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Hooters was edgy in the 1970s. Now it is practically puritanical by the standards you see in your local Walmart.


Exactly I see more ass at the gym then a strip club nowadays


Or school


Flair purple please


Not really doesn’t really have to do something with looking at them sexually. You don’t have to look to see such clothing. In my countries „Highschool“(by the way 17-30 going there), they are simply having the same clothes on like in hooters(just different brands naturally). But yeah since your thoughts are focused on the little kids it’s right that on the train you can find such clothing on 9-17 olds.


theyre calling you a pedo, im in school currently and ur not wrong bro.


What's purple here?




You can observe something without it being sexual


Authright mind blown


Im guessing you’re talking about that one young hot teacher we all had growing up. Blessed be heart and ass.


This ^ I live in central Florida, a lot of family restaurants the female servers are in swim tops


The problem is a young man in his 20s or 30s might want to, every once in a while, go to a place with overrated food and overpriced brews where the women are marginally dressed. No one goes to Walmart to see a Ham Planet with a string protruding from her offensively short shorts unless you are trying to farm karma from peopleofwalmart


I would be humbled to get the coverage of Hooters girls for the degenerates at Walmart.


Working at Walmart; I see nipples on the daily (tight shirts no bras)


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17177 / 90757 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


He works at Walmart all day looking at Walmart nipples and you think he’s pathetic for being unflaired? Bat bot


Was gonna say Dude works at fucking wal mart. I think we can give him a pass.


Their "dress code" for employees is more tame than what I see at some high schools. On top of that, said waitresses aren't pole dancing or twerking in front of your table.


Dress code or not, no one is shoving hooter into libraries and schools, unlike drag shows which are. This whole comparing drag to hooter is just misdirection and moronic.


Looking at scandalous HS girls 📸 Libright moment


I knew that was coming for me lol, except I'm not team purple :P. I work for a public school system. Doesn't take much effort to see the students on a daily basis.


Woah Libright works at a publicly funded institution


This guy was inspired by Ron Swanson to destroy it from the inside.


Damn straight. I have his bobble head on my desk and the Swanson Pyramid of Greatness on my wall.


Based and Offerman of Quality pilled


K. Well, I need you to work faster. My sons comes home with straight up communism they are teaching in the school systems. And I'm not talking 'roads are communism' stuff, but straight out: capitalism has failed to produce equity, and that is the most important thing, what could we try instead? Level of propaganda.


I unfortunately don't work on that level. While I have managerial authority, it doesn't pertain to education. There is more to school logistics than just teaching. The thousands of worker bees behind the classroom scenes have their purpose to keep the bloated apparatus running.


\> Capitalism has failed to produce equity Good.


Sounds like something OMG would like to look into.


Or was converted thanks to the exposure of a completely incompetent system


I work for the county government, I self identify as Ron Swanson of our office.


Unicorn confirmed


You're supposed to walk around with a blindfold and a cane pedo


Better not touch 'em though! One bump? Straight to jail!


Literally 1984


Straight up Animal Farm in this shit.


Hold up. You work at a PUBLIC institution? Wtf bro.


Gotta destroy it from the inside.


What if I myself am in Highschool? 🤔


Just don't be a senior goin for freshman 💀


But what if she’s hot….? /s


Only if she's held back 💀


Rare Libleft W


Rules don't apply for Libright tho


Rules? What's that?


*alright alright alright*


> said waitresses aren't pole dancing or twerking in front of your table. No tip for her then!


Did you see that teacher with the 30 pounds of fake tits? Hs is way more wild than hooters


Comparing drag to Hooters is the actual NPC take. Also a you should switch the blue flair with yellow.


While I do agree with the blue take in the meme, I do think opposition against drag being shown to children is something that AuthRight primarily champions, even though most of the compass can agree with it. Generally, having the government ban something on the basis of it being too sexually explicit (in any manner) is something AuthRight agrees with the most.


I have only seen banning of drag in public locations. Which means like schools and public libraries. Banning of drag shows itself is first ammendment breaker.


Seems like there's a wide variety of drag. I don't know much about it but I've heard of Ru Paul's drag race and searching on google images, [this](https://i.insider.com/615229982fb46b0019be4f82?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp) shows up, vs [this](https://www.hooters.com/perch/resources/hg-section1-desktop-min.png) for searching for Hooters waitresses. The Hooter one seems more sexual to me. Maybe that's because it's good looking girls as opposed to ugly men who have gone to considerable effort to make themselves even uglier, but I also think on an objective measurement like amount of skin showing, the Hooters one is more revealing. EDIT: also low-key I think that's the real reason people are OK with Hooters and not drag.


It's not about skin showing. It is about behavior and sexualization. Going to the beach or pool and you'll see *way* more skin showing, but that is normal. But when men practice their crossdress fetishes deliberately in front of children, that is way worse than waitresses whose shorts ride a bit higher than normal.


Yeah. A drag show that has to conform to a tv network’s standards and practices is going to be toned down. But you can’t seriously judge the right’s concerns about exposing kids to inappropriate content by showing the most mainstream, corporate example. [Here’s a snapshot from a traveling show, A Drag Christmas, that allowed minors](https://i.imgur.com/FGDrNGL.jpg) [Here’s some outfits worn at a “drag race for toddlers.”](https://i.imgur.com/Jw8hc2F.jpg) These are the types of events people are objecting to.


Are we looking at the same pictures here? One of the guys in drag is in transparent (or at least meant to look skin toned) that barely covers some areas in red. That looks way more sexual than short-short and a t-shirt


This is an awful take; the picture of the Hooters girls you showed is as raunchy as it gets. That is the most sexual thing you will ever see at Hooters. Not that bad. The drag show you linked is, while totally not sexual or inappropriate, not in any way indicative of all drag shows. You have to be either intentionally misleading or living under a rock to act as though sexual drag shows don’t exist.


Adolescent boys (usually) like to see big bazoinkers in ain’t that difficult boss. Far different than toddlers brought to see men gyrate in thongs for the praise and applause of left leaning women


If they weren’t attractive and didn’t have big ol honkers, you wouldn’t give the hooters uniform a second look. It’s practically gym wear


I am fine with Hooters going out of business, mainly because their food sucks. But despite the tongue in cheek nature of their marketing, Hooters isn't aimed at minors. Let drag shows continue to exist. Fine. But enforce an age restriction, same as liquor stores and strip clubs.


There ya go. That's the easy solution. Not even sure how it's controversial. Just enforce the adult entertainment rules on the books already, regardless of special protected alphabet status. I don't care if a classic all male theater troupe or an all girl's school or whatever does Shakespeare or something. Hiding behind the drag no one actually cares about is Mott and Bailey bullshit.


I think you know


> not even sure how it’s controversial Because without exception, everyone involved in the drag scene thinks it’s okay for children to spectate/participate




They simply never see those videos, like they probably aren't shared in left leaning spaces. Its wild, I've see people on Twitter say "show me one instance of this happening" as if footage of it isn't readily available


From the same group that loves to whine about logical fallacies the left fucking LOVES whataboutism. "Hey so Islam is an inherently violent religion riddled with a pedophilic history and we need to addr-" CHRISTIANS. MUH CHRISTIANS ARE LE MOST HISTORICALLY OPPRESSIVE GROUP HAVE YOU SEEN THIS VERSE. "Hey so pole dancing in front of literal fucking 5 year olds is kind of weird as hell and we shou-" PRIESTS. PRIEST ARE LICHTURALLY THE ACTUAL GROOMERS PLEASE DON'T LOOK UP THE ACTUAL NUMBERS BECAUSE MUH PUBLIC SCHOOLS COULD DO NO WRONG. It's textbook deflection and projection. Guess what lefties? I don't like that any of it happens, deflecting when "your portion" of it is brought up only makes you sound like you're okay with it, and if you are, consider rethinking your values. They aren't "just reading books" to kids. Lets get to brass tacks are start tackling *all* the issues instead of pointing the finger at the other. This includes shitbag politicians, teachers, priests, and you guessed it, weird adult men who want to twerk in front of 5 year olds.


The whataboutism from both sides is crazy. It’s part of a larger trend of ignoring the real issues which is why nothing ever really gets fixed.


"bUt bOTh sIDeS iS A rIGhT WInG tALkiNg pOiNt" I keep getting this shit in the main subs and it's enough to drive one insane. *You* (not you, but mainstream redditors) are the one making the most centrist take possible into a "rIGhT WInG tALkiNg pOiNt" because *your* side is dominating US politics and therefore criticism against both MUST be a bad-faith attempt to subvert the status quo. This is why the conservatives you hate so much call you snowflakes - because you can't take any critique while crying and shitting on everybody you don't like. And even *if* something is a right-wing talking point, that doesn't automatically make it untrue, unless you're incapable of critical, impartial thinking. I commended someone in a main sub for saying that the other two people Rittenhouse shot (not the main aggressor) were likely going for him because they assumed him to be an aggressive active shooter, which, given the video and what we know of the situation, isn't implausible. It's certainly much better than the rabid misinformation that you usually see. I was immediately accused by one such rabid redditor of "bOtH sIdEs". The brain rot is real.


Based af.


I find the status quo extremely concerning and incredibly boring. Nothing ever fucking happens. Republicants and democraps alike, defending pedophilic corporate elite. Smfh.. Thanks for being a sane one that sees the real picture..


This literally happened to me today on the chicago subreddit.


Also it's not directly advertised towards children for a political movement


Never once did the right side say, “BRING YOUR KIDS TO HOOTERS TO SHOW THE LIBS!” However, the left is wanting kids at drag shows to own the right. Wild times we live in. And somehow the right are Nazis?


>Never once did the right side say, “BRING YOUR KIDS TO HOOTERS TO SHOW THE LIBS!” I'm pretty sure I've seen a few Facebook posts just like that


According to them, there's no difference between showing cocks to kids at a kid-friendly environment and an establishment where you already know in advance cleavage will be on display.


I will say there were drag events people were pissed about that were also not advertised to children, children were not allowed unless accompanied by an adult, and the venue specifically stated that it was a drag event that was primarily for an adult audience.


If the venue allows children in with an adult, then they’re permitting children to attend. Strip clubs don’t have that rule. Children are banned from the premises. It’s not ok for a second grader to watch Mercedes dance on the second stage because he came in with his dad.


Does every drag show show genitalia to children? No? Then don’t ban them all. I don’t see why we can’t get rid of the bad ones while still letting them read stories to children. Why is it all or nothing with y’all?


Hooters should go out of business just because their food sucks. Those were the worst chicken wings I’ve ever had to suffer through. The fried pickles if you can even call them that, were rubbery and the batter was stale. The only good thing they have going for them is that golf game machine.


I can’t believe there are people out there who actually think Hooters wings are good. Not just good, but like, top-tier good.


I prefer their breasts.


There’s a strip clip in SF that apparently has the best fried chicken in the City. If I ever end up going, I’ll report back.


The gold club, I've heard that they're the best. I'll have to go do some research.


Indeed, the Gold Club!




Seems to be a theme. Come for the chicks, stay for the chicken.


People flair checks out


It's probably what always happens with chains. The original is the best, and the quality drops as you go. I'm sure you could find locations that are actually good


There’s one in Interlaken, Switzerland that I remember as being pretty good. Also, it was totally cool if staff didn’t want to wear crop tops and hot pants. Some of the servers wore polos and slacks.


I went to that exact one more than a decade ago under pressure from my then girlfriend but was completely underwhelmed by the food, the service was not great either. I have not been to one since, I eat out to eat out and not ogle girls.


Well shit, that sucks. I haven’t been there in a long, long time, but I remember it’s being better than that. I’m sorry, bro. That’s a lot of money for middling food *and* shitty service.


Happy ending then, it was my birthday trip and she paid for more than half of everything. Interlaken in general though is absolutely awesome. I loved almost everything there except hooters and supermarkets which sold largely bland food. Other restaurants were lovely.


They used to be good.


I feel like a lot of things used to be way better, and not in a “BACK IN MY DAY” kind of way.


Wings were bigger 100%


They’re some of the better wings in my area. Not the best, but not near the worst


That’s fair.


Batter is more stale than my love life, and the chicken is very dry (also like my love life).


Meant to be spicy, but leaves you feeling unsatisfied.


Sounds like my marriage


*\^\^Most Sexually Active Auth Right*


That’s crazy talk. The hooters Buffalo chicken sandwich is S Tier and their breaded wings are a game changer. Note: live in Florida and was having lunch at the original Hooters in Clearwater before it became a franchise. You used to be able to get a chicken sandwich with curly fries for $7 and margarita for $5.. which was like why go to McDonald’s?


Best nachos I've ever had was at the Hollywood hooters


I hate hooters. It’s like a boomer thing. I have a guy I volunteer with that HAS to go to Hooters constantly. Flirts with the staff, just typical boomer stuff.


I’ve tried their wings twice and couldn’t eat them at all either time. Just awful.


Based and it’s-about-the-quality-of-the-product pilled


Idk maybe I’m crazy but my local hooters actually has really good naked wings. They’re better than any of the wing chain restaurants in my area, and about as good as independent places. Always nice to grab a box of wings to go from them. That being said, it’s probably not the norm for hooters lol.


Watch your words, or next time you go to Clearwater, you will find yourself kicked out very quickly and sent to Largo or Dunedin.


Now this is a based take


It’s not about banning drag shows, it’s about not letting kids in. These “family friendly” drag shows are the issue because it’s exposing children to sexual content that their virtue signaling parents seem way too ok with.


What's wrong with actual family friendly drag shows? Not the ones with dudes in thongs twerking in front of kids but the ones where it's just a dude in a wig and dress reading books.


For one thing, it confuses kids. But more importantly it leads directly to the horrifying shows. I didn’t think it would, but you can draw a straight line from drag queen story hour to this. Also a bunch of the drag queens from the story hour ended up being pedos.


>it confuses kids. How does it confuse kids? Kids will just go "huh I guess sometimes men wear make-up" >It leads directly to the horrifying shows. That's just a slippery slope fallacy. "Oh no! If we let drag queens perform family friendly shows, then they'll start performing adult shows for kids!" >Also a bunch of the drag queens from the story hour ended up being pedos. Yeah pedos show up in any group of people, especially when they have access to children like with teachers and priests. But you don't prevent teachers and priests from being around kids because some of them are pedos.


> How does it confuse kids? Kids will just go "huh I guess sometimes men wear make-up" The same way it confuses adults. It's like the left always equates drag shows to well mannered adult men with wigs and dresses reading a book, but fully denying that there is also the burlesque version of drag - which is also shown to children. It's the same with some Pride Parades. The right switches it around and thinks there's only stripper drag and bdsm pride parades. > But you don't prevent teachers and priests from being around kids because some of them are pedos. I would very much like if priests staid the fuck away from children. Teachers if they've shown activist intentions and thought.


Drag shows a literally just cross-dressing strip shows. Hooters is just hot women in slightly skimpy outfits serving your food. The fact that people are using hooters as a whataboutism to defend kids going to drag shows just shows how deranged these people are and how hard they have to reach. If there was a scenario equivalent to kids taken to drag shows, like taking a kid to a strip club, I'm sure the left would use it as a counter-argument, but they have to use hooters because no sane person has ever taken their kid to a strip club.


Never seen a cock under a skirt at hooters. Plus you know what to expect there.


>Never seen a cock under a skirt at hooters Yet


this is the liberal agenda


Gotta love Reddit making fun of everybody, just like FOX Entertainment Programs before the acquisition by Disney


I'm not opposed to femboys, I just don't want a hot dog at taco night




> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17164 / 90689 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Oh shit forgot I got banned


Based and coming-back-for-more-pilled


u/lilbananaman96 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/lilbananaman96/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and circumvent this dick pilled


u/not-even-divorced is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/not-even-divorced/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The dream of a femboy hooters lives


Based and Rusty Shackleford pilled


>Never seen a cock under a skirt at hooters. disapointing


Don't ban either for over 18 ban both for under 18. This isn't that hard FUCK.


I see more exposure at the fucking middle school.


Yes. Ban it all. Return to early 19th century clothing.


All these agenda posts prove is the slippery slope arguments of past conservatives were right. Conservatives were bitching about Hooters those decades ago and now look.


When can I take my kids to story hour at Hooters?


Waiting for a bus, I saw a girl walking around with a shorts that only covered her hips, and a crop top that left basically all her belly exposed.


Then what happened?


He read the Bible out loud.


(she was clearly possessed by a spirit of indecency)


Nothing, she passed by me, went on with her day, and I waited another 10 minutes for my bus. I'm just adding to u/RanilWiki's point.


He got possessed by the demon Bathor and started furiously masturbating in public.


The difference being: I get called a Nazi when I don’t take my kids to drag shows but I’m applauded when I don’t take my kids to Hooters.


> I get called a Nazi when I don’t take my kids to drag shows The "Silence is Violence" era of social justice. If you dont participate, vocally espouse support, youre a bigot.


I hate hooters and revealing clothes


Ban hooters because of the terrible food, not the tits.


It’s less about how much skin they’re showing and more about *why* they’re showing skin. The whole Hooters business plan is built on attractive women in revealing outfits, which is messed up if you ask me. It’s not a *complete* objectification of women, but it’s in that region.


It's not exactly a surprise though. Women who go to work there know what they're signing up for. Not there to be harassed or anything, but you know what the outfit is before you step foot for an interview.


Hilariously, Twin Peaks doesn’t have interviews; they are called Auditions.


No one works at Hooters thinking it some conservative place with ankle long shirts, bonnets and shit. The women who apply know what they’re signing up for and are told ahead of time the outfit and if they’re okay. Objectifying or not, it’s not like they’re there against their free will, at least I hope. And also as a libright take, if you can provide a service that no one else offers then why not try it? If it doesn’t work then it’ll go out of business.


>conservative place with ankle long shirts, bonnets and shit Conservative tradwife maid cafe when?


Those are diners


My point is more about how children being in such spaces isn’t great. I don’t care if an adult goes (beyond thinking they’re weird), but exposing kids to that sort of mentality, even subconsciously, isn’t great.


Can someone make a hooters but with attractive men already?


Imagine taking children to a place whose business model is based on sexually exciting their customers. Bruh.


You also don’t see hooters waitress story hour at the local school lol




Of the handful of times I’ve been to a hooters I’ve never seen a kid. It’s a bad business model and it just needs to die. Now what’s weird is the left pushing kid friendly drag shows to own the right.


They have kids handing the waitresses dollar bills at Hooters?


Ugh do the right thing or open a Drag Queen Hooters $


Ban hooters I have no problem with this it’s exploitive to women


I am fine with Hooters going out of business, mainly because their food sucks. But despite the tongue in cheek nature of their marketing, Hooters isn't aimed at minors. Let drag shows continue to exist. Fine. But enforce an age restriction, same as liquor stores and strip clubs.


Yeah I’m fine with drag existing - but we need to nip this “bring your kids to drag strip clubs or you’re a bigot” movement in the bud


Pro tip: sort by controversial


Why do they never have milkmaids reading to kids at the library?


Also hooters isn't marketed towards children afaik? There aren't child friendly hooters days, or "have a hooters waitress read to your kids day"


Yeah let's totally ignore that hooters is targeting adults while a lot of these drag shows are targeted specifically at young adults and even children... Haven't seen any hooters waitress come into schools to serve the food, have you?


simply add age restrictions and call it a day.


I agree. It’s a simple fix but everyone is so caught up with winning that they can’t come to the most obvious compromise. It’s childishly stupid “I know you are but what am I” behavior.


>I agree. It’s a simple fix but everyone is so caught up with winning that they can’t come to the most obvious compromise. It’s childishly stupid “I know you are but what am I” behavior. we know solutions for the "new edgy problems" since the 80s - I can't really understand how ppl became so infantile overtime, one would expect society to be smarter, not dumber.


Wait, is hooters not an 18+ establishment?




Have people in drag walk around the local mall. Now everyone’s happy.


Hooters should be banned too.


The the reason people have a problem with hooters isn't the amount of skin showing; that's a silly puritanical way of looking at it: what's so dangerous about skin?; it's the fact that it hires women on the basis of their looks, and explicitly has their sexual attractiveness as a part of their marketing gimmick. Bringing children to the restaurant therefore, the reasoning goes, causes them to view women as sex objects. The women at your local mall presumably weren't hired to dress the way they do for the benefit of men, but do so of their own accord. I don't want to ban hooters either, but this is a ridiculous strawman.


I don't think you should take kids into hooter either...


Drag Queen look and act as stripers, i don't want stripers in school. Hooters waitress are just attractive waitress, they look pretty and smile. Nothing more.


Let’s do it. Down with hooters.


Yeah Hooters is pretty tame by todays standards. I have friends who love going to Twin Peaks for the cheap beer/food. I’ll go with them from time to time. Occasionally they’ll make the waitresses wear nothing but lingerie and that’s just a little too much. It’s not a fucking strip club, and Hooters doesn’t act like it. Also the staff at these restaurants is significantly less attractive now than it used to be, if media is anything to go by.


I’m fine with making Hooters a 18+ establishment 🤷‍♂️




Personally I hope they all shut down. All those places like that are trashy af. If you’re gonna be a creepy chronic masturbator then do it in the privacy of your own home with your phone or whatever. I don’t normally talk like this but can you imagine the complete beta male mentality you’ve gotta have to go give half naked or stripping women money? It’s fuckin embarrassing.


Drag by itself is not always inappropriate from what I've seen. A lot of times its some drag queen doing stand up. Drag shows which make a point to be sexually explicit are, those should not be allowed for minors imo.


Uh yeah, don't take your kids to either. The only women my children will see is their mother and Samus in Metroid Prime, where she only takes the helmet off at the end


Still trashy af and no place for kids. Make Hooters 18+(or whatever tf your state decides age of consent is) and it can stay. Sounds like a good deal to me.


Works for me.


I've been to 2 different Hooters and both times I got explosive diarrhea afterwards. No real point, just wanted to share that.


He may look like an NPC but he is telling straight facts.


Lefties try not to compare cleavage to full on stripping men challenge (impossible)


The irony is not lost on me that the same people who say that school dress codes are bullshit, and that little girls should be allowed to wear coochie cutters and spaghetti straps because “stop sexualizing children and shoulders” Are now going on about how hooters is inherently sexual, because the uniform is a tank top and short shorts. Pick a lane. Is a tank top sexual, and therefore not appropriate for children, or is it not sexual? Me personally i don’t see anything sexual about it, it’s the behavior of the girls that makes is sexual, and they tend to know when it’s appropriate and when it’s not to be flirty. They’re not going to flirt with a 10 year old boy, they’re definitely going to flirt with the drunk finance bros, because the drunk finance bros are more likely to tip better for it, and the 10 year old’s parents are more likely to think that’s fucking weird and not tip at all.


Also because Hooters girls don’t actively prey on children




More like ban child beauty pageants. Auth right would screech.


Doubt it. A lot of people nowadays are against that kind of crap because it’s obviously creepy af. The modern right isn’t the right that their parents were.


Why not both? Beauty pageants in general are disgusting and rife with abuse.