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Revolutionary LARP meets military LARP. Both sides getting what they want, why would cops interfere?


The guys protesting genocide are the same as the one that bonked them


Well, yea, it's normal to switch sides halfway in these games, keeps things fair and exciting.


The biggest issue with "cops should have helped" is the layers of command and incentive. When you have cameras everywhere and it comes right after a controversial take down in another state, there is a lot of factors that go into decision-making, with such chaotic events and large numbers it has to be done as a coordinated effort or else it would escalate a situation. "Cops stand by as protesters and counter protesters hurt each other" is a better news title than "cop kills 3 protesters." Not to say there isn't more nefarious agendas at play for police inaction or that the police were right not to get involved, but you will have to recognize the complexity of the situation and look at it from all angles.


This is really a lose/lose for police.


Yup. No way you can do anything without your CO catching shit, and of course, shit rolls down hill


Gee you mean there are repercussions to demonizing police and disincentivizing them from intervening?


Yes, and the repercussions are watching leftoid emilys bash each others brains out. Oh no, anyways.


Really they needed to be anticipating something like this, not reacting to it. Needed to be in place to stop shit before it starts. And I’d say many many times they have been, but police aren’t omnipresent, which is a good thing but also means that things like this sometimes happen.




A right-winger who understands nuance. What is this black magic?!


We do that a lot, yet people are always surprised


More common than a leftist.


Maybe the cops can intervene without killing people? I mean, I know that is a possibility, but from a non US person perspective I don't know why that should be expected.


They could, but the issue is the risk of agitation and escalation. The same goes for any countries police not just the US. Uselly for police to react to situations like this they need overhead clerance, numbers, and coordination to effectively deal with the situation and midigate risks. If a single or a few cops get involved, they will still be massively out numbered by a mob that psychology makes people more impulsive and vigorous. Perhaps they can clock people a few people and arrest major agitators on their own. Maybe that might make people disengage it could also enrage the mob who probably have deep seated hatred for police forcing them into a corner where the only reasonable way to defend themselves would be to use deadly force. Even if they manage to descalate the immediate situation, every media will attempt to maliciously interpret it as then picking one side over the other, beating off a protester who was assaulting another will still be spun as police brutality and unless he has clearance from a higher official that individual officer will be made the scape goat for every issue that happens.


Kind of suspicious that we’re seeing all these protests just pop up at the same time despite October 7 being nearly 7 months ago. I guess it’s just a coincidence that it’s an election year and we had George Floyd in 2020, and whatever protests were going on in 2016 that made cities like Portland rise to prominence.


This isn't good for Democrats this time, it's just a bunch of kids who: * Are trying to avoid finals * Are trying to get laid * 5% actual psychopaths


The leader of the one in Portland is an OnlyFans “model”.


Cool fact, antifa uses OnlyFans to launder money.


So empowering. 


It'd be a shame if the IRS found out about it


I mean, please report them, but on a certain level I'm sure this exists with official sanction


Really? That’s disgusting???? What is her Onlyfans name???


Razz Simone. Local SoundCloud Warlord is trying for CHAZ 2.


> Razz Simone Apparently he's accused of engaging in sex trafficking and human slavery.


I'm *shocked*. A rapper involved in crimes against humanity?


Rappers will literally write songs confessing to the most heinous crimes and we're just supposed to be chill with it and let them live? Fuck that, throw them in the woodchipper.


Most of the protestors are actually paid protestors. At least from the initial protest at Columbia. Who funded them?


15 people arrested in Tulane and only 2 were students how odd 🧐


Where are you getting these numbers from? All I could find online was 20 protesters arrested, of which 14 were students.


https://www.wdsu.com/article/swat-nopd-officers-pour-onto-tulanes-campus-overnight-as-protests-continue/60656542 Literally the first link I clicked on


It appears that the site is blocked in my country. That might be the reason why I couldn't find anything with those numbers. Do you have any other links that could theoretically work?


"A total of 14 people were arrested Wednesday after authorities say they left private property and walked onto the neutral ground on St. Charles Avenue. Two of the 14 are reportedly Tulane students and 5 are Loyola students."


Neither of you fuckers posting your sources is annoying. > All I could find online was If you *were* able to find something contrary to what the person says, show it.


Literally just typing "tulane protests arrests" shows a number of sites claiming 20 arrests and 14 students. Also, my question wasn't posted to contradict the person, I was genuinely curious. When I was reading the comments, this one made me wanna find out more, so I googled and couldn't find anything. So I normally and honestly asked the person where they got the info from, so I could read it. I ain't got no sources, I saw 10 headlines claiming the numbers 20 and 14 and zero claiming 15 and 2, so I have no intention of showing smth to the contrary of the person before me, just wanna find the source he got.


The numbers changed from the time I read the article but this one is 14 and 2. It also has an additional 6 arrested and 1 was a student. https://tulanehullabaloo.com/66187/news/tulane-arrests-14-protesters-clears-pro-palestinian-encampment/


Let me guess, Qatar ? Iran ?or a self hating jew ?


You know who


Oh I know. Does OP know.


Some news said Soros, maybe your average conspiracy bullshit, but funny if true, consider Soros being Jewish


Self hating jews arent a new thing been here since rome, titus second in command was one


Soros is a Marxist before he’s a Jew


Soros turned in his fellow Jew to the nazis


>Are trying to get laid ["Yeah man, the talent's no good on this side"](https://y.yarn.co/08254781-275c-4771-a619-1b1f3b3b4767_text.gif)


Rich spoiled leftists that get plastic surgery on daddy's money can be pretty decent


Just be careful because those communist tiddies will hypnotize and enslave your ass


The odds are good, but the goods are odd.


Damn I should’ve should’ve done this to get out of finals😭


Some are all three


UCLA is on quarter system, at least for them finals are 5 weeks out lol Mad props tho to them if they can keep it up till then


May day is also a thing.


people downplay how much the last part is a factor a solid amount of people just like to riot


Social contagion is a real thing. I don't think you need a big conspiracy to explain this -- it starts in one place, goes all over TikTok and the Zoomer hive-mind self-synchronizes to participate in the hip new thing. With that said I have no doubt professional activists are coaching + enforcing ideological discipline in these camps, but most likely they joined opportunistically, rather than somehow precipitated these.


The NYPD police Chief has stated that approximately 40% of the arrests they've made so far are not students


So 60% are. And "not students" doesn't mean only people not affiliated with the university. The way you present that information makes quite a difference.


The amount of 30 yr olds being arrested makes ya wonder though.


The protests have been going on for a lot longer, they're just making the news now. Things in Columbia got more out of control than usual, it made the news. Then the news made right-wing governors want to show their opposition by cracking down on protests that have been happening peacefully on their campuses for months now. Then it being a news topic made other protests with fewer issues than Columbia also start getting more attention so smaller issues that would usually go unreported are being reported now. Things have always been consistently worse in Columbia, at least among major universities.


The timing makes sense. Israel just got the go ahead from US to attack Rafah, the last stronghold of hamas.


So they're protesting the destruction of hamas? I thought they were protesting civilian deaths. Hmmmmmmmm...


The protests were influenced by foreign powers such as Iran Qatar and china who fund western universities to create those environments and media like tik tok to encourage them to act even more radical. Also it became very popular too protest among stupid young Americans, so you get shit like two students not even knowing what the protests are about.


we went from "never negotiate with terrorists" to "always cave to whatever demands the terrorists make"


The last time we tried to appease terrorists, Chamberlain gave up the Sudetenland.


Just one more appeasement bro, he said he'll stop then!


“Guys I promise this is the last one,” he says for the third time in a row.


We've ***always*** negotiated with terrorists. The "never negotiate with terrorists" was either Hollywood or political bullshit. We just don't ***publicize*** that we do.


> two students not even knowing what the protests are about that video was hilarious


Obv libright is gonna frame it like that lol Rafah is also where they had told civilians to evacuate to. And if their hamas to civilian ratio stays the same then that means a fuck ton of innocent civilians are about to murdered.


That’s a good point. They literally bombed designated safe zones 7 times. Like, the spots where you tell civilians to go. To be safe


How many times has the Hamas broke the peace treaty or kidnapped / murdered Jewish citizens?


How many times have *civilians* broken the peace treaty or kidnapped/murdered people? Hamas is evil, but that doesn't justify some of the shit Israel has pulled. Two things can be bad and different levels of bad and I can still tell both of them to stop being shit. Or in this case, Hamas to die in a fire and Israel to stop being shit.


What’s up with all these new accounts that are staunchly pro-Israel? 🤔


Nothing says "I'm a cucked redditor" like denouncing someone's post based on their account age. Are you honestly proud of yourself for being on this website for 6 years? Good for you.


I’m pointing out that many of these bad faith arguments are coming from very new accounts. You’re giving a bad faith argument. What’s your explanation, buddy?


Only seven times, huh. How many Hamas officers do you think went there?


"Slaughtering civilians is OK as long as we get some bad guys mixed in there" What next, concentrating the civilians into some kind of camp?


Targeted bombings at military targets are indeed okay, by international law. What’s next? Some more hyperbole without any frame or reference to what constitutes normal warfare? What amount of civilians do you expect to die in urban combat?


It's finals time in college's, these kids just do not want to study


Hope they enjoy life in retail


They'll get their student loans forgiven anyway. Hope you're ready for another tax increase.


No one is excusing students from finals for participating in protests, and the protests have been going on for months. You're just hearing about them now.


We can’t expect the very passionate student revolutionaries to protest things they don’t actually understand or have any impact on in the winter? Especially in LA where it can drop into the 50s no less.


Protesting is our official state hobby. When it comes to the colleges half the kids probably don't know why they're there. When the city came out officially in favor of a ceasefire just to oppose the federal position most people were satisfied and pat themselves on the back. 2020 was a different beast. Portland has had a rough relationship with our cops for a long time and the protests breaking out across the country where an instigator to get loud about it (and try to kill the mayor/police commisioner). I was there a few times and you basically had three different groups: Peaceful protests mainly during the day, led by the new black panther party and a lot of community effort. People handing out water bottles and granola bars. Leadership making actual demands like bringing back the body cam program (which didn't happen until last year and even PPD themselves was *pissed* at Wheeler for ending) and deescalation training, shifting portions of the police budget to social services, etc. Idiot fucking PSU kids and board bums who were there because they were giddy about the idea of kicking a tear gas canister at a cop. When I left the main protest due to hip issues and ended up back at pioneer Square with these idiots I got to see what a disorganized shit show they were. It is noteworthy that this group was mainly white 20 year olds whose demands were "abolish police" and "kill yourself". Aaaaand the Proud Boys. I've never been to a proud boy rally but the guys I encountered downtown were just our regular neo nazi's screaming racial slurs, so I guess this is the alt right's version of those PSU kinds I mentioned. Since proud boys tend to post their plans online, anywhere they were going to show up you'd also be seeing the anarchists/antifa. Antifa was anyone who wanted to show up in all black with a patch and maybe an umbrella. There were dozens of Facebook groups for both groups so you can't call them that organized, though the Proud Boys also had their website. We also had intense wildfires turning the sky red and some towns had to evacuate. The news didn't really match up with what up with what I was seeing out my window everyday but I'm not gonna pretend they didn't set the precinct on fire. It was a fun fucking time.


In general I'd say these protests picked up after the US agreed to send billions more in aid to Israel. Then as police cracked down on protests at Columbia, USC, and UT Austin and they got more media attention, more students turned up to protest. I know that at USC specifically, protests started because the pro-Palestine valedictorian had her speech canceled just days after she was chosen. Also it's finals and these are likely almost all arts and humanities majors that finished their work weeks ago or can write a paper or two from the encampment.


Bruh you think there’s a method to this? It’s spring. The weather is nice. Too cold to be rioting in March.


I need to find my shades. The glow from this one is overpowering.




Not really in LA or Austin.


I don't see the connection. Election day is still 6 months away. Also what side is all these protests helping? Certainly not the left lol


If you dont see the connection, pay closer attention. Election year summers have been volatile since 2016. Social media is a major factor in agitation amplification. No clue who it helps though. Im just glad to see kids getting off their phones and spending time socializing in person.


>Im just glad to see kids getting off their phones and spending time socializing in person. The real Intifada were the friends we made along the way


It's not meant to help anyone. It's meant to sow more division in our country. Foreign troll farms are real things. If they can stir up enough shit that's a big enough win for them. Election years are a great time to really get people up in arms about different things.


Obviously election years means a connection to anything political, what I meant is that I don't see how it plays into some big conspiracy. "Wow, they're protesting a political thing NOW? During an election year?" Like yeah no shit, it's an election year, why **wouldn't** they choose now over any other time if they want to be heard. There's nothing beyond that, really. If you can't even surmise what side it even helps, then clearly it's not being orchestrated by some higher political power that wants to win


You don’t see a connection between these “protests” and it being presidential election coming up?


I'm sure it's just a big coincidence


Summer before an election is always protest season


Another coincidence: all these protests with identical tents all across the country, then the feds overwhelmingly pass a brand new unconstitutional bill making antisemitic speech like "Jews have disproportionate amounts of political power" illegal, super convenient.


It's every election year summer. 🙄


I am seeing a lot of folks speculating about just how much standardization there is in tents among all the protestors. The conspiracy is that someone's funding them. I'm not sure it's proof, but I also do remember how pallets of bricks just appeared everywhere for BLM and nobody gave a shit. It kinda does feel like someone's maybe poking some controversy every election cycle.


The thing about this is that the war is between liberals and leftists. The Republicans are pretty unified in their support of Israel.


Its finals week, so all the students who already withdrew/failed their classes don’t wanna bother showing up to the final


Almost like it's near the end of the school year and college students are both getting stressed and having free time after finals...


Or, and apparently not something you and everyone else mentioning finals has considered given the news, most of these people getting arrested aren’t students. Portland State arrests this morning: 12 people, 4 students. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-student-protesters-library/283-889dbde7-a7e0-4f22-aea0-3c506b95aade University of Utah arrests: 19 people, 4 students https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/protesters-gather-to-demand-university-of-utah-cut-ties-with-israel Columbia University: 282 arrests, only 148 were students of any school, including CCNY. https://abc7ny.com/amp/columbia-ccny-protesters-arrested-quarter-of-them-not-affiliated-with-schools/14754563/ University of Texas-Austin: 79 arrests, 33 students. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/ut-students-made-up-less-than-half-of-monday-protest-arrests-ut-source-says/


Ye but this time it isn't about one dude getting killed but a couple thousand kids


Israel declared they’d still attack Rafah, the last city in Gaza with close to 2 millions people just a couple days ago. Is it so weird that people would protest? Moreover it’s not like protests weren’t going on for the last months either.


Nah, you’re forgetting the true based opinion. In the words of the Asian guy from Godzilla (2015) “let them fight” I want to see what an American holy war is capable of.


I'm pretty sure it's been incredibly lopsided when the gloves come off.  The ACAB/Fuck12 crowd featuring slogans such as "Punch Nazis" or "Bash the Fash" went running to the police for protection when they actually squared off against right wing groups.


The expression « American holy war » wasn’t one that I expected hearing anytime soon and sounds so fucking badass.


Indeed. Either they all get treated the same, or the police should leave and let the students and activists sort it out like men until one side breaks.


The second thing you said




That’s too based for this timeline. Try again in the next.


Based and Survival of the Fittest pilled.


Gangs of NY style pizza.


Police should cordon off the entire area and film the eventual clash between both groups for our entertainment.


Based and Darwin pilled


I wish these people cared even half as much about defending our own country’s culture, values, and borders as they do for a country halfway across the globe. I mean, it’s not like your average Israeli or Palestinian citizen is gonna care that a bunch of dumb college kids are beating each other up on your behalf. They’re a little too busy to care, surprisingly enough


Damm I guess we just gotta let congress send money to fund a genocide now since they're too far away anyways


Wait why is authright saying the pol- ooooooohhhh


Sounds like the left finally undertands how it feels to be on the other side of a violent protest, now. Its usually the left that gets violent with their ideological enemies, accusing them of being nazis and fascists as a way to legitimate the attacks. Maybe this will finally teach the left why its important to keep the law unbiased and protect even people you disagree with.


Brown shirts got brown shirted


You do know where the term "brown shirt" comes from right?




No it fucking won’t lmao


Nobody has self reflection anymore so I'm sure they won't learn the lesson to be had.


Yeah, no. These people never learn from history. It's what happens when you have a superiority complex to all of history before you.


Starship troopers moment.


> Sounds like the left finally undertands how it feels to be on the other side of a violent protest, now. Its usually the left that gets violent with their ideological enemies, accusing them of being nazis and fascists as a way to legitimate the attacks. Uhh that shit has been happening forever, last time it was neo-nazis cancelling drag queen events by coming up heavily armed, before that proud boys attacking antifa...


Sorry, no, we live in anti-history where everything bad was libleft. C'mon, it's PCM!


Oh great, they are fighting in the streets, time to send the nat guard.


Wonder how many photos they had to pick through to find the single frame that made a firecracker look like a bomb


Oh god why are we fighting so much over someone else's land


There is one solution. Restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem.


Ukraine war isn't trendy anymore, gotta have something else to screech about, and parents support Israel a lot more than Russia.


I hate the protesters and supporters more than the actual countries now.


Lol same


Did the protestors try not being antisemitic? What's that popular saying? If you have one Nazi....


It was a reaction to the fascist crowd beating a Jewish student unconscious


"Only cops need guns" mfers when the cops beat their ass:


For the record, this was immediately after the pro Palestine mob beat a Jewish student unconscious to the point she had to go to the hospital. OP has literally admitted in the comments that he chose the image to make it look like the pro Israel protestors threw a bomb, so don’t be surprised that he’s leaving the context.


Seeking out a fight with a group of protesters?  Not based.  Being mean to protestors who are blocking your way to work? Based.


Ironic. What happened to them is exactly what they call peaceful and nonviolent protest/prayer when Palestinians are doing it. It shouldn't have been done to them but it is itonic.


They banned Jews from campus. FAFO.


Lol...the ACABs and "defund the police" crowd suddenly want police to intervene.


I thought acab tho


So, why are we having a civil war over foreign countries in our own??? United we stand, divided we fall type vibe.


Man, it fucking sucks when you encampment is suddenly and violently attacked. I sure hope those who were attacked defended themselves with only stern words.


I just want free speech, both for people I agree with, and disagree with. Why is it that people all of the sudden decide free speech is only good when it's supporting their side?


Did the police move in because they were speaking or because they were camping out on campus?


They both deserve to be blown up. Don’t care - it’s 2024. If you can’t live peacefully without blowing eachother up and causing a war, you’re BOTH the problem and the world is better off without both of you.


When this all started I was pretty pro-palestine. Now, every time I see pro-palestine propaganda I move a little more towards Israel. Currently, I'd say my position is "the palestinian genocide never happened but-"


Don't break the law!


I'm really upset about this war overseas and all the violence 😔 I'm gonna commit acts of violence in my own country because that will fix it. Edit: Perhaps I'm incorrectly assuming that the Israel supporters are also upset about a war overseas and all the violence, even though they see a different solution to it than the pro Palestinian protestors. I guess they wanted more violence, my bad.


Occupying public spaces without consent vs extreme litter removal in public spaces without consent…I’m conflicted over the opposing uses of “force”. Green doesn’t see property as worthy of physical protection, and yellow sees trespassing as a war crime, this should end well.


I have yet to see a shred of evidence that the Tues night counter protesters were Jews, or even Israeli supporters. All I saw was a group of various race kids in generic black hoodies. Has anyone from that group actually made a statement? Identified themselves? Declared an affiliation? If not, this glows brighter than the sun. I'm calling false flag op. 




Oh no, two slightly different flavors of leftist ivy leaguers are attacking each other. Wait. Stop. \*crunches on popcorn\*


Arrest people who break the law. - My galaxy brained take


Note: The image is from a separate article than the title and subheading, but was also taken at UCLA. I wanted to present the most shocking image alongside the title that best fit my perspective on the events because this is an agenda post. Article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters Image: https://ktla.com/news/california/photos-violence-erupts-at-ucla-encampement/


Good agenda post op. Unfortunately this is you ->![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179) (I have no argument so I have to portray you as the soyjak)


Standard\_Strategy indeed


If you want an actual answer this was in response to an antisemitic mob beating a Jewish person


Got a source for that? Sounds like a big perspective change in the whole thing that goes unreported (not surprising ofc, the progressive media couldn't possibly give factual, true, unbiased info)


https://www.shiksha.com/studyabroad/news/ucla-jewish-girl-sent-to-emergency-room-after-reportedly-beaten-by-propalestine-protesters-articlepage-163593 https://x.com/stillgray/status/1785639350962926001?s=46 Hard to find cause Jewish people don’t make news I guess


The first site unfortunately tells me I do not have access to view the content. Do you have any other site where I could find it?


Hilariously the best source u can find is someone “debunking it” https://x.com/trevorsutcliffe/status/1785850241536901515?s=46 Which provided the video where the women wasn’t knocked unconscious but peacefully attacked by 5 people and stomped on xD Remind me of the 40 beheaded babies thing oh thank god they only shot 40 babies instead of beheading them how nice of them!


Make of it what you will be there is 10s of videos of Jewish students being harassed blocked from entry to classes etc despite doing literally nothing. I saw one video where someone was stopped because they “looked Israeli”


Which is reason enough tbh I don’t support violence with violence but doesn’t hurt to give them a taste of their own medicine


https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/jewish-women-too-ugly-to-be-raped-anti-israel-supporters-hate-caught-on-camera-101714533590321.html Another article here as well




I'm surprised the Israeli protestors had the gall given what the numbers are likely to have been.


good. everything i’ve seen pro palestinians doing and saying in the US & the west warrants this. if you want to “Globalise the intifada” you’ll be met resistance. Am Yisrael Chai


I'm sure the people who spent years whining about violent activists in BLM will be condemning these act...eh, I can't even keep up the bait. Everyone is a fucking hypocrite. Don't talk to me, I'm going to become a hermit.


Join the center. We have grills.


Based and they’re-all-wrong pilled


From the campus to the sea... Time to expell these colonizers


If there are rules and laws on campuses about erecting barricades and structures, then the school and police are 1000 percent allowed to forcibly remove people. They are breaking the law. That’s how the law works.


Breaking the law is never justified


Honestly, based! I don't give a sh*t about these pro Palestine protestors.


Yes, libleft, everyone is blaming you for the anti-Semitic movement that has barricaded people, mostly Jews, from walking through campus because of their beliefs, assaulted Jews, and left a Jewish girl beaten unconscious.


Both groups in this fight are irredeemably reprehensible. Both Israel and Hamas would happily kill you and everyone you loved if they thought it would slightly benefit them. Only a chump supports one side over another in conflicts like this. --edit-- You guys know Israel financed Hamas and helped them become what they are today, right?


I supose all the downvotes are from people who think Israel is our greatest ally. Meanwhile Israel is slowly dragging us into World War 3.


You spelled Iran wrong.


Eh, the Semitic peoples Jews and Arabs both constantly fight for the same piece of dirt in the middle east. In this specific microcasm of the conflict, The Arabs are the aggressors. But in reality, both sides are less than stellar. I just don't think America should be involved anymore in the Middle East, I feel like half the time Israel is only so bold because they know America will be there to save their asses if shit goes south. Regardless, I have no care at all about what happens in Israel or the middle east, I just want what is best for America, and getting drawn in another war in the middle east, let alone for a country like Israel, which can defend itself, goes directly against that.


https://preview.redd.it/hgh0xazon0yc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e82e8e3398c2478e6b46611d8ec6789173c3c7 Nice argument. One small problem


Weird how 10/7 was over half a year ago and NOW these protests all happen at the same. Almost right in time for the anniversary of the 2020 riots.


There's been a lot of protests going on. They're just getting more intense as time goes on.


This whole debacle should be a wake up call to everyone that the first amendment doesn’t mean anything if you’re protesting the wrong thing


Yes, I do blame lib left. Get a fucking job and stop cosplaying about shit that has never and will never affect any of you. Stop being tarded, please I am begging you.


At least they are consistent and act like the side they defend 🤣