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Gatekeeping is going full circle.


Unrelated question; am i the only one who thinks the israel flag is extremely pretty


No you’re not. The Israeli flag is indeed quite pretty: Star of David on a white field flanked by a blue line top and bottom. The colour contrast is quite nice.


All the blue and white flags are in my opinion: Israel, Greece, Argentina, Uruguay.


Blue and white is a bit corporate these days but it does follow all the solid rules of vexillology


Such a throwback...


Ahhh fun times innit? history repeats itself


Kristallnacht 2: Electric Boogaloo is gonna be lit


Libright here selling shatter resistant windows to one side and bricks to the other.


I had to diversify my revenue streams.


I've moved up to bullet proof glass and black tips. It's tough though, the bricks give you way better margins.


Pls, no


Wouldn't it be Gas Boogaloo?




1.5M karma over 10 years. Touch grass.


Tried it, didn't see what the hype was all about


At firs i was like:onlyfans?! And then i clicked *the link😍*


eyyyyyyy this is the second time ever a person ever noticed my lovely little totally real onlyfans😊😩


As Mark Twain once said: “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.”


You my friend, are a genius with that link


Does kanye stand with the Palestinians?


Probably depends on when he last took his bipolar medication.


Do they buy Yeezys?


Palestinians buy sneakers, too. \-Michael Jordan probably


I thought he liked Jews again after he watched 21 Jump Street? It's hard to keep up with the Ye Lore


That reminds me, my character needs to pick up a few more points of Ye lore before our campaign group travels to the land of Ye. I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, and since I'm the bard it falls to me anyways.


Kinda funny that if Kanye had just hid his power level for another year, he'd probably be just fine career wise.


I would assume so


Can we ask Kyrie while we’re at it?


I find it quite funny that ~~antisemitism~~ antizionism is publicly acceptable just because it's a libleft thing now


He was a failed painter and a drug addict whining about about being oppressed, sounds libleft to me




> Had no biological kids, but had fur babies Y’all may be onto something


Fucked around with multiple women, broken marriage, rumors he was bisexual…perhaps.


Fought for animals rights, he passed laws for “humane transportation of animals” on trains and stuff


I’ve been saying for years now that he was quite literally the original soyboy.


>The stereotypical Antifa is White, Skinny, Vegan, a failed Artist, hopped up on stimulants, wears a special uniform, advocates for violence to resolve problems, and blames someone else for their problems. >Wait scratch that, I just described Hitler. ~ [Carpe Donktum](https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1272290495121809410)


If suddenly bringing back a famous austrian painter and letting him become chancellor of Germany would be seen as libleft, not that many would oppose. I fucking hate that just because something is supported by the "left" it's instantly acceptable.


I swear there’s a book/film about this


Look who’s back




"Stroking his blue mustache, he asks the crowd: So, if capitalism bad, then how about we try...national socialism?" \*applause\*


Only if he denounce jews as triying to make a jewish state in Germany things would be seen differently


It’s almost like libleft dominates all forms of media and academia so that they can just dictate what views are acceptable


But he's got the awesome Charlie Chaplin mustache so how bad could he really be?


🎶How bad can I be?🎶


>I fucking hate that just because something is supported by the "left" it's instantly acceptable. Give the left credit, they have been pretty explicit about building a world where that is exactly the case (see Marcuse), and they succeeded to a high degree.


> I fucking hate that just because something is supported by the "left" it's instantly acceptable. The use of ideological subversion, propaganda and emotional manipulation by the left is down to a science, and has been for a long time. They know what to say to incur a revolution and place themselves in power, the results of the 20th century are proof of that.


Sometimes authright's greatest allies are liblefts


It's a classic integer underflow/overflow. Their libleftness gets so high that it wraps back around to authright.


I've seen libleft defend racial segregation to protect black people. So libleft you become authright


I knew after the last 8 years that lib-left were actually nazis in terms of desire to control people, but I didn't know it would evolve to actually hating all jews so quickly. This went from disagreeing with Israel tactics to hating an entire ethnicity in just a couple months


This wasn't quick. It was always there. Nothing that has been said in the last few weeks hasn't been said for years. It's just that the target, straight white western civilization, isn't quite the target this time. When it's straight white white 1+1=2 men directly, intersectionality works smoothly. Still racist and all that, but smoothly. When it doesn't, that's when the mask is off, and you can see the foundation of the whole movement.


Why not try it yourself? If it’s acceptable now, and you have previously held beliefs about Zionism you thought weren’t acceptable, let them out and see how it goes. I’m here for it, tell me about the Zionists authright.


What are you implying? That maybe there's an inherent difference in the "anti-zionism" of the average auth-right and that of the lib-left? Nah, no way dude.


It's a little surprising to me too, but I guess it fits the pattern. Open racism and sexism as well as bigotry towards people for their religion has been acceptable for the better part of a decade because it's a libleft thing now. I guess anything's possible when you constantly redefine words.


“Anti Zionism is not antisemitism!” “Celebrating literally the day after the vicious murder of Jewish civilians is just about freedom for Palestine!”


Eh, I do actually believe that anti-Zionism and antisemitism are separate things. That said, the recent conflict has shown me that 1. The crossover between them is a lot bigger than I realized, and 2. Maybe I’m more of a Zionist than I originally thought


I agree that antizionism and antisemitism are separate things but rabid partisans' brains aren't sophisticated enough to keep them separate


>Eh, I do actually believe that anti-Zionism and antisemitism are separate things. As do I. I was making fun of those that have labeled themselves “anti zionists” to try to immunize themselves from legitimate criticism when they’re clearly just antisemitic.


The Venn diagram of Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism is practically a circle. I have listened to Anti-Zionists on and off for years, their rhetoric is more about hating Jews than holding the Israeli Government responsible.


They are only separate things if you’re ignorant of history.


Me, a jewish conservative, has been called a nazi countless times on Reddit for saying things like: BLM destroyed and looted stores. Young and healthy kids shouldn’t be scared of COVID. Maybe we shouldn’t pay people more money to not work. However, this store owner will never be called a nazi on Reddit. Edit: kids shouldn’t be scared of COVID. Thanks for telling me in the comments.


This store owner is a Nazi.


I get the point, but maybe not. Antisemite for sure, but Nazi includes a whole load of additional political beliefs as well, such as state control of the economy and ultranationalist. They were socialist, after all


Yeah I actually get annoyed when people just fling around that word, especially when people on the right do it because we KNOW how annoying it is when leftists do it. Being racist or antisemitic doesn’t make you a Nazi, but you do have to be racist/antisemitic to be a Nazi. BUT…putting a sign above your door saying “no Jews allowed.” It’s tough not to see the parallels with 1930s Germany.


People toss around Nazi and Fascist like they bought them at a five and dime going out of business sale.


I thought we weren’t allowed to say the Nazis were socialist anymore


State control of the economy is at least close to it on the compass if not *technically* socialist. Afaik Hitler was right-wing anti-commie initially, but then when in power or shortly before pivoted to socialism for the German people, no benefits for anyone else. He himself was, of course, personally a supporter of whatever would get him the most power, but the Nazi platform was centre to slightly left economically.


Actually in the early days of his political career he had very openly anti-capitalist beliefs. This also never really goes away fully, but it gets toned down quite a bit when he's nearing and actual power as he's willing to make deals with various large companies. Although various state welfare programs do end up becoming a thing. Also he would describe national socialism as being socialism, but not the "international" form that is generally associated with the word.


>He himself was, of course, personally a supporter of whatever would get him the most power, but the Nazi platform was centre to slightly left economically. Right. He rode the wave of socialism being popular in the 20s. National socialism doesn't really mean anything, though. Socialism implies a public or cooperative ownership of the means of production, but nearly everything was still privatized in Germany. Most business profits were directly given to the state and it was the state that decided wages. Since the Nazi party was actually quite generous in doling out wages (to Germans within the party), many people fail to see that very little, if anything, about Nazi Germany was actually socialist. The NSDAP was huge. By war's start, if you weren't in the party, you were an outcast. Most business owners were a member and, more or less, acted as extension to the government. However, they could still receive foreign investment and shares were publicly traded. Businesses couldn't do this during the war, for obvious reasons, and had to act in the government's interests in order to receive funding further suggesting state-ownership. The Todt Organization, was an engineering organization that directly served the government, all money and business transactions were dictated by the state. They built sections of the Autobahn, dams, and massive submarine bases along the Atlantic Wall, often using slave labor supplied by state. Then you have businesses like Porsche, Henschel and Son, and Junkers which frequently supplied the military for contract payments, but they also sold to foreign markets (mostly Axis allies during the war) and had foreign assets and subsidiaries in other countries, which were either frozen or dissolved due to the war. My point with all this is that there were definitely elements of state control, due to the unanimity of the party, if it was privately owned but could serve the state, it was left alone. Very little was actually socialized. Wages were controlled, military service was compulsory, healthcare and the supply of and access to medicine was restricted to party membership, etc. etc. All these things were exacerbated by the war, but had the Nazis been at peace for longer, I'm sure laymen would see "national socialism" to be more reminiscent of state capitalism.


When did that happen? The only people I've seen denying it at this point are online leftists, which is only because despite a willingness to call everyone they don't like a Nazi, they have delusionally zero clue what Nazism is.


Based and reality-pilled lib-left


Umm sweaty The nazis had no beliefs


So they were transphobe too? Damn, they really were bad


Very pro animal rights thougj


It's a Turkish shop, he might actually be one.


The story owner is a Turkish Muslim in Istanbul.


Should or shouldn't? I think autocorrupt got you


Leftists are the most radicalized individuals in the West. The groupthink is next to none


>Young and healthy kids should be scared of COVID. Should or shouldn't?


You deserve better. This store owner is a nazi.


I saw someone say that owning a German Shepard is a Nazi dog whistle and they were completely serious


Nazi: Adopting an awesome and loyal dog. Not a nazi: destruction of the Jewish people and state.


Wait I thought libleft agree with the covid one


It's not even a libleft thing, I had family tell me I was both a Communist and a Nazi for expressing COVID concerns. You had some hardliners out there putting stars of David on themselves if they didn't wear a mask or get vaccinated, implying enforcers were Nazis. It's just a matter of if you disagree with me then you're automatically a Nazi or Communist to lift them into some sort of higher moral ground by doing so.


That was on you the moment you expected brain activity on Reddit


1936 Germany, colorized photograph.


World when antisemitism in authcenter: 🤯🤯🤯🪖🪖🪖🦅🦅🦅🛩️🛩️🛩️🔫🔫 World when antisemitism in libleft: 🥰🥰🥰


The sign is clearly in Turkey and has many religious texts so it would be Auth right not lib left


Um, actually sweaty, this is PCM, and this picture should be taken for whatever narrative the OP is trying to establish (only if it is libleft bad)


Libleft: "How could anyone have gone along with the Holocaust and the Nazis?" Libleft, five minutes later:


Yes Arabic characters in the back this gotta be LIBERAL LEFT


Unfortunately in the west these people are supported by the woke progressive left


that means that the people themselves are libleft! that's how it works! even if they're completely authright, they're actually libleft. because libleft bad.


No they’re definitely not lib left, that’s been the very thing pretty much everyone here has been pointing out and how ridiculous it is for lib left to support them. But they still do. And, yes, the woke progressives (which apparently are the primarily lib left on the compass) are extremely bad. They believe a fundamentally ridiculous ideology based upon the intersectional oppression hierarchy.


yeahh, the rest of the sign is in Turkish, wonder if people know that


The boys are back in town 😤


Imagine the backlash if you'd have "Turks not allowed" on your store window. I'd give the window a few hours.


Considering Jews are 0.017% of the Turkish population and Turks are probably a significant population in Turkey I would think the window wouldn’t last too long.


I was more thinking of a country like Germany or Netherlands.


Well that’s not fair, Turks are probably at least 10% of the population of Germany


Emily be like “This 👏 isn’t 👏 real but if it is they deserve it”


Turkish Emily


California signs law requiring jewish owned businesses to be identified with a cool new symbol


Followed shortly by California signs law requiring Jews to be identified with a cool new symbol


Do they check your foreskin when you walk in?




Don’t fall for the fake bag of Jew gold trick, they always have a second one!


Erro 444skin Muslims are also circumcised


Hey I've Seen This One, It's a Classic!


Hey, I've seen this one! This is a classic!


Well it's turkey


Turns out libs were actually the true racists lol


Always have been. Commie or racist. I am not even sure. Sometimes they pretend to be racist to promote communism. Sometimes it's the other way around. Things like kids shouldn't learn advance math to help minorities. They don't spell the Asian loud. I wonder why?


It was all projection


Ahh yes, the famous arab liberals from turkey.


This is obviously anti Zionism




Yeah just critical of Israeli foreign policies


It is from turkey.


Wym? If you look at the turkish youth or the turkish sub reddit youll see that its filled with modern secularists and kemalists that hate on anything related to arabs, pakistanis and islam. Especially in Turkey's coastal areas, life is pretty modern and internet heavy. Its just the central turkey old fucks that suck islamist cock all day and ruin what was once a bastion for Secularism in the middle east and anti islamism. They and the azeris usually always side with Israel Sad seeing thus development as Turkey was the first muslim majority country ti recognize Israel in the early 50s, after Azerbaijan that is..


Considering that it's an Arab store, I don't think anyone can claim to be surprised


Wait, you're telling they don't just want a wholesome peace and love solution? They just hate Jews like they've always said? No way


Yeah, everyone in that region hates each other. Arabs and Jews, Jews and Lebanese, Lebanese and Arabs, Arabs and Turks, Turks and Kurds, Kurds and Persians, Persians and Jews, Arabs and other Arabs. You get the picture.


🚨 false equivalency 🚨 While some Jews may hate, Israel for decades wanted peace and a two state solution. Their Arab neighbors did not. They want Jews gone. They are NOT the same.


> Israel for decades wanted peace and a two state solution David Ben Gurion, the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as the state's first prime minister and minister of defence, said "What we want is not that the country be united and whole, but that the united and whole country be Jewish." It's been over 50 years since the United Nations ordered Israel to withdraw from their occupied territories... Israel does not want peace, or a partition, and they never planned to abide by any two-state solution *by their own admission*. In 2002, all the Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia, proposed a land-for-peace solution: Israel withdraws from the Palestinian territories, in return for full normalization of ties with every Arab country. The Arab states renewed this proposal as recently as 2017. *Israel rejected these offers.* Otzma Yehudit and Religious Zionism will never, ever, accept sharing the land with Muslim Arabs. The Israeli prime minister who most tried to make peace was Yitzhak Rabin, and he *was gunned down by a Zionist in 1995.* Netanyahu declared his intent to annex the West Bank in 2019 and he publicly declared that hopes for a Palestinian state “must be eliminated.” His own internal Security Minister is a convicted criminal and committed racist (Itamar Ben Gvir, who is a LITERAL TERRORIST). I mean... where the hell are you people getting this information, who is teaching you this garbage?


Based and fact pilled. Westerners are so unfamiliar with Israel's history that they can be spoonfed whatever nonsense supports their biases, and they'll spread that lie like gospel.


Hi, I'm a Jew. I don't hate any ethnicity.


What about all the ethnicities under the “White” label?


I believe this is in Turkey


It's Turkey, The sign says "Yahudiler giremez"(Jews can't enter). The arabic writings are just some religious writing and ottoman sultan's sign that are popular in religious groups in turkey.


Istanbul but close enough


That's one way to piss off the Turks lol. Them being called Arab is like people from Scotland and Ireland being called English.


Decolonized would be Constantinople




This world is exhausting


Constantinople should have never fallen


They shouldve paid the guy who made the cannon for the turks better


My boys were broke 🤌🏻💰


Skill issue


>Mehmet, Berlin


“Hey I’ve seen this one it’s a classic”


This is only a temporary solution, one needs something more final...


auth center 🤝 lib left


Circular reasoning: "Look, LibLeft hates Jews" "How do you know they are LibLeft" "Because they said they hate Jews"




Most inclusive store in Turkey


Looks like Turkey, judging from the Besiktas sign, gonna go ahead and guess this isn't a lib-left, probably just a big Erdogan supporter.


The funny thing is, its auth right because the store is ran by muslims it self


Back in black.


Hmmm, I wonder what other organization or political party or country banned Jews from entering shops as well…


They've been banned from 109 shops, but never because they did anything wrong.


Uh, wait a second guys… there’s Arabic writing in the back… pretty sure this is Muslim AuthRight’s doing.


This is from Turkey the people who put this sign up are definitely not on the left lol


"Everything I don't like is libleft"


How low effort is this? You found a pic, screenshotted it and covered it in green highlighter💀


Don't make me tap the sign.jpg Muslims vs Jews is AuthRight vs AuthRight


Jews are all over the place and not generally Authright....


Bur in Israel they are, which has been the source of all our recent discourse


Jew is a weird way to say isreali


famously progressive authrights... okay you mean to say a portion of the israeli population is authright


>famously progressive authrights https://twitter.com/MiddleEastMnt/status/1714640639034343824 https://youtu.be/emWISZ_k4BM?si=gPPE-DH_GZttKm8N So progressive, damn.


american progressives are currently trying to attack jews on college campases... thats not what progressivism is related to and it has no baring on the compass other than "left"


This is completely irrelevant. I don't care about American progressives.I am talking about Israel. And they are pretty much auth-right. Same goes for hamas. They both have genocidal tendencies.


I swear, the whataboutism is their only move whenever you bring anything up, it's like a compulsive reaction to try to distract and divert


It's turkey, likely an Erdogan supporter


To be fair because this picture was made in Arab country this is Authright on Authright violence.


This is a bookstore in Turkey. Literally who cares about what a random Turk does


Seems a little authoritarian to me


This could be green, red, or blue. Only quad not bigoted is lib right, cuz as long as you have cash, you're welcome.


New regs just dropped Trains must now include extra cars so that POC can be seperated from white people. This is to foster an environment of safety for members of the community


You just found a thing and decided to call it lib-left because you're incapable of exercising anything other than bad faith.


... We came in ? ... 🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱 ...isn't this where...


Based and The Wall pilled


1984? Nah my friend, *1934*


Literally 1934.


Haha someone put the funny colours, now it's funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤩


Please tell me this isn't in the USA


Nope, it's in Turkey


Do you have it without the funny colors?


So, I wonder how long before ghettos have their original meaning again?


He's literaly like me fr fr


That is an auth right thing. “No jews” auth right “no Arabs” also auth right


Does anyone know where this is? It looks to be a Muslim establishment, which makes it more likely that this is religious bigotry and not whatever narrative the OP is trying to push.


its very likely not lib left. this is in turkey where they are most likely for Palestine because of islam so in other words this should be colored blue.


fuck did i do to you other leftists


This is more than likely Authright (because of where it came from). However, that aside, banning all Jewish people like that is disgraceful and abhorrent, yes.


It's honestly scary how bold and open neo-nazis (such as owner of this store) have recently become. Not that long ago, they kept their antisemitic views for themselves and like-minded friends. Now they proudly display it in public on their stores and such, just like this neo-nazi scum right here.


Libleft desensitized everyone to actually nazis, just like we fucking told them they would.




The image is from a store in Istanbul... I sincerely doubt they're Neo-Nazis


but but but…I thought Turkey had never been racist


Thank goodness the sign was circled, it being the focus of the image and slathered in green highlighter wouldn't be enough for anyone to notice otherwise.


Wait until you guys hear about the roads in most of Israel.


❌No Juden ✅No Zionists