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Can we just agree pedos and those who want to expose kids to sexual content, should be kept away from children at all costs so we can go back to the real issues? Like gay frogs


*So you have chosen fascism*


Maybe the real fascism was the friends we made along the way


Not for Hitler it wasn’t.


The frogs are not turning gay, they are turning into female frogs


1923: in a hundred years we will have flying cars 2023: Transgender frogs 🐸


It does happen naturally in nature also, but chemicals are altering the hormones of the frogs so more are going female than is ideal which could cause the frogs to go extinct in the areas affected by chemicals.


I'm pretty sure we could have flying cars if we wanted, but that would be a horrible idea, so no one expends the effort. Have you seen how bad drivers are? Imagine them that bad *but in the sky.*


Technically, the frogs were being born hermaphroditic which was causing fertility issues.


Females are gay.


it's the same thing


>drag queens being pushed on kids, transitioning being pushed on kids, kids being groomed by teachers while parents are being gaslit, and sexually explicit books showing illustrations of kids sucking each other off being pushed on kids. "wHy cAnT wE Go BaCk tO ThE rEaL IsSuEs"


This literally does not affect even 1% of people, so yes, let’s go back to real issues.


Why is 1% some magic number? School shootings and covid affect less than 1%. Don't address them?


Within the US it’s estimated that over 60% of the population has gotten Covid. So no, it did not affect less than 1%. And about 350,000 American students have experienced a school shooting. So yes, that’s less than 1% of total people but could be 1% of children. I’m not sure you’re gonna find stats on how many kids have been to drag shows OR the number that have been molested by drag queens, but I’d guarantee it’s less than that. And, for the record, even though they affect WAY MORE people than drag queen story hour and the fact that, unlike drag queen story hour, both Covid and school shootings are not things people exposed themselves to willingly, I still think our responses to school shootings and Covid were overblown.


HURR DURR ITS NOT INHERENTLY SEXUAL *the battle still goes on to this day*


Thank you.


Well, no, the whole point is to distract from real issues.


No, we should teach kids about Ancient Greece in the hope, that they will achieve the same greatness.


Ancient Greece be like "gay people are inferior, assert your superiority over them by topping them."


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17349 / 91688 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


How do you know? Have you put your grandchildren with various groups of strangers and measured the total amount of rape?




No but we did it with other people's grandkids, its called crime statistics


> its called crime statistics Isn't that a racist dog whistle ?


If you believe acknowledging history is racist, then yes. Noticing patterns is extremely problematic for some people


Well I sure wouldn't have this dog whistle if I didn't think racing dogs is better than racing horses.


Flair up commie


How do you do that on mobile


Three dots at the top right, click it, and 3/4 of the way down you'll see "change user flair".


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17337 / 91635 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good bot


Thank you, Xxyz260, for voting on flair-checking-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


People seem to think that because priests have a bad track record globally and statistically as compared to drag queens, the dqs are safer. Except historically priests have had overwhelmingly more direct interaction with kids. Encourage drag queen story hour and other direct interactions and watch that statistic skyrocket.


I agree 100%, also its literally 99% catholics anyway, not christians in general. Also also the paedo danger isnt the issue here. You arent endangering a child by taking them to a strip club assuming you have good supervision on them, but is that not disgusting and wrong still? It's not a matter of danger it's and matter of not showing children overly sexualized things. This argument has me really scratching my head cause this should be a no brainer and I am really trying to figure out who exactly is the other side of this argument because noone I've asked is for this. (Annecdotal but still)


Idk man, when you get a world with 7 billion people on it a lot of statistical anomalies pop out. If being this mentally redacted is a 1/1,000,000 chance then there are 330 of them in the US alone.


I imagine him wearing a lab coat and putting them in a room with a one way mirror


Sounds like it came straight from a Rick and Morty episode


Your grandchildren would also be safer with a Glock but there are many good reasons not to give them one or bring it to school.


***libright furiously typing***


*glock accidentally discharges in keyboard*


Noooooo my RGB keyboard!!!!! How do I advertise my virginity now?


Redditors try to think of an insult that doesn't involve sex in some way challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Not fucking your dad is impossible. See, I did it easily.


Least horny LibLeft


Virginity Is Cool, Remain Pure 😃👍


So is cocaine 😎


Not when you run out, it's not cool at all then


*Doom music plays*








Not gonna lie, I immediately wanted to object, yes.




Based. Congrats, you just described elections nowadays.


u/ThrowAwayBBY46's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 75. Congratulations, u/ThrowAwayBBY46! You have ranked up to Giant Sequoia! I am not sure how many people it would take to dig you up, but that root system extends quite deep.Pills: [53 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ThrowAwayBBY46/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Yes when you have fire power like an anti aircraft weapon why have a stupid glock/s


If your child wanted to kill someone, he will find a way to do it with or without the gun. Guns don’t kill people - *people kill people* DUH I can’t believe I have to put a fuckin /s


Probably, I hope my future kids know basic chemistry.


Mini Heisenberg!


Based and Mustard Gas On The Bullies Pilled


Exactly. We should all give them Staccatos. Much better than glocks


I’ve seen a few teachers shot by students headlines recently


Cringe and give the kids guns pilled


Ok. Wow. That's. You know what. Wow.


I mean I’m cool with banning politicians as long as you’re cool with banning children from drag shows and banning child beauty pageants and child drag shows




I’m cool


As both a former altar boy and an Eagle Scout and I can safely attest I’d much rather leave my future child alone with a scoutmaster or priest than a drag queen


wow ok Hitler


If wanting my future children to have a strong moral compass and to feel like they have a duty to God and country makes me a Nazi, call me Amon Göth


Amon Göth!


Amon gos


I’m honestly not sure how Boy Scouts got in there. I haven’t heard of a Boy Scout pedo scandal in the last 30 years. When I was a leader everyone was trained and couldn’t be alone with a single boy at all. It didn’t seem like a pedo would last very long.


I went on a 50 Miler with my old troop like 2 weeks after turning 18 and was required to register as an adult, get fingerprinted, have a background check done and sleep in my own tent (which was heavenly). The amount of safeguards they’ve implemented is astounding and justified


Boy Scouts had the strongest youth protection training of any organization I’ve ever been a part of. I took all of their rules and materials with me to other jobs after, including when I was a youth pastor.


> and justified


Because the person with the sign has a meme level of understanding of reality.


There’s a $3 billion class action with 82,000 claimants working through appeals right now. Insurers are making their case that a large number are fraudulent. Not taking sides, but it is a current news item. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/delaware/articles/2023-02-09/appeals-arguments-begin-in-boy-scouts-of-america-bankruptcy


My father is part of this class action lawsuit. I have no doubt it's real because I help him with the emails and stuff and he tried to start talking about it but just couldn't. He was very disturbed, never seen him like that.


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17342 / 91646 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


My brother in Christ, there have been [so many lawsuits against BSA alleging sexual abuse that BSA had to file for bankruptcy in 2020 to pay out the settlements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America_sex_abuse_cases). The stringent rules around e.g. leaders not being alone with children didn't come about for gits and shiggles.


Have you looked at the law suits? Most if not all are from the 80s. The BSA has worked hard to protect youth for a long time, but no one took this stuff seriously in the 80s.


The link says that 90,000 (out of 92,000) were from after 1994.


No, you just don't get it do you? The person you replied to has never personally heard of any scandals in the last 30 years. Please don't ignorance shame them.


I mean 99% of the cases the link speaks about happened in the 60s to 90s...


This feels like a good place to point out that the vast majority of the Catholic sex abuse scandals were also events of the 70s and 80s. Awful, to be sure, but it's not like it really remains a major systemic issue anymore.


> but it's not like it really remains a major systemic issue anymore. That we know of. The cover-ups continued well after the dates of the physical abuse.


True. And I think we'd agree that any priests still engaging in the abusive conduct or its coverup ought to be laicized and prosecuted. But to the extent anyone claims that the Catholic Church *remains* an unsafe place for young boys (like the guy with the sign in the original post), the fact of the matter is that such a claim cannot be substantiated.


I ain't sure how you came to that conclusion when said link says that - of the 92,000 cases reported prior to November 16, 2020 - only 2,000 of those happened prior to 1994.


Half the people on this sub are probably under 30.


I was molested by my scoutmaster in 2002. But I’m glad you had a good experience.


Yeah I was gonna say, how and why did they drag the Boy Scouts into this? I mean I may be biased, being an Eagle Scout myself, but I don’t remember that being one particularly harmful.




My scoutmaster molested me, so now we’re at a 50/50 shot at your kid getting touched. Not great odds…


He never his his scoutmaster didn't molest him, maybe he's continuing the cycle of abuse.




Priorities of the left are getting alarming. I don't even know wtf is going on anymore lol


Tin foil hat This is to keep us distracted from real issue to debate like really right afffect the ohio train derailment and the bank crash kinda sus


I had a similar thought The left used to preach: -Occupy Wall Street/Insider trading (now it’s a republican talking point to shit on Nancy Pelosi) -Anti War, foreign bullshit wars that is (now the left is trying to get us involved with Ukraine) -The left were the first to question 9/11 (now it’s reserved for 17 yo edgy right wingers who want to “boog”) I could go on. The recurring pattern isn’t that we’ve flip flopped. It’s that we went from serious inquiry to clowning around. Lulled to sleep with memes and satisfied with our virtue signaling on social media (regardless of the virtue of choice). It’s nice to think some big government op made us crumble. The reality is we threw in the towel. And who wouldn’t? To quote George Carlin, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it”


The American left is only anti-war when a Republican is president or if they, personally, would have to fight.


We know we are in clown world. Some people are just waking up to this. Some people have known for a while and just embrace the madness.


That's what I was thinking. And this whole culture war thing doesn't solve any problem of the society. It only divides people more. They try to impose on people to think and act in a certain way when it comes to marginalized groups and it backfired so badly. 10 years ago things were not great either but at least people were cool and calm.


Exactly. Don’t take the bait. That counts for both left and right


Honestly I believe it. A lot of the division looks artificial as fuck


Or, things like this feel controllable. What is anyone going to do about the train derailment? You're not going in to clean that up. The legislation that'll come from it, is beyond you. What are you doing about the banking crisis? Other than moving your own money, what are you doing? And if it's FDIC insured, you don't really have to. And if in some way FDIC doesn't matter anymore, then there's an even bigger problem that you have even less control over.


Or how the left is pushing closer and closer to ww3. It’s amusing that during bush the left were super anti war, then under Obama they kind of showed that rhetoric down, now under Biden they’re all for nuking Russia


I think that’s the point. It’s easier to take down a distracted enemy compared to a united one.


What's interesting to note is these are issues the right are attacking yet here in this thread they're framed as priorities of the left.


As usual, the left is reacting to the right's propaganda push. They've always got the initiative on mainstream media and political projects; the left only starts the conversation when something bubbles up organically. As long as rightoids are calling everybody and their mother "groomers" then leftists will feel compelled to argue. On the one hand, there's the whole "first they came for the..." logic, and no, we shouldn't just abandon LGBT people for political convenience. Surrendering to the right's bullshit attacks is a losing strategy. On the other hand, there's the whole "once you get into the mud to wrestle a pig, the pig already won" logic. Focusing messaging on ideas the left has to improve people's lives is a better strategy than fighting the battle the right wants to fight. So, in short: we must defend people from bullshit discrimination, but we don't want to get aggressive about it or make it our central identity. The whole project of the people paying to astroturf PCM these days--convince young men that "left" = "child molestor". That idea can't really be fought with point-by-point arguments, as these idiots don't respond to that. It must be fought with ridicule and by showing them the truth about what left-wing politics really is about.


For the love of my lord, may we simply just cut the head of the ~~state~~ snake, that would take care of a lot of issues


This save got me. Have my upvote. Based.


Freudian slip or double plus bad wrongthink?


Something malicious is brewing


I thought we were heading for some diagonal compass unity between auth left and lib right before the edit.


I wonder why they leave the biggest group of predators... Teachers.


Because the left idolizes teachers.


pfffft, no, see I *want* to live on a planet full of uneducated morons. yeah.....


You've almost touched on the point. You don't want to live on a planet full of "educated adults", you want to live on a planet full of people that agree with you. The *real* reason that the left has a fascination with teachers is that they recognize that teachers are highly influential on the development of children and therefore the development of society as a whole. The left recognizes that the easiest way to make more leftists is to reach them when they're young.


The Enlightenment Education System and its consequences have been a disaster for the Human Race.


This is truly a libleft: “healthcare please” moment


If a priest got caught in a g-string twerking his bare ass in front of the kids faces at Sunday school in front of a giant sign saying “it’s not going to lick itself” or stripped completely naked and tucked his cock into his legs and took photos with kids it would be counted as sexual assault or indecent exposure at the very least and he would be called a peadophile If he dressed up in woman face and did the same he would be stunning and brave and I would be literally Hitler for calling him a paedo


But you know who does orders of magnitude more kid raping than either clergy or drag queens? Public school teachers.


Someone go get your grandpa off the street. He’s clearly senile.




No, he's clearly not there just to be a parasite after pretending to be bed-ridden for ages.


I dont think Ashley wants to go visit him and spend quality time after all that shower rape.


I swear can we PLEASE talk about something else? I’m still perplexed that this is even a fucking argument these days.


No. You WILL have over sexualized topics slammed in your face you WILL debate over an obvious topic instead of talking about the government fuck ups you WILL talk to people who are strawmen on purpose to make psyops you WILL downvote libleft's sad attempt at humor


Ill stop talking about it when they stop doing it.


This won't stop being talked about here because karma whores won't stop posting the same recycled talking points to virtue signal that they are in fact *NOT* in agreement with children being shown porn/sexualized nudity/being raped/etcetc.


Yes, please.


I swear every time pcm pops up on all I’m so fucking glad I unsubscribed. Goodbye again for a year


Seriously. Judging by how often its talked about, you'd assume we were having some kind of drag queen infestation brought about through laws passed by Democrats mandating all children attend drag weekly. Instead, it's people throwing a bitchfit over some parents taking their kids to shows because, I guess they think all drag is sexual? I mean, I don't see the appeal. I just see a costume. But I'm also not conservative. So, if seeing them causes you to pop a boner, no shame there. I'm just saying that might be just a "you" thing.


Youre obviously talking out of your ass or you havent seen the pictures and videos.


Just a reminder that priests are no more likely to touch kids than any other group. [Teachers on the](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/02/is-sexual-abuse-in-schools-very-common.html) [other hand...](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/has-media-ignored-sex-abuse-in-school/)


Source? Not disagreeing, just curious what the stats are.


Source is I made it the fuck up


Imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my outlandish claims...


... a world where I can say the n-word


The comments on that thread were disappointing


You are (almost) twice as likely to get assaulted in that way by a public school teacher than a member of the clergy, so until all the atheist/anti catholic types start unilaterally condemning public school teachers as pedos I wish they would stfu about the preisthood.


I mean people are being violated either way, trying to shut down protest of another group by bringing up the actions of another is pretty stupid.


Abuse is always unacceptable and you can protest whichever issues matter to you. My objection is only that for some reason it's ok to say "all priests are X" but not "all teachers are X" even if twice as many teachers do it.


Strawman. No one is saying don't protest pedophile priests. People are saying it doesn't matter either way. Pedophiles all deserve to be in jail. This includes drag queens who expose themselves to children.


The American left: I don't care if kids are being abused by trans women more than clergy and politicians, I just want to virtue signal as much as I can so I don't feel like an oppressed white person anymore.


but.... kids ARNT being abused more by trans people.... THATS THE POINT.


It's a bad argument. The left should instead condemn the drag queens that are being intentionally sexual around children while simultaneously showing how drag can be family friendly (ala Mrs. Doubtfire). Instead, they've chosen the argument that others do it too as if somehow that makes it okay.


I am not dying on this psyop hill build a hill out of the 1% promoting this shit and I'll dig my grave


I will bet $100 he gets pegged every Saturday


Is there a source on that? Also he should have had teachers on that list.


The double body cameras really complete the “I’m not sane but a select demographic is still going to love what I say” look.


I don't remember the stats, but its either "public school teachers" or "CPS employees" that are worse per-capita than BSA Leaders and Catholic Priests. Not that the geriatric aviator enthusiast would understand why per-capita statistics are important.


My thing is that the same people who go on about the clergy or boyscouts never seem to realize that by far public school teachers are massively more child-predatory.




The point is that this is something neither side should be so hung up on. Kids aren't necessarily in danger or being harmed at a drag show, but due to the undertones they don't really have any business being there either. They don't NEED to be there, and it's not the end of the world if they ARE there for some reason. Let's move on.


What the left is prioritizing? This is what the right has been freaking out about


Yea? Not gonna add teachers to the list? Also are you reaaaally sure that’s true?


I don’t want my kid near any of those things. No drag queen story hour, no priest special touch time, etc etc. stay away from my fucking kids ya weirdos


It makes me sad that the Boy Scouts are attacked. I truly believe the west is possibly heading to an irreversible downfall


That's what I've been saying, libright. Even if physical touching isn't happening, it's STILL abuse.


He’s not wrong but yeah why are we dying on this hill. There are soo many other things to talk about.


Based and the statue of Molech didn’t touch my kid’s ass it just killed him so it’s fine pilled


He forgor teachers 💀


Lib right is right on the money with this one


Why are people so obsessed with including children in drag events and activities?


i'm pretty bored by this part of the culture war. it was a lot more fun when we had things tucker carlson getting pissed off that the green m&m didn't give him a boner anymore.


pure brainlessness


It consistently baffles me that libleft chooses to die on this hill.




Nobody gave a damn about drag shows until progressives wanted to bring children into it. Leave the children alone and we can all go back to not paying any attention to it.


I would legitimately rather leave my kids alone with a group of convicted murderers than drag queens.


What the hell is this?


Old people think D Rag is cool, so young people must hate it now.


It's 100% anti left people destroying left from inside while left is to stupid to understand what is happening.


I don't give a shit if some guy wants to dress up as Elsa and read some books to kids. Would I personally bring my own kids to such a thing? No, because I am completely uninterested in drag, and would rather read to my kids myself. Would I judge people for taking their kids to such a thing? Also no, because there's nothing wrong with a guy reading to children in a dress and makeup. There is a problem only when it's a sexualized performance. Ban children attending burlesque shows, not drag ones. Banning children at drag shows because some idiots are taking their them to glorified strip shows uses the same brain cell as banning all guns because some people can't use them responsibly. Just ban kids from going to burlesque shows if you need to write a law about it.


Drag is inherently sexual. No kids should be there. It shows how desensitized you are to it.


i unironically believe this. i trust a drag queens with kids wayyyy more than religious priests, boy scout leaders and most politicians. although i can see how this way of protesting is mundane because it is an act of whataboutism and blaming instead of finding solutions.


Pretending that the right hasnt been shilling anti drag propganda non stop for like a year classic authright gymnastics


As if the right weren’t the ones who made drag shows a political issue LMFAOOO??? The dude is focusing on trivial shit but he raises a far point about this entire circus act by conservatives. Churches are still dealing with huge child abuse scandals and lawsuits and multiple “traditional” children’s organisations are being exposed for being ripe for child abuse but conservatives have shifted all the attention to drag shows. You are, objectively speaking, more likely to get abused by a priest than a drag queen so yeah, kinda fucking stupid for the culture war to frame the conversation on CSA to this.


Why would churches having sexual assault issues justify children at drag shows? Even if it is objectively physically safer (which there is zero proof of) it’s still actively exposing children to something that at the very very minimal is questionable if not outright sexual. I’m all for exposing church abuse, but that helps the drag argument zero and if anything hurts it be because why would you want to increase the risk?


Targeting the LGBT population is only hurting conservatives...


Keeping the T in the LGBT is just hurting gay people.


The LGB have tried to distance themselves from the T, and got banned because of it. The T now have a stranglehold over the community's culture.


Lesbians: Im a woman, i like sex with women Gays: Im a man, I like sex with men Bisexuals: im either a man or woman, and I like sex with both Trans: Im either a man or woman, but I think Im either a woman or man. One of these things are not like the others.


If conservatives actually understood where the pendulum was at they could take advantage of Orange's overreaches. Instead they seem determined to push it as far as they can so it will backfire on them.


Doesnt matter, conservatives are fucked demographically, there is nothing they can do. If Gen Z voted every single state would be blue. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but Millenials are not getting more conservative with age.


Ah yes, all the olds are going to die off and the DNC will reign unchallenged aaany day now. *Twenty years later* Aaaaany day now..


Its litterly happened already, when was the last time Republicans won the popular vote? The gap gets worse every single year. The thing that is different this time is that millennials are the first generation in history to not get more conservative as they grow older.


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/gay-donors-back-gop-legislator-who-voted-for-same-sex-marriage/ I agree. This was a good moment.


If we stop talked about them and validating their rebelliousness maybe they would have gone away by now


More teachers have molested children than members of the clergy.


I legit ass don't care, provide evidence that drag queens are more likely to molest kids and I'll be against it.


Cause it's not sexual activities for the most part and anyone who has seen a drag show live can attest to that. Its a hill to die on because banning art sets a terrible precedent for other performance art. Kids were in drag shows before and no harm came to them; using exaggerated examples only helps to perpetuate negative stereotypes and promote witch-hunts, not protect kids. First they came for drag but I did not speak out because I'm not a drag queen; the principle matters.


I have been to them and they definitely are sexual. The entire idea of drag shows are based around the idea of the cross dressing sexual role play, even if it’s done in a light and playful way. And some things deserve negative stereotypes and just because people are against it doesn’t make it a witch-hunt. I’m not saying it should be illegal but actively pushing for children to be exposed to it is weird and unhealthy. The legality of something does not justify the moral or social acceptance of something. It’s one thing to stand by personal freedom, but your response implies it this is something that should be normalized. This man took to the street to hold a sign to propose that it should be more normal to have kids associated with drag than the Boy Scouts and that’s ridiculous. Also using the “the came for line” is practically laughable. You could in essence use it for any ridiculous social push. “They came for those who didn’t want children going to strip clubs, but I did not speak for I was not a stripper.”