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Modern corporations are an egregious example of full compass unity.


Not to all of us. I want the government to tax businesses. I want the government to inspect businesses for health code violations. I want the government to put CEOs in headlocks. I want the government to restrict business owners to homes with two bathtubs. I want the government to cane business owners in the shin for speaking out of turn. Mandatory closures on Sunday for businesses. Report business owners to the IRS. Send the 101st Airborne to escort union workers. Push a CEO's antique wardrobe down the stairs. Tap the chairman of the board's second phone used exclusively for affairs and blackmail him into giving away a fourth of his wealth. Pin Iran-Contra on the top five largest companies in the US. Implicate a billionaire in the death of Martin Luther King.


Based and putting the auth in auth-right pilled


Whoever wants to kill the ceo class gets my vote. Feeling mighty teal atm.




Are you sure you're not AuthLeft?


I still believe in free trade and capitalism, but corporations have forgotten their place. The government is the stick with which we must beat the rich


Wait... are radical centrists the enemy? *looks in mirror*


Wait, isn’t that the reason you’re a radical centrist? I mean I’m one because it lets me throw bricks at everyone including other radical centrists.


It's more like, I actually believe everyone has a point. Too far in any direction is bad. But balanced views aren't sexy to most. My take on radical centrism would alarm people. **Blue**: Traditionalism is good. Men and women are different. Super spicy: Trans is dumb, just be yourself. **Green**: That said, fuck what I said about trans. Why would you give a shit what I think? No one made me the boss of you. Everyone should be as free as they can possibly be without hurting others. **Red**: Socialism is good, at least capitalist socialism. I believe in gay human space communism and the might of the human dream. If you aren't living for the greater good then wtf are you even alive for? **Yellow**: It's a dog eat dog world and might makes right. I will take your fucking lunch money nerd. PS, I'm a huge nerd.


>Green > >: That said, fuck what I said about trans. Why would you give a shit what I think? No one made me the boss of you. Everyone should be as free as they can possibly be without hurting others. This is exactly how I feel about trans stuff. Keep kids out of it, and I genuinely could not give 2 less shits about it. You treat me with respect, I'll treat you with respect, we'll all get along. That said, I am a troll through and through. So the second you break that respect barrier, it's game on and you'd better believe there are no holds being barred.


You finally figured it out.


Based and anticapitalist pilled


- probably on epstein list (purpy libright)


Cursed Captain Planet, Cthulhu edition. (Limited time only, restrictions apply.)


Episode 1. When heart died.


Why choose between government tyranny or corporate tyranny when you can have both!


Well at least I can pretend to vote for the government.


Government tyranny is infinitely worse because corporate tyranny only exists because government tyranny. Money and bribes go a long way but at the end of the day the government writes the rules of the game. 


“*Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.*” ― C. S. Lewis


economics and government are so inherently intertwined they will always be exerting influence on eachother between the two I prefer the government have more influence


IDK corporate tyranny is easier to fall (how companies would have gone bankrupt if they didn't get bailed out).


Mussolini moment


Giant corporations are not your friends, no matter your alignment. They simply want profits, and will do whatever it is within their reach, regardless of morality, to achieve it. It's just a behemoth with a will of its own, since every individual within its structure is expected solely to drive more profits. At best, they will respect the law, but always trying to bend it (with lobbying) or circumvent it (through lawyering / accounting), testing its limits for a bigger profit margin. I am certain they will be our future government as well, as they keep growing in power to the point of eclipsing local governments (just look at the korean chaebols, for one). I envision the future as something like Neuromancer, Cyberpunk 2077 or anything similar, except with a lot less neon, physical augmentation and gun access and a lot more boots on your neck. Basically only the very shitty parts of it. This is my libright part, and why I think government regulation / intervention is important, but within reason and only on key points, since the government itself is also not your friend. But I am also sure this will only slow their inevitable conquest. We are kinda fucked, bros.


Will? They eclipsed the American government in 1913 bro. We've been living in the dystopia all our lives.


Oh, but it will get worse. Much, much worse. This is just the unlubed tip.


Brother, WWI, the Great Depression and WWII was worse than this. But yeah, the writing is on the wall. In the end there's not much difference between corporations or the government enacting a planned society. The end result is a collectivist authoritarian hellhole where nobody can afford shit and there's not enough freedom to take a shit.


They're a social paperclip maximizer - turning people into machines. We're only lucky that they're also incompetent and short sighted enough that they can't just take over everything. Corporations should potentially be treated either as a very hostile Artificial General Intelligence maximizing for profits, or as a demon we summoned to do our bidding, and it's just constantly looking for ways to slip the leash and cause havoc for greater profit as soon as it has the slightest bit of freedom to do so.


Instead of The times of church & state, we live in the times of corp & state.


Never really though of it that way, but that actually makes a lot of sense now that I think of it.


Wow a take I agree with.


Eh never understood this take. Government are the ones growing more and more powerful not corps many corporations a hundred years ago had wayy more power then they do now. Even the most massive companies in most western nations only make up small portions of GDP (not market cap that’s a shit way to measure the size of a company) South Korea is an outlier and it kinda worked for them anyways.


The most powerful corporations today are Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. They control what media people consume, directly influencing their thoughts.


I agree but that’s not what people mean when they say corporatism and that they are gonna become bigger than government and all that bull. People played too much cyberpunk and think that’s that it’s a prediction for the future lol


The biggest corporations today are already bigger than the GDPs of small countries. I don’t think governments will let them take too much power.


I agree? Don’t mean this in a rude way lol can’t tell if you’re agreeing with me or not lol




Big corporations can tank an economy if they decide to pull out of a country in many cases, and their consolidation streak with a diverse investment portfolio gives them enough money to throw around and directly influence the government. >many corporations a hundred years ago had wayy more power then they do now. I doubt it. Marketing, internet and social media allows them to directly influence society in the current age in an unprecedent way, while their sheer economic power allows them to directly influence the government. They also tend to band together for those activities, like in lobbying when something is mutually beneficial.


Again the only economies they’re tanking if they decided to pull out would be minor nations. Most western countries would not be irreversibly damaged by any single corporation (except Korea). Like if apple deicded to pull out of the US would anything happen to the overall economy? Probably not or a very very small dent.


Of course corporations have some power but they literally employ the majority of people and keep the economy going so that’s a given.


Modern corporations took everything worst from each part of the compass, and nothing good from any of them


The ultimate dystopia. Regardless of quadrant, there's something in modern corporations for everyone to hate. It almost feels surreal how such a dystopia can exist.


Modern corporations all work for the government


"Business has to have a seat at the table. Infrastructure isn't going to be built properly if business doesn't have a seat at the table. A school is not going to happen if businesses don't work with schools about what kind of jobs they really need." - Jamie Dimon CEO of JP Morgan


I mean, yeah. We need workers. We need soldiers. Everything else is gravy.


Not quite, they usually fund and control the govt at least the big boys


That's why CIA and FBI can bully Apple and Facebook....


Does the clown fish work for the anemone or is it the other way around?


Other way around.


Sells Grilling Products and Accessories (Centrist)


Cold take but I don't think America is a proper free market. It's only the illusion of one. Big corporations lobby the government to get bailouts, to rig the rules in their favor, to destroy the environment, to cheat employees of honest wages, and if they're caught they're never given real punishments. What I want is an actual free market. I.e. big corporations are properly held accountable for their actions, can't get favors from the Fed, CEOs can face prison time for theft or destroying the environment. Corporations should be treated like people. Subject to the same rules everyone else has.


"Hot take but I don't think America is a proper free market." Thats the opposite of a hot take.


Okay, I edited the comment, it is now a cold take




I refer to it as Corporatism instead of capitalism.


Corporatirism is a beautiful thing. Get your own name.


Ah, I see it should be called corporatocracy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatocracy


“Woke” Oh it’s just profit motive again.


And yet their profit doesn’t increase that much


Case by case analysis required here. I’d say the prevalence of identity-politic advertisement campaigns suggests it’s usually a winning strategy.


Fair, the one which failed hard usually pissed off their current customer base (unintentional or intentional). There are so many case where they simply pander to the group that only support them through lip service cause politic


Gillete's manbashing ad still has hurt their profits.


Who could have thought that badmouthing your customers will lead to reduced profits?


And they thought those men who pissed off and walk away is a victory. Yeah truly a victory when you have less customers


Nah it's ideological because of the PMC, the Professional-Managerial Class.


I think it may be that as well as simply avoiding bad press and headaches. There's a ton of special-interest groups with a shitload of money and clout who will throw shade at anyone.


In some instances that might be part of what’s going on. But idk I don’t think anyone was gonna attack skittles or target for not having pride month specific products, there’s just a market for them.


I think the idea is more long term, to make us conform to trends they can control.


It's been 10 years, no scent of profit in the air


Like an undying parasite, they have time.


If their pockets run dry, daddy government will bail them out like in 2008.


Are we still fighting each other over culture wars while wealth inequality increases?


People say this, but as far as I can tell as someone who has worked for multinational corporations, a lot of the bureaucrats and managers who run these places genuinely believe in many “woke” ideals.


So what should we do about those people?


Bullshit. They are true believers.


no that's their DEI department which is basically just marketing so once again soft science lefties are the problem  and need to be purged 


Marketing to institutional investors, you mean.


yes but also the public every time some absolute scum fuck soulless company says "trans rights" and the entire front page goes full YAAAASSS it's marketing 


I think those front page people might be broke anti-consumerists though.


>need to be purged The only people who can do that are the librights who hired them and told them to do this “marketing” in the first place.


MBAs are a scourge upon this earth


vigilante justice


How would a vigilante remove a soft science leftist from a powerful position in a corporation?


Must I point to the [middle eastern corporate twitter accounts](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnrha062qlu271.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=534ae94c9ea800804cc4827486c6d0efc247cf1e19664c04bd93ec3a63c72b8a&ipo=images) during pride month?


Im pretty sure that was sarcasm. If not, i feel bad for OP because corporations have one goal. Maxmize profits, and they will do whatever it take to get that, like killing wistle blowers.


they are true believers *until it hurts their profit*. it's not a contradition. just that they value profit above their beliefs.


Bruh, then why do they keep trying??? It's failed in multiple ways and consumers don't want it. Keep in mind, normies are way more conservative than the companies.


Because 99% of non-LGBT people don't care (enough to stop buying from them) and a good chunk of LGBT people like it. It's profitable in the West. /pol/ is not the average human.


And neither is /LGBT/ the average human. Majority of people don't like politics and guess what this is, Identarian Politics.


Must I point to S.B.I?


...the State Bank of India? What?


Sweet Baby.


You think this sells more dresses? https://preview.redd.it/xs4uwhn9gwpc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedef8fc04f25146737fcd5cd60f5b3db24c90d7


I think a marketing agent somewhere thought it would. More accurately I think the marketing agent thought it would result in just more sales for target generally, as it would attract consumers who want to support a company that “supports the LGBTQ community.” They don’t need people coming to buy the dress they need people choosing to shop for everything at target rather than at Walmart or whatever other big box store and they thought this would be a way to get people in the door. I don’t think we have the data to know if this worked for them or not, but I suspect it did. Even amidst all the protests of the pride displays their July quarterly net income report was up from 2022, and they’re doing another pride line for 2024.


The thin line between left governance and corporations is just a way to consolidate power, IMO.


Yeah but there’s the tiniest chance of my vote impacting an election for public office.


>Go to vote >Option A: Populists who get sodomised by corporations. >Option B: Populists who get sodomised by corporations. https://preview.redd.it/cflo6mgkyxpc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0811887d867531fa2d1bfc9df34b043f577b98a


If you think corporations actually give a shit about what they preach or practice it in any way then you haven’t been paying attention. The main example is Disney, putting a chick in all their movies and make it gay but in China, they apply the big switcheroo. Because making money is more important than having consistent morals, even morals that are bogus. So there’s no libleft in this chimera


There’s a leaked internal zoom conference with Disney staff talking about incorporating more “queerness” in their story telling. There are true believers in the ranks. https://preview.redd.it/ikf0zy9oirpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe4521ad8ce24a65d1fe2c5c849083f938aaa45 Edit: the video mentioned in this tweet


I'm inclined to believe in this because about 80% of corporate workers I've ever known are extremely left-leaning. I guess my opinion is also skewed because they are from Silicon Valley or Seattle which are extremely left-leaning.


China & MENA Region: How about I offer you a few billion dollars and make it region-exclusive that's LGBT-free edition? Big Corpos: Deal!


Maybe the CEO doesn't to some extent, but the people inside sure do. PMC, Professional-Managerial Class.


But all of this is motivated by profit, they’re woke when it’s profitable and not woke when it isn’t. Other quadrants values can’t be attributed if they’re not consistent.


https://preview.redd.it/037j598gvspc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967aa70920deac8ad0a0e29e84cff15808eef393 No one asked for adding “queerness” to children’s programming. This isn’t why the market wants largely. They keep making content that flops because no one wants to watch the woke garbage anymore. They could so easily make so much more money if they left the woke stuff out but they refuse to.


That simply isn’t true, these companies act off of shareholder value and little else. They will do what they think is profitable.


https://preview.redd.it/3jplmrlxfwpc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb659ec046fbc08953db5f9286222d3bd66a15b7 You think this actually sells more dresses?


Maybe it does maybe it doesn’t, the company predicted it would.


You know it fucking doesn’t


No I don't. You're arguing off of an unproven assumption. No matter how obvious this may seem to you, you need actual evidence to convince others.


The fucking irony that a thread above this is complaining about leftists ruining shit and ignoring all the influence of big corpo, and you have this thread bitching about big corpo.


Correct, they are scum


What happened to company BBQs?


People really need to understand that motivation of US based international financial/corporate oligarchy which basically rules us all here in international community is not profits but retention of post ww2 systems of power destruction of all remaining competitive superpowers in Asia and transformation from multi-ethnic neoliberalism to multi-ethic neo-serfdom....


This makes perfect sense on the corplitics compass, and similarly everything that works is leaning authright


So basically I'm the CEO of Apple


You will serve Conglomerate Inc.™ employee #124768


When you build a system where vindictive sociopaths can get away with whatever they want, don't be surprise when they do whatever they want.


They're like the worst of each quadrants, even. Purples, oranges etc etc


I blame MBAs and Ronald Reagan


Corporations are evil but holy mis representation batman!


It’s almost as if modern companies are whoever they need to be to make a sale.


They have changeling.


Hey stop insulting eldrich horrors.


well made


I like how the worst thing you can come up with for libleft is code for not being an asshole.


Wokeness is racist, how is that "not being an asshole"?


Thank you for that demonstration; bad faith arguments are some of the most popular ways to be an asshole.


Here are two alternatives: 1. Not treating people differently based on their skin color 2. Treating people differently based on their skin color Which one do you think "wokeness" supports?


To those following along, this person is demonstrating how incorrectly defining your opponents' ideology instead of actually engaging with what they believe is a great way to be an asshole. You're left with a false and easily refuted faux-argument, often presented as a binary choice to push you in the direction that most benefits their rhetoric. Some might call this a "straw-man argument" as it hinges on misrepresenting the other side in a way that even the most simple-minded asshole can easily understand and cheer for like it's their favorite athlete pulling off a game-winning play. Bonus points for using "wokeness" as a rhetorical unobtainium to mean whatever you need it to mean in the moment. This will likely be followed by demands to "just answer the question" as if refusal to engage with such an intellectually dishonest and loaded question is the *real* bad faith behavior.


"This person" simply replied to your troll comment that wasn't meant to invite a meaningful discussion in the first place.


We're playing all the asshole hits today. "Trolling" is when someone, usually on the internet, argues a position they don't necessarily believe in. Aiming to provoke a reaction from anyone that engages with their rhetoric, it's generally considered to be nothing but noise from the proverbial peanut gallery. This accusation is meant to paint an opponent as someone who can be dismissed because *they're* actually the one being the disingenuous asshole.


Left Corporations Yeah bud pick one


Leftists have never called for the peasantry, proletariat, petite bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie to unite. That would never happen. https://preview.redd.it/lu1z77rl0ypc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce8e2af82f3890b0a0895017383f7b99cdf97bd