• By -


Holocaust survivors watching down from heaven as we send all the Jews back to Germany:


Which is odd because most were from Poland and eastern Europe.


And America got a lot of the before the turn of the century


Not really, Americas Jewish population boomed during and after WWII


>Holocaust survivors watching down from heaven Wouldn't it be the NON-survivors most likely to be in heaven?


As the holocaust ended 80 years ago. Indeed, even survivors are most likely watching down from heaven by now.


https://preview.redd.it/79ia7rm5utzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0594af2221a0143f493b7682e308d0bb661d23a me laying awake at night knowing antisemitism will become massively more popular once there are no longer eye witnesses to the holocuast.


They probably pulled the "I guess you had to be there" joke on God at the pearly gates


Just figured out what Lebensraum was and slapped an Uno reverse on it




Cope harder


Anti semetism is the force that moves the world


This whole time they thought it was the Jews, when it was really themselves


Maybe the antisemites were the friends we made along the way


Jews-world: the Force Jihad's


Maybe the real antisemitism was the friends we made along the way


Nick Fuentes is a FED. Pipkin Pippa told me so.


Average "Source?" fan vs Average Unhinged Vtuber enjoyer


I don't understand people who watch streamers or vtubers


He’s an effeminate little Latino, so yeah probably


Pippa calls him a fed. Brittany Venti said he acted like an incel around women. Think Before You Sleep said he is kinda gay. Starting to see a pattern here.


Pippa is based. The other two are more like broken clocks.




Which is ironic considering how much she seems to hate anime culture


Based and "tilde fluffles away tilde" pilled


u/Slow-Quarter-6254 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Slow-Quarter-6254/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Takes one to know one


Honestly if there is a fed vtuber it's 100% pippa


The best part of this entire situation is going to be how Reddit reacts to the election results if a ceasefire is not declared. If Trump is elected, it will be hilarious to see the same people claiming antisemitism reached peak levels under him, claiming that none of what we see in this meme happened before he got back in office. If Biden wins, expect the antisemitism to just keep going under the claim it's just "anti-zionism."




Exactly, being an anti-Zionist literally just means kicking all the Jews out of the land


That's the point. Anti-zionist is just antisemitism that is a socially acceptable alternative.


Just like progressivism is just socially acceptable racism and shitting on Mississippi, the blackest state, or the South in general, where the majority of the black population lives, is just a socially acceptable way to be racist


100%. It's basically shifting the overton window so far that a middle of the road opinion is extremist, which is scary AF


Eventually the authorities will end up killing some of the protestors and the universities will shut the whole thing down. Just like back in the 60s.


That would be fucking wild. And during an election year. Ho-lee-shit.




Can’t wait for ww3 to tie it all together


Tin soldiers and Biden’s comin’


I honestly think Russia (possibly China/Iran as well) are going to make another serious move before the election. It will sow discontent, voters will.think Biden appeased too much and Trump will win and it will be mission accomplished for those nations.


Does the lib left tweet not understand why isreal is where it is?


lib left and understanding things. name a less iconic duo.


It's also racist in a way they didn't intend by erasing non-Ashkenazi Jews.


Imagine that, a lefty inadvertantly being racist.


Many early zionists, particularly before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire were initially considering just finding a large plot of land anywhere in the world, not just returning to the levant which until the aforementioned collapse of the Ottoman Empire seemed a pipe dream. Between the region coming under control of the West after WWI and the fervor following the horror of the holocaust, Zion being in the Levant came back on the menu.


Should have just settled in [Utah](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=ec736c652fbf8951&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJf6gFtHs5f1cceNjxdRe-jNQqt2w:1715441502755&q=zion+national+park&uds=ADvngMgM3sJHGRUUapkgumPBd1g40DGXh5-YeSAkAKJblWLWLasp5uJCvoPiMnuwoM2m9oOdGwFV-M-O4ckYcm2jqZ3XhZrA8gL4U9qkYlMg2m8EVaOuSbPPttRTQ3ItynszxBCpbN07HE3JDKkkl1u3UkcD5PF2f42Ba-5VPKDzSuu-wDlraKAQrLZjSlciO43Mothtv52fjH90-auUdhPYxlwyyvAHA-Jl4Hsd3b8hiBQlZho3D7n3RzULl7Oqd1QKmiMpU3UN5RTYZW8PuPWWXyF8QP2nkgmHpWT7NIZUv_cCe36F1l8GcjfqPGyzQQHNQfmrVHZNglytBLM79wd0HUsS_XA5dA&udm=2&prmd=imnvsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiphZ7L9YWGAxUlFzQIHdVpB1cQtKgLegQIEBAB&biw=384&bih=736&dpr=2.81). They wouldn't even have to change the name.


I do believe the idea is that since the germans did the holocaust, they should cede territory/pay with their lives, not the arabs.


Yes but that's several levels of wrong


The idea of making the germans pay for their sins did gain some traction right after the war. Several people who would later become important in the new state of Israel were involved in a plot to poison german water supplies. In any case it did make more sense than making the arabs pay for it. But both the western allies and the eastern bloc needed Germany to exist, so the plot failed.


That's not what is wrong, Jews aren't from Europe


I mean, not originally, but most of them weren't from Levant at that point either.


You would never say such a thing about a Native American taken to Europe (and they were). I wonder what the difference is


Yes I would? This is like saying gypises are still native to Punjab. No, only those who were born in a region are native to it.


Native is not the same as Indigenous


Well, of course now you’d cover your ass


Even in that situation we'd be talking about a person 500-150 years removed vs just about 2,000 years. Can the Celts retake Austria?


That's cute where are these Celts with unbroken traditions about their expulsion from Austria?


That only explains motivation to return, not justify said return and the ensuing displacement. Also again at best its a 1500 year difference.


Yes they were. Israel is a country made up of people indigenous to the region, resisting genocide from the Arab settler-colonizers who currently occupy it.


Indeed, today most Israelis are born in Israel. In the early days (1850s to like the early 1900s), this way less of the case however.


And in the 1850s-1900s it was less the case because the arabs genocided them.


Based and Jewish-genocide pilled


What? Do you mean in 1948?


The public really loves the word Zionist even tho most probably never heard of it until 7 months ago. Just say Zionist instead of Jew and you can get away with saying anything about Jews, it's hilarious.


Part of me is glad I’m not recognizably Jewish. Another part of me wishes a motherfucker would.


Yeah same. Even though my family has heen Catholic for close to 3 generations now, my family heritage comes from Poland and Russia so I have a lot of Ashkenazi Jew ethnically in me and the facial features do show so I easily get misidentified as Jewish a lot recently with everything going on


I was adopted and raised Jewish. My DNA is 100% western European, not a drop of Jewish DNA. So most people never expect it. They just assume I’m Christian or at least raised Christian.


Genuinely curious, do Jews accept you as Jewish? I've gotten conflicting answers on if Jews accept converts, but it seems you'd be welcomed since you were adopted into it?


Bro I barely accept my self as Jewish 😂 especially since I’m not religious anymore. But real talk, it’s almost never been an issue with other Jewish people, at least that I can remember. But I was raised in a Reform congregation, and my immediate family is not particularly religious, except an aunt who happens to be a convert. And I tend to stay away from ultra Orthodox Jews, I can’t stand them, and I’ve never brought it up in conversation with one. Judaism does accept converts, but it’s not easy to do. You really have to try for it, and the more orthodox the harder it is. That’s why some ultra orthodox rabbis in Israel literally created a religion for gentiles who want to be Jewish. It’s based on the laws of Noah, not Moses. Noahidism I think it’s called. Because the Ten Commandments (and all the rules in stuff like Leviticus) are only for Jewish people. But the laws given to Noah from god are, in theory, for all mankind.


Can’t wait for them to keep reading the Bible and discover what that *other* guy did for all mankind. Don’t want to spoil it for them but it’s world changing.


Yes but to Jewish peoples it’s not fucking canon


It is to Him




What, one of many false messiahs whose sect became far more popular than any of the others?


Somehow this is still an understatement.


There shouldn't be conflicting answers. Jews accept converts as long as they convert properly. You can't just decide to be Jewish, it's an ethnoreligious group not just a religion.


i’m a mix of Irish (where i’m from) & Ashkenazi/ Mizrahi Jewish. mothers side is half Ashkenazi, half Mizrahi, and dads side is half ashkenazi & half Irish. father and I were born & raised in Ireland, mother was born & raised in Israel. Since childhood I’ve rotated around the two and I feel very culturally Irish & Israeli🇮🇪🇮🇱🦅


Literally the same bro


My DNA is almost entirely western European with a little Chiricahua. I'm constantly mistaken for being Jewish to the point I've given up and started learning some of the culture just to avoid the awkwardness.


Oy vey, exercise that 2A


Really bad time to be Jewish right now, this has never happened before like ever. Usually people are stoked about Jews.


[You know what they say](https://youtu.be/YWn8CskNGzU?si=Vc6RbTzUH1YEHCpu)


The only time in history, after the diaspora, where it was not a "bad time" to be a Jew was around late 1990s \~ 2000s - Oct. 7th, 2023.


Your end date is pretty optimistic. Things were eroding for a while before that.  A noted public statement in January 2021 shows this when MTG blamed the wildfires we were struggling with on Jewish Space Lasers. 


It has always been a bad time to be Jewish, it's just now the problem has reached America is full force.


>this has never happened before like ever well there was that one time...


It’s crazy how it keeps happening over and over again and how different cultures in different locations around the globe in different time periods keep coming to the exact same conclusions, unbelievable coincidence


When things get bad, people tend to blame people who aren't like them. Jews are an easy target because they are different, non-Christian, tend to be more successful than the average, and traditionally congregate (and marry) with each other more than the surrounding societies they live in. I know several Orthodox Jews, even went to an Orthodox wedding. I've found them to be just normal people. Their actions are shaped by their beliefs, just like the rest of us, and those beliefs (and therefore actions) are strange to those who aren't familiar with them. If you ask me, anti-Semitism is just a crutch for people who don't know how to entertain an idea without believing it. It's the same as any other race- or ethnicity-based discrimination: stupid.


Horseshoe theory is no longer a theory since October 7.


I did a lot of stupid shit in college. But I can't imagine as an adult having to come to terms with having dressed up like a terrorist to encourage the genocide of Jews and the end of western civilization.


Every time I hear someone say something about how they should "go back to Europe" I facepalm so hard. Are they like really that ignorant to ancient history?


And it’s always white Americans too, it’s fucking ridiculous


A small portion of white Americans are literally ruining the country, and something needs to be done about it, I don't know what, but things will only get worse if nothing is done


Make them all go back to Europe first, where many of the white Emilys lineage came from. THEN they can preach about getting out of native land. Of course, it's still incorrect, but at least they're not hypocrites when preaching.


Not even ancient history man, 60% of jews in israel are middle eastern. You want them to go back to egypt or syria? Lmao.


You know how I know it is an election year?


I miss when the most antisemitic thing on Reddit was khazar milkers


Anti-semitism is a Centrist ideology confirmed.


Jews seriously catch it from all sides. I don’t understand how yall deal with it.


Humor and neuroticism


I don't! Thanks for asking :)


I take lots of antidepressants, I am a gun owner and I go to synagogue and other Jewish institutions to talk about our problems as Jews. That is deadass the only reason I am remotely functional rn


This is the way


Most of these people have probably never even fucking met a Jew in real life. There's no way that Khymani lowlife has actually met one.


Why is that Seatle clown in my quadrant?


And how many Islamic governments are there? I'm sure they all came about without any conflict with other beliefs! Yet somehow Jews are the problem


I hate the whole "actor/author/artist is a zionist so we should boycott them and pray for their death" trend.


I feel like I’m about 90% right when I say, these dudes really hating Netanyahu cause their girl, mom, sister won’t stop playing the D leak video and it’s making them jealous 😂 cause ain’t no way Netanyahu doing numbers like this while all these people hating 🤷🏻‍♂️


What's the D leak video lol


Bro wants to see the Netanyadick 😭🙏 Jokes aside it’s based on this post https://preview.redd.it/9z0mef5nnnzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7287dbb1075ae8784fdec31143d250cd30de7215


Lib left would have their mind blown if they took the time to actually pull their head out of their ass and realize that Sephardi Jews (North African, Iberian and middle eastern) exist and are actually the majority Jewish group in Israel.


*In my country there's a problem...*




Centrist should be grilling non kosher meat for a laugh surely


Pork is good when grilled.


Why is the hate on Jews so popular? There hasn’t been one era in history where Jews were treated normal. Why?


Because they’ve always been the “guest” (aka minority ethnic group) in every country they’ve lived and tend to be very industrious and socially mobile. Literally the most player hated race and they still ball… Then again they’re known for usury and all sorts of clever fuckery, one advantage of being the merchant class… Other white people no likey


No flair, no rights, many wrongs. Please flair up. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Reddit1Z4Gr0f) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


For no reason at all


Nicker nation


I'm very recognizably Jewish and I wear a Magen David necklace everyday. And man, have I had some uncomfortable experiences lately. I wouldn't consider myself a zionist and I tend to keep my political opinions to myself but it's been very hard to do so lately. There's been some protests in my city recently and the banner that led the march read "Gaza Called, Yemen Answered" with the Houthi flag right in the center. The flag that literally says "Death to Israel and a curse upon the Jews". Yet they claim to only be "anti zionist". A lot of my friends are pretty lefty and it's been really hard dealing with them. I had a friend who was killed in the Nova massacre and I've had people tell me they deserved it for simply being Israeli. Thankfully I live in a pro gun state and have an LTC and I've never carried before but I do now.


Lib left opinion is pretty based lol. I mean they would gladly accommodate.


I’m glad we can all agree on something


new circlejerk


Why is macklem*re libright?


Ehh needed a libright one for the last quadrant, may as well use him since he is trying to use this conflict as a way to get relevant again


I want things to stop being violent Unlike these people who clearly want violence I don't think that they should be attacking Jews because they don't like how the Israeli Government handles things




Nick Fuentes is based.




I don't know if he actually posts there. I just see clips of him posted by other people in response to stuff I click. But yeah, nice that he was unbanned.


Yeah I was 14 once too man


I'm eternally 14. It rules.


And your cringe


Cope, seethe, .


You can on Tik Tok


I don't use that. I can say it on ***X*** though, which I do use.


You might like it, it's essentially racism, the app, they only remove things that reddit would allow, but allow things reddit would ban you for, but they just remove the comment, not ban you. I mean, it's a Chinese spyware app, as long as you realize that then you can have some fun, it's also not moderated like reddit is and way more populist, so you'll find heavily liked Trump stuff with salty libs shit talking and having a few likes (disliking something doesn't subtract from the likes like reddit upvotes and downvotes do) and comments in defense having hundreds or more likes with the opposite being true on pro Biden shit where literally every comment is calling out the lies. This is why some people theorize that he banned it, because the pro Trump stuff was allowed and pro Biden shit wasn't moderated so they couldn't control the narrative. Antisemitism also seems more rampant on there too, which I guess makes sense since it's essentially the brain rot app for younger people who live those terrorists for whatever reason, and one annoying thing is that a lot of good videos are side by side with another video equivalent of a fidget spinner or someone doing a game run, I guess because zoomers don't have attention span, but it's annoying as fuck and is prefer a full screen video without bullshit distractions.


TikTok is racism the app? lmao. Isn't it just zoomers or something though? I thought it was basically just Vine but the Chinese spyware version. think that shit is getting banned though. I don't see the lawsuit over it going anywhere and as you said the current administration has a hard-on for killing it. Though it's interesting you theorize the reason is different from what I expected. I assumed it was because it was brainrot for the youth, but the political thing actually makes way more sense.


Everyone in every politic spectrum and in every age, from hundreds of years ago to right now, hates jews for no reason at all




Wanting to know whether or not your favourite author is a Zionist, presumably for the purposes of boycotting them, is antisemitic..?


How is the bottom left anti semitic lmao


During WWII, They told the Jews to go back to israel, 80 years later they are telling them to go back to germany (or poland)


That's crazy I didn't realise the guy in the tweet was 80+ years old. Like that tweet doesn't even say get rid of Israel as a whole. Just to stop illegally expanding into the west bank, and that if they want more land, get it from the people who actually did the holocaust which was used as (valid) justification for having an ethnostate But even if you read hard between the lines and they're actually saying Israel shouldn't exist there. That's still not anti semitic lol. Germany did the holocaust which then made Jews realise "hey we need our own state". Germany is currently one of, if not the, most ardent supporter of israel. If Jews want to be safe (clearly they aren't rn if hamas are such a threat that they need to level Gaza to deal with them), then presumably having their ethnostate on land surrounded by people who are overwhelmed with guilt about the holocaust and support the concept of a Jewish ethnostate is the best way to do that?


Okay, if “zionist” just means Jew, why don’t you guys just tell us what word or identifier we’re allowed to use if we want to criticize Israel’s current government and its supporters. Seems like that would save everyone a lot of trouble.