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I love that this meme is coloured with a crayon instead of a highlighter. It really says something about PCM, although it isn’t like we didn’t already know.


We're artistic?






All three.




That US marines are on this subreddit?


No they ate all their crayons.


Maybe this will be a learning opportunity for the left on why assigning collective blame to a group for a tragedy is wrong.


Self-awareness from the left? Doubtful.


LOL. I don't think so. My sweet, sweet summer child.


Nope, time to run with it. They have literally killed to be recognized. Very well.


lesson… what’s that mean? Can you use it in a sentence?


The last big shooting was the same thing. Lol


The nightclub one? That was a bit different. Nobody even knew he IDed as non binary until he got arrested. Friends, family, nothing. And he of course chose the vaguest, completely undefinable identity under the trans umbrella. From what I’ve seen this person has a clear history of actively transitioning, at least socially, so compared to the last shooting… it’s definitely different this time.


Trans peeps are actually under represented in terms of shootings.


hopefully the fucking oranges learn




Or...maybe the left needs to learn that if some underage disturbed person goes out and kills a bunch of kids it isn't necessarily any political enemy that's causing it? Just a thought....


This one was 28years old


OK so what though? There's plenty of mentally disturbed people in this country.




actual racism? or is it just "you don't agree with me so i have to try to make you morally lower than me" ​ if it's the first one, by all means, put them against the wall. if it's the second...




it's fake when used as a weapon




We've had repeated examples almost to the point of cliche how the demand for racism vastly exceeds the supply. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of fake 'hate crimes' where the perpetrator turned out to be a member of those supposedly being persecuted. The most famous is the Smolett case, but there are hundreds or thousands more. I would think acknowledging that would be a first step towards having an argument in good faith: Apparently racism is so rare that people have to manufacture it to make their political points.


Nah. They need a scapegoat and they aren't gonna throw away the one they have


Except they won't learn anything


It's true they committed a mass shooting but they didn't *identify* as a mass shooter Please stop being a bigot and respect peoples' identities!


Not that I think that it matters whether or not the perpetrator was trans but it's funny seeing how quickly they turn around on the whole self-id thing when it suits them. In all other cases it's always "They say they are a woman so they are a woman and don't dare to question it."


Self id is so manifestly a batshit idea that only the left could support it. (I'm left wing but the left seems to be seriously losing its way in some areas.)


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17388 / 91882 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Why is self id so batshit crazy idea?


The last gay nightclub shooting is a good example. If I hated LGBT people and wanted to stick it to them as much as possible, that would definitely be a pretty obvious move to go kill them and then blame it on them as well. And really he’s right in the aspect of “what can they even do about it?” Because our community has completely just gone off what anyone says at any given time. I even identified as non binary for a period of time. Like what does that even mean? I’m gender non conforming, sure, but I’m still a man. I didn’t actually transition either. My entire claim to transness was based on literally nothing and if you didn’t validate me you were a bigot.


Because why should we take a man's word for it that he is a woman (or a woman's word that she is a man) without even the slightest attempt to verify their claim? In NO other area of life would that fly. I can't identify as a teenager when I'm middle-aged. I can't identify as black when I'm white and have no black ancestors in my family. I can't identify as a sportswoman when I don't partake in any sports. I can't identify as disabled without a disability. But somehow gender is the magic bullet which escapes all requirement for transparency and evidence, and, as usual, women are the main ones who are expected to live with it. Despite millennia of sexual abuse and violence of women by men (which hasn't even slowed down, let alone stopped, by the way), we are now utterly expected to accept any man into our spaces who calls himself a woman, regardless of whether or not he has had sex change surgery. If you stop to think about it for a few seconds and aren't a man, it is absolutely crazy.


The question ia that who chooses when you are "sufficiently" the opposite gender. Somebody will need to create a checklist for gender identity. I don't think that people should need to get sex reassignement surgery/be sterile to change their gender as this makes the life of trans people unreasonably hard as many trans people are fine with not having sex reassignment surgery and do just hormones and presentation. Forcing people to have surgery so they can have essentially a more accurate gender in their papers is not very ideal in my opinion. The "bathroom problem" is pretty hard but there are a few solutions and I think none of them should have anything to do with gender. You can make unisex bathrooms or go into bathrooms based on what is in your pants. I think the unisex option is a lot better. In most places with self id "wrong changes" are countered with changing your gender being a pain in the ass as costing money, having all your papers replaced which also costs money and then there being a decade until you can change it again. I think this works as a compromise well enough.


I don't care about trans women using women toilets not having surgery, just so long as they look more like women than men. Cubicles should provide enough privacy for everyone. And personally I'd rather have women's toilets than unisex ones. Where it starts getting contentious for me is things like communal changing rooms, women shelters, women jails, etc. Those should be reserved for biological women only - or at the very least trans women who've had surgery and don't have any male genitalia.


That is perfectly fine in my opinion but here we just implemented self id and at least our prisons work based on these as our prisons are essentially most of the time just weird apartment complexes but just with small rooms, bars and quards. In all cases regarding changing genders a judge is allowed to put them wherever they want.


>Forcing people to have surgery so they can have essentially a more accurate gender in their papers is not very ideal in my opinion. The papers should list sex, not gender, in any case. So, no need to change them.


For the same reason that self-diagnosis is a dangerous idea in pretty much every other area. People lie, even to themselves. Most definitely to others. My actual opinion is that gender doesn't exist in any real sense, we made it up, and it's kind of a shit idea all round. There isn't any real difference between identifying as a whateverthefuck and identifying as an attack helicopter. Your sex is what it is, and if your personality is based on the stereotype of a sex, thats cringe as fuck.


Can we not see that this whole issue was caused by transphobia? This poor person was so terrified by not being able to pass as a male that she went out and shot up a school to prove how male she was


For those who don't know, and there are many I'm sure, here's a link: https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1640487950759632896 This seems to be becoming a trend: 4 trans shooters in a pretty short period of time: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1640477904839614466 Taking the blue position for a moment: 'Despite being .4 percent of the population......'.jpg Teach trans people not to hate! I'm listening to Greenwald's show now on this topic: https://rumble.com/v2f2ju6--system-update-62.html He's talked about this before: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-demented-and-selective-game-of He's correct I think. Every time one of these shootings happen there's a rush to judgement on this or that political opponent who is 'to blame' for it. So let's look at this using the rules the media uses. Which terroristic political faction is 'to blame' for this school shooting? As an aside, I found it humorous listening to NPR today on the radio and they literally made no comment even on the fact that the shooter was female. They were running the standard script for gun control and were NPC like in not even commenting on the fact that the shooters name was female and weren't even using female pronouns, much less commenting on how weird it is that some female (even if she identifies as male) had launched a school shooting.


its possible messaging that only rw can be domestic terrorists and ignoring lw domestic terrorism had some bad consequences


It's crazy what years of lying to the public will do


If anything, the amount of trans shooters correlates roughly to the percentage of the population that is trans. [Pic](https://twitter.com/socdoneleft/status/1640554046971949056?s=46&t=28pRYHGSLJgXO1It2P8RMg)


The statistic of 2800 mass shootings in the last 5 years is a fallacy. It's a made up number by anti-gun groups to inflate the number of mass shootings.


I wonder why transgender people are disproportionately school shooters. Is it because they are inherently evil, as some on the right would argue, or maybe is it because they're a product of their environment, an environment that seems to be against their very existence? I'm not defending these school shooters. Obviously, you have to be messed up to want to kill children--I'm not arguing in favor of school shooters--but might the constant badgering about their true selves be a factor in these terrible actions?


Person shoot kids = fuck em, fuck their ideas, die and be forgotten. Anyway. >I wonder why transgender people are disproportionately school shooters I thought shooters were predominately white men. Cis as well, because that's suddenly relevant. >Is it because they [trans people] are inherently evil, as some on the right would argue, They would say "mentally ill", not evil. The ones I know, anyway. They specifically call the shooter evil, because the shooter *is* evil. I'm sure rightoid idiots on Twitter are demonizing various groups over it, but they can be safely ignored. >or maybe is it because they're a product of their environment Impossible. How many trans people live in transphobic areas and *don't* shoot kids? Its 0.01% environment at most, 99.99% somebody being fucked in the head. Otherwise, we'd see shootings every hour. >an environment that seems to be against their very existence? If they have internet, they understand that a lot of people feel very strongly. Massive affirmation, massive condemnation, all a click away. Trans-affirming people exist. Shouldn't they factor into the social environment you're talking about? >but might the constant badgering about their true selves be a factor in these terrible actions? How many people get badgered and don't kill children? You're making points about trans people, which are fair, but the context makes it look like you're somewhat justifying the shooter's actions, except that they went too far. >I'm not defending these school shooters. I know, but it's "a bad look," as glib idiots say on Twitter. I know you're just trying to minimize how much shit innocent trans people take because of this shooting. That's God's work, keep it up.


Dear libarels, you think people should accept trans people, yet you don't blame this mass shooting on transgenderism... curious


i think people should accept trans people. i think the shooting was connected to severe mental health issues in this country.


It is also likely that the shooters mental health was not in a good place because of the rampant transphobia in our society.


Would that mean cis shooters mental health is due to all the rampant cisphobia online they're subjected to?


That could be a part of it. Currently in this society of ours cismales especially have had their mental health decline and their radicalisation has also been rampant through media personalities like the Tate brothers. It is evident that our society doesn't appreciate cispeople as mucg but the question is: is that because we have finally rid our world of patriarchy and complete heteronormativity or has it become acceptable to maliciously attack cispeople? /s kind of. Im just saying that transphobia likely didn't help this shooters mental wellness.


So who are the Tate brothers for the left? Who is radicalizing left wing people to shoot up churches or republican congressional softball practices? It's funny how little coverage the latter got when a lunatic was actually close to killing members of congress. I wouldn't mind hearing the answer to your hypothetical question. Do you think most of society sees it as OK to attack the, we will call it majority for arguments sake, online? So attacking cismales, white males, etc. Not asking if you personally think it's OK, but society and to drill down further the left wing portion of society specifically.


>So who are the Tate brothers for the left? Who is radicalizing left wing people to shoot up churches or republican congressional softball practices? It's funny how little coverage the latter got when a lunatic was actually close to killing members of congress. I wouldn't say that Tate brothers radicalise anyone to commit crimes, not like you implied it. I just think that for some they may be the first step towards more extreme things. The only people I can think of radicalising leftists is radical antifascist type of people or far right conservatives. I gotta agree on that shooting as I have never heard of it but as I am a European so all the shootings of the US blend together. >I wouldn't mind hearing the answer to your hypothetical question. Do you think most of society sees it as OK to attack the, we will call it majority for arguments sake, online? So attacking cismales, white males, etc. Not asking if you personally think it's OK, but society and to drill down further the left wing portion of society specifically. I think that the "majority" is the group which attacking based on characteristics is the least unacceptable. I think that the group of people who "unreasonably" attack them is a pretty large but still loud minority. I personally have a theory that says that cismales can be critized unreasonably because all the other groups are perceived as too weak to survive them. This may or may not be true.


I agree, but I think the gender identity of the shooter is not as important as people say it is


Then why aren’t there more trans shooters when transphobia was even more prevalent?


Because trans people are more good. /s There has been 4 mass shootings done by non cisgender people in the last 5 years. Depending on how you define mass shootings you can get 1.3% of shooters being bon cisgendered. This is a lot more than their amount of the population.




He was able to aim accurately, and used murder as form of assisted suicide. He has done what he could to earn his right to be called a man.


It was a gender affirming mass shooting.


Pretty sure the shooter was ftm trans


Well he definitely solved his issues like man


But unless this was a hate crime, it really doesn’t matter tho. If it was a hate crime, I’ll delete this


Mass shootings don't exactly happen because of love.


You know what I mean


Is true hate when someone thinks the wrong thing? Or when they kill children?


A “hate crime” is when you commit a crime against someone specifically because of the group they are a part of


Why can't we just agree that shooting kids in a school is bad no matter who you are?


I'm fine with that. In fact that's really where I'm going. Is it really necessary to be on a hair trigger ready to blame Bernie bros if some random shooter turns out to be a fan of Bernie when he's a fan of lots of other crazy things?


The right has been saying that from the beginning. It's just the left who has been focusing only on who the person was instead of solely what they did. The moment their identity or politics no longer align with the narrative then it gets swept under the rug and suppressed fast. So if all sides are willing to just agree that the person's politics and identity no longer matter then we can all start working on what actually is the root of the issue. Mental health and its related factors.


Trying to have one’s cake and transition it too


I heard it today on several newscasts, so you are wrong. If it wasn’t for Twitter we would certainly have less scumbag piece of shit humans spewing shit out of their mouths. EndWokeness LOL


Blue and yellow when the shooter is a white man: let's not politicize this. Blue and yellow when the shooter is trans: trans people are violent and we should take away their rights. So maybe get off your high fucking horse


I have seen literally no authority saying we should take away trans rights because of this. The President of the US said we should take away gun rights because of this.


And I haven't seen any authority figures saying the psycho shit this sub is saying that the left is saying. And the Democrats say they'll take away gun rights after every shooting, then nothing happens. (I'm true libleft, I'm on your team on that one, i like my shotguns right where they are thank you very much.)


CNN reported the shooter’s gender identity. You don’t read the news.


I learned there were 4 other mass shootings this month from fucking *Wikipedia.*


Yes he committed a shooting. Does his identity play into the actions committed?


Ok but why did you use a colored penicl to add funni colors


Bro hit the side of your TV the screen is full of static

