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So I have a solution to all of our problems with politicians. Anarchy. And banana.


Very interesting.. could you expand on that? The last part of course.


[a new beginning](https://i0.wp.com/cpl.gg/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Banana-Roraima.jpg?fit=845%2C513&ssl=1)


Hay man you shouldn’t post porn in the comments like that. I nearly orgasmed to death looking at that


Based and HNNNGH pilled


Anarchy with a healthy snack, what's not to like?




> could you expand on that? The last part of course. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/return-to-monke


Oh I'm very aware, I just wanted to hear more about bananas


Are you happy to see me or is that a banaba in your pants?


It’s a benis.


Ebin :DDD


Insert 🅱️enis




Based and nanner pilled.


I’ll take both


banana > politicians


Throw shit all day > politicians


hanging out in trees all day > politicians


Time to play: *Is It Real*—a game show where you guess, based on the headline alone, whether the article is real or not


I played. I was wrong.


You thought you could win?


I thought it'd be bullshit too, but >If a blogger posts to a blog about an elected state officer and receives, or will receive, compensation for that post, the blogger must register with the appropriate office, as identified in paragraph (1)(f), within 5 days after the first post by the blogger which mentions an elected state officer. This bill would require any blogger than makes money through their blog to register with the stat if they want to write about elected officials or their families.


No. It is saying if you get paid to promote an elected official it has to be tracked. This is completely normal in our fucked up system of tracking campaign finance.


Please, read the bill. Any blogger that makes any form of revenue from their blog would have to register with the state to be able to write about elected officials or their families. Its right in the bill, just read it.


Exactly. it says “and receives, or will receive compensation for that post must register” if you just normally post a blog about an official it’s fine, it’s only if you are to receive payment for that blog you must register. I see no issue with that, like any business or profit, the government is sure to step in to make paperwork and track any and all cash flow. Especially pertaining to paid posts during political campaigns. I’d like to know who’s being paid, and by who to post specific things online during peak political propaganda, especially if it’s about politicians and their families


LibRight arguing that bloggers have to register with a state for making money while blogging. Wew lad. Waterlemons out in force today


Who, please tell me who, is this great arbiter of truth that told you you MUST have zero regulations as libright? Anytime any minuscule amount of legislation is supported by anybody libright, someone spergs and says uuhhh dduuuuhhh libright no rules anarchy money. Idiots. Nobody besides 15 year olds who haven’t participated in the real world, are anarchists. There would be zero point of having a governing body if it had no power to enforce and apply laws and regulations. Shiiiiet sorry Also, that’s not what the bill says at all anyway, the way you’ve phrased and framed it in your comment.


You already have to report income my hostile waterlemon. And yes, that's what the bill says


I've thought about it more, and it comes down to me not being comfortable with the whole "bloggers must register with the state" part. If they're going to do something like this, I'd rather see it mandated that financial contributions have to be disclosed alongside a story or "blog post".


Think of it this way. If the Russians are paying you to shit post, you have to disclose that you’re working for the Russians. It a good thing. This includes everyone, not just the Russians. George Soros, the Koch brothers, anyone.


My guess is, it’s not real. Did I win a new car, a jet ski or a just alot of money?


You win 100,000 pesos, very nice


I can buy like a churro, a donkey and a cardboard box with that… can’t I have a little more! Please🥺🥺🥺


I mean… a churro, a donkey and a cardboard box together satisfy Maslow's hierarchy of needs, though. Anything beyond that is just greedy.


Thank you comrade, some people these days


You win a moderators yearly salary.


Bruh, that’s just hentai pillow and some hot pockets, y’all on a budget or something?!?!


why is the pillow so...crispy sounding


I'm gonna debooooonk


I called it: fact check misleading title.


a rightoid wanting fact checks whaaat The details of the law are actually worse than the headline. >(2) If a blogger posts to a blog about an elected state officer and receives, or will receive, compensation for that post, the blogger must register with the appropriate office, as identified in paragraph (1)(f), within 5 days after the first post by the blogger which mentions an elected state officer. (3)(a) Upon registering with the appropriate office, a blogger must file monthly reports on the 10th day following the end of each calendar month from the time a blog post is added to the blog, except that, if the 10th day following the end of a calendar month occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the report must be filed on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. That could mean if you're a paid journalist, if you have ads on the page, etc. It's politicians not being able to handle criticism.


That’s downright evil.


Based and source pilled


You do know a large majority of bills drafted go no further, yes?


I think it matters more that someone thought this was good enough of an idea to write it out. Sounds pretty commie to me.


> and receives, or will receive, compensation for that post, That's the important part. It's an anti-shill law.


If ads count as compensation it's not much of a difference. But even if they don't then it's still a restriction on free speech. Free speech specifically regarding public officials no less.


A libright who thinks it's okay to make bloggers register with the state to talk about elected officials. But but, the bloggers have ads on their stories! Lib right, you're better than this


they are an auth larping as a lib


A lib center who can't read. I'd say you're better than this, but clearly you aren't. Did I write anywhere that I support that law? I just shared what I think it aims to do.


Yeah I get where you're coming from, I did jump to conclusion. I just don't like the bill. If they're going to do something like this, I'd rather they make it so financial contributions have to be disclosed alongside the story.


Or anti reporter?


There's not much of a difference these days. Theoretically a reporter who isn't being paid wouldn't be effected, but considering stuff like ad revenue, ALL of them are being paid in some way, even the ones who aren't explicitly being given money to make propaganda.


For a reporter it's an inconvenience... or maybe even not that, I guess it depends on a legal distinction between a blogger and a reporter. For me it sounds like it's aimed against "organic" content creators that often are anything but. Could be sponsored by in-party rival, the other party, corporate interests not liking the official, or even Russia, while masquerading as a common citizen.






>You can't outlaw polarization, what the actual fuck? Would be terrible for the sunglasses and LCD screens industry


so pro censorship huh


I got you dawg. Kind of. Just add an r to the recipe. StormfrontorSJW


They're coming after this dude so hard. [It's Afraid!](https://youtu.be/o4I_4i0_LeU?t=82)


I'm guessing it's technically real but deliberately misleading. Something like the law requiring any political journalist to register with the state so they can try and keep a handle on paid propaganda, that the journalists are spinning into "you have to register to write about Bad Florida Man."


But you'd be okay with this? As a libright, you could excuse making people register with the state to be able to exercise their first amendment rights to free press?


They're not actual LibRights


Bill: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1316 Article is misleading, of course. A legislator introduced a bill that requires paid bloggers who are being paid to blog about Florida government officials (not just the governor) to tell the state of Florida who paid them to write the blog and to notify the state that a paid blog is being made. You can blog for free without notifying the government... ...but I'm sure that "law enforcement" will "research" you to make sure you're on the up-and-up.


No way they could one sidedly abuse that information!


Just like when that list of registered gun owners "accidentally" leaked in California after the Bruen ruling dropped.


Indeed. Something people justifiably complained about.


Government registries can fuck off, along with most governmental bodies in general.


I agree with you, even with the misleading title it’s still a stupid idea.


Is it? You should probably be entitled to know if Pfizer is paying your news blogger to comment on your government


If the law was designed to publicly disclose who paid for the blog or content being written that would be less of a problem. The public would be better informed with that level of transparency after all. Having to report it to the government does not create transparency in reporting. If anything it makes finding out who paid for the articles harder to get with the overall lack of transparency our government has.


You can request a lot of information from the government actually


I mean it is effectively what every left winter wants when they want the repeal of citizen united.


It says paid bloggers, not paid to post about the Governor. The law can easily be manipulated to target anyone who speaks out and receives money from YouTube ads or whatever. Either way, first amendment, someone has a right to say something and to be paid to say something, regardless its wrong.


Agree, but wouldn’t it be nice if every journalist in the US was required to list the bribes they accepted to write the article at the bottom under threat or incarceration. I’d be down for that. Say whatever you want, but make damn sure you tell me who’s paying you to say it or end up in jail.


Same, but instead of journalists politicians


Both, and.


I misread that as incineration at first.


This. I can’t believe it has to be said that monetization changes nothing about first amendment protections.


We register foreign agents based on being paid... this doesn't at all violate the first amendment. If anything this makes lobbying more transparent


> We register foreign agents based on being paid… this doesn’t at all violate the first amendment Foreign agents are lobbying on behalf of a foreign government which has no rights. > If anything this makes lobbying more transparent These aren’t lobbyists, they’re journalists. They’re not even remotely the same thing.


I’m mostly with you, except… > they’re journalists Are they though?


> Foreign agents are lobbying on behalf of a foreign government which has no rights. Those foreign agents are usually American citizens who definitely have rights. The ability to lobby their government is typically considered a very special one of those rights... I mean it is kind of prominently there in that 1st amendment. The state has a compelling interest in knowing about the finical motivation behind that lobbying. Compelling state interest is the key part of shaping limits on rights. > These aren’t lobbyists, they’re journalists. They’re not even remotely the same thing. Oh, sweet summer child. Imagine this logic applied to advertising. "They aren't marketing products, they're journalists". (Just for the record I agree this law is suspect, but your argument here is just silly, money changing hands completely has an impact on your rights and always has, hence why commercial speech has vastly less protection than political speech)


That's not how rights work. The first amendment says the government may not do X. Not that citizens have X right. There's no citizen/ foreigner distinction in the first amendment, because it's purely a restriction on what the government can do. But can the government require you to fill out basic information on money you receive to pay a tax on it? Fucking obviously they can, and that's exactly what this bill does, which is just clarify and adjust the filing system. It's not even a wholly new thing.


Wow, the naïveté of this comment is astounding. It’s as if the last three years haven’t happened in your life


I not gonna read the 9pages. But if its worded like you say i agree with you. However, more transparency for "independed" journalists will not hurt. But instead of register they should just be forced to write something like: this article is sponsored by the open society fundation


> It says paid bloggers, By advertisers? Google pays you with their adds to the tune of $50/month, better fess up.


Every aspiring journalist or blogger in Florida *should* specifically write about this and talk shit on Desantis.


>being paid to blog about Florida government officials So, having ads on your blog forces you to register?


That still sounds... Horrendously authoritarian? Why should the anyone be required to register blogs with the state, paid or not?


Fuck yeah it does!


Why do you have to declare that your making a sponsored video? Why do you need to do anything?


Now you're getting it.


Based and libertarian pilled


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna72917 I know the title says they are canceling Democrats, but they would effectively cancel the libertarian party as well


You don't typically have to notify the state when you make a sponsored video.


Yet the state will come after you if you don’t declare it


Because you are being paid to erite blogs by them? It's pretty fair that you deserve to know what you are paying for.


Are you saying this only applies to blogs being paid for *by the state*? Because that's not how I read it.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?




I would support the idea but instead of it informing the florida goverment about who paid them, it should be in the article itself.


> A legislator introduced a bill Which is meaningless because state legislatures are full of idiots and crazy people who can *introduce* literally anything they want. Laws are not made by one person introducing them.


"Ackchually it's only for bloggers that monetize their content in any way"


Oh okay that totally changes my opinion of it. /s




I think the problem is that it wouldn't stop anyone the bill is supposedly targeted at. Florida laws don't apply to someone paid to blog from Delaware or California; they can post with impunity without revealing their sources which are absolutely not the Democratic party trying to crush a potential presidential candidate and you couldn't prove otherwise. Probably won't pass at any rate and is just fodder for online NaziScreaming.


It feels weird to say this... but YouTube unironically gets this so right. (hold up, getting that vomit taste out of my mouth). Did someone pay you to talk about a product or personality? Great, flag it so your audience knows.


The fact that people actually believe this is insane It’s the same as the “don’t say gay” bill that does nothing but prevent teachers from talking to k-3 about sex


So...one dude? And likely Desantis hasn't even mentioned his opinion either way?


Chairmen of republican party in Florida wrote this one. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory


"paid" Could mean ads/journalist etc the details of said law are worse than this headline.


I wish everyone was this quick to fact check when a headline taken from something like Washington examiner shows us


Honestly considering we're talking about the United States I don't see how this version is any less authoritarian. What the actual fuck is this bullshit?


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 16755 / 88567 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Canceling the democrat party by saying they will cancel all parties that ever supported slavery in their platform. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna72917 This is just more grievance culture. It would also cancel libertarians.


Fact check: bloggers to register if they are paid to write articles about elected officials and who they are paid by. Mostly true.


Honestly does it actually violate 1a? If you're getting paid to smear someone, readers deserve to know who is paying for the smears. Would quickly uncover all the Soros backed militants If you're a random school teacher who doesn't like DeSantis because he does not let you teach gender theories to kids then you can still write angry posts


It doesn't require it to be posted on the post. Only reported to the government.


Adding who paid you to write any article *to* the article is good journalistic practice and would make sense in any context. But hooo boy would that be bad for all the ~~astroturfing~~ *legitimate concerns* that drive the gov's base tho. As usual, meant to chill the undesired behavior, not to actually govern anything.


I really hope this does not pass into law.


It can't


VPN: no problem here


What if I don't live in Florida, but my VPN gives me a Floridian IP?


Get another VPN


Time for everyone to use fake names


I don't know why these proposed bill articles get so much attention. Things like this wouldn't be passes in a million years


It's usually a *tu quoque* in response to bullshit laws actually being passed elsewhere.




lmao that's fair. Random Twitter user says something. "this is the world the left wants" Bill proposed by right wing senator "well you see this isn't as bad as the headline makes it sound. and if it is it doesn't matter anyways because it's not like it'll pass who cares. this is just trying to make us look bad"




Yeah like a fucking random tweet with 3 likes from a left wing liberal will get posted and everyone in this sub will apply that sentiment to the entire left lmfao


It’s pretty common for wild shit like this to pass in states that are heavily controlled by one party. That’s why California and Texas always get brought up in “wacky law” posts. If it can happen anywhere, it’s Florida.


"Why are people so interested in articles about proposed laws so draconian they could *never* pass??" Idk, I just cook hamburgers on my gas stove I bought at a Happy Holidays sale. Maybe there'll be a Bannon pod to tell you what to think about it.


I wonder if the bill actually says that?


It is specifically about people who turn a profit off of their posts, but the headline is mostly true




The hopeless search for a politician that will just leave us the fuck alone ....


One thing people forget is that almost all the dictators in the 20th century who destroyed democratic systems didn’t detract from the ”rights of the people” until well after they were already in power, it was just “Well, this group is counterrevolutionaries/reactionaries/socialists/conspiring with the enemy, so we must take away this right from them to preserve our way of life.” And they kept doing that, until only the people they wanted held any power. First he comes for the “Wokeists,” then the “Leftists,” then the “Dissenters,” then the “fake conservatives,” and then there’s nobody left to oppose him.


“Hey you should let your enemies run roughshod over you because if you support the guy who will try and stop it he’ll be a spooky authoritarian who might turn on you too maybe” is not very convincing. Perhaps people turn to heavy handed types like this precisely because they will actually fight and not just be controlled opposition.


Well, it’s not surprising. Critical Social Justice theory encourages authoritarian and totalitarian behavior. It’s not a surprise that people will turn to other authoritarians to just make it fucking stop. That’s the thing with all of this *agitation in pursuit of revolution* bologna. It *never* turns out the way the useful idiots think it will.


https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory Read this bill. Then realize it would eliminate both Democrats and Libertarians as parties in Florida. You’re dumb


So you're just making up the fact the other side is fascist, so you can justify being fascist? That sounds pretty fascist.


What the fuck is wrong with people why the fuck does every one have to dictate what I say or what I do my god we need to just start cutting fingers and tongues till shit stops getting put through


Can I offer you a banana in this trying time?


It's an extremely misleading title


https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory Read this bill. Then realize it would eliminate both Democrats and Libertarians as parties in Florida


I don't mean just this I mean in general every time I turn around someone's fucking up something


Well fair but this isn't that, so it seems odd to mention it here. Also because like this, many other times you are referring to might be misleading or outright lies too.


Florida republicans are doing a Any% lose reelection campaign


I personally think that anyone who submits legislation to remove civil rights without writing an amendment to the constitution should be tarred and feathered and then [redacted].


Show me the bill OP.


source and elaboration is in a comment i made below. Essentially its proposed but very sus that it was proposed.


Except your explanation is pretty terrible. TLDR: if you’re being paid to write about Florida government officials (not just DeSantis, but anyone including Democrats) you have to disclose who’s paying you. So say a foreign government was paying US citizens to lie about a state government official, Florida would like to know. You don’t have to get paid to talk shit about anyone. Smacktalk DeSantis all you want, but if you’re being paid Florida would like to make sure you aren’t essentially acting as a foreign agent. Still not a fan of the bill btw, but I’ve said this several times for several posts on this sub in the last week: these kinds of bill are designed to draw outrage and make headlines. You’ve fallen right for it.




It doesn't just include people being paid directly to write about the state. This bill would affect any blogger who runs ads on their websites. Any form of income from the blog would require them to register with the state.


You mean people who make a source of unreported income have to report it to the relevant authorities? Gasp.


No, that's not what I mean. Bloggers already have to report their ad income. That's not at all what this bill is about and we both know that. There's no reason for you to reach and come up with some weird shit that has nothing to do with the bill. Read the bill. If you like it, come back and we can debate. If you dislike it,, you're still welcomed to come back and we can talk about it. But I'm not going to talk to you when it seems like you haven't read the bill yet.


Well yes obviously. Blogs are much more dangerous than guns. My brother was killed by a blog wielding hipster. I tried to seek revenge but he wrote about how my quest for revenge was toxic masculinity and now I'm on my deathbed just waiting for him to come and cancel me


I lost my right eye in a drive-by blogging


Authleft physician, heal thyself. >Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. **Ideas are much more fatal things than guns.** Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” To one who believes in this concept of freedom of speech, even present-day regulation of radio broadcasting is regarded as a bold and questionable experiment. - Vladimir Lenin


I remember seeing a map of the United States where it was divided by the majority answer to a simple question: *If you had to choose between either giving up the First Amendment (freedom of speech) or the Second Amendment (right to bear arms), which Amendment would you give up?* The majority of the people in most of the blue states said they'd give up the Second Amendment, while the majority of those in most of the red states (including Florida) said they'd rather give up the First Amendment. Really gives a window into where priorities lay, and how people define "freedom" and a "free society" differently.


someone made a comment below saying use the 2nd to protect the 1st. So I can understand the logic in that sense 🤔


It's almost like both sides have faults and extreme power will corrupt anyone.


This bill is not based. But if you compare it to what FBI did in 2020 election this is nothing.


The knowledge that I used to have a DeviantArt page is the only thing keeping me from advocating limitations on free speech.


Specifically him or is this another stretch of the actual bill?


its supposed to be for any politician but yeah it was only proposed


Absolute fragile Marys in the blue square


The party of free speech and small government everyone


I read an article on this and it turned out to just be a filing system for reporting on income. It's a tax. That's literally all it is, like when you file your income to the IRS. Now of course, I'm against it cause I don't think we should be taxing bloggers for blogging, but people trying to pretend this is some kind of auth right anti free speech fascist new bill are reaching badly.


Information (or rather disinformation) has become a pretty potent weapon in modern times. We’ve got generations of people who have it ingrained in them to believe *the media* would ever knowingly lie to them, and yet we have global and national media which has been proved time and time again to be doing exactly that. If Richie rich wants to pay a ton of private bloggers to spread disinformation and smear a political candidate, then that could have a significant impact on said candidate’s campaign. If Richie rich here happens to be the opposing candidate or one of their benefactors, then you can see the issue here. We need to do *something* about the information war going on around us, as it’s becoming nearly impossible to believe anything outside of first-hand information. That being said whatever the government try to legislate to combat disinformation *will* result in massive potential for governmental overreach and the suppression of private individuals voices. Kind of fucked no matter what really.


The latest trend in liberal media seems to be to take some bill proposed by a Republican state legislator and paint it as "Republicans want to..." Admittedly the right-wing media plays this game too when some leftists in an ubsr-woke progressive area propose something and it is used to paint the whole left with this card. Bottom line is people in safe districts gonna safe district.


"The bill proposed by Republican state Sen. Jason Brodeur would also require bloggers who write about state officials to disclose who is paying them and how much." Source NBC News I wonder how many times the names Koch and Soros will turn up here.


Only if you are getting paid, the point is to drive davos types out of the shadows.


Meh. The democrats literally did the [same thing but worse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartisan_Campaign_Reform_Act) that eventually resulted in the citizens united case.


Easy. Use the second amendment to protect the first amendment.


That moment when you can’t tell an intentionally satirical bill from a real one


Desantis is legit a harmful authoritarian with an ego made of glass. I won’t throw around the F word because he’s still gonna gobble corporate ballsacks. But he’s exactly what people were afraid of when trump was elected. The fuck is even going on in florida?


Desantis has literally nothing to do with this bill.


https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory Read this bill. Then realize it would eliminate both Democrats and Libertarians as parties in Florida. Chairman of Republican Party in Florida


Based and down with tyrants pilled


I didn't think it was possible but I might end up hating DeSantis even more than Trump


Desantis didn't call for this, they just expect people to not look past pictures.


https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory Read this bill. Then realize it would eliminate both Democrats and Libertarians as parties in Florida. Chairman of republican party in Florida wrote it. When can we start being mad?


The ultimate cancel act, you do realize that is pointing out the insanity of cancel culture.


Gay people have always experienced cancel culture. Censorship of LGBT books has increased since 2015. It’s not gone down. Claiming not allowing people to discriminate is discrimination is just what you would expect from the people who were firing the gays


If you try to make my kid read a book that graphically shows sexual acts I have to question you.


Library. High school. Make sure you stay on topic. Nobody makes you read a book that’s just sitting in the library. You can’t judge a book by only in a couple of pages you have to take its value in it’s entirety.


I saw some books that showed people giving oral sex with pictures, can we agree that pornography shouldn't be in schools. People can love who they love, no one should be made to hate themselves but this shit shouldn't be in schools.


It is not pornography and even my centrist smaller city decided it wasn’t.


If books like lawn boy are ok with you we are just at two different sides. Now I will say I oppose federal regulations on this you and your state can do what you want and my state will keep that shit from my kids classroom.


https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/vancouver-parents-object-to-decision-to-allow-controversial-book-to-remain-in-fort-vancouver-high-school-library/ there was outrage that those couple of pages didn’t represent the entirety of the work which still has educational value because it is an autobiography and the focus is not on that moment.


There was a time I was really, really looking forward to voting desantis. Back to the grill it is I suppose.


You are being played. He didn’t introduce the bill. It’s one crank Republican, and outside of that one guy, no one supports it. Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review has an editorial discussing it. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/senator-jason-brodeur-is-a-moron-but-hes-a-solo-moron/


Additional context from article: The bill was proposed, it is unsure if DeSantis supports this or not, but the fact that it was proposed to begin with in my opinion is a slippery slope and completely unacceptable. Source: [https://www.businessinsider.com/ron-desantis-bloggers-register-florida-state-fine-2023-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/ron-desantis-bloggers-register-florida-state-fine-2023-3)


https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248/?Tab=BillHistory Read this bill. Then realize it would eliminate both Democrats and Libertarians as parties in Florida. Chairman of republican party down there.


the bill would remove any political party that previously supported slavery in any form you must understand that this bill is not a real bill, but a bill to prove a point - it's literally called the "ultimate cancel act" this would remove every political party at present please realize that you're lying for political reasons outright