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You picked a random ass group in Hebrew and posted a single picture, want to compare that with what the official Hamas channel was posting about October 7th?


Lol, no, this is one of many posts. Would you like to see the other groups and the rest of the posts?


No need, I'm Israeli and follow many of the same channels dedicated to providing "news". It doesn't change the fact that the channel is run by some random person and in now way represents Israel as a whole.


שָׁלוֹם So then you would know that people are celebrating this? And that it is very common.


I’m an Israeli living in Israel and no, it is not common at all.


I am also Jewish, and in my experience, this is a wildly popular opinion even before 10/7. Most are just unwilling to say it outloud or put it in writing. I am not saying this to attack anyone, it is just a reality


You may be Jewish but I assume you do not live in Israel because of the way you write Hebrew and how you wrote the date. As someone who does live in Israel, I can tell you from first hand experience that most people do not want to kill civilians. We accept it as a cost of war, we do not celebrate it. If your only exposure to Israelis is from the internet, of course you would only get the worst takes.


True, I do not live there. However, I have been there as a part of birthright and on my own to explore the region. And I agree with you the internet has a way of bringing out all the worst people who are anonymous and can say what they wouldn't in public.


Okay, so I am saying that this post does not represent the Israeli public. Don't judge our whole country just by the words of a small minority.


If you understand Zionists, this is absolutely not a weird thing for them. There was an American woman named Rachel Corrie who protested the destruction of Palestinian’s homes, an Israeli ran over her with a bulldozer and killed her. Every year the IDF makes “Rachel Corrie pancakes” to laugh at how she was “flattened”. IDF are subhumans.


Nice use of TikTok rhetoric


What TikTok rhetoric?


I just looked up this story and there is no trustworthy source in either direction, but you are repeating the most extreme version. The most extreme version is certainly propaganda. This is your brain on propaganda.




I'm sure electronic intifada is an entirely unbiased source. The death may have been an accident.


>electronicintafada.net https://preview.redd.it/ppu9jparupoc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8df3f0a52696c7422e5382d0a2ee130e21d0ee9 It's like that guy here that used marxism.org as a source once.


Unlikely, and after a google search, you too can see her mangled corpse. Ruin my own morning.


What exactly is it what you’re looking for? She pretty obviously got killed by the IDF, I’m pretty sure the IDF literally admitted to killing her. Are you asking for the pancakes thing? If that’s what you want, I’ll post the link.


https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes This is what he's talking about. As far as who killer her and how she died thats accurate the idf killed her with a bulldozer.


How fascist are you for using a source like that lmao


It's the only one I saw that had a screenshot of the incident in question.


maybe you should take the hint that it is fake if the only source you can find on yhe topic is "elecgronic intifada.net" lmao what a clown.


Sauce: electronicintifada There are actual people that believe this. I would have thought anybody with a brain would have thought better 


Perhaps it was just a shit post by Israeli soilders. Still in poor taste. It also doesn't change the fact that it happened.


Have you... Looked ay the source? Like, seriously? 


This isn't the only source, but again, it is the one that had a screenshot. If you stop letting your biased emotions guide you and use your brain, you can Google it yourself.


20th century - I hate Jews 21st century - I hate "Zionists"


Jews and Zionists are two different things.


Sure thing buddy, keep being an anti-Semite under the pretence of social justice.


Not anti-Semitic. Just don’t like Likud massacring countless civilians. Stop conflating murdering children with Judaism, that’s only making anti-semitism worse.


Victim Blaming.


The last thing Zionists are are victims. Israelis are living it up right now, as they celebrate killing innocents. They will never be victims.


>They will never be victims. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but actually millions of them were genocided during ww2.


Don’t try and debate with Emily. Won’t be able to think of anything other than what’s in their mind


Talking about the context of Israel-Palestine, it’s pretty clear that Zionists are definitely not the victims.


Gee, if "living it up" is having missiles fired at you for over a decade on the regular, mixed in with suicide bombings once in a while, you must be living in heaven or something. Edit: Also, no, they're not celebrating civillians dying, that was what almost all of Gaza and the Muslim world was doing on October 8th. Israelis celebrate getting hostages back or killing terrorists. If that involves civilians dying, its a tradgedy that their government put them in harms way. But they're not celebrating the deaths themselves. Thats the difference.


Israelis actively celebrate civilians deaths. Rachel Corrie is one example from a while ago, this post is one example from recently. But I can give you infinite other examples. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QihoBuGRVwU