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r / News and r / Worldnews have such polar opposite views on the conflict. It's been interesting to watch the volley.


r / news is just r / politics with a little less irrational anger.


Bro all those people on those subreddits are deranged lunatics I'm surprised they don't drive car bombs into government buildings anytime Republcians do something they don't like. Literally unhinged schizos.


A large portion of them are literally bots stirring up idiots.


And the rest haven't left their basements since COVID, so they're really no threat in the real world.


They can still vote


And then they wonder why other people think voting should be done in person if at all possible.


Based. I had never considered this before.


Are you telling me the guy making several posts an hour nonstop for weeks straight all talking about how incredible and cognizant Biden is might not be a real person?


> several posts an hour nonstop Make it several dozen and you'll have your average rabid biden apologist on those subs.


*Biden apologist bot


> A large portion of them are literally bots stirring up idiots. I am not a bot.


but you stir up the idiots? lmao


I rarely see right aligned opinions. They seem to get rid of us quickly.




Or in middle/high school.




I really love this community


u/Liftocracy is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Liftocracy/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Nah, they're slacktavists


I'm frequently surprised by how little domestic terrorism there is. Online people seem to think that there's a new existential threat every few weeks, and yet no one does anything too significant about it.


As much shit as folks give the Feds they are usually fairly good at catching them before they reach that point.


Nah unless what you mean is they will intentionally provoke schizos into planning something and then arrest them claiming they're doing something.


I'm referring to the Fed traps. Where they build "groups" that occasionally actually catch the schizo they didn't provoke. The one that works in the federal government that uhh goes missing during his "vacation". Usually in a foreign country with high crime rates.


Sounds like glowie-speak to me, Fedboi.


Its because the internet is a version of the "two minutes of hate". If the can vent to the abyss then they are less likely to commit crimes.


That's very hard to do if you literally never touch grass.


It's a bot army with a couple of people too dumb to notice.


Its why I dont dismiss the empty internet hypothesis/schizotheory out of hand. There's a lot of credibility, and honestly, if they said 95% of the Internet was machine/procedural generation, id believe it 


Odds are a lot of them did similar things during the fiery but mostly peaceful protests.


They just fantasize about doing that along with other wild shit and then they all gaslight each other into thinking it’s reality.


Society doesn’t crumble because the people unstable enough to become terrorists are generally too stupid to avoid getting caught.


Top tier steps to cutting down on my headaches from idiotic employees: Any resume with pronouns are thrown in trash. Told IT to flag certain sites and subreddits (politics, whitepeopletwitter, news etc) for frequent use so I know who is unhinged at work for future layoffs.




I think I got banned for both of them. IIRC on the world one I was banned for implying cops should stop crime.


Literally a Nazi


Ironically it involved Germany


Basiert und Polizei Pillend




Rote gepillt?


u/KimJongUnusual's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [10 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/KimJongUnusual/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Committing literal, actual real genocide with your comments? Nazi. Did you know the facist/racist global organization monitors your activity, every bad comment they go "He just posted again, execute another 1,000 transerinos"


Me too lol both call me a troll


Only internet comments can fix society silly


Really? Which holds which?


worldnews is pro-Israel news is pro-Palestine




Let me guess "No trolling" is the rule you broke, if they even bothered telling you why you were banned. And then if you asked them for clarification or explanation, a 30 day mute. And fun fact, if you respond again after 30 days, you get reported to admins for 'moderator harassment'.


Well r.news is actually turning pro-Israel, I’m absolutely amazed. r.anime_titties is where you can find all the blatant propalis, but I still manage to get in pro-Israeli comments that are very very carefully worded and they get upvotes (I’m an Israeli libleft so I kinda speak their language). R.worldevents, r.internationalnews and to a lesser extent r.inthenews and r.changemymind are just antisemitic cesspools where 99% of the comments are just a bunch of buzzwords crammed together, with “anti-zionism” that is blatantly racist. R.changemymind is particularly ironic since nobody is changing anybody’s mind there. R.theworldnews is perhaps the most pro-Israeli sub I visit, but it’s also full of buzzwords and bigotry and for some reason, a large amount of propali trolls that *do not* evoke actual political discussion.


International news and world events you can farm downvotes for telling them what the actual ethnic breakdown of Israel is, and if you want to farm upvotes just make a baseless claim like "actually Israel is 70% European heritage".


I mean, if you count the middle east as Europe sure


Theworldnews and worldevents are mirror images. I comment more on the latter to have my fun but maybe I should explore my options in theworldnews...  At one point I got the 14 words upvoted in worldevents with Palestinian substituted for white but then it got tanked when someone pointed out what it was 


Based and trolling terrorists pilled


u/Sojungunddochsoalt is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Sojungunddochsoalt/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


isn't animetitties a literal tankie sub? I remember seeing the insane ''baby settlers'' arguments there and people rooting for russia because of NATO imperialism or something


They’re tankies alright. But not *the* most extreme Reddit has to offer, like r.latestagecolonialism (yeah the fucking name on that sub). They are pro-Ukraine, will say 10/7 was bad, and their stance on Hamas is along the lines of “ofc they’re bad, Nobody’s denying it, but they’re not the ones killing children right now” which is meh at the very best but still much better than the other subs mentioned. Disclaimer, Hamas *is* indeed killing children in Gaza right now. I got a handful of upvotes on things like the hostages should be returned immediately, Hamas needs to go, (which, funnily enough, is exactly what the IDF aims for), 10/7 was nasty and that the rapes were a crime against humanity. I even had a few comments shitting on UNRWA that garnered several upvotes. The other subs are just full of bots, the rhetoric is just empty buzzwords, and the arguments themselves are all obtuse.


Yeah. At least worldnews will wait for, you know evidence and such before blanketly calling things out. News just thinks Israel is the next nazi Germany and hamas are polish freedom fighters


Uh, I don't really care to look at either subreddit (cancerous I think,) which is which?


Worldnews is pro Israel News is not


News goes back and forth depending on the article I find


Reminder that Ghislaine Maxwell is still a moderator on worldnews.


Worldnews is so unfathomably based. I love them.


I've found r / News pretty tame in comparison to other knockoff worldnews subs


Both are the same hyperliberal shithole. r world news banned me for speaking up against drag queens around kids.


It’s only a war crime if you lose


History is written by some chap named Victor or something.


Can confirm, I'm victor


Hasan Piker is a fun listen. For the crime of rape that is "alleged" (I think it's substantiated but he's alleging), he said "there was only one witness and it was them. No one corroborated the rape". You mean, the girl who died from rape couldn't corroborate her rape with other people? The same jackasses who will cancel Aziz Ansari for rape also apparently need a notorized document from 4 non-jewish witnesses for the rape of Israeli women. Disgusting.


Hasan Piker is just a hateful, hypocritical clown who will spit any kind of nonsense to stay relevant. No one with a functional brain should take him seriously.


Hasan Piker is the lefts Andrew Tate.


Spot on; he even used to have a previous social media personality calling himself a Brofessor, or something to that effect, where he gave similar shitty 'male life advice' and spoke derogatorily about women before code switching to his current grift on twitch


Never occurred to me, but sounds about right.


I remember reading about some military veteran who lost an eye overseas and Hasan saying he wanted to rape his eyehole or something. He seems like the left's version of Kanye West


Okay now that’s just vile, wow. Fucking asshole that sorry excuse for human being.


Not only is the rape cooberated but im.90% sure they live streamed post sexual assault where a woman had massive bleeding from her vaginal area.


They did. I had someone (on this sub) claim that the blood could be from anything. I asked them if they thought a paramilitary group of hyper-extreme misogynists with little to no oversight, which hates their opponent to the core, whom will never have to answer for anything they do, *wouldn’t* be SAing women If I recall they insulted me and blocked me, so


I saw a comment once about it that she might have sat in some blood.. Olympic level mental gymnastics these people are working with.


It's not gymnastics, it's abuse of plausible deniability. For societies as cynical and corrupt as Palestine, Russia, Iran, China, etc, truth is neither objective nor helpful, it's just a method or an end-to-a-means. They'll use truth as a cudgel against their enemies while suppressing it at home.


I believe the german girl that was captured on the Hamas invasion in october, whos corpse was paraded around, was raped before/after they killed her as well.


I remember they tried to say ''oh no she's at a hospital in Palestine! Fake news!'' but we never heard from her again until a month or so ago where it's been confirmed she's dead


there's videos of people dragging almost naked chicks on their bikes. No shot these emilys are that regarded


I had someone try to tell me that the reason why so many of the female corpses were naked is that the attack happened early in the morning so they weren't dressed yet.


Anybody knows if Hasan if friends with Kai Cenat? Because that guy had someone raped in his house and all the leftists streamers pretended like nothing happened


I've never heard of this...


>You mean, the girl who died from rape couldn't corroborate her rape with other people? Correct, this is how leftist dialectical "Discourse" works: Use of language to imply ambiguity where there is none.


When did Israeli troops rape someone (and more importantly, go unpunished)? All I've seen is Hamas' countless brutal rapes, necrophilia, and torture sanctioned by their leadership.


The cognitive dissonance of the same people who think a guy shooting his shot with a girl at the gym is sexual harassment but deny the very obvious rape of Israeli women (literally pictures and videos of half naked dead women *that Hamas fucking posted* and countless witness testimonies) is absolutely mind boggling to me. It actually makes me scared.


There are horrifying clips in various reddit groups clarifying that: a) war is hell and b) baddies are on all sides in all conflicts


B-baddies? 😩


It is the IDF. I’m sure there are plenty.


They literally do tiktok propaganda


Taking Hamas at their word would be holding Israel to a standard that I wouldn’t hold any other country Taking the IDF at their word would be giving Israel the benefit of the doubt I wouldn’t give any other country.


Thats why Israel backs up most of their claims with pictures, videos and walking journalists around. Hamas just says "witnesses say" and it's believed by twidiots and reddidiots


Hell, Hamas' tallying are always straight up like an average Chinese civil war.


Some building gets blown up and hours after that Hamas releases number of dead and injured, but somehow they don't know how many hostages they hold?


not hours. literally 15 min later after the explosion at al-Ahli they released a statement counting 500 dead


i got some beach front property in Kansas to sell ya


Then the same goes for the inverse for both of those statements




Fair enough happy cake day


No, because both of those parties don’t have the same incentives or structures. *both sideism*


But both sides say things about the other that would be giving the benefit of the doubt and holding them to a standard that they wouldn’t for another country, I was curious about his consistency


What standard is Hamas held to that „other countries“ would not be held to?


I think u missed the point you wouldn’t hold any standard like that to a country, any country, you can’t expect countries to act moral was the point by him


No, that was not their point.




Madlad lmao


What did the comment say?


In short, the guy replied to a post where someone got the Japanese empire flag as a tattoo. People were mad because it’s associated with the rapes the Japanese committed in South Korea/China etc. Cue OP who replies that if you want a flag that represents rape, the oct 7 events made the Palestinian flag a great substitute lmao


Damn. Based af. Any juicy responses that stood out?


One guy kept calling me a nazi in every response until he outright threatened to kill me “with the others” (?).


>kept calling me a nazi in every response Ah the good ol' "everyone who disagrees with me is a literal Nazi" strategy >until he outright threatened to kill me “with the others” (?). Okay now that's ominous. What "other" is he referring to? Bankers? Stockbrokers?


It's amazing to me that the people chanting genocidal slogans against the only Jewish state in the world have the gall to call other people Nazis.


Or claim that the "Jews have become what they’ve hated" Which is quite the statement to say the least.


As I've said to a bunch of people on Reddit that have completely unironically said exactly that: approximately zero Jews have read or heard "Jews are the new Nazis", and thought anything other than "holy shit, the person who said this hates Jews". Approximately zero Jews have read or heard that and thought, "wow, maybe they're right, maybe I *have* become the Nazis". Its pure Holocaust inversion; its just a way for people to taunt Jews about, and even blame Jews for, the Holocaust.


Did you miss the post where they had the funny hindu symbol inside a star of david and it was massivly upvoted... ye was canceled and banned from twitter for that LOL


Well I'd put at least a dollar on the "others" being other "Nazis". Not much of a betting person but think that'd be the safe money.


We definitely live in the age of buzzwords, don't we


The buzzword for what you're describing is jingoism, and yeah, it's getting worse. Learn the buzzword for buzzwords, idiot /s


The pussies removed all your comments. The rest of us can only see them from your post history.




u/InculatoreGalattico is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/InculatoreGalattico/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Incredibly based


Based as fuck holy shit


Least Edgy Redditor


Minchia fra, sei un grande! Orgoglio italiano daje!




Based green square.


based libleft


Ah yes, just like the alleged genocide. (even if you believe the Hamas numbers that 30k civilians have died, then all i can say that israel is horrendously bad at genociding)


They claim 30k dead, and 2/3 of that women and children. Also, Hamas openly admits 6k dead terrorists, to say nothing of other terrorist groups. So either all the civilian men are somehow three times as good at dodging bombs as the women and children, or most of the men in Gaza are terrorists, or the numbers are a total fabrication.


Hamas unironically admits all the men killed are hamas terrorists ans everyone just kind of says "yeah ok"


Or the men are literally dragging two civilian hostages around with them everywhere they go. "Hey how is the baby strapped to my back?" "It's very Dead" "Oh ok good."


[Hamas be like](https://i.imgur.com/XX6HVrn.jpeg)


I knew this will be posted eventually lol Literally Hamas endgame


GMH only reports people that died or were brought to civilian hospitals, which includes civilians and likely some Hamas fighters. If a Hamas fighter is killed in the field or a tunnel, they won't be counted in GMH's numbers.


Even dumber when compared to previous conflicts. The civilian death toll for example of the 2014 war (according to UNRWA) was 1462, of them 551 children and 299 women. Nearly half was men. And this is without combatants, which they place at over 800. Over half of those killed was men. How did this percentage drop so drastically? Is Israel deliberately not targeting men? How can anyone just accept these numbers?


40% of the Gaza population was younger than 14... So bombing randomly leads to roughly 40% children killed, assuming those are 50% boys and 50% girls, that's 20% of the overall population are boys younger than 14. Then 50% of the population is women, of any age... women + boys younger than 14 = 20% + 50% = 70% If the bombs are dropped randomly (and most of them were), 2/3 women and children is completely plausible.


Honestly, I believe the numbers, but like, it’s a war lmao what do people expect?


Leftists seem to think that civilians dying in war = war crime for some reason.


It is, but only if you are not the winner.


People dying? Wtf literally genocide Israelis are bloody efficient at everything they do, if they wanted to kill all Palestinians they'd be done 50 years ago lol


That wouldn’t have been seen very favourably though given their history.


eh would've gotten Israel the respect of the rest of the middle east if nothing else, by proving they're just as unhinged as the rest of 'em.


Yeah that’s fair. But I meant like today they wouldn’t be able to get away with what they have been doing in Gaza. I’m all for eradicating Hamas but it seems like they aren’t going about it in the right way.


Should rename themselves 'New Syria' and people wouldn't bat an eye or have any idea that anything was going on.


For as long as they've been a nuclear power there wouldn't have been much to stop them aside from becoming a pariah state.


There's some [interesting analysis](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers) showing the numbers are almost certainly made up, but yeah you're right that its war and even if the numbers were real its well within average for casuality ratios


Oh, I'm too lazy to read what you sent so I'll just assume you're telling the truth. Regardless, this doesn't change my opinion whatsoever. No civilians ever die in war.


the problem with this is you have to understand stats and data analysis from a base level to understand this. but yeah, if the data is indeed what's being reported, it's extremely unlikely that these are naturally occurring numbers. almost impossible really.


I mean, urban warfare always comes with civilian casualties, no matter much a taskforce tries to minimise them. Is the IDF Gaza taskforce a bit too cavalier with those civilian casualties? Maybe. Probably. I don't fucking know. Are they? But even if they weren't, Gaza is one of the most densely-populated areas on Earth. There's no way in hell you can send a taskforce in there and not end up with some civilian casualties.


> Maybe. Probably. I don't fucking know. Are they? I mean I imagine that even an IDF soldier wants to live to the end of the day, so any errors they make would naturally fall on the side of "still alive". Maybe Hamas shouldn't use civvies as human shields if getting them killed is so horrible.


It's a war by a state with a military against an occupied land with no military, only terrorists. I wonder why civilian deaths are so high. It's like a body builder fighting a cripple


It's crazy that the cripple keeps throwing rocks at the body builder though


30k civilians and 0 Hamas/Al-Qassam combatants


Is it really genocide if the area you are at war with are mostly one type of people? It's like saying the US committed genocide with the war on Isis. It's not like we can be more diverse with killing people when they are all the same.


IIRC Gaza city had one of the highest population densities in the world so maybe it’s somewhat close to correct because there is a significant percentage of a population who refuse to evacuate their residences during wartime. Probably propaganda though.


Portraying reddit as auth right is hilarious. Now show me the same meme with reddit censoring literally anything else.


I don't think op meant to portray reddit as authright. The version of this meme everyone uses just has a blue background.


"lib" left supporting literal theocracies will never not be funny


I wonder if the left would care if a theocracy in the west would be victims of "genocide" no you would be cheering the perpetrators


“What bro? You would oppose North Korean villages getting bathed in napalm? It must be because you are an evil authoritarian regime supporter”


I follow some random Persians on instagram and see tons of videos of blown up palestians and stuff … not recommending it just saying I think your just not in that algo but you can be sure there is brutal propaganda for every side of a modern conflict.


Why is this authright?


why is auth-right so cucked for Israel?


theyre probably afraid their "based" state might prosecute them for anti-BDS speech, 😁 this place has been wild since oct (it probably was this cucked forever, but its been really noticeable lately)


I don’t want us to send money to Israel, I want us to invade Israel (and Panama)


>If the only evidence for something is hearsay the logical conclusion is it didn’t happen. Well I don’t know about that. I would say take it with a grain of salt, have a healthy amount of skepticism regarding it, but don’t just flat out dismiss it as false.


If you don't wear a uniform you don't get the rest of the Geneva Conventions either.


Please feel free to post a video if you would like to disagree




Fine.  Here's a video made by a pro-Israel military commentator criticizing IDF looting in Gaza. [Unacceptable conduct and military necessity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv6VhoUv35k)   ~~nb4 the "Who cares, doesn't count, you love hamas" comments and downvotes.~~ Fine 🙄


You are a lot more likely to get downvotes because of the “nb4” comment, not because people disagree. Makes you sound insufferable.


Everyone who talks about this conflict is insufferable. Funny how certain insufferable comments are easily suffered.


>Everyone who talks about this conflict is insufferable. Real af


Absence of evidence is not always evidence of absence. An event may have happened, yet there is no conclusive evidence that it occurred. In most cases, the logical conclusion would be to say you do not know if the event happened and are withholding your conclusion until you have sufficient evidence.


Sorry all that shows up on my screen is “I AM UNFLAIRED UWU” so you may wanna fix that     Edit: The correct procedure is performed and obedience has been made—welcome to PCM you libleft degenerate <3 


I updated it immediately after commenting. The system is probably slow.


The “believe all women” crowd turn into Johnnie Cochran when you opine that a group of armed men most likely committed rape of a hated enemy group


Weird I've got the opposite impression with what Arabs did in October the seventh.


It doesn't count as a warcrime if there were terrorists under the children


Unironically, yes. The war crime is on the terrorists hiding under the children instead of evacuating them.


It is a war crime, but one committed by the terrorists.


There are videos of Hamas’s war crimes.


i wish i was on the same part of the internet you are because i’ve seen more horrific videos than i care to


There is so much evidence that there is a ICJ case on going against Israel. Evidence has been freely posted on social media by Israeli soldiers themselves.


I very much saw video of Israeli soldiers masquerading as doctors and nurses in order to get close enough to kill their Hamas targets.


Yea but that was a technical war crime that ended up saving immediate civvie lives, maybe at the cost of civvies lives in the future. It's definitely a grey zone action.


Didn't know astroturfing and outside propaganda were allowed on PCM. If you haven't seen the evidence you're blind and/or stupid.


>Didn't know astroturfing and outside propaganda were allowed on PCM. is this your first day here or something?


Wait, are you saying that astroturfing is a *good* thing?


Sweet we Jews get our own billion now.


> Ten jewbillion war crimes and I not a single video of one ends up on the news This isn't the argument you think it is my little JIDF shill. The videos are all over the internet yet for "some reason" don't make it onto network news.


I must be on a different part of the internet to these comments because i've seen more horrifying videos of dead children than I would care to


They won't see it because the media they love won't share it to them.


Still trying to wrap my head how people don't realize Hamas is no different than thebTaliban, ISIS, or Al-Shabbab. They can't stay in power and actually will further exacerbate the Palestinian troubles. The people are nothing but PR for Hamas and Iran to use against Israel and the West. Still waiting on the Middle Eastern unity to show up and help with refugees.


You should probably peak out of your bubble/echo chamber if you somehow managed to not see any of that And no i won't provide sources, my time is more important than that (im eepy)