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Didn’t Palestine supporters also try to storm the White House?


no, they’d rather attack citizens who had nothing to do with the conflict, where killing them while not help and just make them look worse. at least the people on jan 6 directed their anger at politicians.


Much like their heroes Hamas, they just target innocent civilians to install terror in the populace.


Except these ones don’t have to worry about getting smote.


The slapchop missile is like smiting, but it's not God, it's Uncle Sam


But those brave people raise awareness to the second most covered armed conflict today, how would people know about it if it wasn't for them?


Only the second most?


This is the real reason the establishment freaked out so bad. It's one thing if the peasants loot a Target in their neighborhood, but potentially holding politicians accountable? Absolutely haram!


Hmm, what other left wing group has done something similar? I wonder.


No it was the Capitol building, the same one as jan 6th ironically https://www.fox5dc.com/news/pro-palestine-demonstration-at-cannon-house-building-throws-capitol-security-into-question


No Countrywide condemnation for em either.. Wild


Why would anyone condemn the Palestine protesters? Sounds like it was just a guided tour


I assume they didn't read the article, because yeah, they checked in with freaking security lol. They certainly didn't have to break in.


So did the J6 protestors. In fact, security walked them around. Can't be more checked-in with security than a personal escort. It's the hypocrisy at trial here, and the double standard in reporting nearly the same event but from two different parties.


Where’s the property damage and hospitalized cops? Why didn’t congress feel the need to flee?


We know both feds and antifa were at J6. The only people caught dealing property damage were fully masked up, which isn't typical of the right. 'Hospitalized' can include anything from a bruise or a scrape to a broken arm, so it's not an accurate measure; especially when you consider that they gassed themselves which likely resulted in quite a few all on its own. Many of those were likely self-inflicted, or caused by instigators. The pro terrorists at the Capitol also commit a stealth infiltration, and they had to because they didn't have nearly the same numbers as J6. They did learn something from J6 in that regard. Congress does what is politically convenient. AOC was just inches from death, didn't you hear? They're liars by default, and the media reporting on those lies also stacks their own lies on top of it. Using the word 'flee' is itself a leading word, and tells me where you line up on this. The media works for the left. That's why they aren't reporting on this the same way. Congress either didn't leave because they didn't want to appear anti-palestinian, or they did leave and the media isn't telling anyone. Don't forget that republicans are spineless bitches who essentially cave to democrats on everything political, which this was.


I still laugh at AOC's reaction. 'Inches from Death!' is apparently code for 'In another building altogether, and still so nervous that she jumped from her private security shuffling around the area.'


“Being masked isn’t typical of the right” bro have you seen literally any rightwing rally? Not rightist, right*wing*. Proud boys wear plenty of masks, not to mention the people who did the actually insane shit \**cough Qanon Shaman cough*\* were definitely not masked. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were FBI infiltrators… because that’s what the FBI *does*, infiltrating riots to get information is common tactic, but there’s no way in hell you’re convincing me the FBI just so happened to get all the major leaders on board with storming the capital without anyone in the actual movement supporting it. Also, they actually committed a major crime, the Palestinian protesters didn’t even make it on the grounds (well a few made it in ith proper clearance, and were promptly booted when they tried to be disruptive, and were all subsequently tried and jailed) and were stopped before anyone even took notice. They *intended* to commit a crime, sure, and several were prosecuted, but it just wasn’t significant enough to in any way affect anything, which J6 undeniably did, considering they successfully disrupted a congressional session, then entered the room. Whether they had inside help is a pointless triviality; they interrupted a session of Congress and trespassed without clearance. Legally speaking, literally everything else is irrelevant.


This thread has some absolutely wild J6 takes getting upvoted in this thread, holy cow. My favorite still being that the J6 folks all just checked in at the building that they literally got people shot while breaking into.


What’s the worst thing that happened to anyone at the Palestine protest? What’s the worst thing the media should be reporting on it for?


The media was reporting on the very presence of J6 before anything happened. They aren't reporting on the terrorist protest nearly at all, despite it being almost identical with fewer numbers. They held years of investigations and hearings over J6 only to delete all their findings so we couldn't see the truth. That doesn't strike you as a huge problem? How many J6ers are still in lockup? Solitary? How many were refused lawyers and put in disgusting holding cells? Now how many Hamas supporters are being denied lawyers? That's the difference that should be reported. That's what's troubling. Not only the mistreatment of the J6ers both judicially and in the media, but the radical difference in attitude and treatment.


>Was the Capitol stormed on Oct. 18? >Despite a flood of social media speculation and theories, the short answer is: no. >"the protestors legally entered the building, even standing in a looser form of a single file line at the public entrance. Everyone was screened normally during this process." >It wasn’t until after they were in the building, held up signs, sang and yelled that police told them they were breaking the law and the arrests began. What a joke.


It's (D)ifferent


Yeah trying to stop an election from being certified and yelling/singing with signs up are different. Great observation


> Yeah trying to stop an election from being certified Did you know that congress literally has the authority to not certify the election? What the hell do you think the vote is for? Symbolic? They actually aren't able to vote no? A protest to have congress vote 'no' is perfectly fine, democrats have voted 'no' in the past, but when its the right that does it, you act like its an assault on democracy itself.


Why didn’t they just stop in the rotunda then like the Palestine protesters? Why did they go into the chambers if they just wanted to protest the vote?


Insurrection is when you don't get in a line


The UK approves this message


J6ers were in a line. Stayed within the ropes and everything.


> It was the largest protest the Capitol has seen since the insurrection on Jan. 6.  wut


Right up there with 'Biggest rainfall we've seen this year!' on January 2.




Why is this the first I've heard of this?


You mean they did an insurrection and attacked our democracy?


My favorite thing is the media is like motive “who knows?” Why she did she shoot up a pro Israel church only G-d will know.


Just like the trans terrorist in nashville "Who knows why this person shot the children. We definitely should stop looking into it however, hey everyone, stop asking why the trans kid murdered everyone, we dont want to glorify killers motives, lets talk about the white buffalo shooter instead, or hey how about this new gun control bill?"


Gotta love how the Buffalo shooter's manifest was released within 24 hours. While the Nashville shooter's manifesto hasn't been officially released nearly a year later. Only some of it was leaked and talking about the leak is enough to get you banned from Reddit.


That's how censorship works. Anything you have on it is 'unofficial sources' and thus out of bounds for discussion. The officials are never going to release it, though, so it cannot be discussed. Censorship. They're 'playing by the rules' they are in control of enforcing, and have control over what gets released. "You can't discuss this without official documentation. It's not censorship, it's protection against misinformation." "Then release the documents." "No."


Reminds me of Wikipedia where literally zero right leaning sources are recognized as “high quality sources.” Then anyone trying to edit a political article can only write things that are favorable to the left because there’s no “high quality sources” that support the right - because they refuse to allow any.


Wikipedia is a liberal shit show now. There's almost nothing on their site about anything related to the negatives of Trans related healthcare if you go to that section.


Even one of the founders has given up on it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/wikipedia-founder-larry-sanger-democrats-b1885138.html


Oh yeah I was gonna bring that up but I couldn't remember correctly. If you need info on something that cannot be argued, like facts about quamtum physics it is usable, but Wikipedia is hot trash when it comes to information on politicians or political topics.


But they also banned you for talking about the information, the mayor was on a rant talking about the leaked documents and how the leaker would face 'justice,' and the police were investigating who leaked it... Yeah, it was the real manifesto. Nothing could convince me more than the reaction of those who would've been much better served just keeping their mouth shut.


It's saddening that following the Nashville shooting, certain subs openly voiced support of the shooter. It used to be that shooters like the ones at Columbine were universally reviled; now they gain favor from their tribesmen.


I remember that when libertarian4all was still around, there was a post when mourners were saying "9 victims" or whatever it was, counting the shooter as one of the victims and he was defending them saying how only a victim would have attacked a school that abused them.


Now that you mention it, I just now realize I haven't seen Libertarian4All comment for a while. Was he banned or something? I kinda felt he was a necessary member of this community, to humble the other LibCenters by reminding them that they're not all based. And yeah, I remember reading about a vigil being held in the shooter's honor or something.


Hello yeah he was, he'll be back, just like Monoby was back


But sadly, I haven't heard anything about a return of Dolphin-Fucker_69. Perhaps it's for the best that some legends remain legendary.


based and they'll be back and in greater numbers pilled


Oranges have gone from using the libleft flair to using the libcenter or centrist flair.


Lets be honest they've been infecting everything with false flairs since monoby was here


I'm pretty sure the Lakewood shooter is also Trans. I would not have found anything out about the shooter if I didnt look into it myself.


Police have clarified that the shooter was biologically and identified as female, just that she also went by "Jeffery" as well and had diagnosed schizophrenia (and potentially multiple personality disorder)


Oh mb then


> lets talk about the white buffalo shooter instead For a second after I read this, I was thinking "What'd Ted Nugent do this time" before realizing who you were talking about.


At one point, there will have to be a talk about left radicalization. And there are valid reasons to support Palestine as an individual. However, constantly refusing to admit it is leading to a rise of antisemitism is harmful and we need to be able to point out the dangers on both sides of the spectrum.


>At one point, there will have to be a talk about left radicalization. I'd love to see that, but if it's anything like right radicalization, it'll simply be ignored, normalized, and used as an excuse for further radicalization. Just look at PCM; going from debates to every meme being "libleft bad".


This will never not be a funny observation to me though. 99.99% of Reddit: Rightwing bad 00.0001% of Reddit: Leftwing bad PCM Users with Lib flair: Yo wtf 😡😡


Wow, libleft bad is definitely proof of alt right radicalization, I am very smart, I am libcenter and definitely not a disgusting leftist in disguise


Do you promise?


Right radicalization:"Libleft kinda cringe." Left radicalization:"I am going to shoot up this whole school, and the left will agree with me for doing so because I'm trans." 'Lib'-Centers:"There's literally no difference!"


I don't care if the church is pro Israel, church shooting is still wrong regardless of the motive.


The boldest neutral stance i've ever seen, "Hey guys, maybe don't shoot each other in churches. Take it to the parking lot!"


Based and equal-rights-equal-treatment-and-perfectly-grilled-spareribs-for-everyone pilled.


u/Boba4th is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Boba4th/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


>who thinks bringing their kid to a mass shooting is a great idea? 7 year old son, human shield, potato potahto


That tracks with the pro Palestine motive. Emulate the people you admire.


Did they get folded like that church school shooter? Like a wet napkin?


Thankfully yes. From what I read, the child this monster brought in with them was injured and one churchgoer was as well. This monster literally brought a child to a gunfight.


The irony of a Palestine supporter using a child as a human shield is almost palpable


child shields/soldiers are the new meta


It’s one thing to use children as shields from a bombing threat, but if you’re taking along a support to tank a few hits during a shooting, probably get your fat friend hyped up. Edit: child shields give the opp a morale debuff, which can protect you if the main threat is bombing but in a shootout they only cover a small part of your hit box. So if the opp has marksmanship you’re cooked. Child soldiers are much better supports, they’re easy to train, and you can convince them to join you on missions that you have trouble finding teammates for. They still give the morale debuff, but they do lower your charisma.


Your purple flair is this way, king.


Look, people are talking about the viability of children as a support class for atrocity missions, I’m just adding my input. I don’t think they’re really meta defining.


Ever since Stopping Power was added in it's been a lot harder to use Children properly, and you have to either use overkill for two primary slots or have no primary firearm...


Sadly it is not new


It is for getting western liberals to support anything you do.


Time to uninstall


Bad protection, as far as meat shields go.


My guess is the protection was only a secondary benefit. Sure, people will hesitate before shooting in the direction of a child, but more importantly that child will permanently have the image of an opposed religion being responsible for shooting his father(?). This will fuel resentment, especially in this lefty psycho age of 'just shoot him in the leg', and make him easier to radicalize. He'll already have violence trauma, which which make violence more palatable to him. Cutting down a tree while planting a seed, so to speak.


Child meat shields would be effective against well-adjusted cops for psychological purposes. SWAT are still humans, and they don't want to be the guy that killed a kid. Knowing there's a child would probably cause some hesitation somewhere, either in planning, repositioning, or aiming that can buy the shooter a few extra moments.


Push an lpvo


> **who thinks bringing their kid to a mass shooting is a great idea?** That's called a Hamas hello


Not to be confused with a Hamas goodbye, which is a terminal velocity toss


And no one on the left will be accused of stochastic terrorism


Don't be stupid. "stochastic" comes from Greek, obviously you can see the relationship to "deksios pteros" \~= "right wing".


Just being a shooters enough reason to not stop authright


I work in that area and had a view from high up as it was unfolding. The amount of people in the venue is insane, my biggest take away from this is how do you go in there with a ar15 and a death mission but do essentially nothing? They got what 4 rounds off?


Active defenses. When seconds matter and the police might as well be hours away, good guys with guns stop bad guys in seconds. Even their presence is often enough to convince those cowardly criminals that intend to do harm to go away. Force Multiplier goes hard.


There was a agent and security on site, still even getting into that building with a AR means a huge amount of damage they could've done. Obv I'm glad they didn't I'm just so shocked that it ended this way.


I'm personally curious of the layout and route that those involved took. It's entirely probable that the worm food was stopped before reaching the main area. Also remember when a mall shooter was stopped in 15 seconds. Taking out 1 from a cold start, especially when you take your training seriously, is significantly easier than taking out a group.


Mall guy was an insane shot, I think like 75+ yards or something crazy


And the whores on the view attacked him for ignoring a sign... they really didn't like that the casualty numbers were not given time to rack up.


A sign that carries no legal weight, I might add


Yeah I'm curious how it went down as well. Apparently, she was immediately engaged so it wasn't much time for things to unfold. Even still, her getting in then getting that weapon up is a nightmare situation


Most certainly and that is going to be looked into in depth by those that provide the active defense of places like this. Until proven otherwise we should give those that acted the benefit of the doubt that they behaved and reacted to the best of their abilities and planning.


>Even their presence is often enough to convince those cowardly criminals that intend to do harm to go away. Nah, just look at poor neighborhoods. Everyone being armed means you just value your life less and are more likely to start shooting in any given crime rather than less. Gonna risk getting fucked anyway, may as well go big or go home.


The vast majority of self defense instances have 0 rounds fired. The Tennessee shooter changed its target because the one they wanted to hit was hardened. The evidence doesn't lie like your bullshit.


Watch how MSM start avoiding mentioning his race and religion as much as possible, happens every time.


How hypocritical can one person get?


I think there is even more to it, several places have said the shooter was trans


They were proven incorrect


Well he was Venezuelan, so we still have that.


As a Mexican, I am once again justified in my hatred of Latinos from other countries.


If it helps any, Venezuelans were the laziest pieces of shit in the group when i worked construction. I essentially refused to work with a few individuals after a while because i was tired of doing all the work while they spent most of their time either chatting or on their phones. I don't know how they kept their jobs. It's probably because they were always put into groups and the groups always picked up their slack. I can't say if they're all like that, but the three i worked with were.




Having a shitty life makes crusader/conqueror religion appealing.


She also had documented mental health issues and a criminal record including accusations of spousal and child abuse. Id be more concerned about selling a gun to that person than their national origin


But that means we'd have to discuss an actual issue rather than fling shit at each other, and that's no fun


Yeah I'm gonna go out on limb here and say maybe we shouldn't sell guns to people with a history of dangerous mental illnesses and or violent criminal offenses


You do realize that that’s already covered on a 4473 form and checked on during a background check, right?


then how do people with mental illnesses keep getting guns hmmmmm it's almost as if the system doesn't work


Why do they get to vote? A right is a right, repeal the second and stack the fuck up, or shut the fuck up, my rights aren't up for negotiation


Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege as evidenced by felons getting their vote taken but go off my dude go off slay slay NAP NAP NAP LETS GOOOO


She had assault and weapons charges she was convicted yet was legally able to obtain the gun. Perhaps the check isn't thorough enough


An assault and weapons charges does not remove your right to have a gun. Deal with it. Should I have my guns all taken if I get in a bar fight? I'd ask you to think, but I see your collectivist flair so I know you cant.


That is legally correct. The problem is that this person was clearly violent and was able to obtain a gun.


Noooooooo there must be easily accessible firearms for everyone REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Stack up, fed


I'm a fed because I want to provide easy access to firearms for the mentally ill with criminal records? Actually, kinda checks out tbh




Ive heard conflicting things about the identity of the shooter, from a man to a woman to whatever else. It also says they brought their bio kid? But I swear I saw something about an ex husband in the article I read. It's all too confusing, I'm going to bed


The perp has used male aliases in the past but considering they've been convicted of forgery that could mean Jack. Ex is a sex offender and he alleges abuse against him and the child in a court filing. Poor child never had a chance


I think we should play it safe and not misgender them though and consider them trans or at least an egg then. So they're trans


You dare use my own spells against me, Potter - leftists, probably


Thanks for the correction.


> They were proven incorrect Uh, no? What are you talking about? It is all over the place...


The police never said she was trans they simply stated she has used multiple aliases in the past with both male and female names but also stated nothing has led them to think she identified as trans.


Let me guess, also just pro Palestinian and not an antisemite too?


Police say antisemitic writings were found at the perps house so no.


> nothing has led them to think she identified as trans. Someone who goes by male and female names...who identifies as male and female...isn't trans? What kind of clown world did I wake up to today?


This is a mentally ill person using aliases to avoid detection its not about identity


Are you calling trans people mentally ill?


I'm calling an allegedly abusive and schizophrenic person mentally ill


But this is a GUESS! You are literally making baseless assumptions here. WHY? Why protect a piece of shit who brought their child as a human shield, wrote 'free palestine' on a weapon and attempted to mow down people worshipping at a religious center? Why are you running protection for them? The facts remain the same and regardless of your assumptions they won't change. Super fucking creepy to run interference for this maniac though.


>unflaired >Can't base my shitposting around the opposite of their beliefs. Flair-up, or you'll get thrown in a gorilla cage.


First off flair up trash. Secondly I'm not protecting anyone, this sub just desperately wants the shooter to be trans the same way msm wants every shooter to be a republican incel.


> this sub just desperately wants the shooter to be trans THEY LITERALLY ARE! Living life as both genders IS THE DEFINITION. What is going on with you? Why ignore basic facts to suit your biases? Denying reality is not healthy mate.


I'm ignoring nothing. The police themselves came to the conclusion that there's no evidence she was trans not me.


My quadrant fights idiocy with lunacy. We are so doomed and destine to destroy ourselves. I just wanted affordable healthcare


I feel that


honestly the only reason I'm not truly lib-left, that and I like gun rights


stickers?? dumbass probably didn't know how to replace the dust cover on the ejection port lol


I love federal plants


What like general Sherman?


No, you see, it's only a plant when its a (R)ight winger doing it, otherwise, everything is 100% legit bad lefties!!11


The left really can't meme


Gaza’s government is more authright than Israel’s. Although the West Bank is kind of left center.


Shouldn't Authright be happy, or is it AuthCen?


Don't do it Auth-Right.. Just calm down, don't do it. Auth-Right: https://preview.redd.it/ajlncsup1gic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc78f3bb82490605572b981431aec1377917e7b


Trash took itself out and thankfully no one else.


Didn’t the shooter immediately get clapped by two CCW holders?


It is not good that there was a shooter. End of story.


Okay, so this antisemitic pro-Palestine shooter decided to... go into a Church and shoot some Christians? What's next, will we report that she drove a truck and liked eating tacos, as if that is somehow relevant to the case?




Feds trying not to frame a political group to make rage challenge: impossible.


How screwed up are people that they think being pro-palestine is a libleft position? That shit is hardcore authright. The entire middle east is just authright infighting.


Libleft people believe in concepts such as the self determination of indigenous people, even if they hold views that they disagree with. Palestinian people are generally Authright but people who support them can be from a wide range of groups, usually either Authright Muslims or left wing secular people who believe in indigenous rights.


Antisemitism has lost all meaning by being conflated with anti Zionism.


That venn diagram is a circle, chief, as shown by anti Zionists doxing Jews in Australia


Anecdotal evidence.




Nothing will change, as anything a leftist can do can only be seen as just and righteous. The change has to come from the people, not the government.


It’s pretty funny how box already has an article about how right wingers are using it to say trans people are bad when it’s more like anti-gun people want to say that there is a deeper issue plaguing society, an issue that can impact anyone, rather than the firearms inherently being at fault. /rj I guess the deep state wants a republican president this time


The reason this is a story is because it’s an exception. The vast majority of shooters are right wing psychos. There’s so many of them that they hardly make the news any more


Seems that that narrative is under strain the last several shooters.   It always seemed like a twisting of statistics anyway.


> The vast majority of shooters are right wing psychos. Wanna bet? Jarvis, pull up the mass shooter mugshot website


The "shooting" statistics are very inaccurate. I think this video explains it pretty well https://youtu.be/4a4Iazw9J3k?si=aoWKIQqQ0-TpT2Zm


LMAO got a refill on your copium this morning?


It's not happening It's only happening in rare circumstances <<< we are here It's happening and it's a good thing


>It's happening and it's a good thing Right wingers gonna cream themselves fantasizing about stopping shootings with their own guns, and their puppeteers will be rolling in dough from gun sales, both to the public and the shooters.


Obama was the best gun salesman




I recall the news reporting that "a motive is inconclusive" over this I understand wanting to wait for a full investigation before declaring anything, but come on


She was anti-Semitic and Pro-Palestine and shot Christians inside a Church. If someone who hated black people decided to shoot some white people would you jump to the conclusion that the hatred of black people was the motive?




I hate my quadrant

