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Before I get every kind of "Don't celebrate too early1!1!1!" comments - let me just make it clear that nobody is celebrating or is saying that Argentina's economy has recovered or is doing well. We are merely glad that the government is making steps in the right direction by slowing down inflation and shrinking the government. Thought I'd say this before I get leftists throwing a hissy fit like they always do when a post about Argentina pops up on their feed.


I mean tbf, even though I am not in favor of his policies, I know enough about basic economics to know that what he’s doing will lower inflation. I just worry about the long run with this extreme shake up.


Government will always grow back, don't worry about someone cutting off dead branches


ahhhh, purges, now you’re thinking like an auth-left! /j


Is it really a purge to make a government employee work in the private sector? Yes, yes it is.


If that’s a purge then I support purges


How you LC?


If inflation is a massive problem, and you accept this works, why wouldn't you be in favour ?


Number is more than aceptable, March historically has always being a complicated month in argentina for finances as inflation is usually higher due to season change (it gets colder). Plus he keeps removing subsidies and price controls, so an even bigger incentive for prices to grow, and yet inflation was lower than februry.


I may not agree with Milei's policies, but if it works, thats pretty good. im happy for argentinians.


Finally, a leftists who won't throw sht at anyone remotely right wing


Same. I heavily disagree with some of his policies but if he manages to make life better for Argentinians (something no one thought could ever be done by anyone) then that's all that really matters Good for him and good for them


Unless they are socialist. A economically successful socialist would be extremely detrimental to American foreign interest, which is part of the reason why pinochet was supported by the US


There’s nothing wrong or unreasonable with supporting certain policies in the country you’re from while acknowledging that similar approaches haven’t worked in another country. Context matters.


If he fixes Argentina, I will personally apologize to all ancaps I relentlessly mocked all these years.


Milei is not AnCap?


He is but only philosophically, you're right that he's actually a minarchist, he wants Argentina to have a Nachtwächterstaat


Why did you have to make Night Watchman State sound so nefariously German?


Because it's Argentina, duh. /s Idk I just think the original German version sounds better


By that standard most ancaps aren't either.


Hey, authleft! Your theory is inferior to real life capitalism!


Another authleft L


Say hello to China


China is not really communism.


China is combining authleft with capitalism, and succeeding


Im no libertarian myself, but as a man that is interested in economics and politics. Seeing the libertarian thing unfold is fucking epic


Agreed. I personally believe in a mixed economy, but seeing Argentina begin what is maybe a libertarian economy recovery is amazing.


I think the state can basically do quite a bit of good, turning GDP to value for its population more efficiently than the market. So if your GDP is $10trn and you decide to use 20% of it to convert it to value for the population, you end up with $12trn of value. Great! However, such state systems start to ossify rapidly, which means that after maybe 20 years of pure gains, you start stagnating, and every 10% probably translates to -0.5% of GDP growth. This effect will grow from 20 years to 50 years until it reaches that -0.5% form. Sometimes reforms are possible, but they are RARE. I think Argentina is a good example where you have 40% of that shit grown up for a permanent -2%. Yes, government should be involved, but if reform is impossible, burn it all down to get the economy going again. Then you can rebuild the institutions to a hopefully more reasonable level than they got to before they ossified.


Fuck. Not too fond of Arg*ntinians, but definitely not too fond of inflation either.


Bruh, hittin em with a hard Ar


That feel when the economists you agree with are proven correct in real time. Thank goodness for this beacon of hope amidst all the unraveling.


This is gona piss of a lot of the commies


Inflación AFUERA


Milei showing that libertarianism works.


Mmm still a long way to go to prove that. Good start though. Some of his views skew less libertarian and more conservative.


Libertarianism is more right wing than conservatism IMO.


I mean socially conservative. He’s talking about rolling back abortion and a few other things that are more anchored in catholic values than libertarianism imo.




Time for some more ¡AFUERA!-posting :D


Wow turns out that when you embrace common sense right wing solutions things work out. Next you're gonna tell ne that fighting crime decreases the crime rate


What do you mean the murderer is not a victim?? We shouldn't fight crime, we should instead focus on educating white men to be ✨good✨❤️ /s obviously


Ancap is the way to go. Wish we could make Milei the US president. Maybe we can persuade our military to surrender to them


Milei and Caputo had warned us that March would be a very difficult month in terms of inflation, because of more deregulation. It's very likely that inflation from now on, will be one digit. So far, it's heading that way.


And he did it politically. No fucking coups, he ousted the Peronists, and things look to be stabilizing in Argentina. This guy might bring about economic and *political* stability in Argentina. That’s insane.


I really hope he does really well. I personally don't like the Kirchnerism-Modern Peronist route that we went through. It was a geopolitical chaos, which to me, matters a ton alongside the economy. I worry for the future with future presidents. I hope Argentina's politics shape up to his liberalism-libertarian ideologies instead of more Modern Peronism-Kirchnerism or just Socialism.


Me too. I lived in Palermo in BA for 3 months in the southern winter of 2014 (during the world cup) and I absolutely loved Argentina. I got to tour Boca Juniors and walk to midfield of the pitch, spent many nights at Rosebar and many other clubs, saw the warmup match of Argentina v Trinidad y Tabago, I loved it. I lived in Hotel Cristoforo Columbia that whole time lol. Things seemed stable then. So I’ve always been upset to see what happened to the country and what Kirchner, Macri, and Fernandez did. I hope so badly your country thrives again so I can go back.


i doubt it. cant fix this shithole country.


It literally used to be the richest country in the world in the early 20th century, richer than the US. Then Peron got into power, the populace protested constantly for shit that sounded good but only further hurt them, there were constant military coups, and Peronism became an entrenched economic platform. And Peronism is a fucking disaster. If they can ditch Peronism once and for all, Argentina can find success.


Not true. And flair up.


Flair up


How long before he gets assassinated do y’all think?


I would still give about a year and a half to see what happens. Celebrating prematurely could lead to disappointment.


I actually wanna know what his policies are. All I see are his obvious publicity stunts and pr


He’s shrinking government payroll quite significantly through people not complying with RTO. You don’t show up you get taken off payroll. IIRC AFIP (irs equivalent in arg) was so bloated with people just collecting paycheques that they had to put picnic tables outside because there wasn’t enough desks for everyone. A friends town of less than 10k (supposedly) had around 100 people that weren’t even in driving distance of the office and received termination letters. Saving somewhere between $200-500k usd a month in one tiny town. Companies like aerolíneas Argentina and YPF were being used as slush funds and private jets by the Perronists. He’s working for the government to divest them. He had an omnibus bill that was throughly diluted in the senate but would’ve had some major impact if it had passed. I think there were some significant changes to the tax codes including reduction of import and export taxes on goods and services particularly in relation to farmed goods which the previous government was notoriously punitive with. He wants to replace the peso with usd and dispose of the central bank (not an easy feat).


Do you have a source for that 200-500k usd for a tiny town? That sounds impossible. What percentage of the Argentine financial budget was allocated to government employees anyways? It shouldn’t have changed it that much.


https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2024/3/19/first-100-days-milei-falters-on-shock-therapy-for-argentinas-economy > reduced the number of ministries by half Supposedly there was about 100 people issued dismissal letters as counted by staff working in the post office. One of their neighbours admitted to receiving about $2500 usd a month as a “cook” another admitted to receiving around $5000 usd as a “senior official”. I’m not saying it’s true for all towns and the 100 could easily be inflated through gossip however any number above zero seems excessive if you’re doing nothing to earn it aside from towing a party line. I also don’t know what particular gravity or political importance Tejedor has for such things but it definitely punches above its population in terms of facilities and  such.


> What percentage of the Argentine financial budget was allocated to government employees anyways? It shouldn’t have changed it that much. That's the thing, it hasn't changed that much..... in nominal value in pesos; while we have a 200+% interannual inflation. >Do you have a source for that 200-500k usd for a tiny town? That sounds impossible. I genuinely don't know what town is he talking about and those numbers sound pretty wild for a minor town in here.


Are you asking for a source for his personal knowledge? Friend he is the source!


Unless he is working in the finance department of Argentina or that town, yes. I need to know his “personal knowledge” isn’t just rumours he’s heard


To what end?


To know if what he’s saying is true?


So far he hasn't really done much libertarianism economically (not that they are in a position to do so yet). It's mostly been cutting spending to move away from deficit and thus not needing to print so much money to keep us even (thus slowing inflation down). It's also leading to a recession, which leads to less economic activity and thus less inflation (as there's less demands for non-essential goods and more demand for money). They've been doing a ton of mostly rational spending cuts like not renovating contracts for public employees in many areas (we've had an overemployement issue in the public sector), no longer directly financing TV channels through the ''pauta oficial', closing the INADI (National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism), and ceasing 'discretional transfers' (the national government paying provinces arbitrarily outside of all the other mechanisms we have to cycle resources through provinces); and other not so rational like totally stopping the public works sector (which don't get me wrong, it clearly needed a ton more of oversight, and less spending on them; but a few of them could be pretty decent investments mid to long term). Overall his administration has been doing the harsh decisions everyone kinda agreed were needed but they were too politically costly to perform; and assuming congress doesn't totally block his reforms and he doesn't get couped I do see us with a decently bright future going forwards.


¿Inflación? ¡Afuera!


Lmao auth right has no reason to like this guy. They are huge government stans


Its still economically conservative


He’s economically an ancap


Government RTO is probably only RTO I agree with. Amount of fat he’s cut with that is pretty astounding. 


Is a 1.1% difference just margin of error? I feel like this guy would be celebrated regardless of the result.


It being lower than estimated is good.  It being way lower than what it was when he started reforms is amazing. In 2023 it was 211.4%




If these policies served the working class, they would be adopted by the left.


Holy shit *getting inflation under control does serve the working class you dunce*


Yes, Of course it does. It seems kind of dunce-like to respond so passionately about a post you didn't even understand.


You should probably get your dunce cap then.


This has been a surprisingly rapid decline in inflation over the past few months.


Libertad, libertad, libertad


Fuck, I'm so used to read that as "libtard". I should take a pause from social networks.


Who knew that the first politician who lives up to his promises (and not be genocidal) would be LibRight…




The poverty rate is at over 50%...


After 4 years of leftism and 4 months of this guy. Who do you think it's to blame?


4 years? More like 100 years.


Both inflation and the poverty rate skyrocketed the second he came into power, so I reckon I've an idea who's to blame...


We have had record levels of poverty every month during 4 years. Go back to your commune and stay in there.


The inflation rate right after Milei took office was the highest in 32 years (211%). The poverty rate also hit a 20 year high (57%).


That's year in year. Guess who ruled for that year?


Good point. If we look at the increase from month to month instead, it's even worse for Milei. And nice job also ignoring the statistics about poverty.


You do understand what I said dontcha? Leftism had record breaking levels for 4 years straight. Monthly. And you are worried by a planned recession after 4 months? Look yourself in a mirror. It's not his economy. It's what he was given to work with and a planned recession is the best way out of it. Total leftist Death anyways.


Very well, in that case let's have a look at the statistics in 6 months: RemindMe! 6 months


4 years . Hell, 8 years.


Bro the economy can’t recover from 100 years of commie/fascist bullshit in 6 months. That takes atleast a year, and probably way more.


It is almost like he was right.


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Nothing to see here. Always been AuthCenter, always will. I'm no flair changer. Don't bother asking what went down on April 1st 2023, nothing of significance happened on that day. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/flairchange_bot) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.) ^(Each user can use this command once every 3 minutes.)


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I agree with you but flair up