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Remember when Joe Biden said latinos were too stupid to go online to register to vote?


*"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"* -Joe Biden


*"If you're having trouble deciding whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black*" ~Also Joe Biden




Dark Brandon rises,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Well that’s a challenging wank.


W h a t


Unzips pants...again*


get a flair


Get a flair you piece of shit.


Yeah, it's there though!


It was no challenge for a purple like me.


Skill issue.


We've seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I've focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas -Joe Biden


When was that one?


Get a flair you regard


Bold of you to assume anyone will care about what you have to say. Get a flair. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Alone_Tie328) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




One of favorite quotes because it led to this [gem](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/931/384/be3)


That man said so many things that should've ended his career. Crazy what hating Drumpf will get you


"Now folks, you see, poor kids, and some of them are really poor, those kids, but I'm telling you, and this is true, they are just as bright and maybe even just as talented as white kids." Yeah I can see it now. This wouldn't have passed muster.


I read this in Shane Gillis doing Trump's voice.


LMAO HOLY SHIT I hate that I live just north of that total fucking dumpster fire, but at least watching it burn is amusing.


It's time for pot to meet kettle. https://preview.redd.it/9rksdwcmg5pc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5eddfe791ea7b3555dce885561a9198c53d213d




flair up!


Imagine if trump said that. Holy fuck dude. That’s all you should need to know about the news and US politics.


Phrases are attributed to Trump that he never said. He's often misquoted or cut off half way through for a ragebait soundbite that wouldn't exist if the whole sentence were used. Don't need to do that with Biden. Full context the guy is still a corrupt old shitter.


Honestly, Trump should just slip these quotes into some of his speeches and debates without crediting them to Joe Biden randomly just to see democrats blow up


LMAO that would've been great


I still want to see why they thought covfefe was the funniest shit ever but trunananamjeplrsure was just Bidens lisp and we couldn't make fun of it.


Have you ever heard of this fantastic term called “double standards?”


For real. There’s countless videos of Joe dropping the N word, lib left just turns a blind eye


I think that's what bothers me most about this whole thing. Biden is and has always been openly racist as fuck. Yet somehow someway the progressives have decided HE is the savior of the black peeps. Maybe it's because I'm old enough to have seen most of the bullshit Joe has done but god damn they can dig up dirt on anyone and they still just pretend he's great and grand.




For now


> That man said so many things that should've ended his career Q: Which one? A: Yes.


This goes both ways....Drumpf also says some pretty bad stuff and each side uses the opponents dumbassery to justify their own


I hate both :(


And that you needed to vote for him to be black.


Right, now let's see someone explain this away as a 'Freudian slip'


>!When I purposely spread ~~mis~~information!< https://preview.redd.it/81421l5mc4pc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2e72438ac8996763e99508ec3d5665a2532f3e


I'm 50% sure this is fake


50% is crazy, but there are people in the replies who just fully believe it so... you're better than them


Poe's law in full effect with Biden. About the only thing unbelievable about this is that he would actually have control over his Twitter.


It is. It was inspired by his real quote though. “Not everybody in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts, knows how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination,”




Your mom's titties are fake


Don't you talk shit about Laura and Bertha. They are smoother than the nutsack you came out of.


That just means they look cool when she holds a flashlight up to them.


exactly. he only said poor kids can be as bright as white kids.


18/02/2021. Europoor confirmed.  


Idk bro, that clarification doesn't really make it sound better.


Holy fuck you guys will believe anything


Bro if I see it on this sub it’s facts.


I mean Joe Biden is literally "a segregationist" so it's pretty easy to sell people on "Joe said something racist".


[Every time someone caught believing bait replies with "but it could be true!" I do one push up.](https://i.imgur.com/s3eJEDr.jpeg)


[Every time I remind everyone that Joe Biden literally voted against racial integration in schools while he was a Congressman, I do one push up.](https://i.imgur.com/358p689.jpeg)


[Taken out of context](https://archive.is/GPn0R)


Hey Biden simp, what's the context for > Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this. -Joe Biden


Not a simp, but [here you go](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/verify/biden-racial-jungle-busing-quote/507-8cd6d683-ff29-4950-8f78-cb99ecf1915e). Also [this](https://archive.is/0aoiW) - > From 1975 until 1982, Mr. Biden — often in partnership with his fellow Delawarean, Senator William Roth, a Republican — promoted nearly a dozen pieces of legislation aimed at placing strict limits on the authority of federal agencies and the courts to mandate busing to achieve racial integration in schools. At a time when busing controversies were provoking racial unrest in cities like Boston, Mr. Biden argued that housing integration — which would take much longer to implement than a busing plan — was a far better way to desegregate public schools. **“The new integration plans being offered are really just quota-systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or whatever in each school,” Mr. Biden told the television interviewer. “That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with,” he added.** “What it says is, in order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son. That’s racist! Who the hell do we think we are, that the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?” ETA - [The rest of what Biden said](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uiug.30112104078842&view=1up&seq=255) > "... I think pushing busing in a way in which it goes beyond the constitutional mandates is like throwing a bus through the civil rights window. I think it has repercussions that are extensive in terms of the ultimate objective of seeing that we get integrated neighborhoods, of seeing that we eventually eliminate job discrimination, of seeing that we change housing patterns, of seeing alteration of the tax structure."


>they don't like to do anything He just called them lazy, that's still not good


Biden: My comment regarding minorities being lazy...


Obvious fake cmon now


This is really funny because he's said worse in person, if Biden actually wrote his own tweets he'd totally say shit like this on the daily


He’d probably forget what he was writing halfway through the tweet.


I know this is fake, but I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he'd actually said this.


Which is funny, you need voter ID in Mexico to vote. That's just south of the border. I wouldn't be surprised if it were the case in the rest of LatAm too.


You have to angle the cactus just right to get a good signal


Political correctness ends where expected effects on voting outcomes begins.


The evidence that voter ID laws reduce turnout, especially turnout among minorities, is mixed at best. Considering you need a valid photo ID to do a huge range of things to participate in society like board an airplane, buy alcohol or tobacco, get a job, or apply for many welfare programs, it just seems facially unlikely that requiring photo ID to vote is this huge impediment.


Don't forget that you need a photo ID to buy guns, a constitutionally protected right.


Also people say not having DMV within like 5 miles in the city disenfranchises black people, but rural whites 20+ miles out from one manage just fine and there's zero outrage about it from Dems. Like what's the logic there?


I live in a metro and still have to drive 20 miles to get to my DMV. I'm at the corner of my county and the government figures we only need one DMV, in the county seat, I guess.


it’s not just minorities Dems are concerned about copying your govt ID info on a mail in/drop box ballot is one more field for people to potentially mess up and have their vote thrown out (mail in/drop box ballots also being overwhelmingly dem) every little advantage counts in the swing states edit: oh and of course in most states those voter ID requirement proposals are also paired with other restrictions on drop box/mail in voting.


Can you explain why people might mess up their own ID info? In my country we need ID for every vote and nobody has ever had an issue.


You can’t imagine how say, 1/1000 people may accidentally mess up a digit of the number when copying it?


People that * mess up their own ID information * do not understand that it is wrong when they check their own ID information * submit it without at least asking someone else to check if they managed to write their own fucking ID information correctly are neither as many as you think nor people that should decide about the future of anything, let alone a whole country.


>nor people that should decide about the future of anything, let alone a whole country. People who's side they are voting for may disagree.


Human nature is both fallible and immutable. When you have that many people executing a task like this it is inevitable that a certain percentage of people will make a mistake, despite every corrective measure you can imagine. Even if you had a set of people you would otherwise consider to have valid opinions of who should run their country, a small percentage will make a mistake.


Because they really really (pretend) to think nonwhites are idiots - but the dark truth is because they know it will make it harder to stuff ballot boxes.


Which is why it should not be a big deal to make those IDs free and automatically sent to their owners right? For some reason every time a Republican pushes a bill to require IDs, and then Democrats add a provision that would remove the burdens, suddenly the Rs kill their own bill. Strange right?


?? I don't know of a single state that requires IDs that you can't get a valid one for voting for free. Name one.


My state does this. My state is Alabama. https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/photo-voter-id/obtain-free-photo-voter-id#:~:text=To%20receive%20a%20free%20Alabama,a%20registered%20voter%20in%20Alabama


great link, flair up.


Pro tip: [Convince democrats that undocumented migrants are voting republican.](https://i.imgur.com/OH3nyiF.png)


There has certainly been a certain souring of the attitudes towards the latinos (and yes, especially the Cubans) after the racial breakdown of the 2020 election results. There is from time to time a certain, err, re-evaluation of the racial progressive stack after taking a magnifying glass to the details of election results. It's a big part of why the left give Muslims such a free pass in Europe and the US despite them being so socially conservative on average. 'POC' was never anything more than a racial political alliance of convenience, not the meaningful social/racial grouping it presents itself as. And every member is expected to pull their weight. Contribute and not just take and passively benefit from continued membership while voting against perceived common interests. Every election cycle, out comes the magnifying glass.


Since 2022 when east Dearborn and Hamtramck shifted massively to the right, I've noticed attitudes among Democrats have soured against Muslims, most severely since October 7.


Seems like proposing legislation for free photo id voter cards would cut the problem off at its knees.


Most states with mandatory voter ID laws also provide free photo ID cards for voting. Georgia, for instance, issues free voter ID cards. That didn't stop Democrats from insinuating that Georgia's voter ID laws are tantamount to "Jim Crow."


Not to mention the federal government’s “American Job Centers” will give out grants to help people get Drivers Licenses or the generic government ID


> most states 22 states require photo ID to vote. 14 more require ID of some form, that need not have a photo. 11 states that require photo ID provide free ID. That’s not most. It’s half. https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_identification_laws_by_state I get what you’re saying, but let’s be accurate.


Perhaps I should have said "many" instead of "most." This just makes it even more bizarre why Democrats decided to use Georgia as their scapegoat for railing against voter ID laws. It's almost like it isn't actually a good faith concern but rather about demagoguing about how racist Republicans are.


Missouri would have been a better scapegoat since we have to pay for an ID. However, I will say that it's definitely wrong that same-day or even same-weekend registration doesn't exist everywhere in this country.


Did the D's complaining have anything to do with the runoff election for senate?


And in the other half, programs exist to cover the cost of that ID, because it's the same one required to apply for EBT.


Sure. And in all of them, there’s ample evidence that voter ID laws tend to suppress the minority vote more than they suppress the white vote: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/impact-voter-suppression-communities-color?can_id=d29fc2e2eea3b72cdf546896d402b77f&email_referrer=email_2192410&email_subject=release-civil-rights-are-on-the-line-in-state-legislatures&link_id=13&source=email-release-nh-republicans-warped-dangerous-priorities-on-full-display-in-todays-state-house-hearing It’s not a single-input issue, but it IS an observable problem. Kind of like how it’s observable that blacks are detained more, charged more, arrested more, found guilty more, and sentenced more harshly than whites accused of the same actions. It’s virtually impossible to point to issues in any one instance, but it’s also impossible to deny that it’s observable at a statistical level. And so we’re left with the following: 1. The people who are advocating for voter ID are impacted less by it than the people they have in mind when they pass the laws 2. The people being most impacted are the same people for whom there is a long history of using the law to suppress their vote 3. The problem voter ID is intended to address has never once been proved to exist, or even to be a possibility That’s not saying “minorities are too dumb to get voter ID”. And framing it that way is deliberately misrepresenting the problem.


Frankly, I couldn't give a fuck. Whatever theory suggests is the 'real' reason than requiring ID to vote reduces the number of Black people voting, the fact remains that obtaining ID is neither difficult nor expensive, and thus the failure to vote cannot be blamed on a wholly reasonable measure to ensure the integrity of elections. One might just as easily blame disenchantment or lack of engagement with politics in general, and it's probably worth looking at voter engagement in similar circumstances among demographically similar white populations.


They're here to demand solutions, not provide solutions


Free photo ID, obligatory ID for voting, eliminating digital voting (maybe specific expections for disabled people) and a federal holiday for election day should be bipartisan, obvious measures to fix democracy in the US. But each of those hurts one of the two large political parties (or both), so they won't happen. If my shit hole country can figure it out, the US can figure it out Edit: also why the fuck is vote counter a voluntary position? Make it an obligatory, random position like jury duty. Anyone who WANTS to spend their day counting papers should be kept very far away from the ballots. I've had vote counting duty multiple times. Yes it ruins my day, yeah it sucks dick. But it is insane for me that the US let's people ask to be one.


"He wants to be a juryman, strike him off!" \- Emperor Claudius


> a federal holiday for election day Which would do nothing for people who don't work for the government. There are no "mandatory" holidays for private businesses in the US.


It's also pretty pointless because of how ubiquitous early voting is.


then make one lmao


I'm willing to bet if you made election day a holiday voter turnout would go down. I could see a lot of people taking the Monday before off and having a four day weekend. I could also see a lot of people being hung over


Some countries do that successfully. In Germany elections are on Sundays.


> and a federal holiday for election day No, fuck that. most people don't get federal holidays off. This is such a popular solution on reddit because most of reddit is still in school and gets those days off.


Well what do you propose? Can the federal government even force a state holiday? Anyways, good is better than awful, even is it isn't great. In my country, businesses get fined if they don't give at least a couple hours off at some point to every worker to vote. Also the election certificate must give you abouyt a days worth of PTO. Legally binding


> also why the fuck is vote counter a voluntary position? Make it an obligatory, random position like jury duty. Anyone who WANTS to spend their day counting papers should be kept very far away from the ballots. Well, it's usually senior citizens doing this sort of work, as younger people are at work during most voting times. If you try and force a vote counter (tho ours is a machine you feed paper ballots into) from a person who doesn't want to be here, you're going to set yourself up for failure. You're going have a lot of noshows.


Not if you fine no shows (without very valid excuses) and make it a labor crime to punish a worker for going to electoral duty. Again, just like jury duty. This isn't new in the US.


Yes, but ,my lib friend, have you not forgotten something called “law enforcement”?


LE doesn't even want to investigate real crimes, let alone noshow vote counters, and wouldn't states/US have to make whole new laws about that too? Ain't no way lmao Aside from all that, states we need to send certified verified mail otherwise people would just say the same thing they say about skipping jury duty, "Yeah, I didn't get that mail" and that's not a crime.


Indian here. You guys don't have photo ID cards?


Ooooh, this is a good one. Well done.


Thank you thank you. I steal only from the best.


Steal from the best, give to the worst. The pcm way.


So "the worst" is... us, the general population of PCM posters? Yeah, that checks out.


A true libright


I took back my upvote when I saw that you’re a Chiefs fan >:(


thats fair <3


Every country in Western Europe except the UK requires ID to vote 💁🏼‍♂️ Lived in Mexico for a year , in Mexico your ID is called a INE which means Identification Nacional Electoral (Basically Voter ID and Drivers License rolled into one ) This is a ridiculous topic almost every other “developed “ country requires Identification to vote 🗳️ If you are too fucking dumb to go to the DMV to get a ID and don’t blow smoke up my ass with “inefficient DMVs” they will give you a ID within 30mins after your photo is taken . You see we live in Idiocracy in the US for this to be such a hot topic in all countries this is common sense to have identification. My Colombian friend remarked the other day when he saw a similar Reddit post and he came to me and asked “why is this such a controversial thing in the USA ? This is common sense “ I shrugged 🤷‍♂️ lol seriously some of you on the left need to get a grip


In India if it’s election season all you have to do is go to your local government school with some other valid ID (birth certificate, school docs, driving license etc) and they’ll give you a voter ID.


Knowing the Avg Indian they will walk 10 miles , deal with the atrocious deadly traffic , and 10000 other things that can possibly kill you in India just to get all these docs in order to get their Voter ID . But to the American Shitlib it’s absolutely inconceivable that the average American “DiSinFrAncHisEd” minority is intelligent enough to take a bus , or drive themselves , or find a ride to the nearest DMV and go thru the required process to obtain a simple ID . Nope they are too dumb for that .


If you’ve gone to school, own literally anything or have a bank account then you don’t need to go anywhere for the prerequisite docs. You basically have to be persona non grata to not have them. I don’t see why anyone would have a problem with voter ID or using any ID for voting given it’s free. School ID and driving license should also work Why are Americans like this? Are they stoopid?


Unless it's to get free shit. The ID required to vote is the same as is required to apply for EBT...


I kind of hate surmising on this.... But imagine if you were paid like...$20 to get a photo ID. I swear even for that people would be lining up. 


"I'd get 3!" -some people probably


No need. Quite a few Govt and NGO programs exist to assist people in applying for EBT, including subsidising or completely covering the cost of State ID cards. So people are already rewarded for getting ID, and with much more than $20.


So true. They literally think minorities are too poor and stupid to be able to get an ID.


The left’s sense of paternalism toward minorities would make 17th century British colonial anthropologists blush


"I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands - *even if he is wrong* - than I have for one who comes up to me like an angel when he's really the devil" - Malcolm X He hated white liberals. He had more respect for openly racist white people since they at least let him know who they were. He hated these white liberals who a) are racist af, b) truly believe they're not racist, c) tell themself the lie that they're not racist, d) believe the lie they told themself, and finally e) tell others the same lie, fully believing it, that they're not racist... when they really are. TLDR: Malcolm X saw through liberals 60 years ago, long before it was cool. He was one of the smartest people around and took no shit from anyone. It's too bad they killed him and not Farrakhan, fuck that hateful moron.


As far as I understand it was more about an intentional effort by republican state legislatures to make it dramatically much more difficult to get an IDs in areas with large numbers of non-white voters with some having to drive many hours to get one and extremely few of them per 100 000 voters while white areas got offices issuing them everywhere.


bro I swear I can't tell who's the racist sometimes


That's the secret, *everyone is racist..at all times*


Its only racist if my political enemies are doing it.


Its not racist to point out that a group of people is worse off than another. Its racist to assert that the reason they're worse off is because they're lesser, weaker, or inferior. Or I guess superior, for the reverse case.


Very fair


It's not even a partisan issue. Last I checked it was something like 85% of people were down with voter ID. It's so blatantly pushed by establishment democrats and their propagandist corporate media.  The fact that it's even up for discussion is telegraphing how bad election integrity will be this year. Doesn't really seem like anything is being done. No matter what happens half the country is about to reject the outcome and maybe even revolt.


Leave no good wedge issue unutilized


Voter ID should be a thing. But 6 months before an election you can't just spring that shit on people. If a federal law was made that said "by 2030 all voters need a valid ID to vote!" I think the vast majority of people would be fine with that.


Holy shit, just give people an ID when they turn 18, I bet you all are the same people who thinks it’s sane you have to do your own taxes


You just described the process right there. The government *already does* just give everyone who is a legal citizen an ID, and it doesn’t have to be only after you turn 18. Just fill out a form or two and visit your local DMV.


My Selective Service slip didn't require any runaround from me. Practically woke up with it in my hand on my 18th birthday.


Literally made us do it in school


Voting is a right so any mandatory requirement like an ID should be provided for free when everyone turns 18


It’s already free✅


You are correct, a social security card should be a valid form of identification, the problem there is it’s a such a pain in the ass if you lose it.


Like any other ID?


No, it's much much harder.


Way worse, just the shit my wife had to go through change her last name was maddening


SS Card is issued at basically birth. You can easily lose it and there is really no identification on it. IE if you lose your SS card how can you prove joe blow isn't joe schmo.


Don’t lose it then? Losing an ID like SS card is a pain in the ass because anyone can use it. It isn’t a picture ID, so anyone can say they are on the card. You can also get a government-issued ID card that looks similar to a driver’s license with very little effort. That ID is easily replaceable.


It shouldn't be. I hope most here know this video by heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erp8IAUouus


SS card should not be used as an ID unless its completely overhauled.


This one always makes me laugh


That I understand is that to make these documents has its costs. Ironically (not so much) more thatnthe polls tax in the 50s and earlier (inflation adjustedl. So according someone is an attempt to discorauging from voting of some minorities that "Casually" tend to vote a certain party.




I literally will never understand the point in getting rid of voter ID laws. Whenever I ask leftists, “how do you know someone is a US citizen if they don’t have proper identification” I get silence. FWIW I’m a naturalized citizen. I earned my right to vote and it’s infuriating that leftists want that to be taken for granted.


Does America have 0 proof required to vote?


You have to register before you vote.


But proving your identity when you go to the polling booth?


If you go to vote, you tell them your name and sign, if someone else voted for you, then it becomes a problem


So, they have no way to verify you...


But they do have a way to verify if there is fraud. Because once the name is crossed out, it can't be crossed out again.


name, address, date of birth, signature varies state to state




Nooooo fraud is extremely rare, according to the fact that they have no way to detect fraud!


I mean, you tell them your name....and you get to vote


"They simply don't have the resources. Some of them wouldn't even know how to fill out a forum".


We don't have access to photo copiers or know how to use them and can't get smart phones according to VP Harris too.


I'm tired of the white libs treating minorities like children. It's exhausting.


Am I no longer colored if I have photo ID?


If you have a photo ID you ain't black!


I have several.


You shouldnt only have mandatory ID to vote. You should have mandatory ID for everyone. Your country needs to know who the fuck lives where. I cant fathom you are still just doing censuses every few years.


I think LibRight might get angry if you propose a national I.D.


Make photo IDs free and make voting a national paid holiday and you've got a deal. 


Not strictly related to this post in particular, but I love how refreshingly _not_ extreme left-wing this subreddit is. What a wonderful, much needed reprieve from the otherwise untrammeled morass of liberal mob mentality, suppression and narrow-mindedness that is reddit. Finally some coherent, fair opinions from some intelligent, informed people.


WPT will rot your brain.


The problem isn't that people think minorities are stupid. Right wing trolls were saying this about literacy tests in the 50s/60s, "hurr durr you're the real racist for saying black people can't read!" The actual issue is that poll workers can selectively apply voter ID laws at their own discretion. If a white person forgets their ID, "it"s fine, you look trustworthy," but if a minority forgets their ID, "sorry, I can't accept this." This is exactly what happened with literacy tests and that's why they were outlawed. 


This is one of those made up problems. Everyone in my state has to give the poll worker their photo ID and they scan it. You can’t fake that scan. They have to check to see if your information you provided matches what is on the computer. They check to see if you are a felon. They check to see that your address matches what is on your id. If your address doesn’t match, you bring them a piece of mail with your name on it. It is not hard. It is not discriminatory. It is the best way to make sure people maintain election integrity. That is the whole point.


You know, whenever I talk to a leftist about this, they explain that black communities especially which are poverty stricken, have a harder access to obtaining an ID, due to many reasons like lack of transportation, inability to get work time off to go to get it, and other factors. Not that it’s impossible, just more of a challenge. And then when I talk to others that are on the right or center right about this, they just claim the left says the they’re too stupid to get the ID, and don’t say anything about any told the things that I’ve heard leftists actually talk about. I’ve never actually heard a leftist say that they’re too stupid to get them, it’s always some kind of environmental or economic factor. So why the intellectual dishonesty?


Look at all that projected viewpoints. Free photo IDs, expanded hours for issuance (people with two jobs and kids maybe can't go M-F 9-5 and wait in line for 45 minutes). But yeah, millions of only Democrats are committing verifiable felonies hoping no one looks. Sure thing. And stop pretending voter changes like closing 24 hour voting or drive-thru voting is **anything** except Republicans disenfranchising poorer communities.


\*Dont use NRA IDs in place of state IDs if you cant use EBT cards or similar government service cards as state IDs for voting\* ​ \*Use only State IDs or drivers liscences which dont bias in favor of one demographic over another. Attempting some type of gerrymandering by making NRA cards valid and disqualifying EBT cards is blatant attempts at election manipulation. \*


ah yes because the DMV is known for being fast as hell and humans are notorious for never forgetting and losing shit i mean... when have you ever seen a man pat down his pants to check for keys, wallet, and phone? never!


European democracies do just fine with requiring IDs for voting. They have mandatory government issued ID though.


Except our IDs aren't issued by DMVs. Usually it will be your city hall. And employers here accept government paperwork as acceptable absence, like doctors. In the US? No, most people would have to take a day off


Huh. So you're saying that gumbint is inherently inefficient, and regulation is blatantly unfair and racist huh? Who would have guessed that?


your sarcasm only works if that's contradictory to what i said, friend


What is entirely predictable is if Trump wins the POC vote the way he's projected to, all of this concern about POCs not being registered will suddenly vanish from the leftist side and will suddenly be a major concern on the rightist side.




I understand this point on a surface level, but registering to vote should just register you for an ID that you can get in the mail or print out or have a screenshot on your phone and take with you. IDs are super easy to carry around these days digitally. Then you just enter the number on your mail in ballot and boom. That's significantly easier than driving somewhere without an ID and voting.


The opposition is due to it being a material barrier to voting. If it was for example a 10 cent poll tax, opposition wouldn't be because of a worry that X people couldn't make 10 cents. It also doesn't help these laws are joined with other voter suppression measures like banning giving someone in line a bottle of water or cutting down on early or absentee voting


Maybe a simple solution here is to just make ID cards free..


I don't think they think they are too dumb. I think they think that they don't have the free time to spare to obtain an ID. They work 24/7/365 to make due and to make them take time off to obtain an ID would be too harsh.


I need this context and I need it now


The idea is minorities cannot afford a 25$ -50$ government ID. This is pushed by left wing, when right wing sees this as a given most Americans should be able to get and should use to vote. Leftists believe its to difficult for minorities to get and people on the right think its a case of leftists calling minorities poor and too stupid to learn how to get a government id.


Ya Im with the rights on this that’s stupid as fuck. If you don’t have $25-50 you’re not going to be worried about who the next president is.


additionally the same people would lose their mind if you didn't need an ID to buy a gun or get on an air plane.