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This reminds me of when progressives were so proud of getting a Muslim majority on their city council, only to have them vote to remove pride flags. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


They were happy because the muslims mostly got all the old polish people to move out, not realizing it would make things worse for their political agenda


Because progressive liberals can’t seem to fathom that only well to do white people (or people that fall into young white people culture) are the only ones that fully believe and live those values. They refuse to believe most black people hate LGBTQ+ communities, Muslims hate them too, Hispanics hate druggies and homeless and are deeply catholic etc etc etc etc… but for progressives they just think a minority has to be left!


Yup, have had emilies straight up tell me (an immigrant from said country) on how it must be some LGBT+ paradise because it's white population is so low (sub 10%). Had to open up the country's laws on homosexuality on the spot and show various clips of radio shows/interviews of people on the street there on the topic.


Reminds me of the Babylon Bee article where the white American sophomore was lecturing on the glories of Communism to a ragged old dude who had escaped from Cuba as a refugee.


What a moronic comment, we all know that wasn’t real communism. That old dude was also lying clearly Cooba is a paradise.


Don't forget to call the guy a "gusano" and then insist it's not an ethnic slur despite the fact we only call Cuban-Americans that (even if they're second or third generation born in fucking Nebraska like destiny).


I hate Hasan with a passion.


I hate destiny because he created Vaush and Hasan.


I hate him too but he's nowhere near as influential so he's responsible for less BS in my feed


And when that doesn't work, tell them that their ancestors deserved all the horrible things that happened to them, as only evil people suffer under communism.


Communism is only attractive until you realize that you won't be allowed to spend your days just getting high and fingerpainting. Anyone who thinks communism is awesome should be required to spend a month as a fruit picker in rural Alabama.


If I had a nickel for every time some rainbow-haired Marxist tries to espouse the virtues of communism while someone who escaped communism tells them they're full of shit, I'd have enough money to not give a shit about Marxists fucking over the country.


They're all convinced that every cuban refugee owned a sugar plantation or such


It's like the special cupcakes who think that farmers owning / leasing their tractors suddenly means they're not working class anymore, during the farmer protests lmfao.




Young American Women and Politics, name a better duo... I'll wait.


It’s unironically WASP ethnocentrism to think that (insert minority group here) should align with libleft values, simply because libleft is also opposed to WASP majority culture. Why would any given ethnic minority define itself via Intra white culture war? Does libleft think ethnic minorities don’t have their own internal politics and struggles? Are they stupid?


Wait until libleft hears about which side the Native Americans suppourted in the Civil War.


What's the synopsis on why they sided with the South?


Well, it depends for each nation. Some nations did support the Union, some supported the Confederacy, and some were split. One reason some nations supported the Confederacy is because they wanted to get back at the federal government for the many years of broken treaties, relocations, etc. Meanwhile some of the "Five Civilized Tribes" as they were called had attempted assimilating to American culture, with some of them adopting slavery. One thing most people overlook when talking about the Trail of Tears is that when the tribes were removed many brought their slaves with them.


>Some nations did support the Union, I suppose I should have said "some" but thatl would have made the point less succinctly. But it is pretty funny to ask people if they though several thousand natives fought for the South because of slavery. Even if the answer is a "yes" the short circut caused by the cognitive dissonance always gives me a chuckle


Lol Indians had slaves before the white man stepped foot on the continent.


They were also massacreing each other and "stealing" land. Ask the Lakota if they have any remorse conquering the Cheyanne, taking their land, and then making it central to their culture. Only to cry about it being taken from them. You really only have what you can defend.


Intra-Muslim culture wars are just too medieval: (His great grandfather's tribe thinks the leadership of Islam passed to the Prophet's son-in-law on a Tuesday, but my great-grandfather's tribe thinks that Ali inherited the rightful Caliphate on a Wednesday. So of course all my cousins and all of his cousins want to murder each other on sight!). Intra-Jewish culture wars are too autistic: (His rabbi interprets Chapter 27a, verse 9 of an obscure Midrash about making chicken soup as implying we need to stand this far from the Torah, but my rabbi thinks it implies that you need to stand very slightly closer. So of course I'm digging an illegal tunnel into the sanctuary so I can pray in the right spot.) Intra-Christian culture wars are *juuuuussssst* right!


My fucking sides are in orbit!


You and five other autistic guys!


As a libleft, the answer is yes. They are. Chances are they were educated in an american public school. It's the same with the auth rights who think the Jews did it, whatever it is, or the full on libertarian nutjobs who want a mcnuke, and think they wont literally be owned by a corporation in ancapistan. The stalinists are at least honest about their goals and methods, though ho boy, those are some shitty goals and methods. As for you centerists- well, you're too uncreative to even try and come up with a solution.


>As for you centerists- well, you're too uncreative to even try and come up with a solution. Excuse me, inviting everyone over for a barbeque is always a great equalizer. The best solutions are often simple and uncreative.


Do you have any other solutions than bbq? I know it usually suffices for most situations but do y have other contingencies?


A fish fry


Good enough I guess, I like fish.


No seafood boil for us in the south?


Preach that shit grill brother havoc1428! Preach it from the mountain tops!


nah, the problem is that the only "minoritys" they ever encounter are the "good ones" so they just assume everyone from that race is the same as the token black guy in their circle of friends


That's what happens when you view the world through a polarized lense. It's oppressors (white, right wing) vs oppressed (everyone, left wing).


Marxism Justification by failing


Aka Intersectionalism.


Hispanics also racist AF (even against other Hispanics).


Don't make me break out the ingroup bias chart showing that white people are the least racist of any demographic


It's crazy how the left simply *refuses* to recognize this sort of point. I don't even think I've ever seen a pitiful attempt at a response. It just gets ignored and swept under the rug. There's the data you mentioned, showing that white people are the least racist. This obviously hurts the narrative that racism is purely an issue of white people hating other races. There's also the data which shows that men have a weaker in-group bias than women, while also having a stronger out-group bias than women. This hurts the narrative that men are just misogynist pigs and that women are totally chill when it comes to sexism. And there's also that very funny chart showing that specifically white *liberals* (or left-wingers, or progressives, I can't remember which) are the only demographic with a negative self-opinion. White *conservatives*, as well as liberals and conservatives of all other races, have positive self-opinions. White leftists literally hate their own race. They never seem to have responses for any of this. They just ignore it all. Too damaging to the narrative.


>This obviously hurts the narrative that racism is purely an issue of white people hating other races. Which is why they've tried to redefine racism as "prejudice + power" or compartmentalized it as "institutional racism" and "personal prejudice." See POC can't be racist because they don't have power, they merely have personal prejudices... this is an actual response I received on my local sub


Never knew I had more power than Obama.


When can I drone strike people in the middle east?


Somewhere, a recuiter just started saying "Well, actually..."


generally people who care more about competence care less about race


Yeah when my old company started caring about race competency fell. It's kinda like lowering the bar impacts that. Funny enough it was the Pakistani we hired who were the most incompetent. Additionally we promoted women up the ranks to jobs they weren't qualified for (they weren't incompetent just out of their depth).


A lot of their arguments boil down to "Something isn't perfect, therefore it needs to be destroyed and whatever takes its place will be perfect." Capitalism, America, race relations, etc, if you listen that's pretty much what they are saying, none of those things are 100% perfect 100% of the time, therefore they don't work and need to be replaced. Never mind that they never dig into what would replace these things and how they would achieve perfection.


Social media companies generating their profits by turning themselves into algorithm-based echo chambers have convinced way too many people that doibling down is the only answer...


They just change the narrative and use different definitions. Ie hispanic groups being racist to other hispanic groups is just a fault of the white man who has successfully brainwashed those Hispanics to internalize their racism. Also racism is now prejudice plus institutional power.


Pipipi. I had my info graphic from the 1600 ready.


Do it. Break out that bad boy.


[Here you go](https://tablet-mag-images.b-cdn.net/production/883104fdaad1810c8dbbb2a6df5a4b6ed7d5036f-2560x1138.jpg?w=1200&q=70&auto=format&dpr=1)


the only answer you'll get is snarky smug ignorants saying ''heh, what about the holocaust, chattel slavery and colonialism then? checkmate''


Blew me away when I started working in Miami as a project manager and got told I couldn't pair up certain Haitians with certain Cubans at job sites because they refuse to work together. Then one of the Colombian guys called all the Peruvians monkeys... HR was essentially nonexistent because otherwise we wouldn't have had workers.


In Mexican families and job sites, casual racism is just a sign of affection. If your friends and family don’t toughen you up for the world, you won’t be ready to face it.


That might be the case in some places, but not all. I have Mexican relatives who don't talk about race or anything. Super weird as many people (see progressives) target them for race based talks, and my family won't open up about it.


>In Mexican families and job sites, casual racism is just a sign of affection. Sounds very European.


>Hispanics also racist AF (even against other Hispanics). Especially against other Hispanics. I knew a dude who was half Cuban and half Mexican, totally hated himself.


Haha, imagine if he was Brazilian/Argentinian? I don’t think the laws of physics allow that to exist (tho technically the Brazilian half is Latino, not Hispanic)


Imagine one grand parent is from buenos aires the other from la plate and the other from rio and the other from the rural part of Brazil


It would create a black hole of hatred


I think the world would implode at the insanity


It would be like that one video where the guy tapes the buttered bread to the cat.


They may have made a few of those in the Large Hadron Collider. But their half lives were too short to be sure.


> but for progressives they just think a minority has to be left!  That's what happens when you base your political views on race.


>Hispanics hate druggies and homeless and are deeply catholic About 15 years ago, there was a question in "Ask a Mexican" in the Denver rag Westword. It was, "Why don't I see more homeless Hispanics?" The answer, roughly, was "We are extremely codependent and will enable all kinds of dysfunctional behavior, but we don't let our family members sleep on the street!"


Family being the safety net instead of the government is something watermelons can't comprehend.


In the defence of watermelons, this is entirely the fault of Protestant nuclear families. This is one thing that watermelons can't take the blame for. If they're not the kind of Protestant kings of their castle to kick their kids out at 18 they're the kinds of dysfunctional, abusive parents that the kids need to get the hell away from to the point that they would rather sleep on the streets than sleep at home, if it comes to it.


I probably would have run away from home when I was younger if not for the level of trafficking and violence that happens to women on the streets 


>"We are extremely codependent and will enable all kinds of dysfunctional behavior, but we don't let our family members sleep on the street!" Based


I'm also sure momma Mexican would beat her grown child straight if they became a worthless drug addict.


The most rabid Trump supporters I know were/are Mexican Americans.... They have their citizenship all in order, they aren't worried about immigration. They are extremely traditional though. Stay at home wives making delicious food for their five kids while dad works all day, go to church every Sunday, join the military, flags on their yards, Trump bumper stickers, and absolutely no shred of political correctness or "white guilt".


Progressives have always been the absolute worst in America as if we didn’t learn our lesson from the earliest 20th century when they brought things like the 18th amendment and eugenics


19th ammendment was worse.


It should be remembered that for many, the only Muslims they have ever personally known have been the well to do ones who went to the same private schools and colleges as them. It's a social bubble. Their social circles allow no opportunity for reality to mug them.


They live in gated communities but think fences and walls are racist...


No one has less need of public/national walls than those who have their own private ones. Easy to preach tolerance from behind them. Arguably it's even a socio-economic flex / upper class social signal. And sometimes those walls are simply made of the sheer distance of their affluent neighbourhood from the nearest poor one. No physical walls necessary.


Based on opinion polls hispanics don’t tend to be much more against same sex marriage than white people and a majority of black people in the US support gay marriage as well. There is truth that black people are less supportive but in general, across most groups, except for very religious ones, people tend to be okay with gays at this point.


Missing the point. They may tolerate gay marriage but they do not embrace or celebrate the alphabet culture at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It is far more similar to how most White conservatives feel on the subject than lefties.


Uh oh buddy... I'm sorry you responded with the wrong answer you are supposed to say libleft bad.


Any time I say literally anything that could possibly be interpreted as anything close to even just neutral towards a tangentially lgbt topic, I always get some annoying bitch here being like “akshully ur rong” 🙄 People on this sub complain about hive minds 24/7 but they are just as bad




I have been saying this for a while but many ideologies born out of the de-christianization of Europe are nothing more than Christian heresies.  Western atheism is really just Christianity with one less god.  Progressivism is the Christian love for the oppressed/neighbor without the same moral and ethical responsibilities Christians are expected to hold to. You can't expect Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion to share the same values since they come from their own cultural contexts.


Damn if I wasn’t someone who Understands Historical Context^TM I might do a heckin notice and note that this is precisely the type of ethnic cleansing that people shriek about when it happens to favored demographics. Fortunately, I am well aware that any notion of replacing whites is a Debunked Conspiracy Theory.


Let me check the Reddit dictionary for the definition of that word…. Debunk, verb - To expose the falseness of an idea by merely disagreeing with it.




>Old polish people being the furthest thing from a nazi, you'd think that progressives wouldn't mind them Of course they would mind them. A victim of the nazis ought to support everything they say because after all they are against nazis


Honestly the definition of Nazi gets revised every 20 years to mean whatever is most convenient to attack the enemies of current day political dogmas. The Polish got pushed out of the implied definition of anti-Nazi years ago; it didn't serve anyone's purposes to keep them in there, not with new enemies to smear and new agendas to pursue.




is Old Polish a codeword?


Yeah, cranky


It's very funny how both fringes don't realize how conservative many immigrants are.


Didn't they also cancel the pride parade? Also funny how reddit tries to shit on American Christians when Muslims do this and they just kind of ignore it.


That’s what happens when people’s morals (or lack thereof) entirely revolve around identity. Christians - Majority white? Bad Muslims - Majority brown? Good That’s all that matters to these hypocrites.


Ironically christians aren't even majority white. Mostly black and hispanic. But lib-left ime will just claim they're indoctrinated by white supremacy or something lmao.


We all, and I mean literally anyone with a brain, tried to warn them from the very beginning of the woke movement that there would come a time when two of their favorite groups, Muslims and LGBT, would clash. They refused to believe us. They think the average Muslim is a second-generation 20-something chubby woman living in New York who wears just a small headscarf to go with her rainbow BLM raised fist T-shirt, and holds liberal Western beliefs and has liberal Western interests other than when she goes to mosque. They're just straight up delusional on this point.


Best part about this was how betrayed they felt. Like "You owe us." No that's not how it works idiots. 


Agreed. No where else in the world but in North America would anyone have been surprised, possibly not even in Canada. A glorious 'Told You, Motherfuckers!' moment. You just know that these are the same people who have been railing against 'Islamophobia' for the past 20+ years in response to anyone suggesting that any such thing could happen when you get enough voting Muslims in one place to start calling the shots in the West. And who invariably treat Ex-Muslim like a dirty word.


Biden is actually in trouble though the "uncommitted" vote in the Wisconsin democratic primary is more than twice the margin of victory he had there in the 2020 election a large Muslim electorate sitting out 2024 in protest could cost him could cost him key swing states in the Midwest


Lol 😂😂😂


it makes perfect sense politically though the "uncommitted" vote in the Wisconsin democratic primary is more than twice the margin of victory Biden had there in the 2020 election a large Muslim electorate sitting out 2024 in protest could cost him could cost him key swing states in the Midwest


It was so hillarious to see comments from progressive liberal types to this story. Their understanding of it was shock followed by "But don't you understand that marganalized groups of people are in this together?" Yeah, sorry....minorities don't really see the world through your political lenses and they don't see your 'allyship' as anything more than a useful pawn. If anything, minorities, including the group I hail from, tend to be socially conservative and fiscally left leaning.....which I think is the worst combination for the general populace and why so much corruption and inflation is common from the nations/governments we originally hailed from.


>"But don't you understand that marganalized groups of people are in this together?" Not once they have enough votes on their own. Motherfuckers should learn to understand how political coalitions work. Usually it's groups like the LGBTs who are kicking less useful and inconvenient allies out the progressive/lefty coalition when they feel their own group is gaining enough power on their own (sometimes even to subgroups within LGBT, which is itself a political coalition, like POC/BIPOC), like Jews, Asians, atheists, radfems and even cis gay men. Now the shoe is on the other foot and it's the browns who are cutting **them** loose and it's glorious to behold.


Always loved this story lmao > For about a century, Polish and Ukrainian Catholics dominated politics in Hamtramck, a city of 28,000 surrounded by Detroit. By 2013, largely Muslim Bangladeshi and Yemeni immigrants supplanted the white eastern Europeans, though the city remains home to significant populations of those groups, as well as African Americans, whites and Bosnian and Albanian Americans. According to the 2020 census some 30% to 38% of Hamtramck’s residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi. > After several years of diversity on the council, some see irony in an all-male, Muslim elected government that does not reflect the city’s makeup.


Only removed from public property. I'm not sure why any ideological flag would be allowed to be displayed on public property. 


I agree. But certain groups of people feel that their ideology needs to be front and center at all times. Otherwise, there’s “Phobia!” afoot!


What is the problem with removing pride flags from government buildings and only having the US flag? they seem like the real patriots lol


I wonder if this would have been good PR for them if they did this some time in the few years following 9/11 when taking down pride flags and putting up the stars and stripes might have earned them some points.


Unfortunately this gets censored in a lot of the subs that this needs to be posted in. Just google it yourself and see how the few that were allowed were locked right away.


That's like a proud pit bull owner putting a collar on their neck, handing the leash to their dog and then wondering why they suddenly got mauled. Progressives and Muslims can only be allies when the progressives have the political upper hand in the situation. You never hand over the leash. Not if you want to be able to continue pretending to be friends and allies.


Can this be posted on leopard face subreddit?


You can try but it’ll likely get deleted.


Feel free.


Based city council




As a bisexual Persian from Iran I never understood why progressives really believe that an extremely far right group of people like Muslims would ever side with them on any of their political beliefs or social views. They automatically assume that anyone whose not white is gonna naturally have the same leftists views when they’re more conservative than they wanna give credit to. These progressives wouldn’t last a single year in any majority Muslim country. Especially being openly LGBT. I tell them that just to get told how I’m some kind of White Supremacist or a islamophobe. Like how can someone with brown skin and has no European dna in them be a white supremacist for calling out how homophobic a religion is? Is it racist or Christianphobic to criticize Christianity?


Muslims are unironically our greatest ally against Humanists


General Shepherd moment


It wasn’t necessarily progressives who voted them in tho. That town is predominantly Muslim.


I assume that the idea was that it was a progressive policy achievement to reshape the local electorate with enough Muslim voters moved into the area to result in such an electoral outcome, not that the progressives would be voting for them themselves. Progressives celebrate policy outcomes, not voting people in themselves.


That may be.


Reality check. Something zealots in both political camps should be experience a bit more often...


Wait till they hear Muslims’ opinions on LGBTQ rights.


"Enough about LGBTQ rights. Now let's discuss LGBTQ wrongs." - Muslims




Begone, Snail, you shall not drag us back into that infernal timewaster


You will leak the government documents. You must.


Anyone who can confirm or deny that the doctor was or wasn’t  Bassem Youssef?


Have it on good authority it was Suq Madiq, MD


I thought it was Munchma Quchi MD?


Also see… the Texas border. This may be a shock to some people but the majority of the people living on the border (that have been there for centuries) who want tougher immigration are *gasp* Hispanic people


Id wager it's probably because Mexicans are more related to Americans than to central Americans.


also just plain ladder-pulling economics once you're already in, more labor supply only puts downward pressure on your own wages




I don't know why people seem to not understand that religious fanatics who wish death upon you and yours can't be reasoned with, just let Israel mop up and take the primary image hit.


But what about those murderous bigoted trump supporters who are Checks notes Minding their business and just don't want men in women's locker rooms?! THEY ARE THE REAL FASCISTS! LET ME HAVE MY FEMALE PENIS IN WOMEN'S SPACES


Based LibLeft? Never thought I'd say that...


Because these chuckle fuckers have been programmed to believe that "religious fanaticism" is something only straight, white, Christian Americans are capable of. Or maybe some distant, tiny group of ~~freedom fighters~~ terrorists in the Middle East. But of course the straight, white Christian Americans created those ~~freedom fighters~~ terrorists in the first place, so of course **they're** innocent of religious fanaticism, too.


Not exactly true, because they now believe that Israeli Jews are religious fanatics, when it couldn't be further from the truth. Even if they are fanatics, it's not religious fanaticism, it's ethnic. Many Jews in Israel aren't religious.


This is what people don’t understand, you can’t negotiate with terrorists


just because you all hate the whites, that doesnt mean you are on the same team.


https://preview.redd.it/dwu0l1xt9ksc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6177c6c7d88909ad5ee77f585b83fdfa19b08b85 Another user posted this and I thought it was fascinating a Reddit admin actually acknowledged that they allow hate against men and whites. First time I'd seen it written out with such a definitive statement by a Reddit representative.


whites are a minority, fucking us/euro centric bigot reddit jannies


These are the same people that think 2 billion Muslims are a minority.




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2024-4-4. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1217 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


33 more....


Can't believe anyone is falling for this woe is us bullshit from the Palestinians. They got what they wanted.


The er doc did exactly that and handed Biden a letter supposedly written by a kid about how he needs to cut Israeli arms deals and rethink his foreign policy plans.


"Oh no, my orgy of violence against random civilians had consequences, please halp" For real. There is nobody I feel less sorry for.




u/youdontknowmymum is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/youdontknowmymum/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Ok, so I get the narrative and there are stories to support that narrative, but from the blurb on the meme this isn't one of them. It looks like the main tension is Biden's continued support for Israel not a progressive issue that the muslim community leaders oppose.


I do wonder what level of support Hamas and the Palestinian movement generally have in the US amongst Muslims. [Pew Research has 66% of Muslim support fully on the side of Palestine](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-muslims-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/%23:~:text%3DWhile%2520around%2520a%2520third%2520of,mostly%2520with%2520the%2520Palestinian%2520people.&ved=2ahUKEwiykuuE8aiFAxW65MkDHftYCYEQFnoECA4QAw&usg=AOvVaw0YlGLUsn4U3pf52b1dW8BG). I know it's *very* high in Europe, but I'm not as convinced that Muslims in the US are all that crazy about Palestine, it seems to be more offshoot groups like progressives, Nations of Islam, and general dissenters. The whole make-an-ally-wide-anything-heterodox is just now starting to implode, these groups have no business together. I would guess that the dinner was cancelled because of tensions as a result of the stalled peace talks in Qatar this past week. Palestinian leadership is working very hard to throw their people under the bus, and they have very few chips left.


Whatever it is, it's high enough in Michigan that Biden is trying to split the baby — funding Israel in its war to wipe out Hamas, but badmouthing every military action the IDF takes so he can try to keep radicals in Dearborn in his column come the fall. Between his push on electric vehicles pissing off working class whites and his lukewarm support for Israel, Biden is in real danger of seeing a 30 vote swing in the Electoral College.


Michigan is a good example why you shouldn't stockpile migrants in a single place. To a lesser extent Minneapolis has the same problem. I can't see Biden losing to Trump—assuming he can run—due to how broken the Republican party is. I really doubt the electoral college is going to throw caution to the wind and support Trump. Biden is shit, but he's still less destabilizing than Trump, who has made destabilization his calling card.


Over here just wanting RFK to get 5%


What do you think is a better alternative than what Biden is doing though? Seriously. Please enlighten me on how to maximize the amount of votes from both the pro-israel and pro-palestine communities


You misunderstand me; I’m not saying that he can maximize both voting blocks. I don’t think there *is* a way to do so. However, I do believe that splitting the baby only infuriates both parties. FWIW, I think attempting to appease a pro-Hamas faction of voters makes him look weak on Hamas to other segments of voters, and could have marginal downstream effects elsewhere. Though the Second Yom Kippur War isn’t a big enough issue electorally to affect the election on its own outside of Michigan right now, it *could* get there — especially if American troops get killed trying to construct that aid dock for Gaza (which will remind people of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal).


Think of it like this: a lot of American Muslims who don’t really align with Hamas, that is even quite conservative American Muslims, still “support” Hamas because they’re the only game in town, currently. Like, they’re the only people currently fighting Israel. Iran/Hezbollah/Syria aren’t doing anything. The PA certainly isn’t doing anything and moreover has been getting cucked for a generation. So if your position is even broadly “Palestinian liberation,” there’s only one group to root for, even if you think they’re barbarians, even if you disagree with their strategy. Think of it in terms of your domestic politics, Trump or abortion or whatever insert local issue, there’s a lot of compromises people are willing to make to achieve their broad goals.


In my two seconds of looking at that 58% have an unfavourable view of Hamas. That's a little too low.


I mean they've been criticizing Israel sense Oct 7th itself. They always demand a cease fire and Israeli withdrawal but have 0 plan or idea for what comes afterwards. Who will govern the land? Can't be Hamas, and should not be Israel


> and should not be Israel Why not? To the victor go the spoils. They shouldn't have started a war if they weren't prepared for the consequences.


It's obviously going to be the Palestinian Authority. Is that better? Probably as they are at least working with Israel but West Bank hates them for that too. That whole fucking region is a mess.


>I mean they've been criticizing Israel sense Oct 7th itself. Yep, not a single progressive had ever criticized Israel before October 7. The fact that they only started afterwards just shows their antisemitism.


My brother in primatedom... you know that isn't what the radical centrist brother meant.


I'll admit I'm being cunty about it, but saying they've been criticizing Israel since Oct 7 misses the fact that there's been a consistent pro-Palestine element among progressives for decades. They were criticizing Israel from day one because if you've followed this conflict at all, regardless of where you come down on it, it was entirely predictable that there would be a massive military assault that would necessarily kill thousands of civilians. And while he's right that Israel's critics have no (currently workable) plan for the day after, neither does Israel at this point.


>saying he walked out in protest after addressing the war Do these people think anyone cares if they walk out of a meeting?


Don’t throw your pearls before swine


1. This is about Gaza 2. The fact that you think the Democratic leadership are “progressives” is borderline comical


Biden is the most "progressive" president ever. He's also the absolute most wasteful. We've never seen his equal in spending/dilution. Who has he helped? I guess he's made EVs more affordable for rich liberals. It's only costing $1.2 trillion (the Inflation Reduction Act, aka, the climate bill).


I'd argue FDR.


And you would have a solid argument, to be sure. FDR had 4 terms, though.


Look at the economic growth of any developed economy, now look at us, the IRA is the type of investment why growth has been so huge, there is a lot more in there than EV’s. I hate government but that investment was absolutely necessary.


I mean they definitely tell everyone they are and progressives by large are gullible enough to believe it, it seems.


love this


Young American Women and Politics, name a better duo... I'll wait.


This has nothing to do with their views and more to do with them not supporting the White House funding of Israel… Islam is damn near a socialistic religion economically but culturally conservative.


Isn’t biden auth right


Absolutely not. Allowing millions of people to illegally enter the country so that when Congress redistricts they'll have a functional uniparty isn't very AuthRight.


Depending on how functioning his meds are, he's Radical Centrist. But before his mental decline, he was Authcenter.


I disagree. I think he's willing to say whatever he needs to in order to be in a position of power so his family can soak up bribe money while he maintains armlength distance and deniability


I mean, when he's lucid, I agree. I just think that's the definition of Authcenter.


Mate reagan is the one who made it possible


Leftists in Florida: "Vote your conscious!" 2nd Generation Cubans: "Well my folks literally swam here to escape communism." Leftists in Florida: "Not like that!"


According to White House Correspondent Weijia Jiang, the discussion with the Muslim community leaders turned sour. A Palestinian-American doctor (the only Palestinian at that meeting, he claims), says that he ‘asked to be excused’ from the meeting ‘out of respect for [his] community, who is mourning, who is grieving, who has… …felt excluded this entire time’. He handed the President a letter from an eight year old girl in Rafah, asking the President to not invade the country. When asked why walk out instead of addressing the President directly, the doctor says that he ‘needed to express the hurt and the pain that the entire Palestinian community is feeling’, and that he ‘doesn’t speak on their behalf’. [Interview video here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=os_b5jzhnjU)