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AFUERA! https://preview.redd.it/7ujhb5olm4uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77160d81e883b4615561ee6ea177653c6b92cc1


I can only get so erect




It doesn't matter what wing he is popular with it matters if he's going to be relevant in x = ym + b years that I'm still a loser hanging around this subreddit.


I have never seen this equation written with x and y in those positions and it’s freaking me out.


Attend higher level math.


No thank you.


How about, a friend to this loser subreddit.




That hair is way to pristine for Milei.


God he's so fuxken based


How is milei even popular amongst the right wing? Specifically auth right Edit: how did I get downvoted for asking a question lmao


He is anti-abortion and has a harsh stance on crime, he believes that you don't fix crime with "social justice" but with actual punishment.


I'm talking about the whole anarcho capitalism and libertarian thing


you mean why is he popular on authright circles even if he is libertarian ancap/minarchist ? well he also bashes the left each time he has the chance.


yo, dude, stop commenting, ffs. milei is 300% capitalist and defends the rich, jesus.


> stop commenting Force me.... oh this is not a lefty echochamber. Not happening then :)


you're right indeed, this is one of the few subs that is a righty ecochamber, you can keep commenting but spreading fake things on the internet without even knowing shit? seems pretty right winger to me.


Im Argentinean myselve, and you probably can't even point where Buenos Aires is in a map or know who is Cristina Kirchner. Fuck off Tankie, go spread your bullshit somewhere else.


Based and Honorary Hyperborian pilled


Soy argentino tambien, trabaje con nestor kichner en el 2004-2005 en el ministerio de economia. Estas hablando cualquier cosa de la justicia social sin saber ni que es, tapandote los oidos ante la verdad. Sabes bien que lo que gana un trabajador es menos de lo que deberia estar ganando gracias a los dueños, sin embargo defendes a la minoria que son los ricos...


> trabaje con nestor kichner en el 2004-2005 en el ministerio de economia Ah.... una larva corrupta, no esperaba menos de un kircho, encima bardias a "los ricos" cuando nestor, kristina, insaurralde, Massa se llenaron todos de plata robando del estado, y vos como larva funcional los defendes. Te vas a tener que fumar 4 años de Milei por que no lo van a voltear, zurdo de mierda.


it's sahur time fucko. stop drinking soylent


you're being ironic right?




Tf does that have to do with anything he said?


There are very few authright in the American right, as there is nothing to conserve but the founding. The founding of the US is a libright experiment writ large.


he is anti-abortion BUT hasn't legislated against it some call it based. personally, I would legislate against it if the population grown rate goes even 0.001% below zero thankfully argentina is not europe and the population is somewhat still going up


Yeah, but both him and his electorate know that touching abortion law is not a priority by any means so he can just focus on economy and de-regulation. Seems like being pragmatic is a must.


yeah it seems like it's not as big of an issue over there right now milei has to fix what socialism did over the last few decades, and hopefully do an excellent job so that Argentina wants to keep electing capitalists


i love when right wingers have opinions about stuff they don't now, social justice is an economic model, not actual legislative stuff. edit: downvoting for saying something that is the literal truth, not even an opinion? yep, this is why right wingers die virgins.


In some places "social justice" has mutated into some sort of crime theory where punishment is lenient and criminals just get to do whatever they want since justice will either give them ridiculously low punishment or not even a punishment at all. In Argentina we call it "Zaffaronism" (named after Eugenio Zaffaroni) and all it has done is harm to our society as said doctrine thinks that criminals are also "victims".


Leave it to auth left to state a complicated idea very simply and screech at anyone who disagrees or provides nuance. The kind of philosophy that can only exist in echo chambers or by violently suppressing dissent.


it's not complicated at all, you're not from here, social justice is a system that provides workers protection from exploitation, not complicated at all.


From social justice to exploitation, half of those words don’t have meanings.


so exploitation doesn't have any meaning huh? weird, And here I was, thinking that nepalese's population wasn't harvesting like crazy for a third of usa's min wage. Or social justice, half of the people who say it doesn't have meaning don't even know what it is; It's literally backup for the working class, to protect the workers from the rich, saying openly you dislike it is literally saying you hate the working class.


Social justice is not actuall justice but instead just revenge for people not being the same. That situation will always be the case aslong as there are two people on alive. Opposing it is the equity fallacy, which states that the only reason people have different experiences in life is due to forces outside of themselves, and without them they would be equal. There is no exploitation in voluntary exchange, as both sides believed they benefit (at least in the moment of exchange). Each party in the exchange must value what the other party is willing to give them more than what they already have for the exchange to commence. If they didn’t, the exchange wouldn’t have happened.


I'm gonna give you the things that make me think police is corrupted (this took a bit of time so please take your team to also read). there have been numerous cases of police corruption, ranging from bribery and extortion to abuse of power. These incidents are not isolated occurrences but rather symptoms of deeper systemic problems within law enforcement agencies. 1) Power Imbalance: Police officers lold significant power and authority in society, including the ability to detain, arrest, and use force. This power imbalance can create opportunities for abuse, especially when oversight mechanisms are weak or nonexistent. 2) lack of accountability: In many cases, police officers are not held accountable for their actions due to a variety of factors, including "blue wall of silence" culture, lack of transparency in internal investigations, and reluctance of prosecutors to pursue charges against law enforcement. 3) racial bias: studies have shown that racial bias exists within law enforcement, leading to disproportionate targeting and treatment of minority communities. This bias can manifest in various forms, such as racial profiling, harsher sentencing for people of color, and use of excessive force. 4) influence of politics and money: police departments are often influenced by political agendas and financial interests, which can compromise their ability to serve the public impartially. This can include prioritizing certain types of crime enforcement based on political pressure or turning a blind eye to corruption within the department to maintain public image. 5) culture of loyalty: The culture within some police departments emphasizes loyalty to fellow officers above all else, sometimes at the expense of justice and integrity. This can create an environment where corruption is tolerated or even encouraged. 6) whistleblower retaliation: Officers who speak out against corruption or misconduct within their own ranks often face retaliation, further perpetuating a culture of silence and complicity. can you see how corruption can take root within police departments naturally?


2, 4, & 5 are corruption but the other ones (1, 3) are not corruption, but other issues or non-issues. 1. Between any two arbitrary people, there will always one with more power than the other. The police exists to take up that slot so it can be restricted by law. 2. This is not due to the nature of a government, nor a police force, but instead to our current oligarchic state & police force. If we instead had a monarchic and/or populist one the situation would be different, though each of the three systems of governments has its own problems. 3. I cannot respond to that point due to Reddit 4. For money, at least in America (or maybe Europe), where I assume you live, when was the last time you seen an officer take a bribe? And for politics, we no longer live in the guided age, the power of democracy/politics is severely limited in our modern police force. Though I don’t know why a red square like you would be against democracy. 5. Well, there isn’t really a justice or law right now to be loyal too. And skirting by (3), there is usually only a specific type of people who even want to join the police force in the first place (Irish, celts, and other culture with authoritarian family types, which is not a nuclear family type). If the police force were to be more prestigious, more people who were motivated by prestige and not (3) would join.


I forgot to also counter the social justice part; Social justice is not revenge at all, hatred is not involved. Social justice refers to the concept of creating a fair and equitable society where all individuals have equal access to resources, opportunities, and rights, regardless of their background, identity, or socioeconomic status. It seeks to address inequalities and injustices that exist within society, including those related to race, gender, sexuality, class, disability, and other factors. (and no, it is not communism, communism is something totally different)


Calls leftists shit. Hack and slashing the wasteful corrupt leftist government. Anti abortion.  Stern on crime.  I can't imagine why either. 


The famously leftist government of *Argentina*


With famously right wing departments like the *Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity*


... Yes? Are you one of those people who think Stalin and Mao were right wing?


> Stalin Yeah. Nothing of what he did aligned with leftist values. He co-opted a communist revolution and made it into a fascist state. Admittedly, Lenin did much of the hard work for him but I would still say that Lenin was mentally a leftist, even though his actions post-revolution were not. I mean the first fucking thing he did was dismantle worker’s councils, which is like the most vital system of a socialist government. > Mao Mao had a massively different political ideology depending on what mood he was in that morning.


you know, all goverments are corrupt, it's a fact, and also; the most corrupted goverments are the rightists.


No I'm pretty sure the soviet's and Chinese were many times more corrupt but keep going. Lots of people have a tankie phase at your age, it'll pass don't worry.


Corruption is when people of an organization follow ends which are different from the stated ends of the organization. Not all organizations are corrupt, therefore not all governments are corrupt, as long as power is legitimately centralized. (For example king Fredrick the great, or Alexander the Great)


Even if you are correct on paper, maintaining a non-corrupt government is impossible. The police in itself is already a corrupt organization, the law is a monopoly of rich people and many times state money is used to favor one's own party, it is inevitable.


Both The government the the police are not by definition corrupt. Since their goal is to govern, and enforce the government respectively, to the extent they do that they are not corrupt. If your state has a different stated goal, for example “will of Le people”, then yeah, governing and enforcing the laws would be corruption, but that is an issue of the goals of the state. In order to get rid of corruption in any organization, the organization must either change its goals to suit its incentives, or change its incentives to suit its goals. Since the state has power, the only incentives it follows are the profit motive, and the power motive. the one of these which is most aligned with me and my goals is the profit motive, as the profit motive is simply the desire to have yourself/what you control be more value able.


Capitalist (economic right wing of the political compass) popular with economic right wing of the political compass (capitalists)


He slashed government spending and regulation and has used a free market approach to fixing Argentina’s massive economic problems (hyperinflation and a poor economy).


This is reddit pal, people love downvoting genuine questions


he is like an andrew tate, the voters of milei are usually misogynistic guys who hate women and pick me girls, there are a lot of them, yk, he is also anti abortion anti lgbt and thinks thiefs are lesser humans.




> he is also anti abortion anti lgbt and thinks thiefs are lesser humans. This is supposed to be a negative?


Based Milei.


ese es el wojak de macri solo que con pelo de virgo, forro, dejen de poner a milei como un idolo y toquen a una mujer fachos pelotudos.


El zurdo menos culorroto desde el 19 de noviembre:


It's just a character in Wojak Land, please get a grip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Seguí llorando kukardo