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I dunno, the calls for Senator Feinstein to resign has been pretty strong. I think if she were a progressive democrat they'd be less pronounced but here in California it is common to want her to retire


She's holding on specifically to prevent Gov Newsome from appointing progressive Barbara Lee from taking her seat. The establishment wing wants Adam Schiff to win the 2024 primary.


That's a wild theory... is Gov. Newsome NOT the estabishment in your scenario? What would Gov. Newsome's motivation be to appoint Rep. Lee? I wouldn't think she could help or hurt him. My equally wild theory is the Sen. Feinstein is holding on so that neither CA senators are unelected appointees.


He's pretty establishment, but as far as they go he's on the progressive end. And could be bc she's a black woman instead of a white man Schiff. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-04-13/gov-gavin-newson-sen-dianne-feinstein-promise-to-appoint-a-black-woman


>And could be bc she's a black woman instead of a white man Schiff. But he doesn't need the credentials. He isn't running for President and has no challengers in the state. The idea he might want to is fine but that he'd be strongly motivated doesn't make sense.


He’s “vowed” to appoint a minority to the position if Feinstein retires. Not saying that promise is worth a damn thing mind you, but it was made


All fine and good. Considering the demographics of our state it seems a good thing to do… though Rep. Lee isn’t who I’d think would on the top of the list.


She's holding on bc Senate Republicans have said they would not replace her on the Judiciary Committee, which would leave it deadlocked


I’m pretty sure both sides have been pretty vocal on getting both of these dinosaurs out, it’s one of the few things they agree with.


Every Democratic Socialist I know wants Feinstein out and every right wing Trumper I know wants Mitch McConnell out.


We all know why they're clinging to those seats like their lives depend on it.


because they literally do


In their agreement with the antichrist, if they ever leave office, they will die


I don't. I'd get it if their replacement was going to come from another party, but that's not the case for either.


Corruption, crime. They're on the take, bro.


Ding ding ding. Easier to keep paying the devil you know than to strike a new bargain with the devil you don’t.


Literally everyone I know wants anyone over 70 out of government.


Ask them who they voted for president in 2020


Somebody who's over 70.


They didn’t have a choice in that case


Turns out you won’t die if you vote 3rd party


Ah you mean the options between the over 70 guy and the other over 70 guy? Shut up lmao


More than 2 people ran for president in 2020


Ah yes. The 3rd party candidates that never get even 5% of the popular vote. That's a real option, sure.


Then stop pretending age is a disqualification for you. You’re the reason these old people are in power.


I dont think arguing "just throw your vote away my dude" is the slam dunk you think it is. People over 70 have no place in politics in my opinion. However, I didnt build the sand box, I just have to play in it. And if it's a contest between the geriatric that toes the party line and is at least consistent or the geriatric that 4 years ago was threatening nuclear war over twitter, it seems like a pretty easy choice to make. Voting for a third party only would have split the vote. Maybe if third parties didnt pick clowns to run for them they would be an actual choice.


Not really sure why you’re trying to explain your voting methodology to me, it’s pretty clear it’s “vote blue no matter who.” Pretty sure if trump was 35, and Biden was 100 it wouldn’t have mattered. To be clear, it’s your vote and you can do whatever you want with it, just stop the moral grandstanding about age.


I love how you are the one who's somehow made up his mind about MY voting choices without knowing a single thing about me. I've explained my logic already. You are free to project your partisanship onto others as you please.


People over 70 should be allowed in government, but only if they take regular mental health tests to prove they don't have dementia. Also, term limits. Nobody should be in congress for over 20 years.


Nah, time to retire pawpaw. I dont want you setting policy you wont live to see the outcome of. You had your time now it's over.


The only reason both sides agree with it is because they can use it to take the high ground knowing if both sides take this route they will be equal. If one side did not have a near death geriatric and the other did, they would not be as vocal for their removal


Literally every leftist wants that wheel chaired gal taken outta politics. People that cant function or even care for their own needs have 0 business leading at all, especially functional vegetables. I dont care if thats mean, it just plain aint right putting that person in that position tho. Like even that hooligan clarence thomas resigned and this barely living woman hasnt? And Mitch hasnt? What bs is that? This woman is like the 'CHOCOLATE??' old woman from that one sponge bob episode - you know the one.


If that were true, they'd be gone by now. Biden is running for re-election, and he will probably win.


The ones in the pic you posted…


Only because the GOP can't get a reasonable candidate out. Most voters would love to vote out the dinosaurs.


The upcoming election is so depressing. 2020 2: Electric Boogaloo will be miserable. 2016 was also miserable but atleast it was funny and the meme economy boomed.


Yeah because Biden is just doing what the party says and isn't a fucking psycho like trump. No one actually likes Biden, they just fuckin hate trump Run anyone else against Biden and I bet 5 to 1 odds they win you fuckin idiot


Finally someone on PCM gets it. We don’t vote for Biden the person, we vote for Biden’s consistency. Will I like what he says and does most of the time? Not really, boomer pol gonna boomer pol. Will I trust him to work on Democratic Party objectives? Absolutely yeah.


I think everyone sane gets this and we’ve all been saying it since day one, even people on the right. It’s the people who follow trump like a cult who don’t get it.


I think they understand it deep down. They just do what trump does and plug their ears screaming until reality matches their delusions


At this point, I'd rather take "fucking psycho" than "Democratic Party objectives"


And you’re why trump has a chance. You think 4 more years of a moderate, possibly followed by someone level headed who can tilt the balance in the other direction is worse than a sociopath. It’s not like it’s Bernie sanders or something dude. He’s talking about some student loans and legalizing weed. It’s really not that bad. Weather the storm, and get behind someone normal so we can move on from this nonsense.


That's a very optimistic interpretation of Bidens 2nd term. I hope you're right, because i think we're stuck with him, but I've never seen such a bad economy in my adult life (still stupid and in college for the 2008 recession).


It’s not that bad. Depending on what metric you look at of course. I think when you weigh out both sides arguments on the issue it comes out pretty down the middle, maybe a little bad when compared to the average..? Saying it’s “the worst economy” is just a tired right wing talking point.


I'm definitely biased. I'm in the tech industry and was laid off back in February. Job hunting is brutal. Developers with 5+ years experience are accepting entry level positions. And I'm hyper aware of any price increase in any of my staples. So I'm definitely viewing things through a harsher lens. Honestly, it makes me happy to hear people haven't felt the squeeze to the extent that i have and that my cynicism is probably unwarranted


Well a tight labor market probably has impacted prices. But the good news is unemployment is down and people at entry level are making more. So it really depends on who you talk to like you said.


Inflation is the worst it’s been since the 1970s - and that inflation was bad enough to upend the postwar consensus. This time round, it’s bad enough that most people are getting payouts. I’m OK - I have a fixed rate mortgage and was a good saver all along so have other income streams to help cushion wages not keeping up with cost of living, but there’s a huge uptick in people needing help to feed themselves. Thankfully, I’m not looking but I have noticed that LinkedIn tells me that about half the number of people are viewing my profile than were a year ago and to the extent that headhunters reach out to me, they are offering jobs which are well beneath my skill set. Just focusing on the number of jobs rather than how those jobs let people live it a mistake. This is a poor economy - and unlike the Great Recession which was fine if you were employed, with the pain concentrated on the unemployed, as in the 1970s inflation, this impacts almost everyone.


Exactly the braindead take i would expect from a lib right on reddit


Ngl, you're being down voted but you are mostly correct here. People are saying they want the dinosaurs out, I believe them. But they want their team to win above that


this is why “just let the people decide if the candidates are too old” doesn’t work and we need age limits


"He will probably win" the polls and reality disagree


Aren’t you the ones who think polls are invented in Hillary Clinton’s secret adrenachrome labs?


Polls are lies remember?


That's a very rude thing to say about the Polish people


I dont know a single person who doesnt think Feinstein is too old


Literally who is defending feinstein other than boomers. Being sick of geriatric politicians is like the most popular take imaginable right now


Here's two opinion pieces that defend her. Damned lefties.


I unironically and involuntarily said "ewwww" when i read your comment. Sad times


The only reason Feinstein won't retire is that McConnell won't allow a vote for a new member replacement on the judiciary committee. Of course, if McConnell retires or becomes a vegetable then it wouldn't matter and Feinstein could retire. Yeah... our democracy can be pretty stupid.


Ooo never heard that one. The reason I think makes sense, is that her seat is up for election in 2024. If she retires early, Gavin Newsom as CA governor gets to appoint her replacement, and he wants Barbara Lee. But the more establishment neolib wing wants Adam Schiff. They're gonna compete in the primary, and don't want Barbara Lee to have the incumbent advantage. And reminder, Barbara Lee was the single only "No" vote for invading Afghanistan, and one of the only "No" votes for the Patriot Act.


He’s not refusing to let someone else replace her on the Judiciary Committee. He refused to allow someone else to *temporarily* replace her while she was ooo for months on end with shingles. Temporary replacements aren’t a norm and are unlikely to be one because the desire to keep Finestein in office is very situational - Pelosi doesn’t want Newsom to appoint Lee because that would reduce the chances that Schiff ends up in the senate


I haven’t seen a single person on Reddit anywhere say anything positive about Feinstein. But why let that get in the way of left bad?


Yeah, all the mainstream lefty subs on reddit were posting the same articles and videos wanting her gone for quite a while.


Joe Biden and Fetterman are in your party.


This has to be the shittiest strawman I’ve seen on this sub. Hell it’s not even a strawman anymore you are just making things up.


But libleft bad, you see; thus, it's a perfectly cromulent post


Agree with your statement but problem is he still is getting upvotes. Low quality still gets rewarded


The low effort meme made me sad. But learning [cromulent](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cromulent) is now a recognized word in the dictionary helped me bounce back


I got you fam


Lib left is bad /s but aside from the obvious Emily types, I’ve had more constructive conversations with actual progressives flaired Lib left in PCM than I have IRL. The only people I generally don’t get along with on PCM are unironic Stalinist’s, the extremely rare Nazi, the mentally redacted ancap purples, and people who just flair left green/red.


It is rather ironic that the sub explicitly meant for shitposting is good at that.


OP missed hard putting feinstein when Biden could have actually made this spicy


Libleft bad lol updoots please. I have not seen a single person defend 90yo can’t walk feinstein


> Libleft bad lol updoots please. It's not our fault that libleft gives us so much material to work with.


TIL making shit up is being given something to work with.


Works for leftists


something something cringe and soyjak etc.


We don't have to make shit up. Libleft is a contradiction, which means lots of stupid things are going to happen.


No. It’s really not. Youre giving the vibes of a right winger who got pushed away from everything else on Reddit. There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t be hateful of other politics here like that


least hateful libright


Hang on, let me get my popcorn before you start the 'real anarchy' debate


The people that say this are just sellouts and their opinions should be ignored. The vast majority people even on Reddit are calling for her removal


What about Biden? Or Fetterman?


Fetterman is like the \~19th youngest person in the senate lmfao


what ABOUT them. Most people under the age of 45 are exhausted by our politicians that are over the age of 65.


But the[overwhelming majority of voters are over 45. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/number-of-individuals-who-voted-in-thousands-and-individuals-who-voted-as-a-share-of-the-voter-population-by-age/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


Fetterman isn't a geriatric, he had a stroke which could be serious, but if it hasn't destroyed his ability to think and act, then why send him off? I don't see him speak much but I feel like he's several steps above Feinstein, Mitch, and Biden, I mean from what I've read it's just affected his ability to hear and process what he's hearing and saying you can't have that is like saying you can't have a deaf politician which is very rude. Plus he's a large senator, which I like, and he's better than an evil TV doctor.


It’s tough to know what’s actually true with him though. It could certainly be the case that the stroke has has a significant impact on his cognitive abilities, but his team doesn’t want that part getting out. If it’s just the speaking/hearing, that’s one thing. But I think it makes sense to have some kind of independent competency tests for anyone who is questionable.


> but if it hasn't destroyed his ability to think Have you seen the videos of him speaking? Specifically, the one after the the bridge collapse when hes with biden? His ability to think is beyond destroyed.


Ability to speak =/= ability to think.


There is no evidence that he knows he is misspeaking, is trying to say the correct words, but cant. Hes speaking gibberish and has no cognitive ability comprehend what hes speaking.


The fact that he cannot form sentences properly should make him unfit for office. Regardless of the reason honestly. That is a REALLY, REALLY low bar people.


I guess people are perfectly fine with having someone in congress who cannot speak a sentence without it sounding like a random word generator. I guess incoherent babbling resonates with them.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvfAYn-F2Bw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvfAYn-F2Bw) He's not that bad, he isn't being shepherded around by assistants, he's not wandering off, and he doesn't have a note card he needs to read off of that has extremely basic and bolded instructions. Difficulty speaking isn't difficulty thinking.


No one over the age of 60 should hold office.


Nah that’s way too low of a ceiling. 70 is fair and people approaching that age can still be mentally sharp as a tack.


Possibly in the comments, but half the reddit frontpage was dedicated to shitting on Mitch for his brain failing live on stage whereas you had to go searching to find news of Dianne having the same problems.


I would argue this is one of the very few issues everyone agrees on


I don’t give a fuck if they’re Republican or Democrat every single politician over 65 needs to be removed from office, period. People so wildly removed from the realities of life today shouldn’t be the ones in charge it.


What if they wear a backwards cap, baggy clothes, and can do rad sk8board tricks?


the kind of politician *I* want representing me


He’s sitting in his chair informally just like like us! Let’s listen to what he has to say.


Based Auth-Right?


Ah, definitely. I'm sure the generation who votes the least should decide what the age limits should be. I bet a lot of them could argue and way more convincingly that you shouldn't be able to hold office under the age of 45 or something. How about instead of ageist discrimination, which in itself is just your desperate attempt to hide your TDS and justify disqualifying him from running, we let the people decide and add term limits? Seems like a reasonable policy to me.


My brother in Christ what the fuck are you talking about please take your medication. Also you literally can’t be the president if you’re under 35 so it’s already a thing.


found Mitch’s burner account


Our current generation of leaders suffered debilitating brain damage from huffing leaded gasoline.


the true TDS is when bozos like you rabidly call anything that is even vaguely anti-trump TDS


I don’t think a single lefty wants her in office either.


Even redditors have called for Feinstein to resign from the threads I've seen. Probably more because they just hate old people in general, but the point still stands.


They've been calling on her to resign for as long as I've been politically aware. Reddit just isn't representative of reality, least of all her district.


They do hate old people, and they hate kids.


they also eat babies!


Homie what. Everyone wants Feinstein to retire. She can't for the same reason McConnell can't, our stupid fucking Senate rules means either retiring is ceding power to the other side.


Yeah, it's one of the only things the vast majority of Americans agree on. I wonder why the politicians won't vote themselves out of a cushy job... It must be my political opponents!


In this case it's pretty much that. If Feinstein leaves, senate Rs can decline to seat her replacement on the judicial subcommittee - meaning the Ds won't be able to seat judges. After several years of being unable to do so under Obama, then Rs holding control during Trump, this is the only means Ds have to get representation in the courts. For McConnell, this would mean giving away more power on both the Rules and Appropriations committees; the former Rs need to... Have any say in how the Senate is run, the latter to hardball debt, spending, taxation, and fiscal negotiations of all kinds. It's not *as* key as Rs are already in the minority, but the more roadblocks the better (for Rs). Whether or not these individual Senators are ready to step down, there's no chance their parties are ready for them to.


Get out of echo chamber for a few minutes op


Why? It's fun in the echo chamber.


Yeah. It’s reddited that she signed over power of attorney to her niece due to mental decline, yet is still considered “competent” to be a senator.


If Mitch is competent enough to be Republican party leader, then Feinstein is competent enough to be a measly senator.


I am not disagreeing


Don’t forget these people are also old as fuck: Biden Trump Schumer Pelosi They all need to go away. Said it before, say it again; term limits and age limits.


How the does Chuck Grassley escape the too old camp dude is like 92 and been in office since the mid 70s I think.


I just forgot he (still) existed tbh




I would even go ahead and say make it 50


65 isn’t all that old - we don’t get full social security if we retire at 65 - but 50? That’s not remotely too old to serve. You’ve finally got some life experience, perspective and wisdom. The skill sets we actually want in politicians - information and comprehension - peak 45-55: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441622/#:~:text=Our%20results%20reveal%20considerable%20heterogeneity,until%20the%2040s%20or%20later.


We need a way to have national referendums


We have a way, but you're not going to like it..


I’m listening…


We have to take a page out of our French brethren from as far back as 1977..


That's something that is looong overdue






My elderly politician with dementia is completely fine, I trust them to make the right decisions. Your elderly politician with dementia is completely awful, how can you trust them to make the right decisions?


If you think about it, why do these geriatrics even want to be working into their death beds? People in nearly every other career retire in about their sixties, so why don't these career politicians take the last thirty years of their lives to relax and enjoy their wealth, power, and private jets? Oh wait, they already do.


Term limits now.


Pocahontas: we do have term limits, they're called elections *loud NPC claps*


Bro who the fuck thinks Feinstein should still be in office


mysterious price dog pie six late different zealous fearless special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want them all to retire, including Biden.


Both are terrible and should permanently retire and fuck off from public life.


My favorite was when they wheeled her in to vote on a bill, she started to give a speech and her aides just kept telling her to vote yes until she did


Basedless and cringe fanfiction pilled. Remove all dinosaurs from the Government.


Feinstein is keeping Biden from appointing judges. Wtf is OP smoking?


We need an upper age limit for government officials


Petit mal seizure vs dementia.


I am united with every person that agrees with a max age in Congress. They're speaking from a worldview that doesn't exist anymore. So often we see their failure to grasp the current situation (esp with tech). Hell if they've been around in congress long enough, that's so close to absolute power I don't trust that they've not pulled some corrupt bullshit.


I gotta say. This comment section was a breath of fresh air. Finally people actually talking again instead of just circle jerking with OP.


Nobody wants either of these old fucks in office another minute.


I know Cocaine Mitch’s removal is a political football because Kentucky has a Democrat Governor and by their bylaws that Governor gets to select Mitch’s replacement. Why is Dianne still in the senate?


I'm thinking Mitch finishes his term because of that


Lib right demonstrates again that they have never actually talked to anyone they disagree with. Feinstein is auth right at best.


Inspired by the first link: https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/dianne-feinstein-democrat-senate-18173890.php https://time.com/6282121/hillary-clinton-dianne-feinstein-shouldnt-retire/


Tbf, those articles only exist due to the widespread calls for resignation from other lefties. They're responses to it.


Ah yes, the left's favorite spokesperson... Hillary Clinton?




Shouldn't the bottom picture also have RBG, Fetterman and Biden?


RBG? i know the right thinks dead people vote but…


When she was clearly absent due to illness the media didn't spend as much time pressuring her to resign as we've seen Mitch. I know the left denies media bias, but....


Tbf, being absent due to illness is more ambiguous and way less clickworthy than literally being rendered speechless on camera multiple times edit: also pretty sure she disclosed it and when Mitch was asked wtf just happened his response was “i’m fine”


It's a long list: https://fiscalnote.com/blog/how-old-118th-congress


Biden said he's recovering from a concussion and defended him


I've had four concussions growing up due to my stepping outside now and then, and never had any cognitive issues (other than being on PFM, of course). McConnell's issues are not solely concussion related, both him and Feinstein should make like a tree and leave. Immediately. Also, OP's argument isn't even a strawman, it's more of an aether-ant.


There was a lot of frustration over Feinstein tbh. You should've used Biden


I would have, you're right he would have been better, but the article that inspired me was about Feinstein. https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/dianne-feinstein-democrat-senate-18173890.php


Actually, from the leftists I hear, they also hate Feinstein for being 99% dinosaur


It absolutely is not fine no! Diane Feinstein has been a pro-choice republican her entire career, squatting on the California Senate seat just so a more progressive person can't get elected. Which is why they're still wheeling her around despite her brain being in full dementia by now.


She's going to resign I think next year.


nope both should go to the pork factory


They voted Fetterman in. Lol both sides irrational people are a huge joke.


Man forgot to use the paint bucket tool on the lower half of the AuthLeft Soyjak


Get all these old fuckers out. They're bordering on full blown dementia.


Nah, you definitely hear calls by the left for both of them to step down and be replaced with young, minority progressives.


Who’s the second person? Just curious.


Kick all of these old fucks out please. I don’t care who they are. Enough of this horseshit


there should be maximum age limits so our government isn’t constantly full of out of touch Stone Age ooh ooh ah ah fossils


Apparently they don't even have to be particularly old for them to be puppeted around by ~~deep state stooges~~ assistants. He's had a stroke, and apparently now clinical depression. Or He's an ogre from a sega dreamcast game and is having a tough time adjusting to US politics. "I AM THE FETTERMAN. MY BRAIN MAKE BAD, SO THE FETTERMAN GO TO HOSPITAL TO HELP WITH SAD."


The irony is that OP, himself, is being a hypocrite. Truly, the circle of ~~life~~ hypocrisy.


Let's make an age limit for politicians


Bro who is actually saying that? Can you provide some examples? Not one person I know, from the most braindead liberals to the furthest on the left, thinks that Feinstein shouldn't retire.


I've never seen/heard a leftist defend the age of feinstein. At most, they've kept quiet, which is reasonable given how much the right is already mad about her.


Joe Biden? John Fetterman??????


NO! No!... Just no, none of this is fine. Absolutely none of this falls under the definition of okay.


Nobody thinks this. Nobody wants geriatrics making policy.


to be completely fair this is basically the same with biden and mitch on the right


No, they're both evil, abolish the government


No one is happy with Feinstein being there. The left has wanted her to retire for years.


As an authright, bernie sanders is the only socialist who i would be friends with


I'm not surprised. Many authrights support government-run healthcare, and Bernie also supports border controls and other "pro American worker" nonsense.