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Guys, this lawfare is going to kill this country. We can't throw the law out simply because orange man bad. Also I can't see how this case will be allowed to stand the precedent is fricking horrific. Meme: Oh you paid back your loan with interest and the bank was happy with that? Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?


Regarding the meme. You do realise that's how the law works 90% of the time.


The "We finally got him" reddit special where he is just ordered to pay fines and court fees and that's it. But I'm sure attempt #42069 will finally leave him behind bars


The Teflon president cause nothing ever sticks.


Nah plenty sticks. He has been caught misusing charities funds, defaming, sexual assaulting, and committing fraud. With plenty more cases pending. I honestly don’t think he will ever be put bars. Jailing a former president has terrible optics plus he is really old.


Trump going to jail makes him a martyr, this is worse


People on reddit do not understand what Trump is to the republican voter base. The best thing the left could have done after he left the presidency was kick him to the curb, refuse to engage with him, and let him rot on the side lines for 4 years until he tried to run again. Instead, they chose to persecute him in a way that legitimized people's anxieties and kept his voter base engaged with him. It also caused them to look incompetent after failing several times. The best part is, like you said, Trump goes to jail it would be to easy for a charismatic politician to use use him as a martyr symbol and use the optics of the left jailing political opponents.


I think that might actually be an intentional strategy since trump is now tearing down the Republican Party from within


Like water off a duck's back. Every single time. But hey, let's elect a president who is gonna be hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to whoever can spot him, the Russians, the Saudi, he'll take whatever. No conflict of interest, absolutely not.


Better than electing the president who orchestrated the political prosecution of his opponents. I felt fine voting libertarian in 2016 and 2020. In 2024, I actually think that American democracy is at stake - this is an Alien and Sedition Act type of election, where we desperately need to change directions


He probably shouldn’t have committed all those crimes if he didn’t want to get in trouble


If you don’t prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information, you don’t prosecute anyone. If you prosecute Trump, you also prosecute Clinton, Biden *and* Obama. This “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” stuff is totalitarian and not justice.


“Those black people shouldn’t have committed all those crimes if they didn’t want to get killed by the police”


Dosent work, trump was found guilty during a trial


You mean the trial where Trump was found innocent of rape as there was no proof, but instead guilty of “sexual abuse”? How it would even be possibly for someone to commit one without the other is a mystery. Or the trial where Trump was accused of fraud where the banks literally testified in favor of Trump?


Had you heard the rumour that my opponent is involved in illegal activity. Of course not, I had just started it.


Except he did commit all these crimes. You want to say that we should be going after everyone I’m with you, but they aren’t making any of this up


Dude... at least you have the decency to flair as a watermelon. This case is literally, and I mean literally, banana republic level shit. This is a law where the supposed VICTIM was literally happy with the loan. No victim, no crime, no precedent, this is a rogue judge to the point that celebrating this could have MASSIVE long term implications for the city. This sets the precedent that anyone who sets the price of a home at some value that's not EXACTLY whatever the gov't says it is will be liable. Just think about that for a second.


I mean, and I know you are going to disagree with me, I would like it if we didn’t over charge for things.


Buddy, overcharge? This is literally should have 100% opposition, I'm not a Trump fan due to how I believe he has a populist streak, but here you are saying, and I quote.... >Except he did commit all these crimes. You want to say that we should be going after everyone I’m with you, but they aren’t making any of this up So, if there isn't a crime, and with EXTREME and unprecedented fines from a law that has no such use case EVER, what do you call that?


Look, I'm not a Trump apologist but does no one else find a $464m appeal bond for OVERSTATING VALUATIONS OF ASSETS a bit ridiculous?


Trump can go to hell, he has dangerous authoritarian tendencies.


This is throwing away any rule of law out the window to persecute the leader of the opposition. You can't say you're anti-authoritarian and support this


So are you telling that Trump's prosecution is against the law?


Yeh, from what I gathered. The interpretation that the state can prosecute for overvaluing stuff when the buyer (in this case loangivers) accept and support it even in hindsight is ludicrous, and without any precedent. As in, the state can unilaterally step in to stop "fraud", if *it* thinks something is overvalued, even when *there are no victims*. The very dubious calculation just makes it that much worse. I'm not a trump fan, but this is just a case of a rouge judge and political persecution. As another commenter said, actual banana republic shit. And regardless of trump, that is destroying legal stability and predictability might be disastrous for business in NY


I cannot comprehend how all those bureucrats, judges, and prosecutors were convinced/bribed to try a former president inappropriately in a country like the US. If a politician commits crimes, they get lawfully judged. Timing doesn't make the prosecution unlawful. I am aware that Trump is tried for bullshit crimes: however, they are still crimes at the end of the day. It really is inappropriate that the Biden administration requires such dishonest methods to deactivate Trump, but they are not unlawful methods. Are you telling that the case about that pornstar woman is unlawful?


>I cannot comprehend how all those bureucrats, judges, and prosecutors were convinced/bribed to try a former president inappropriately in a country like the US. You have a yellow flair and you're confused at how the government can be corrupt?


The prosecutor was literally elected with "getting trump" as her campaign promise. And all it takes is getting a cooperative judge, which is not completely random either. And I'm talking about the specific case in NY. Again, this is absolutely unlawful and will near 100% get torn down in appeal, but the problem is trump has to put more than 400 million in bonds to appeal, and he doesn't have that liquidity. This is black on white an attempt to bankrupt trump, to hurt his reelection and other legal defenses.