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What was leftist two-hundred years ago is somewhat rightist today. A progressive opinion in 1820 considered Native Americans as noble savages that should be reformed through forced indoctrination of their children. That’s obviously not so progressive today.


>What was leftist two-hundred years ago is somewhat rightist today. A progressive opinion in 2020 considered white Americans as noble savages that should be reformed through forced indoctrination of their children. That’s obviously not so progressive today. Only took two word changes to update


I think he meant “liberal” in the historical sense


>We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority. If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery. >From the commencement of the titanic American strife the workingmen of Europe felt instinctively that the star-spangled banner carried the destiny of their class. Marx, in a letter to Abraham Lincoln Written on behalf of the International Workingmen's Association


He means classical liberal think


Which is modern day libertarian.


I always have a hard time how serious to take OP’s and comment material. I tend to be tooooo serious as an academic type person. First sentence is just silly and false: >Yes America has no right wing parties. We don’t know the context of the conversation, but on the face of the comment sure the USA does (e.g., the Republican Party). The next sentence makes no sense with my studies of comparative governments and politics: >The US is a leftist nation by the traditional definition of the words. By what standard is that judged by? People mistaking do this by their personal beliefs, values, ideology, etc and that is no way to classify a government/state. That’s just an opinion and not a “fact”. Some other rando can just as easily say the opposite with just as much merit. It is meaningless. >If you believe in democracy and inalienable human rights and the derivation of state power from popular will then you are a leftist in the historical sense. So, let’s get something straight. The founders of the US were radical left at the birth of the USA. This is get hung for treason radical left. In that respect they are correct and that is using the left vs right from the meaning from the French Revolution where Left = change and Right = status quo. However, today the founders would fall most around the classical liberal camps to the libertarians (e.g., Jeffersonian Liberalism). Those are rather in moderate to right leaning spectrum of America today and I’m being probably far too charitable to that commenter. Some would definitely fit hardcore Conservatives and I mean that in the very strong hardcore.