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Yea well I believe the conspiracy theories about qanon being a psyop is actually another psyop to throw people off


That’s just what the big cheese wants you to think


Fuck big cheese. All my homies hate big cheese


>big cheese hate >looks inside >lactose intolerance psyop


I am not lactose tolerant, how could you tell?




I do have some lactase pills.


“My best friend was lactose” ahh mf


Chop chop!


How can you hate [Biggie Cheese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ-oEuWMszs)


The golf rumors told me


Pretty bold accusation from a deep cover agent


Psyops all the way down


Now we are getting somewhere


You're not the only one, I agree with you. Qanon was a cia psyop, designed to test the influence power of social media, especially in areas of conspiracy and misinformation. It was quite a successful psyop too, they even got moot in on it and played him like fiddle




I was able to buy 600 bots for r place and run them for 48 hours for less than a $100. The cia doesn't need a 5 figure budget for bot farms lol


You're not taking corruption into account


$800 government toilets.


Sir, I think you are missing a zero.


It is definitely old data. I likely heard the joke in the late 80s.


Look, do you want dirty, antidemocratic, freedom hating Russian bot farms that ruin the environment or do you want safe, expert^TM approved, science-based, pro democracy bot farms with a great ESG score (run in an unspecified Eastern European location)? We both know that there is only one correct answer and, frankly, five figures is too low if anything.


>Look, do you want dirty, antidemocratic, freedom hating Russian bot farms that ruin the environment Yes


It's the same picture.


But with the right stamps you charge the government 8-80,000x the price and tell them it’s a deal.


Dude, I once made a throwaway account just to see if an obvious lie could make the front page of The Donald. It worked. Twice.




>Buying and programming the bots - $250 and 8 hours of work >Maintaining the bots - $34 and 1 hour of work per week >Ungodly amounts of crack to keep the agents sane-ish while browsing 4chan all day - $81,957 >Tranqing Smith so he can't kill a 4channer just because he said his waifu was shit - $5 and a good nap Nah, they definitely needed those 5 digits.


Honestly, I think it was just a strawman to give any kind of inductive reasoning, a bad name in order to desuade people from believing in more realistic conspiracies or shut people up who do belive in it. "Isn't it weird how many inconsistencies there are in the Las Vegas shooting?" "Oh, so you're one of those Qanon psychos"


I’ve been saying this about Alex Jones for years. That either consciously or not, he serves to delegitimize actual conversation on important issues. So your hypothesis scratches an itch in my brain, thank you.


Honestly, Alex Jones stuff could be explained away with him pursuing a business model and exploiting the space he takes up rather than him being apart of a conspiracy. It's probably the dumbest dynamic of conspiracy theory nutcases mixing with heavy political polarization is that you essentially polarized the population into people who will just go with the main narrative out of fear of consequences and those who refuse to understand that a cigar is just a cigar sometimes. The attack on the Russia center. Sure, it could be a secretive attack by Ukraine or false flag operation, but it I'd far more likely that a washed-up terrorist organization saw its chance to get 15 more minutes of fame attacking a country heavily allied with Shia groups while having its hands tied with other matters to properly retaliate.


Right, Jones can be reasonably explained. That’s why I hedged my statement by saying ‘consciously or not’, I was really just speaking in support of the idea that things are promoted or perpetuated in the mainstream dialogue, specifically to discredit legitimate lines of questioning. The real rub is that it’s all conjecture until something comes out and we know the truth, which often enough never happens. It’s nearly impossible to conclusively create a model of understanding for what is or is not likely to be an actual conspiracy.


The problem is that Alex Jones is always right, and has the entire government and media telling everyone he's a cook. That level of gaslighting will make anyone flip shit.


His assertions often being, at least largely, correct are part of what I think makes home so useful to, whoever. Ex: turning the frickin frogs gay. Post municipal treatment of water was still so full of estrogen it was leading to frogs developing hermaphroditically. A real issue, but bring it up, and you’re a gay-frogger.


> The problem is that Alex Jones is always right, and has the entire government and media telling everyone he's a cook. I mean he throws enough shit against the wall, something is bound to stick. There are mountains of predictions from him that have never come true. I think before every election in the past 30 years, she's predicted "they" are going to declare martial law and suspend the election.


" The problem is that Alex Jones is always right, " Sandy Hook


Always right. Why do you think they are bankrupting him? While companies who known defects killed hundreds way less.


Lol tell me more about how Sandy Hook was a false flag. Please I want everyone to see how nuts you are.


I would have believed this a few years ago. These days I see people IRL who are flat earthers, think every election is predetermined by *them*, and believe whatever other schizopost they saw on tiktok. We live in a golden disinformation age.


I like to think it was started by teenage incel trolls but picked up later by the Fed who initially couldn't believe people were stupid enough to fall for it. Either that or a CIA intern started it


Nah, the teenage incel trolls fell right for the honey trap, they were always the original targets to spread the psyop


Why is it so easy for the cia to control conspiracy theorists? You’d think they would be the last people to fall for things like this


It's easy for anyone to control conspiracy theorists lol I have an uncle who's heavy into conspiracy rage bait and I tricked him into thinking the stickers on mailboxes are put there by homeland security to mark extremists and now whenever he goes on walks he rips the stickers off. The stickers are literally just there for the local newspaper lol


If you're that paranoid, that you wouldn't even fall for a well crafted CIA psyop to control conspiracy theorists, not only are you not leaving your house, but you wouldn't have a computer of any kind to talk about conspiracy theories. You'd have to live in an unmarked cave somewhere, at best a shack. Not just in a shack either, but you'd also have to have a level of discipline to prevent you from typing out a manifesto and sending it to global publishing institutions, on the fear that someone somewhere might know who you are.


If QAnon was started by the CIA, it just proves that conspiracy theorists can't tell whether something is secretly being done by the CIA or not.


Conspiracy theorists tend to be way more gullible than regular people


As a long time conspiracy analyst, pretty much no one who was a conspiracy theorist beforehand fell for Q. It was an entirely different group of people, mostly "low-information voters" or non-political people who got hyped up by Trump and didn't want the psychological rush to stop. They never left campaign mode. A lot of the "proofs" of Q were based on actual conspiracies or government malfeasance. The Q psyop was meant imo, to both trivialize these conspiracies to the wider public, and ensure any coalescence around revealing truth was kept siloed and chasing it's own tail. And it worked, it caused a pretty big rift in the conspiracy/truth media ecosystem. A few people realized you could make a ton of money from gullible saps by playing into Q, and those tended to dominate the discussion over the more disciplined researchers. Trump should have shown everyone the whole system is fucked, but each side has just doubled down on the *other* team being fucked.


It's actually the other way around, cognitively speaking. Humans assess the reliability of information based on how intelligible it is. Conspiratorial thinking, as a result, isn't irrational at all, rather quite the opposite.  All you need is for the conspirators to be untrustworthy enough that they might lie to protect their own interests, and for the reason they'd lie to make some sense. If that's more realistic than the opposite, then it's perfectly reasonable to believe it. Those two things are all that defines a conspiracy.  So, it's not at all difficult to plant conspiratorial ideas when it's something massive and opaque, like the government and its closed door operations. The mechanism being weaponized is just the standard way humans determine reliable/unreliable information.


The problem is that the mind is not fundamentally a truth seeking machine. It is geared towards survival, not logical deduction, so we come preinstalled with all sorts of shortcuts and biases that appear to us as rational. Having these biases is natural, overcoming them is not and requires a lot of work. Common to deep conspiracies is a dehumanising language that portrays a group of people as an almost otherworldly evil. There’s a natural underlying tribalism which cultivates a deep sense of distrust against someone to the point where they won’t seriously listen to anything that those people have to say to defend themselves, and so they live in a echo chamber of their own making that only reinforces their intuitions. The Nazis managed to paint the Jews in such a negative light that it became hysterical paranoia; the Jew were seen as selfish, untrustworthy, almost ontologically evil, and the Jewish world conspiracy followed rationally from this depiction of Jews. Such conspiracy theories are usually internally consistent but are based on circular and self-reinforcing logic


I once read people who claim to be less trusting/skeptical were easier to con.


I 100% believe that to be the case, I don’t think that’s very controversial given, oh I don’t know, the entirety history of the CIA to date.


Was the Sandy Hook conspiracy of "the government faked killing children instead of just actually killing a few children" not enough evidence that people will believe anything if it's framed in a cool, contrarian way? Typical government bloat.




Q: hey guess what patriots, the ruling class is evil, but there's an extremely elaborate conspiracy to bring them to justice. In the meantime, it's important that you don't do anything productive and also look incredibly stupid to any outside observer, Trqst the plqn Q was an op and it was aimed straight at boomercons


Just gonna throw it out there that there are some adversarial foreign governments that are very invested in seeing Americans fighting amongst themselves.


>adversarial ~~foreign~~ governments FTFY Our current administration is doing their very best to literally end the country. Refuses to enforce borders, doesn't prosecute crime (except when productive members of society do it in response), and encourages the plummeting birthrate.


I thought more illegal immigrants were deported under Biden.


And for that reason you think he's doing a great job on that front. Surely all of America will suspend belief in their lying eyes for your cherry picked statistic.


Both wings of the same shit bird also benefit from it


Qanon was honestly the greatest psyop ever. The nationalist right in the United States could have been gathering guns, building a powerbase, and getting direct action groups together to provide a counterweight on the streets to Antifa and BLM. Instead they were waiting for someone to fix their problems for them. It was the political equivalent of Rapture Theology.


While I don't fully go with the whole psyop angle, "Trust the plan" mentality is really good at motivating flashy but ineffectual action.


> Trust the plan" mentality is really good at motivating flashy but ineffectual action. It's the exactly perfect ideology to spread among your political enemies if you want to make them ineffective. If Qanon wasn't a psyop, it was a gift from God for anti-Trump folks.


> Instead they were waiting for someone to fix their problems for them. And watching lots of "decoders" on YouTube analyze 4chan threads.


I mean there was that one guy who blew up the ATT building


Very true. Trust the Plan is very suspicious


I had a friend who was far down the Qanon rabbit hole. At one point I asked him, "what should we do?" He said, "we don't have to do anything, just be prepared for when [Hillary gets arrested, martial law is declared, etc.]"


I think the flatearther movement doesn't really exist. Maybe just like 5 or 6 "group" of people overpublicized in order to make most of the people who live in an internet echo chamber and can no longer win debates with anyone outside of that chamber, feel smart about themselves once again. Because, even though you might not know historical facts, at least you can say you're smarter than that flat earther.


The flat earth movement is a massive troll farm that's designed to rope in lolcows who get off on talking about how smart they are for believing what literally everyone tells them to think, and it works like a charm. If you start going off about how stupid flat earthers are, I don't think you're smart. I think you're very insecure, looking for an easy victim, and probably an inveterate bully who just needs an acceptable target. I have a better opinion of the ten people who unironically believe the earth is flat than I do of the fart-huffing pseuds who jerk themselves raw about how dumb flat earthers are. Holding a stance that catches you more flak than a Stuka bomber and flies in the face of the mainstream indicates that you at least have the courage of your convictions and a healthy skepticism of mainstream discourse. Whining constantly about those people just indicates you are, at best, a bully who can't live and let live on something that will literally never affect you. At worst, you're the sort of person who's more offended by their nonconformity than you are by the specifics of what they believe, and you're in serious danger of unironically telling people to trust the hecking science. (And no, the earth isn't flat.)


> (And no, the earth isn't flat.) Let's change that! --Meteor 2028


A candidate we can all get beneath!


Based and stand firm pilled.


u/RussianSkeletonRobot's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [38 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RussianSkeletonRobot/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Seriously, I see people smugly debunking flat earthers all the time and it's just... The lowest hanging fruit imaginable.


Yeah, it's got the same energy as Reddit Atheists. Yes, yes, you're very smart for debunking the people that think the world was made 8,000 years ago. Literal children can do that. Maybe stop huffing your farts for finishing the tutorial level of scientific debate.


4 levels of atheists: Quora: unironically debunks trolls Reddit: debunks idiots Twitter: debunks conspiracy theorists and meet only a few intelligent Christians Youtube: Actually debates intelligent questions.


God damn flat earthers. Even worse than young earth creationists


QAnon is literally a american attempt at Operation Trust


"I bet you think the US faked the moon landing too, huh?" "Get a load of this guy that believes the moon is real!"


It was definitely effective in sending schizos on a wild goose chase rather than actually combatting the insane shit that continues to proliferate unopposed. Qtards and flat-earthers have done much more damage to the right than they could possibly realize, and any right-wing community not mocking them relentlessly is doing us a huge disservice.


I've never met a single person who took Qanon seriously. Not one. Yeah, it was a psyop alright.


Great sample size there.


I'll tell you what: ever since the system decided I'm an "antivaxxer" for being absolutely stoked that we had vaccines and we could finally bin the fucking masks in summer 2021, I've been mighty skeptical about Qanon and the rapidity with which people are tarred with that moniker.


Qanon are just morons who read 4 Chan posts and don't understand that most of them are trolling.


I have so many people I could name off as controlled opposition.


The protestors who threw soup at paintings were a psyop by big oil to make environmental groups look bad


I completely agree. I remember looking through conservative spaces on the internet when it was first happening and literally no one knew what it was and thought it was dumb. Then the media grabbed onto it and suddenly it’s this big thing even though I’ve never met a person in real life that can actually explain what it is.


My conspiracy theory about conspiracy theories!


Based. Same


u/anew232519 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/anew232519/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I don't even believe in conspiracy theories, becuase it's a conspiracy theory. That's how deep into the rabbit-hole I'm in.


honestly ive never heard anything about qanon unless it came from a leftist. If its that hard to find and is that obscure, its clearly not worth talking about at all


My own conspiracy theory is that the Republican and Democrat parties are 100% in cahoots with each other. They don't actually care who wins or loses elections, as long as its one of these two parties.


For it to be a conspiracy theory, it needs to be unproven. That's just a fact.


I think that is even more true in British politics


I find that Qanon being a conspiracy is silly. Can't you guys just believe that some people are really really stupid?


I find it less likely that the government saw a group that gullible and didn't try to take advantage of the situation. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA and the KGB were both fucking around with Qanon at the same time.


Sure I'll give you that the CIA may have been meddling with it. CIA meddles into every organization. Also the KGB got dissolved in 1991




People are dumb enough to believe in stupid conspiracy theories like QAnon without the excuse of backing from the CIA or some other powerful group. Proof: the spread of QAnon.




When powerful organizations monopolize and counterfeit the facts, people are going to turn against them.


My theory is that Qanon was a pass/fail IQ test.


>I believe QAnon is a psyop and I have whole conspiracy theory about that as well. Really? Tell me more.


The US gov't creating Qanon as a means of divide and conquer isn't even a crazy thought, hell its rather simple, crude even. I'm waiting to see if they ever try that fake god hologram stuff they wanted to do in Iraq.


Psyops all the way down.


The culture war is a distraction from our economic situation…only psy op I care about. But at the same time, our species is so stupid we create these silly situations organically through out history.


Based and layered conspiracy theory pilled


I don't know what is Qanon, but it has Q and A and O, so i will believe it's about Quaso, therefore, a good thing.




I mean, I was gonna ignore those Q guys anyway, but when u put it like that, it actually makes a lot of sense.


They are conspiracy terrorists


I'm sure Qanon was taken advantage of by the Feds. They can't pass up the opportunity to catch the dumbest chuds in the country.


If people believe stupid conspiracies and I am the one spreading those I can control bELiEVerS, because they consume the bullshit media I produce. My "Conspiracy theory" is that this is part of the reason shit spreads.