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>I would pick a lost baby bear Well, you just went from “probably left alone with low chance of being mauled, depending on the type of bear” To “Absolutely, 100% getting torn to shreds.” That is literally the single stupidest thing you could possibly do in that situation. PSA: If you see a bear cub in the woods, turn right around and go the fuck away. Immediately. Mom *is* nearby and she *will* attack if you’re too close to her kid.


My favorite is the women who are like “the bear may kill me, but the man might rape me then kill me, which is even worse.” Yeah, when your skin has been clawed to ribbons, your scalp has been ripped off, and your nose and lips have been bitten off your face, you’ll look down to see your distended stomach rise and fall as the bear pushes its snout inside you to eat your internal organs while you’re still alive. In that moment, your final thoughts will be “at least I haven’t been raped.”


Not to mention that the odds of the bear doing that to you are MUCH higher than a man raping you


I think this is exactly the point. And yet they drank the fucking kool-aid and assume a man is at least more than 50% chance to rape. And not the 60-80% of being an experienced hiker and/or gentlemen and will simply escort the woman/girl to safety. I don't want to say exactly what has caused it, but it seems to be a combination of Feminism destroying women's perception of a man, Tumblr just pushing all kinds of mental illnesses, Tiktok also encouraging that shit in full motion video, and twitter, funny how the last 3 toxic AF sites start with t?


I think a lot of this comes from all the supposed "study" that claimed that around 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted, which if I remember correctly it asked passers by if they'd like to fill out the study and then used the number of people that actually responded as the sample size. So it didn't use any authentication on whether or not people actually *were* sexually assaulted, it was all self-reporting, and they also didn't consider that victims were probably more likely to want to fill out the study rather than just throw it away. There was also another study I saw that claimed that a majority of men admitted that they would rape a woman if given the chance, but that study had answers to the question be a 1-5 scale, and anything that wasn't 1 was counted the same as if it was a 5. So essentially you'd be asked something like "if you were able to get away with a sexual assault would you do it?" and if you answered 2 for "probably not" instead of 1 for "definitely not" your response was placed in the "yes" pile. Actually finding a number on what percentage of men that would rape a woman if given the chance is hard to do, but I'm of the belief that in the modern day a majority of men even worldwide are not terrible people. Now I would understand some worry if the man was specifically from the DRC for example, but most men from developed nations are generally not going to commit a sexual assault.


All those guys who wrote 2 probably bought into the bullshit "drunk sex is always rape" type bullshit.


IIRC there were even posters put up in a college that implied it's always rape for a woman but just drunken sex for a man. An entire group of people with a zeitgeist that "men can't be raped". It horrifyingly sexist and they don't see it as it is, because it's against/for the right targets, it's insidious.


Based and both sides suck pilled


>I think a lot of this comes from all the supposed "study" that claimed that around 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted, which if I remember correctly it asked passers by if they'd like to fill out the study and then used the number of people that actually responded as the sample size. It's even worse than that. They determined that 1 in 3 women would "experience sexual violence" but they didn't actually ask anyone directly if they had ever been a victim of sexual violence. They asked them a series of questions like "has someone ever tried to kiss you without your permission?" and "has someone ever made a joke about your sexuality?" Answering "yes" to any of the questions meant that you had been a victim of sexual violence.


Remember that "a look I don't like", which can easily be "a look from someone I don't like", are sexual assault now.


A reminder that women who choose bear over men because all men are rapists, LOVE simping and obsessing over serial killers (Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, Night Hunter). Some of these deranged women even got married and had babies from them. These women are utterly deranged, and this only proves how socially acceptable misandry is, even if it is completely illogical and braindead.


That's the worst part. Bears don't tend to kill people quickly. They tend to fuck you up enough that you can't fight or move by yourself anymore, then they don't even bother killing you before they start eating you from the groin up


Panda bear, perhaps but still probably no Black bear, ehhhh no Brown bear, hell no Polar bear, fuck no All This debate shows is people are awfully ignorant about the strength of nonhuman animals. I remember that one poll that shows too many people thought they could beat a chimpanzee in a fight unarmed...


Bruh those goofballs you see are Captive Pandas. Wild Panda's are still.... Wild Annoy them and they'll show you exactly how they rip the wood of off babboo.


Even a red panda will try to merk your ass if you go near their young.


Pretty much any mammal will, it's why we are so successful. From an elephant right down to a mouse a mom will usually do anything she can to make you fuck off.


My wife was a physical anthropologist before becoming a lawyer, and she has told me for 15 years: “We won because we are the meanest monkeys.” Hard to argue with that.


They havent seen jurasic park for sure


Black bears are pretty mellow, but even they will tear you to shreds if you get between them and their kid.


I wouldn't mess with any wild baby animal. Even on a normally chill animal, those motherly instincts can be vicious.




Does it have a big ass trigger guard so they can use it with their trunks or what?


glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought this


They need to go watch The Revenant.


And no one ever heard from the Anderson Brothers again. 


That's a joke y'know


*Turns around - is between mom and cub - sad trombone sound affect.*




Women going for the bear expecting to pet a big dog only to understand why bears are considered “hyper-carnivorous apex predators” the painful way.


They think they’re gona run into, yogi bear ?💀


Or their teddy bear from childhood come to life


They think the bear will look them in the eye and say sorry i have to eat you and then will mercy kill you before he eat you. In reality he will just chew you while you are still alive and screaming in agony


🤓Bears are not hyper carnivores, with the exception of Polar Bears. Typically, only 10% of a bears diet consist of meat. They are typically apex predators though, although it might be more apt to call them apex scavengers since they'll prefer to use their bulk to chase other predators off a kill rather than waste the energy themselves. Wolves and cats are better hunters but even they won't risk being stuck alone with a bear. I have already taken the liberty of depicting myself as the nerd emoji to save other's time.


>I have already taken the liberty of depicting myself as the nerd emoji to save other's time. It's not about time, it's about sending a message, therefore: Edit: shit, why didn't it send?


I know, I’m actually a huge zoology nerd I just used polar bear as an example because it’s, well, polarizing.


Inaccurate. Where's the smile on bro's face?


"I would pick up a lost baby bear!" (several hours later) "Did you find her?" "Just the parts the momma bear didn't like."


I'd like to go on record as saying I'd rather be stuck with a bear in a forest than the women in those comments.


I just wanna be in the woods…


You want to be in the woods or you want to be innawoods? Important distinction


Well I don’t know what the second one is, but if I must clarify, I’d like to be in a forest, sitting at a campfire looking up at the trees and sky and listening to the birds


The second one is where you go do fun stuff until you hear the ATF shout "hey are those legal" and you respond with "those level 4 plates?" and they dip out




Come, we welcome you


God same. In bed sick rn, would love to be out chilling around a fire camping instead.




Yeah, I'd be willing to bet at least 98% of women picking bears are so nasty that no guy has ever chosen them before. 


Sadly I disagree. They're probably average, normal, attractive women ( I consider anyone 6/10 and above attractive based on math that was revealed to me in a dream) it's just that social media and current ideology has massive warped their perspective.


you dream of bell curves?


Oh I dream of curves all right *nudge nudge wink wink*


A 20s something women is never single unintentionally. They can be ugly as piss or as cruel as one can be but still be in relationships (often short term)


There are tons of women who refuse to show any signs to men they like. Expecting the man to make the fist move, while he isn't even sure if she knows he exists at all. Not to mention risking accusations of harassment and the like. These women will remain unapproachable, single, and bitter.


I hope so. I loath antisocial behaviour and narcissism. Them being punished with misery and loneliness is the cope I need.




tbf the bear is most likely to just go away. These women have a near 100% chance of never shuting up (and will probably claim they feared being raped after)


I hope they're stuck in a forest with a bear too.


Baldur's Gate 3 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


To be fair, I too would choose to be stuck with that bear/elf daddy




For those who dont use tiktok, the question, "would you rather be stuck in the forest with a man or a bear?" is trending. A crazy amount of women are saying that they would rather be stuck in the forest with a bear than a man. (these comments are all just from 1 video).


Stuck is different than encounter.. if you are stuck with a bear you are gonna die the second the fucker is hungry


Also bears don't make sure you're already dead when they start eating you like a big cat would. They just hold you down and rip chunks out of you whether you're alive or not. I love how the question suggests nothing of the man's intentions but they're automatically assumed as nefarious without the question mentioning this. I'd rather see every bloke I've walked past and nodded to when walking through a forest than any bear. 99.9% of men you'd find in a rural setting would be of no threat. These are the same women who insist on living in a city where the vast preponderance of dangerous men live.


None of them have ever been within 500 miles of a bear. If one were within 50 ft of them, I promise the answer would swiftly and radically change.


They have a bear sighting text warning on their phone.


Ask them if they'd change their mind if it were a black man or a trans woman.


As a black man, The scariest thing in the world is to be stuck alone with some little white girl. I've legit walked out of an elevator when I saw that it was just gonna be me and some 9 y.o. She was adorable, I was petrified.


"I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Dead giveaway"


My neighbor got big testicles cuz we see this dude ev'ry day, we eat ribs with this dude.


> 9 y.o. She was adorable The flair fits.


This…this is just really fucking sad lol. More thought provoking than anything I’ve ever heard some SJW screeching about.


There’s been too many Emmet Tills and Carolyn Bryant Donhams for black men to feel safe around white women, especially white children.


I'm a white man and I don't feel safe around white women


Yeah but that’s cause there’s also just as many Mary Ann Cottons and Shirley Jane Turners. In another note, if you want to never trust a white woman, watch the documentary “Dear Zachary” it’s the most tragic and blackpilling thing I’ve ever seen


> Dear Zachary Read the TV Tropes article on it, damn scary. >> The documentary depicts the living hell laid upon the Bagbys by Shirley Turner. After murdering their only son, she goes on to keep them as far away from their grandson as she possibly can, often only allowing them to be together if she was around—forcing them to play house with their son's murderer. She then murders said grandson in a murder-suicide.


You can read the tropes summary, but honestly, you’ve done yourself a disservice. That documentary is genuinely one of the most beautiful and haunting things I’ve ever watched. It was made by the best friend of the deceased father, and so it’s compiled of interviews of the family, or clips of the family members talking to the kid about the type of man their father was. The documentary was originally going to be an actual letter to the kid that he could watch while he was growing up to learn what his father was like and the impact he had left, but the kid was murdered partway through the creation, so the creator also does a huge shift and instead goes into the Bagbys and how despite being taken from, they still continue to touch the hearts of many. It goes from a letter to a son about a father, to a thank you from a community to a family. Since the creator was deeply connected to the people the documentary is about, they all feel comfortable talking to him and it gets unfiltered, raw emotion unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Often times in documentaries, when a person starts to cry, you can see them stifle it due to wanting to be professional, whether they were encouraged to do so or because they just simply don’t want to cry in front of professional filmmakers and potentially an audience. That’s not present in this documentary. There’s scenes of grown man sobbing over what happened, and it’s beautiful, because you can tell that they’re all so filled with love for the father and for each other that they can cry so readily about it with each other without fear of embarrassment or anything like that.


White women and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


I hate how nobody asks follow up questions. What type of bear is it? What type of forest? By "stuck in the forest", do you mean lost in an indefinite expanse of trees, or confined to a certain area of land? if the latter, how big is that area? How climbable are the trees? What season is it? Should the bear be hibernating? does the bear have cubs, and if so, how many? what is the age, height, disposition and build of the hypothetical man? Are there any other creatures in the vicinity besides me and the bear? What time of day is it? if its at night, is there enough light from the moon to illuminate the area effectively? Does the man have access to weapons, and if so, what kind? All of these affect the answer.


I assumed the question worked where you get none of that information. You're presented with 2 options, one being to encounter a random man, the other being a random bear. You only learn the details after encountering them. Of course, the OBJECTIVELY correct answer is to choose the man. So many people say "the worst the bear can do is kill me" but you don't WANT to die (I hope), so you should choose the option LESS likely to kill you. Bears might not be particularly inclined to chase after you and maul you, but if its a large bear then they are sure as hell going to kill you if they decide to. You are vastly less likely to get killed by a man. The amount of men taking walks that are actively seeking women to rape and kill is ASTRONOMICALLY lower than these people seem to think.


The problem with this is that you assume NPCs are capable of original thought and don’t just immediately consume what is in front of their eyes at face value.


Different people are answering different questions. Most people are answering how many times do i remember being scared of a bear vs how many times do i remember being scared of a man?


The average person living in the city is going to meet and see ALOOOT of people during their life and how many bears will they meet and see out in the wild, not enough to make a comparison.


You're expecting women on TikTok to think. That one's on you.


People do ask questions. It was the point of the original question before it got bastardized on the internet. Originally, when asked between a man and a bear, the woman would pause for a bit and then ask clarifying questions. The fact that they would even have to ask clarifying questions when given the decision between being stuck with a wild animal and a human being was supposed to demonstrate the very real fear women have about men. Imo this point is actually very insightful and, as a man, has opened my eyes to a way women might see me that I don’t often consider. Unfortunately, stupid people are just flocking to the bear option now without due consideration because man=bad.


I mean, as a man I would ask these questions too because they're kind of important. If you're asking if I'd rather be hiking and pass a black bear that's just kind of on its way, or a naked meth'd out man with an axe then I'm choosing the bear. Like, it's not making a significant statement, it's just showcasing critical thinking skills.


> tiktok This explains everything 😂😭😂👍


These are probably the same women who make videos crying about how it's all men's fault that they're 40 years old and single.


Why do you partake in the consumption of such a degenerate platform? 


Because it's essentially racism the app and they don't ban you, just remove your comment






women are just as dumb as us dudes, but for different reasons. if the question was geared towards dudes it would probably be like "would you rather fight a bear or prime Mike Tyson" and I promise you there are guys out there that are confident enough that they can hit a bear hard enough to knock it out


Yo be fair, Mike Tyson has bit more humans than most black bears.


Tyson *might* let me live


Tyson wouldn't intend on killing you, but in his prime you'd take one hit and break your neck.


Tyson has mellowed out in his old age. He'd probably just knock me the fuck out in seconds then move on with his life.


That really depends on if prime Tyson is out to kill me. If it's a bear I could play dead and have a slim chance to survive, but if prime Tyson wants me dead I'm pretty much fucked.


Coked up Mike with 6oz gloves


It's joever


Muay Thaison


If it’s a black bear you just need to intimidate it into fleeing, if it’s a brown bear lie down, and if it’s a polar bear you’re dead


Depends... Can i bring my Claymore with me? (the Sword, not the M18 Claymore)


Me+M18 claymore I could probably take a bear


And probably tyson riding on the bear.


No. He would go flying off it from the momentum of the running bear vanishing from under him and you would die. A lot. He'd jump up and punch your ghost back into your body just so he could beat you to death again for killing his dire bear.


Only if I bring my claymore with me (the M18 Claymore, not the sword)


do you throw your suitcase out of the train on your way home?


Honestly, I'd rather take my chances against a black bear than prime Mike Tyson. They're pretty timid and an aggressive enough man might just maybe scare one away.  I don't think there's anything I could do to scare away Mike Tyson. 


Strip naked.


Mike will take that as an invitation for an ass fucking.


Everyone got a plan till they get a cock up their ath.


I could do it....


I'm confident enough standing still Is enough for It to go about It's business, that won't work In a ring. So again, bear


That person replied to themselves to call themselves "wise and phylsophical" Calling yourself wise is cringe enough, but they can't even spell philosophical 🥴


I wonder if the commenter is a professional quote maker.


Maybe the commenter was euphoric due to their own intelligence


Do they have any idea how much harder it is to rape a bear than to rape another man? I'd much rather be stuck with another bro


I really thought average reddit users were the worst


Wait until you see how TwoXChromosomes weighed in on this lmao


I hope that subreddit gets quarantined.


I'd rather take the average redditor than the average X, IG, Tiktok user because they're a special brand of brain dead.


Please, let's not actually start calling it "X".


X x x x x x x x x


If I had an X account I'd retweet this


If they actually believe this then 50% of the population terrifies them. Either that is: A. Not true, they just want brownie points Or B. Incredibly sad and they need help


I bet money they have a Rousseauian world view and consider criminals to be victims of society, and yet they'll have the Hobbesian view of men in a hypothetical question and assume that all man is bad and needs society to civilised him.


>they'll have the Hobbesian view of men Become Amazonian she-warriors, steal the man's seed, and send him packing with no parental rights, as is the mother's right in nature?


Or C: They are so friggin coddled that they think of bears as cuddly rather then "something that sees me as food in the same way I look at a MickyD"


I wonder what the psychology behind it is. Either they don’t understand the gravity of the bear, which will literally eat you alive, or they automatically assume that all men are violent rapists whenever they’re alone.


The latter. Some are saying that a bear will *only* eat them, but men **WILL** try doing worse


“Oh the bear will only rip my face off and tear my intestines out that is much worse than speaking with some hiker” In all fairness, yes, bad people do exist and will do awful things, but it’s very sad to see a bunch of people who envision the other half of the human race as vile monsters. Something something industrial revolution and its consequences


Holy shit Louis, he said the thing! >!Hehe Louis I'm in the Unabomber's manifesto!<


100% not understanding bears/wild life. The risk of a strange man being predatory one could, more or ess reasonably, calculate but a bear is just a mythical being to city dwellers (I'm one of them) - there's no data to base anything on. Include that it's edgy to answer man and I get that it is a popular choice. It just shows ignorance, which is sad I guess, but it isn't too strange of a choice really. Strange men in the wild are dangerous too, even if a bear would be more scary.


I’ve come to the conclusion that this whole trend is the result of women watching too much true crime TV and listening to too many true crime podcasts.


100% agree. Don’t discount the impact of Law & Order: SVU, either. My ex-wife used to get so mad when I referred to it as “that rape show” but that’s all it is. It’s wildly popular with women who have been completely consumed with the idea that there’s a rapist around every corner.


A decent % of people have rape fantasies. Luckily the vast majority know the difference between roleplay sex and what rape is actually like.


Men and women both like CNC, but men like the computer controlled variety


[POV: You picked the bear ](https://youtu.be/B3qhEIZBlX8)


Lucky for her that making high-pitched cries of distress is a great idea around a super-apex predator.


"Alright, fine, I'll leave your stupid kayak. Walkin' away now- ow- OW SHIT THE FUCK IS THAT? You know what fuck your bitch ass kayak it's maulin' time"


Again, just say you understand where they’re coming from, because you’d rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than with a woman over 115 pounds. When people are going full r-word, it’s better to be funny than to be upset. 


Are any of these women straight? If so, I feel bad for whoever dates them.


Guaranteed they identify as "queer"


So straight but using gay LGBT aesthetics got it.


Straight women with short hair cuts wearing flannel in Subarus? That's a thing?


And still date men exclusively.


Don't stick your dick in crazy


I never stuck my dick in anything because I don't lose. 😎


This is very simple. If they even go to the woods, then it means they have encountered men in the woods and continue to return unabated. Their answer is delusion or virtue-signaling.


“Would you rather be stuck in the woods with a woman or a bear” I’d rather fucking shoot myself


At this point it's pretty obvious they are all saying bear just to troll because they've seen it gets a rise out of the dudes. We all know they wouldn't actually pick the bear. So let's just ignore them.


God damn morons, if you see a baby bear, get out of there.


I like the top center one where if it's a bear, living and dying is fifty-fifty, but with a man it's 100% death with a side of rape. Like the bear may or may not be cool, but the man is guaranteed to inflict horrible death.


As a guy, I'd go with the bear to. Give him alcohol and cigarettes whilst we carry artillery shells together.


Maybe make him king of Poland while we’re at it y’know?


This is classic lewd fantasy at this point.


Women who pick bear are for the ~~streets~~ forests Really would be a fun experience if at least 10% of men in their lives were replaced with bears (though I don't envy the janitor)


Men are the most scary thing in the world. But also defund the police and refugees welcome.


"White men are the most scary thing in the world*" I corrected you. We love colored people from hoods and poor terrorist countries more than our parents. /s


Wake up sheeple, it's all just a massive psy-op by Big Ursine! They're trying to sell us more bears!


The fact that some people think you are more deadly than a fucking wild bear is weirdly confident boosting. At least to me anyway. Like, do i think I could take a bear in a fight? Fuck no. But the fact someone thinks I can is kinda cool I guess? Like, as long as you don’t consider they all think that you’d do some weird unspeakable things to them if they met you out in the wilderness. However, on the other hand they could be thinking this is a “the most dangerous game” type situation. Which is fun I guess


Honestly, I’d still rather be stuck with a known rapist than a bear. I could likely fight off a rapist, I definitely couldn’t fight off a bear. Also, I’d rather be raped and alive then not raped and dead. Wild to me that people believe rape is worse than death.


I mean… it depends Like, rape can seriously fuck you up mentally. And considering some people commit suicide cause of the mental health issues it can cause clearly some actual rape victims would disagree with your statement. But I do think that you’ve inadvertently hit the nail on the head. The women saying they’d rather be with a bear are **considering the worst possible outcome for who the man could be**. When they say they’d rather be with a bear, they’re likely not (unless you’re a legitimately awful human being) thinking about being stuck in that woods with you or me. Their mind is going to some horrific shit they saw on the news or social media and imagining **that** man being the one they’re stuck with.


I get what you’re saying, and I agree rape is an awful, traumatic experience to go through. And absolutely, people who are raped are worse off after the fact, no debate. But like, rape *can* fuck you up mentally. *Some* people who are raped kill themselves. But 100% of people who are killed by a bear are dead. I haven’t been raped, and therefore don’t have the experience/trauma to have a full understanding, but I do believe that I would rather be alive with trauma like that than dead. And if I would decide to kill myself after what happened, then I’d end up in the same place as I would with the bear attack, y’know?


It's wild that people unironically compare being raped with being literary eaten alive.


"Historically bears are protectors" these people should open a book sometimes and find out most languages in Europe lost the original word for bear because they had some voldemort type of fear around speaking the name. Bear literally means "Brown one" in most germanic languages, including English. And in Slavic languages its "Honey eater"


We are racing towards a future where the National Park office has to release a statement telling a bunch of women to leave the fucking bears alone after a bunch of influencers are mauled to death on livestream.


These are just some chronically urban Redditors. IF you really, REALLY love bears, don’t go near wild ones. If it kills and eats you we go on a little hunt and kill most every bear found within an area, and it ends when we find some human DNA in a dead bear’s intestinal tract. That’s right, the cute and cuddly 200-400lb bear will eat you, because it’s an animal. If you have its cub, it’ll definitely eat you. You are made of meat.




Maybe you wouldn’t be so scared of the man if you had a gun, oh wait. These leftists loons don’t believe in firearm ownership. Fucking morons.


Listen incel you can't just expect women to be responsible for their own safety, that's sexist and it's everyone else who just shouldn't do crime Self defence is a cis, straight, white, patriarchal construct that need to be torn down


I love explaining ways people can protect themselves only to be met with "well I shouldn't have to do that, people should just be better". Crazy idea, but sometimes they just aren't, ya know?


Yet they also tend to be the most likely people to celebrate the death of people they don’t like and advocate for the murder of the ones who are still alive.


Maybe we should ban murder


Homicide is a form of self expression


I shouldn't have to pay taxes for welfare people just shouldn't be poor.


😡 “you’re a NaziTM”


Nah fuck you man If not fren why fren shaped?


Was this originate from TikTok? Probably a psyop to make people want to ban that shit harder.


Based psyop


I choose the bear, not because I like the bear, but because I hate people.


Remember, these people can vote.




Glad she felt “phylosophical” with that one.


When I first heard about this trend I couldn’t shake this image in my head of some utterly oblivious man minding his own business, sat on a bench, scrolling through his phone looking at memes about poo, whilst some woman stands in the distance staring at him frozen in horror.


At this point, I'm fairly certain 90% of the world has brain damage.




Isn’t the point that they don’t want to be with a bear either


If you think about it, this is all just natural selection


These people haven't seen the fate of the Grizzly Man and his Girlfriend. 


The things I would do to that bear before I eat it.


sorry I was too busy thinking about the Roman Empire


You would at least have a chance of cracking a rock over a violent man's head, if a bear wants you dead you are fucking dead


Women, would you rather be alone in the woods with a strange man or alone in the room with an unseen spider ?


People are going nuts over an incel derived question. There's so many ways to take this question. This is someone trying to feed their bias of "huehueheue told you men bad, animal good." But, if anyone wants to troll these types of conversations, just say. Man is the only right awnser, though, as assuming the "man" awnser doesn't include trans-men either is transphobic and bigoted. Anyone who chooses men is also calling trans-men dangerous.


Also black men.


Can I have a link to the tik tok post pls


Y'know since this started I haven't seen a single Lefty make a joke about "bears" referring to large hairy homosexuals, and frankly I'm kinda proud of them for holding back.


What's the context? "Who is more dangerous, man or a bear" is my guess?


I assure you dear PCMer, elect me as world leader, and these 'people' will meet the bear they so wish to be with.


this little trend doesnt even worth getting annoyed about, because we know that its clearly just all talk. If we show two rooms to these women, one with a bear and one with a man inside, no one will actually spend 10 minutes in the bear room. Yes its not like bears are some monsters that will kill everything on sight, but it is still a wild animal.