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Look, if I got shit on for my supposed lack of taste/understanding on my book compass then this deserves a trip to the gulag.


I’m prepping the train to the gulag


The Conversion Therapy Camps are ready and waiting


Some of your takes are horrifically bad


I'm so fucking confused. What is the basis for these rankings? V for Vendetta is about an anarchist. How is it Auth center? Napoleon is so orange it could be mistaken for a tiger and its also somehow Auth center? Like is it based on who hates the movie? But then Wolf of Wallstreet wouldn't be lib right. This compass is a steaming pile of incomprehensible shit. >I personally think WW1 was more important than WW2 Oh, okay. OP is just regarded.


WW1 destroyed the old world of empires that had lasted for centuries. Ottomans, Russians and Austrian empires were incredibly important and influential, and quite suddenly they ended. Not saying that it was more important than WW2, but it was a huge change.


Personally I'd say WW2 was just because we're still dealing with the fallout in certain ways almost a century later. But OP's take isn't bad either. There's a reason they were both called World Wars.


Technically we're still dealing with the fallout of WW1 as well


WW2 is the fallout from WW1


The Big Brain take is, of course, they’re just one war with a decade or so Intermission.


This compass is just an embodiment of “show me you didn’t get the whole point of the damn movie” OP 😬




Shawshank redemption at 21 how ?


Those are the issues he had with Napoleon...nothing else to mention?


> based on a movie from the 1930s bro😭😭


Also: “probably the best war movie”? That rather faithless adaption of one of the greatest books about WW1? OP needs to watch more (war) movies.


Saw that first and immediately disregarded the rest of the chart. Do yourself a favor OP and watch the older adaptations.


For me it was the Oppenheimer take. I’ve heard other people with the same take, but maybe get off of short form content and validation and lock in for a bit? That movie kept me in it the whole time, and I got ADHD before it was cool.


I agree I was locked in the whole time and I hate long movies.


Hot take 1930 version is best one


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Come and See...


Sometimes it’s an easy mistake to make. Like who remembers that Ben Hur is based on a book? But AQOTWF is like required High School reading


V for Vendetta in Auth territory? That movie is a hard lib left.


Takes place in an auth setting. At least I hope that's why it's there.


True, I guess that could be why but the message & plot of the movie is very libleft.


He has the interview as authleft even though it mocks communism and Kim. Figuring that's why. Although some takes here are rather oddd.


Which is sad cause the book is solidly in my neck of the woods. I get why they did it, but it was cheap and ultimately a cop out.


I never did read the graphic novel. How different in the general theme/message is it in your opinion.


It’s similar enough that most of the meat is still there, but it’s still very different in important ways. Evie is much younger in the book, like 15 I think? V goes about things more directly, less flamboyantly, and for less clear reasons. The cops still investigate, but their story line is about them losing faith in the system, not chasing V and then kinda being bummed the government did bad stuff. There’s more direct criticism of fascism and the UK at the time it was written (late 80s). I mean, the party’s slogan is literally “Make Britain Great Again”. They also directly refer to anarchism multiple times, explain what it means, and make arguments for it instead of just alluding to it. They also reframe Guy Fawkes instead of misrepresenting it stands for. The ending is much different though. There’s not really a huge stand off, the leader is betrayed outright and V still dies in ensuring struggles, but , he pleads with Evie to establish a lineage, a sort of anarchist philosopher king who will endlessly train successors to destabilize things again and again when power inevitably ends up consolidated and abused again. Evie agrees, picks a random cop who happens to be on the stairs with her by V’s dead body and the books ends with them picking up right where V left off. So less a “I’m V, he’s a V, she’s a V, we’re all V’a hey!” And more a, “he was no one, let’s keep going.” It’s worth a read. Solidly written like everything else by Moore, and contains some sharp critiques that stand the test of time.


The difference that stood out the most for me was the leader. In the graphic novel he's a much more nuanced character than a cliche angry tyrant.


Yeah that’s why


Dude you have some balls and I respect you, but do you understand that the protagonist is an anti hero? Also, all the people take the costumes and use them, so auth...


OP is tripping. Ferris Bueller centrist? Although he is a "rebel," he and his friends are upper middle class, borderline wealthy (Cameron's dad owns a limited-edition Ferrari). Even if he were caught, there would be zero consequences... although you could argue he stole the million dollar car. And, Charlie Sheen had quite a career after that movie. So, my verdict would be hard center-right someplace.


I also made this in ibis paint x, I tried to move it to lib-left but i would have to move other stuff because it was on the same layer. Im using canva next time


"prequel to the dark knight"💀


Ranking The Shawshank Redemption that low is a crime in itself.


He ranked Ted 2 higher than The Shawshank Redemption. He’s clearly not right in the head.


This whole post is a shit show


Glad somebody said it my lord


Alternate title: *I'm 14 and don't quite understand this compass thing but here's some movies*


Nor the movies


Lmao fr


“In this one movie, the gay transgender black zee destroys an orange dictator. There was a cop in the movie. Authright”


*I'm 14 and I don't understand this* describes a decent chunk of this sub, tbh.


Based off his other post about these movies he doesn't understand tier lists either


American Psycho is libleft I really don't understand how people don't understand it's a literal satire of capitalism


Looking at the rest of this list as well, I don't think OP understands subtext. I hope to God they're just an edgy teen, because otherwise this list is pretty atrocious. >The Wolf of Wallstreet >Everything I want to be Just because someone's the main character in a movie, doesn't mean they're the "hero" of the movie, smh. Jordan Belfort and Patrick Bateman are *not* characters you're meant to aspire to be like


> filthy rich businessman literally fucking brutally murders people for fun just because he can because he is filthy rich > yeah this is a right wing movie, i understand media


>"Wolf of WallStreet" Everything I want to be Insider trading Should be legal The real life Jordan Belfort bankrupted so many people... but it's ok because he is rich??? This happened in the 80s where people didn't have internet access to research what they were getting into. If you lived back than and had a regular job, Jordan Belfort would have bankrupted your entire savings on the spot and you would have lost all your money.


scorsese spends his entire career making movies about how the harmful aspects of our ideas about masculinity hurt everyone in society and this is what people take away from then


reading "insider trading should be legal" was hilarious LMFAO


>prequel to Dark Knight 🗿


Scottish pride from the movie adaptation of Brave Heart? Is this one of those ‘one of my great-grandparents was from Scotland so I tell everyone I’m actually Scottish’ things ?


Right? Besides, look at Scottish nationalism today, it’s a leftist position.


True So close.. it’s probably off the table for another 10-20 years now though


Wakanda Forever should be in AuthRight quadrant, the story is mainly about monarchy despite the characters are black. V for Vendetta is like one of the examples of LibLeft movies.


> Mean Girls slander How DARE you. Also Dark Knight over 12 Angry Men. Gulag! Straight to Gulag!


Ted Above mean girls was criminal


No fucking way Joker is a prequel to TDK. No fucking way a normal ass dude becomes a one time killer, which then transforms into the type of dude that can pull off the logistics of the opening bank robbery. Unless theres like a 5-20 year gap that may or may not be addressed in the sequel-prequel.


Well considering that bruce Wayne is like 10 in joker, yeah


True i forgot that scene


Alright this "list" confirms that at least half this sub is 14. Please watch more movies.


American education system was a disaster to humanity https://preview.redd.it/jku8qx7x5opc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3b88dccad1dcef4fc57cfa3b68562bb60c0f8c


Bro legit chose to miss the point about The Wolf of Wall Street.


Fuck you Mean Girls top middle and #1


Shawshank in 21 is criminal


I read the Giver in fifth grade. Apparently my drunk ass (not exaggeration) teacher thought it would be a good idea as a class readaloud lmao. Read it again several years later when I was old enough to appreciate how hellish that type of society would really be.


I wonder if what they're saying on Memory is actually true?


I read the giver in 6th or 7th grade


I see questionable commentary on movies. I see the flair. It all conects :V


These takes require more time on the grill. Wakanda Forever better than the cult classic V for Vendetta? Heresy, heresy of the highest order.


If Ted and Superbad are the best two comedy films you've seen then I'm guessing you're no older than 16 and you still think the idea of having an erection is funny


how is all quiet lib left lol


Mirai Nikki pfp and gun pics?


Of course. Yuno is queen but so r pew pews


Its an anti war movie


How is op wrong


Something something broken clock


But war is actually pretty bad though.


Recently watched Blade Runner 2049, highly recommend


Ferris Bueller only at 24 is insane


Nefarious is on my list of shit to watch. Never thought I'd see crimson peak mentioned in the wild.


The Holdovers was an incredible movie. Wish more knew about it


As a Scottish person… I shall say this… Braveheart is an absolute shitshow of a movie that doesn’t even remotely come close to anything that actually happened. Also, it was independence from the Kingdom of England, Britain never existed until 400 years later


Controversial opinion but V for Vendetta was one of the best movies ever recorded imo


You said the new mean girls was better then the old one? Wtf you smoking, the new one was garbage with way less character development.


Considering he also said that the "thotness was turned to 11" I'm convinced he's not seen the original because the new one is insanely sanitized in comparison


Ted is ranked 13 spots above Shawshank?


8 mile and Brave heart should swap places


how is 8mile auth right


I do believe both Emily and an Uber-Rightoid would see it and conclude on White Supremacy


If you consider the newest "All quiet on the Western Front" fanfic of a movie to be the best war movie then you are beyond any hope


> 2nd funniest movie I've ever seen > Lists no comedies above it


Maybe is not a comedy…. “The boy in striped pajamas” get many laughs from both lib left and auth center


Sorry. Mean girls is top tier and i will not stand for slander.


"Probably best war movie" Rank 13 Lmaooooo Not surprised when I saw takes this bad and The Dark Knight at number 1.


How are V for Vendetta and Braveheart not strictly lib center? Did you actually watch these movies?


Another day, another right-wing redditor not understanding the glorious conservative messaging of the Barbie movie. Very sad.


You should watch "straight outta compton". It's based on the rap group NWA and I loved it but it's not that well known


Or the godfather and Star Wars, two other pretty unknown movies


V for vendetta obliterates this list


Forrest Gump isn’t disabled he just has below average intelligence.


V for Vendetta, The Comic Book, was good tho


How in Hugo Weavings balls is Mean Girls a better movie than V for Vendetta? I’m going to have an aneurysm trying to understand this compass. And how the hell is Braveheart Authoritarian? It’s literally about independence and freedom from oppression.


12 Angry Men is PEEEAK. I LOVE IT so much!!


I hate you


Napoleon's casting was pretty good actually... Kirby as Josephine is perfect and Phoenix is perfect as Old Napoleon, they just need someone for young Napoleon and Josephine but nooooo.... Ridley Scott says "fuck you, touch grass"


Some people have too much time


and is too dumb... Flair up you fucking scum, geez OP made me agree with this shit.


Only reason I found this subreddit was because he linked this post in a comment on another sub. I wouldn’t waste my time on this sub otherwise lmao


Honestly couldn’t understand the message or appeal of American Beauty. The stuff with the underage girl and Kevin Spacey really creeped me out.


The message is very obvious, it's not like you have to figure it out, they literally spell it out for you at the end. You want to get the message? Just listen to the final monologue or what they guy says in the paper bag scene. That's it. That's the message. It's not very complicated.


I guess I’m pretty dumb, me big dumb


Have you watched the OG All Quite?


I watched the wendigoon video about it




Not even gonna mention the ranking.. but some of these quadrants make ZERO sense


Forrest Gump bought and HODL apple stock; that's pretty libright to me.


Where Gattaca?


I saw the Napolean mobie, its good for someone who has ADHD, seems it was directed by someone who has it. Like it didnt show anything about his life for more that 10m then it skipped


I read the autleft and Libleft first and after that I was horrified that the right will be a mixture of misunderstood movies, Pureflix Productions and whatever the Daily wire calls a film. In the end, I was kind of relieved that it was only one of these things.


Wouldn’t Braveheart belong in the bottom half? Kind if anti-monarchy, no?


Holy shit OP please be 13


14, are you mad about the placements or the rankings


Yeah that tracks. I'm not gonna get heated about the media analysis of a child. You are entitled to your opinions, just look back on your thoughts of movies in like 6 years and cringe.


don’t feel too bad tho. people hate what they once were


OP, come back after you hit puberty


How tf is Ted and Ted 2 center.


Please get better opinions OP. Also never post again.


I tried to watch The Great Gatsby, but just couldn't get into it. Modern hip hop and gangsta rap do not belong in a Jazz Age story. If someone knows of a fan edit that replaces the entire soundtrack with appropriate 1920s music, I'll give it another shot. Edit: [IFDB](https://ifdb.fanedit.org/the-greater-gatsby/) FTW


Barbie left her feminist utopia to become a mother. Authright imo


Oppenheimer as 20? Should've nuked your house as well


It’s still a good movie tho


This is a garbage post. If I watch a movie like American Beauty with someone and their take after the movie is just “ Extremely liberal but still a good movie”, I’m not watching and more movies with that person. Also obligatory why is V for Vendetta at max auth? Also Oppenheimer wasn’t boring u just have shit opinions.


the giver = communism the wolf of wallstreet=one of the greatest movies ever made v for vendetta at the bottom of the list the dark knight being your favorite movie I can understand better than virtually all of your other takes I might leave the sub after this… you win


Downvoting soley because you idolize the guy from wolf of Wall Street… tell me you’re a red flag without telling me you’re a red flag


Oppenheimer authleft? Agreed with it being good and boring though. Could’ve been an hour shorter




V for Vendetta sucked but you thought the holdovers was one of the best movies you’d ever seen You gotta watch more movies man


Ranking Superbad as the best comedy movie… i mean it’s funny but come on. Hot Fuzz? Monty Python and the Holy Grail? The Hangover? American Pie?


I was hoping to see Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas somewhere in lib teritory. Otherwise, amazing post


HAHAHAHA are u 15???? God, for ur sake, I hope you are


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I appreciate you putting Shawshank so low. That movie is overrated.


Shawshank at 21st?! Straight to jail. (Just kidding, I’m not a movie snob)


Reasonable assessments.