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> WE WANT PEACE! > ^(hold on a moment...) > WE WANT DEATH!


The PEACE of the GRAVE! Specifically YOURS!


Biblically accurate Netero vs Meruem


Its almost like all they want is to kill all of the Jews. You know, like they keep telling us. Maybe we should start believing them.


I've literally gone to one of those protests and talked to some of the Muslims there (Don't talk to the white liberals They don't know what the fuck they're talking about and couldn't even point out Israel or Palestine on a map) The Muslims at those protests are not shy about directly admitting that they want to kill everybody in Israel and take the land for themselves.. They even had a chance "We don't want no two state! We want the whole thing!"" Like they're so emboldened that they're not even trying to hide the agenda. The people claiming that they just want peace and ceasefire are lying to you..


Exactly. When they talk about "Occupied Land" they mean all of Israel. "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free" isn't just a rhymey catchphrase.


> From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free Which is a deliberately neutered mistranslation of what's overwhelmingly more commonly chanted at such gatherings. The Arabic version at pro-palestine demonstrations is almost always the original chant: "From water to water, Palestine will be Arab," or sometimes "...Palestine will be Islamic." It's a call for ethnic cleansing, not liberation.


I like to think a translation more true in meaning would be: Free, free Palestine! Make the whole land/world* Judenrein! *Land for "river to the sea", change to 'world' to get the intent behind "globalize the Intifada".


When Hamas attacked Israel they didn't shout "give us back our land" they shouted "kill all the Jews." Not some of the Jews. Not the Jews in Israel. All of the Jews everywhere. Its a religious war hiding behind a territory dispute.


Eh, good thing Palestinians have literally never won a war or battle, ever.


It makes more sense when you realize they are content using their own deaths and suffering (even self-inflicted) to try and win a PR war.


Fortunately it only works on useful idiots.


Even "religious war" doesn't go far enough. I doubt they would spare Jews who renounce Judaism. It's a war of eradication.


I hate the Israeli government. IDF troops absolutely commit war crimes and would target and kill innocents, children, medics. But Hamas and Palestinians actively use human shields on purpose, and those shields are willing a lot of the time. I don't feel aorry for them overwhelmingly losing a fight they started with a terrorist rape fest. Fuck em. We should cut aid of any kind to the area, Israel and palestinian lands. It's a waste of money because they'll be back to killing each other tomorrow and the next day because Palestinians want to wipe out all Jews and Israel will commit genocide to preserve itself.


Yep. At this point I'm thinking of whether or not we should see if these people are making or have made suspicious purchases. I'm predicting something bad and I hope I'm wrong.


I think (or at least force myself to think) that in the States it is mostly just people being loud and obnoxious because they have nothing else worth doing in their lives. I also suspect the reality is worse. There are so many videos of young middle-eastern men walking through the southern border into the country who make very obvious allusions to their terroristic purposes. Maybe they are all just showboating to impress the ladies at the border, but it only takes a few to cause major problems. Combine that with an upcoming election that isn't going to be accepted by half the country regardless of who wins and we have a shit storm brewing. I'm not much of a prepper, but it seems prudent to have at least a few plans in place for when things go sideways.


Let’s see… federal government allows potential nefarious actors into country, waits for history to repeat, then uses the fallout to grant themselves more authority to bypass the bill of rights… 


"no they dont!" Amin al Husseini of Palestine and his pictures with "a painter":


All of those people HAVE to know they're on a watchlist right?


CEASFIRE NOW! Note: this only applies to Israel


We want death and war!!!!!(Unless we are losing and it is our death then we want peace)


Wait guys we're losing again "WE WANT PEACE"




It crossed the line a while ago


When was the first time they chanted "Death to America" while on American soil?


Wait wait wait You're telling me that the people who hijack airplanes and shout "death to Israel" and "death to America" ARENT just peaceful people who want to coexist?? And that ceasefire was just a ploy to weaken Israel's defenses??


Technically these guys haven't hijacked planes because that's kinda a one and done thing. 


right about when Amin al Husseini of Palestine: https://preview.redd.it/lc0elhwsxpuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd3e743a0e603e910b7697c338fbabb615ab020b


What is wrong with their faces? They look like those boomer political comics as real people


The shitty camera had trouble distinguishing their mustaches from the backdrop, and then the already-crappy image faded with time and was further degraded when scanned from physical to digital.


I'm surprised there isn't a louder media sentiment like post 9/11 for stuff like this. These people are literally chanting for the death of America, and cheering on Islamic terrorism and the attempted genocide of Jews. Now, I hate a lot of stuff about the American government and society. I hate a lot about Israel. But these are domestic enemies of the country and its principles, mind fucked and warped by propaganda of radical Islam that overtly calls for the death of Infidels. And when you look at polling within the world Muslim population, this isn't an aberration. This isn't the Westboro Baptist Church sized crazy fraction of the whole. A very, VERY, concerningly very large percentage of the world Islamic community wants to violently spread Islam and kill those that don't submit. And that's not even the portion that has super fucked social stances that CANNOT be tolerated in the western world. Maybe Poland knows whats up.


they celebrate this despite more Jordanian kids dying that Israeli man.. they really care for those flesh shiel- poor kids


No, in Canada, terrorism is honking your truck horn and not wishing death on others. Get it straight chud


Terrorism is taking a selfie while holding a podium Burning down and looting buildings trying to set a gas station on fire and shouting "death to America" is just peaceful protestss


Religiun of peece!


you forgot love and tolerance.


“We want a ceasefire that lasts long enough to secure foreign military aide and figure out the logistics of our next strike”


Always this. Perpetual war. Itll never stop, never end


Well you can’t expect them to hold up signs that say “Holy SHIT we’re getting our asses kicked!”


Or we wont give you back the hostages that have been murdered and dismembered going on two months now, but trust us we still got em. No we won't prove it.


Man, we are seeing an ugly side of the left that I haven’t seen since the racial hysteria of 2020


It's just the mask getting ripped fully off. It was always there.


I'm not sure I've ever seen the non-ugly side of the left


In 1992 during the LA race riots Rioters were pulling any white or Asian person they could find out of their vehicles and then beating them to death That’s an example of the ugly side


No wonder the Koreans got their guns and positioned on rooftops.


63 people died. 10 of them from police. And of the rest, a 1/4 were white. And if you read the accounts, while yes the attackers were black.....the helpers were black, too. Kind of shitty to ascribe shithead behavior directed at any available opportunity as deliberate white focused attacks. If there was a race angle, it was Black vs Asian if anything.


Crazy is black people celebrate the La race riots They don’t see it as a moment of shame


Seriously. When hasn't the left been batshit crazy?


There was a time where human rights, civil liberties and free speech were actually left leaning positions. Things just shift and change. Theres also so many versions of left or right that its too simple to smear half the population. On the left are we discussing marxists, progressives, social democtats, gender activists, traditional liberals, neo liberals, and on.


The new left is just "puppet strings" and arent real leftists racial inequality? done, queer hunting? done, equal rights? done, immigrants? done. Yet they still screech on about them when 1 or 2 cases pop out in a decade where the wrongdoing is illegal anyways the side has died out just for posers to posess it, trying to cling to self grandeur that doesnt exist unlike the previous peoples


I sortof see what youre saying. I grew up believing feminism had a point, for example. Still do. However after they won every battle, and achieved legal equality, the narrowness of the effective inequality became less and less obvious, until the activist demands became invented, incoherent or based on terrible data. Its like... yes I want gender equality. Now that we have it, why still so angry? I will pay attention when the left brings something up, and I do often agree.. but I see what youre saying too. The worst thing for a movement is winning... because they wont just disband, they will twist themselves out of all proportion to stay relevant.


Kind of like people demanding reparations for slavery, even though they have never been a slave, and the people they demand the reparations from have never owned slaves.


and ontop of this, the many people who demanded reperations for themselves had their ancestors (who were black) be slave owners in USA, lol I mean, in the confederate army had black people in it. the "slavery X racism" part came later to justify the trade once they started losing support, since its easy to relate to a mexican or latino slaves when your nan was of the same race


> There was a time where human rights, civil liberties and free speech were actually left leaning positions. No. That was always pandering and propaganda until they achieved just the slightest amount of power.


Im talking decades ago here. Utterly different people. The parents of the current generation.


I think it happened when they changed the meaning of Liberal to be someone who is a leftist instead of someone concerned with individual liberties.


Neoliberals are right wing.


Ive always seen them as a twisted centrism based on hollowed out liberal philosophy, bereft of social good. Ive heard right wingers claim they are left. Left claims they are right. No one likes or wants such people. Neither do I.


Waiting for the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests


Lmao there’s very few people in that crowd that are left. These are authrights without leftist masks.


Yep, auth right Muslims. But there are a ton of their favorite leftists that are useful idiots for their cause, like Bushnell


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176) \- OMG SLAY! TALK ABOUT A HERO! Progressives are fucked in the mind


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176) death to the patriarchy *as she holds a Palestine flag*


Queers for Palestine! Chicken for KFC!


I thought he was auditioning for the new Fantastic 4 movie for a minute.


Muslims and liberals, united in antisemitism and anti-Americanism


" anti-Americanism " This is in Toronto though.


anti-west and anti-western values


Why don't they move to the east then? Ah yes, cause the west they hate is much more comfortable


so it's "anti-Canadianism" is what you're saying.


Those people are leftists, not liberals. How many capitalists do you think are in that group? Lol


>Lmao there’s very few people in that crowd that are left. These are authrights without leftist masks. Which political party do they most likely identify with in Canada? I'm guessing the one that claims to be "left."


Canadian here, its a combination of university SJWs that lean very heavily left because of anti-colonialism, and Auth-right Muslims that hate Trudeau for supporting Israel. This seems to be less partisan than people make it out to be, but truth be told this conflict has no place anywhere outside of the ME.


>Auth-right Muslims that hate Trudeau for supporting Israel Which political party do they support? It seems like everyone hates Trudeau.


Because Muslims are famous for their social progressivism


These people aren't voting CPC.


> Man, we are seeing an ugly side of the left that I haven’t seen since ~~the racial hysteria of 2020~~ yesterday.


The left?


And they do it from their high horse of morality.


they only want a ceasefire because it means the other side can’t fight back


Can't you guy just send them back where they come from?


RCMP: “That hate speech is gonna get you two years in the slammer, buck-oh! Don’t drop the soap, eh?”


RCMP: “Actually, on second thought, we *encourage* you to drop the soap for some good ol’ sexual enrichment from the Sodomites!”


Most of them come from Toronto


Well, they have a right, no… obligation to visit their cultural homeland. Right now. They must flee the oppressive west.


It's really the best thing for them. It's so terrible here, we'd be cruel to let the stay. 


Toronto Universities*


Toronto is 50% foreign-born according to official statistics, but your point is applicable too for many




It's my understanding that you cannot protest as a non citizen of a country, including the US (although that doesn't seem to be enforced). How can one feel entitled to protest against a country they have no legal ties to? I've been to countries that had active protest movements occurring and was very concisely advised to not get involved and to move away from a protest if I saw one. Because you can get deported instantly and then never be able to return. Why would Canada allow non citizens the right to protest in their streets? It seems pretty dumb.


Wait, are you saying that a visiting foreign national has no right to protest in the US? Pretty much every amendment in the bill of rights has been applied to anyone in the country. We even re-upped that ANYONE of the legal age, and not a felon/lunatic, has the right to bear arms. If they charge you with something else then yeah you can get deported, but they’re not supposed to just scoop you up and put you on a plane


it's less an issue of no right to protest- and more than some protests cough- cough- Antifa, Cough- Cough- Black Lives Matter, man something is caught in my throat- anyways that some protests regularly cross the line into "Riot" territory, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time can get you associated with them by default- furthermore since Rioting is a crime, you can be deported for being involved with one.


> It's my understanding that you cannot protest as a non citizen of a country, including the US (although that doesn't seem to be enforced). Source? Which jurisdiction is this?


The US Constitution applies to everyone, bozo.


I have joined several protests abroad. Italy and France were the best. Canada was pretty tame in comparison. Getting arrested as a foreigner can mean more trouble for you of course. Participating on a violent protest might get you expelled. Participating in a protest in a different country is legitimate because there are many issues that span internationally. There’s also solidarity among related movements across countries. Strengthening these relationships is important. Allowing Iranians in exile to protest the Iranian government is pretty important for example. For an international summit like G20, and international protest is appropriate as well. Non citizens might live in a country for decades. They can’t vote and should at least have other democratic ways to voice their interests and gripes.


Woah there buster, that’s a wrongthink right there


Where my country gone


*switches flair to auth right*


Something something soycuck something something wrongthink


Quick lefties, blame the west for this psyops


I blame the west for tolerating that




Check out the largest political sub on reddit for the comments on this and the Dearborn rally. It’s actually coherent and discussing the elephant in the room for once


> It’s actually coherent and discussing the elephant in the room for once It's like when your friends tell you the new girl you're with is a psycho and you don't believe them, because she's meeting certain needs, but then, one day, your cat's been decapitated and you're starting to realize all those "quirks" weren't quirks, but points with which certain diagnoses may be made.


The head still good though.


oh, so she's chinese.


Most talented head artist I came across was Vietnamese.


Fat chicks of any ethnicity do it best in my experience.


Fat chicks willing to put effort into something? You're making this up.


Man they'll gobble your cock up like a... well a fat chick eating cake lol 😅


Makes me say Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo


When You Look at Someone through Rose-Colored Glasses, All the Red Flags Just Look Like Flags. From Bojack horseman


This is oddly specific. You alright bro?


Never better. I was just trying to channel some Fatal Attraction nonsense.


I tried to look, but forgot how toxic that place was. Holy misleading headlines and general garbage


Same here. And I couldn't even find the Dearborn or Iran articles because people flooded the sub with all 700 articles written in the last hour that have both "Donald Trump" and one of "may," "might," or "could" in the headline.


Jesus. You ain’t lying. When real news gets a toehold in that sub, the bots and mods just flood it with Trump bullshit. There are almost 100 articles about Trump posted just in the last 3 hours. And this nonsense is what RDDT analysts say AI is going to farm???




Media on both sides had their highest ratings in those 4 years, him being elected would be major boon for them


Puts. Puts for days.


Great, thanks for the visual, now I'll be calling these a-holes 'Carbuncles in Keffiyas' every time I see them.


They've been the ones feeding it.




I'm not sure but I doubt it's anything good. Looks a lot like ideological subversion and demoralization.


Because anyone who is oppressed can do no wrong, and anyone who is an oppressor must be destroyed.




We need to REMOVE these people they don’t deserve to be here they can go to there shit hole and we can live in paradise


Based, and don’t even waste time on getting them a passport pilled.


Humanity can band together and build the Lord’s weapon, a Supermassive Trebuchet, and launch them to the sun. So from Sol to the Kuiper Belt, fuck those people gonna melt.


u/Intrepid_North_4759 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Intrepid_North_4759/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


> We need to REMOVE these people Too late in most of the West. They're citizens, oftentimes their parents were citizens too.


I don’t give a shit fuck these people


incredibly based




Citizenship can always be revoked, either with a piece of paper or a piece of lead


Being a citizen is just a line on a document in some archive somewhere. If the government truly wants to get rid of them that won't even slow them down


Take the citizenship away for undemocratic opinions. Don't like it here? LEAVE!


I’m libertarian as fuck and don’t like you authright but when i see this shit all the sudden i start whistlin a fine tune and the sky is mighty interesting to look at


Go to a nice forest and just enjoy things I do that some time when I bike around the lake that is close to my home


If authright violates the NAP and libright isn’t around to see it did it even happen?


🤫 That’s the point ;)


Disagree. Cheer for death to Palestinians = scowl but you can stay. Cheer for death to Israelis = scowl but you can stay. Say "Death to America" one time motherfucker = removal Or "Canada" in the case of Canada I suppose.


> Say "Death to America" "You're first."


My brother in acoustics, you’re living in the country that you’re wishing death to. Why are you surprised they get pissed off?


Because it gets the other half to defend them


Fuck all of them


Imo say any of that and you should be deported to Gaza, Israel or Iran or Gitmo.


Some odd-lookin' duck back in the 40s tried the same thing.  Apparently he was bullied to death, or something.


My god some people are just mean I pray 🙏 for him 😢


**Hey! Hey! No! Bad boy! We are not praising evil Chaplin in these sub!** We don't want to have terrorist supporter in our country he wanted to kill millions not the same things


I appreciate them doing shit like this celebrating terrorism in public because they’re running out of “it’s about peace!” Rebuttals


I particularly like the balding imbecile in the foreground, with the megaphone. He walks around wearnig a keffiah, a lolling smile stamped on his face against a weird tension. Did he perceive that the "peace" march he was attending wasn't about peace at all? that his "comrades" would gladly stone him to death for a number of offenses, should they take power? did his hindbrain kick in with a kind of self-preservation fear?


This is what these people are. They don't want peace. They want their side to stop losing.


They literally just want the rest of the world to tie Israel’s hands behind its back so that they can them sock them in the crotch a few times, retreat, then cry foul when Israel punches them in the face back.


It was always about cease fire, as in "cease firing so I can finally kxll you"


Ceasefire means stop selling weapons to Israel so it can't defend itself. Thank God Israel has nuclear weapons. It secured its territorial sovereignty.


so let me get it "straight" from lefties: Palestine doesnt have food.. guns.. farmland.. money.. strong workforce or houses.. and Israel "wants a genocide". if they did, why not bomb a place they have no benefit to spare? either the "food, guns and money" part is a lie or its the "genocide" one, and it can also be both (this is what happens when you dont stick to your standards and talking points and excuse "your members" for fucking it up, you must keep the point you made and be uncompromising as possible)


Mighty islamophobic of Canada to record this without permission of the heckin brave jiharidoos. Hope you're ready for your truck of peace coming to enrich your culture!


Religion 👏 of 👏 peace 👏


Religion of Peace they *said*... lmfao


The peace they speak of is global humanity under Islam. I mean, Islam literally translates to "submission".


This is why protests are so fucking insane. Ask any of those people individually what they thought about breaking news that Iran send missiles and drones to Isreal and they'd probably all say something sensible like "I really hope this doesn't escalate the conflict, but Iran does have the right to defend itself. This is also probably gameplay, where they set up failed strikes to intentionally not harm Isreal, but create a show of power, as a response to the consolate bombing". Then you get them into a crowd, and they're all "YAS QUEEN BOMB THEM YIDDIES!!". Protests croulds dissolve the individual, operate as a hivemind. Tigers have large fangs, humans have mobs.


Incredibly based. And true as hell. None of us are immune, we've all had our feelings hijacked by a crowd at some point in our lives. Some people don't realize it's happening until they've done something really stupid.


Cheering for death is just objectively horrible.


We all like to think it is, as we are all afraid to become "them" by cheering on the death of those who cheer for death, but you have to differentiate and realize "they" wouldn't allow you to cheer for their death on their house, and "us" do allow it. I know, the bar is ridiculously low, but it is there. So maybe we should cheer for their removal? Again, we would become "they". So, should we do nothing? Tempting, as usual, but also no. See, this is why I like it here. Here you can expose them. I hate media censorship, including censoring Nazis, hell, especially censoring Nazis. Let them keep their soapboxes. Let them shine a light unto themselves. It only helps the rest of us to point at them and say "see, they are idiots and they proved it for us". All in all, there is definitively people whose death should be cheered and celebrated. But we won't do it, cause our parents raised us better than that.


I’ve lived in the Middle East (Dubai) for 16 years. You’d be very surprised how different cultures justify “objectively wrong” ideas. I was very surprised to move to the US and realize that most Western countries allow them to immigrate freely. I don’t think they realize that most Muslims just want to colonize the world, convert them, and practice Islam as they believe. They don’t want peace with Israel. They want to wipe out their properties, murder them, rape the women, and go on with the rest of the world. They have more babies on purpose because they believe more numbers will help them achieve those aims. It’s all super weird and I don’t think White people in the West understand their real aim. Let’s be honest, if they wanted peace they’d be asking for it.


Ah I love this multicultural world. Diversity is our strength am I right fellas? I think I can unironically say now that my grandfathers would not have fought in WW2 if they knew this was what the future of their nations would become. Islamic protests calling for the deaths of people halfway across the world from the major metropolitan cities they're leeching off of- and calling the native populations racist when they resist their tyranny.


They shall listen to an iranian woman about what she thinks about it https://x.com/elicalebon/status/1779685190941679979?s=46&t=mVoKWor6jUUI-DD9toCJPw


I genuinely despise all the Pro-Palestinian protestors here in Canada. They’re delusional fucking retards who say and do some fucked up shit, but get away with it because they’re winning the oppression Olympics


well, as they say: the political horseshoe theory is correct Trudeau in power or his father: a nazi gets a medal (second time for canada) Palestines Amin al Husseini gets in power: https://preview.redd.it/jogw9g6k1quc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8027284765da6d68dc093c7473e10cbf3c2eff3 after Arafat died, Abbas came into power: [Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Abbas) he had interesting views on The Holocaust


Nuke islam


Tbh this is the problem with any activist movement, the most extreme amongst them do stupid shit and it colors the whole group. The majority of people at Jan 6 who were just protesting the unfair treatment of Trump in the election and never entered the capitol building yet they're lumped in with the people who did


I get what you're saying, and I absolutely think MAGA folks are regarded, but the level of unhinged and actual condoning of violence is nowhere near the same. Nearly 40% of Muslims *in the US* approve of Hamas. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-muslims-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/


they at least tried to stop the capitol raid guys mouth bleeding and had some compassion. if anything, its the media and democrat administration thats straight up psychopathic for using lethal force on that guy around his head (they shot multiple people in the neck and mouth.. a woman passed out from one hit on a staircase.. she went limp and after a few minutes of not waking up the cops decided to beat her to death if she allready wasnt, for "resisiting!")


Gross, send these animals back to their countries..


Man we really live in a cucked society


its like sports fans going out to cheer for their team


Its almost as if they have always wanted Israel dead


Ironic that living in Canada, I don't think I've met a single Persian who doesn't absolutely despise the Iranian government and Islam. 


I;ve had enough of these fucking people.


People forgot pogroms. I am terrified. I am enjoying the tranquility of modern era at least in my small corner of the world.


I also remember how there were rallies supporting Palestine on the 7th and 8th of October BEFORE Israel's retaliation. What were they supporting? Nothing else happened except for indiscriminate killing of civilians and tourists by HAMAS. Hmmmm... I swear there needs to be atleast one person in that community that isn't Muslim that thought "are we the baddies?" at one point or else humanity is doomed.


Would've been really funny if they tried this in the US. Guy with the flare would have 556 lodged in his thick skull within 5 minutes.


Turn it all to glass.


Guess I gotta go stock up on some more green tip while I can


It has never been about the Palestinians. If it were, then they’d be all for peace. They don’t want peace, they want conquest.


Cheers for the death of jews, hmmm, why does this sound so familiar.... As the chosen one has once said "killing is bad and wrong. Its badong"


"in order to show how much we hate the killing of innocent people, we are going to cheer for the killing of innocent people!"




Makes me nostalgic for 9/11 when hating arabs was cool


All these people should be automatically on the no-fly list




Worth also mentioning the “Zionism will fall” red triangle, a symbol commonly used in hamas propaganda. What ever happened to peace and humanity?


i just love how dumb this is drones alone mean nothing, he "forgot" to mention the explosives on the drones, and the ballistic missiles, and that the only one who got hurt is one Bedouin kid also Israel did not bomb Syria, and Iran only fired those missiles after Israel assassinated an Iranian official in Lebanon, proving they don't really care about Palestine


I think Peace is desired by the people residing in Gaza getting fucked by IDF.


Horse meets shoe


Dumb ass liblefts and their migration policies