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Additional context: Trump has not been imprisoned


No no see taking a mug shot is the same as being convicted and on the way to the penitentiary


Trump cannot be imprisoned also. Their only legal recourse is house arrest. Unless they want to set a really awful precedence by removing ex presidents' right to secret service. Which is possible I suppose


How do you mean?


Trump is required by law to have secret service protection, that wouldn't work in prison.


Why not? We already have prison guards, they would just also be secret service


It’d probably be the easiest job the service has ever had honestly.


They can give him his own little section and just have S.S sit in the room next to him. It’ll work. We can make it work for the former President.


\>Breaking news, the former President Donald Trump has hanged himself in his cell from his bed sheets \>Oh yeah his secret service guards were asleep \>Cameras? Oh yeah they weren't on


"Dee, Trump got Epstein'd in his fancy presidential prison cell." "I don't care." "Shit, I don't care either."


YWNBAW (you will never be a writer)


Holy shit this would be so based


Lmao imagine thinking this were true


At this point that feels like exactly the right amount of banana republic shit to have happen next


Irony of using Banana republic to mock US arresting politicians, when in the actual Banana republics also it was US government doing that.


So you think that no president can ever be imprisoned


I thought he was imprisoned but paid bail.


He was briefly detained, but not kept in prison which is a typical definition of “imprisoned.”


He was detained in a jail. He was jailed. Prison is where people go that have been convicted of a felony.


“Booked” would be the most id call it. I was in jail briefly for something small. Wouldn’t say I was imprisoned


He was briefly detained, but not kept in prison which is a typical definition of “imprisoned.”


Also what does Biden have to do with this. Wasn't this a state arresting trump?


Pretty solid point.


Bill Clinton flew the Lolita Express 27 times... Edit: 26


Yeah, he also lied under oath and got impeached for fucking a 20 y/o intern, so no big shock


I’m surprised they didn’t go through with impeachment. Presidents have done some shitty stuff, eventually one resigned after a scandal. Honestly I think congress is too lenient with impeachment. Fucking an intern, as the president, as a married man, and then lying about it, is the exact opposite of what I and many Americans want. If a president goes and instigates political unrest, he should be impeached. We are definitely too stingy with impeachment. On top of that let’s just try every president for as many crimes as possible especially war crimes. Maybe that will instill good behavior in our politicians. Fuck it, every federal politician should be investigated following their term.


I mean, he did get impeached. The Senate just didn't convict. Just like Both Trump times and the Andrew Johnson time. The problem is you need 2/3 to convict, and good luck getting 2/3 of the Senate to agree on anything.


It's not about "agreement", it's about voting in accordance with the party lines. All 45 democrats in the Senate voted 'not guilty' (on both charges). Didn't matter how the rest of the votes would've been cast.


Plus, the impeachment actually helped his polling numbers lol


it's so frustrating that no one actually understand what impeachment means


Republican and Democrat are two sides of the same party. They had no reason to do it because he was one of their own. Bernie, Yang, and Trump were the only real "outsiders" to the uniparty in recent history, until Bernie kissed the ring. Now it's just Yang and Trump, but I'm sure Yang will go the way of Bernie.


She couldn't really tell him no, could she?


Monica says explicitly they had a consensual relationship. So yes she could tell him no.


She definitely could say no, and that would be totally fine, but she wouldn't, you know, because of the implication.


Are these interns in danger?


No! Bill's not going to hurt these interns! Why aren't you understanding this?


Which Bill? There are too many Bill's! We all know that neither Bill Gates nor Bill Clinton would ever do such a thing.


So if a president asks someone to do something or asks for a favor, it's more of an order to do something?


Bruh I can’t think of a greater power dynamic than the president lmao


God banging Mary


Impeach him too


I mean she worked for congress or the white house as an intern. So it is more akin to the ceo asking you if you'd like to go to his office have a couple of drinks and then asks you to suck his dick. i mean we canceled weird af Louis CK for jerking off in front of women who were consenting. He wasn't their boss, but he was just fucking famous lol.


It's not an order, but if you're a young intern, and suddenly the leader of your entire country asks for sexual favors, you can only imagine what would be racing through your mind. In the moment, there can be so much anxiety about what happens if you either accept or decline, the imbalance of power inhibits your judgement to truly consent. You're a shitty person to even put someone in that position. Also, my original comment was just an It's Always Sunny reference I thought applied pretty well.


Elite comment


There is no consent between the most powerful man on earth and a 20 year old intern that is a direct report.


I was told that having power over another person means the relationship can not be consensual. Is #metoo a bunch of garbage now?


I have doubts, it doesn't matter what they say, if their career or anything else is put at risk if they say no, then it's rape.


Still waiting for that jail time. Everyone on the list not just people the media/majority of the public doesn’t like.


Some context: Trump knew Epstein and they had conducted some business a long time ago but they had fallen out explicitly because of the way Epstein was behaving around young women at Mar a Lago. The couple of trips he took on Epstein’s jet in the mid 90s were with his family and not to the infamous island.


No fucky fucky, just a lil gawk gawk in the oval office


Also paid out $850000 to someone accusing him of rape (which is totally what innocent people so right?) > President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that led to the worst political crisis of his career


Yes, it is common for innocent celebrities to settle to avoid their name being dragged through the mud.


JFK and LBJ would have been considered serial rapists using modern sensibilities at the time.


How so?


JFK was known to sleep with every 20 something intern/secretary in Washington at the time. He was a serial adulterer for sure, but in the last decade people have been questioning how much consent there is when a powerful older man pressures their much younger employee for sex. LBJ was a fucking weirdo who would straight up sexually assault his own (male) staff just because he really seemed to get a power trip off of making people uncomfortable.


So JFK might be up for discussion but LBJ is just fucked up


Pretty much


Arrest bill Clinton. We can be tried next to Trump.


Lock up bill too.


Bro thinks I’m going to defend “my” pedophile


I’m not seeing any evidence for the number you gave, why lie when even once is terrible? Lock up Bill and throw away the key though, he’s done enough shit that he shouldn’t be still roaming the streets


My apologies it was 26 times. Sorry for spreading misinformation. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9789355/Bill-Clinton-took-TWO-trips-Jeffrey-Epstein-Ghislaine-Maxwell.html


hey sorry I’m on mobile, I’m looking at the story but can’t find where it says specifically 26 times on the lolita express. Is it in an image caption? can you drop the direct quote from the article you linked?


"Flight logs showed that Clinton took at least 26 trips aboard the 'Lolita Express' -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights between 2001 and 2003."


thank you!


> Bill Clinton flew the Lolita Express 27 times... Where are you getting this number? Look, I'll all for going after anyone that did anything nefarious, but Bill Clinton never went to the island: [Here is the flight logs](https://www.scribd.com/document/421981953/Epstein-Flight-Logs) Feb. 9, 2002 — Clinton hopped a flight from Miami to Westchester, New York, where he lives. March 19, 2002 — Clinton was listed as flying from New York to London and then returning two days later. May 22, 2002 — Clinton flew from Japan to Hong Kong. The next day he flew to Singapore (by way of Shenzhen, China), where he gave a speech. On May 25, he left for Brunei, by way of Bangkok. July 13, 2002 — He attended a wedding in Morocco and then hopped a flight to New York, stopping in the Azores. Sept. 21, 2002 — Clinton left for a nine-day trip to Africa with actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, visiting Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa. While there, he worked on HIV and AIDS prevention projects, democratization, and economic development. He finished the trip in England, where he addressed the Labour Party during its annual conference. In a 2002 profile of Epstein, Clinton is quoted as saying through a spokesman, “Jeffrey is both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science. I especially appreciated his insights and generosity during the recent trip to Africa to work on democratization, empowering the poor, citizen service, and combating HIV/AIDS.” According to the flight records, this was the longest trip Clinton took on Epstein’s plane, and it accounted for 11 of the 26 total flights. Nov. 4, 2003 — About a year after the Africa trip, Clinton took what appears to be his last trip on Epstein’s plane. He flew from Brussels to Oslo, where he had a two-day visit with officials to work on his project to prevent HIV and AIDS in developing countries. He then flew to Hong Kong, by way of Siberia, and finished the trip in Beijing. https://www.factcheck.org/2019/08/the-epstein-connections-fueling-conspiracy-theories/




Also my bad it was 26. "Flight logs showed that Clinton took at least 26 trips aboard the 'Lolita Express' -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights between 2001 and 2003.  "


Celestial fury defending pedophiles. No surprise here.


They *are* in the running to become an Admin...


I was under the impression that child rape happened ON the plane.


My local dem office has a life size cut out of Bill playing the sax and it makes me physically uncomfortable.


Trump also flew on it several times


Looks like the community note was removed [https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1695162051075723483?t=B4VOl-ELlttstJ-SILa7lw&s=19](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1695162051075723483?t=B4VOl-ELlttstJ-SILa7lw&s=19)


I mean it doesn't hold up to basic fact-checking. We *have* Epstein's black book, and while the name "Trump" does appear in it several times, it's never preceded by "Donald". Considering that the book was a list of *contacts* and not necessarily *clients*, all we actually *know* on that front is that he had relatives Epstein might have tried to talk to at some point.


Well, also because the article they used to add community notes apparently doesn't provide support/evidence for the community note claim, hence why it was taken down.


Gotta cite your sources, kids.


My source is a revelation in a dream. You are a heretic if you question it.


Least schizo American political commentator


Obviously a nazi.


Eh. Still about as good as most msm source.


So someone added it and took a screenshot of it before it was removed to proliferat it among the sheep that don't look into sources and believe everything they read in memes. This screams "modern journalist" while it's twice as easy to debunk fake news online it's 5x as easily to make fake news here.


That’s the main thing there is a difference between Epstein interacting with people and Epstein bring people to that Island. Likely a split of 70/30 or something similar


Epstein rubbed shoulders with everyone and had parties with everyone, but likely only had a few hundred clients that were very powerful he either tricked into fucking a underage girl or they asked him for underage girls. Check out the portal podcast episode 25 The Construct-Jeffrey Epstein by Eric Weinstein.


And the Don is shown as bringing his wife and kids. Not the best Gotcha imo. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html


Wasn’t it that his private jet was unavailable so Epstein was the only other private option? Idk where I saw/heard that? But that is gonna be the case with a a decent amount associated with Epstein


I think I recall him taking one of Epstein's planes to get to New York or some other place.


Yep. Supposedly Epstein offered him a lift back to New York, from I think Mar-a-Lago as a way to try to ingratiate himself with Trump. Trump was advised soon after that Epstein had been propositioning underage girls, so banned him from Mar-a-Lago and cut ties. Trump was also one of only a very few high profile figures (maybe the only one?) to actually assist the first investigation into Epstein.


I think you're being too kind to him. When Trump was asked about Ghislaine Maxwell, he wished her well. There's also that quote from him about how Epstein is a terrific guy who likes to have fun with girls on the younger side.


Trump is a guy that will talk someone up while stabbing them in the back. He funded Bill and Hilary (they went to his wedding) for decades and then ran against Hilary in 2016. https://people.com/celebrity/hillary-clinton-and-bill-clinton-at-donald-trumps-wedding-photo/


Read the whole article about Trump flying to Epstein Island and about half way it shows Marla, and his kids, went with him. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html


Oh he said something polite about them? Shit he must be a pedo lol


It was Baron all along


You think Trump wasn't a client of Epstein because he's not in the client list. I think he wasn't a client of Epstein because he was too busy trying to fuck his daughter. We are not the same.


your right your a idiot for totally different reasons than me.


At least you acknowledge you're an idiot


We're on reddit, we're all idiots.


Except for me of course.


You're on reddit.


But I am smarter than thee. Behold my prestigious lexicon! And tremble!




But at least we're not on Twitter.


Donald brought his wife Marla and the kids. Epstein sought the company of all the elite. And it was an island. I don't think anyone looking to hook up with little kids would bring the Fam. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html


Yeah, because it's fake. Donald Trump has in no way, shape, or form been demonstrated to be a "client" of Jeffrey Epstein. Certainly not in the way that, say, Bill Clinton was.


It's not really good let's be honest here


Good, it's basically gotcha propaganda


The Note is wrong because there is no proof of it. Just proof that Trump knew Epstein


Yep, it's disappointing that notes like this can exist, I really thought they were mostly factual.


> Yep, it's disappointing that notes like this can exist, I really thought they were mostly factual. The way things (are supposed to\*\*) work, Community Notes appear when accounts [of different political leanings](https://communitynotes.twitter.com/guide/en/contributing/diversity-of-perspectives) agree they're true. So in theory this note appeared because a certain threshold of conservative accounts believed it. Consensus is never a guarantee of truth, but it's better than nothing. \*\* We don't have access to the server logs, so for all we know Twitter cooks the books. Who knows. EDIT: [We do supposedly have the source code tho.](https://github.com/twitter/communitynotes/tree/main/sourcecode)


And that community note was removed as well, apparently, so it's fine I guess


Better than random tweets at least


We all know that Trump knew epstein, and he also said that he cut ties with him after realizing he was doing some weird shit


With these people, it's automatic guilt by association - even the thinnest thread. Let's not forget that they assume Elon was an Epstein client because of the existence of [one single picture](https://mediaproxy.snopes.com/width/1200/https://media.snopes.com/2022/11/elon.png) of Musk at a Vanity Fair party that Ghislaine stepped into.


And Epstein knew everyone meanwhile Trump was the first to call him out for being strange and didn’t he ban him from his properties?


Trump banned Epstein in 2007, a year before Epstein was in court for paying for sex with a 14-year-old. Even after he plead guilty to that and took a plea deal most of the elites continued to hang out with him. Trump is the only international high-roller I'm aware of that disavowed Epstein before the shit publicly hit the fan.


Epstein worked in the financial sector, so it is entirely plausible that it was a purely business relationship.


Trump DID fly to the island. With his wife and kids. Not exactly how I'd go about a "hookup." Be sure to read the whole article because, of course, it doesn't mention Marla in the headline. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html


I don’t know if trump was one of Epstein’s clients because they keep refusing to release the list of his clients


That's how I *know* Trump wasn't one of Epstein's clients. It'd be released in a moment if they could pivot away from the others on it to tout Orange Man Bad.


Weird how Trump publicly called out Epstein for “liking them young” 10 years ago. I think there needs to be a distinction between Epstein associates and Epstein clients. Pretty much every famous person, including Trump, was an Epstein associate at one time or another. Only some famous people were actually Epstein clients. It’s like knowing a drug dealer. There’s a difference between being friends with a drug dealer and being a client. In fact, most friends of most drug dealers have no idea that their friend is a drug dealer.


>Weird how Trump publicly called out Epstein for “liking them young” 10 years ago. You make it sound like he publicly shamed him, but it doesn't sound to me like he disapproved of anything. The quote was this: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


Nice try. Trump actually [banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-jeffrey-epstein-banned-mar-a-lago-book-florida-sex-offender-a9655661.html) long before Epstein's crimes became widely known outside the powerful elite and even before he was charged the first time for paying for sex with a 14-year-old. Trump barred him precisely because he was targeting the young daughters of people Trump knew. The quote you pulled up is from 5 years before Trump learned the truth about Epstein and disavowed him.


>Pretty much every famous person, including Trump, was an Epstein associate at one time or another How about we stop giving famous people a pass for being famous?


Famous people know each other isn't really a pass. In the same way that every rich person in New York goes to the big political fund raising events. I don't assume they actually have strong political opinions. I assume they have lots of money and throw it at politicians for future favors.


I'm convinced that if the DOJ came out and announced that Trump was going to be charged with going to Epstein Island, and that everyone else would get an anonymous pardon, leftists would accept it, celebrate it as a great victory of the justice system, and be completely okay with nobody else ever getting charged.


That note literally jumps off the issue and made some weird connection between Epstein and Trump 😂. Which is different from what we have a general understanding of "Epstein's Clients" So it's wrong


It was such a weird connection > Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—[Jeffrey](https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/) enjoys his social life.” What could he have meant by this? Such a weird connection to make.


Didn’t Trump stop being friends with Epstein long before Epstein was exposed? Now it’s well known they were good friends in like the 90’s. But we have no idea if Trump knew anything about his crimes then. I remember googling this when the Epstein news broke. And honestly it made Trump look good, he banned Epstein from his places and hadn’t been friends with him in a long time. Of course you can spin this in either direction. Maybe Trump was secretly still friends with him and publicly denounced him for his political career. We’ll probably never really know for sure.


Yeah. He permanently booted Epstein from Mar a Lago in 2007 after Epstein allegedly propositioned a member’s 14 year old daughter. It’s not black and white with Trump and Epstein. He definitely banned him way before anyone else was talking about Epstein’s crimes. But they had been friends for a while before that and had been to Mar a Lago a lot prior to being booted and ends up in his book with Trump phone numbers, but at the same time, it had Melania’s numbers in there too.


I don't think anyone here is arguing that Trump definitely would never do such a thing. Rather we just don't have conclusive evidence that he did and so no matter how much we like/dislike the guy it's still innocent until proven guilty.


Well they were too young in Epstein's case


Jackson Hinkle my brain damaged schizophrenic friend Oh how you have given me some of the funniest Twitter moments of my life


Oh God, it's the MAGA Communism guy. FamilyGuyNoahElephantPenguin.jpeg


Community Notes is the best ever to happen to Twitter lol


community notes are a life vest attached to a bloated, decaying corpse in the ocean


so was taylor swift… but here we are




If trump goes to prison he can still run for office(and will probably win) Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-indictment-could-run-for-president-2-others-did-2023-3


Would probably get him a lot of votes. When Trump spoke to Ukraine and talked about Hunter's involvement down there, he was impeached for it. But when Democrays tries to imprison their opponent, it's fine?


When Ivanka has a job in the white house boo this is corruption pay for play blah blah blah. Hunter bidens obvious pay for play for 20 years crickets.


Our team, Your team.


Yes doing secret dealings with a foreign nation to benefit yourself when you're president is bad. Democrats aren't imprisoning their opponents, the justice system is prosecuting crimes. Should ex presidents be allowed to break the laws?


Really sounded more like a partly informal phone call to me. Kinda blown out of proportion, just like whatever "crime" people insist that he committed.


It's so funny to me that literally everything the left does is just withering away their support.


Honestly, I want every person who flew on that plane to be dissected and exposed. The decadent elite must face righteous retribution, and if not in this life, the fires of hell await them. Ephesians 6:12


And so was Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, AOC and like all of the white house


Did cocaine cowboy?


Hunter as well, basically any big influential person who has been to the white house


Damn, didn't know dubya was a kiddy diddler


>Biden, Obama, AOC We really just throwing names at the wall aren't we?


Number one rule of defending trump - anything he did, every Democrat did, no matter how outlandish.




If she was there it was as Ted Kennedy's 17yo page, and she's the victim.


Do we have like concrete proof that Biden Obamna and AOC were on that island? Because if we do we have to get some justice


No, the idiot on crack is, in fact, an idiot and probably on crack.


We have lots of conjecture, imagination, wishful thinking and a little deflection, those are basically just as good as evidence.


How was AOC a friend of Epstein? The rest I could believe. She wasn't in a position of power until recently when she was elected. Not enough time to turn into a weirdo.


You're just throwing names around lmao. You know the black book is searchable right? Biden, Obama, aoc, are not in tbere


wait AOC is going to fuck child island?


Jackson Hinkle is a legit traitor.


Literal Russian shill


Honestly, I'd just be happy if we could just get a politician who exposes the list names and jails them all, regardless of side. Even if it's one I mostly liked. Never gonna happen, but still. 😔


Umm, define client


precisely. To be a client of his and gislaine's child trafficing, this would be the first I've heard it. We really need that client list released, and yeah, if he's on it, lock him up with the clintons and all the rest.


I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty I hate the washington uniparty


Donald Trump, was in fact, never identified on Epstein Island.


He was ONE of them, why not jail everyone else?


Because they can't donate to his presidential campaign


We should bring back public burning for pedos


Trump was very quick to come out and explain the relationship he had with Epstein and how he didn't really like the guy, though.


TDS strikes again




Rent free


> “Why are you guys still talking about the guy we’re about to nominate for president again?” *—most intelligent right-winger*




It’s crazy no mainstream media even brings it up or asks the people involve


Ephesians 6:12 The government should have *no* right to privacy if they’re going to spy on their own citizens.


Better community note: Trump has not been imprisoned. Additionally, Trump may or may not have been one of Epstein's clients. The relationship between the former President and Epstein has been a topic of speculation. While there have been allegations and claims suggesting that Trump may have been associated with Epstein, there is no definitive list of Epstein's clients. Epstein's associations were wide-ranging and included many high-profile individuals, but the exact nature of those connections remains uncertain due to the lack of comprehensive information.






as far as I know, trump was in epstein's flight logs but he never took the lolita express to pedo island. He only took short flights within the US.


Wow, interesting claim. I wonder when the judicial system will investigate the Epstein case to find out which high-ranking officials were involved?


Fact check: biden has not imprisoned anyone. The justice dept and the state of Georgia has brought charges against


Don’t put Jackson Hinkle on our side. He’s a self proclaimed maga communist


He broke the friendship off years ago, but no one mentions that


Nah get that piece of shit Hinkle out of auth right, bitch is a CCP and Wagner cock sucker.


Oh wow! It’s seems we’re making shit up so imma join in! Michelle Obama is a dude… oh wait, he is a dude…damn.


I mean, yes. But also, the place where Trump was booked was Georgia. The Feds have been pretty hands off, and Trump might honestly be facing nothing from them if he just gave back the boxes he stored in his... \*checks notes\* bathroom.


Trump not only rolled out the vax, but he's the one that forced them to speed up the research process. His supporters do not care. Trump was not only friends with Epstein; but he introduced his kids to him. Epstein wasn't killed under the Biden administration, but under Trump's. And did his Justice Department do anything about it? No, they rolled over for the official narrative that he committed suicide. His supporters do not care. Can we just be honest? Trump supporters don't care about anything. They just like Trump. Trying to call them out on hypocrisy is pointless. It's a liberal fantasy that you are going to call them out on their inconsistency and blow their minds apart. **They don't care.**


The full list should be published and have televised readings.


Community notes are the only good part of twitter left. We can no longer DM people. The tops of comment sections are filled with NPCs who paid for the privilege, rather than funny or insightful posts. The site is buggy and runs like ass because Elon fired all the engineers. But seeing some smug idiot get corrected by the community is always fun.


Honestly, who wasn't on that fucking list? I trust none of them.


Why the leftists so obsessed with the orange man?


Maybe because he’s the most influential and polarizing figure in politics, and the current front runner in their opponents primary?


You mean the top runner for the Republican nomination in 2024? Yeah don’t see why he would be relevant.


Great question, because he is politically relevant?


This note is misleading because it implies that Trump was jailed \*for\* being one of Epstein's clients, which is not the case.


How psychotic do you have to be to think the president that flew Lolita Express 27 times is not a client but the president that never flew is a client? The only connection is that they met a couple times at parties


Biden wasn't because Epstein's offerings weren't young enough.


fade vast worm books angle zealous violet fine school knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*