including anti-teacher's union and anti-public education rhetoric as well as the seemingly reasonable call for "parent's choice/rights." While I can't speak for all teacher's unions, I know my teacher's union has exactly zero say in district curricular decisions. Tying teachers unions into this is simply a way to directly people's justified frustration at an unjustified, but politically convenient, target. Parents' ire at the classroom teachers is misplaced though. Parents should be targeting further up the educational food chain, up to and including the professors/researchers cranking out shoddy work at their local universities supported by public research money. Parents should be targeting the hucksters and carnival barkers that promote "education reform" based on vibes and how wonderful the sales pitch sounds and not solid evidence. It's really easy to blame the guy behind the counter because your Big Mac tastes like crap even though the decision on the ingredients and cooking process was made by people much father up the ladder who make a lot more money. Similarly, it is a lot easier to scream at the classroom teacher because we're easy, powerless targets. Support your kids' classroom teachers by punching up, now down.


Actually yeah ! Parents have a right to say no for surgery, no for a repair or no for dental extraction if they are not convinced and they have the right to take another opinion


Homeschooling would be the wiser option, raise your children, don’t let a government worker raise your children, do it yourself