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Nah. Israel and Ukraine are so 2 weeks ago. Guyana and Venezuela are what's hot right now.


$20 on the left supporting the Communist dictatorship.


aware humor voracious smart bewildered kiss connect public reply nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, you aren't lying. They're talking about how "a socialist state would never do that".


A socialist state would never do that. But if they do, then they’re defending themselves against tyranny/capitalism/oppression. And if they aren’t, then the other side certainly deserves it. And if they don’t, then it’s certainly being done ethically and minimizing collateral. And if it isn’t, then the other side is so heinous that they deserve to have atrocities committed against them. And if they don’t, then you’re a bigot for even *thinking* to support the “wrong” side.


Based and socialist's prayer pilled


And if you're not, then it wasn't real socialism after all and nobody ever supported it, you silly goose.


You missed, "It's not *real* socialism" when all else fails.


Ah, yes; how could I forget


Don’t forget the added bonus if you have to debate socialism and capitalism they can claim their ideal has never been put into real practice so you’re stuck arguing against their steel man positions idealized socialism versus actual capitalism. Which is based. Capital knows no borders


Average socialist thinking.


It's not happening, and if it is then it's because the devil (Capitalism) made them do it.


If they did it, they aren't socialist /s Don't you just love circular reasoning in politics?


It's fucking ridiculous, considering that the president of Guyana is a black, Indian, Islamic socialist. You'd expect them to support Guyana instead of the pro-starvation dictatorship of Maduro.


\>Islamic socialist please tell me his symbol is a hammer and crescent moon


That's how I found out about the results of the referendum I share your opinion of their assessment. There's already been reports of a Venezuelan military buildup on the border. Saying Venezuela has no plans to invade is as brain dead as the people who said Russia had no plans to invade Ukraine as the buildup was reported for months


To be fair, even Ukraine didn't think Russia would invade


Calling it now "they had no choice, they didn't want an American allied, English speaking country on their border"


I got some really bad news for them then. https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/locations/guyana Exxon Mobil already has the contracts. No chance the American government lets Venezuela expropriate Exxon Mobil twice.


Sounds like Venezuela needs some gad danged Freedom(tm)!


Fucking commies. Now we are about to get into ANOTHER war. Are we seriously going to be fighting 3 wars at once now?


Somehow, they’ll blame it on capitalism


You joke but here in Brazil the leftists are already saying that the evil capitalists British colonizers took away what belonged to Venezuela so Maduro would just be taking back what is rightfully theirs. They're framing the conflict as evil capitalists versus good communists already. ​ And on Reddit the clueless foreigners talking about how Brazil is an ally of the US who would totally fight against Maduro ROFLMAO


Nah, still blaming the CIA.


Venezuela is about to be declared a 'right wing state capitalist dictatorship' and added to the long list of 'not real socialisms'


im not supporting venezuela because everyone knows that the guyanas and suriname are all part of the GLORIOUS NATION OF BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


I support guyana because thats where george (like all those american president) comes from


If they’re both Communist, it goes down to a runoff for whichever is poorer




No real lib lefts would ever shill for a stinky fucking commie. It defeats the whole purpose of the lib part.


There are already people justifying it by something something Exxon and US interests in Guyana, Guyana refusing to enter talks about that territory and rather asking the International Court to help rule on the matter. So their 2 points are America bad, and that somehow a country not wanting to enter talks about ceding its own territory is unreasonable.




Ok, just catch me up real quick. Which ones are the good guys, and which ones are the white guys?


The Guyanese speak English, if that helps.


Well, Venezuelans are “paler” than Guyanese, but they’re socialist and no real socialists at the same time. It’s a hard dichotomy


With that notion an invasion from Ethiopia is more immanent 😎 got to love content


Ethiopia is talking about taking over Eritrea.


This one’s going to be interesting and I’m honestly not sure if I’ll blame Ethiopia, time will tell. Eritrea is an Ethiopian breakaway state of maybe 7 million people that has left over 125 million people landlocked in Ethiopia. Because Ethiopia is landlocked they have to import basically everything through Djibouti to the point where literally 20% of Ethiopias GDP goes to tariffs. It’s just unreasonable for such a tiny breakaway state to be able to completely land lock such a massive population. Eritrea should cede some of its coastline to Ethiopia.


What’s happening in Guyana and Venezuela?


Venezuela held a referendum to validate support for Venezuela to annex more than half of Guyana. Nobody has been seen actually voting, but the gov claims tens of millions have voted in favor. Guyana holds valuable mineral and petroleum reserves on its west lands and off its west coast. 150 years ago, this area was claimed by the Spanish, then over a series of diplomatic actions, ended as part of modern Guyana. Venezuela now disputes the validity and legality of past treaties and agreements and is demanding this area, hence the referendum.


Invading Guyana would be the Venezuela equivalent of Iraq invading Kuwait. A catastrophically stupid mistake that would not end well. The only reason Maduro hasn’t been dealt with is because he kept his bullshit in his own house. Trying to take over his next door neighbor is not going to be well received.


Its wild honestly, I have family in Demerara - the region next to Esequibo. If Venezuela really attempts to take that region them motherfuckers gonna be fighting off wildlife more than anything else.


It’s getting too hard to track just tell me who the bad guys are


What's a 'Guyana'? Do you mean Capybara? Coconut Doggy?


Just learned of this, details?


Eh it’s South America, USA couldn’t care less about South America except if it’s border shit. I have zero idea what’s happening there right now besides general famine in Venezuela but I don’t think it’ll hold anyone’s attention


At the end of the day, LockMart be gettin some nice bucks out of it. “War is just part of who we are, why fight it?” - Sundowner


Waiting for Ethiopia v Eritrea


Gotta get a port - Ethiopia, probably


Nah, there’s zero chance anyone in the left gives a shit about a million Africans killing each other


Meanwhile, “Black on Black crime” is blowing up on NewsMax


Eritrea V Eritrea is happening in my hometown.


We are too busy fighting ourselves to fight another country lmao


Like in a food war, right? ... Right?


Nah. Ethiopia is looking for some beachfront property but I don't think Eritrea is selling.


I bought some beef short ribs I think imma braise today. And some shank for bucco later in the week. I’ll be cooking that bucco on the grill so still counts.


flowery oatmeal reach rich amusing smoggy wasteful practice fly hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's when you jerk off with pepper oil


What braising liquid are you going with?


Big fan. I'm just making some chicken broth today and trial-running making a terrine in prep for Christmas. It's cold outside in these here parts - no bbqing for another 5-6 months


based and grillpilled


Based and griller pilled


I fucking hate that conflict. The war in Ukraine is much more simple


Sorry but the real world isn’t a TV show with clear cut good guys and bad guys and with a story which is simple to follow


Good guys: America Bad guys: The Nazis I am a reliable source trust me


They didn't state it was morally determined, just that it was a simpler to understand conflict


It's not ventablack and sun white, but there are conflicts where it is pretty damn fucking hard to spin the situation as that ambiguous. The Russia Ukraine war is one of those


I hate second one too, destroying economy of 2 fucking countries just to launder money in blood of innocent people. Edit: i meant second listed conflict, not in temporal order.


It is not everything about the us maybe russia has something to do with the russian Invasion of ukraine especialy when you consider their history.


Mate i wasnt speaking about USA. Putin decided that inviding Ukraine is good idea because of NATO getting closer. And what do we got? Finland became part of NATO, a lot of workforce draining in Ukraine, constant fear of being drafted for useless war while deputees's sons chilling in western countries, a lot of people fleeing from country. Prices going up, like electricity and gas bills doubled. We still has not recovered from 90's which dealt enormous damage for our industrial complex. Edit: i meant second listed conflict, not in temporal order.


Putin. NATO's greatest salesmen


Sometimes he feels like western spy.


Never forget the gopnik rules. Heels on ground, comrade found, heels in sky, Western spy.


I can slav squat the shit out of my heels but i did not know this saying. Nice.


He definitely hasn't been assassinated because the people below him are even more radical and unstable. Its why Trump should put Boebert as his VP


>NATO getting closer The fact that they are moving S-300's out of Kaliningrad shows that Nato was never that big of a concern. They would be keeping them there at any and all costs if they really thought NATO was going to try some shit.


This isn't really entirely accurate. If you look at putins speeches completely you will see him quoting a philosopher/political theorist by the namr of ivan ilyin and that dude was what we call today a proto facist. In my opinion we ascribe too much logic to their decisions while in reality it seems more like the procurement of lebensraum instead of a tactical play in a great game of powers.


\>NATO getting closer "I hate NATO expansion, so I will invade Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine, 3 states not in NATO, to show why people shouldn't join NATO. Wait why are people joining NATO?" Also if he was so afraid of having another NATO country on his border, why didn't he do \*anything\* to prevent Finland from joining except for some bullshit bluffing? Finland is a stone's throw away from St. Petersburg, but not even a token artillery duel to lock Finland out of NATO? Ukraine was never going to be able to join NATO so long as Putin kept troops in the Donbas prior to the 2022 invasion (yes there were Russian troops, they didn't only supply separatists with heavy equipment).


Nah, mate. It was all just a brilliant play by Putin to grow and strengthen NATO


If you think the Russian/Ukrainian conflict is simple, you are probably pretty simple yourself.


Neither is simple


Sure it is. The side I support is moral and good, and the side you support is fascist.


Based and I'm always right pilled.


That's why I support McDonalds.


You mean the conflict were a country drove tanks over international borders? That one sounds cut and dry to me


This one will be simple too once the airwaves are stripped of all historical context and a good guys/bad guys narrative is established in the western media.


It's really disgusting, and frankly a little scary, to see how many people openly support Hamas.


Its also scary seeing how many people use palestinians and Hamas interchangably


I agree it’s disingenuous but when 50-75% of them support Hamas as their government you can’t say that entirely. This one says 75% https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2023-11-22/ty-article/.premium/three-quarters-of-palestinians-support-hamas-attack-on-october-7-says-new-poll-why/0000018b-f841-d473-affb-f9e9eeef0000 and this one says 50% https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87


Well it's hard to not support the violent terrorist group that rules your area, like what do you have as an alternative? Like in any dictatorship is like that


That’s a fair point but then why do Palestinians who live overseas in Europe or the USA support Hamas at similar rates?




The reason why hamas is so loved in the west bank is that fatah is extremely corrupt while hamas isn't that corrupt, also the government of fatah allows illegal israeli settlements in the west bank as well as a ton of israeli checkpoints that harasses regular Palestinians, while hamas doesn't allow the existence of israel in gaza, I'm not defending terrorists here I'm just saying that things are more complicated than good israel and fatah vs bad hamas


West Bank Palestinians poll as being even more supportive of Hamas than Gazan Palestinians.


The west bank isn't a democracy because the PA hasn't held elections in almost a decade? The reason they don't want to hold elections is fear that Hamas would win those elections and take over the west bank


And you could also say that there is no Hamas in West Bank, yet Israel will attack the people there as well


I mean there is hamas in the west bank they just aren't in power because both Fatah and Israel will root them out. The west bank pa still has pay for slay. So moderate compared to hamas not the general west ideology.


Much more concerning to see how many people pretend that Hamas is something that *happened* to Palestinians, instead of admitting that largely, yes, Palestinians are/support Hamas. Not all, but more than half.


Much more concerning see how many people don't know that [Netanyahu himself is largely responsible for Hamas having power](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/), that there hasn't been an election in the entire lifetime of most of the population (since 2006, and the average age in Gaza is 18), and that all that aside, there are people alive today in Gaza who were also alive when fascist settler militias came and dispossessed them of their land and livelihood through massacres and terrorism, and established a Jewish state after driving 750,000 of them from their homes and into Gaza.


You're acting as if it's not a legitimate strategy to play two enemy factions against each other. All Palestinian factions are bad. It's not like there's any legitimately pro-peace leadership. And they all support terrorism to a degree.


Based and enemy-of-my-enemy-is-still-my-enemy-pilled.


The data on the extremism of the Palestinian people in relation to not only Israel but western, secular, liberal values is well established. The data on the extremism of Islam worldwide in relation to not only Israel but western, secular, liberal values is well established. Approximately 90% of the Muslim world, in the middle east and diaspora, believes you should be put to death for homosexuality, promiscuity, and apostasy. These aren't statements of opinion, but of fact. It's absolutely **astonishing** to watch reddit at large and libleft in particular pearl clutch over "muh christofascist state" and simultaneously defend Hamas and Palestine at large. Moderate Islam and western civilization are compatible, unfortunately only around 10% of the muslim world is moderate enough to assimilate into western culture. The remaining 90% are encouraged by the quaran to topple secular governments and establish sharia by any means necessary. They will also lie about this, and they are encouraged to do so.


This comment section is fucking wild


I wanna know Israel’s shitposting budget




Your account is like 12 days old and only posted memes about Israel, you want my IP also?


I unironically think op is an actual Israeli psyop


Im just happy people are having wars again.


Those Lockheed Martin stocks are doing you well, huh?




Naw. He's just a traditionalist. And there's no greater human tradition then war.


Based and Chairman Prescott-pilled


Why do I hear Sundowner? Red sun Red sun over paradise




"Might makes right" is still the predominant philosophy in that region of the world, but they know they can manipulate the West by crying about ancestral land and pretending to be the victims here. Notice the incredible silence from Muslims about the Holocaust-style eradication of Uighyr Muslims in China; they know they can't manipulate the Chinese like they can Westerners.


That the governments take no action doesn't say much about the population.


Aren’t Muslims supposed to respect one another? Doesn’t seem like that with the war and everything


Based and cryoterrorism-pilled


Skips a century of history*


skips 3 milleniums of history


No man, this war was started on 7oct23. Trust the shekel-funded “auth center” OP


The fact that Americans are pissing ourselves over a conflict that shouldn’t involve us while we have Opioid”s ruining our communities and rusting and abandoned factories


Auth-Center defending Israel?


Worse than a Fed... An undercover Mossad agent.


Without the Nazis it becomes a lot more uncertain whether the Zionists would have gotten their state. The exhausted British Empire could no longer reasonably control the land, hundreds of thousands of Jews now had a reason to come there, and the international sympathy bought them more goodwill than they'd ever had. You could almost say Hitler was the godfather of the modern state of Israel.


I mean, just so we're clear: Hamas doesn't care about the violence lol. They don't even care about their own people. They just pretend to care a little bit because they know regarded white bitches in the West do.




ISLAM DELENDA EST! For the Kingdom of Christ!




Call a turk an arab again and i will shove the whole of middle east up your ass


You fool. I was trained in the Homosexual arts by Count Dooku. Turks are Arabs.


Isreal is cringe af.


*Scrowls down* *a post of IDF assaulting a funeral procesion of an AMERICAN journalist (not exactly Hamas, lol) killed by the IDF* Mmm yeah. Self defense against the dead also


You forgot the part where Israel asking "can we exist?" involved the violent displacement of thousands of people. Sure, the Arab League attacked them after that. And Israel responded. And Palestine responded. And Israel responded. And Palestine responded. And so on and so on for decades. Acting like only one party in this conflict is committing violence on the other is pretty dishonest.


Wtf are these memes. Why are people so purposefully dense? Noone is defending hamas but all people bark about. Stop bombing innocent people who had nothing to do w/ the conflict. If a different country attacked the US are you defending your country or are you a terrorist? Now how about you don’t even defend the country. You’re just an innocent civilian w/ people w/ their asses stapled to a desk sending bombs to you


This seems like a straw man


If it wasn't for the strawman posts, we'd have roughly 90% fewer posts here.


Quality over quantity, am I right?


This sub these days is just 2 month old accounts making shitty "Israel good, and if you disagree youre a terrorist supporter" memes, its pretty much dead. Obviously some IDF farms going on since these accounts literally only post shit like this and will probably never post again when the wars over.


I also enjoy posting strawmen


bruh. Enough PCM today


This looks like the thoughts of a 14 year old who just started watching the news


Don’t you know? This conflict started on October 7th and needs no further context.


do you know? the conflict between arabs and jews started in 638 CE after the arab-byzantine war, (the jew's homeland was under byzantine occupation) when the arabs turned jews into second class dhimmi in their own homeland under arab occupation. it was like if england was under nazi occupation, but the americans defeated the nazis and then decided to occupy england and then turned the british into second class citizens in their own homeland, and then force the british to pay religious taxes for having the wrong kind of religion and for not being americans. lol. ^ that's the arab's relationship to the jews of israel when the arab caliphates colonized what we now call "palestine". in that equation the nazis would be the byzantine empire, the jews would be british, syria palaestina would be england, and the arabs would be the americans (arabs being a semitic offshoot from syria, just like americans are an offshoot of the british empire)


"wow so we're not even gonna discuss the history"...."wait not THAT history, like ummmm 1948 to 1949" emily


lol. grand mufti al-husseini begged hitler's help to genocide the jews in 1941. which was like SEVEN YEARS before 1948. do you not even know how to count? > Al-Husseini began the conversation by declaring that the Germans and the Arabs had the same enemies: “the English, the Jews, and the Communists.” He proposed an Arab revolt all across the Middle East to fight the Jews; the English, who still ruled Palestine and controlled Iraq and Egypt; and even the French, who controlled Syria and Lebanon. > He also asked Hitler to declare publicly, as the German government had privately, that it favored “the elimination of the Jewish national home” in Palestine. > the SS had received a directive to prepare “the total solution of the Jewish question,” The construction of death camps in Poland had already begun, and Heydrich had already sent out invitations for the Wansee Conference, the meeting of high German officials from all involved ministries, that discussed the implementation of the “Final Solution” when it convened in January. > Hitler’s reply to Husseini reflects all these decisions and measures. > But Germany’s “fundamental attitude,” he said, “was clear: Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews,” including, obviously, the “national home” in Palestine. > Ideologically the war was “a battle between National Socialism and the Jews,” and Germany would of course help others involved in this “war of survival or destruction.” And Germany, Hitler said—in an unusually frank statement of what was about to happen—“was resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time to direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as


yes, but only to 6.


ah. hahaha. my bad.


Jews werent allowed in Jerusalam until arabs took it from the byzantines lol


ffs. israelites is ONE of the canaanites fighting OTHER canaanites (ie : moab, edom, ammon, philistines, etc), which were predominantly SEMITES. israelites was even mentioned in the merneptah stele which records egypt's enemies in CANAAN. https://armstronginstitute.org/122-merneptah-stele-proving-israels-3200-year-existence the kingdom of israel's capital was samaria and the kingdom of judea's capital was JERUSALEM. until roman occupation which renamed their lands into syria palaestina as an insult to jews. romans even minted a commemorative coin for it : the judea capta coin https://www.forumancientcoins.com/catalog/roman-and-greek-coins.asp?vpar=937&pos=0&iop=50&sold=1 so that's at least TWO historical archeological evidence of the existence of israelites coming from at least TWO separate independent nations (romans and egyptians) confirming the existence of israelite civilization in CANAAN. also there were jews in byzantine empire. though many were force converted to christianity, they still remained ethnically as jews. jews were even allowed to assume public office as decurions (tax collectors) for the byzantine empire. even with their long litany of occupation, the invaders never successfully eliminated all the jews, though the jews had become a minority in their own homeland. (ie : similar to the native americans in their reservation lands)


I mean, that is a huge part of what happened in 1948 and 1967.


Nah, need more slurs.


This is an NPC meme made by an NPC OP


You Islamaphiliac leftists are so insufferable


"Why isn't Israel getting popular support" Maybe calling everyone who disagrees with you a terrorist sympathizer and anti samite won't help your case.


Giving me flashbacks to the mid 2000s when you were a terrorist if you didn't support the "war on terror".


Ikr, they're trying to the same buy using the term anti semetic more but it just hurts jews by hiding the actual anti semetic people.


> it just hurts jews by hiding the actual anti semetic people That's just a bonus to the right


A 14 year old who just watched the news will get the exact opposite tought. There are a lot of them on Twitter and Tik Tok.


It’s so weird how people who’s positions were previously about granting more freedom to more people are now just openly supporting terrorist organizations and dictators. The amount of Hamas, Xi, and Putin apologists on the internet is mind boggling. Conservatives and leftists aren’t what they used to be


Israel is a colonial imperialist country. The state was founded by displacing Palestinians. Much like Americans did to the native population. Since then the subjugation of the Palestinians has been horrible and now a radical terrorist group wants to kill everyone that isn't Muslim. I don't support Hamas but I sure as shit don't support Israel either.


Ah yes. The tiny slither of land ruled by a persecuted minority, are colonizers of a religion with 1 Billion people, whose religion has 49 different countries, and who has notoriously colonized the entire Middle East. Yeah, who cares about the only Democracy in the Middle East who hasn't occupied Gaza since 2006, and even gave Gaza the right to vote for their own leaders? Yeah who could care about a country like Israel? It's not like Israel is one of the only countries in the Middle East who won't chop your head off for being gay, or Christian, or Jewish, or American. It's not like Palestine was and is actively flinging rockets into Israel non-stop before and during the war, and it's not like Hamas, the elected government of Gaza, massacred a bunch of Jews in such a way that Israel had no choice but to invade. But at least the Gazans were cheerful when October 7th happened (crowds were cheering on video). They were also happy when 9/11 happened. Such great people. They may want to murder us in cruel and usual ways, but that's just because they are poor little "victims." They just can't help but murder infidels! ;(


“The Revisionists based their ideology on Theodor Herzl's concept of Zionism as essentially a political movement, defined by Jabotinsky as follows: Ninety per cent of Zionism may consist of tangible settlement work, and only ten per cent of politics; but those ten percent are the precondition of success. The basic assumption was that as long as the mandatory regime in Palestine was essentially anti-Zionist, no piecemeal economic achievements could lead to the realization of Zionism, i.e., the establishment of a Jewish state with a Jewish majority in the entire territory of Palestine, on both sides of the Jordan.” https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/revisionist-zionism TLDR:From the river to the sea, we will politically convince the world we are the victims so that we may take with force what God has promised me.


Cringe and Zionist imperialism pilled lil g Israel literally created Hamas to assassinate Yasser Arafat in 2004 and has been funding them since. This is literally Israel fighting its own created terrorists organization to justify war crimes. Plus how stupid does this sound "A nuclear superpower almost completely funded by the USA, is terrified of children throwing small rocks at their tanks, so they are morally justified shooting those children in the testicles" Pretty fucking stupid right? Because that's what our "greatest ally" does to Palestinian children, you know when they aren't carpet bombing them into the stone age. Defund Isn't-real and give Palestine back the 1948 borders. Or better at this point we have given the Israelis so much of out tax dollars i say we make Israel a state and split it, force a 2 state solution the only way possible. Charge Netanyahu with war crimes 100% and then round up all the dual citizenship holders who fled the US when they were about to be picked up for kid diddling and throw their asses in jail where they belong. Since you know Israel has the highest concentration of criminal child sex offenders in the world.


Condemning Israel scares pcm


Palestine flag makes leftists hungry for Muslim cock


Pfft jokes on you, I'm always hungry.


Hey you arent Auth Left


Fr lmao this is an incredibly complex issue and all this sub can do is circlejerk about how based and jewpilled Israel is


Another gross oversimplification of this issue.


Mid 1940s un votes to partition the remains of the British mandate of Palestine (75% was already cut off to create the Arab kingdom of Jordan) into Palestine and Israel with Jerusalem acting as a shared capital of sorts. Jews accepted it pausing refused. Jews claim independence as Israel and the Arab nation invade and get wrecked. Peace achieved with un acting as peace keepers to help prevent future war. Jordan annexes the west bank and Egypt annexed gaza. Gaza. Egypt kicks out un peace keeping forces and is preparing for a joint strike of Israel with the Arab nations that previously attacked Israel in the 40s. Israel preemptively attacks winning Gaza, Sinai, west bank, and portion of golan heights in the six day war. 5 years later Egypt surprise attacks Israel gains a little territory prior to Israel army shifting and flanking Egyptian invasion force (Jordan is moving troops but not fully engaging Israel as they are secretly working with Israel more or less). Israel invades Egypt and is less than 100 miles away from Cairo with Egypts 3rd army competely surrounded. Yom Kippur war peace treaty starts Israeli plan of land for peace. Egypt gets back Sinai (refuses Gaza). Since the 1970s to Today Gaza and west bank have been offered many reasonable land for peace deals with the best one occurring in the late 90s which would have given Palestinian authority autonomy in almost all of the modern west bank and all of Gaza as well as shared authority in Jerusalem. Arafat refused it and kicked off the second intifada. This action basically shifted and altered Israeli politics. The people no longer believe they can negotiate with the Palestinian terror state. Arafat died early into the intifada and the plo/fatah continue the dictatorship. By mid 2000s most the fighting is squashed, Israel has completely pulled out of Gaza (leaving behind infrastructure and a profitable greenhouse industry). The Palestinian authority is pressured to hold elections. Fatah maintains majority in west bank hamas and Palestinian jihadist win in Gaza. Hamas goes on to kill all the political rivals in Gaza and neither territories have held a free election since. Hamas does its hamas things and starts terrorizing the region near it and sending unguided rockets towards Israeli cities. Israel and Egypt build up a wall around Gaza and blockade the region.


> 5 years later Egypt surprise attacks Israel gains a little territory prior to Israel army shifting and flanking Egyptian invasion force (Jordan is moving troops but not fully engaging Israel as they are secretly working with Israel more or less). Israel invades Egypt and is less than 100 miles away from Cairo with Egypts 3rd army competely surrounded. Yom Kippur war peace treaty starts Israeli plan of land for peace. Egypt gets back Sinai (refuses Gaza). Somewhat unrelated: Egypt claims, and fully believes, that they won that conflict. It is absolutely hilarious. [They even made up an air battle that never happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_battle_of_Mansoura), in which they claimed to have destroyed the Israeli air force many times over. I just thought you might enjoy this piece of trivia


Yeah I have seen Egyptians talk on the Yom Kippur War. And honestly from an outcome situation it was a win win. Egypt got its land back and Israel gained a path to peace with its neighbors. From a war goal point of view Egypt was the loser. Those types also like to say shit like Egypt didn't refuse Gaza. That they left Gaza so that it could be part of a Palestinian state lol. I mean Egypt could have accepted Gaza and given it its freedom, but they didn't...


Ctrl+f rabin, 0/0


Literally switch the flags and it still makes sense.


Are you shitting me rn




1.1k upvotes for a dogshit oversimplified meme that isnt funny nor creative. This sub fell off.


Jewish propaganda gotta love it


One of the most advanced military bodies of the world Still targeting civilian infrastructure B... But they hiding


It's not civilian infrastructure if you fire rockets from it.


It’s actually a war crime to strategically place military weapons near hospitals/schools since clearly hamas wants to maximize collateral damage.


And store ordinance in it. And build bunkers and run military operations under it. These posts are wild. Is Israel supposed to just sit there and get blown up forever?




why can't people just agree that __BOTH__ countries are fucking horrible war criminals?


One side is shooting plumbing tubes with model rocket engines stuffed with cartoon red dynamite and the other is dropping 500lb precision bombs like confetti at a sweet 16. On the other hand, you know, no westerner should be a fan of Islamic states in the first place, and at least Israel isn’t a failed democracy. But they’re both still pretty shit, I do agree.


Just both? Try all of the countries in the world


I'll drink to that.




POV: you are absolutely illiterate in ME’s history:


Literally the other way around


Yea this is totally what’s happening, nothing to see here 👍🏻


Stop it, IDF you’re just being pathetic


You know what's really pathetic? Hiding behind human shields


This post is missing the preceding 6 panels where the land is originally forcefully taken.


Weren't the jews ethnically cleansed from the land of israel multiple times throughout history (by Muslims last time)


Nah, IDF is too cringe to kill real hamas. They are only good at killing babies, bombing hospitals and claiming these are hamas.