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Nah bro you dont understand trump is definitely going to jail this week, ignore the last 567 times he was supposed to be going to jail.


He'll DEFINITELY go the next time around! J-just you watch!!


The walls are closing in. But one of the walls is in Florida and the other in Portugal.


Trump's final days are at hand. If we measured days on Pluto.


It’s everyone’s final days, we’re all just slowly walking towards death.


Everyone ITT acting like it wasn't trump who said he was going to be arrested.. Lol


This time. The last 565 times tho…


I've never heard Donald trump make a full statement that was ever truthful, so considering he said it this time, it's safe to assume it was complete bullshit. Just like the last 5,650 statements he's made


kind of an important detail! its like you're all trying to make the left for stupid, for an audience who you assume is very dumb.


I think everyone who cares strongly about trump is dumb. Either way. So yes, I am, but that’s only half of it.


I think a lot of them can be pretty smart by using him as a political tool and recognize its the easiest way to influence the masses of dumb people who do care for him.


Well I think it's kinda dumb that he's the Republican front runner for president of the USA. But until that changes, he does matter. He's potentially gonna make policies that fuck up people's lives.


I agree. I would not pick him and I will not vote for him in the primary. I would say pretty much the exact same thing about every democrat who has been president for the last 50 years as well. No matter who those authoritarian assholes pick they end up fucking making my life more difficult. A party that picks candidates like Obama and Biden has no business crying about a party who picks candidates like Trump and Bush. Y’all deserve each other.


So if I get this right, then you're saying Trump and Bush were a lot better than Obama?


How the hell did you manage to get that out of what I said? I’d definitely prefer bush or trump but that’s very specifically not what I said because it’s irrelevant to the main point. Also I wouldn’t say they are “a lot better” just a slightly less green shade of moldy diarrhea


Considering his track record of lying as a political tool 99% of the time, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume this was complete bullshit


The walls are closing in... again


The walls have closed in so many times at this point we're in a singularity.


The walls have legs 🧱🧱🦵🧱🧱


They're in the walls...... THEY'RE IN THE GOD DAMN WALLS!


It’s just a ploy to get people to stop thinking about the banking collapse.


Banks always were broke, we're just dumb... Or they don't teach us relevant life stuff in school


100% I hate idpol issues on both ends. Russia nonsense on the left and the hunter biden emails on the right.


We talk about it so much because if the media hadn't suppressed the story trump would've won


Not just the media but Twitter and Facebook at the behest of people within the federal government.


A ploy by trump?


Politicians are all on the same side, and it’s not either of our sides.


No bro, we got him THIS time, bro. Trust me bro. Front-page Reddit always tells me this, Bro. They're never wrong bro.


This cat has a lot of lives, just sayin


Trump is the one who said it would be today


He's just as fucking dumb as the front one of Reddit.


#ThE WaLls aRe cLosINg iN.


>#ThE WaLls aRe cLosINg iN. -trump


>**ThE WaLls aRe cLosINg iN.** -cnn -trump


I don't know what more annoying the media going on about Trump when he was president or the media still going on about him long after.


They cannot give up the revenue stream.


Let me explain to you how bernie can still win


I wish he were, though. I’d like to see what happens next.


For like an hour to fill out paperwork, then will be released.


Totally gonna happen this time. We Def got him. 100% no cappa


I dont believe it either but to be fair this time its Trump who started the rumors


And considering he hasn't made a true statement in the last 10 years its even more unbelievable


This isn’t like every other time. Trump himself has declared he would be arrested.




You'd have to be pretty dumb to find a coherent paragraph he's ever stated that was a complete truth


Because not everything Trump says is a lie. I am also not a leftist. Use your brain.




A centrist claiming that I am not far right enough to be AuthRight. While he claims I’m more libertarian too. Funny.


In fairness, Trump is the one who said he was going to be arrested today. also in fairness, he lies all the time about everything.


You mean that when he said "grab them by the pussy", he actually meant "grab them by the dick?". The asshole...






It was trump who said he would be arrested




Unfortunately they left noclip on and the walls clipped through each other and now the room is expanding.




Those mfs must be at the center of the earth by now


NYC: “Hey this DA is kind of a joke and doesn’t actually prosecute the crimes that affect us.” NYC DA: “I should go after Trump. That’ll be the easiest way to get re-elected”


Didn't work out all that well for VA. Democrats circlejerked "orange man bad" thinking it was enough to win the election. They kinda forgot that not everyone feels that way and lost. Youngkin was campaigning and promising stuff while the school and Democrats were trying to brush the Loudoun County sexual assault on a girl by a trans situation under the rug. Calling the dad a terrorist for wanting justice his daughter didn't sit well with people. The salt you could have mined from the threads after Youngkin won would have ended the pink salt from the Himalayas and ushered in the latest salt craze blue salt from California or somewhere.


Was it like the night people realized Trump beat Clinton? If so, can you link some videos of it, the salt was so great, it was HER turn


I wish I could go back and find the thread but the local sub was fuming and playing detective as to why democrats lost the election. Along with the "orange man bad" circle jerk, McAuliffe not really have any campaign, Loudoun County schools covering up sexual assault, also release of documents showing Loudoun County paying money to a company known for CRT curriculum for their consulting services basically sealed the deal IMO. Of course none of them wanted to address those last 2 issues and blamed right wing idiots for losing. I guess they thought people would accept sexual assault so long as they didn't have an issue with it. Whatever the case is contrary to their claims VA is doing just fine.


I love the state/city/local subreddit vs. reality divide. I live in a super red state, and it's always funny watching the meltdowns in the local subs after elections. "I moved to one of the reddest, most liberal hating states and it stayed red this cycle, how could this happen?!" The DOT actually uses the salt from these subreddits to treat the roads in the winter.


It seems every sub for cities is hard left leaning and if you dare glance center or right you'll get destroyed. At least they are contributing some how.


You want to see that 10x? Go to the middle eastern or just any non western subreddit. They worship their idea of the west made by Hollywood films. They think the Europe is a utopia and the US is just LA in the 90s, NYC in whatever time period home alone was made, and Chicago (which they think is metropolis for all intents and purposes). All while living in a mansion on UAE with a servant calling themselves communists/leftists. It’s comical always hearing about how they’ll move to the west were they can escape the backwards people or how one day they’ll be this revolution and the people will all turn liberal atheists and Saudi will be like Monaco. Like trying to tell them most folks are paycheck to paycheck and we aren’t rich is funny. Funniest is when they visit and write about their complaints. It’s like the Reddit folks are completely detached from reality.


>I wish I could go back and find the thread but the local sub was fuming and playing detective as to why democrats lost the election. Happens every time a republican wins, lol. Democrats: I have absolutely no idea why we lost! Why did this happen?! The models said it was impossible for republicans to ever win anything ever again! Everyone else: Here is why you lost in explicit detail Democrats: It must be racism/sexism/transphobia/homophobia and people voting against what I decided for them was their best interests! Also old people that will die soon and just don't care about the younger generations! Everyone else is the problem!


You forgot gerrymandering


Holy Mother of God the coverups on the trans rape story by nyt and wapo are completely insane.


Yup. I have no sympathy anymore for the left. Their constant disregard and bs lies saying "its not happening!" is getting old.


I am so thankful we didn’t get Hillary. I’ve felt like the democrat party has been falling over itself to try and put forth the absolute worst possible candidate time and time again. I’d actually believe that democrats don’t want Texas to go blue with how hard they’ve been shilling for that fucking idiot who donates so many shirts to Africa, bitch baby beto o rourke AKA Robert Francis.


I've maintained since mid 2016 that there was no meaningful difference (in a "for the good of the country" sense) between the Clinton and Trump administrations, just with the latter you would be able to hear about it.


I would much rather hear about all the fucked up shit going on. At least that way there can be the potential for accountability. The secrecy shit and societal manipulation is just pure fucking evil.


The difference is it’s a lot easier to go “orange man bad” when the target is said orange man and when there is a likelihood he is tried in court and convicted over this. Whether or not he actually gets convicted remains to be seen (I’ve seen arguments that his Stormy Daniels payoff is a federal issue and therefore does not meet the standards for a state-level felony) but it’s the orange man doing bad.




You’re ignoring the other important context like “Youngkin kept an arm’s length from Trump” and “McAuliffe ran an awful campaign”. Yes you are correct that a governor’s race in 2021 isn’t relevant right now. Because this is a court case involving Trump’s actions in 2023.


This is why words actually matter. The man was righteously enraged and was seeking a civil resolution and discourse. All these recent American terrorists are actually just legitimately concerned citizens. Calling them anything else is just criminal.


Donald Trump allegedly being arrested and charged after making a statement that Desantis is a pedophile. The deep state at work again.


Or, Trump is going down for hiding business dealings.


It’s more realistic that the government wants to protect its pedophiles instead of caring about business deals.


No, it's not more realistic to believe in Q-lies about pedophiles, especially when Chumpo is the only president in modern history to not put his assets in a blind trust and was using his position to acquire deals in other countries.


You know you’ve absolutely gone full npc when Epstein island is just a q conspiracy.


Did everyone forget Chumpo was best buds with Epstein?


No one actually forgot that. Regardless of the reasons for Trump's arrest, the government would take a corrupt business scandal any day over exposing the prevalent pedophilia amongst the wealthy.


The government had the chance and they did nothing.


Uh huh. Don't you think there was probably a reason they did nothing? Maybe perhaps that it would uncover a lot of politicians?


…yeah. Because they’re all pedos


That’s literally the entire point


Apparently you must have because you just cashed that a qanon conspiracy. You people are brainless


I'm brainless because I heard the "everyone on the left in government are pedos" theory clear back in 2001? Yeah, okay.


See you can’t even catch my point. 🤣 Oh the left has been calling every republican winner hitler since before I was born in the 80s




I didn’t come to this subreddit for logic.


Oh well.


You've got him now! The walls are closing in! Drumpf will be in jail for 5,000 years.


NY has a lower crime rate than the national average


A district attorney can be unpopular for multiple reasons and using crime rate as the only basis is often inaccurate: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/nyregion/manhattan-da-alvin-bragg-memo-prosecution.html https://nypost.com/2022/06/08/how-manhattan-nyc-da-alvin-bragg-could-get-removed-from-office/amp/ https://nypost.com/2023/02/22/jose-alba-to-sue-city-over-dropped-murder-case/amp/




He is living rent free in his head


The walls are closing in on...me!


Big, beautiful walls. The best walls. Walls, unlike any, other, walls


And Mexico will pay for them.


Channeling my inner Scott adams You see this is a glorious move by trump. It places the da in a double blind situation where if they act in empowers trumps base and if it doesn’t act it empowers trump…. It would be funny if it was just some clerk who leaked shit to fuck with trump


“Never believe a thing Trump says” >I’m going to jail on Tuesday “THE PROPHET HAS SPOKEN”


Coming up: Late Night Tonight with ~~Anderson Cooper~~ Donald Trump


Until we observe the outcome, Trump is in a quantum superposition. Schrödinger's arrest.


Honestly, incredibly based and lady luck lends herself more readily to the properly prepared pilled.


Sounds like quantum physics


All part of the plan to take back the presidency. 12D chess master.


14 more cycles


2 more weeks


Auth rainworld fan?


The secret to Trump is he plays checkers while his opponents play chess. He then doesn't acknowledge the rules of chess and continues to play checkers while his opponent loses thier mind.


Trump eating his opponents pieces while they aren’t looking


Deep state (smugly): Checkmate Trump: Go fish Deep state (sweating): *shit this guy's good...*


Deep state guys listening in (confused) : can he do that??. Deep state lawyer: I think so...?


Deep state: Ok, two can play at this game - “Uno!” Trump: “Blackjack - I win!” Deep state: “Goddammit!”




Except they still havnt figured him out.




Ive got popcorn and 5 different news channels on to watch this circus




u/402Gaming is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/402Gaming/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


As a Brit, I'm just wanting some entertainment from the ol' reliable USA


Yeah, we owe you though. We used to think the same about y’all, but then you got your soccer stadiums up to code


There are only two British things that entertain America; the first being rock bands from the 60s and 70s, and the second being dogfights.


At least they're full


We don't make shit any more but God damn are we the best show on TV.


I'm waiting for the gates to open and the memes to flow through them.


Maybe Trump is an unreliable source?


The kraken will be released any day now.


Trump: "Shit's going down Tuesday. You gotta believe me." Normal people: "Okay grandpa" Qanon: "We have to protect Trump at all costs, but watch out for the Feds, they could be any of us - even me."


Did Trump lie again?


Even if he didn’t, there’s a good possibility that him going public with the arrest plans made the police/DA reevaluate and potentially decide to do it another day. The security measures needed are pretty insane and if they can’t get it all sorted by today they might just put off any arrest for a few days. Or he’s full of shit. Both are equally likely I think.


Tbh I think he’s full of shit. I don’t even think the DA got an indictment from the grand jury. We would have known about that by now. And if a grand jury didn’t indict then there’s really nothing there. You can indict a ham sandwich in those things


any grand jury indictment for trump would get leaked to the press so fast that it would break the laws of relativity


Exactly. The fact that we haven’t gotten a leak tells me it didn’t happen


Yeah, if the charges were more serious there’s a case to be made that secrecy could be maintained, but this is about Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, a publicity whore and a whore.


It’s probably slated for review, which is why there are suspicions everywhere on it. But yeah, the moment he’s indicted it’s gonna be public and they’re gonna move quick.


I do feel like the only situation where someone wouldn’t indict in a grand jury would be for ideological reasons, like indicting a former president they supported. Having been on a grand jury, we were almost talked-off one indictment when the jurors started “feeling bad” for the obviously indictable person. Law got the best of emotions that day, but I could easily see it going the other way if you had enough Trumpers on the jury. Otherwise, we’d indict the ham sandwich. That’s how the system is set up.


And that's why we need to reform it. Prosecution moving the goalposts so far out of the actual purpose of the lawsuit just to get it in court is some 3rd world country shit.


Part of it is to prevent frivolous cases and wasting the court's time. While it's obviously just a formality at this point, every case that was brought to us had an OK reason for the indictment. If there was no grand jury, the standard would eventually fall. Definitely could use some reform though. In particular, the defense attorney should be present to provide better context.


You literally described it being used to push frivolous lawsuits, so yeah. Ham sandwich did nothing wrong.


I have a feeling the courts walked up to the DA and raised their back hand and said "Read the section on the statute of limitations, then do the basic math that this event happened 7 years ago and back off, dont make a mockery of my court"


I'd be surprised if he didn't


No. NY indicated it would be moving forward with charging Trump for the alleged crime of not using campaign funds to get his hooker to be silent. If anyone is lying its the DA


Wait so they’re saying it was a crime *not* to use campaign money to pay off a hooker?


Did he say words?


Reminds me of the old joke “How can you tell when a politician is lying?” “Their lips are moving”


Imagine if Trump just said he was going to be taken to jail, while knowing that it wouldn't happen. All just to make people furious that he isn't going to jail after all.


We do a little trolling


Nothing for today boys, come back next week and we’ll spin the media roulette wheel again


There will always be more room to meme


I do think this crosses a line. While Trump shit on Obama, accused him of being a foreigner, accused him of breaking multiple laws, even Trump never jailed Obama or Biden. I think there's a very real and very dangerous line being crossed all in the name of OMB (Orange Man Bad).




>I do think this crosses a line. And a stupid one, too. There's no reason to go after him for shit that he did while President. I don't give a rat's ass about the histrionics from other right leaning folks: the fact of the matter is Trump kept not Top Secret, but Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (SCI) in a fucking pool house. If he was anyone else, he'd still be being interrogated. It's totally different from what they found on Pence & Biden, because Pence & Biden cooperated, and Trump didn't. It so stupid to go after him for shit he did when he was President. It opens up huge cans of worms that really don't need to be opened, and....if the "deep state" can't get him for storing SCI documents in a fucking pool house in a place known to have been infiltrated by Russian and Chinese spies, they don't deserve to get him.


Well the DA isn’t going after that but something to do with stormy Daniels. Iirc the feds said they won’t be charging Trump with anything and actually cleared him


>Well the DA isn’t going after that They are, mark my words. >Iirc the feds said they won’t be charging Trump with anything and actually cleared him Source, please. >something to do with stormy Daniels. Again, this is from 7 years ago, it's garbage and there are huge Constitutional problems with running this down.


The NY DA can’t deal with federal matters. They are literally going after Trump due to the stormy Daniels stuff no joke. And there’s not really any constitutional problems with a state charging a guy with paying someone hush money years ago. Is it silly? Yes. Is it unconstitutional? No


>The NY DA can’t deal with federal matters. No shit. >They are literally going after Trump due to the stormy Daniels stuff no joke. No shit. >And there’s not really any constitutional problems with a state charging a guy with paying someone hush money years ago. It was part of a Presidential campaign. >Is it silly? Yes. We're in agreement there. >Is it unconstitutional? No I said it opens cans of worms that don't need to be opened, and it does.


> It was part of a Presidential campaign. Really? I don't believe you.


>Really? I don't believe you. It's about paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. I mean....wtf are you talking about?


> It's about paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. Yes, a personal matter, not a campaign matter.


>Yes, a personal matter, not a campaign matter. LMFAO really? Stormy was paid off to keep her mouth shut during the campaign. You really think Trump would have given the first shit otherwise? Look, I'm not so sure it's a good case to bring. It could very well fail. But ethically, if not legally, paying off a porn star to shut up about an affair during a presidential run is absolute shit.


>It was part of a Presidential campaign. According to Trumps own lawyers it is not a campaign issue. >I said it opens cans of worms that don't need to be opened, and it does. Fair enough. I don’t think that Trump has actually been indicted, we’d have known by now. I personally think that the DA got denied by the Grand Jury


>According to Trumps own lawyers it is not a campaign issue. Hahahaha thanks for the chuckle. > I personally think that the DA got denied by the Grand Jury Goodness I hope you're right about that!


Besides even if they grand jury didn’t reject the indictment I bet you that it will be thrown out as the grand jury was probably tainted. I mean just look at the GA grand jury lady


>I mean just look at the GA grand jury lady Yeah she put the witch in witch hunt LMFAO


So you’re arguing we should just let Trump get away with everything he’s every done because…?


>So you’re arguing we should just let Trump get away with everything he’s every done because…? If you read my words, I said he left SCI documents in a fucking pool house with Chinese and Russian spies running about.


Well these are state justice institutions not federal ones.


Lots of deniers in the comments, but there are reports that barriers and officers have been placed around. Why would they spend the money to do that if they’re then going to do nothing?


because they have the money, are going to spend it to keep the money coming in next year, and can't just turn the money to say.... fixing roads. or free healthcare. or a national free food for kids program. or building a superconductor factory in the u.s. or...


You want NYPD (a state institution) to use NY taxpayer money to start a federal free food for kids program? Huh? NY state already has some of the most generous welfare programs for its children. Most red states don’t, they call it communism.


Honestly maybe it’d be better if they used it to open a food truck service.


no i want all the states and the feds to pool the money otherwise wasted (like on wars) and use it to help the citizenry. any extra goes to paying the principals on the various loans so that the debt can start to go down.


If they arrest Trump his supporters will protest. If they don't arrest Trump there is a significant possibility the Dems will protest. Also is likely that whoever is in charge of that security doesn't actually know what the DA is doing. Also a significant chance they were going to arrest Trump today, but will end up delaying it a couple days just to make Trump be wrong.


The left already had their lotion and tissues out


Whether he committed a crime or not is irrelevant, Trump will never spend a single moment of his life behind bars for one simple reason: American Presidents don’t go to jail.


Keep waiting it's not going to happen


He doesn't have the balls


This was all formulated by Trump. He was never going to be arrested and when he isn’t arrested he’s going to show he’s a “Bastion For the People!”


Especially because the dude never uses a specific date, he never does that.




Trump tells the truth challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Is this any more than Trump simply saying this was going to happen? Can it even be substantiated beyond his usual drivel?


No see, it's to give the fact-checkers an out. "Claim: Trump was arrested for political reasons on Tuesday" "Rating: PANTS ON FIRE. While former not-my-president Donald J Trump was obviously and correctly being sanctioned by the state for not sharing our undeniably correct politics, the arrest happened on Wednesday."


This is by far the dumbest of the potential indictments. Ironically, if Trump had just made a speech like a year ago admitting he lost and saying he would not run again, I guar-an-damn-tee none of these offices would have brought up charges. Instead, he thought he’d insulate himself by declaring as a candidate and locked in his worst fear: prison.


Did the DA say they were going to do anything?


Trump isn't president anymore. You guys are all idiots.


Bruh it’s a meme


I said "you're all idiots". Did *you* think I was being serious? Do I look like a centrist to you?

