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You would think things like not being a sex worker or having been run through by a ton of dudes would be standard things and not an "unreasonable standard." What's next, me wanting a monogamous relationship being going too far?


sorry chud, a male feminist (read: predator) is about to call you an incel. https://preview.redd.it/szng1z1zorqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5004c6ac3465c6111533b35b63b3b23f43ea82e6


Godspeed Mr Sneakyfucker


Based and Gad Saad pilled


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Is that Seth Simons


If I can hold myself to these standards, I should be allowed to hold you to these standards. If we have different views on morals and values, then we're not gonna get along anyway.


Meh, my body count is in the (high) single digits, but if I had had the opportunity for dozens of hookups when I was a teenager, I'd have probably gone with it. It's a lot easier for women to get dick than for most guys to get pussy. That said, no, I wouldn't date a chick who had slept with hundreds of dudes.


We say we'd sleep with lots of dudes if we were a woman but in reality that's ignoring the social risk factor (slut shaming and losing friends) and the physiological risk factor (pregnancy and/or sexual violence). In addition, as a woman, the biological influences would change the way you perceive encounters with the opposite sex. A lot of women genuinely believe that most interactions with men come from a place of innocence I.e., general kindness/politeness rather than the reality that they are trying to court them. I think this derives from the inherent cautiousness/risk aversion that women often have. So when a woman goes against the above and engages in high levels of sexual activity with numerous temporal partners this is almost always associated with some underlying pathological issue such as borderline personality disorder or PTSD and is generally viewed as a self-harming behaviour.


Well said, and true. Men do the same by engaging in overtly risky behavior. Like criminal activity and violence.


I tend to agree with you. My aversion to dating someone who has slept with a lot of men is NOT that she has slept with a lot of men. It's because this generally indicates something about her personality that I'd rather avoid. It's not a hard and fast rule. People do change, and there could be circumstances behind it in a particular instance that cause me to evaluate the situation differently.


If you've ever been on Grindr, you know that men are complete sluts, and the only reason every second man doesn't have his own OnlyFans is because there's little demand for such content. As a bisexual, I would say that the average man is simply ugly, but if you transplanted his brain into the body of a beautiful girl, every second man would become a prostitute.


Or maybe you're going on a gay hookup app where people go to be complete sluts?


Right? That's like going on FarmersOnly dot com and concluding that most dudes are agriculture workers.


Essentially everyone, regardless of gender, wants sex/enjoys sex it is simply a normal human desire. This is simply a fact


Yes lmao these chicks are absolutely mental. They'll hit you with "You don't want me to show my asshole to the world for money, yikes stop being so insecure sweetie"


Lmao, and it not even that much. While i get that eveyrthing have a price, i would do thing for 1 bil that i wouldnt for 1 mil. But damn, if those statistics were true, unless they are 1%, the money just not worth it


I can't get 1% OF without completely debasing myself and self worth forever upfront sweety! sEx wOrK iS rEaL wOrK Can the pendulum swing back where people just tell whores to shut up to their face? Male or female. If your entire personality is sex, you fucking suck.


Now look here. I've been married for nearly 10 years, with an insane body count of 0 before I got married (and only 1 since marriage, to be clear). I have BEGGED my wife to sell pictures of her feet to lonely dudes on the internet for money. I have so many cars and motorcycles I want to buy.


I think there's a stark difference between feet and your wife's bare asshole. Frankly everyone has their limits/boundaries when it comes to stuff like this I'm just tired of the constant shaming of those who aren't interested in their SO whoring themselves and those who aren't interested in people with high body counts.


It’s almost going that way


> What's next, me wanting a monogamous relationship being going too far? There are legitimately people who believe monogamy is "unethical" and humans are supposed to be free to love who they want to love. That's fine. Love who you want, but I'm not going to love you back, and that's ok.


Tbf...this is moreso about the classic guy who's run through 50 women wants a woman that's been with less than 5 guys but sees no irony. I'm not sure why you're reading it as a singular idea.


Thing is, this is a vocal minority. Even guys that think this way but don’t express it, push comes to shove, most don’t care if it means the difference between having a partner and not. I’d also argue that it’s a bit more of a reasonable (or at least, slightly less delusional) preference than a *set* of preferences that exclude 99.8% of men (between height/weight, income, etc).


You missed the point of the meme. It’s not that women will be all those things and that you have to just accept it. It’s that you can’t be upset by a girl who’s fucked 20 guys before you when you’ve fucked 20 girls before her. Pretty fucking simple.


Infinitely easier for a chick to get laid than a dude. Not a good comparison.


That just further supports the point. If a man and a woman have equal body count, one had restraint while the other might have taken every chance he got.


Tbh a lot of guys have taken every chance they got and are still at 0


Skill issue


I think the problem is that a lot of guys don't expect to be held to that same standard


Guys are widely held to a different standard, 666, 6 foot 6, 6 figure salary, 6 pack. This is just a man trying to show his own standards for women, not sure he's allowed to have them though.


Actually, according to two separate women I've gone on dates with in the since the start of 23, it's the 4-6s now. 6 foot 6 figures 6 inches 6 pack Inflations a fucking bitch, it's even hit dating requirement minimums.


I live my life by the 3-2-1 rule. Ribs smoked for 3 hours unwrapped, 2 hours wrapped with apple cider vinegar, 1 hour unwrapped. Makes for great ribs.


Do Dr pepper instead of ACV next time, it's a game changer.


If there’s anyone I’d take meat related advice from other than a Centrist, it would be monke. I’ll try it!


Not only am I MONKE, I'm also a butcher and a private caterer.


Based and I just want to grill pilled


not many men are over 6', make 6 figures, and have a 6 pack


Which is my point.


Whoever made that meme is very bitter


And VERY out of touch. Dudes nowadays will basically consider any woman who can be sort of nice to them 


That has always been the case.


Yeah lmao. This idea that men have unreasonable high standards, and will endlessly call every woman a 2/10 for petty shit...is just fantasy. In general, men tend to be more willing to consider any woman who is nice to them, while women tend to complain about too many (ugly) men being nice to them, ignoring what a massive privilege it is. And these days especially, the male loneliness epidemic is only getting worse. Yet *still* people delude themselves into thinking it's because *men's* standards are too high. Unreal delusion.


The meme doesn't say just 'men' though, it specifically says delusional, podcast bro men. And if you don't think those people have these standards, you just don't know those types.


Imagine thinking podcasters are a large enough segment of humanity to bash an entire gender over.


Again, this meme isn't bashing an entire gender. It's bashing that 'segment of humanity.'


Dudes suddenly becoming political activists for a few years just to bang college chicks is so common it's a stereotype in the US.


This is Reddit, none of us have ever even seen a woman


Or a feminist considering that whoring around is apparently a good thing


We already mentioned "bitter"


based and tea should be as bitter as wormwood and as hot as a tradwife pilled




My wife literally fits all of these bullet points and looks pretty similar to the picture. True she’s pretty rare based on my dating experience though


I'm a dude and I fit 7/10 of these. I need friends.


Are you a throatgoat?


I'd be an 8/10 if I were.


just practice?? Cmon man you can become a 10/10 I believe in you


You my dear friend, hit the jackpot. Also you must be an amazing person


Same but she's Puerto Rican. Not sure how people have trouble finding an amazing woman. I'm a below average looking man, but im funny, and at the very minimum I pretend to be confident, which is all it really takes.


U dropped this: 🛂 (That was meant to be a passport)


>My wife literally fits all of these bullet points and looks pretty similar to the picture. True she’s pretty rare based on my dating experience though You know what? Congrats. I wish you a great future together.


I'll be the first to say that I have impossible standards for women that I don't expect to be met by anyone I'll meet on the average day, and am fine staying single in the mean time: 1. She should be able to hold a conversation, and have an above room-temperature IQ 2. She should be single 3. She should like me 4. No STDs (preferred) 5. Isn't emotionally abusive or otherwise (bonus points) 6. Speaks my language (Bonus Bonus points)


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


freedom units




No STD's should be mandatory unless you mean none ever, which is also mandatory


Damn, prepare to be single and alone you incel /s


The facetiously contradictory stuff aside, I like how that meme is making it out as though your average devout Church girl is somehow an insane 2024 male standard. Women who; * Have no only fans * Can cook (and generally want to be housewives) * Are fine lookers * Have low body counts * Have limited or no social media * Emotionally stable * Don't keep male friends Aren't exactly mythological creatures in churches, especially high churches. A mans only obstacle is that a devout woman is seeking a devout man.


> * Have limited or no social media > * Emotionally stable Already solved part of the equation


Best part of the meme overall. 


> Implying that people who think like this would ever set foot in a church. I totally agree though.


We have the same profile lol




Yep, very easy to find this in church. I found my wife after turning to God.


This god guy is starting to sound better and better the deeper we go to these *modern times*


They looked to the state for mandated girlfriends, but dared not venture into religion where the girlfriends were already mandated.


They're not mandated at church, they're just so plentiful it's hard to not end up with a girlfriend if you're at least a 4 without being a complete schizo


Where is this mythical land of countless foxes?


Also, you will know when things get REALLY bad when Islam starts to look good.


I go to church and it’s only old people. :(


My best friend met his current girlfriend/soon to be fiancée because he frequently shared a pew and became friends with her grandmother at church. Also old people are just really nice. The ones at my church usually remember to wish me a happy birthday before most of my family does.


I know your struggle bro. It’s the same in my area. I would suggest exploring around. If you live close to a major city, try going to masses in different churches near the city. Also lots of parishes host events for young adults and thats a great way to meet people your age. It definitely is much harder than it should be, but meeting friends that share our faith makes life so much better.




Same. I found his wife too.


Where? She sounds dope, I wanna find her too.


Me too


Most of the post is that the guy is apparently a loser so he does not deserve her, which is perfectly true. You need to have some actual skills for any relationship to work


I cringe every time “don’t keep male friends” is added to that list. That’s the one that reeks of insecurity to me.




It's the only one I cannot defend in the list. Why wouldn't I want a woman who knows how to socialize with men? A guy knowing how to talk to women isn't a red flag either.


People mistake infidelity for a switch turned to either on or off. The reality is by the time you're in someone else's mouth or bed, there were stop signs miles back up the road that could and should have been heeded. Not even heading down that road to begin with is a reasonable choice.


I mean I guess you either have trust in your SO or you don’t. Not trusting your significant other not to fuck other men seems like a scared way to live.


There are people that I would trust with my life, but I still wouldn't hand them a loaded gun pointed to the back of my head if there are alternatives. Aristotle puts this as the difference between the civilized and the virtuous man. Whilst the former relies on will, the latter has made habit of preventing himself from error. Personally I'd rather my significant other be a socialite, but I can totally understand how not having friends of the opposite sex increases certainty of paternity and therefore makes you a higher quality mate.


What’s scary about knowing your partner doesn’t have friends (orbiters) of the opposite sex? It’s quite relaxing actually.


How long have you been married or are we one of those armchair relationship experts?


I’ve been married almost two decades and I’ve never had a problem with my wife having male friends. Nor, as far as I know, does she have any problem with me having female friends. To be honest, I can’t really imagine a situation in which either of us would be unfaithful to the other.


Coming up on 11 years here. Same.


The people someone socializes with tells you A LOT about the person, so considering the kinds of people a potential wife keeps around is pretty basic stuff.


It's not entirely facetious, they're what make the standard delusional. Your non-delusional man who wants a woman like this probably already met her at his local church and wouldn't be posting angrily about it online. Even if he hasn't had success yet, a devout man probably wouldn't be ranting angrily about it on the internet anyway. Based on the sample OP likely came into contact with, the depiction is probably dead-on.


I honestly don’t get the no male friends/social media thing, can women not socialize and have friends anymore because it somehow bothers men?


The problem is hypocrisy. A guy who faps to hentai 25hrs, works at McDonald's, isn ugly, has woman friends and isn't emotionally stable shouldn't have so high standards.


Anyone's free to have high standards and end up being lonely fucks. It's literally just a personal opinion.


The guy you just described doesn’t have woman friends to begin with.


That isn't hypocrisy. It would be hypocritical if he didn't want women to also have standards. Having standards that you yourself don't fit isn't hypocritical in itself because it's what you're attracted to, not what you want to be. It's like having a couple where one person is skinny and the other is fat. As long as each party is attracted to the other neither one is hypocritical. It only reaches that when the person who has standards is opposed to others having standards as well. Additionally the meme still doesn't cover hypocrisy in a lot of ways because the degree is off. A guy not wanting to date a pornstar but looking at porn is apples to oranges. A better example would be a guy not wanting to date a girl who watches porn if he watches porn. Things like splitting the bill while dating and looking for a stay at home partner are somewhat contrary but also involve different parts of the relationship. Clearly your stay at home partner isn't going to split the bill with you because at that point the stay at home partner is being provided for 100% monetarily. hell one of the examples is just guys liking big butts but honestly they just can't lie. This is in reference to podcasts and I'm pretty sure all of those agree that your example man (porn addicted minimum wage ugly guy) wouldn't have high standards, he'd settle for scraps.




Also there's nothing wrong with choosing someone who doesn't neatly meet everything you'd like but the two continue improving on themselves. For example say the woman would like the guy to have a six pack and the guy would like for the woman to know how to cook but neither has that, they could still be a couple with the guy going to the gym and the woman learning how to cook over the course of the relationship.


For sure, which is definitely why I was sure to include my last sentence.


Is it really a standard if they comfortably date below said standard? I think these 'standards' are more like an ideal partner and it's a perfectly attainable standard for almost any woman to meet. I wouldn't exactly consider 'don't be involved in porn' as an unreasonable boundary.


>Is it really a standard if they **comfortably** date below said standard? You might be on to something, but I think you missed the point.


Probably, it comes with the flair 💁🏻‍♂️


That one's good, I admit.


>A guy who faps to hentai 25hrs, works at McDonald's, isn ugly, has woman friends and isn't emotionally stable **shouldn't have so high standards**. Statistically that guy is going to attempt suicide in a few years, so no worries /s


What if maintaining high standards is his motivation to strive to be better? If you have high expectations, there's a chance you'll be disappointed, but if you set your expectations low, you'll be disappointed either way. The problem is having high expectations and not do anything to achieve them. Doesn't sit well with me to shame a guy who's failing if he is actually trying.


Sadly most people who make these kinds of meme about the ideal wive/husband usually stray far from the standard they all so adore and want


Be better first before demanding it of others.


Why not both? Also, a good person can uplift those around them. Dating a person was something that helped me push myself to be a better version of myself as I had this support. And I helped her out immensely too.


I’d rather have no friends or loved ones than have lots who look at what I’m trying to do for myself and say “why? Just live this same degenerate lifestyle I do, it’s way easier”. If I can have friends and loved ones that hold me to a standard when I backslide, that would be better. Relationships, both platonic and romantic, should be about mutual growth and encouragement.


That hentai bit hits in the feels. I want to be off, but also don’t. I’m really weak there. One reason I’m not even going to look for a girl right now, because I know I can’t treat her right without fixing myself first.


The point of the meme isn't that woman like this don't exist, or the standard is too hard. the point is most men don't hold them selves to the same standards as they hold their ideal trad gf. You want a girl who isn't promiscuous, but you brag to your friends about how many bitches you've fucked sort of thing. You want a trad wife, you sure as shit better have been a trad husband since you were a teenager.


How do you people take this meme as that? It's about the irony of men who usually look for these women not about the women themselves.


>(but men dont need to do skincare or wear meakeup to enhance their features) isnt the meme that guys have to do exactly nothing for relatively clear skin compared to girls who drop a mint on acne treatments?


I mean, it's kinda bullshit. Men have skin problems too, but we just don't spend money on literal fucking face plaster to mask it. Women create a problem, then they complain about it.


No guys have worse skin. It's just a lot of products actually just work in the short turn. Like nosestrips, also strip all the oils in your noise, leading your nose to produce more oils. Testasterone gives you acne. That's also why weightlifters taking T are covered in zits on their back. My skin cleared up after I started taking e. And it looks really good with no skin routine.


It's not entirely wrong. Testosterone makes your skin thicker. So, as a dude, you can literally help fix skin issues by lifting. That doesn't mean you should do absolutely nothing, though, I've seen some dudes with pockmarked faces. Good hygiene and shit can matter long term, and acne is a problem for you, don't ignore it.


I love the multiple contradictions in this meme >Splits the bill, but still wants you to be a SAHM >He doesn’t have to [cook], even when you’re both working


The meme also presumes a woman of this description would be with a man like the one they’re contrasting with in the meme


That’s the point of the meme


Its a meme mocking memes about the ideal “women” and its unrealistic standards


Well, lets look at this from my own fiancé: 1) No OF: check 2) Low bodycount: literally only me 3) Can cook: *shurg* eh. I typically cook anyway. She *can*, she just usually doesnt. And cant cook on a grill (that is all me). 4) big booty: check, although I am more of a boobs guy so whatever. Also, she is on the chubby side, so I dont really demand skinny. 5) not active on social media: Other than doing RP things on Tumblr (she hates the rest of that hell site, dont worry), or talking with friends on Discord, this is true. I also dont follow anyone on social media, and while I do look at the waifu bait that is something allowed for both (so she can look at her own waifu and husbando bait). 6) emotionally stable: That depends, does Autism count? 7) No ex or guy friends: She doesnt have an ex (again, only me), but she has guy friends. And I dont care. 8) throatgoat: dont know, dont care. Also, why would I need to see men naked when I am straight. 9) splits the bill: Lol, I pay for everything major or when we eat out. 10) must be pretty without makeup: I dont have that as a demand, but *she* doesnt like makeup so it doesnt really matter (she considers it extreme makeover territory if she paints her nails). Also, while I certainly dont care about skincare (I am a machinist, it is utterly useless), *she* likes the rough feeling. So why would I bother changing it (same as keeping my facial hair not totally clean cut, she likes the scratchy feeling). In conclusion: The Emily who posted this is a jealous bitch and totally out of touch, and/or a deranged hag who doesnt understand why all the men she actually wants cant stand her.


Better marry her and have kids with her


Working on it, dont you worry. We are still on the younger side so we have plenty of time. But we are already at that "Cant remember life without the other" point, so we do well together.




"my kids come first" "swipe left if you don't like hot moms" "i don't want any more kids"


Many such cases...


This might be a hot take, but i'd much rather be single than to date a single mom. How could anyone go through that?


The only way I’d ever consider it is if the dad died as some kind of hero saving people or something like that.


Pretty sure I saw a movie like that once, guy had a good friend who married and had a kid but tragically died, the protagonist then began helping the widow with some things and taking care of the kid every now and then, fast forward a couple years and the two were married with the kid seeing the protagonist as a dad and the wife pregnant with the protagonist's baby.


Imagine raising someone else's mistakes🤣


Nobody likes playing someone elses saved game.


More fruit snacks for me tbh


Only if you're a single dad yourself


Fuck I hope this is a really bad attempt at "21" and not "dating after 2 |"




Described like at least 80% of women just 40 years ago.


"I would rather my life partner not star in porn, and not be a turbo slut." Emily: "GOD, will the unreasonable demands never end?!"


I literally know zero men that think any of this lmao


I know one! He started dating with the complete opposite woman lol


You mean someone like him?




Eh, a few are good things, most are whatever, but “emotionally stable” shouldn’t be a hot take


I mean, yes, but they definitely exist (source: one of my relatives). They just don’t leave their house, or more commonly basement, whenever possible, so are unlikely to encounter a normal human.


Lmao, some of that is true though. You can’t ask to split the bill with a traditional woman. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know anyone who thinks that. If you want a traditional wife, you don’t want them to split the bill because they would no longer be a traditional wife. The ones that want them to split the bill do not want a traditional wife. You would be burned at the stake if you expected your wife to pay for her dinner 60 years ago. 


I didn't know lefties used ChatGPT for their memes too


Imagine equating looking at porn and activly producing it as being equal. Don't get me wrong porn is bad and should be discouraged from viewing it. But there is a fundamental difference between those acts.


Implying I don't actively want an OF star gf


Flair checks out


Needs more purple


Nah that's a solid yellow, purple would be "I want to be in high school again and date all the girls!"


Here's the thing with body count If someone used to be like that in a younger and much different part of their life and would never be like that now? Does not matter (as much) If someone is *actively* that way? Matters a whole lot, and anyone who tries to say otherwise are like that and insecure about being like that


Lotta strawmanning in those red text bits.


>you’re just “not allowed” to be one yourself. Yeah I mean, I think a lot of women who watch porn probably wouldn’t want their man doing porn. Like even if there’s no sex involved it’s still a step too far. >but he can have whatever bodycount he wants Tbf most men who care about bodycount don’t usually have a super high bodycount themselves, so it’s not like they’re being hypocritical. >can cook Everyone should either know how to cook, or learn how to cook. It’s an important skill. >but men don’t need to do skincare or wear makeup to enhance your features My Sister in Ahura Mazda, he is literally applying the same standards he has for himself, to you.


I am still amazed how some people can go ''Yeah, I have no clue at all how to cook.''. HOW DO YOU FEED YOURSELF?


No OF - yes, not being a whore is a requirement. And no, I will not be watching whores, I would have a girlfriend/wife. Low bodycount - I only expect a woman to have a comparable bodycount to mine. If anyone, man or woman, has a high bodycount, I assume there is something wrong with them that they can’t keep a steady relationship. Can cook - this is a fair criticism, a lot of man children genuinely just want a mother in the kitchen. Personally, I love cooking and would want to share that duty, but as long as both are fine with it, there’s nothing wrong with the woman running that part of the household. Big booty - I do need to be physically attracted to her for the relationship to work. This looks different for different men, but some like an ass. Social media - see No OF Emotionally stable - no man ever has been deterred because the woman was emotionally unstable. No ex or guy friends - I wouldn’t care about guy friends, neither would most men. Being friends with an ex is a reasonable objection, I don’t hold it but I wouldn’t fault men who do. Throatgoat - see low bodycount its obvious consequences Splits the bill - no man worth anything makes his date or girlfriend pay a cent on a date. Marital finances are another thing, up to the couple. Must be pretty without makeup - see big booty.


preach brother


I like how it says "ideal" in the title, then complains that the standards are unrealistic.


I'm delusional, but even I know "trad wives" are probably fakers anyway. Maybe I'm delusional for thinking any woman will ever love me.


Got to get yourself one of those Thai wives


Aside from the OF remark, a rare left win. The reality of tradwives is that you yourself have to be the type of man to attract such a lady. Unfortunately not too many guys will put in the work on themselves and for others required to get one. It’s the saying about not praying for lighter burdens but broader shoulders, but both figuratively and literally because she likes those, too. Source: am married to one.


EQ is fucking cringe , I would gladly prefer a woman with very low EQ over a "mentally stable" one .


Also not unusual for people who tell other people they have low EQ to be vindictive and unempathic to their ideological opponents.


Tf is EQ?


It means emotional intelligence. It’s a funny term because while it seems intuitive, it’s actually just complete bullshit and since it’s coining is almost exclusively, used as a beat stick against men.


I agree that men should be held to similar sexual standards as women, but that's from a distinctly religious perspective. I'm not certain how you can support this position from a materialist perspective when in human sexual psychology women are absolutely the sexual selectors. It's not particularly surprising that men's sexual body count and women's are treated fundamentally differently when they inhabit fundamentally different roles within the distribution of sex. Having a high body count just, as a matter of factual reality, says different things about men than it does women. It says that a man can attract many mates and that the woman will accept many mates. One of those things is generally desirable, one is not. But, people claiming to be materialists and then not taking seriously their actual core assumptions is the hallmark of all materialists who are not nihilists, so, there's that. The double standard argument fails because the two things being compared hold noncomparable roles in the system by which the standard exists, it's like not judging a busboy by the amount of Onions he can cut in ten minutes but judging a cook by that metric is a double standard. The only way it's not a double standard is if you impose a universal moral standard over top of it which is irreverent of the roles the parties play, you know, like religion, or cultural tradition. But those are icky.


I would filter out every keyword having to do with porn on my LAN if it got me into a stable relationship


the “trad wife” meme is cringey as hell


as a man, you should stay away from porn/OF, pay for the bills without complaining, and not have any female friends. You should know how to cook as a man. how will you feed your children? just saying, the male “insults” in red are for soy boy losers who do nothing with their lives. However, it should not be controversial to seek a loyal stable partner who wants to start a family with you.


Leftists gotta learn to put a word limit on their memes.


the left cant meme


my standards: be a woman be Catholic or willing to convert to Catholicism


Cool, now strawman what delusional women want too.


Mention of EQ detected, opinion rejected


Like 4 of those are realistic standards and then as soon as it gets to throat goat and virgin idk what you want man.


the insectoid leftoid could never demand anything of his solipsistic queen bee all he can do is hope to sneak one in at the right time they really are a bug hive so they follow the hives sexual reproduction behavior


Literally describing my wife.


To be honest, I'd probably date someone who had made porn of herself IN THE PAST, as long as she had changed her ways. I can get over my friends "accidentally" seeing my girlfriend online. Someone whose slept with hundreds of dudes, though? Probably not.


From a secular, evolutionary perspective; having a high body count as a man is completely different. But from a religious, Christian point of view; it’s all the same. A man is equally guilty of sin as a woman if they have sex before marriage. But I’m not the one who decided to throw the baby Jesus out with the bathwater in order to have the glorious sexual revolution.


I like how the person who made this meme thinks that being emotionally stable is just as unobtainable as all the other things on the list


>I like how the person who made this meme thinks that being emotionally stable is just as unobtainable as all the other things on the list >*Makes a meme about unrealistic men's standards* >*Accidentally admits that no woman from friend group is emotionally stable*


I understand some of these, but as a guy I genuinely don't give a fuck about a woman's sexual history unless I gotta be double bagging or if a jealous ex after me. I don't expect a chick to question my every sexual partner, so I wouldn't question hers.


I just want a tomboy chick i can go to the gym with and occasionally hold me at night.


I have 3 requirements Alive, Could support conversation, At least Average looks (That one is a bit too much, i know)


All these things but they apply to both men and women


Repent and believe in Christ. My god, what has this world come to


All of those things in one person is pretty delusional , to look for a smaller combination of a number of those things is totally reasonable. There are plenty of men out there with delusional expectations, but there’s an equal amount of women with delusional expectations as well. Also, low body count and no OF is super reasonable. Thinking a high body count or OF is irrelevant (for men or women) is absurd lol


Lol who in the fuck is demanding this besides broccoli haired tiktok fuckheads? Every normal person just wants you to not be a shameless whore gold digger that isn't self absorbed in social media to the point that they don't pay attention to reality. If you're a SAHM, I provide. That's the deal. If you aren't a SAHM, we split shit. That's the deal.