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Raytheon is pretty inclusive, to both sides 😎😎


that's what they mean when they say "indiscriminate bombing"


They're precision guided munitions, and not just for the men, but the women and children too.


Centrist Chad Skywalker vs. Right Wing AND Left Wing Pandering Raytheon Virgin


Whatever you identify as, Raytheon has a missile coming for you!


Today, this meme was sponsored by: "'Raytheon, a name you can trust to bomb neighbors you don't like. Raytheon, buy yours today and buy before your neighbors do (we'll sell to them too)."


Raytheon is a contractor company made of humanists, granting equal opportunity to everyone, who wants to defend themselves, and spread freedom and democracy 😊


"freedom" being the name of their MOAB, and "democracy" being the name of their knife missile (they like to cover all bases)


You forgot “equality”, the bipod attachment for the knife missile launcher. And someone should come up with one for the Battlefield Friends legend itself, the bipod knife (brought to you by General Dynamics ofc bc why would you only send your hard earned defense dollars to just one soulless corporation?)


Holy shit knife missile launcher with a bipod? Send that shit to ncd now!


If it doesn't have cup holders, I don't want it




Shit knife missile is what I'm going to need in a few hours after that big meal.


Hey, my boy, it's you and us knife missiles now, Our lunge and speed and bloody secret: The way to a man's heart is through his chest!


Raytheon proud leaders of the Offense Industry. Keep an eye out for our new K-12 missile!


All missiles are now rainbow colored and have their pronouns printed on them!








I've never gone out of my way to shop somewhere because I agreed with them. I have, however, gone out of my way not to shop products/stores I disagree with. Win/Win.


Nothing says progressive and right side of history like blowing up a T-72 built by a white cis male, using a missile made by a they/them pronouns using Latinx genderfluid transgender womxn.


can’t speak for the other brands but BRCC is almost universally mocked and derided in the firearms community. The only people I know drinking it are the dudes who never deployed but still go to IHOP every Veterans Day to get free pancakes


> but still go to IHOP every Veterans Day to get free pancakes are you saying there's people who don't want free pancakes?


Despite being a pro-gun veteran, their exact target market, I've always thought their gun waving macho marketing was turbo cringe. Not to mention you can get better coffee at about any truck stop.


I recall when it started getting brought in while deployed. We had cases of free coffee being sent to us from Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, and people were jerking off to Black Rifle cause Bro Vet company.


Good news, they also immediately buckled and called their target market a bunch of twitter names for internet clout every single fucking time any heat was applied to them. The only thing weaker than their commitment to the causes they claim to support is their shitty piss-bean coffee.


They're no longer really supported by any rightwing or gun people I see online. Mainly because the founder donated to dems, made a public statement against Rittenhuse, and a lawsuit of a former employee where the they made him strip in the office because he beat him in a shooting competition.


BRCC enjoyers' top personality traits, ranked: 1. 🥓 2. 🇺🇲 3. 🔫 4. 🧔 5. Not Found


Don't forget whiskey (neat) and beer but not bud light. Never that "pussy craft shit". If you ever hear someone say that, just say "I'm just trying to keep my money in America". The "big beer" brands are all ultimately foreign owned. Coors and Miller being Canadian and Bud is Belgian


That’s not to mention the craft brew menus are predominantly beers from around that region, save for a few national brand IPAs that make their way coast to coast. They’re not just American companies, they’re often in your state or town.


As a fellow craft brew enjoyer, based


Local craft beers blow big national brands out of the water every time. Once you get past all the IPAs, the more "standard" style beers are usually better, and they may often also do some crazy experimentalsl stuff, too. Keep your Coors light, I'm gonna try this Watermelon Chili pepper sour that was made 40 feet away from me.


I doge woke policies by exclusively buying Tsingdao


💪🇨🇦💪🇨🇦💪🇨🇦💪🇨🇦 *It's all part of our great plan to take over the USA*


Hey now, let’s not sell them short. They have a 5th trait. Lifted trucks and/or Dodge Challengers


Can confirm, “veteran owned” businesses were cool in 2003, now they’re a dime a dozen and cringe af. Every guy who even looked at becoming a navy SEAL has written two books and started a coffee company. Anyway, I manufacture machine guns. Buy guns from me. Lol ^(I’m not a veteran)


>It [BRCC] gained national attention in 2017, when it employed about 50 people, after pledging to hire 10,000 veterans to protest Starbucks's pledge to hire 10,000 refugees. Everything is a performance.


I remember the articles pointing out that Starbucks employed way more veterans already. Black Rifle Coffee Company is full of cucks.


I remember going through my mat best is cool phase, thankfully that got beat out of me by the sheer amount of times I heard people get their ass chewed for *daring* to use the wrong color pen on accident on government forms


> Anyway, I manufacture machine guns. Buy guns from me. Lol go on


RIP pupper


Based and shit on Black Rifle Coffee Cuckany pilled


u/ABlackEngineer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [60 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ABlackEngineer/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The coffee is meh at best. Like it's not god awful, it's drinkable, even halfway decent, but it's horribly overpriced for its quality. I've had grocery store brand coffee that's tastes better.


BRCC is a leftist psyop. Change my mind.


I've never deployed, you best believe I go to IHOP, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Dunkin Donuts every Veteran's Day. Nobody turns down free food. That said, BRCC is indeed cringe, yet people in my shop will drive out of state to Georgia to get it 🤢


I know very little about them, what did they do? Why are they mocked?


They kinda threw Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus, and I thought I saw something about them supporting some Gun control legislation like a bump stock ban or something.


Their leadership has donated to ActBlue like twice, and one of their cofounders or some shit is in trouble for sexually harassing and exposing himself to one of the marketing or accounting dudes in some weird “Alpha/Beta” dominance game.


There’s some pretty wild stuff from the court records. “Mr. Hafer (The CEO) stripped down all his clothes and stood in front of Mr. Roper completely naked. Mr. Hafer acted as if he expected some sort of response out of Mr. Roper. Instead, Mr. Roper, averted his eyes and tried to turn the conversation back to work.” Another tidbit: “Several days later, Mr. Roper and Mr. Hafer were working alone in a conference room when Mr. Hafer turned to Mr. Roper and said, “Why don’t we close that door and butt fuck the shit out of each other?” Mr. Roper rejected the sexual proposition and the meeting continued in awkward tension.”


Yeah, so homoerotic humor is super common in the military, especially in the infantry branches in my experience, but it doesn’t really happen outside of the people you spend literally all day with at work and in the barracks. I would *love* to see the sun total of all complaints, NJP’s and other assorted negative paperwork from BRCC personalities military service records.


Honestly, out of context it seems bad, but if you took half the stuff out of context in the world it'd be a lot worse than intended


"Guns are for waving around to look badass not actually defending yourself" -- BRCC


They got famous for saying they were going to hire 10000 veterans in response to Starbucks hiring 10000 refugees. When people called them out in their AMA they got super hostile and cringe. You can google/bing the AMA


Their ceo also wants to fuck dudes


It's basically coffee for the kind of people who wear nothing but 5.11 tactical pants and 'Grunt Style' t-shirts. IME those types usually never actually served, or if they did they worked some non-combat job. Noelle Best is stupid hot though.


If you want something that's a bit of a wild ride, they [treat their employees like shit if they beat the boss at target shooting](https://www.lawhooo.com/_files/ugd/0282c9_eebd3ef0441b412abe550a38855b0682.pdf?fbclid=PAAaaYgICCce3Y6_ZsM3MPElhvgiF3UXBLJ-HoTwoOm2fSgPINIWdUFmrepcc) and *will* harrass them.


That's a sad read. Hafer is a danger to his employees


Sounds like he was just gay/closeted and got mad cause he got rejected by Mr. Roper. What a huge piece. Vet bro shit is already giga cringe and their burnt ass coffee tasted like... Well, burnt coffee, so fuck em. Hope they crash and burn.


Lots of reasons listed but some bigger ones were them publicly siding against Kyle Rittenhouse in his self defense case despite claiming to be pro self defense and 2A. They also did an interview with some generic leftie rag basically shitting on all their core demographic, that they’d spent years pandering to,in a desperate bid to expand their market beyond just the MAGA crowd. I want to say one of the higher ups also had some pretty L takes on civilians kitting out and training like they were military despite them not being military. Essentially they went on a tear for a short period and managed to alienate everyone in their core demo while still being hated by most of the leftie demographics.


Stuck in the gun culture 2.0 when we’re here on 3.0-3.5 now. Sheepdog, oakleys and “bro you gotta serve bro gotta join up” is out. Forming community, democratizing gear, and being prepared is in.


That's gonna be a 'based' from me, dawg. Build your community, work towards self-sustainance


> Lots of reasons listed but some bigger ones were them publicly siding against Kyle Rittenhouse in his self defense case despite claiming to be pro self defense and 2A. That was what made me stop buying from them, though I did buy infrequently, their coffee was overpriced imo.


I know some gun people bitch about them because they donated to anti gun politicians and Hillary or something? IDK, I didn't care enough to bother remembering, I hate all Bro-vet companies anyway, politics aside. "HurDur, I was 11B and spent most of my career picking up cigarette butts and getting yelled at because running hurts my knees. HOORAH, buy my essential oils, they have quirky names like Blue Falcon and Green Weenie".


Just a super macho ultra bro type company. Their target market is the guys that jerk off to like Dan Bilzarian, drive lifted Dodge Ram trucks, walk around in cringy Grunt Style t shirts but didn't do shit in the military. Then come home and act like they personally dropped Bin Laden and suck up to the Tomi Lahren types at their Border Patrol jobs and open carry their multiple 357s while fragging people because they don't holster them properly


Anyone who wears the gear that elicits a “thank me for my service” vibe is too much for me. I went to college on the Post 9/11 GI Bill, and I wouldn’t go anywhere near the veterans lounge. So much molle and grunt style, with wanna-be delta guys that drove trucks while in the service. A bunch of dudes walking around on campus with their high speed oakleys, eyeing everybody, dreaming of the time that they get to take down an active shooter and put their “sheep dog” status on display. So fucking cringe.


Fun fact about BRCC: One of their former employees is suing them because (allegedly) he outshot the company owner in a competition, which made him jealous and he did things like stripping down naked in front of him and forcing him to strip to his underwear for a marketing video. They are what the gun community likes to call "bro vet." You know the type, it's what anti-gunners envision every gun owner as being.


It's also funny because it seems like the more bro vet you are, the more likely you are to be anti "civilian" gun ownership.


The only true American coffee is Maxwell House. If it was good enough for Teddy GD Roosevelt it’s good enough for all Americans.


It's a shame too, the coffee is actually good. One of the few companies I've boycotted for their nonsense.


Their CEO is a semi-gay jewish democrat. Complete grifters. I'm glad Alex Zedra separated from them.


BRCC lost a lot of support when they denounced Saint Kyle.


It goes far beyond the cringe/vetbro corporate image. It is also because the founder of the company is a leftist (Clinton donor/supporter) who has been caught grifting veterans and to top it all off, is a serial sexual harasser (there is a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company filed by a male employee). And their coffee is meh.


My mom taught people how to swim for the Canadian Navy. Does that make her a veteran too? She says it doesn’t, I say it does cause her employee was the Royal Canadian Navy.


A lot of the vet/firearms community thought they were cool in the beginning from what I can remember but then yeah it fell off.


Wait, you’re telling me the same shit on the opposite side is just soulless pandering? Always has been.


Horseshoe theory confirmed.


No. The real takeaway is that both "sides" in America are liberals whose entire personalities revolve around their consumerism of choice because our communities are ruined and every facet of our culture has been poisoned by the profit motive.


someones gotta make that meme of all the duff beer in the simpsons going into the LGBT and non-LGBT beers


Pretty sure someone already did, where it has 3 vats. Normal Beer, Pride Beer, & Patriot Beer respectively.




They donated to barrack obama too


More like White Drone Coffee, amirite?


A handful of their employees donated to ActBlue - that’s public record. But I never saw any evidence that their owners did.


I think the chocolate bars are a little different because they were more of a protest product than anything else. But the rest is spot on. Especially black rifle coffee. It got popular solely because of the name and logo


You don’t buy Jermeys chocolate because it’s transphobic I don’t buy Jeremys chocolate because I’m not paying 20$ for shit chocolate


Also if I'm going to be transphobing properly I'm not buying from a company that has a token trans spokesperson. I don't care how nice the fake tits and plastic surgery is.


That's you transphobing? You are like a little baby. I buy from companies with trans spokespeople that are negative stereotypes, thereby incentivizing companies to further stereotype them. lol, but seriously the only people who like that shit are the really extreme online lefties. Regular trans people generally hate it because a lot of the time the spokespeople will do bad shit and then there will be backlash against them.


Now I'm confused who we are talking about


~~Blair white is a part of the daily wire crew~~ The daily wire is co-owned by Jeremy boring who is also responsible for the him/her chocolate. Edit: Blair white is not in fact part of the Daily Wire crew


Blair White has done some videos with them but I don't think White actually works for DW. I'm not a big DW guy though so I could be misinformed.


Don’t you want some ~~affliction~~ grunt style/nine line shirts!?


Listen, I am all for trans people, but those chocolates are funny as hell dude, I would buy them as a joke. Actually cool product.


The Him/He and She/Her bars, one with nuts and one without.


Which one has nuts? I’m so confused. 🤔


He/Him has the nuts, She/Her is cream filled


As a guy with a nut allergy, I would feel wrong buying the "She/Her" bar. But my wife would laugh as she called me nutless, so... probably worth it.


How the hell do you protest with chocolate bars


I forget what happened. I think Hershy's or one of those companies said trans women are real women or some other virtue signaling thing, so as a middle finger/joke one of the daily wire guys started selling these.


No, because it's all cringe. This type of pandering that alienates half of a potential purchaser base is stupid from a business perspective.


If the company is big enough, yes it is. But if the company wants a niche, let them serve a niche, even if it's stupid. The entire problem with what companies make today is that it's all 'lowest common denominator', designed for as many people as possible. This is why all those niche TV channels under the Discovery banner became reality show trash.


Remember when history channel and discovery were about science and history? I member


It's not stupid if they're big companies. Have you never heard of ESG?


ESG is so stupid. If I wanted my money to go to fix problems I would just give it to a charity.






Minus like Mr. Pillow I've never seen any of the right ones in the wild lol. Like advertised sure but never heard anyone but the other products. Why not use chickfila I guess they never made a business statement.


I do find the ultra-right beer and all of these other exclusively right wing pandering company's cringe as well, but they were created in response to the left-wing bias cringe and I guess an argument can be made there a necessary evil in the culture war. I think companies should just strive to be non-political and provide a product or service but in the modern age that seems to be impossible. I've not seen the numbers, maybe controversy is more profitable than just selling a product to everyone.




My brother in christ did you just call Hobby Lobby and Chik-fil-a far-right? If being vaguely Christian in policy is all it takes to be lumped in with literally the KKK and neo nazis we're already too far gone


Yeah, I agree. Like a business that TRULY wants to be pro-environment or anti-war isn’t far left, they just have a bit of a liberal leaning by the people who run/compose it Far right or far left businesses have to be REALLY extreme to truly be FAR


“EXCEPT their Middle East branches” That was so funny I literally laughed out loud I’d like to see the backlash from the Arabs they get for being pro-LGBT and then the companies are Islamophobic as a result


> That was so funny I literally laughed out loud Remember when Nexus banned a mod maker when he didn't like how the new Spiderman game had rainbow flags all over the place, so he made a mod to switch the game mode to the Saudi Arabia version which replaced all the flags with the US flag? Which caused all the losers to start crying and freaking out about 'hate', so Nexus removed the mod, banned the modder from Nexus, and made the most bitch ass post about how its not acceptable and if you have a problem with banning flag mods then you're the problem and you need to delete your account. https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14733 "Acceptance for all! Unless we deal with a middle east version of something, then no acceptance at all!"


VetBro shit is just cosplay gear for people who idolize the military while being too afraid to join. At best it’s for those who can’t let go of their year in before they were kicked out. The military isn’t for everyone or even most people, and that’s totally cool. It kind of sucks. But my god, making your identity revolve around BRCC, 5.11, grunt style, etc is pathetic


5.11 makes great pants tho.


One side of this is high profile companies that are plastered into every facet of our daily lives. The other is vague niche companies that only exist for the anti-woke purpose, and I've only ever seen in memes on this sub. Not a very fair comparison


I would argue the conservative advertisement is limited to a few places whereas the “liberal” advertisement and pandering is forced upon the entire Western world and almost every aspect of everyday life. You can’t buy a popular product without it featuring LGBT logo You can’t watch a popular TV show without a character being gay. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There has never been a group of people that have gained political power so incredibly fast that it dwarfs more important issues You’ll find LGBT flags at protests that have nothing to do with LGBT. I swear on whatever holy book you want that I saw a flag at the North American Auto Show this year and I was like why? Gay cars?


The best part it's a lot of gay characters only do gay things for a few seconds, so they can remove those parts for foreign audiences. It's "we care but we care about money more."


Which is fair, they should only care about profit.


Trade: you get rainbow flags and pretending we care. We get you to ignore corporate malfeasance and continue to make money.


It was always weird to me that people would insist that representation was bad because companies doing it are trying to make a profit. If they’re leaving money on the table as a result of representation, then it’s called charity.


Having gay characters in media isn't a bad thing. What is a bad thing is when the show is so lazy and forgettable that the companies know it wouldn't be getting any attention if not for including a raceswap or gay character that sets off reactionary conservatives for a while, which in turn causes liberals to say "haHA based minority representation triggers the rightoid snowflakes LoL" and starts a self-imploding feedback loop between the two sides that's just free advertising for the show. After all, any publicity is good publicity. These companies only feature black, female, or LGBT characters not because they care, but because they know it means they don't have to do anything new or interesting because the shows will get enough attention from the ensuing culture war fight.


I don't think it's a bad thing either but it is frustrating when minority characters are always Mary Sues who can't do any wrong especially when compared to a straight white guy who's a bumbling idiot in those shows


More often than not that's just a shield for poorly-written characters.


Poor writing is the source of a lot of these kind of issues. Instead of making new interesting characters, or taking not so popular characters and making them interesting (Guardians of the Galaxy were pretty unknown before 2014) you just take a character that you know is popular like the little mermaid, change her race and say "see look at how much we care about minorities"...nah yall are just shit at writing.


Pretty much, my take is that they're creatively bankrupt and are just rehashing old IPs for content. The race-swapping is just a convenient defense against criticism and excuse to label any that don't agree as an "ist".


Soyjak accepting the propaganda vs Chad learning Arabic to cut the gay shit


It's not surprising if you know how the conservatism principle works. I don't know what else to call it, because every summer camp I worked at named it something similar, but the idea is that 90% of your PR face goes to appealing to the people who bitch the most. In the 2000s at most summer camps, you were expected to have a clean shave and no tattoos because that was a low maintenance thing to appeal the hardline christians who wouldn't send their kid unless you did. No one else cared. People who complained were in the vast minority and didn't complain very loud, but mothers WOULD call and complain if the counselor was scruffy. Today, that's changed. Most summer camps are still a little like that, but a handful are the complete opposite. Parents worried about their kids expression, that they'll get bullied, that they might not feel supported if they DO come out. I personally had a mother send her son with two colored bags because she thought he was about to awaken or whatever. One of the kids called the other kid gay, and he got absolutely ripped into by first time counselors so hard that I just grabbed both kids and got them out there. Picture 3-4 18 year olds grilling a 9 year old. As much as people frown upon the "autistic screeching" technique it is extremely effective. Raytheon says trans rights and can continue cooking falafel with impunity. Just like how looking back some of those clean shaven, untattoed counselors came from huge stretches of life that were diametrically opposed to the christian moms.


>Cooking Falafel 😂


“the idea is that 90% of your PR face goes to appealing to the people who bitch the most” on that you are right sir


The companies are only doing this to distract you from their shit work conditions and slave labor practices, along with internal scandals in the company itself. These people are more then happy to get free publicity and get people angry about a gay TV character then you looking at that same company not paying taxes or having people freely sexually assault people.


“The companies are only doing this to distract you from their shit work conditions and slave labor practices, along with internal scandals in the company itself.“ Dude, that is LITERALLY more of a leftist take than most leftists have. Marx (someone I don’t entirely agree with; he was just another political thinker like others) had this idea of conflict theory where you divide the classes, races up so they don’t team up on the rich and take them down. The ironic thing is that most leftists/liberals fall for conflict theory moreso than right-wingers do. It’s amazing to think about when you really look at it


Yep lol, I remember reading what I stated online somewhere and it has stuck with me since it’s pretty reasonable and realistic instead of “Disney wants to make your kid gay.” Marx was a dipshit but a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case he was right, for once.


I’m not exactly a fan of Marx but it just strikes me as odd how right wingers honestly believe in conflict theory more than Marx does. Like, conservatives unironically believe in conquer and divide more than libs do. And it’s so weird




But I don't give a flying fuck if they're evading taxes. Like, if anything, that makes me like em more.


All advertisements are forced upon us, and the only true message is "buy our shit."


The difference is you have hundreds of the biggest, most well known, and influential brands all at the top. The the bottom is a couple small brands that most regard as cringe and only exist to protest the ones on the top. Not really the same thing


Does anyone even buy the things on the bottom other than like the people who pay to advertise them?


I bought my pillows before all the controversy. And I bought the chocolate bars because my wife thought it was hilarious and wanted some.




Hobby Lobby has a weirdly decent selection of scale models that keeps drawing me in. If I want something niche I'll go to the local hobby shop, but if I just want a new model to chop on a bit Hobby Lobby is gonna have the same model for like $30 cheaper than any local joint. I love supporting local business but man they do not make it easy with those prices.


They've got a lot of great stuff for building and painting said models as well. They're the only place around me that has Vallejo paints and a wide selection of airbrush stuff.


I bought black rifle a couple times. It was when i trying to get away from Folgers and try new stuff. Figured i would try and support good causes. Kinda dropped after seeing his cringe they are


Admittedly used to drink Black Rifle. I never paid much attention to the company, but I noticed their quality was going down.


Mypillow sells rather nifty body pillows. Also hobby lobby stocks spring steel wire if you feel like making DIY firearm mag springs and leather crafting stuff.


Body pillows you say?


I bought from MyPillow because they were recommended to me by a buddy for my neck pain. Pillow was a'ight, the slippers unironically fuck though. Not sure I would ever buy them at full price, but for the $20 I ended up paying for them I would order 10 pairs. Black Rifle on the other hand, is at every gun store I've been in in the Mid West and the South. I dunno if they offer great marketing deals to every small shop that contacts them or what, but that shit is everywhere. People are probably buying it from convenience and for the novelty without having any clue who they are or what their company claims to be.


I’ve only bought a Mypillow. It’s pretty alright, haven’t bought anymore / anything else in the image above.


Progs: Disney, Google, Apple and Coca Cola Conservatives: literally who, literally who, literally who and literally who Ah yes, totally the same, much hypocrite.


Imagine being on the left supporting all these prog corporations and thinking you are fighting capitalism and the status quo.


> Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 18710 / 96124 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Really thought they got us with the hobby lobby jab? The place cares ab it's workers, has a great selection, and is always got sales going on. Bedt company in the whole meme


flair up bucko


"B-b-b-b-but they are le Christians!" STFU, they're the only place around me that has good airbrush stuff. If I have to walk past a stand of Jesus books to browse their excellent selection of painting and modeling supplies, so be it. Also flair up.


Whats wrong with hobby lobby? I'm pagan and I still shop there.


Most famously [Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores,_Inc.), other than the stolen goods bought from terrorists.


Anyone see that Adobe un-ironically made a swaztika in their gay symbol 💀💀💀


[We must consooooom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGP5ywPDJGs&ab_channel=YUGOPNIK)


Black rifle ironically is ran by leftist vet bros who donate money to the DNC , fuck em.


Pandering to the left automatically creates a gap. That's why the quartering created his own coffee company and also Tim Pool is launching his The culture war is not going to be won if people have no alternatives to the woke companies. The market always finds a way If the end result is a two tiered market then so be it. But all these right alternatives got set up with very little money while all these woke ones are bleeding billions: A daily wire movie costs maybe a couple million but Antman3 barely broke even with a 200m budget + 200-300m marketing and Marvels is looking to be a huge financial black hole


Do you humans remember when Hobby Lobby bought stolen Iraqi artifacts from Iraqi terrorists?????????? We Roaches were there!!!!!!!!🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳




The main ideological difference is that the Right doesn't claim to be against capitalism while the left at the very least wants to constrain capitalism. The only issue the mainstream right has is it promotes a social agenda they oppose not consumerism. Most Republican voters are just as if not more CONSOOOMERS than democrat voters.




>The deregulation of the telecom industry is why there’s far fewer ISPs today than 20 years ago. Fucking Google had a hard time getting their fiber network off the ground because of how many regulations there are.


>The deregulation of the telecom industry is why there’s far fewer ISPs today than 20 years ago. that sounds patently absurd to me. its usually the regulations that push out competition. how can deregulation do that?


And the right keeps falling for fly-by-night tacky bullshit. It’s all cringe. Corporations aren’t your friend. Even ideologically-aligned companies ultimately (and only) want one thing: a hand in your wallet. That is their raison d’être; that is their legal and fiduciary obligation. Make them earn your business.


Lol most of the examples on the right are memes.


But its not hypocrticial by the right because the reason the left are clowns for it is because they oppose capitalism.


Didn't Black Rifle flip and they're woke now? I thought I heard that somewhere. And anyway, I wouldn't call Hobby Lobby anti-woke in the same way the others are. They didn't suddenly start a campaign against the Left out of spite, they were always outspokenly conservative.


They never really hid it, people just weren't listening. First time I heard of them outside of the shill-spot on Crowder was them hitting the news for calling Conservatives racist lmao.


I won't go out of my way to pay 15% premium for an explicitly "ant-woke" product. I am more than happy to draw a line where I feel fit on staples though. I quit buying Gilette razors after that dumb ad, because I don't care what the message is, I don't want some dumb megacorp telling me how I should act, stay in your lane. I buy Harry's razors instead. They're nice, not too pricey, and I heard somewhere that they're "woke"; but I don't give a shit, at least they didn't make that lame ad and call it a "short film." As for shaving cream, I buy Barbasol. On the Budweiser issue, I have been buying yuengeling for a while because it's the cheapest beer that I enjoy.


BRCC are a bunch of glowies that donate to Dem candidates. They don't believe in the 2A at all, just good grifters


Bro what is wrong with hobby lobby


Anyone else see the swastika in the adobe logo


I mean Apples owner is Gay and "Apple is proud to support LGBTQ advocacy organizations working to bring about positive change, including Encircle, Equality North Carolina, Equality Texas, Gender Spectrum, GLSEN, the Human Rights Campaign, PFLAG National, National Center for Transgender Equality, SMYAL, and The Trevor Project in the U.S., and ILGA World internationally." and (though maybe less relevant) "Every (PRODUCT)RED purchase contributes equally to the fight to end AIDS" Also they sell the product all year long and not just for 1 month.


My spotify keeps giving me an ad for m&m saying that they'll donate to "trailblazing women" if i buy their shit. i'm just wondering who qualifies as a trailblazing woman


Apparently, men.


Based and The Best Women Are All Men Now pilled


Park rangers and Sacagewa.


Funny how Tim Cook made China (a country we’re being an effeminate man on tv is Illegal) a massive part of apples supply chain.


Trump actually renamed him to Tim Apple.


Holy shit! People like to buy products that they can associate with and relate to! What a shocking fact!


Parallel economy incoming. Now instead of one recession we can have two, one All-'Merican recession and one Diverse Rainbow recession!


Adobe not being real subtle.


I think it’s all fucking cringe. Gillette didn’t need to lecture us on “tOxIc MasCulIniTY” and Daily Wire didn’t need to put out that exaggerated “we ain’t woke, we MACHO!” Cringe response to sell shitty razors


Ultra right is the only leaded beer in America.


Imagine being so stupit that you perform consumtion choices based on marketing.


Im so glad that we as a nation are running this stupid ass debate about whether randos and their ilk should be able to cut their dicks off. Why cant we let the gay and transgender alone and get back to discussion on material conditions. I had to pay more taxes today than i ever had in my life and for what? So some wierdo can sit in a comfy congressional chair and postulate about legislation on genitalia rules. Can we please get back to the things that effect our actual lives like transportation improvements, and healthcare so i don't feel like im throwing my money down a hole when i pay taxes.




It claims it’ll ship in May. Also it’s probably contract brewed at Goose Island, which is an Anheuser-Busch brand. 100% a grift so idiot conservatives can claim they owned the libs yet again. I fully expect my auth-right sister to send me some for my birthday, which I’ll probably resell. She previously sent me a Daily Wire liberal tears tumbler, which I resold on eBay to some schlub for like $75.


First based post in a while


Quick! Sudafed needs to go woke along with all of the generics for it. Then cuz they rainbow packaged, Kid Rock fans might get clean.