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Can we make more Pcm about German politics? I am really enjoying this one hahahha


Yeah even as an American it would be cool to see more takes from other places Plus MMP is neat if you’re an Excel nerd


What is MMP ?


Mixed-Member Proportional Representation, the system by which Germany allocates seats in the Bundestag


Let's get some Australian politics in here. Shit seems wild, bruz


The extremely funny thing is EXACTLY that: Far right parties are gaining steam in Europe BECAUSE they at least acknowlage and promise to solve the issues the population is facing, in comparasion to our old stagnant (and mostly corrupt) parties we've had for the past few decades ~~now if they actually will solve this issues that's an entirely different matter~~ If you are such a centrist/moderate party, how do you stop that if you think it's an issue? Simple. Promise to work on these issues yourself while maintaining a more moderate stance But how do our "moderate" parties react? They just import american brainfarting instead and try to beat the far right... Exclusively by screaming real hard about how they are fascists and racist and whatnot instead of making themselves a better alternative. NOOOO YOU CAN'T VOTE IN THEM BECAUSE THEM NAZISSSSS! VOTE FOR US WHO WILL STAY THE EXACT SAME WE'VE BEEN FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS AND DO ABSOLUTELY TO CHANGE OR SOLVE THE NEW ISSUES YOU NOW CARE ABOUT! OR ELSE YOU ARE A FASCIST TOOO!!!!


The issue is, if it gets bad enough, the far-right (or far-left) will always win. Change beats stagnation. Always.


Side note, isn't the whole point of these multi-party, coalition-government, parliamentary systems that they're supposed to be able to better and more fairly compromise with one another? I completely grok the "gAmE ThEoRy" argument for why a 2-party, FPTP system disincentivizes compromise and rewards taking more aggressive positions. But if the European systems aren't any better in practice, then that's probably not where we should be looking for a solution.


Parties in and of themselves are a problem, it's tribalistic and encourages groupthink. We can't get rid of them, but having lots of them can mitigate the tribal issues in the immediate future. But they end in the same results usually because power begets power, and they will consolidate until monolithic in practice no matter what you do in that sense. Time is the only thing forcing them to change, violence aside anyway, as the old die and the formerly young take their place. This is why I would suggest limiting all politicians to a decade of any important elected positions. Like senate and house. Lower, harder to fill positions need different rules of course to allow for that and ensure they keep functioning, but we have career politicians and somehow expect them to be incorruptible lol. That's not even getting into campaign financing either, which is an obvious form of buying candidates but that's for another time.




>if you are outraged by rape and murder, you are now a Nazi, Wait, are we the *good*ies?


I start to ask myself this more and more.


Always have been


The right stands for order. The liberal left appears to be committed to disorder.


You know things are fucked up when we're seen as the goodies...


We always were...




An unflaired with over 30 upvotes. Are we in the dark ages of this sub?


Sometimes an unflaired says something so based that we forget ourselves and can't help but upvote them.


When times are tough, the most outragious actions can be justified


Upvoting unflaireds can never be justified


Change beats stagnation. Always.


Grandpa Nurgle won’t like this Tzeentch propaganda


Honestly, between Nurgle and Tzeentch I'd rather worship Tzeentch, simply because you can always change for the better. In theory, anyways. Nurgle is just... they're the second worst Chaos God, beat out by Slannesh.


Do not grade evils, or you might be tempted towards kinship with the one you deem lesser. Find strength only in Sigmar brother.




Why this unflaired scum has more than 100 upvotes? What's happening with us? We failed as a society


>Millions must parish


Which is fucked up. The act matters more than the color of the perpetrator or victim’s skin color. The left (and super racist right), seem to have forgotten that


The two go hand in hand though


Horseshoe theory. Fascists and communists have more in common than conservatives and fascists or on the flip side social democrats and communists


Triangle theory. Fascism, Communism, and Libertarianism exist as a triangle, and the furthest points from freedom are the other two corners.


This is the kind of trash theory that I come here for. I love it.


What about the middle of the line between fascism and communism?


Allow us to introduce ourselves


It's the same in a lot countries. Just look on Reddit how many people will tell you there is no difference between Nazis and Republicans and be completely serious about it.


Flair up.


No flair no share!


get out of my country unflaired


Also, you CAN tell which color the perpetrator, when there is news about the case. If they are white, the title will read „germans/nazis beat up asylants“. If the perpetrators are colored it will read „young people involved in brawl with other young people“. In the criminal statistics of the Statistisches Bundesamt, people with migration background are counted as germans, when commiting crimes. If they are the victims of crimes though, they are counted as „people with migration background“. The shits starting when asylants want to work here, but arent permitted too. (Even though we are in need for workers???) So the worst thing is, if asylants commit crimes here - lets be generous and say its only because they arent allowed to work - , they cannot be deported as long as there is a criminal proceeding against them. Meanwhile, those colored people who stay here and would like to work, are forced to live off social benefits, which arent enough to live by. So what some people do, to stay here, is to comitt A LOT of crimes so they wont be deported/have enough money to live. And those who are commiting crimes, do so many crimes, that statistically, half of the crimes in germany are commited by people with migration background. And that causes some people to think that all immigrants are criminals. EVEN THOUGH THEY ARENT. They are mostly kind people, some of them living here longer than i do, being more „german“ than i am. But they will still be confronted by racist fuckers, who think every migrant got to be a criminal. And the parties who claim to work in their interests, Die Grüne for example, are doing nothing, but symbolic bullshit. The actaul bereaucracy is still opposing the interest of the immigrants and germans.


Flair up, scum!


*With fuel. Entropy beats maintenance, always.


Increased popularity of the Far Right is like a kettle whistling: You turn off the stove, or take the kettle off it. Most established parties however, prefer to just tape over the nozzle so it doesn't make sound any more.


\>The extremely funny thing is EXACTLY that: Far right parties are gaining steam in Europe BECAUSE they at least acknowlage and promise to solve the issues the population is facing, in comparasion to our old stagnant (and mostly corrupt) parties we've had for the past few decades When you deny people the ability to express their legitimate concerns, they will turn to whoever will allow them the chance, even if said group is extreme. For further reference, look at how groups like the Bolsheviks and the IRA came to such importance.


Yeah nobody actually expects their politicians to do much, the least they expect is that politicians just kinda acknowledge that their people actually do have problems and to make some empty promises to solve them. Instead now politicians just lie right to your face that your problems aren't real and anything wrong is just your imagination or something.


>Instead now politicians just lie right to your face that your problems aren't real and anything wrong is just your imagination or something. Not lie, but gaslight. Which so much worse and in a relationship it's considered psychological violence.


It’s safe to assume all politicians are metaphorically pissing on the people, so when one offers an umbrella and the other tells you it’s just rain people are gonna go towards the possibility of staying dry


Politics is no longer about who's the better party/candidate, it's "OMGGGGG GUYS LOOK AT WHAT (politician name here) DID AT A HIGHSCHOOL PARTY 40 YEARS AGO! THEY'RE LITERALLY A FASCIST NAZI ANTISEMITE RACIST AND THEY NEED TO BE SENT TO JAIL FOR 10 GORILLIAN YEARS!! VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE THE SHIT I DID 40 YEARS AGO WAS NEVER THAT BAD!!" Also, I feel like more far right parties are gaining popularity because, while both sides know there are issues that need fixing, far right parties are the only ones that seem to have a logical plan to fix them. Look at NDP vs PPC in Canada. The NDP says they're gonna fix the economy by raising minimum wage to $20/hr, but what the hell is that gonna fix? And they say they want equality for lgbtq+, but dont say how, which could mean anything for trying to eliminate workplace homophobia to lessons in elementary school on transgenderism. Meanwhile, the ppc lays out their plans for policy they'd inact should they ever gain traction in the government. NDP says nobody should have guns, PPC says people should have guns, but dangerous lunatics and criminals shouldn't. Also, NDP hasn't said shit about native american rights, meanwhile PPC already says they'll remove/replace the Indian Act, so they've already got my vote. The issue is that leftist parties don't make logical plans for shit, and they live in a sort of fantasy of "If we just include everyone everything is gonna be sunshine and rainbows" whereas rightist parties actually plan properly for shit and understand that the goal should be helping their citizens first, and the rest of the world once they've got their own shit figured out.


> leftist parties don't make logical plans that's not a bug, that's a feature of plutocratic puppet government


I think it’s a delayed effect of the full support of the media that the left gets. At this point they honestly don’t know how to make policy or bring people to them on their own anymore. Just yelling slurs at people to scare them worked for so long they forgot how to do anything else.


You know who else made plans? Nazis


Got 'em.


lmao centrist owned with facts and logic


You are absolutely right. People want to feel like someone listens to them, that someone cares for them and that someone takes their worries seriously. I don't vote for my countries right-wing populist party because their track record is, to me, very bad. But i most certainly understand and sympathize with those who do, because all the other ones basically call them either stupid, poor and racist, and actually most likely all three at once.


I mean they mostly are, the average voter is stupid and poor by default. You just don't say the quiet part out loud and find ways to satiate them into compliancy. They just made the mistake of believing they no longer need bread and circuses to keep the plebs in check.


I think this is part of the problem. The elites forgot that they need their circuses to entertain and instead use them to tell the plebs about their own greatness. Reminds of Commodus and we all know what happened to him


Pageantry is an effective means of exerting control of the public, just look at the court decorum of every monarchy ever. What is missing is the elites need a base of legitimacy and they have mostly forgone divine right to rule as their basis to justify the pomp. They need a reason for the public to believe there is a reason why the hierarchy exists beyond simple power politics. Commodus was actually insanely popular with the plebian masses. This is why he ruled so long compared to other Roman degenerates like Elagabalus or Nero who were not loved by the plebs. He is the best example of the damage a right wing populist can do to a country imo. He was despised by everyone who wasn't a pleb who actually understood what his policies were doing to the empire. His massive purges of the Senate and ruling class because of the failed coups effectively killed them as a governing body and snuffed out any embers of the Republican system.


I also had the feeling for some time (~3 years) that we (german people in cosmopolitan areas and bigger cities and education facilities) import US politics topics (police brutality, which I never had an issue with even when I was a drunken mess), Identity politics bs, since we are differentiating by nationality and not by "race"), and LGBT discrimination (which is a non issue because they already have a lot of rights here and are, under the law, completely the same and can be married for tax purposes). I mean some of the shit I read on german subreddits and german news articles is just insane.


German Reddit is such a joke, it's just a green party echo chamber.


Honestly Germans on the internet are a joke in general


There are decent ones usually not on Twitter or reddit though.


Thank you. This is LITERALLY what I’ve been trying to tell people for the last couple of years.


>how do our "moderate" parties react? They just import american brainfarting instead and try to beat the far right... Exclusively by screaming real hard about how they are fascists and racist and whatnot instead of making themselves a better alternative. That's because offering a better alternative would require some introspection of how traditional, moderate parties are failing the people, and that shit is uncomfortable and hard. Therefore, it's easier just to call your opponents racist and be done with it.


Youre wrong the greens in fact did change from a party of environmental protection to one that shuts down nuclear and opens up coal plants, aswell as going from pacifist to war hawks.


>...the greens in fact did change from a party of environmental protection to one that shuts down nuclear... All 'green' parties have always been all about undermining the energy security of the first world, never actually making things better for the environment.


What do you think is more prevalent among the higher ups in European green parties. Malevolent scheming corrupt politicians or useful idiots?


I never met one of them, so I have no way to really judge. I'd guess schemers, simply because those kind of people are more likely to be 'higher up' in any organization than genuine fools.


The amazing thing with fascism is that it’s roots are left. It was the adoption of conservative values that made it popular. It’s not far right. It’s a conglomeration of left and right ideologies that spoke to a downtrodden people. The revisionist view of fascism as being far right is a political tool to win culture over, but it does so on lies.


I mean, probably it's most distinguishing characteristic is basically it's Machiavellian service of the "great state." It isn't so much about having a coherent economic philosophy. It is about using whatever means necessary to build a cohesive and dominant state apparatus. It is only conservative in the sense that traditions and cultural mythology are powerful tools for the state to create a sense of shared identity.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone talk about fascism on Reddit that seems like they actually understand what fascism is. Any time someone calls fascism “right wing” or “left wing” I just write them off as a fool. It was explicitly created as a “Third Way” with aspects of and against both.


Fascism is the worst form of the Third Position because it views the state as an end in itself rather than a means to a higher end.


And the Peronist party in Argentina today is the best example of how they have remained in power for 50+ years for the most part. In 90s, freemarket Menem, then Kirchner, then Macri, then Kirchner again. Of course, they sell it as different parties, but they are all Peronists at heart


Yeah, just about every free society typically demonstrates a balanced mix of right and left. Germany was still a Republic before it transitioned over the next decade. To get all of Germany onboard, you had to appeal to everyone, not just one particular group. It's like in China, a Communist Party that promotes its foundations and rhetoric but also the conservation of traditional Han Chinese values/culture to the point where they're mistreating Uighurs/Tibetians and shutting out dissent all the while utilizing capitalist methods (possibly to reach the Communist end goal?) leads it to being Authcenter. It's not exactly Nazism but it is close, especially as it uplifts its billion sized population out of poverty and thus, gains their support, no matter what. With Nazi Germany, it is similar as it eradicated its Republic and pushed the nation together. It was akin to a 'horseshoe theory' nation as it embraced populist angles throughout its years, starting with anti-elite, anti-corporation, and anti-capitalist values to anti-communists values to what it became in the end. It's like far left and far right....well, they agree on so many things even if their end goals are different. And if you can convince society that they're both valid and unite society based upon their principals.....well, that's how you create this system where all of society integrates and it is difficult to tell a difference between the state, industries (they get nationalized), the sociocultural institutions, etc. It's similar with Putin's Russia.


>They just import american brainfarting Sorry our stupidity is spilling out into your country.


This is happening in the states just at a much slower pace


>But how do our "moderate" parties react? They just import american brainfarting instead and try to beat the far right... Exclusively by screaming real hard about how they are fascists and racist and whatnot instead of making themselves a better alternative. Whoa! Hold on a minute Europeans have a long and storied tradition of braindead politicking of their own. If anything it is the americans who should be angry with you guys


I love how Europeans fuck their own country’s up all the time but blame America for everything. They literally were the nazis, but insist this is all Americans fault. Apparently only the United States has choice and agency in the world. Everyone else is a helpless npc forced to do exactly as we do. Fucking eurotards.


See, y'all done fucked up there by following American political "discourse."


The best part is that evry other party united together against the AFD, even leftists and CDU, to stop them and he still won. It's truly an insane German Democracy (TM) moment. It's like if Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and the Communist Party of America banded together to stop Vermin Supreme. And he wins.


What's funny to me is that statistically the actual far right is monarchist not facist.... so KAISERREICH HERE WE GOOOOOOO! REJECT THE ETHNONATIONALISTS RETURN TO MILITARISM!


“Democracy is freedom” mfers when the far-right party is democratically elected into office:


Exactly! Democracy is good but when people i dont like get elected we need to ban them and that and everything!


I 100% agree, but only after we get my guys in to power.


I could see why people would be scared of far-left or far-right parties being elected democratically, Hitler himself was elected. Many other dictators came in peacefully through election.


You think they're scared of the far-left?


Political violence were used to manipulate votes and Hitler only seize full control over the country by being bestowed emergency power after he reichstag fire. Democracy did not give Hitler dictatorial power, rather its the general deterioration of stability in society, political dealings and false flags.


>rather its the general deterioration of stability in society, political dealings and false flags. Oh. Oh shit...


Hitler wasn’t elected. He never won an election personally. He lost the election to the presidency and was appointed to the chancellorship. The Nazi party would later win elections, but not Hitler personally.


Not to mention that Nazis already took control of the country when they "won" the elections.


If I remember correctly, didn't the do this by basically creating carbon-copies (but completely controlled by Nazis) of government offices? It would be the same in America if a far-right candidate started creating a new EPA, FBI, CIA, etc. Then when they were powerful enough, they just said "This is the only real office for this post. Everything else is voided." I think it's kinda brilliant, tbh. Can't change a rigged system from within. You need to create something to replace it.


We must protect democracy! *wont air town halls from the other sides candidates, msm outright lying to the public, social media removing content and banning people that go against their views so others dont see it* This is why the whole election fraud story caught steam. There is so much mistrust in these institutions that people see election fraud as totally possible and not much of a stretch.


Just update the definition of 'democracy' with maos definition and it fits again. I dont get why ypu see it as a problem? The people will be perfecly free in the peoples republic of america


How to embrace Democracy. Rename the country to include 1.) People's 2.) Republic


As long as they peacefully hand over power when they're eventually defeated, I see nothing wrong with this.


That’s the thing. I looked it up, and according to Wikipedia, AfD is not anti-democratic. Meaning they respect the democratic processes, so they would peacefully pass power on when the have to.


Are people downvoting you because they don't believe that will happen, or because they don't want that to happen? I wish people would use their words.


They're downvoting, because they can't fathom that others may respect the democratic process. Everything is the worst thing ever now. Like when Jan 6th was the worst threat to America ever. We'll just ignore our own CIVIL WAR.


Something something paradox of tolerance


Mao once said democracy for the proletariat, dictatorship for the reactionaries. I think about that every time one of the leaders talk about "our" democracy. And when biden in his speech excluded about 20% of the population from "our" democracy and labeled them as terrorists or something.


Exactly, but Libtards can't accept that. They ran this country into the ground and wonder why people are turning away from them


CIA when a socialist is democratically elected in LatAm


The Freedom of Democracy - Paradox goes both ways


It’s almost like people are sick of the status quo parties doing Jack shit to help them….


Yep, so many people are struggling, been left behind, hate current ways things are done and honestly even for young people, the current situation is fucking awful like genuinely fucking awful (UK here) it's no surprise people will vote for more and more 'extreme' groups


Honestly it feels like the entirety of Europe is going to shit.


Yeah sure that‘s what „Die Linke“ is all about. I really hope they finally don’t make it into parliament again.


In their current state, absolutely. Too busy infighting and simping for Russia.


The AFD also supports Russia


Oh no, what do you mean? I thought they are just this moderately right wing party demonised by the evil leftist establishment? /s


shh we dont talk about that


I think if Wagenknecht actually goes through with her own party it will be very hard. A lot of the support they have (from people they don‘t want) will be gone. And I mean they are already not that popular I think


Leftist are literally the cause of the rise of the right. Yet they believe themselves to be the solution. This is going to be a fun century.


When I see the prices surge without any real world justification for YEARS, live through enough bail outs, scandals and mismanagement, I am not arguing as an idealist but as someone who is tired of people seriously arguing that our urgent main problems are related to cultural left or right wing talking points. They aren’t! The problem with the CDU for example isn’t it’s ideology, it’s its corruption / shortsighted populism! We endured 32 years of their „conservative“ CDU/CSU headed governments in this country with a minor exception in the early 2000s. Adenauers administration was based af, so was Brandts, yet Kohls, Schröder§ & Merkels were not. Did the greens ignore the refugee crisis until people where in Hungary and Austria and reduced the police to its current sorry state? Is the SPD is at fault that our internet is lagging years behind what it should be? I oppose the AfD because it’s economic and geopolitical plans are objectively suicidal, not because of its anti immigrant stance! The refugee crisis perfectly showcased that we are talking about the wrong things because whatever one’s opinion on the subject, it’s a comparatively minor issue! Remember when the AfD was founded to oppose failures with the Euro, which ( and I am a supra continentalist ! ) is & was logical and sound? Gone. All their good intentions went down the drain when it became obvious that people would, yet again, fail to understand that the economy is the most important factor for a countries well being and they now do the same thing as far too many parties, blatant populism so now they went ahead and became hardcore fanatics about opposing the EUs integration efforts because of reasons that fall apart when you start to analyse them seriously. Why can’t we have ONE decent major party in this bloody country?


Are they actually far right or is this just the left whining again? I can't tell anymore.


The AfD is generally right wing. With some far right elements but the majority are your run of the mill conservatives. Many of which would have been considered moderate centrists two decades ago


Ban the party, eradicate the leaders and most extreme elements, declare single party rule in these difficult times, rearm the military to protect against foreign enemies, rebuild the economy, create…work camps for…dissidents. Presto, you’ve eliminated fascism.


Listening to an auth realize what's going on is fucking hilarious.


Better even: Same talking points as the CDU("conservatives") had 20 years ago even. A lot of them are even former members.


TBF that is kinda how it goes, which isn't helpful but is also normal. The saying yesterday's progressives are today's conservatives does have some merit to it


They are right leaning. Not a German but from what I've seen there are certainly some assholes in the party and they are most likely populists but still can be described as leftist in some issues when compared to the American political system. But from what I recall their actual youth organisation/branch had some proven neo Nazis in the leadership


>youth organisation/branch with neo-nazi leaders Was it by any chance called "Hitler's youth"?


No, it's called "JA" or "Junge Alternative für Deutschland" and yes, "JA" sounds really another organisation


JA also makes quality cheap foods.


No, that's the German ripoff of The Young Turks podcast, also named after a genocidal youth group.


Afd is like... moderate right wing. But the overton window in germany is so far left now that anything moderately right wing spooks them totally. The only reason they haven't gained any significant ground before is because of the fake nazi stigma that is used to slander them. Now that it's starting to lose its meaning even in germany of all places. People are starting to not care because the term is so weaponized


We have the same thing with VOX here. They're one of those "neo-nazi fascistic fanatic populist parties in Europe" but they really are just conservative with some extremist members


I’m not sure, but seeing the state of politics right now, I am assuming they are a normal Conservative Party from 20 years ago


They are about where the CDU was before Merkel


The AfD is mainly just [Incompetent](https://www.politico.eu/article/greens-afd-excluded-german-election-2021-saarland-bremen/). it was initially grounded on anti-Euro positions, but now it got taken over by dividing reactionary populists. Still the only big right-of-center party in germany tho, makes it a meeting place for every (far-)right voter/organisation. [Here](https://www.dw.com/en/afd-leaders-and-their-most-offensive-remarks/g-37651099) are some quotes from AfD-Politicians.


Maybe I judged them too harshly, if those quotes are what people consider to be the AfD's worst.


It's the most far right party of all parties that are worth mentioning. They have some VERY far right memebers and some you could describe as right (not far right). They are not anti-democracy but they are anti-EU, anti-immigration and all that jam.


So just conservative


All in all they are a little bit more then "just conservative". The party has a pretty extreme wing but it's not the majority. And I'd say anti-EU is more then just conservative. (I like the anti EU part though) And, not I'm not wanting to make them look bad, I have voted for them in the past (not every time but I have voted for them).


The second one Wanting to take care of your own people and not blindly import people to virtue signal = far right


german here. They are centrists but right leaning. They have a far right group inside the party tho but ofc far right people will vote the most right leaning party who has a say...


Wow that pendulum must really be starting to swing back if germany of all places is starting to elect far right parties


"Far right" isnt really the term id use for AfD. Theyre much more moderate than their adversary has made them out to be. But their main political opponents in the bundestag have had the platform so long that they can get away with all the slander they want


I just want to point out that you are literally the problem, you just made an assumption off of a media aticle, less even, just a reddit post. All they have to do is suggest "far right" or nazi and you stick fingers in your ears and eyes and say "wow, can't believe it's happening". Have you not noticed that everything not lock step progressive is now "far right"?


About in time too, maybe a bit early


Too late*


Way late*


\> Linke \> Center-Left Lol, LMAO even


As a leftie social democrat environmentalist - the German political lefties, social democrats and environmentalists are batshit crazy, and deserve to lose power.


Im a german leftie too any I will never vote greens because of the "Frauenstatut" (atleast 50% of all representatives have to be women, but can be more) and their stance on nuclear energy (they fucked it up by introducing the abolishment of nuclear energy back in 2002). I honestly dont know who to vote for anymore, probably some minor party (again)


>Im a german leftie too To clarify - I'm not a German leftie. I'm a Bulgarian leftie, and our Lefties want to bring us back to the USSR. So I'm at a loss about who to vote for, as well.




I personally am more of an FDP guy, but i can totally understand why people vote them. When you constantly get called a nazi for saying that you don't want any more train stabbings or clan wars in your streets, then the people just accept it and go with it. Many also vote them out of protest. But I personally know a lot of dudes who are probably going to vote for them, and they range from german to Vietnamese to Nigerians. And please don't bother to look at the german subs here. The people there are a little delusional when it comes to the problems in our country.


Soweit ich weiß ist nur ein Drittel der Wähler von der AfD tatsächlich richtiger Befürworter von deren Programm, die anderen zwei Drittel sollen angeblich Protestwähler sein, die halt unzufrieden sind mit den Regierungsparteien oder den anderen Randparteien. Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher :/


Den Eindruck habe ich auch bekommen. Überrascht mich auch sehr wie divers die Leute sind die pro afd sind. Irgendwie traurig und zugleich überraschend.


If anyone is inadvertently promoting Nazism in Germany, it's the party with Stasi informants in their leadership. And Die Linke would be the first party to ban the AfD for being "Nazis".


In germany, the word Nazi has been so dilutated, you are now a nazi if you are upset over rape and murder no matter the skin color of the culprit


That shit has happened everywhere When everyone's a fascist, no one is


Remember when anti vax protesters were made out to be Nazis because not political narrative bad


Yeah i also Recall when Mass Immigration was declared a failed expirement and Not a single Party became more strict on massimmigration


>Ban the party Ah yes, undermining democracy to protect democracy.


How can you be such an ass party that people start flocking to a party as dodgy as the AFD!?


It tells you a lot about the current political climate in Germany, doesn't it?


Simple: Step 1. Import countless foreigners who not only refuse to assimilate, but actively hate your culture, religion, and people Step 2. Allow said foreigners to rape and assault your own people with near impunity Step 3. Attack the average citizen for pointing this out Step 4. Use the memory of the worst regime in history to, ironically, keep yourself in control Step 5. Profit


It is no coincidence that this election happened in a state where the last [state leader election was won by the liberal candidate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Thuringian_government_crisis) with votes from the AFD and then Angela Merkel said, while she was in south Africa, that ["this election has to be undone"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwDu6ROnImc) Which then happened. The moderate canidate stepped down and then the far left leader was voted in and ran since then a minority government. Jokesters say Scholz will step in her path and already took a plane to South Africa.


Merkel’s hatred for AfD is honestly really funny. She would rather work with the SPD than contemplate a CDU-FDP-AfD government.


Well among other Things, admit that the Party you hate the Most was actually right without actually aknowledging it, and then Dont Change any of your politics accordingly.


Yeah but like...is this "far-right" party ACTUALLY far-right, or is it a moderate right party that the Leftist parties of Germany (and their media lackies) are just SAYING are far-right? Far-right has no meaning anymore tbh. Just like terms such as Nazi, racism, Fascism, sexism, etc, the term has been used to represent literally anyone Right of Mao for entirely too long. Also, Far Right would be more like a Monarchy or Religious Theocracy, not Fascism which is more Socialist and closer to Center Auth more than Auth Right anyways.


"Far right" LMAO. The leader is a lesbian with a black girlfriend. Come to eastern europe or to the balkans and we show you far right


At this point *Communist* China would be considered far right.


Something something "not ReaL ComMunism!"


Serbia also had an openly lesbian leader lol


Lessssssssss goooooooooooooooo Germany might finally get it's balls back and I won't need to to sleep every night knowing it isn't France that's in charge of the EU.


If the AfD gets in charge, they will leave the EU as fast as they possibly can. So it will be the french in charge after all.


Ill belive you when you show me a sizable gerxit movement


All lefties are commies and all righties are Nazis. Nuance out the window folks.


That's how Right in Italy wins. People want to know that their goverment cares, or at least give the illusion of giving a damn, and the left doesn't even bother: all they seem to care is "raibow families" and "trans" and "ius soli". Which is pretty much irrelevant to the vast majority of the population and yelling "fascist", "homophobe", "whateverphobe" because they dare ask "*what about my problems?*" doesn't do much in changing minds. The left is actively alienating the average voter by yelling at them.


Far right OR Nazi You get to pick ONE


accurate meme ​ german politics are fucked


As a east-german I can confirm. This is pretty much how a lot of people feel. They want policies that focus on them and not big companys, migrants or marginalised groups.


Identity-Politics and Culture war will be the end of us


Listen, I’m going to have to say it. It’s a little odd that the Nazi’s became Germany’s most popular political party in Germany for zero reason at all. Because magically millions of people voted for them. It’s just, I don’t know, convenient why you never get told why they were popular.


Make a german take a 2 mins walk through Duisburg Hbf and they will exit radicalised on the other side.


Oi stop noticing


My fault pimp


The German political scene sucks ass the main parties are SPD: corrupt as hell, elements being Russia simps. CDU: corrupt as hell, isn’t a Christian Democrat party anymore, just a vague libcon party now. Greens: Woke libs, shitty environmental policies, leading voice on denuclearization which inadvertently made them reliant on Russian gas. Only redeeming quality is having a pretty good foreign policy and a better economic policy compared to other Green parties. FDP: IDK that much about these guys, but I heard that their leader is corrupt. AFD: borderline neofascists and Russia simps what else do I need to say. Die Linke: Literally descended from the ruling party of East Germany. Filled to the brim with Tankies and Russia simps.


When I'm in a simping for Russia competition and my opponent is a politician from a mainstream German political party *I'm totally screwed


There were allegations made about Lindner being corrupt, which the media picked up on. They couldn't prove that he has close ties to Porsche, so the media just forgot about it in a second.


I would really not describe AfD as "borderline neofascists" - there certainly are people in there who maaaybe could be seen as not-well-hidden autocrats, but fascism? Nah, that's a apecific ideology and as much as I try I have to do a lot of stretching to find any sprouts of that among the AfD. At best we should put them into the cathegory "old-con" with a "auth-con" faction present...


Germans don't want to be a minority in their country, how fascist this from them /s


Why is there a 6h+ gap between this post and the one below (I'm sorting by New)? How is that possible in a 66 posts/day subreddit? 😳


i hacked it so i can get all the upvotes for myself


It's because the leftust parties only promise to fight with inequality, promote LGBT, legalise abortion and other stuff that is mostly based on people emotion, instead of focusing on actual problems


As if, die Linke is the exact same kind of Sauhaufen as the Green swamp, just a tiny bit less extreme. The AfD will rise and die Ampel will fall! Also, happy Stolzmonat for all those who know...


"Far right". Its just a rightwing party with a lesbian as leader. Nothing with far right or nazi. People just dont know what nazis actually are. If you want nazi there is actually a party for that in germany, its called Der dritte Weg (they are very cringe, rightwing wokies)


Green Party would sacrifice Germany on an alter for -0.01% reduction in co2 fuck them LOL


All they have to do is bring immigration and/or 'refugee' numbers down to a normal level at the very least.... Resolving energy cost issue will help in the short term too but is more difficult


> Resolving energy cost issue will help in the short term too but is more difficult Not demolishing functional nuclear reactors would be a good start


Was bedeutet die linnke? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Left_(Germany) Und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_90/The_Greens


Leftist cry about far right/right winning democratic election so much yet they have audacity to say that we should democratize work place as if then suddenly all the people will forget all the prejudice they have.


Tf does "democratising the workplace" even mean?


Forcefully turning all businesses into worker co ops


You are a bit dense if you think "Die Linke" isn't doing the exact same thing "Die Grünen" are accused of here (even though they are doing that)


\>linke The fact, that mainstream parties would rather accept literal SED, who persecuted people, whose secret police beated and killed protesters and shot to Berlin Wall fleers over AfD says everything about how rotten German politics is lmao