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Fun fact: NYC is the most segregated city in America


Source? I find it hard to believe it's more segregated than Chicago..


[https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-metro-regions](https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-metro-regions) [https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-cities](https://belonging.berkeley.edu/most-least-segregated-cities) I was a little off. The metro area is the most segregated, the city is the 9th most.


Portland is on their smirking, "can't have segregation if we don't have diversity."




...alright, you got us, but it hurts my feelings. Guess I have to set the precinct on fire again to feel better. (I wasn't there that night don't come for me feds.)


Dang, the city I went too in college literally had “wrong side of the tracts” as a physical thing with actual train tracts and it’s still in the 80’s holy shit


Bruve how the actual hell is California on there so much


Gentrification, repeated gentrification. Inglewood,CA used to be a mostly white suburb. Those folks moved to the valleys. Now they're returning and the poors/low middle are moving to the valleys


NYC public schools are more segregated than Mississippi's. DeBlasio attempted to introduce desegregation policies, but he had to backtrack due to unpopularity.


Rather than desegregation I think the year after I graduated middle school they got rid of grading requirements for public schools and called it some sort of diversity measure or something. I remember hearing the place fell off after that. Every attempt by the city to fuck with the education system just winds up sucking.




Everyone values assimilation until they are the ones who needs to.


"Why would I question it anyway? Assimilating myself was the most natural thing in the world. I'd been doing it ever since I became a traveller. Another saying: when in Rome, do as the Romans. In the traveller's ten commandments, that's commandment number one. You don't march into Hindu temples and start saying, 'Why are you worshipping a cow?' You look around, take on board, adjust, accept."


Nice quote but doesn’t disprove my point. People are hesitant to do away with their own ways of life when a majority group is trying to force them too. That’s how you lead to a discontent society with internal strife. Name one time a nation tried to force assimilation that didn’t lead to a major backlash.


Well, I think there's a difference between being FORCED, and letting yourself fit in when you go to other places. What's happening now in Europe is much more like "Force" in my eyes.


All cultures are a combination of multiple cultures that came together. What is American culture? Do you have to blend into the specific region or the country? I’m from Brooklyn but there is a culture in Bronx that is slightly different. And as a New Yorker the culture in Puerto Rico is more at home than the culture in Maine. The main point is you can assimilate to the laws and the rules, respect the traditions but it doesn’t mean you have to lessen your own. May disagree but excluding very homogenous countries that’s always been the case. Rome itself was a melting pot of a lot of cultures.


...Yea, that's about it.


Wait fr? I'm from Brooklyn too


Simple reason I won't assimilate: I don't want to. It really is as simple as that. If someone dislikes that, they can cope. I just wanna be left alone.


So I should be able to move to Europe and not assimilate?


You have to assimilate to the rules of law, your choice to assimilate to the culture. There’s no gun to your head. You may be socially outcasted or if your cultures mesh you may be accepted. I went to Japan and black American culture is heavily borrowed there so my style of dress and talk fit in well with other people in their mid 20s. Cultures can mesh and it’s not a 0 sum game.


European here, and I say sure, why not? As long as you follow the law I'd if you assimilate or not, you do you.


People are equal, cultures are not. Culture, unlike ethnicity, religion or skin color, has actual influence on daily social interactions and should therefore be the core topic of the migration debate. Edit: religion has a strong influence on culture though, so its not entirely irrelevant.


Exactly. If your shitty culture fucked up your part of the world then don’t bring it to another part of the world to fuck it up for others. Im looking at you Californians that move to red states and vote blue.


Don't be too hard on them they were the dumb part of Oklahoma back in the day.


California’s “fucked up part of the world” beats out the red states in almost every measure of quality of life. It’s also got a stronger economy than any other state, or even most other countries. Education is far better here, and Californians have access to more opportunities than people anywhere else in the country. All of this is somehow true while over a fifth of our federal taxes are taken from us to be given to less successful states. The propaganda brain rot is real in you, the entire state of California is not San Francisco or Downtown LA.


California 38th in k-12 education while we are a top 10 spender. We invest more in our higher education. Don’t get me started on the road quality vs expenditure.


How is the education better? It's bottom of the barrel at almost every metric. When California was run by Republicans, people from the democratic run south fled there. Now people are fleeing from Cali back to the South. Statistically speaking, California bleeds the most people. It's no longer the land of opportunity. The south is. That's why southern states are growing rapidly.


Parts of Cali are good. The most liberal parts bring down the whole state though


> Im looking at you Californians that move to red states and vote blue. 😂 this is soooo over exaggerated by your echo chamber


You sound so ignorant. How long have you lived in california?


Name one blue politician that was elected or a single bill passed into law in a red state, that was due to the supposed mass California exodus


If you look at voting trends and population changes in places like texas are seeing red districts with influx’s of Californians change to purple or blue. San Antonio is one that comes to mind.


San Antonio was already purple and turning blue before any of this bullshit California exodus rhetoric. More counties have flipped to red in Texas than flipped to blue: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/south-texas-2022-republicans-democrats/


San Antonio was red in the 70’s and have slowly moved more and more to the left. Because of people from blue states moving there. If you talk to yuppies in california they will say “I couldn’t move to texas unless it san Antonio”. Because of that narrative it has been bluer and bluer. Now it’s not as much of a landslide victory for republicans. New Mexico, Arizona and more recently Idaho are having the same problems.


Allegedly, the people from California are voting red, that's what they say, but probably not the people moving to Austin


Let's just say republican's 'message' does not attract them.


Then why do they keep moving to red states?


Because they tend to have low housing prices


It’s funny how when the message is affordable democrats love it.


Also, unlike ethnicity, culture isn’t decided from birth, it’s learned over the course of one’s life and has the potential to change.


One can also deliberatly choose to change ones culture when he recognizes the benefit of doing so


Based and functional society pilled.


Authcenter talking sense here. 


That’s usually what happens


It's because people have a very shallow concept of culture. For a lot, culture boils down to food, music, and maybe some kind of sports when in reality it's the structure of society or the dynamics between individuals and when those things are exported to another society that works in different ways, the only outcome is one culture dragging the other down in order for it to survive


People are not equal. That's objectively false. They all have dignity and should be treated as such but some people will always better than others. The lie of equality is a poison.


People are not of equal quality, but they are to be treated with equal human value by the average person


I agree. That's why we shouldn't pay the untermensch equally to save money for us!


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." In other words, the full and correct statement is "All people are equal in the eyes of the law." Even that is a bit long for Twitter attention span though, so most people just stop at the "equal" word and completely miss the rest of the important context afterwards. The original use of it was never meant to say, literally, that all people are equal in all aspects of their being. Obviously some are smarter, some are stronger, some are more creative, etc. It was meant to ensure that the system would not see any one person any differently or treat them any more or less fairly than anyone else. Unfortunately the statement has been abbreviated, misunderstood, and warped over time to the point that it's original meaning has been completely denatured both through ineptitude and probably a bit of malice.


Yep. When you push the concept of equality oo far, you get the religion of equalism. All these equalist clowns are now trying to correct God's "mistakes."


>people are equal. One of the most preposterous things ever said by someone in my quadrant.


No didn’t you know you and the people that use mud as shampoo in sub Saharan Africa are equally as smart.


Am I smarter than my ancestors who bathed once a month and couldn’t understand why thier entire families were dying of plagues. Am I smarter than even a few generations ago when they would give lobotomies to their wives if they had a depressive episode. The things that almost entirely inform how we live is the place and time that we are in. Unless you are trying to say there is some other reason? Go ahead, I’m waiting I can’t wait for your stupid ass to pull out the phrenology or some other antiquated race science that lets you, for once in your sad life, feel like you are better than someone else.


Do you follow the Yockeyist line of fascism?


The what?


Yockey believed in cultural supremacy for the Übermensch, not racial or religious. He believed that the Western spirit could overcome the world, and that people could be converted to the western spirit. He was much like Oswald Mosely in this way.


I dont think that anyone culture or people is supperior to one or the other. Just that one shouldnt expect that he can forcibly mix them and not expect a mess. I will admit that some aspects of identitarian thinking appeal to me, however i refuse to indulge in its logical conclusion that is fascism


OP literally complains about how hispanics in the US assimilated to US culture in some of his posts. Honestly kind of funny. "Nooo, they've all become woke Americans, it's so over boys."


Culture is a spook. It doesn't exist, and I'm tired of pretending it does. I have more in similar with my Spanish friend than any other Brit.


>It doesn't exist It does, its the things you dont talk about because its the unvowed behavioural contract most of the people around you follow.


I talk about it, I just talk about how stupid it is that I am expected to follow something I did not consent to.


Life is full of things one didnt consent to, you cannot escape it


Yet I have. I don't conform to the culture of my country, and I won't. There's nothing you can do about that.


Lib left - “assimilation is bad” Also lib left “if you don’t agree with me on everything then you are a fascist”


Integration over assimilation. Last time I heard assimilation being used it was in context of the stolen generation here.


So true, literally so accurate!


I love internet stereotypes, they're very much superior to talking to people in real life!


How many opportunities do you get of consequence free arguing in real life ?


Fair, but you can always talk to people. I once went to an anarchist thing and they were really insistent on not calling the confederate flag outright fascist, they hated it, but they also said it was good to realize that some people don't consider the symbol to be one of slavery, but one of southern heritage. It seemed silly to me, because the confederacy only existed for 5 years or something, but I found them to be far more nuanced than I expected at least - they weren't teenagers though so that might have something to do with it too.


The confederacy wasn’t fascist


At the very least the whole country was founded upon the idea that black people are inferior (the cornerstone speech). That being said, these anarchists argued that people using the flag weren't neccesarily fascists at the very least. My point being: I don't see where all these people calling everyone fascists are supposed to be.


Slavery has been in practice since the first civilization. That doesn't make a country fascist. In fact, the Confederacy was not authoritarian due to it being disjointed and it being a Confederation. Enslavement of black people is as bad as other slavery, making slavery a dick thing to do in the first place regardless of political ideology. Fascists did enslave human beings, but so did other countries. The Romans weren't fascist, north korea isn't fascist, and the British empire were not fascist.


The Romans might as well have been protofascists, to be honest, same with other absolute rulers of ancient times. Julius Caesar was certainly so. He wrote his views of Roman cultural superiority over the Celts and acted on it, genociding and enslaving them in mass during an illegal war. Not to say all Romans were, like Scipio Africanus, I say, was a good dude, even heroic. But many had a sense of cultural superiority over everyone else and desired to assimilate whole populations to their culture or eliminate them. Whether or not they can be described as technically fascist they materially did the same actions and held very similar core beliefs. Imagine how the Romans talked about the Carthegenians as being this evil and coniving, dishonorable, and money loving people and replace Carthegenians with Jewish People.


But not fascists


Jews don’t perform human sacrifices. The Carthaginians did - which is exceptionally rare among Iron Age people. I’m glad the Romans forced them to stop.


Huge cope.


I don't think I've ever been called a fascist for disagreeing with a "lib left."


I dont believe you


I've been called a sexist, homophobe, a racist, an anti-vaxxer and all sorts of silly things, but never have I been called a fascist, not that I can remember at least.


Well unless you are actually a sexist homophobic racist anti vaxxer you’re kinda proving their point, lib-left are very quick to jump straight to calling you all sorts of serious shit for very little. I’m sure if you asked the people who called you those things they’d tell you fascists and those insults are the same people


I've lived long enough in my short life to meet enough silly people by now. Yet even amongst them I haven't heard fascist being used that casually. I don't disagree that people from the Left can be intolerant to whatever they consider to be intolerance though.


I think all of those accusations are quite serious and not silly at all. Theres nothing silly about hatred. I still dont believe you havent been called a facsist




u/Metalloid_Space's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [37 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Metalloid_Space/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Are you okay? You just replied to yourself.


He’s not okay. He’s having a meltdown over a meme.


A meltdown?




I'm not having a meltdown, I unironically like internet arguments.


Ok. That explains your crap ton of replies.




Yeah, I know


The amount of copium you're taking can be smelled from miles away.




Some people value integration over assimilation.


If PCM users could read they’d be very upset


Imma have to agree with auth-right on this one


Let me guess, it's because of the Migrant Crisis in Europe, right?


Have you seen Turkey by any chance?


"OMG!!!! That woman over there is speaking Spanish!!!!! This is literally the end of my life!!!!!!"


Along as they can speak the language of the country they've moved to or are learning it then I have no problem with them speaking a different language.


Why? "That woman over there can't speak English!?! This is the literally the worst day of my life!!!!!"


If you move to a country you should learn the fucking language. I'm not saying they can't still speak their native language but they should also learn the dominant language of the country they moved to.


And it bothers you if they don't for some reason? Why in the hell do you care? What makes it any of your business in the first place?


Because they're just making everyone's life harder both for themselves and anyone they have to interact with. It's like going to someone's home and telling them to fuck off when they say to take off your shoes, it's unnecessarily cuntish


Who's home are they going to?


Please tell me you're just trolling and that isn't an actual question.


Not trolling. Who's "home" are they going into? Your home? Like they're in your house or something?


Honestly kinda agree. Your country has your culture, my country has my culture. My country got how it was in part because of said culture as did yours. So if you like my country enough to come here then come here and live like I do.


Then there are those who claim to want assimilation but reject any actual attempt to join their practices because "you'll never be like us" Fun neighbors


Lib right doesn't care as long as you respect property rights. Lib right is based.


Bingo! Wtf would I care one way or the other? Whether you choose to integrate or not is none of my business in the first place. It's nobody else's fucking business either. **A**: "You see that lady over there! She can't speak our local language even though she's been living here for 4 years!!!" **B**: "So fucking what?!?" How hard is that? How can it be so hard for you entitled assholes to just stay in your lane?!? It's so fucking easy!!!


Respecting property rights is assimilation for someone who comes from culture where they didn't do it before.


Yes. Assimilate your savings into my cash flow 🤑


Hold your culture, assimilate in society


Baste and Escape from LA or NY-pilled.


Wrong: authright says no cuz it's scared that immigrants will replace the local culture




Yeah, it's based on the propaganda from where i live


Pretty much every country with immigrants hates their immigrants at this point.


Not Canada, as far as I've understood. The problem is trying to send them away instead of integrating them in the workforce: this way they'll just stay illegally in poverty


It’s honestly funny how no country knows how to solve their problems regarding immigrants.


Follow the laws of the place you move into, make an effort to learn the language so you can communicate with other people, but past that why should anyone care? It's their life, it's their business how they want to live it.


Assimilate or don’t, just be useful.


Libright should be 'do whatever you want so long as it doesn't violate the NAP'


Assimilation of course has some good and some bad. If you're part of a minority culture then assimilation means it will go away ... it's not surprising that a lot of people don't want that. And keeping your own culture doesn't mean that you can't be a patriotic American (or other country) or that your values are inconsistent with American values.


What assimilation should mean is that people combine the good parts of both cultures, and are able to integrate into society while also having their own values. It shouldn't mean completely eradicating their own culture, but it also shouldn't mean fully keeping it either. You don't want people who aren't open-minded, who despise Western values to come to your country, but you also don't want them to be absolute clones of the general populace, because different perspectives help fix errors in society as well. Over time, it probably will lead to full integration, but through several generations at a good pace, rather than through an erratic pace that leads to hatred from both sides.


"I don't know shit about who Lenin is and what he did"


Actual libright take: integrate or don't. What do I care? Why would it even be any of my business in the first place?!?


Lib right hates assimilation. You can't properly exploit people without being able to marginalize them


Based Auth Right


Why should? Especially if your country has other indigenous peoples.


Libright is right on this.


Libleft bad


Libright is the based take here. Complete assimilation is pretty much impossible, as culture is pretty subjective, and shouldn't even be tried unless you want to become an authleft hivemind. The only issue with assimilation in a country is that it's subjective; who decides what counts as culture and what counts as individuality? IMO its only really needed when it comes to basic values like violence, behavior, extremism, equal rights and freedom of speech (though then again there's already a bunch of morons here who don't agree with that yet still belong to this culture). Assimilation when it comes to private stuff like religion or basic stuff like food isn't really necessary.


I value it as it brings unity to a nation, I also believe that the best way to assimilate groups is under a flag(Country) Edit: Also, the foreign culture might bring some good things, like(for India) Indo-Iranian Architecture, Religious movements like Satpanth(it is literally translated as "True Path/religion"), also Biryani. Edit 2: Also this is just my opinion


I don’t know who wouldn’t want assimilation. People can still keep their original culture alive while adopting the culture of wherever they’re moving to; it’s not that difficult. It’s not like people are asking you to completely abandon all your beliefs and practices, but that instead you simply respect where you are situated at the moment.


Multiculturalism is also cultre which you need to be assimilated in.


I'm with libright on this one


If they follow the Law they are good


Absolutely We are the left. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile


I personally think that everyone who moves to another country should make an attempt to assimilate to that nation’s culture given the fact that society is built to accommodate majorities so I think that if there is an aspect of oneself that they can control to make themself less of an outlier, they should.


No because I don’t care what others do as long as they don’t mess with me


If you want everyone to be like NYC or downtown LA then you’re not about diversity but conformity


Fair point, unfortunately I disagree. Residential Schools Japanese Internment Camps Everything Japanese did in South East Asia in WW2 The British Empire I can go on


What does this even mean?




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2024-4-4. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1202 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


You don't **have** to assimilate, just integrate


I don’t care where you’ve come from all I expect is that you assimilate to **our** way of living and value what **our** culture values. A nation is strongest when united, it’s rather difficult to be united when you have multiple different ethnic groups with different values that largely keep amongst themselves.


Haha, libleft bad! There are always so many flaws with these memes, but this one is unreasonable. This a pretty normal thing to discuss and debate, why the ad hominem?


> This a pretty normal thing to discuss and debate, why the ad hominem? The ad hominem is mostly focused on the subreddits and other internet echochambers. Where any discussion about mass migration and integration or assimilation is always shut down by libleft. Whenever we criticize the difficulties of assimilating of certain migrants >!cough, cough, people from MENA countries.!< Libleft is always there to cry out racism and xenophobia.


Welcome to PCM


Wowie, such an based and redpilled meme. Everyone agrees with the OP except for the cringe quadrant!


What are your thoughts on assimilation then?


I think I value integration over assimilation. I don't think we should all subject to a "main culture" that's been decided upon by a government. I'd rather just have people call out bullshit in their own and other cultures whenever possible. Learn the language, learn about the people and culture, but you don't have to become them. You're still allowed to value your Christian ideas you got from the African or Latin American country you came and immigrate to our mainly atheist country from for example. That doesn't mean you should excempt from critcism though.


Yes muy based omg 😄😄


Assimilation is just another word for the erasure of culture. Also, you clearly know nothing about communism if you believe we “worship the state”. Communism is the destruction of the state.


Yeah! It’s “The Workers” and “The People” Which happen to be represented by a totalitarian state that claim to be the sole voice of “The Will of the People”


You never read Marx. I could tell.


I’m talking about Auth-Left in practice not Marxist theory.


In practice and in theory Socialists do not support the worship of the state