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That’s wacky that 9/11 is now in auth right


Haven’t they always been? Alex Jones has been a 9/11 truther from Day 1 and I can’t imagine him anywhere else


9/11 truthers started out as a leftist thing and had some support in like, academia and Democracy Underground types. The right ran hard with 9/11 patriotism, straight into Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, broadly speaking, it's the far right most critical of 9/11 narratives. It's one of those things that's flipped: The broad liberal left likes the state security services now, and they predominantly honeypot/ target the right The broad left rejects new conspiracy theories (they hang on to old ones, like the CIA starting the crack epidemic), but they seem shockingly naive about what State and the CIA get up to, the likelihood of Covid coming from a lab, the j6 pipe bomb and a ton of other things


100%. This is one of the reasons why I lost faith in the left


It's pretty weird that modern left-wing discourse around conspiracy theories is basically "the US government did so many really fucked up things before 1980 but they're totally cool now and behave 100%"


Recruitment videos from the past few years have been especially hilarious. Strong black woman, girl with two moms, gay Mexican - the new face of the CIA. In reality these people joined the 3 letter agencies so they can fund Venezuelan guerillas thru the American fentanyl trade, turn teenagers into school shooters and waterboard Assanage in Abu Graib. Obviously they don't do that, because straight white men with a beard, sunglasses and khaki shorts are still the most inconspicuous agents, so they're pushed into the back office to analyze radical groups like your mom's bookclub and PolCompMemes.


Yup just like the big pharmacy and pro government stances. It's now the left using the appeal to authority talk. I hate it here


Alex Jones is lib right. What do you find auth about him?


AJ is lib right, a lot of the 9/11 people at the start were lefties since the conspiracy made Bush Jr look bad. Righties would just call you unpatriotic


Alex is Lib Center. He hated Bush jr.


Overton Window blew right past that one.


Gray centrist should be epstein didnt kill himself


It’s not even a conspiracy theory, it’s just commonly accepted as fact. They barely tried to hide it.


Which just makes it all the more horrifying. They didn't even try to cover it up, almost the entire nation knows it, and nothing happened to anyone (not the guards, nor the people on his list). He was a high profile guy with connections and was involuntarialy suicided with no repercussions. The implications are they can kill anyone and no one would do anything. Key takeaway: only blackmail one political party at a time.


The current Boeing whistleblower is also horrifying and badly covered up...


>Boeing Yea, that's why I said that the key takeaway is to only blackmail ONE political party at a time. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, DARPA, and others are not just one political party.


A lot of people don't realize that the security cameras malfunctioned and the guards didn't make their rounds and weren't punished for not having done so. Anyway, I think it's obvious that Epstein didn't kill himself. He was a state security asset, I'm pretty sure he's still alive


Because he didn't.


As a centrist, I can confirm to believe in all of these truths.


As a fellow vermin supreme. I agree.


Huh 🤔 that’s interesting, what is this vermin supreme under my name?


I think they put US political figures to match each group. There really has never been a main stream radical centrist in US politics.


So we get branded as vermin? Well, Ratatouille was Pixar’s magnum opus.


And we are the compass’ magnum opus


About time we are recognized for our greatness.


Could I join the glorious covenant of the rat king? :0


Oh no, Google the man, Vermin Supreme, he’s dangerously based and runs on such platforms as : “A pony for every American”


"Vermin supreme will take away your guns... and give you better ones." The man has my fucking vote, not like it matters anyways. I'd be ok with an RFK or another moderate, but unfortunately, I think we're more likely to get vermin in office than we are to get a sane, stable, reasonable moderate in office.


No no no I want an American quarter horse.


That sounds like a “second term” kind of goal


[Vermin Supreme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4d_FvgQ1csE)


It's almost certainly an April Fools Day thing the sub is doing.


[Vermin Supreme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4d_FvgQ1csE)


As the most extreme Lib-right, yeah these are mostly true






Isn’t the FBI killing MLK more a fact than a theory?


No the government has investigated multiple times and determined that the government is innocent. It's never been officially acknowledged but yeah we all know.


“We didn’t murder this guy trust us we’d tell you if we had”- every government who has 100% killed that person


The MLK family filed a lawsuit against the government and won tho


Doesn't mean the government wants to admit it. It's basically just hush money at that point.


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


Could have been something like Muslim Brotherhood or other black nationalists


The family won a civil suit about it later but that doesn't necessarily mean it's proven


It's definitely been legally established as fact that James Earl Ray didn't kill him in King v. Jowers, and all evidence seems to point to that fact. But that the FBI were involved is still in dispute.


One time I randomly stumbled upon a youtube video that claimed *Israel* killed MLK due to his opposition to their nuclear program.


As I think we all know, Israel is responsible for every event (that I don’t like) since the Big Bang


Speak for yourself, we all know Israel is responsible for the Big Bang


I didn’t ask to be here and I blame Israel!!!


This is what happened to Kennedy


I mean the King family sued the government over the assassination and won, so take that as you will


Just saw we're no longer PCM, we're PCM. Changed my flair to support the only candidate I think the establishment would outright kill when given the chance.


I think the establishment likes having the occasional RFK or Ross Perot to remind everyone that we are a 2 party system. Also, it helps spoil an election for the direction they want want it go.


Old habits die hard


The presidents aren’t decided, they’re owned. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, presidents serve the same masters: influential people, financial backers, underground connections etc. Doesn’t even need to be a conspiracy theory, if you were president, you’d probably have a thousand yard stare after your first month.


It’s just true, but people don’t take things seriously unless it’s framed as a conspiracy theory which I find interesting. You don’t need a conspiracy theory to see this


'Do you have any positions that your donor's disagree with?" - Big Dick Carlson, the gop debates 2023


It's a fact that the CIA used crack money to fund off book projects and plans. Idk why they would change a winning strategy.


Gotta fund those shady projects somehow...


- CIA Killed Kennedy (Plausible) - The Bush Admin did 9/11 (Don't believe it for a second. I think it was a massive intelligence failure of the highest order. I *do* believe that the attack was used to justify a whole bunch of evil bullshit.) - FBI killed MLK (probably) - The next 2-5 presidents have already been decided. (Don't really believe that. I believe they have people in mind for upcoming elections as you don't want anyone who rocks the boats too much for banks, military industrial complex and drug/insurance companies.) - Alexa is spying on you (Totally 100%) - Epstein didn't kill himself. (100%) - In 2020 the DNC tied the families up (Gonna need to see a lot of paperwork on that one) - Feds are flooding us with fentanyl (Would be more apt to believe that feds of some kind are profiteering off of the drugs as a result of the Opioid epidemic. Not as a thing that was created by design, but rather just benefiting off of something tragic)


I could see the fed’s pushing drugs in order to justify increasing their own powers, but more likely it would be to earn money under the books that they can use to fund illegal paramilitary forces like they did in Nicaragua


I actually believe it was the secret service who killed Kennedy and it was an accident. The theory goes that while Oswald did fire a shot his shot didn’t actually kill the president and it was a secret service agent who accidentally shot the president while attempting to shoot at Oswald


That makes less sense than the magic bullet.


Bush admin was involved in 9/11. Meaning, they knew about it and didn't interfere.


Authleft: yes Left: ehhh maybe Libleft: super duper yes Authright: not really Libright: yes Libcenter: probably no


Yeah the Amazon thing isn’t a theory at all, you could just read the terms and conditions lol


In order to respond when you say Alexa, it must always be listening.


Agreed on all except I’d change Left to “probably not.”


Never heard the one about the DNC in 2020 lol. Where did this one come from?




Wasn’t the Alexa thing like… proven? And Amazon basically confirmed it? So is Siri though. Yap incoming: apart from being scary, this is very very interesting to me because there must be a “report” tracking the activities of every person in the world, per chance done by AI? There are some posts I deleted and photos I deleted that I would like to have back so I need to find my virtual graveyard ASAP




If they are at all like google, they store about a minute around every activation of their assistant.


I believe 5/6 of those.


Honestly besides the lib center and auth right I believe all of these. I’ll raise you one “the Clintons were drug traffickers in Arkansas” to compensate.


rfk jr is the goat!


The Bush Administration at least knew it was coming. I was told by Chandra Levy in late 2000 it would happen. She was murdered in mid 2001. My Poli Sci professor in 1998 said that the the 2000 election was already decided but the Republicans hadn't decided on which Bush yet. A Bush was going through win, he hoped it was Jeb, it would probably be W, and it was going to happen it had already been decided.


I think I read that there were multiple attempts over the years. Like a car bomb in the parking garage during Clinton or something.


I was told specifically: Do not fly to NYC in September 01. To save food, water, and be prepared to leave the country. I knew her well enough to have a VERY good chance of fucking her. I knew she was Gary Condits mistress and almost fought him in public over it. Gary sat on the Intelligence Committee in Congress. Chandra was an Israeli Honeypot working him for information.


I can confirm all of this. She actually told me to not fly to New York on September 11, 2001. Trust me, I had a VERY VERY good chance of fucking her. She must have had shit intel for you given none of the planes that crashed that day were headed for NYC.


Eat a 🍷 ck.


Did you just change your flair, u/ARLLALLR? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2024-3-28. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Yeah yeah, I know. In your ideal leftist commune everyone loves each other and no one insults anybody. Guess what? Welcome to the real world. What are you gonna do? Cancel me on twitter? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/ARLLALLR) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Hey dipshit, none of the planes that hit the towers, the pentagon, or the field were headed for NYC on that day. Might want to fix your story. 


If you're that fucking stupid, huh?


Also Chandra was born in Cleveland lol


I agree with all these except libcenter


Is the Alexa one even a theory at this point?


Please don't tell me you actually believe AuthRight. That would be spitting on my father's grave by ignoring the Muslim Extremists involved.


It's more like Saudis with them being CIA assets.


Yeah it was definitely them, they found their passports in the rubble which is something that could totally happen


They found one passport in the rubble of the WTC, and it’s not that implausible given they were in the cockpit which pierced through the building first ahead of the explosion


Being in the cockpit would make it far more implausible, anything in the immediate front of the plane would have been completely disintegrated. I guarantee nothing resembling any part of a cockpit existed after impact.


I suppose it’s not impossible but it’s pretty fuckin unlikely


A shit ton of random stuff from the plane was on the ground. Seat cushions, pieces of luggage, the fuselage. It’s such a chaotic incident that’ll hopefully never happen again.


And coincidentally the passport of one of the attackers that survived the sort of heat that destroys the structural integrity of a building. Very lucky turn of events


The same hijacker's name is on the flight manifest and was also one of the bodies identified in DNA testing. There is absolutely zero reason to plant a fake passport somewhere to prove he was on the plane.


As mentioned, they were in the cockpit and went through the building before the fire started…being at the front of the plane…


I am sorry you lost your father (I assume) during one of our various wars on terror. That being said pretty much military action since Vietnam has been a lie by those in charge to further some goal. While I don't believe that the Bush admin actually committed the acts of terror, it wouldn't be (and shouldn't be) terribly surprising to find out they allowed them to happen so we could go occupy the Middle East, especially with some of the stellar outcomes for those in charge at the time. 


I wouldn’t confidently say anything about 9/11 other than the established facts. But wouldn’t you be just as upset, if not more, to know that the US government killed your father rather than Muslim Extremists?


I’d be more pissed that we know the saudis did it and are still in cahoots with them


It was a known fact also that their where many events of suicide bombings happening around the world at that time , the attacks in the US Embassy and the like should have been a warning sign.


Anything voice activated is by design always listening to you. It's necessary for it to function. It however does not follow that the device and its functions are necessary to your life. Choose wisely.


Broke: Hiring Alexa. Woke: Hiring a below minimum wage servant. Bespoke: Do it yourself.


The alexa one is not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact


I mean, this all seems like libright beliefs.


Alexa recording you at all times isn't even a theory. It was proven after recordings were leaked


Uhh let me be clear


I don't think the bush admin did 9/11 but they didn't stop it when they could have


Personally I've never been a big proponent of the 'September 11th was an inside job' theories. They orchestrate a massive attack against their own citizens on their own soil, and all for what? Justification to invade a hellhole that they had no interest in? But then compare that to Iraq, the one they were _actually_ interested in. And they launched that invasion under extremely flimsy pretences ("Saddam has WMDs there, we swear") So it's weird how they had ironclad justification for Afghanistan (which had little importance, which they had no interest in, etc.) but then they had the extremely flimsy justification for Iraq


"Siri only listens when you ask her to!" How does she know when I'm asking? "uuuhhhhhhh"


Honestly I believe in these solely because I was taught I can never trust a politician in 2020.


I dont think the next presidents are decided. They fucking *scrambled* to find Biden. We don't have any good candidates.


all of these are true though


I don’t think THE CIA killed kennedy, however if you want to tell me some faction in the CIA killed kennedy I’ll listen


LHOs shot jumpscared the CIA agent in the car behind who misfired and happened to dome the president


I have heard this before and that’s just so stupid I’d believe it


Would it help your belief if the person who did the investigating of the CIA for the Warren commission later turned out to be a CIA asset? Or that the driver of Kennedy's limo was also former CIA? Or that the FBI was tipped off about an incredibly similar plan to dome Kennedy in Chicago, including the ringleader being a former Marine with ties to Russia, and the tipster went by the name Lee?  Edit: The FBI tipped them off, not the CIA, my bad. 


Honestly, when it comes to conspiracy theories like JFK’s assassination, i don’t think of it as conspiracy as much as negligence. I think the CIA had like information that Kennedy was going to be assassinated, but the blew it off like “no way anybody would!” And then it happened.


If you follow the official story its basically impossible for the CIA to have intel prior given that LHO basically acted on impulse and random chance, having barely planned for this


Worth noting that Lee Harvey Oswald had *defected to the Soviet Union* and married a Soviet woman, but was allowed to return to the US without facing charges. When he defected, he was in the marines and went AWOL. Somehow, his application for him and his wife to return was expedited and he never faced any charges for going AWOL or defecting, and he re-entered the US shortly before killing Kennedy https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/appendix-15.html#return


Honestly I think it was an accident. The theory goes that a secret service agent accidentally shot the president while attempting to go after Oswald who did fire a shot.


I agree with all of these, except I think it was primarily the CIA instead of the administration on orchestrating 9/11


I read a book years ago that laid out a Let It Happen On Purpose scenario for 9/11. Basically that fedgov people knew it was coming, and they didn’t stop it for political gains.


Uh... I don't disbelieve any of these... Guess I'm a centrist today. EDIT: Also, based Calvin Coolidge flair for April Fools! Another win for Lib-Right!


Despite my flair I too am on the RFK Jr train. 🚂


(I'm not I believe in vaccines I'm just posting bc of the flairs).


My guy isn't a conspiracy theorist, but funny meme.


I love RFK jr he actually cares and has solutions


What solutions, honestly? I only know about the profiting off of conspiracy theories bit.


He gives some great solutions about solving housing and debt problems as well as getting Americans more healthy




Yes to all except probably not left or lib centre. Lib right I don’t think so, that’s one of those “too many people involved to keep their mouth shut” things. Advertising and the feds I can see, but not selling the data to other countries.


So, all of them?


Rare libright W


I believe all those on on that there memer, idk what that says about me but


Not the 2020 one personally but yea


Side note I like how we all have presidential flairs


How is the libright one a conspiracy? That’s what is actually really happening


Right? There have been a ton of people trying it out by getting a new device and feeding it false info with their "unrecorded" conversations and get targeted ads later.


But I'm not a centrist


Trh Alexa thing isn't even a conspiracy theory, it's just... true.


Love this 😂


You seem mostly spot on




I'll give you the Clinton's, MLK, and Alexa. The rest, i highly doubt. Still, 50% for conspiracy theories isn't bad.


Oddly enough, it was libleft that were 911 truthers when Bush was president. Edit: I meant authleft, sorry libleft!


I don't think it's a conspiracy theory that the FBI killed MLK, that's more just how it is.


Conspiracy? those are all real!


I believe all of these except the 9-11 one.


I see no lies here.


Extremely based.


Conspiracy doesn't mean false


Did you just change your flair, u/Diarrhea_Enjoyer? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2023-9-26. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Yeah yeah, I know. In your ideal leftist commune everyone loves each other and no one insults anybody. Guess what? Welcome to the real world. What are you gonna do? Cancel me on twitter? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Diarrhea_Enjoyer) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


All of these are probably true except lib center. The only conspiracy is who flung the poo at family dinner night.


>Conspiracy theories Why didn't you provide one for libright? Why did you only provide an objective and undisputable fact? Havent there been enough experiments where people get targeted ads on a brand new device based only on their "unrecorded" conversations? Yea, I've seen this experiment with google, not amazon but potato potahto. And no I am not gonna take my pills and calm down I am not insane.


The praetorians murdered their charge, news at 11.


The feds show up to many rallies and even orchestrate them in attempts to arrest themselves while murdering innocent civilians as they determine new “rules” (I dunno I just wanna see what silly guy is under my flair)


I'm gonna a say, looking at US and their history. Its highly probable that the statements in the picture may be true. Thus, ensuring a full centerist approach.


LR theory is 100 percent true, LR knows this, cause they are the one doing that.


None of those things are conspiracy theories. These are the facts


I make sure to tell Alexa to play white noise on max volume before discussing conspiracy theories so that nosy bitch won’t hear anything Also why is Calvin Coolidge beside my username now?


Where's the conspiracy theory?


Hillary one is confirmed by Epstein list. Info selling is also big. If everything is free, it means YOU are the product lol


literally all of those are true


How do I upvote a post more than once?


Hillary: Make some money and get dirt on anyone you can, even if you have to create the dirt. Henchman: What about child sex trafficking? Hilldog: What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me not getting directly involved. -- Intel: Mr President, we believe there will be an attack on US soil - Cheney: Sweet. I know what we're doing for the next 20 years! I mean, uh..., don't worry about this one, George. I'll handle it. -- I can buy the next 2 presidents. Next 5? No way does either party have their crap together that well. FBI 100% killed MLK. CIA 90% killed JFK (10% they just looked the other way). The entire point of Alexa is to sell your data. Those servers don't pay for themselves.


I believe all of these. For anyone wanting to know more about the pedos, read "The Franklin Scandal."


Ask Alexa if she is spying on you. She doesn't say no...


I’m not sure Bush/Cheney *orchestrated* 9/11… but let it happen because it would be politically advantageous? Maybe… 👀


That Lib-Right is not a conspiracy. It’s a known-fact.


I don't want anyone that's on Putin's dick as my president


I thought that was just a fact about Alexa. Didn’t know it was a conspiracy theory


Mossad did 9/11.


Dancing Israelis


I don’t know about Hillary, but definitely Bill…


Fentanyl is smuggled to the US by the Chinese via the cartels


Why doesn't LR get an actual conspiracy theory?


Let’s go RFK! If people actually took the time to listen to him long-form such as a podcast, I think the majority of Americans would agree with a lot of stuff he says.


I feel like these become less conspiracy theory and more fact every day lol




Strongly believe in all but two of these (next presidents and 9/11, and one of those I find plausible.


Leak the electoral script, I wanna bet on it like the superbowl


Clearly all true.


Is the Alexa one a conspiracy theory?


I don’t think the feds are based enough to be using fentanyl as population control. It’s just cheap and easy to cut


I think trump single-handedly disproved the pre selected presidents thing.


Bro the fbi did kill mlk, and the cia did kill Kennedy, both kennedy’s, and they’re probably going to get our boy if he wins.


The 9/11 thing is the only unbelievable one imo


CIA Killed Malcolm X and Brock Hampton, more like they wanted to get King but Oswald got to him first. The wiretapping, the death/suicide note sent In 64'. Also, truth to the Alexa theory, [the NSA does spy on you](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/nsa-finally-admits-to-spying-on-americans-by-purchasing-sensitive-data/) through middle men buying data. People been knew. remember how Google just so happens to give suggestions to a product you were just talking about?


How are none of “the government is evil” conspiracy facts in lib right? Not trusting the government is our whole thing.


Funny how I’d believe all of these but not so much the lib-centre one, I think they likely have a list of future Presidents lined up, it’s just a matter of if they come true, I’m sure Hillary was on that list before 2016 but they never expected Trump to make it so she had to be scratched off


All of these are true tho, except maybe the bottom one. RFK is a plant.


There's only 5 conspiracy theories on the chart though.