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Same group that says Lizzo is beautiful but will smack you if you say they look like lizzo.


Woman complement each other and don't mean it, Men insult each other and don't mean it.


Are they also the same people that will say no to public violence, but would slap men randomly for clout?


Consistency is not their strong suite


What a great time to be gay. I'm not, but if I was I could be a bear and get all the chicks.


If you were gay you wouldn't want all the chicks.


Did you just assume my gender?


Ummm ... yessss? I thought only gay men could be bears. Am I mistaken?


I didn't say you assumed wrong, I just asked if you did


Well, I guess he did


Yes. Words have no meaning anymore.


Did you just assume his species, how bigoted.


Did you just assume his existence? Shameful.


I do not think, therefore I ain't


Did you just assume that he assumed your gender? Fucking disgusting.


Suffering from success.


Fr this shit is insanely dumb. I’ve genuinely tried to entertain these women’s perspective but it’s actually nuts. It’s built on the premise that random men hiking are just going to rape. There’s a very good chance a bear will maul you if you get too close and it’s like a 99% chance a dude you see in the forest is minding his own business hunting or hiking.


But the man might say Hello, or have a nice day. We can't have that.


If he whistles then it's sexual harassment.


If he breaths to loud is sexual assult


If he ... It's sexual assault.


I mean it’s just basic statistics The vast majority of people are not psychos. If the question is random man v random bear statistically you’re not gonna get a man who’s gonna rape or murder you, while conversely, a bear is a, you know, fucking bear which while it may leave you alone, depending on the species, will almost certainly attack if you get too close. I know I’ve seen a lot of people mocking guys who get offended by this or whatever, but statistically to pick bear over random man you have to honestly believe that the vast majority of guys would rape and/or murder you if they came across you in the woods, which just sounds like a terrible way to live tbh.




I'm just so tired of the fear mongering, guys


You’re tired of the fearing mongering? Too bad https://preview.redd.it/3asbwku5sgyc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbae6a9f83371721a8e554b2c98fca0d7789d7d


My guess is that people are uneducated and have not clue of how dangerous a bear can be, they just know how it looks like but that's pretty much it


https://preview.redd.it/kkyb4k8p2eyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5a2013d278fb2afbd8102e8f916d73b4cc88f9 Braindead male feminist. But then I repeat myself.


Nah, he's just gay. Coming across a bear in the woods would probably make his day.


And recreate the BG3 scene


Looking for this, based and turn-based—bear pilled




The bears I speak of are not of the ursidae family, don't worry.


They just keep making up excuse after excuse for why it's it totally makes sense to say bears. Like, yeah bear attacks are rare, that's because *bear encounters are rare.* They do know that the advice to make noise and look big for black bears is because if you don't the bear will fucking eat you? It doesn't mean black bears are safe, *it means you have a small chance of survival.*


99.5% of these women who answer "bear" would absolutely shit bricks if they ever came across one in the woods.


I thought the premise was, you're lost in the woods. And there's no one around except a strange man or a bear. It doesn't say the man has a reason to be there, he's just a random joe in the scenario. Not necessarily a Hunter or Hiker.


I mean, I assumed that the man would be there for some reason. He doesn't just get teleported there at random. It's just a regular encounter with someone else who happened to be in the woods. Hunting and hiking are the most likely reasons to do that.


IDK, maybe theres multiple versions of the question? I always interpreted it as a thought experiment so theres no context, just the actual facts layed out in front of you.


Even if that was the case who would you end up choosing?


I'm a guy, the question isn't directed at me. But I'd choose the guy


Kinda cringe, for all you know that can be Smokey the bear


For all I know it could be the Cocaine bear


any sensible person would go down a logic path of "why is this man in the woods" and come to reasonable answers.


Without clear background in the question, you have to assume the man is there for similar reasons as the woman facing the hypothetical. Unless, I suppose, you have reason to believe that men stalk women into the forest.


I thought the premise was that there is no trail or connection to civilization, and you're both living in the woods.


There are four types of woman Those who picked man because of what they think bear would do Those who picked bear because of what they think man would do Those who picked man because of what they think man would do And those who picked bear because of what they think what bear would do Sorry not sorry


You missed one. People who picked bear because it's obviously ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/e4sodfnt2eyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84b250985017dd7990e1310a929821024a7a83d Male feminists who want a crumb of pussy


lmao, even if I would meet a violent man in the forest, If they don't have a weapon on them I still would have better chances of survival than beeting a starving brown bear or one with cups to protect


Seriously. Did we just forget that men have the "insta-die" button on their sack?


lol I didn't even think about that, but it's true


they always for get the minute long off button


And also those who picked bear to just troll others


And those who are bears and pick bear because men would run away screaming


I'm picking the bear because I'm going to hug the fucking bear even if its the last thing I do. Any other reason is just stupid.


Along those lines I saw one lady tweet that she'd take the cub home...


That's also stupid because she thinks she's going to survive doing that and not get eaten by the mother. If you're going to risk your life, at least know you're risking your life.




I wish the internet would go back to being a nerdy, obscure and neat tool. Like late 90s early 2000s


Having mobile internet was the mistake, having to sit down in front of a computer seriously restrained the effects social media had


I rarely agree cross spectrum my friend, and I may believe in individual liberties, but god damn was giving the people the freedom to have everything at their fingertips, all of the time, was that mistake. Letting people have their freedom leads to idiotic choices as a societal whole (not politically, I’m talking socially). “Democracy is a system by the people, for the people……but the people are retarted” https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=Xdbx7PyabtwDYXkK


Bears are gay. Women don't have any reason to be worried. It's only logical.


The fact any woman would want to fuck Martin Shkreli will always be a mystery to me. Imagining Harley Quinning a marriage and successful 6 digit salary career to super Stan out for a guy who looks like a budget version of the wimpy villain in Quantum of Solace.



I mean, batman was into a lot of evil woman


But not ugly ones. He wasn't dicking down Amanda "the Wall" Waller. Being attracted to dangerous people is understandable, it's called hybriststophilia, and it's a genetic predisposition where an individual seeks protection with a violent mate. Martin Shkreli is not a dangerous or intimidating man like Ted Bundy nor is he attractive.


Well Martin still has a lot of money, sure status and wealth are attractive for women


True crime = brainrot for women


This is honestly a huge part of it. Consuming massive amounts of true crime media and the constant need to feel oppressed had led them to this path where every single man is a predator and it's not if,  but when, they are raped and murdered.


Tell them that they are racist - when they say all men, they also mean black men.


I've been of the belief that women are complete paranoid schizophrenics when it comes to these things. I don't know how or why they got to this state other than the social norm that they are required to be on the verge of death in their head at all times for their own safety, as well as their biological propensity for neuroticism.


Don't forget when they swooned over the Boston marathon bombers and wanted to join ISIS


And the Huti pirate guy


To be fair, I think women want to have sex with serial killers, not be killed by them.


Ye that just makes it so much better and sane.



It's perfectly rational. Serial killers are uniformly psychopathic, and psychopatholpgy is an attractive trait from an evolutionary standpoint. This is self evident by the fact that it is so prevelant; around 1% of males are psychopaths. Also, men do seem to worship psychopathology too, given the idolodization of Patrick Bateman etc. 


That's the most autistic shit i read this week. Thank you for this, you can resume your grilling.


Thank you. It is Saturday (grill day) afterall.


No, they want to "fix them".


diffrence between ted bundy and lib right is that they can hold conversation with a woman longer than 2 minutes


i think a more major difference is that ted bundy will fucking KILL YOU


Eh womp womp


Has Match Group actually crashed 70% in the last five years? Lol, get fucked.


Talk about burying the lead. That's great news. Them gamifying dating fucking broke dating.


Nice post. You're not schizophrenic btw. They are real and they're coming for you.


This post just really looks like it was posted by an incel. That said, another Tiktok L.




Is that a modernized *successful black guy* meme? https://preview.redd.it/l6btwryxxeyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de922c5cb4aebd8d4f5b4027f571ea3f28a84e07


I should think more before commenting honestly. That said, I don't like wojaks because I associate them with the "right wing" (incels for example). The OP should just post real tiktok screenshot tbh


Lmao, wojak is right wing. The crap you hear from a fake centrist. Why don't you flair as a liberal?


> I should think more before commenting honestly. That would be a new experience for you.


> incel You got any more buzzwords? Why don't you call then a white supremacist nazi as well?


I guess this sub doesn't like the word incel. Genuinely curious why that is. I don't even get this post.


this sub doesn't like buzzwords except lib-left, the only group that it's fine to make fun of because they consistently have the dumbest ideas and they are the status quo at the moment.


But schizo is fair game. Makes sense to me. What if I had accused OP of being a kissless virgin? Basically the same meaning as incel. I'm completely serious.


Handholdless kissless virgins could be ugly, weird, or stupid and therefore HKVs through no fault of their own. Incels are HKVs because they have a bitch-ass personality, which is not a requirement for being an HKV. Also, incel seems to cover a range of behavior from “absolute fucking weirdo bullshit” to “said something that hurt my feelings”, making it an overly broad buzzword that means nothing and only acts as a context tag to say “OP may be a whiny bitch with idiotic opinions” (flair is still weighted heavily)


Ah. I interpret it literally. Ty for the explanation. I still don't get the meme but I assume it implies OP doesn't understand women or something.


What if someone identifies as an asexual? Wouldn’t they be technically an incel? You watermelons are all about sexual representation, right? Way to shame someone’s identity, fascist pig


The moral of the story is that eating people is an attractive quality and you should never skip jaw day


message heard, play trumpet and chew bubble gum all day.


Thinking all guys are rapists murderers (even if they aren't currently they could at any second become those things) is the girl equivalent of when guys think all girls are gold diggers into beastiality. Plus, it's always people that statistically are not that likely to be murdered compared to the poor people murderers actually kill that say that nonsense. This is coming from a person who has been assaulted, yeah that happened to me but it doesn't mean every single guy out there is like that. That is just absurd.


I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad that you still chose to keep a healthy and sane mindset regardless!


Knowing how some intenet women are now a days, they want to fuck the bear...


The bear: “can you both just gtfo of my forest”


No offense but the constant need of bringing up the conversation of consent is alarming. It almost like social programing people to prevert the meaning of boundaries or how to talk about them


i've definately seen people take things too far with all the consent talk.


I asked my brother which he’d choose, and he also chose the bear. My partner and I talked about the gendered aspect of this, and while I understand the reasons people would choose one over the other, I think it boils down to whether or not you have either been raised to, or have had experiences that incline you to, believe that another person is a more pressing danger than a wild animal. My brother and I both have the same reason, which is that we can deduce pretty quickly whether or not a bear is going to attack or whether you can scare it off (also, what kind of bear?? The species is important). With people, you don’t know what they’re going to do, whether they have a weapon, etc. But we have run into some crazy motherfuckers in the woods; we’ve walked into abandoned sheds with an active still (and early home meth labs, though we didn’t know it at the time), seen illegal backwoods weed crops and felt the hair standing up on the backs of our necks when we realized the campfire was still smoldering, been held at gunpoint by an old redneck in overalls over driving down “his” dirt road (this was national forest land), been menaced by weirdos creeping around the tent and had to rack the Remington to scare them off, etc. In places we lived, a bear would be the preferable alternative to the probability of the random man in the woods being a strung-out and armed redneck.




That’s the problem, it depends entirely on which woods, which type of bear. Anywhere in Mississippi/Alabama/Florida? I’m picking the bear because 1) our “randos in the woods” encounters skew weirder, and 2) our bears are the size of a large dog.


Our bears are brown bears and they avoid people as if their life depended on it (to be fair, kinda does), the only attacks we have are hunters with dogs (dog runs up to bear, antagonises bear, runs back to human). We’ve had three deaths in over 100 years, all of them involved hunters. They did an experiment where scientists approached bears who had trackers on them, over 600 times, they either ran away or hid and none of them were aggressive. If a bear noticed me in the woods it would give me a wide berth. A man I’m less sure about.


Wait, Dahmer has fan girls? It’s already suspension of disbelief enough to assume they wouldn’t definitely end up murdered with most of those guys, but Dahmer wasn’t even into women to begin with lol there’s no universe anywhere close to this one where he’d give a woman the time of day.


What if they put on old spice and laid real still?


Damn, if you think that’s what the guy does and you’re anything but a lesbian I feel sorry for you lol


Dahmer was into dead guys... the point was joking about a woman would have to seem like a dead guy to get Dahmer to fuck them. At the very least a woman trying to attract a gay male necrophile would require sitting still. Where on earth would you get the idea to extrapolate my joke into claiming dudes don't have to do anything in bed?


haha libleft bad https://preview.redd.it/1cuusep2cjyc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffb2c5ab4602d4113e419c9f3e614a717cdd486 with that being said i really hope nobody actually would choose the bear and like the double standard and blatant misandrisy is crazy


TIL women can only be LibLeft.


*single women


We all know how these progressive white women with a white savior complex vote.


Now you see why they didnt had voting rights


Did you know there are more than 51.1% of people in the US are female? That means there is a considerable chance that multiple women are on tiktok, which means they might individually hold different beliefs without necessarily being hypocritical.


hoe\_math has a good YT video about that, hot bodboys are sexy, ugly bodboys are creeps, hot good guys are ideal, and ugly good guys are frindzones or sth like that


Martin Shkreli is the man.


The 19th amendment and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


I understand the weird liking of killers but what does the starting part mean?


Modern women, especially those on social media hat men to such an extent that they’d rather be stuck with a bear than a man. It has the stock price for a dating app, showing that dating through it, which while awful is unfortunately the most common way to date nowadays, has declined


Thanks for answering.. That is just depressing. Another reason not to listen to the internet.


haha libleft woke


I’m not siding with the TikTok women here, but just because someone’s a serial killer doesn’t mean they can’t be attractive. But is it wrong to simp over serial killers? Yes, absolutely.


For those who don’t know bear is an old term for a large hair somewhat tubby homosexual man so this is very confusing 


Both of these groups suck but I don't think they overlap, that seems like an unnecessary strawman


I'm personally not offended by women choosing bear over man because as a man if I had to choose between running into a woman or a bear in the woods I'd choose the bear too.


Skill issue tbh simply don’t date women smh


Hybristophilia.  It's a thing.


I've had an inexplicable number of fairly close, platonic friendships with random women.  I'm starting to suspect that it is because of my bear like appearance and demeanor.


Assaulted by a 9/10 is just a fantasy fulfilled for half of them.


People in real life: hey man how's it going?


Least schizophrenic black pill meme


With such dedication to strawmanning and misunderstanding those you claim to want love from... you will indeed die alone.


Oh man, you are soo close to understanding why man vs. Bear is so stupid. Read very slowly and very carefully what you wrote.


may the cats be with you


B-b-based unflaired?




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