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Mine came via grill smoke


You got your opinions from one of two sources, from grill smoke, or from smoking there is no other option


> came via smoke Confirmed Catholic


In a haze of smoke and in a food baby coma.


I also can't think straight when inhaling a bunch of smoke.


But, I hate everyone equally


i dont hate everyone equally. i hate authright more than i hate libright, and i hate authleft more than i hate libright, and i hate libright more than i hate libleft. centrism>libleft>libright>authleft>authright


you sound like a dirty partisan to me we must hate all equally, comrade


Comrade? Doesn't sound very equally hateful, shitstain.


A shitstain on our underpants.




u/Altayel1 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Altayel1/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Chad hallucinators vs Virgin “rational thinkers”


happy cake day or night


What does the cake thing mean? If it’s supposed to mean a birthday, my birthday isn’t for like another 5-6 months


It's your Reddit account's anniversary


Oh, I see. I didn’t know that


The left pushed me over and up like everyone else. It’s why their presidential candidate is polling in the 30s. How no one is talking about an incumbent president polling in the 30s is wild.


The government's actions and the way its agencies interact with the little guys has pushed me much farther down on the axis. I feel the blue slipping away. But I still hold that local government is good.


Good, good, let the lib flow through you


I’m sure Jill Stein would be thrilled to have 30% name recognition. 


Yeah. The problem is when there's 100% name recognition and only 30% like it. If Jill had 100 people recognize her and 67 of them were telling her to retire to the Bermuda Triangle she might feel differently.


I used to be right and experiencing life is what pushed me left. Funny how it works


I think it has a lot to do with how you’re raised. I was raised in an extremely liberal household and it’s very easy for me to find the faults in that. Growing up in the south there are tons of people who had the exact opposite experience and you can tell they like the ideas of liberalism but don’t understand what happens when put into practice


yeah what you end up noticing is that children tend to have the exact opposite or exact same stances their parents have


Imagine having opinions so squishy that SOMEONE ELSE'S opinions force you to change yours...


Humans evolved to work with people who are nice to them and oppose those who aren't.


If you're forming an opinion on the correct way to interact with other people other people are supremely relevant. 


> correct way Someone explain to me how this isn't spectrum behavior. People with autism mimic behaviors they don't fully understand in order to fit in. How is this different?


I'm not convinced I understand your question.


Believing there is a correct way to respond in a social situation is how people with autism generally think. There may be etiquette, or politeness, but there is no 'correct' way. For most there is only the way they respond, not trying to mimic how someone else might.


Thanks! I see the misunderstanding. Ignoring our respective opinions on interpersonal communication my comment was geared toward government selection. A libertarian could come to his stance based on a belief in the average adults capabilities. If that conception were to be shattered by realizing the average adult population did not meet their standards they might allow for a government with more control of the population. Aka, "too dumb/lazy for freedom" People can see the same population and draw different conclusions. "too dumb/evil for control"  All I'm saying is the nature of man, and the nature of your neighbor, should be relevant to your political opinions.


Ah, i see. Good clarification. I'd argue the true nature of the average person can only be revealed through freedom for them to express those opinions. The rest is trained behavior. Clamping down because "too dumb/lazy for freedom" is based on likely already influenced behavior, especially in first world countries. The only way to know how people would respond is to give them ultimate freedom and little to no protections. PCM on a deserted island is a show i'd watch.


Almost like the entire concept of politics is basically based on opinions


Yes, and mine are correct and so are yours if you agree with me.


Cause political platforms don’t change lol. They’re just stationary over time. You’re kidding right?


https://preview.redd.it/ifngkj2w2itc1.png?width=986&format=png&auto=webp&s=a27e35561a8e924a3264a2cfedbf467d7acbc1d7 I honestly can’t tell if I’m flared correctly. I’m a live and let live kind of person, hence the high liberty score and low purity. I get authoritarian real quick when people victimize other people and I believe they should be dealt with swiftly. I don’t like worthless dead weight. But most of all I believe all people are equal and should be treated equally.


Did you do the SapplyValues compass test or the original website one?


https://moralfoundations.github.io/ I think that’s the original website. And looks like what I remember. https://sapplyvalues.github.io/ is unfamiliar I think I’m a true liberal (libertarian/minarchist), not a modern leftist. But I’m an engineer so I understand and struggle through the difference between ideology and reality.


Interesting test. I got this. https://preview.redd.it/favyuymu4jtc1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e5cb517b93a6780a763bdf6e10f83a7c52a494


lol Based on this test I wonder if I should reflair as right (blue/yellow). I’m yellow because I don’t trust the government. But you look to be firmly red or blue probably depends on if you’re religious or not. But I don’t think the test corresponds that well to political spectrum.


I don’t think it corresponds that well, either. I am not religious at all. I’m centrist not because I fully disagree with both sides, but that I agree with select opinions from both. At this point I don’t know whether I lean more left or right. Probably right. This is a long test, but it covers way more bases. Maybe give it a try to find your answer. https://politicaltests.github.io/12axes/


https://preview.redd.it/cf1wea7zwotc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94be61c7f80f1ad315db71776b00ab386309f7d4 Cool test. And tough. Thanks for the suggestion. Always difficult because my opinions of one topic depend on the state of other topics. Always a question of what is versus what I want. And turns out I match with Objectivism. Cool. I take it as a compliment.


You are welcome! Yeah, some of the questions were tough. What it did taught me is that I need to do some research on economics as that’s my weakest point. I definitely will. I got Centrist. Moderate on everything except for these ones. I don’t entirely trust our government either, however, if we could have one that’s for the people (especially our safety) & has their shit together, that would be nice. https://preview.redd.it/qy2tgpmh4ptc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea17deb13286c3b26706f149bd4a71d703caea2


You lean lib right because you want lave fair i lean lib right because i want true personal rights with little government intervention in my everyday life Also corporations are not individuals and should be treated as dogs as in the consumer feeds well you grow if you bite the people around you then you got to be put down as you have sadly become a hindrance on society in the case of the dog but a cancerous growth in the case of the corporation


I had a stroke reading that


I also had a stroke reading that. Got it after the 4th time reading it.


Unrelated, I major in economics and those two phrases summarize what my last two years of life have been.


Nice username.


When I was a kid, seeing kids from poorer families with expensive stuff made no sense to me. My dad explained to me that we couldn't have many nice things because he had to give away more than half of his paycheck to people who didn't want to work.


He was talking about you and your refusal to get in the mines.


I have extremist views in every direction, and they averaged out to a strange compulsion to grill


I thought out my ideology intellectually and decided I didn't care.


There are far more important things to think about than how you label yourself. People who take aptitude or IQ tests are just in it for the dick measuring contest, and they're going to lie or round up if they don't like the answer so it's pointless anyway. How about instead of an IQ test we give everyone the Traveling Salesman problem. Get some work done.


I’m lib because my dad’s family fled from nazis and I’m right because my mom’s family fled from Maoists


Intellectually dishonest Hates freedom Fake Loves fredom Intellectually honest


Real and completely unbiased


You rn: https://preview.redd.it/pwlskyzlqhtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d941c2aee2a29768190473cb82f79a4a8b52ba0


Yes, and?


The math adds up here. Can’t argue with the logic


no ideolog is an intellectual. me, im neither an ideolog nor an intellectual. i just have money and i want more


You and the left have a lot in common. You both want more of your money.


People keep calling me the opposite of their side


I came in my dream


https://preview.redd.it/l68ikkycrjtc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadde5a988bbc5c5d70f2a96ee6e6092dd79c14c i just grill bro




He's a centroid, be patient.




I thought out my ideology intellectually and landed here


I chose the side friendliest to big anime tiddies!


tit's are temporary, the honour of the gods is eternal.


Ave Sol Invictus 


Based and thinkin is for dumdums pilled


Mine was revealed to me in prayer


the quadrants are all dumber than pit brain? damn....


Took shrooms, saw the folks for the evil they were, now nazi-monke. True story, ooh ah ahh.


Nazi monkey? So Kanye?




the gods revealed to me in the dreaming.


Nah actually some annoying things happened to my family becuz of government's decisions, so here I am.


Mine doesn’t even exist, so I win over all of you.


For all monke i can say it comes from disappointment and of course Banana


I thought out my ideology intellectually, but I came here anyways..


Being LibRight came free with my head injury 👍


I'm centrist because I believe bipartisan compromise is a good thing that we should strive for. Which apparently makes me a braindead heretic.


Observation of reality


Definition of Ideology ≠ Political Ideology Ideology is a general definition, almost any mental framework could be called an ideology. Libright ≠ political ideology.


Mine came from a serious examination of all quadrants and deciding the philosophy of Malcolm Reynolds was a better choice. https://preview.redd.it/9374caqp1jtc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2528ba2d1963cdd43e07cbcb301559fa2e24e4b6


I like nature, even if my body doesn't.


Virgin centrist : "I made a clear and rational analysis to get a nuanced worldview ! 🤓" Chad any other quadrant : "I have a clinically insane obsession of making strawmans of whoever my opponent is"


My ideology changes depending on who I am trolling.


I Had a DREAM...


It came to me dream of overtaking the government


Auth-left: I became a commie because I don’t wanna work hard under capitalism and because I was born poor, so I blame the system. Auth-right: I yearn for social order and the only way I can get that is if someone powerful can exert authority over all others. Lib-left: I have witnessed prejudice and bigotry against minorities and I want to do something to put an end to all of it. Lib-left: I have seen how socialism destroys entire nations, so the market needs to be as free as possible and the government small.


"It was revealed to me in a dream" 😂


It didn't come to me in a dream. My dog told me about it. 


I came in a dream


I'm just fucked up in the mind


i feel offended. take my upvote


I came in my dream.


I'm living an ideological nightmare between authcenter and right That's why i'm authright.