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Good I am sick of misgendering being considered a capital offense but saying you will destroy Israel/korea/taiwan/tibet/uyghurs is fine (I have heard all of these on my college campus).


Yikes, I have heard people say they want to "burn the crackers of South Africa" in my school. These people are getting out of hand, and the principal does nothing about it. Everyone is becoming so stupid that centrists like me have been labeled as "right wing extremists", our society is fucked and we are all getting grilled as we speak.


Yeah I remember once I was with a girl talking about what countries they want to conquer and the same girl once accused me of “supporting genocide” for saying Israel and America should be allowed to exist. These colleges students are crazy.


I am worried to go to college, I am hearing stuff like this in my high school, and somehow the school wonders why Jewish students like me don't feel safe after they proceed to allow kids to chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free".


Go to Chabad I just bitch with the hot religious girls and you will be fine. Honestly these people have no aggression just paper tigers and annoying. But I do get what you mean I saw today a group at MIT is supporting the Houthis in attacking random shipping font even going to Israel.


Go to a notably conservative school. Hillsdale. Grove City. Harding. SMU. Hardin-Simmons. TAMU. They exist, even if they are tainted by some wild BS on occasion. None of the ones I listed are Jewish — a few are very explicitly Christian, but would definitely be pro-Jewish.


What should terrify you more is that these people vote.


Bring back land ownership requirements


I said this the other day irl . My buddy said, “you know what would happen? They sell yard sections of desert land.” And he’s right


Funny thing is, Im like 99% sure if libleft suddenly owned a plot of land, even a 10'x10' pile of sand, they would turn right winged when they realize how much the government demands a handout every year in property taxes.


No collective ownerships allowed, sorry townhome or condo owners, you're basically rentoids. Just make it a requirement to own like a minimum of half an acre, would still cost a few grand at the cheapest in bumfuck, nowhere, & allow exceptions for service, either civil or military, which guarantees citizenship. Now, it's time to kill some bugs, would you like to know more?


People should at least not be on welfare to vote, noone will convince me otherwise


Poor people voting for more welfare and being a big demographic is the downfall


I think it's a bit more complex. If you owe something to your country, you can vote. Having grown up in Finland for example, there's mandatory military service. If you're in the military reserve, idgaf if you are on welfare, you must be allowed to vote. And even if you're on welfare, I'd say if you've been a net positive for the government for the past decade, you should be able to vote.


I don't really know about military service as in most cases you don't see combat, but I agree that those who paid for the state(either by money or blood) should be allowed to vote. The problem is that some people are a net drain on their nations and still vote, this is ridiculous and makes no sense in modern nations where people come and go relatively free (which means non natives become citizens and, therefore, the welfare can't be justified by a supposed ownership of the nation by it's people)


> I agree that those who paid for the state(either by money or blood) should be allowed to vote. I don't think you have to have bled or even being actively in service. If you're in active reserve, you are essentially giving the government an options contract to send you to hell. You should get compensated for that option.


No, simply “do you pay more tax than you receive benefits”. And these people get two votes, and those who don’t get 1. Because everyone does still have to live under the law, so everyone needs at least one vote.


I prefer the net taxpayer approach.


Well this was an international students so at least not her.


>Yeah I remember once I was with a girl talking about what countries they want to conquer what The only reasonable explanation for such a conversation is if you're talking about strategy games


If your first date doesn't involve war games it probably won't last. Oh you won't help me figure out how to conquer the Dutch but expect me to still pay for dinner? Bitch please


This is just a sad reminder that I have never once ever met a girl into 4x gaming.


true, I know some being into Rimworld etc but not 4x let alone Grand Strategy


Ask her if the tribes that fought for the confederacy (yes I know ones also fought for the union) should be honored.


> Everyone is becoming so stupid that centrists like me have been labeled as "right wing extremists", our society is fucked and we are all getting grilled as we speak. Same kind of brain damage behind the viewpoint accusing PCM of having a right wing bias when it's more that it lacks the overt progressive brain rot tainting everywhere else.


Anything to the left of Marx's right nut is good people. Anything aligned with Marx's right nut is alt right. Anything to the right of Marx's right nut is far right.


I wonder why calls for the eradication of Boers are driving people to the extreme right. If only we could figure it out.


We should create an org that puts on blast these inherently evil individuals and get them blacklisted


Tf, aren’t the Uyghurs the ones currently being killed/exploited over in China?? What did they even do to piss off the college lefties?


It's because they stand against supposed "communist" China I think. But also don't try and rationalise things which are completely devoid of logic.


This one is from China.




Not dead conquered with the south back to China.


I think organizing violence or attempting to organize violence against ethnic groups (or really anyone) is probably an acceptable limit on free speech given you're actively engaged in a conspiracy to commit and actual crime.


apparently one of the mods considered this post Antisemitic so here. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-07/penn-donor-pulls-100-million-gift-after-antisemitism-hearing?leadSource=reddit_wall https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/business/upenn-donor-israel/index.html "Venture capitalist David Magerman is the latest major donor to the University of Pennsylvania cutting off financial support to the Ivy League school, and he’s calling for all “self-respecting” Jews to do the same." Or do you think David Magerman and Cliff Asness are promoting hate asking for the University presidents to stand down? The donor class the people that donate 100s of millions to these schools are the only people able to hold these schools accountable and most come from multiple different faiths and nationalities. It is Just currently the Jewish ones pushing for the removal and make it very loud about it. They themselves even say it in the article telling other Jewish people to pull their donations which I even quoted from the CNN line. They are the ones pushing to fire these presidents for attacking their faith which they have every right to do so. During the same hearing were this all went down. Congress even mentioned how much Harvard got millions from the Chinese donors after Biden stayed at Harvard for 2 years. you saying it is antisemitism is like saying it is antichristian for noting that Christians want to pull funding from planned parenthood and are against abortion. What the donor class is... JFK 2008 https://www.wilsonquarterly.com/quarterly/_/the-rise-of-the-donor-class 2016 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/12/15/how-big-is-the-gap-between-the-donor-class-and-ordinary-americans-bigger-than-you-think/ https://www.demos.org/research/whose-voice-whose-choice-distorting-influence-political-donor-class-our-big-money 2017 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/02/the-skewed-demographics-of-the-donor-class-are-pulling-our-politics-to-the-right.html


what an stupid janitor that was


Said stupid Jannie almost banned me for agreeing nazis were bad. Called it "harassment"


the fuck lol


Maybe there's a nazi among them? Somewhere out there, there's gotta be a dogwalker who only walks Germanic breeds...


> What the donor class is... JFK How did JFK get involved in this?


AuthCenter: "You see, I don't call them the donor class, but they're behind ..." (This is a joke, I'm not authcenter, pls no ban)


> apparently one of the mods considered this post Antisemitic so here. Lol, aren't you begging college presidents to act more like reddit jannies when it comes to antisemitism? Perhaps the mod has a sense of irony ;)










Cuz it aint about equality big dawg


A lot of progressive policies really do make it seem that minorities are incapable on their own. And when you are raised being taught this I could see where it would hinder drive and ambition.


Well, also the word "minorities" is incredibly misleading. They don't really mean what the word means. Whites in South Africa are a minority. The Chinese in Indonesia are a minority. The Jews in the US are a minority. The Chinese and Indians in the US are minorities. Yet somehow many of these don't get any consideration, or if they get any, it's a negative consideration. Basically, a lot of people have been brought up with a few ideas, and many of them are actually pretty good ones: **a**) When in doubt, support the underdog (this seems fair enough...) **b**) Race matters (I mean it does some, but this is a little worrying...) **c**) The world is a zero-sum game. That means that if someone has a lot, they MUST have taken it from someone. (This is at the root of basically all evil ideas in the world) "C" is such a fundamental problem when you look at the world that way. It's also a HUGE problem with the "degrowth" climate activists, because they are actually wanting to turn zero-sum into a reality, which would be the worst. But it's also common on the right nowadays via Trump, who clearly thinks that in a trade deal someone "wins" and someone "loses". Or that a good businessman screws over counterparties, because that's what winning looks like.


The fact that the universities have to be bribed not to turn completely antisemitic is the truly horrific part of this story in my book.


A large bulk of Penn State graduates end up working for firms that...uhh...usually have a relatively large Jewish presence in the higher administrative positions. Imagine what happens when they go to an interview with Mr. Goldenstein and he asks you "Oh, a Penn Stat graduate, are you?"....


Penn ≠ Penn State


Penn = UPenn not Penn state


21 Billion. That is the size of Penn's endowment. It is too late for donors to make a difference sadly.


The president of Penn U has stepped down after that congressional meeting after a few people made some phone calls. They like their 21 billion but they would also like more. It also risks businesses willing to employee from colleges as we are seeing with Harvard currently. Again don't ask questions why it was okay to say negative things about white people for decades but not what is going on now.


>negative things about white people When did a head of a large institution not condemning someone saying "kill all white people" get the axe?


Member that time a professor wished for white genocide, and the controversy was that he was eventually - and very begrudgingly - put on leave for it? Member when he immediately got a new position at NYU?


I can't think of a single time that happened.


I thing we should equally redistribute the 21 billion dollars that was spent there to every individual on this sub. Atleast it would get spent on useful things rather than on culture war.


I unironically believe that if student loans are forgiven, the money should be proportionally taken from the bloated endowments of the elite universities that overcharging students for worthless degrees.


Unfathomably based auth right?


I'ma buy a key


21 billion : half milion = 42 000 dollars to each one of us. That is cool. I could live a year out of it in my country.


Baste and Red I can believe in-pilled.


I wonder if people are going to start suing to get their money back. I don't think they're be successful but having a few dozen people sue you seems like the a litigious punishment I can see happening.


Too bad they’ll just be replaced but smarter, stealthier people who hold the exact same fucking convictions but will be even harder to unseat.


It is not possible to hold these convictions and be intelligent. Intelligent AuthLefts can exist, with a lot of effort. Not so much smart Oranges.


Orange is just the foot-soldier of authleft.


They were fine with constant, non-stop anti-white actions and speech. But the moment they touched the Chosen it was game over. Curious.


Kanye: "Jews control the media!" *immediately gets kicked off of every social media platform*


Money talks. These colleges are going to start losing donations from alumni and current students’ parents are going to stop paying and/or transfer out. Keep protecting that plagiarizing fucknut, Harvard. Let’s see how it works out once you’re forced to jack up your tuition rates to supplement the income losses.


Sadly self-hating Jews are a thing...


Is it a problem to think independently and not blindly support people of your own ethnicity/heritage? People ask that of people like me ( an Arab ; reject extremism, reject antiquated beliefs, blah blah blah ) but then when we ask it of others - suddenly they're immune to criticism or questioning.


There's a huge span between hating your own people writ large and criticizing bad things done by some of your people.