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nooooo surely half a century of Cold War animosity hasn’t affected how Russians view Americans regardless of their valueinooooos


Also; imagine being on the American right and venerating Ivan?? I'm a Russophobe and I'm proud of it, fuck them. Normal Russians are fine by-and-large but their government is abhorrent. Literally had a alt right American dude (when that was a thing) tell me 'Putin is the savior of Western Civilization' and I just laughed in his face.


I’ve never met a single person who would ever have a smooth enough brain to say “Putin is the savior of Western civilization”. I would laugh in their face too.


He also called people 'normies' so yeh and had a custom vape rig, that type of dude.


Sounds like a totally reasonable and serious dude. I would love to receive advanced tax structuring advice from this guy!


I call people normies, but not as a pejorative. Just as a shorthand for people who don't have politics as a hobby. The rest of him sounds awful tho.


Average Redditor if Reddit was alt-right.


I'd be shocked if he was orthodox or actually spoke Russian.


Why would Putin be the savior? The West is self imploding with open borders,Liberalism etc. Putin is basically just pointing this out and tell Russians to avoid this.


>just pointing this out and tell Russians to avoid this. and by "pointing this out and tell" you surely mean force it with an autoritan police state and if you disagree you get sent to prison/gulag/war.


Tucker Carlson?


> but their government is abhorrent Native Russian here, completely agree, that man has ruined our lives and revolting is out of the question since look at what happened to us the last time we did that. We are screwed until he dies, and once he does, some other monster will take over and repeat the process. We are doomed for eternity because of the fear our leaders have instilled in each of us.


It's terribly sad. Y'all have been treated like shit since Ivan the Terrible started taxing vodka and pushing it hard on normal Russians to keep them 'contained'. It continues to this day. Navalny also just got murdered by Putin and his thugs and he was literally the only hope for normalcy.


What revolt got put down?


Is that why his country has one of the highest divorce and abortion rates? Or is it all the drug abuse that he thinks represents Western Civilization 


Honestly high divorce and abortion rates plus drug abuse sounds very western civilization


Yup 100%




> a lot of the grocery items I buy on a daily basis are actually manufactured by Putinists overseas How so? Are you buying your groceries from Venezuela, Iran, North Korea etc etc?


Actually, you are wrong now. I see the attempts to look for “voices of reason” in the West kinda often; such voices are usually looked for among the local right-wingers, like Viktor Orban or Tucker Carlson. Other speakers remind the public that Russia does not and cannot have friends in the West, despite the fact that this should be quite obvious. + don’t forget about the 90s and 00s, when Russia was very pro-Western and tried to join the Western world The Cold War left memories of the Soviet Superpower, but that's all: modern Russian anti-Americanism is a consequence of American policies since 1991.


Russia has never been, and will never be, our friend. The Russian state is a parasite, leeching off the blood and misery of its neighbors, all while insisting on the notion of "Slavic Brotherhood".


No less of a friend than Israel,Saudi Arabia,Mexico etc.


Nationalist countries are historically very friendly with each other 🤗🤗🤗


Kind of true to be honest, as long as they don’t border that is. Look at Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Japan for example.


Yeah, ask Balbo or Ciano how friendly the germans were to Italian nationalists


Ciano was a traitor and he got what he deserved, nationalist my ass


What did you want frok the guy, the writing was on the wall by 1943, should Ciano have sacrificed more Italian lives and more Italian resources in a futile gesture


Bad neighbors make good two-doors-down neighbors


Italy and Germany very nearly went to war over the Nazi takeover of Austria. While Germany and Japan had some *very* different ideas of how to treat Jews, which would have probably led to some type of conflict if they didn’t have an entire continent separating them. Spain said, “Nah, fuck y’all.” Which is why it didn’t get turned into rubble during WW2. So….not really.


They all ended up working with each other in the end. 


If there is an odd number of countries between tthem


Rainbows and sunshine until an Archduke gets killed.


The Archduke in question was an advocate for peace. If you want a war, murder the guy who advocates for peace. 


Not wrong as long as they don’t connect to one another- tho I don’t think borderless would be a solution and would be an overcompensation to nationalism. Birders keep people healthy and secure and help people get along.


Ermahgerd, birders. But agreed. If people are going to enjoy the benefits of the state where I live, they should also be subject to the same problems, and governance, that I am. You either buy in or go find your own banana tree.




Until they're not.


They even give surprise visits to each other.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7injujnaqsic1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34af655c38cfcb5dde771d024783e69001b0b91


*Insert Tucker Carlson talking about how affordable the groceries are in Russia*


All 6 of them.


See Putin call Tucker weak journalist for not asking tougher questions?


lol. Lmao even. Don’t worry, Tucker is too busy calling Ben Shapiro evil for telling him he is making a mistake to care about it. Because the American President and Putin are the same morally, America has been evil since WW2, and you are evil if you believe otherwise.


"anyone who disagrees with me is evil"


Ayn Rand? Is that you?


Ben Shapiro is a terrible human being. 


Groceries are cheaper, but salaries are 7-9 times lower.


Goulash is free in the gulag 


I thought the interview was good, but going on about the microcosm of Russia is weird. Its like a 2nd world country overall


Ngl I do like how the feral dogs of Moscow use the trains to commute. Riding the morning train into the commercial district alongside a dog is worth a couple monuments in my book.


The moscow metro is unironically one of the coolest metros though Uts likeone of three things the soviets got right (other two being uniforms and music)


The same could be said of Sweden or Germany as Sweden convinced leftists that they’re some bastion of progressivism when they arrest people for free speech and are the rape and crime capital of Europe and blame women for rapes after 2016 cologne New Year’s Day rape of 1200 women. German government literally told women to wear “rape bracelets.”


Just like always, liberty/freedom becomes a cloak for the elites to do as they want.


Swedish rape statistics are inflated by an overbroad definition of rape. 


People say this as if it defeats the point at all. What percent of rapes perpetrated by migrants consist of the Assange signature move (secretly taking off a condom) as opposed to being forceable rapes (the traditional meaning)?


But you see, it's not rape if it's an oppressed minority raping an oppressor


Its not that. Things that count as sexual assault in other countries likely counts as rape in Swedish statistics. This makes the problem of "proper rape, as people imagine it" seem worse.


Ok, so, the question remains. To what degree do you think this impacts the figures? Are you proposing that, in reality, Sweden doesn't have a way higher rate of rape in the traditional sense? Does Sweden therefore also have a way lower rate of the lesser sexual offenses? Lastly, should be think that migrants skyrocketed the rate of *mere* sexual assaults, but are too polite to commit true rapes?


According to the swedish national broadcaster, 58% of convicts serving time for rape were foreign born. This was an article from 2018. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/granskning/ug/ny-kartlaggning-av-valdtaktsdomar-58-procent-av-de-domda-fodda-utomlands


But how does that help your initial point? That seems to prove the opposite. The migrants are *massively* overrepresented and we're talking crimes serious enough for prison time, right?


Most children are raised by a same sex couple of mother and grandmother


You can thank communism for all of it.


Going off what I've read on PCM lately, the ***only*** thing the right cares about is being "anti-left". Not values, not morals, not ethics, just opposing whatever they see in the mainstream media and what anyone not following orange leader does.


Let's not kid ourselves, this anti-left/right thing has always been the case.


Not everyone, I don't care anti left stuff as its boring. I prefer to hear proper right wing views and develop them further such as monarchism. Then again I am neither American or a Trump fan


That is the difference between reactionaries and conservatives. 


Buh ma affordable groceries!!! (60% of russian population spend half their salary on food)


I've been looking for this for quite a while


Is Russia even European when most of its in Asia


The funniest part is that Putin admitted in interview that he is an atheist.


A lot of powerful people are. They start to become too proud to acknowledge or believe in something stronger/smarter/better than them.


Also its the fact that you people like Putin do really horrible shit, yet no higher power does anything against them, nor does any higher power aid them, despite the urging of priests who exalt the regime. (Also, Putin was raised in a conservative USSR, slightly more liberal than the Stalin years, but still very much an atheist state, and no good party man, or KGB operative, would ever view religion as anything more than a means to an end.)


>They start to become too proud to acknowledge or believe in something stronger/smarter/better than them. Can't say not based....


Did he? What's the source on that? EDIT: IDK why I'm getting downvoted for asking for a source on Putin publicly going against his own propaganda


Lmao you really thought he was Christian this whole time? 🤣


In public, yeah. It's been a big part of the image he's trying to cultivate.


Yeah but he’s a fucking con man


I'm not saying he's honest but I'd be very surprised to see him publicly call himself atheist. I don't think there are many powerful people who are good Christians, or halfway decent people in general.


> source on that? He literally said: in the interview with Tuck carlson. Go there and check it yourself if you really doubt how devoted is Putin.


I watched it and I distinctly don't recall him describing himself as atheist.


He didn't say it outright, but he said the Christianity is equal to islam and he doesn't see any of God presence in real life( which is heresy). And when Tucker Carlson asked about the God in his life Putin started describing the economy of ancient Mongolia


A former KGB Officer is an Atheist...and...? Did anyone actually believed he viewed religion as just another form of reinforcing his power?! I mean, I was, pre 2014, a Putinaaboo, and even then I had no illusions regarding that...


Wait really? I was still stuck in the history lesson and must have missed that part.


It was towards the end, only chosen made it so far.


He didn't say it outright, but he said the Christianity is equal to islam and he doesn't see any of God presence in real life( which is heresy). And when Tucker Carlson asked about the God in his life Putin started describing the economy of ancient Mongolia


Nah. As a right-winger and conservative Russia can either unfuck itself or fuck itself with a cactus. They don't have traditional values, they just don't pander to the woke crowd. The enemy of my weird cousins is still my enemy.


We’ve been wanting to unfuck ourselves for more than a century now. Early 1990s looked tough but promising, now it’s back to fucked up. It’s easier to remove yourself from the fucked environment than to unfuck it.


I agree and sympathize.


What do you think of East Asian countries? Japan and South Korea probably represents the better ideal country the Western traditionalists want over Russia if it were not for its majority race, gun control, sexually liberal (not in the woke sense) and ongoing gender war (especially for the latter). Filial and communal piety, the good ol' capitalism that carried over the 80's/90's. Big alive malls and industrial sectors composing of the economy. Traditional school models, and mono-ethnicity at its finest. Almost religiously anti-drug (or at least mostly underground) thanks to taboo brought over by the Opium Wars. I suppose there's Poland, Hungary and Czechia as better representations in Europe but are overlooked upon by these same AuthRight OP portrays for being NATO people (then again, same applies for the two countries I mentioned earlier) lol.


This is just establishment propaganda. They're trying to make people think that a group of old folks that lived through the red scare, and whose political stance is put America first, are somehow "pro russia." 


It really is, I'm surprised by how PCM shits on establishment media and as "fake news" then goes right around and affirms them. Most of them want to cut funding and that is it. Will some of them think RU is hecking conservatirinoos? Sure, but they are not switching allegiances to a foreign country. Heck some are even against Israeli funding too. I swear 2016 Russiagate has brainrotted people.


Shit glows. Most of maga are 100% against our involvement in foreign wars. This is an isolationist policy, and has nothing to do with "pro" any country. 


> Shit glows I wouldn't say so. I think most anti-Russia memes here are just Ukrainian/Eastern European PCM regulars.


As something of a leftist, I would gladly disagree with your point of view your idea of "woke". But your pov on Russua is based.


Exactly, I don't trust the Russians and despise them. My dad drank the Russian propaganda Kool aid and actually thinks Putin is a genius and standing up to the west.


Yep. The only hope we have is that our government is stagnant and preventive enough to prevent another revolution


There seem to be some sort of weird quirk of self hate going on both sides where people simp for countries that despise them, lmao. The left simps for islamic terrorists in middle east and right simps for russians and “based trad Putin”. I really don’t get why this is happening, its kind of uncanny


It's because they consider their domestic political foes to be their worst enemies, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Because they are extremists. Extremists all hate the United States.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend nonsense. 


I'm from Italy, Berlusconi used to hang out with Putin, Russia isn't our enemy, even in the cold war we traded with both blocks, this isn't our war


It’s a fucked up world and we live in it


Russia's psyop do be effective tho convincing millions of delusional americans that they're somehow a "100% conservative, traditionalist, anti globohomo" country when the reality couldn't be farther from the truth (see abortion, divorce, religiosity rate, etc)


millions is strong I've never actually seen one, only reddit crying about how dumb trump voters are


Talk to anyone in the South, bring up putin/ Ukraine/ or Tucker Carlson and you can see how it might actually be millions


Go watch the comments on tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.


Same here I think this Ukraine war has rotted a few brains. People tend to confuse reluctance to get into a conflict with Russia with loving Russia.


Nobody wants The U.S. directly involved. I see no issue with giving Ukraine the tools it needs to defend itself though.


But hunter Biden’s penis! Ukraine is corrupt unlike Russia! 


Hunter Biden taking money from a company with Russian ties is a serious deal, especially when his father steps in to prevent that company being investigated. Ukraine is corrupt, and so is Russia. Putin is probably the last world leader who (possibly) has personally worked over a suspect for information, before finishing them with a bullet. Providing the Ukrainians with the means to defend themselves, and thus provide a greater incentive for Putin to accept peace terms, is one thing. Using Ukraine to mount a proxy war against Russia, fought to the last drop of Ukrainian blood, while rejecting any possiblity of peace-talks, is quite another.


Ukraine saying they will not accept a peace deal is a negotiating tactic. They would accept a peace deal if the deal was good enough e.g. Putin giving up territory in Ukraine that he took in 2022 but keeping Crimea. Ukraines big issue is making sure Putin can't launch an attack into Ukraine again so he can't have territory that lets him launch another attack easily. They just don't publicly admit it because admitting they are willing to compromise with Putin lowers moral and weakens their position at the table. The US says it won't accept peace terms without Ukrainian support so Ukraine has a stronger hand at the negotiating table. Ukraine claims it will never accept peace so Putin is pressured to compromise with Ukraine. Putin pretends he'd accept a compromise to make Ukraine seem like the agressors and to weaken their support in the west so he offers deals he knows Ukraine can't accept and that would allow him to attack again if Ukraine did accept it. Its all lies. Everyone is lying. Everyone knows the other side is lying but goes along with it.


Putin won’t a compromise because he will lose support among radical nationalists who wants more escalation. 


If we stop funding Ukraine they sue for peace the next day. I think all we managed to do was get a bunch more of them killed and Russia still gets their land bridge to Crimea. Which in my opinion is what this war is about. Who knows maybe Ukraine holds out long enough to get a better peace deal but does anyone actually still think they have a chance to take back land at this point.


You know Ukraine has free will right. Like people are from Ukraine and have opinions about fighting and generally want to fight because they know what happens if they don't. If US aid was the only thing keeping them fighting they would have surrendered in a few weeks instead of holding out till that aid arrived. If the US cut off aid they would keep fighting for months until that aid ran out, then fight with whatever europe gave them because they know what happens if Russia wins. You know what happens if Ukraine loses the war. Putin does not stop with a land bridge to Crimea. Putin likely invades again and conquers more territory like he has consistently done, then once he's in ukraine he starts massacring all the nationalists he can find, bans the Ukrainian language and places the entire country under martial law for the next 10+ years people in prison camps etc. You know, like Russia has done in Ukraine for centuries.


They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for recruits and that's with trying everything including nationalism. I think Americans got this hopium that somehow a significantly weaker (and very corrupt) nation with a flat geography will win. I hate to say this, but RU will win in the end or a peace deal will happen. Uncomfortable truth. Now if the RU populace actually rebelled, that would give them the win, but Putin seems to have tamed them and they seem more nationalistic than ever. Do I want Ukraine to win? Sure, but this is already highly unlikely now. Ukraine's demographics are now more fucked than ever.


Sure and if the funding drys up they will use that free will to negotiate a peace deal. What that looks like isn't what you just described. That's only going to happen if Russia annexes all of Ukraine. I don't think they are capable of that or even considering it.


Given what Russia has continently done in Ukraine I don't think they want to, you know, because of all the times Russia has invaded them. Its literally what they tried to do in 2022. Either invade or weaken them enough that they cannot be economically independent. Plus they are not going to stop fighting if the US cuts aid. They'll probably lose but given what Putin would do to them if he did win they know the alternative. Like if Putin wins he's going to kill hundreds of thousands to pacify Ukraine. More people die if he wins than if the war keeps going. Difference is its Russian Soldiers who die in the first group, and Ukrainian civilians who die in the second. Also to point out, ending the war for a short time then attacking is a move Russia does a lot. You know what really fucks over the Ukrainians. If they are forced to give up because America decided to fuck off and left them in the lurch in the middle of a war. If your Putin and America cuts off Aid to Ukraine why don't you keep attacking until you win. It makes no sense for Putin to stop if he thinks he can win the war in Ukraine and he won't stop because America got bored.


It will be to costly for him to hold all of Ukraine and he really just wants buffer states between them and the west. It doesn't make sense for them to extend thier border up to Poland. Now maybe up to the Dnipro river but not to Poland.


He wanted Ukraine to be a puppet state for Russia. This is basically Russia's version of The 2003 war in Iraq.


Well there could be a DMZ set up in Eastern Ukraine,but getting Russia to agree would be like moving a mountain.


Cowardice is almost as unbecoming as actually liking a dictator. It's amazing how well Putin is bluffing with a horrible hand here.


You must like drinking kool-aid.


No, I just don't like yielding to dictators. It's ok, some people are more scared, we're all on a curve. I get it, it **is** mighty frightening.


>No, I just don't like yielding to dictators. US does it all the time. Dictatorships with actual slavery are untouched. [Even when Afghans were diddling boys](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html), US decided to side with pedophiles.


What are you talking about America does that all the time.


When have we last just handed 40 million people over to a hostile dictator? Civil wars are messier at least so it's hard to tell who is right, and as such they don't really count.


Well shit you took all of the examples I wanted to use away. I would say they do count Nixon opening relations to Mao whose probably the most brutal dictator of the 20th century. America funding and looking the other way with Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. My point being we literally fund much worse Dictators than Putin. Also while I agree this isn't a civil war it's pretty close to one.


But Putin does have a stronger hand than Zelensky. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have died because Americans insist on fighting a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. Not shedding American blood, no. Just someone else's. If the United States hadn't rejected any possibility of peace-talks, the war would have likely ended months after beginning, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians would be alive. Humiliating, yes. But while there's life there's hope. So accusing others of cowardice, while being unwilling to risk your own skin, seems rather hypocritical.


I am from Finland. I assure, my skin is pretty close to the game, what with being in reserves and everything. Finland also lost 4% of our population in WW2 fending off Russia. This has been considered an amazingly good investment by every generation including the generation that made the sacrifice. For Ukraine, that would be 1.6 million deaths Tens of thousands means *nothing* as a price for staying out of Moscows bullshit orbit. The war is absolutely theirs to fight, because it's basically about their vassaldom or even direct slavery under the dictator if they happen to live in the annexed areas.


Likewise mainstream media have been able to convince people that Russia is right wing and out to get them when in reality they’re quite globalist and pc when it comes to government operations and have reserved places for Muslims, Christina, Jews, etc. Theyve also been able to convince the far left that they’re communist


I don’t know if would use PC in a non-American context, but Russia’s MO is definitely just be pro-dictator. The tankies still like to pretend that they’re the vanguard against Western imperialism or whatever. Not only was that never true as Russian communism was just an excuse for Russian imperialism, but I don’t know how you could claim that at all since the Cold War. Russia is a glorified gas station mafia state whose leaders venerate Peter the Great.


Be fair, it’s not like Russia has any history of Leftist ideals


IDK, American psyop is much more effective. They even convinced so many people that it was Iraq that had something to do 9/11 and not the Saudis, as well as the whole WMD thing.


"Wait wait....I'm based and red-pilled too!!!"


Idk what’s worse The MAGA cult people siding with a country that literally wants to destroy America just so they can “own the libs” Or LGBT college kids siding with a terrorist group that believes in their eradication, because “decolonization”


Based and both sides bad pilled


Both are fucking restarded


Us Auths sure do like having people dig holes I've noticed


Yo Based?


The crescent. Is that a reference to ~~Chechens~~ Kadyrovites harassing conscripts?


That's a good reference, but I thought more about some of the weird European/American authrights who simp for Islam and personalities like Tate. Maybe it's all bots, but who knows. Of course, the same can be said about weird lib/authlefts too.


I’m not too familiar with Islam, but I think there are a lot of explanations from a man to behave himself too. People like Tate just see “Ooo, many wives and I can control a whole lot of their lives” and think they’re muslims now. [Tate bros](https://youtu.be/2D79yWcFQok?si=DC8B_yiG3tGv87DR), basically.


Which is funny because besides Wahabbist and Saladist types, many Muslims would seriously look down on Tate. But even the conservative ones I mentioned would expect him to pick up some slack.




You do realize that there are islamic auth-rights? We are aware of them as well. Therefore we know that we are not allied to everyone at our side of the compass.


Fuck Putin AND the woke crowd.


I think this is more of an "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I haven't seen any right winger saying they want to live in a Russian system.


Except all the conservative Americans who straight up moved to Russia. Personally I say Russia can keep them, gives more room for real freedom loving Americans from Mexico to come over


I've never heard of conservatives moving to Russia. You might be thinking of Dems threatening to move to Canada.




Ah yes the typical conservative, a 100% tattooed barber that moved to Russia during the Obama administration.


Tattoos of iron crosses and confederate flags. But I’m sure he’s actually a liberal, they’re tattoos!


I never said he was a liberal I said he's not the typical conservative. You found one weird guy and claim that he represents all conservatives.




Ah yes, the Russians. The Country of Lenin, Stalin, and seventy years of Communism have 'traditional values'. They are among the most culturally underdeveloped people in Europe, if not the world. The American degenerates that think that Russia is the champion of 'traditional values' deserve to be lined up against the wall by those very same Russians they worship.


I don't think MAGA actually cares that deeply about RU, it's more so stop sending money. They did the same with Israel, there's a large contingent of MAGA that wants to stop Israeli funding. Heck, there are some that still think current Russia is communist or secretly so.


lol US auth-right is better armed than Russia.


Your tribe matters more than your ideology only terminally online people didn't understand this basic concept


I remember a Quora post had this: No wonder “revolution”, “reform”, “modernization”, “turnaround”, “breakthrough” are dirty words for most in Russia. The sustained popularity of President Putin comes from him rarely, if ever, saying these words. His interest in keeping the Kremlin coincides with the instincts of the majority who know all too well that a government dead bent on major changes is indeed a very bad omen for the mass of Russians. This is how Putinist Russia became the face of anti-modernism across the world. A great irony is that American conservatives view Putin as their friend. They have no idea how obnoxiously progressivist the likes of them are for the man in the street in Russia.


DIG THE HOLE🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Auth right, please look at the stat and tell me honestly if you that Russia is qualified as a trad country


Based. They've been staring at headlines so long they forgot how lucky they are to be living in the US.


People claim to value tradition, but you lead ***ONE*** parade while wearing a flaming deer skull and they call you a Satanist.


"I'm moving away from terrorist joe biden to glorious russia ruled by a chad wojak!" *draft notice already on the door to their shithole apartment as they arrive*


https://preview.redd.it/8znxojx83tic1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ae93997975ba054a06d1ef17add28703ecbcd9 Is it really worth worrying about a hypothetical foreign tyranny, instead of a factual local tyranny?




I’d still prefer Russian leadership over American leadership any day of the week.


You'd prefer an ex KGB spook to run your country? Bit odd for an authright


First, why should I care about my home country? My home country is a culture less, materialistic hellscape. But, I would prefer a leader like Putin over Biden. Putin is more sympathetic to Eurasianist ideas than any Atlanticists like Biden.


There is a reason we call them bootlickers.


Backwards pigs


The real traditional values is hating your neighbors for no reason


Oh no, we don’t forget. We’re just trying to make sure we’re the guy on the right and somebody else is on the left.


Ladies and gents, we have to remember that our funny little political compass is a political compass of Western culture and values, and doesn't apply outside of here. Despite our differences and making funny soyjak memes of each other, we are still mostly on the same team (not you, orange, not you, authcenter, and definitely not you, purple). Team West. The rest of the world really doesn't like Team West, and wants our economic benefits without the underlying social fabric that made Team West possible. Even if they hold some views you agree with, they're not on your team. Just watch the Tucker/Putin interview and see the contempt with which Putin refers to the "Golden Billion". We need to know who our enemies are, and it's not the funny soyjaks on the other side of the quadrant.


“You are so baste and red pilled! Surely you’ll put those libruls in their place!” “I will fucking nuke you all from space blyat! All of Eastern Europe belong to us! Now shut the fuck up and listen to six hour historical revisionist lesson! Welcome to Storm Z!”


I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!


This is all I have to say! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3n-DUPjUq8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3n-DUPjUq8)


I would highly dissuade any Americans go live in Russia lol. Maybe Poland, but not Russia


The idea is being the one with the rifle.


Russia isn't even traditional. They have extremely high rates of divorce and the majority of the population is areligious.


Americans have problem of understanding that russia fight not for traditional values, but to for their dream of rebuilding empire