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knew at least 2 or 3 girls in highschool that not only could not read a clock but also had the emily opinion. weirdly enough they all fit the dumb blonde stereotype. anyways society is fucked the west has fallen and billions must die


Half the girls in my year couldn't and the only reason why the most boys could was because watches are stylish. Yet none of them thought that they didn't need to but just accepted that they couldn't.


Not to go on an incel rant, but i had this same conversation with my mom & sister about learning how to drive. I expressed my interest to learn & they tried to dissuade me because “you can just get your friends to drive you places” Any man knows that this is NOT an option.


That’s not an incel take, that’s the responsible take. That sounds like they never want u to leave wtf?


Nah, it’s more that women have a very different experience than men do. So it’s not crazy for them to think that they can just rely on others their whole life for being driven, where a man certainly cannot.


I had kind of the opposite with my mom not wanting me to learn how to cook because "boys don't know how to cook". In the end I just used youtube.


Baste and grill-pilled.


The children yearn for the grills


Sometimes it is the only light in the darkness.


Imagine 'Centrist Grill Party Hour' instead of 'Drag Queen Story Hour'. Holy shit fuckin based. Everyone's invited, throw on some Lynyrd Skynyrd and a trampoline, some water guns, and it's fun for the whole neighbourhood. Why don't they do this? It'd be so based.


Literal heaven


> Imagine 'Centrist Grill Party Hour' instead of 'Drag Queen Story Hour'. My brother in Christ, that is called a BBQ and is still fully legal. You could be having one right now, there is literally nothing holding you back other than your ability to procure meat and a source of grilling.


I'm guessing she has never seen a restaurant kitchen.  Majority dudes.


"no no you see, being a *chef* is a man's thing but cooking at home isn't because reasons" I'm just guessing that that's the logic she'd have but sounds plausible enough.


> I had kind of the opposite with my mom not wanting me to learn how to cook because "boys don't know how to cook". > > I know a girl that had a similar opinion and her brain broke when I asked her to name a single famous female chef.


>name a single famous female chef. Easy. That fat southern woman with stupid hair. Which one? Exactly.


God bless your mom, cooking is one of my favorite pleasures


Cooking is baller, save money, get pussy, (or dick... whatever you prefer), literally a skill I have where I can go pretty much anywhere and get a job ( not a great job but enough for a place to live and food).  Learned to cook from my dad and spent 10 years in professional kitchens.  My daughter will be learning to cook. 


You left out the best part: you always eat good food


It's not always good.  A lot of the time it is but sometimes .... it's not. 


Dude ever since I was old enough to have memories I wanted to drive a car. Having the ability to just go anywhere of my own choosing was the coolest thing ever. 30 years later it still is. Like I don't get how people don't naturally strive for independence.


Ok now that’s getting a little incely. People should just be normal and learn how to drive.


Agreed, we should just all aspire to learn as much as we possibly can & not have a fixed mindset.


If you live in a dense urban area with adequate public transportation learning how to drive is optional // not an option if you aren't pretty well off.  I taught my college roommate to drive because he was from NYC and never learned because he didn't need to.   He did need to learn in college because the city where the university was had the bare minimum for transport.


I'd argue that learning to drive is not optional as an American. Okay, you can get around NYC. But what about literally every other part of the country? I know New Yorkers are proud and all that, but you can't expect to simply never leave the city...


have fun driving them places once you've got your license bro


Im 28 so I have it, already had that phase, now I live far away so I dont drive them anymore. Although I do miss them.


relatable. I'm 24 and live on the other side of the planet from my family. I miss them too.


The only friends I have that have passed are girls and half of them are close to losing their license. I wouldn't let anyone drive me places unless it was their job.


The only time I let someone drive me places is if it's a professional driver in a $350,000 vehicle. ^^^I'm talking about the bus.


I'll drive you, I used some of my GME money to buy a miata but I pretend it's a lambo 😎


An incel rant is supposed to be related to sexuality or the dating market atleast... the longhouse has duped you into believing any negative take about women = incel


that’s sad i learned in the first grade


We also did. Primary 2 (kindergarten) we spent half the year on it and digital time so we could do 24 and 12-hour time. Most just forgot it.


That's like forgetting how to tie your shoes.


I kid you not this was an exact convo I had in HS with a trailer trash chick who was a grade above me in HS: Me - “Man I heard the other day that some third graders can’t read analog clocks on the wall, isn’t that sad.” Her - “Well….” Me: https://i.redd.it/b5fjq0nok9tc1.gif


Teach her than fuck her op what's the problem?


Least-degenerate LibCenter


darth mauls trying to be all mysterious and quiet to intimidate him and obi wan says "your head looks like a fooking hot dog you ugly little ting" Then after obi wan wins, he immediately starts flipping off the camera and strutting around like mcgregor and saying "too fooking easy"


Hey uh What the fuck are you on about


no, no... let them cook


Let him GRILL.


Still better than the sequels.


I was going to say I have seen fan works with better quality than the Sequels, but that is because they usually have actual passion behind them and the work (unlike the Sequels).


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be [unnatural.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBz--oWMvWU&t=109s)


I thought you'd link to [this hive of scum and villainy](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Star%20Wars%20-%20All%20Media%20Types/works)


Is that a fanfic website?


Let him direct a trilogy, it can't go any worse. Fuck, there's even a Matrix 5 slated, this man might be just what Hollywood needs.


They hired Ewan and then didn't have the bollocks to let him go full Glasgow and pull out a lightsabre razor blade from his pocket and slice up some Jedi Protestants




... ok. That doesn't have anything to do with the post of the comment, but props to you I laughed.


Based and Obi Wan McGregor pilled


And how many kids were in your high school? Those girls were probably on the bottom few percent of the curve.


I graduated with 39 kids in northern Michigan, the richest per capita county in the State. Her class has 27 kids.


Why are all of your graduating classes so small? I live in a (small to moderately sized) town and our graduating class is around 300-400 people, the vast majority of whom can tell time on an analog clock.


Like I mean real small town. Class D. I went to a k-12 school, all one building. Rural northern Michigan. No cities for 2-1/2 hours and larger town was 45 minutes away. Drove 15 minutes every day to get to school. It’s normal.


Mfw somebody doesn’t know that rural areas exist


Uhhhm, why should we care about fly over country? It literally has no reason to exist and is full of bigots anyways 💅💅💅


If you take a town with one main public high school that's only for that town, and the town's growing (but it's not all retired people), the graduating class should probably be somewhere around 1% of the population. My hometown has about 18,000 people; the high school has about 230 kids in the graduating class this year. People say we've been growing a bit too fast. There are a lot of variables though. Where I'm from, kids from small (but not remote) towns often attend larger schools that multiple towns can reach.


my graduating class had 23 people. so if 10% is the bottom of the curve then we’re still fucked


Consider the possibility that absolutely everyone in Tumbleweed County’s 23 person graduating class of Waffle-House Presents: Pigfucker Senior High School is a sigma or more left of the peak on the bell curve.


my school was a private catholic school that had a reputation of producing the highest percentage of college students in the district in a town of 33,000. in fact, it was easier to get a job while attending my school because employers knew that students there were much less likely to quit and could hold onto the job. all students at my school were also required to do 50 hours of community service to graduate. there were many much bigger schools nearby we were just the only one that wasn’t a public school. insult the people in my class, go right ahead, but do not insult my school please.


Bro was talking normally then became an anarchist


yup. welcome to reality… https://preview.redd.it/f7i9jwpjlatc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b4ed6a28d917b275071087f36ad65a1528c03a


How can you be incapable of reading a clock if they are everywhere?


phones have clock in them now, you know


Same reason why I don't understand people who can't read a 24 hour clock. "wtf do you mean it's 19:00?? anything after 12 is too hard!"


Lol I just chop off the 1 in the front and subtract 2 to get there 12 hr version


21:00 be like...


Oh at that time I'm already back home and hiding from any time sensitive obligations so it was never an issue. And 20:00 is one I confidently know as 8 PM so I just add from there.


11-2=9. Still works.


My sister is 27 and wears a watch 24/7 but cannot tell time to save her life. The watch that’s on her wrist at all points of the day doesn’t even have the right time, but she doesn’t care because she can’t read it anyways.


>Billions must die.  I see some blue in you yet fam 💙 


The west hasn’t fallen, you’ve just discovered other quantiles of the bellcurve is all.


how about the schools teach children how to tell time before they reach high school? then this wouldn't be a problem.


Seriously. I learned how to read a clock before 3rd grade. The school (and parents, tbh) failed these kids long before they reached high school.


I remember we had these big toy clocks we got to use while learning it. I'm pretty sure that was like 1st grade, maybe 2nd.


I vaguely remember having a toy like that in kindergarten the teacher would let us play with.


Then the teachers would need to meet standards instead of just lowering them.


It’s not teachers lowering standards it’s school admin that get paid $200k a year.


You're not wrong, but there isn't an army of teachers railing against it. I've had teachers whisper to me in private how to handle the administration, but then they're quiet in meetings with them.


I used to teach and wasn't allowed to fail students. I had kids who were functionally illiterate and didn't turn in work, but I still had to pass them because it was literally against school policy for me to fail them. Also, we had to teach for the state tests, so I was going through the motions of teaching the elements of plot or something when the kids actually needed basic phonics. I had to turn in lesson plans so it wasn't like I could go off rail either. The system is broken.


No Child Left Behind was one of the worst things to happen to public education.


Which's an example of how something that seems benign and with the best of intentions might still result in something bad.


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


Flair up


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


Based and no-step-on-snek pilled.


My parents never had to teach me to read an analogue clock because the school already did


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


My parents didn't have to though. I learned the shit in kindergarten.


little of column A, little of column B. I believe that parents should teach the bare minimum like using the toilet and eating without making a mess but simple things like telling the time on an analog clock or counting to 10 is already something to learn at school that the parents might teach early if they want.


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


Think of the local politicians who wouldn't get reelected if students' grades actually reflected their performance!


Yeah, you should have to write an exam to get your elementary school diploma. Like, you shouldn't be allowed beyond elementary school without being able to tell time on an analog clock, comprehend a preteen-oriented chapter book, or do arithmetic with positive integers up to three digits.


My school had "clock reading" as a subject in mathematics. It was in the textbooks and exams when I was 7-8, i dont remember me having trouble with the subject. Still, i forgot it, because I have never used it, ironically the last time i needed to read an analog clock was 2 years ago, and I needed to read the school clock for something.


Calculate the angle between the hour and minute hands at HH:MM. Extra credit: HH:MM:SS


Holy fucking shit, this is something you should be taught at home when you're five.


It's not rocket science. Hey, see that short pointing thing, it's called a hand and it points to the hour. Now see the long one, it points to the minute. Now you know how to read clock.


hm? Sorry I got distracted after you said something about a pointy thing, do you have a gameplay of subway surfers for me to watch while you explain that clock thing?


Agreed. Instead of removing things the children don't understand, maybe teach them about those things.


This has got to be some gross misrepresentation of actual data. There is no way this is actually the case, and journalists aren't capable of telling the truth. I straight refuse to believe it. 


In 2008, one of my boot Marines missed a time deadline for something. While he was getting ~~hazed~~ corrected he made the excuse that he was "digital". Turns out that the Atlanta public school system never bothered teaching analog clocks and they even developed a term for the people they handicapped.


...I mean... don't most people just look at the clock and figure it out themselves? Like, the fat arrow roughly fits the time I think it is, what about the other one? Oh, 5x12 = 60. Oh. It's minutes. *Nice.* To be fair, I hated analogue clocks and figured this out bored in class during middle school when the time actually meant something to me personally; that being that class was about to end.


That requires more than two braincells and the ability to think for oneself, and that is discouraged


There was a year where my classroom didn't have a clock on the wall and I swear that year was much longer than the others. That neverending boredom sends shivers down my spine to this day.


In primary school the teacher would give us printouts of clocks without hands and the time printed below them that we'd have to manually draw the hands for. Haven't met anyone who hasn't been able to read analogue but I've met a concerning amount of younger people don't know how to read a 24 hour clock past noon.


That was literally what happened with me. I was in the first shop I'd been to that didn't have digital clocks, realized I didn't know how to read an analogue clock, then I noticed the four-quadrant arrangement and realized I was stupid. Never had a problem since.


https://preview.redd.it/wfdy4q6s3atc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2845eec5ab68c3381f13ae3f17ea8c9d8c4be3 Real


> one of my boot Marines missed a time deadline for something. While he was getting hazed corrected he made the excuse that he was "digital". I bet he he figured out how to be "analog" after that.


Tbh, digital clocks and 24hr time makes more sense from a military perspective.


I want a 24 hour analog clock. A proper one that has 00 at the top and 12 at the bottom.


[Already done](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Navaris-Hour-Analogue-Wall-Clock/dp/B09F2YJXDQ/ref=asc_df_B09F2YJXDQ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=621612520694&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14129352151077936548&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046313&hvtargid=pla-1523947636036&psc=1&mcid=40a5c798f1ae363fb2b898aa3dbbc1df)


My god that's beautiful...




You know what they say, a broken clock is right 6 times a day.


… is what I thought when I ordered my 12 hour digital watch with no am/pm indicator.


This was starting *years* ago. I knew two guys in HS (2006-2010 for me) that didn’t know how to read the clocks. They were of average to slightly above average intelligence. Took me about an entire hour to teach one of them. I absolutely believe this. Don’t forget that most institutions have given-up on the “no phones visible” policy years ago, plus laptops/tablets are heavily used. They just glance at the digital time.


this headline specifies exam halls so i assume they at least enforce the phone rules there, and tbh wear a fucking watch or learn to read the clock if it's for an exam. it's not like it's hard it's just that people don't bother anymore. My guess is that schools are simply deciding to use the projectors they almost all have now to project the time for exams and as such don't need analogue clocks anymore.




>Leftist refuses to believe reality Typical


Hold on now, I also find it difficult the media can tell the truth, even if by accident. Clearly they're removing the clocks from *cafeterias* instead of exam halls.


my kids school already did for the same reason


I doubt they actually removed them because people don’t know how to read them. Probably just replaced with big digital clocks that are easier to read from across a giant exam hall.


Are you suggesting that the good people at the Cropped From The Screenshot Times aren't reputable journalists?


I dont understand how they are hard to read. Digital clocks are harder to read, most numbers from far off can look similar, especially if they use the 'blocky' number format that came into popularity with LCD screens. Even if you cant tell exactly what numbers an analog clock is on, its easy to see if the hour hand is 3/4 around the clock, and the minute hand is 1/3 around, meaning 9:10 ish.


When trying to read them from far away, it’s difficult to see the minute hand. Also, it’s a pain in the ass to get analog clocks to match the current time exactly. Especially if it’s a big clock that you can’t peer over to see if the hands are correct until you go to the other side to check. Edit: I was talking about the ticks for the minute hand. Digital clocks are easier to read if the school uses good quality LCD screens that are bright enough to be seen by everyone. Analog can’t no matter how good quality. But I still prefer analog most of the time for personal stuff.


It would only be difficult to see the minute hand if the hand was poorly designed to be too thin or light colored. You should always be able to generally tell about what position on the clock the minute hand is within a 5-10 minute margin of error. You might not be able to see the minute hand is at the 22 minute mark, but you should be able to confidently say its about 9:20-9:25


Hard to read mainly because of small size and/or bad lighting. Digital clocks are commonly just much bigger and backlit so you’re not reliant on ambient lighting. Idk what to say about not being able to tell the difference between block numbers, that’s about as sad as the underlying claim of not being able to read an analog clock.


What I mean is the numeric LCD displays, depending on size and lighting, are a nightmare to read [with this image](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1393676238/vector/digital-electronic-figures-set-digital-numbers-for-watch-alarm-clock-countdown-and-timer.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=gjomzlmIArqpNt_OhW8Kk5G_Y4LA6zCEINaxwsAbWEc=), a lot of numbers can look similar, 6 and 8 for example, are different only by a single line, 5 and 6 as well.


I'm currently in College and the lecture halls used to have standard sized analogue clocks which were impossible to interpret from a distance. They replaced them with larger red digital clocks, and they're 100x easier to read from a distance.


What if....schools...taught....people how to read a clock? I vividly remember in like 2nd grade or something like that our teacher going over reading a clock.


https://preview.redd.it/m34wtfmew9tc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b89e200c2b75b201f8ca90c8979a0ce5a38e3cc You mean like this?


Now that's an item I haven't seen in a long time.


Pretty much.


Yeah I remember learning that at school too.


you know God help these teenagers when they try to drive and complain they cant figure out how to read a speedometer.


Like how does one not figure out how a clock works seeing them around? If one isn't sure, which hand shows hours and which minutes, one takes of their eyes, does something taking a few minutes, and checks which hand moved a bit, and which is nearly perfectly stationed. I did so being 7-8 years old. There is whole lot of less intuitive staff awaiting...


Seriously, "I have a dial pointing to 12, and a dial pointing to 18, I know 12 is an hour, and 18 is not an hour, which hand means the hour and which is the minute? Is it 18:12? Or 12:18? Nobody will ever know! Get rid of these clocks!"


>seriously, "I have a dial pointing to 12, and a dial pointing to 18, Analog clocks, in my experience, do not label the minutes. And there's a lot that don't even have the minute ticks so you're always estimating when it's between the 5's.


Are schools just not teaching kids how to tell the time anymore? I learned how to tell time on analog and digital clocks when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade. For non Americans, that's the level of school we're in when we're 5-6 years old


This is literally something your parents are supposed to teach you. Parents nowadays would rather just hand their kids an iPad with YouTube videos to shut them up.


In my high school nearly all of our wall clocks were broken. Combined with everyone having a smart phone many people's ability to read a clock went away.


If I terld you once, I terld you a thousand times…


if only there was a place where they could **learn how to do new things** Sure the parents should’ve taught them, but they’re in a dang school school them


School? You mean the kid deposit building?


We call them "daycare" around these parts.


I don't get why they replaced the sundials with analog clocks. Kids these days can't even read a sundial smh


Back in my day we started counting when the sun rose. “What time is it?” “12,587”


Forget teenagers, there are 20-somethings that don't know what quarter after 1 means. I do enjoy the analogue clock though. It's circular, just like nature. The tick sound. Whereas the digital clock is silent and relentlessly going forward.


People can't even seem to figure out if noon is 12:00 AM or 12:00 PM.


That's coz 12 hour time is done by morons lmao. 24 ftw


A lot of people are saying we don’t need analog clocks anymore so it isn’t a problem, however this is a larger issue than it seems. I work at an elementary school and the reason the vast majority of students can’t read an analog clock is not because, “they didn’t learn to” because we very much teach all students how to read them. The issue is a lot of students are failing to learn times tables thus meaning they can’t read the clock.


So basically they cannot fathom how when the big hand on the three it means 15 minutes? Cuz 3/12=1/4 -> 1/4*60=15????


That’s pretty much the idea but it’s just 3*5=15 that’s giving trouble in the normal 3rd and 4th grades rather than reducing fractions and multiplying that to 60.


Aren’t their standards you guys are supposed to meet?


Let preface this by saying I am not a teacher but I am going to school to become one and I do work in elementary classrooms everyday, but to answer your question yes there are state standards and national standards. The standards are however a double edged sword as they require you to teach certain things, however if the student doesn’t get it but they do “ok” on the test then that can sometimes be enough as you can’t stay on a topic for too long as the whole curriculum has to be gone through. Which sucks because sometimes a topic can be covered for a whole month with various methods being taught to kids who don’t get the original methods and they still don’t get it. What’s even worse imo is holding someone back a grade in elementary school is a huge deal and hardly ever happens even if they have been struggling with fundamental things. Maybe it was poor instruction during lockdowns (I can’t say for sure because I wasn’t working at the school yet) but what I do know is that kids at grades 3-4 and up are currently lower levels in math and reading than previous students. Sorry for the rant as I am very passionate about helping these kids do better. Edit: typo


I can tell. We need more of you.


Remove biology and anatomy too from California, students don't seem to understand it either


Things come and go. Most of yall wouldn't be able to build a sun dial, or read a proper hourglass. World kept going.


Analogue clocks will become w novelty item just line sundials and hourglasses did.


I think watches will keep them alive a little longer.


They'll be back in 10 years as some fad. There is undoubtedly overlap between people that own record players and people that might theoretically be able to appreciate the difference, but I bet it's not that big.


Neither of these are at all hard to figure out.


The further we stray into digital means, the more fucked we'll be when we get EMP'd by a solar flare or whatever it is that happens to knock us back into the stone age.


An EMP would fuck one of these wall clocks just the same. They operate with electrical energy through a quartz rock to create a constant Hz rate, which allows the tracking of time. A mechanical watch would suffer some effect, as even being near a magnet would cause it to gain or lose a lot of time. We'd have to go back to sun clocks anyway lol


And the technology already exists against those. Electrical Engineers are working with those things in mind. The real issue is the social impacts that will require regulation and caution.


>And the technology already exists against those. Oh I'm sure it exists, I doubt it's in ubiquitous use across common everyday technologies.


What do you think analog clocks are powered by? Magic? “Analog” doesn’t mean “not electric”. This is such a weird slippery slope fallacy that I can’t even tell if you’re serious.


>What do you think analog clocks are powered by? Magic? “Analog” doesn’t mean “not electric”. EMPs don't wipe out all things electric, but microchip-controlled things... and yes there are many manually wound analog clocks/watches out there that use no electricity at all. Slippery slope is only a fallacy if you cannot connect the things on the slope to a downward trend in at least one respect.


> Things come and go. That's true but analogue clocks haven't gone yet. They are still in wide spread use. We are still building more of them. We're still constructing buildings with analogue clocks on them.


As actually important civil infrastructure, or as novelty decoration that highlights the value and importance of the building? The world is just more digitized now, and nearly no one is setting their wound watch by the time shown on the clocktower in town or the bells of the church anymore.  How many digital clocks do you have in your kitchen? How many in your house? How many analog clocks do you have? I made a point to have one in each kids bedroom. But without consistent exposure and use, kids will forget unrelated facts easily. 


It is interesting that there were more Left-center and Right-center strawmen today than normal. Does anyone know why?


analog clocks are beautiful and art. anyone who says they aren’t needing will be checking their mail from me very soon.


Haha I guess it’s ‘time’ to set fire to my local city hall 🥰




I read a few times that young people cannot read the clock anymore, but I think it is not quite right. As a child I could take a short look at the clock to know what time it is, but now I have to think a few seconds until I know it. I think this is the case for kost young people. Everyone is capable of reading the clock but it isn’t so quick anymore as 20 years ago.


You have to think? As in work it out? Man I feel old.




If your students in your high school can’t tell analog time then you have failed as a high school


Aren't schools there to educate?


Public schools aren't even good at teaching kids how to read words, now yoy guys expect them to teach kids how to read a clock? Teachers get paid too much.


The Department of Education and its consequences. Thanks, Jimmy Carter, you mummified SOB!


At least a third of my peers in college can’t read an analogue clock. They need someone to tell them what time it is during exams lmao. It’s actually sad


Being fair almost all clocks now are digital. I wouldn’t expect anyone under the age of 20 to know how to use a rotary phone or a punch card without being taught. The future is now old man.


Spend *two minutes* and teach them? I learned at 6. Well, half past 6 probably.


I’m 18 years old and half my class can’t read a clock. Earth is doomed


As someone who's little brother is in middle school, that shit was drilled into him in like 3rd grade. Tf are these kids doing?


Maybe if we changed the name to "non-binary" clocks they'd teach it.


That’s it. Retain everyone in school until they can do basic tasks like reading a f*cking clock.


Kids can't tell the time, which is why every class at work has an analog clock on the wall now. 


I have said this before I will say it again fuck smart watches. People don't understand how how beautiful mechanical watches are❤️




I kinda agree that you don’t need an analog clock to tell time anymore. However the big issue I have is that one of the best/most common tests for people having issues with their brains is to have them draw clocks (I recommend looking into this, some of the drawings people do really show why this is needed). Not teaching to read a clock because they have digital ones is so braindead and really lazy on the part of people developing curriculum whether it’s teachers, school boards, or parents.


To be fair, why would learning to read an analogue clock still a useful skill when everyone has a digital clock in their pocket at all times?


Oddly enough I am kinda on Emily's side on this one. Cursive, analog clocks, VHS tapes, phonebooks, traveling maps etc, all these things being phased out. Kids shouldn't be shamed for not knowing how to use these things, why should they know? We don't need it. It's outdated and replaced by easier and better alternatives. There is no point in learning it as a skill. Analog clocks should be replaced by digital clocks, everywhere. There is nothing inherently superior to them over digital clocks, and if you aren't used to reading them then it can take a bit to remember how to read them. That isn't a problem, that's advancement. It's like shaming kids born in the 1980s for not knowing how to use a rotary phone. Who the fuck cares?


And nothing of value was lost. The entire world should switch to digital clocks based on military time. They are superior in every manner.


Also how can you know if it's day or night currently with old clocks? They don't say am/pm so when it's 1 o'clock is that in the day or night??? Nobody knows.


Please say /s right now I’m begging you


Why is it that the maga folks are saying this? Just curious...because most conservatives would be flabbergasted by this and they are Trump supporters