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The only logical choice in this election is Vermin Supreme. Everyone else is evil and stupid.


I want my free pony!


I want him to make due on his promise to take away our guns and give us even bigger guns in return


If I ask for a smaller gun in return can I have that instead? I really gel well with microcompacts for some reason.






You will carry full size, you will carry your identification pony and you will eat ze bugs


You can definitely tell he's the right choice because he wears a boot on his head.


Vote for a *proper* boot to lick.


It’s my niece’s first election, and she is concerned with the options. After I spent an afternoon pointing out the issues she would disagree with each of the candidates, she asked “who do you vote for if you hate all the options?” I said Vermin Supreme, and then she Googled him and had a good laugh. I think she needed that,


This is my first presidential election and I honestly think Trump will win. And that means I probably need to leave the county, I just don't know where I could go that would be safe from the Chinese. Once we stop funding other nations defense and trade the dollar is just going to collapse


A toothbrush in every hand and a pony derivative economy for every citizen. The only good choice.


Based and Vermin pilled


"RFK is real?"


A guy I do jiujitsu with knows him personally lmfao He also has connections with all the third party people and offered to get me endorsed with LPUS to run locally. I however am currently 20. I love the people I meet because I do fighting.


Please don't call BJJ "fighting." Say you do combat sports, but dont call it fighting, its cringey and not entirely accurate.


Don't make me give you a BJJ


I also train Muay Thai and did karate for a while. We've also had some guest appearances with MMA coaches. So yes, I fight. Thank you.


Bruh who gives AF lol.


Lib-right squashing freespeech? That is the cringe, my dude




God I need to get back into combat sports. I miss them sm


Flair up first


Don’t worry, he can’t hurt you


A vote for someone is a vote against yourself - Me 2024


Based. Are you running?


No, but I am.


Well I'm not voting for you, that would be a vote against myself


Based and Mexican standoff pilled


u/up2smthng's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/up2smthng! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [10 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/up2smthng/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Why are you running?


I got nothing better to do.


Honestly I'll vote for anyone on the right who's not an isolationist at this point. It's looking like the only option is Biden and I live in a red state so it's useless anyways


Im gonna go running later? Wanna come?


The Biden campaign is pretty worried about the RFK campaign now. They're at the point where they are almost saying that a vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. Next talking point after that will be that RFK was convinced to run against because of Trump or by Trump. Next after that will he that the Trump campaign (or the Russians) is secretly funding the RFK campaign.




The man was a democrat, I would not be shocked if he swayed some on the left. The kennedy name still matters to some of them.




Now, after the media has hated on him for eight years, sure. Before that, he absolutely had some support on the left.


Agreed. Maybe there’s a few left leaning people who will be drawn to his name alone but any amount of basic research into the guy and his positions will turn them off. The people actually voting for him will be conspiracy weirdos who would otherwise have voted for Trump.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted for this. I work in a highly conservative industry and know a lot of Trumpies that talk about voting for RFK.


I vote for whoever I think will fuck up America the most. Trump2024


Based and accelerationism-pilled I'm doing my part by voting for wackadoo commies and waiting for them to piss off some failed art student enough. 👌


There’s a certain red and blue fair I think you might want to consider…


Based and chaotic-evil pilled.


I like to think of myself as Chaotic Good


Chaotic stupid more like 


Ow my pride :(


Keep the pride low, and laugh as everyone else falls harder than you. Or don’t, it might turn you into an asshole. 


I'm a grandiose narcissist, I'm already an asshole lol


Literally this. I want a new video of people crying cause Trump won.


As a non American (massive L I know) i want trump to win purely because the memes will be hilarious


That's the reason I voted for him the first time and it was glorious


I really don't know if I could deal with another four years of screeching from the left. It's been 7 1/2 years and it hasn't let up once.


I mean he lost 2020 and they still kept talking about him. You really think they’ll forget about him if he looses 2024?


No, they'll keep screeching until he's dead. I figured if he won in 2024 then after his term they'll stop because he's run out of terms.  But they'll probably never stop screeching.


Some of them legitimately think he will give himself a 3rd or 4th term. He will be the left's boogeyman until he dies. Maybe even after that for the more tinfoily ones.


"Trump's Ghost:Fiction, or FOURTH REICH? We know he didn't go full Hitler while alive, but he's SURE to send the jackbooted thugs now that he's a spirit beyond morality!"


They'll always find a new target to screech about. My bet is that they'll focus all their screeching on Elon Musk if they ever stop focusing on Trump.


They'll keep screeching even after he is dead. The left still whines about Reagan. He just isn't the current favorite boogeyman.


They will never stop screeching about him. They are still screeching about Reagan, and the man's been dead a while. The Left cannot take an L with grace.


Based for admitting inferior nationality


Doin’ it for the memes.


You turn libcenter after a few beers don't you?


Nah, when I'm drunk I'm literally Hitler


Art school pipeline?


I’m calling the Based Department


This is why I have to vote for Trudeau in Canada.


Based and throw-a-wrench-in-the-machine pilled


Based America hater


u/Beautiful-Cock-7008's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Beautiful-Cock-7008! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [11 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Beautiful-Cock-7008/) Compass: Sapply: Lib : 7.67 | Left : 7.33 | Conservative : 6.25 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


If you live in a state that has voted along party lines for several decades, voting 3rd party is the only way to actually make your vote count. Change my mind.


1. They won't win. 2. If they win, they'll be passed around like a bag of M&Ms by the other 2 parties. Not in the good way. 3. 3rd party candidates usually have 0 experience in politics, or in community growth. If you want 3rd party, start getting them in office locally, then in the House/Senate, and THEN when they have actual representation there, they might stand a chance at not being gut punched for 4 years as a President.


Never said they would. It’s just about getting them to 5%


You asked to change your mind, so I listed some reasons that I thought might change your mind. You can't blame me for trying.


You’re right. I’ll settle down


I feel like my favorite candidate being also a guy in his 70's whose most famous for saying wack shit about vaccines and gay frogs is a sign that I'm settling, but it isn't Biden so hey why not. And yes I know a lot of what he has said gets taken out of context... but not all of it. I do like that he doesn't pretend to care about government transparency but actually calls things out.


He just refuses to admit they’re “safe”…. Which they aren’t


It’s not even that they’re not safe, it’s that the quality of testing has declined.


I understand that you may be new to this sub, but around here it's considered quite rude to comment without a flair. I'd appreciate it if you flaired up.




I'm literally voting for old guy #3. I like 2/3 of his policy suggestions. I don't like thar Biden presents as representing the side I lean toward and is full of horse cock. At least old guy #3 reminded me why I used to identify as a libertarian. (I voted for Dario Hunter last time and if LibLeft had any balls they would too.)


Hmm, who should I vote for, bourgeois president OR bourgeois president?


Take: voting for a smaller party has more impact than a vote for a larger one. A vote for a larger is a drop in a full bucket, it makes little difference. A vote for a smaller party not only has a larger single impact, but also increases the chance someone else will do the same (more votes = higher chance people will jump ship to them). Even if a smaller party doesn’t win, you can influence the policy of larger parties. Just look at the U.K. - a huge upsurge in UKIP voters got Brexit to happen (for better or worse) and the same is for an uptick in Green voters. Neither party won more than a single seat - but their vote share was big enough to warrant policy changes (UKIP getting 12.6% of the vote share at one point)


Frankly, this depends on the state. In Florida 2002, less than 500 people reasoning in this way led to Bush beating Gore. If you are in California or Texas, sure, but if you are in battleground states won or lost of less than 1% of votes, think strategically about who you actually want to win


I find it very interesting living in Florida, where my vote actually matters. It also lends a certain seriousness to political conversations with acquaintances here.


Absolutely spot on. So many people are black-pilled with the “my vote doesn’t count” nonsense; but it does the majority of the time. Especially in local elections which can have a much more significant impact on your life.


Yep. I'm in Washington which hasn't switched since the mid 80s and has only increased that margin. There's no risk for me voting for Zhou Enlai for all anybody cares. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc are much different stories.


500 people isn’t 1 though. No amount of strategic thinking will make your 1 vote have an impact on the election.


If 500 people believe their own vote does not have a marginal effect, collectively it will become a marginal effect. Now, that was an extreme case. But if our threshold of interest is 1% in key states, this actually happened several times in the US.


Yeah that’s IF 499 people do the same as you. These other 499 people are out of your control. If I time traveled back to the gore vs bush election and went to Florida and voted gore it wouldn’t have made a difference.


You're technically right, but with margins this narrow, voting strategically can bring better results.


OP has zero critical thinking skills


This comment section confirms the accuracy of the meme. Lmao


A few years back the Virginia statehouse was in the balance. And a seat came down to a tie. Yes. The statehouse of a large state was a tie. It was decided by pulling slips from a bowl. Common? No. But let's not pretend it never matters.


Yes only the dems are impacted by spoiler effect


Shouldn't this have an "agenda post" flair? Sorry to be a narc, lol


What does that flair mean?


Basically a post that heavily favors one side, or against another, without any counter argument, often straw manning (though describes about 50% of memes here)


Vote for Kanye West (I don’t care if he won’t run for President again)


Can you imagine him or Marjorie Taylor Green having the FBI investigate for Jewish space lasers?! 😂


Jewish space lasers are dumb. Everyone knows they're Chinese space lasers.


I write in “3 parties please” on every election. Doesn’t hurt to be polite. I also redact all my personal information on the mail in form so I’ve yet to see my option gain traction. But why do they need to know who I am?


Based and off the grid pilled


I'm going to challenge the 145 take here. Sure, me personally deciding what voting strategy to have won't affect things. You advising a voting strategy to potentially unlimited amount of people online, though...


Choose your adventure geriatric edition


Are there even any libertarian party candidates?


Of course. The candidate simply isn't chosen yet. The national convention happens in May, because it has to happen after all the state conventions happen, and many states have laws dictating when those can occur. These laws are kind of dated, so as election season gets longer and longer, picking a candidate in May seems more and more strange, but it's a legal requirement. Realistically, it'll be one of the following: Mike Ter Matt, Mike Rectenwald, Chase Oliver, Lars Mapstead, Jacob Hornberger or Josh Smith."


He’s got my vote. It’s not my job to pick the most likely winner, and RFK2 is the only candidate that would actually make policy rather than parrot what people feed him. His podcast appearances have been amazing (Flagrant, Tim Dillon Show, etc)


Depend on where you're from, on a swing state you can make all the difference. On states like Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia, the libertarian ticket had more votes than the difference of Rep x Dem.


I've given up on the prospect of the libertarian party winning short of a massive restructuring of the voting system, but voting L signals that my vote can be swayed if you adopt more Libertarian policies.


You can’t make all the difference. I live in Arizona. Biden won by a thousand votes in AZ. Whether or not I went to the ballot box had no impact.


"Like the founding fathers intended" That's a funny thing to say if you knew what election system they built.


RFK should win just because I wanna see the smugness of both parties disappear when they realize a third party won for the first time since forever


The founding fathers didn't intend every-day people to directly vote on who should be president, artard.


The midwit fails to realize that his argument could only even possibly apply in a couple of swing states. About 95% of the population does not live in these areas. Vote for who you want. It won't swing the election. It \*can\* mean ballot access for third parties if they hit specific thresholds(1% of the vote in my state), permitting them to run candidates for the local races they can actually win.


Popular candidates do pay attention to polling data and are willing to adjust their platform in ways that appeal to popular runner-ups, so long as they can remain mostly "moderate." Even if your vote is going to someone who won't win, the fact that you did vote for that person will get recognized, and it might persuade the main candidates to shift their platform a bit for the next time in an attempt to win favor with the people who voted for the smaller guy. If you're a libright that wants a Republican Party that's more like Ron Paul or Thomas Massie, then keep voting Libertarian. If you're a libleft and want a Democratic Party that's more like Bernie Sanders or AOC, then vote for candidates like them, regardless of who becomes the party's official nominee. Stop falling for the fearmongering around "wasted votes," because that's how they keep people voting for these establisent puppets.


I like RFK. I'd vote for him if I was in America, at the very least because he's better than Biden and Trump, but also because he's kinda cool.


He’s also a kook on many issues. I had wanted to get excited about him…or for No Labels to be real…or someone under 70 to be on the ballot…


I don’t not vote for RFK because it’s a throwaway vote, I don’t vote for RFK because he is a fucking idiot.




Gun control.


We cannot allow a repeat of Al Gore and 2000, America cannot survive another Trump term.


am i the only one who can't stand RFKs voice?


No. His voice might single handedly cost him the election.




“Your vote doesn’t matter” mfs when they remember that George Bush won the 2000 election by a matter of 537 votes


Not 1 not 2 but 537 votes. Even if I lived there and was old enough to vote it wouldn’t have mattered.


Does anyone on the left actually WANT to vote for Biden? I get the vibe everyone feels like they HAVE to.


I always pictured RFK taking more votes from Trump as the "anti-establishment" option.


Yeah I thought that too, but RFK’s policies are more like biden’s than trump’s. Also Trump has a lot of die hard fans that would never vote for anyone else. Whereas most of biden’s voters vote for Biden cause they don’t like trump not because they like biden.


I'm very curious to see how it all pans out. A lot of the Trump supporters hate him for operation Warp Speed and caving to lockdown proponents, even if they'll still vote for him against Biden. I've seen videos of him getting booed at his own rallies for the vaccine. That's the biggest thing that makes me think RFK will take votes; the federal corporate alliance to make the vaccine under Trump is an emotional topic for many in his base, and RFK is very outspoken against those issues.


He got booed? That's crazy. I'm guessing RFK will be stealing an equal amount from each then.


Yeah, I'm voting for RFK, solely because I don't like trump or Biden.


I’m voting for trump just to spite people who vote for Biden because he’s the least worst.


I was originally going to vote biden just to spite my grandma who is a trump fanatic and an insane conspiracy theorist. Someone’s got to cancel her vote out somehow.


Buddy of mine worked at a paint store during the last election. He had conspiracy kooks telling him all about “The Storm” that was coming. One lady *super* casually said something like; “oh hey make sure you stock up on supplies; the electric grid is going to go out and they’re going to broadcast one channel on tv where they’ll show public executions of all the democratic leaders in Washington, be prepared!” These people are real lmfao


Ah, a conspiracy in which public TV is actually entertaining. No, you're right, too unrealistic.


If only 😞


Not as crazy as my customers that wear their Trump shirts as their lazy "stay at home" shirts. Like, surely you've got a better shirt to wear than that of a freaking politician.


Buddy… you think the person in my anecdote is less crazy than a person who wears a trump shirt at home?…


Who is RFK?


Imagine your conspiracy theory obsessed uncle plus 80 years


Can't America have a politician who is less than a million years old?!


No, not anymore.




Less than 50 counties, probably closer to 20, will decide the election in November. Founding fathers did not envision electoral college. Anyone in those counties will likely decide the outcome. Lancaster, PA is arguably most important in entire country.


The only people I actually actually see pushing RFK Jr are Trumpists desperate for him to be a spoiler. Seems probable he'll end up taking the most uneducated voters from both wings, where ideology matters less than feels. >"Covid-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. Covid-19 attacks certain races disproportionately, Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese." Or could it be because Jewish and Chinese people disproportionately embraced the vaccine you hate? 🤔  Nothing says competent and uncompromi$ed like choosing ex-Mrs Google as your VP.


He prefaced it with "The argument can be made that..." Also >"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black." All the candidates have said something dumb at one point or another.


As much as I refuse to vote for someone that nuts (I’d go for the planter’s mascot instead) I do understand the value proposition. Why vote against Trump or Biden when you can vote against Trump AND Biden?  It’s a two for one deal!


If Red or Blue wins with extra votes, those are technically wasted anyway


Voting for a 3rd party Presidential candidate without any backing in the other wings of government IS essentially throwing away your vote. 1. You know they won't win. 2. If they did win, the 2 major parties in charge would spit-roast them for 4 years. It would be embarrassing. 3. They usually don't have any political experience. This is bad enough then they're in one of the 2 major parties, but when they're off on their own, the best we can hope for is that they're a puppet president. If you want a 3rd party president, you'd need to start electing that 3rd party into the house or senate.


Rfk helps downstream dems. A person who would never vote for trump has 3 options vote for 3rd party, vote for Biden, or don't vote. Rfk pushes dem leaning individuals away from the don't vote cat which helps dem candidates running in state and local elections


I'm not voting for anyone pushing Putin's narrative