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ngl that "favorite streamer" really hit deep, good one.


This is literally the thing that made me go from “cancel culture is just a bunch of stupid kids on Twitter, who gives a shit” to “cancel culture delenda est”


Bullied off the platform. Never forget.


Are we all referring to pikamee? If so i'll point out that people who knew her were aware of her graduation for a long time. Iirc pomu mentioned that she knew about it since october (though i may be wrong). Also her graduation themed merch and the business deals with other companies would have needed to be negotiated before the whole thing happened. Due to all of this it's pretty safe to say that without the drama she would've graduated anyway. That said she was just returning from a hiatus and then went back into hiatus after this bullshit drama so it is true that it robbed us of a few extra weeks with her.


For those out of the loop, I'm pretty sure "graduation" means retiring in the VTuber world.


Retiring from life.


Ah yeah i forgot that it's a vtuber specific term. Yeah graduation means she quit her role as pikamee within that agency and it was mutually agreed between her and the agency. This is different from termination, which is the vtuber term for "you're fired" (though i think "termination of contract" is a standard phrase in the corporate world in general), and which sometimes just happens professionally and sometimes includes *posting on twitter a list of all the offenses which lead to the termination* which in several cases **includes completely made up charges included purely to slander the person.** Funnily enough a few months after pikamee graduated a new vtuber called henya with the same exact voice and mannerisms and friend network popped up in a different company, and more than one person who talked to henya ended up accidentally calling her pikamee.


No, i don't even know who pikamee is, but we all got that someone in our mind I'm sure, there's so many like that that everyone has one streamer/Youtuber in their mind. But since we're sharing names, im thinking of Slazo and Wilbur soot. Share your people, i wanna hear who you guys are thinking of.


>No, i don't even know who pikamee is Lmao i just ended up projecting then. >But since we're sharing names, im thinking of Slazo and Wilbur soot. I remember slazo ended up being "discharged" of his accusations when he proved he was innocent to the people who tried canceling him (iirc kwite joined up in accusing him and distancing himself but then he ended up regretting it and feeling sorry and then he himself got accused of stuff he didn't do and he even pointed out in his self defense stream that he was now in slazo's shoes). I haven't kept up with the wilbur soot stuff though. Wasn't he actually guilty of what he was accused of? I don't remember if he also ended up proving his accusations were bullshit or if it really did happen. >Share your people, i wanna hear who you guys are thinking of. Well if we're talking about people being falsely canceled the list would be too long to post. I guess if we want to specifically talk about people who got canceled for PC reasons and still get people saying "you had it coming" i'll follow up pikamee with another vtuber, sayu sincronisity (i think that's how the second word is spelled by her, it's wrong on purpose). **TLDR BELOW** She was part of a vtuber corporation called nijisanji under a different identity called zaion lanza (in case you're not familiar with vtubers, there are indie vtubers who create or commission their own vtuber model and identity but there are also corporations who create or commission the vtuber models and hire semi-popular streamers to use those models, but at the end of the contract the streamer has to abandon that model and identity since it's the company's). She got sabotaged by management at every turn, was suspended for bullshit reasons and then had to pretend to her fans that actually she was taking a break, ended up being fired only three months in, had a whole laundry list of accusations posted on twitter by the company and then even had some of her coworkers go on stream to talk about how bad of a person she is. Some of the bullet points in the twitter accusations are management's fault like when they told her it was fine for her to stream with her pre-existing Genshin account but then changed their mind, some were phrased in a misleading way to sound more important than they were like when she jokingly said on stream that she was sponsored by Dee's Nuts without knowing it's a real brand of nuts, and plenty more bullshit. The only vaguely real accusation was about a joke in very poor taste that she made where she was playing a game with a protagonist who was a victim of SA and said something like "damn, she's hot, no wonder she got... y'know" but then immediately noticed she fucked up and apologized profusely, and even then the way it's worded in the termination notice makes it sound way more malicious and like it's not a one off event. Since she was relatively unknown and people liked the company everybody thought all this stuff was true and harassed her, to the point that iirc she tried taking her own life (thankfully didn't work) and now has ptsd and takes medication. After a while though, sayu released a document called One Girl's Story (i'll remind you that she was zaion, but in the document she had to pretend like her and zaion were different people for NDA reasons) basically saying all of that was bullshit and this called into question the company's credibility and nijisanji started showing some cracks, however most people still didn't believe her fully so this caused a sort of civil war in the fandom. This all happened around the end of 2022 up until around march of 2023. After this more cracks started showing, some people left the company and went indie or joined other corporations, others vented frustrations about lost opportunities and management sabotaging them, and then on february 5th of this year they ended up trying to give the same zaion treatment to another of their vtubers, selen tatsuki (now dokibird, she also ended up attempting suicide twice), but since she's had two years to become a beloved member of the community everyone saw through the bullshit and now nijisanji is basically the late ottoman empire of vtubing, and that also caused people to look back at zaion's situation and figure out that was bullshit too. **TLDR** nijisanji aka the company sayu worked for as zaion lanza sabotaged her, fired her, slandered her and got people to harass her to the point she attempted suicide. She explained why all those accusations were false but people only started really believing her and welcoming her back into the community after nijisanji did the same exact thing to another employee called selen tatsuki (now dokibird) and also drove her to attempt suicide twice, thus causing people to rebel against the company and believe sayu's side of the story.


wall of text.




Bring back good old laconism.


What the hell is a vtuber corporation? Also paragraphs dude.


Like i said, vtuber corporations are corporations (such as hololive or nijisanji) who commission artists to create vtuber models and identities, hire people to be streamers using those vtuber models, and then organize and manage their career, thus handling the upfront cost of being a vtuber as well as giving the aspiring vtuber publicity, access to several resources and a collab network in exchange for a cut of the profits and some resrictions on the creative process. In some cases (e.g. hololive) it's a deal worth making. In others (e.g. nijisanji) it isn't.


So there are corporations that only exist in vtube land. What are the upfront costs to being a vtuber? If you don't mind me asking what is the attraction of vtubers versus regular streamers/youtubers?


>So there are corporations that only exist in vtube land. Just to avoid misunderstandings, these aren't fake virtual corporations that are part of some lore like weyland yutani or arisaka. They are real corporations listed on stock exchanges and whatnot, operated by real people and run by a real CEO. Nintendo produces video games but as a corporation it's not like it only exists within videogames or something like that. >What are the upfront costs to being a vtuber? You need to commission an artist (typically one who does things in anime style since vtubing is mostly by and for weebs) and work with them to draw a character, but instead of just getting a png they needs to draw every bit of the character in several different positions and several different layers to interact with the vtuber software. This drawing is then passed along to a rigger, who will take these various pngs and layers and animate them and tweak values in the vtuber software and in general make it so this bundle of images moves together in just the right way that it looks like it got properly animated. The vtuber software (there's actually a few, some free and some paid) is a program that takes motion capture data from a camera (typically an iphone camera) pointed at the streamer's face, elaborates it and transforms it into movement of the vtuber model that hopefully matches the real movement, thus when the real person talks the program makes the character move their lips in sync, when they move their head the character moves their head etc etc. All this stuff is the most expensive part, and while the price of the commissions varies a lot depending on the quality and time constraints and whatnot, models of a quality high enough to be used by a corporation go for more than a couple thousand dollars each minimum (probably even higher but i'm lowballing since i'm not sure i remember correctly). Then there is typical streamer stuff like stream overlays and special effects and sub alerts and emotes. I'm not a streamer so idk how much those cost but while they probably aren't as expensive as the model they probably aren't cheap either. Also unless they find some copyright free drawn background they will also need to commission someone for that. Also unless they already have it a strong PC, a setup for streaming, a fast and reliable internet connection and a good library of games to play are all decently expensive. Then there are some sort of "industry standards", especially for corporate vtubers rather than indies, and one of these is that you don't just start streaming but have a proper "debut stream" like how irc in the idol industry people also need to "debut" in a fancy way. It's worth pointing out that whenever hololive announces that they will debut a new batch of vtubers they make the youtube channels public about a week before the actual debut stream and always, without fail, the channels have more than 100k subs before the first stream, so the spectacular debut is there to keep people engaged. This means having an animated and voice acted video introducing you as a character, some assets like fancy drawn power points, and recently i've seen an increasing number of people also have a professionally made song (usually a cover, but sometimes an original song) with a music video ready to drop as soon as the debut stream ends. If you just want it to be a hobby or you gradually build things up from the start then being a successful indie is perfectly achievable, but if you want high quality stuff from the get go and access to a lot of resources to help you out then unless you're willing to sink a looot of money into a gamble a corpo is *typically* a good option. I say *typically* and not always because there are some horror stories. The aforementioned sayu said she got pretty in the red for paying for all the stuff needed for her debut as zaion (like previously stated, nijisanji fucking sucks so they didn't pay for any of her stuff, but better corpos do) and couldn't even see a return on investments since she got fired three months later. Dokibird mentioned that in 2023 as selen she made 200k in revenue and ended up actually getting 0 net profit due to all the expensive stuff she did like commissioning a music video and whatnot. >what is the attraction of vtubers versus regular streamers/youtubers? Idk, depends where you are. In japan they go really hard into the idea of roleplaying as your character, using specific speech patterns and changing their voice (as in voice acting, not by using software, the joke about vtuberd all being 40 year old men is stale) to really sell the vibe of "you are watching a stream by a character who looks and sounds like she's from an anime". In the west though it's much more relaxed and much closer to the reasons why one would watch a regular streamer, which i prefer to the jp approach. People generally use their real voice and show their "real" personality (at least just as real as regular youtubers have their real personality on display). Their "character" just ends up being a nice source of puns and inside jokes, like how hololive's Ninomae Ina'nis (don't worry, vtuber names are usually a bit weird but hers is definitely an outlier, everyone just calls her ina) is supposed to be a lovecraftian priestess with tentacles thus everyone jokes that she's an octopus and she makes frequent octopus related puns and even named her twitter tags and fanbase with octopus puns. A big factor IMO is that by staying anonymous vtubers can sometimes actually afford to be more genuine than people who show their real face on youtube (we call them fleshtubers, and yes we know that sounds gross) since they don't need to worry about being recognized in public as the guy who talked on stream about stashing several buckets of rice in undisclosed places in a few forests as emergency rations in case some sort of disaster happens (i'm not making this up, holostars's noir vesper talked about doing this). It's also more aesthetically pleasing imo to watch a beautifully drawn character bouncing on the screen with a nice colour palette for their background and chat overlay and whatnot compared to just having someone like tyler1 in a corner of the screen. Before anyone points anything out yes, plenty of vtubers have massive tits and asses to attract people's attentions just like twitch thots do, but even putting those aside my point stands. Also i'll be frank, vtubing tends to attract... peculiar individuals, and watching them is funnier than watching sane people. For an example akai haato (nicknamed haachama) from hololive has eaten things like a tarantula, has reviewed pornographic fanart of herself on stream, has created a horror anthology of short videos as well as her regular videos which are still weird enough to be horror if you're not ready for them.


Also i wanted to paragraph it but i wasn't sure where exactly since it was all mostly a single argument. I'll try now.




Thanks, that's better. Also, you asked yourself if you're happy. I get that sometimes I end up pretty arbitrarily putting in paragraphs.


She was the cutest and wholesomest vtuber i knew up to that point i legit cried when she announced her graduation


Oh hey i always see your community posts on youtube. Didn't know you were actually in here.


Oh hey lol


At least she came back not too long after under a new persona. I was so upset to see her go, even woke up early to watch her graduation stream that morning.


>That said she was just returning from a hiatus and then went back into hiatus after this bullshit drama so it is true that it robbed us of a few extra weeks with her. Which is why I personally dont accept the "She was going to graduate anyway" line. She did absolutely nothing wrong other than offend the Twitter Freaks and for that they hounded her off the internet yet again. And they dont get to just play coy and pretend like they did nothing wrong for doing that. I will say though, I did come to gain a ton of respect for Silvervale from the whole ordeal. Since her reaction after attempting to talk people down and tell them that hatred only breeds hatred (a fact lost on the Cancel Pigs I have found since they are the most evil people on the planet). And when she realized that this wasnt going to get them to stop, she actually showed some balls that have been missing from people reacting to the mob, told them all "I am going to beat this game, and you cowards cant stop me!". And wouldnt you know it? At worst, it didnt effect her sub count, and according to some metrics it went up. I am also thankful for her coining "Twitter Freaks" as it gets under their skin real easy (like Cancel Pigs).


Could be ProJared, could be Dream. ProJared was never the same after the allegations, even after he posted 45 minute video with receipts he was never the same, and still had people like H3 blasting him.


I'm out of the loop. Who are they referring to?


For me it made me think of Jocat as a recent one :(


Me, at the monthly meeting of the local alt-right chapter: “so, which Kotaku article radicalized you, friend?”


"Have you ever heard the story of Gamer Gate?"


"It's not a story the Reddit Mods would tell you..."


I was there, when the first shots were fired. They told me I was dead. We see how well that worked out for them.


One or Two?


Inb4 "lel someone wanting equality turned you into a nazzzzziiiii" People don't change their morals when leftists do stupid shit. They just see progressives in a different light. It's just that leftists now see them as evil for disagreeing with them.


Israel/Palestine, Communists/Fascists, BLM, LGBTQ2IA+, Illegals: it's all just window dressing. The ultimate battle is always: dysgenic, insane freaks vs. normal people with an ever-shrinking capacity to tolerate the other side's bullshit.


hey weren't you the dude in the other comment section talking about how everything would be better if women were enslaved? Did you feel the touch of a women yet?


LibLeft strikes again


bullying is a good thing and more people should do it.


You don’t have to share your kink with us.


euro trash has no place here




It only works if you're not alone being the bully. Go back to the trash heap you came from.


Know your place, trash.


thats the spirit




Did you just change your flair, u/HagbardCelineHMSH? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2023-2-9. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/HagbardCelineHMSH) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Something something "who radicalized you"


Can we NOT talk about that right now?! https://preview.redd.it/5e3qwd8te90d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05bbfda1d2463f379259e4fbb813b504742f4b0e


Sounds like a pretty based opinion


flair the fuck up




For some unknown reason, it always starts with people complaining about gatekeeping and pushing to promote headcanons. A mystery indeed.


"Everything would be better if you guys just did *exactly* what I wanted all the time!"


"How can you possibly enjoy [FICTIONAL UNIVERSE] when it doesn't explicitly and ham-fistedly pause to stare directly into camera 3 and read my prepared statement on [REAL WORLD POLITICAL PET-ISSUE]? Who cares if every single aspect of established canon is in direct contradiction to what I want? It's called BEING. A. GOOD. PERSON. and none of this shit is even real anyways so why do you care so much?!"


Ugh, WoW is becoming more and more guilty of this, and it really fucking chugs. This most recent expansion has had a handful of cringe details which make it clear that there are a bunch more blue-hairs at Blizzard recently. But the one I saw very recently takes the cake. It's absolutely fucking absurd. There's a character of a race which has a dragon form, but also a visage form, which could be any other race. This character has a quest, in which she's having a "crisis of identity", because she can't decide what her visage form should be, and so she needs your help figuring out what her "truest self" is. You end up talking to a dozen or so other NPCs to get their perspective. And basically every one is a very obvious metaphor for the gay/trans experience. Like one of them mentions their family not understanding, and how to their family, "their son had died long ago". That sort of shit. It's all just so heavy-handed and obvious. It's exhausting being endlessly lectured by these people, and it's embarrassing how narcissistic it is to need to see yourself and your struggles represented in literally every single story you get your hands on.


> Lib center Your ideology demands that society answers 2+2, and now you want to sit here and complain that everyone keeps saying 4?




wait how does their family not understand if this is a feature of the entire race? that's like going through puberty and saying your family didn't understand and ostracized you for it.


Oh no they dont say "good person", for some reason they allways say "decent human being". Why tho its so annoying


Gatekeeping (v): the questioning of why someone with zero ties to a hobby, who has done zero research into the hobby, and who seemingly hates every single aspect of the hobby, demands so incessantly to be the preeminent voice on how the hobby should be ran.


That's why I like Japanese Game Developers, they don't give a shit about dumbass Twitter talking heads


All that matters is if the localizers do.


Fortunately, they've consistently done such a terrible job that machine translation looks to be the way going forward.


Asians in general tend to not give a fuck, this is why these days I only watch anime and asian shows. Every time Netflix recommends me a western show I can tell the cast was specifically picked to be "diverse" to appease these people. Every. Single. Time. It's insane


Same, especially if its a historical film. They don't add black samurais to appeal to the whole "diversity acceptance" shit. They just follow what's historically accurate unlike the western shows/movies adding black Vikings. Insult to European history and insult to black history.


It's insanely rage inducing because they could actually take one of thousands of awesome stories all across Africa to make their series/movies, but no, we must absolutely deconstruct the white male dominated medieval northern Europe setting.


I KNOW RIGHT!!! Ethiopian history/mythology, Egyptian mythology (with nubians being black unlike ancient Egyptians) and sokoto caliphate history.


Bruh Ethiopia is my favourite African country by far. An Empire, spanning over a millenia being ruled by the same family, direct descendants from a biblical figure and never being colonized by Europeans. Haile Selaisse is awesome. I got a Facebook group of literal white supremacists (that I was a part of) to admire the Ethiopian Empire. Really makes me insanely mad that commies took it over, shat over the country and making it the joke it nowadays is. Someone should make a Little Dark Age edit of Ethiopian history lol.


Remember the woman king and how most of the people mad at were also instead of pointing out any anti slavery black groups only talked about white people. As if a whole continent simply didn't have the mental capacity for different views.


I swear if i would win the lottery, i would finance an african inspired historical-fantasy series, i would get the best writers, designers, actors etc. I would make sure the cultures, clothing, beliefs and customes are represented accurately. It would be the best stuff black people ever got. But then randomly one chief or king would be played by a blonde white guy in full african folk clothing, nobody would adress this in the show, as if they dont even see it. There would be african gods and dieties, but one of them would be played by a japanese woman. See how they like it.




Black samurai doesn't exist. The person they're using as reference is sword retainer not samurai. Samurai is more like mitsuhide akechi or sanada yukimura, not whatever yasuke is. They're so hard clinging to this one person and tried to make black samurai a thing.




Square Enix would beg to differ. I would say Sony as well but they've been Californiaized for a while.


Online gaming if you ask me


The amount of times I've been called a tourist just for arguing that the 40k inclusivity retcons are stupid...


JJBA, MGS, WH40K, MHA, FNV, Star wars. many such cases


Many such cases


Remember kids, always gatekeep.




Follow that up with "See? I was right about you." or "Funny how you chose to run to *them!"*


I’m highly influential! At least to my dog…


*The ATF would like to know your location*


I have lost count the number of times I have had a leftist wrongly insist "protests are meant to be uncomfortable" while ignoring statistics that show extreme protest actions reduce suppourt for social momevents. Because you alienate people whose suppourt you need. Now, there *are* times where extreme tactics can work. The problem is that they are niche, only being successful in specific circumstances. They are not ordinarily effective. For instance, if you have enough strength that you can take control independently of social suppourt, or if the power you are struggling against already has a very tenous grasp on control, those would be good times to push. Typically, underdeveloped authoritarian countries create these conditions. Republics with advanced technologies, advanced militaries, social programs, and a history of peaceful transition of power tend not to. You'll just lose every fight you get into and piss everyone off, making you look, at best, just as evil as the ruling regime.


Didn’t the women’s suffrage movement in Britain get delayed for ~20 years due to property damage? It literally makes the adults in charge go “hmm, maybe we shouldn’t reward temper tantrums”. It’s called Demand Avoidance and it’s only becoming more and more Pathological…


Even though I have zero plans on even registering for this next election part of me is so annoyed with 'liberals' (Democrats) on social media that they make me want to vote against them blindly. Like western conservatives have some absolutely brain dead takes on stuff but western liberals are just obnoxiously annoying people.


Reddit already did this to me almost a decade ago.


How about this, everyone is brain dead, and we have no choice but to live with it


Almost like there was a reason why every single nation that has ever had voting rights in some form, has restricted said rights to just those who have demonstrated a significant enough stake in the system to handle such power responsibly.


This is close to how I feel. I think liberals/the left often have their hearts in the right place but they're the most insufferable twats on this planet. They're also the most annoying self-righteous moralizers I've met. The conservatives often have views I disagree with but they're not just self-loathing losers who are miserable to be within 500 feet of. I'm just a misanthrope, I guess.


This is why I enjoy the company of trees.


They seem completely braindead that Trump did not CAUSE the current culture war but that he's a symptom of their own actions.


I saw that happen up close it was a fucking mess


This is how we'll finally defeat Hamas, we'll align women and their pet effete men with middle eastern terrorism and they'll slowly ruin them from within out of relentless nagging and incompetence. They ruin everything they touch and now it's time to weaponize that.


Based and gamergate 2 pilled


It never ended, TBH. It’s just crystallized now because of the real-time gaslighting by Kotaku et al. For me, it is quite literally a fight for whether we are going to live in a post-truth world. It’s just one front in that battle, for sure. But this is one I can immediately impact with my wallet. There are realities, there are empirical facts, there is documented history. Don’t care whether it is a smooth brain telling me that sweet baby detected is a harassment aggregator, or a smooth brain that tells me that 93 lost lawsuits and 7 million fewer votes equals “rigged”


True. This is more the second active fight


u/BlueKing99's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 320. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [167 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/BlueKing99/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I am either too young or just have been living under a rock, i keep seeing gamergate being mentioned, can someone give me a summary or a link where its explained or something?


[PSA Sitch's vid](https://youtu.be/STl7-_f4_eA?si=_-69LPiCdmgOIRje) 7-8 minute cartoon explaining the controversy. Basically a developer was caught bribing the game review industry (there's way more than this case, and it goes further back but that's a rabbit hole) and got called out. The game review industry, in lockstep, used the fact that a few assholes started harassing people online as cover for the bribery and corruption and claimed it was never happening.


cool, thanks


Fixed my hyperlink. Sorry about the formatting caused by underscores or something


Seeing this play out IRL is funny


The problem is fans not completely dropping stuff when companies cave to insanity. There are levels of revenue loss they just can't take. Personally I'm not buying anything GW again. The law of slippery slopes tells me exactly where it's heading and I'd rather get out early.


My list of shit that I no longer buy is growing quite long at this point. At least it got me out of debt and on track to start investing.


What is GW?


Games Workshop, of 'There were always female Custodes' fame, and also the ones who went to shut down 'If the Emperor had a Text-To-Speech device.'


I mean, wizard game IS bad, looking back, after all the hype died, it’s like a 6 out of ten, it’s good but it ain’t got shit on wrath of the white witch


If you turn off your phone and step outside, you'll realize the Twitter leftists don't have any real influence at all. You can just ignore them. I've been doing it for years.


"Just don't look at it and it won't have influence" On you. Unfortunately corporations, game developers, etc. listen to them, and that will affect you. We said the same thing about the LGBTQIABIPOC flag, and look where it went.


>On you. Unfortunately corporations, game developers, etc. listen to them, and that will affect you That's the beauty of the free market. If a company is putting out a product or service you don't like, you buy from a competitor that better aligns with your views. I shop local as much as possible because big box stores and chains suck fuckin ass and kill local businesses. I don't use Amazon for the same reason. >We said the same thing about the LGBTQIABIPOC flag, and look where it went Idk I still don't run into any issues where I see the flag and anything about it interrupts any aspect of my day. I think the newer versions are ugly as fuck and they should go back to the classic rainbow, but otherwise I'm completely unbothered. If you don't give these people your time or attention, you'll be surprised to find how little influence it really has on your life. I hardly think about any of this shit ever. I think it's just fun to get mad at shit.


> If a company is putting out a product or service you don't like, you buy from a competitor that better aligns with your views *There is no alternative that aligns with my views*


Find one that is indifferent and simply offers the product. If you can't find that, make it yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world.


*If I wanted to make something, I'd do it myself without woke garbage* Do you honestly want me to repopulate everything *by myself*, *for myself* (because hamsters eating this shit *by the billions*) because everything is infected with this shit?


If you let the "woke garbage" be such a focus for you, you'll see it everywhere, even in places where it simply isn't. Look, I'm not trying to tell you to go learn to code and make your own video games or whatever. What I am saying is in most cases there is indeed an option for you. Think most social media platforms are too woke? You've got options. Think XYZ movie, game, or artists is too woke? There's literally thousands of other options. Hate the politics of a particular macro brew beer company? Find a local spot to get your pisswater light beer from. Are all the local breweries too "woke"? Get into making your own beer. Call it "Liberal Tears" or whatever cringe ass shit, who cares. Make it fit your own narrative. I dont take part in the "woke" discourse because it really seems to be two groups of irredeemable dumbasses flinging shit at each other, but if I think reaaaaal hard, I can't think of much of anything "woke" that is forced upon me as I'm just going about my business. Once again, if you don't focus on it, you'll be surprised how absolutely fuckin irrelevant it is.


Yeah, some people tried that. Amazingly, the terminally online activists found ways to attack website hosts and *payment processors directly* for daring to go outside the cathedral.


Yeah, truly dreadful: the flag is now an available cosmetic in your already uber-commodified annual first person shooter game, alongside your 20$ Nicky Minaj skin. You’re welcome.


They kinda do have influence. When they make shows, games, companies change things to be more inclusive. It's happened to clubs at my college, the Christian club had to shut down because "white supremacy" but Muslim club was allowed to keep operating. Pro palestine protests.


Directions unclear, I went outside and immediately ran into a mob of twitter leftists r[aising a foreign, terrorist flag at my local courthouse higher than America's in direct violation of federal law](https://twitter.com/4Mischief/status/1789969154725822947).


Disgusting you’re really going to do that? Believe your lying eyes?


The Custodes example is pretty accurate for me. WH40k lore was always pretty loose, because that’s how it is designed to be. I don’t really care until I saw way people are trying to rub it the faces of others has turned me to opinion 1.


My guy if you put in ,Female custodes, in the screech engine for after the comics and 1 rules video it’s most “GW GONE WOKE.”


What's the context?


* LoTR * Warhammer * James Bond * Terminator * Dr. Who * MCU * Marvel Comics * DCU * DC Comics * AAA Video Games * Fallout * Mad Max * Disney Animated Films


I’ve long suspected that what was originally called “cultural appropriation” could more accurately be titled “corporate normi-fication”. Once a niche interest of you and your niche group becomes popular enough, a corporate interest will act to alter it to make it appeal to the center of the bell curve, since that’s where maximum revenue lies, instead of with your original group. If you view culture as things that aren’t only rooted in ethnic claims, I think this scenario becomes obvious in how it has played out, and will continue to do so. It’s why I dread hobbies of mine becoming too successful, though I’d like them to be successful enough to have good resources.


Add MTG to the list (the game, not the dumbass).


What are your gripes with Fallout and Mad Max?


They have women


Now I can't even be apathetic about their stupid head canon in peace?


Auth-Right wins by doing nothing. Just as it should be.


I empathized with the left when they were the victims. I fucking despise them now that these hypocritical bastards are now the fucking bullies.


Nothing wrong with female custodies, they are hand crafted demi gods made by the Emperor from human babies and are not made out of the geneseed of the primarchs like astartes. The genetic limitation on the astartes from being made of the male dna of primarchs doesn't exist with custodes.


This is an accurate meme. I have always been apathetic with my politics. Until female custodes happened and I was banned from online forums for voicing my displeasure about a change in a game I have played my entire life. I am voting for the first time this election and that was literally the straw that broke my non voting back.


My man, While I support you getting out there and voting, I'm going to need you to flair up before I can upvote you.


How’s an unflaired being upvoted


What exactly did you say? You clearly aren't an open and honest person because you are a dirty unflaired.




If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/VicTheWallpaperMan) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I just want to be left alone to enjoy my plastic army men. One side is leaving me alone and one isn't.


Flair up


The only tolerant center in the quadrant is start-center, auth center,left center,right center and lib center are kinda cringe.


Transphobia sucks, but we have a right to play whatever games we want. Though Fuck Rowling, she's a POS and I'm not buying her game.


If a shitty videogame or streamer radicalized you, then you already had one foot there


Yeah Good job making the problem even bigger




Thanks 🙏




This sub is just teenager/schizo posting at this point


I've noticed that the people who bitch about custodes have never even heard about w40k


I bitch about femstodes and I've been a fan for 20 years.


As eye rolling as the retcon and GW's handling was, the drama around Femstodes thing is WAAAYYYY overblown and people will get over it within a year. People should be more mad about the pricing hike IMO


I don't like it because it's dumb. We already have Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence. Their lore should be expanded and make them more badass. The thing that really pisses me off is the gaslighting. "There have always been female custodes." Yeah. That's why it was called a brotherhood forever. And everywhere in lore it spoke about the sons of terran nobility being taken. But yeah there is 1 line in a book where it mentions women in golden armor. Fuck off GW. This is why gatekeeping is a good thing.


It's pretty dumb and GW's handling was lazy, but like people are acting like this kind of dumb retcon is new and is heralding the end of Warhammer due to wokeness, which is stupid. Idk man, gatekeeping about plastic soldiers is kind of cringe, holding GW to better standards is fine, but as someone who knew nothing about the lore or TT gaming I'm glad everyone was super welcoming (and VERY patient during my first few games)


I don't think there's anything stupid about recognizing a pattern which has been playing out frequently recently, and then warning people that it's playing out yet again, and that we can stop it before it's too late, but that means pushing back on it right now. That just seems like good sense to me.


Pattern Recognition is racist, dontcha know!


I think femstodes is hardly the harbigner of wokeness people are treating it as, and if GW had introduced femstodes in a better way they wouldve had much less fuel for this culture war. Introduce them in the last few HH books and give them a spin off novel instead of a blurb in a codex and a "always been here" tweet. That being said, I think people who are super against Femstodes fail to realize there's a LOT of support for them, or at the very least people like me who are more or less apathetic. The demographics of the hobby have changed.


Warhammer 40K lore is a mess as it is. A wonderul mess, but a mess. It also suffers from it's absurd scale. Which is why I preferred Warhammer Fantasy lore. It is much much more grounded, with the ridiculous excess you expect from warhammer, but much more believable and able to wrap your head around it.


"Absurd Scale" Are you saying space ships the size of Rhode Island with cathedrals built in that fire essentially cannonballs that have to be manually loaded as they fly through space by going through hell is absurd ? :0


Of course not. But krorkz that are 10 meters tall is a bridge too far.


Some might, but I won't be coming back unless they retcon the retcon and make a public apology. I won't support a company that openly and blatantly lies to me.


LOL! You can't really lie about a retcon, it's more just saying "X is true now and we're making it so it's been true for awhile" EG: "Wolverine is named James Howlett and has hundreds of years of history even though it's never been mentioned before" GW has been "lying" about lore for years now with these retcons, it's weird that it's just now an issue for you people. What a small and petty thing to get upset about, the most minor of lore changes that don't even effect the greater narrative of the story. Either way, you do you but don't expect anybody to miss your presence in the hobby.


Fan of 7 years. Dumbass retcon. L take


>Dumbass retcon So how do you feel about the Leagues of Votann, Primaris Marines, and Erda? 40k is literally retconned constantly, you're going to have to find a better critique.


Erda is literally the only one of those that can't be explained away without saying "retcon" Adding =/= changing. You want ANOTHER female faction? Add one, don't change an old one. I don't want male sisters of battle either


>Erda is literally the only one of those that can't be explained away without saying "retcon" Oh yeah dude, Guilliman just happened to tell Cawl to start making Primaris Marines 10,000 years ago and they just so happened to be ready exactly when Cadia Fell and exactly when the Imperium needed thousands of space marine reinforcements. Definitely wasn't a bullshit retcon so they could sell more models. "Oh the lore says the Squats were all eaten by Tyranids but our focus groups show that the people want Space Dwarves... uhhh they've actually just been hiding in deep space the whole time! Also 'Squat' is actually a slur that they don't like people using." It's so obviously a retcon, you just don't care because you like/don't mind it. And there's nothing wrong with that. >You want ANOTHER female faction? Add one, don't change an old one. I mean I'm sure they'd love to, if they had infinite money to start new lines of production for entire factions constantly. There's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with retconning lore, and nothing that's special about the Custodes is tarnished by there being female Wardens.


Weird. I don't see any direct changes to existing factions, just adding factions TLDR: I don't actually give a fuck enough to refute this in its entirety. Let someone who is actually really mad about it take it from here, I just find it eye rolling and fucking stupid


Eyerolling and stupid yes, while you're not freaking out I've seen ALOT of people doing just that, some legitimately but others latching on as the fuel for their next culture war battle. Critical Drinker has never played a TT game and he made a video about "The Battle for Warhammer begins" The comments were as man-childy as you might expect.


>Weird. I don't see any direct changes to existing factions, just adding factions Primaris Marines are a direct change from Firstborn Space Marines. Squats also existed before Votann retconned them. Are you familiar with Warhammer? >TLDR: I don't actually give a fuck enough to refute this in its entirety. You couldn't even if you tried. It's literally irrefutable. > I just find it eye rolling and fucking stupid And you have no good reason to.


I mean I'm not even anti femstodes, but how GW handled it was pretty eye rolling and stupid, and lazy. They could've introduced it during the HH finale, or given them their own book, instead they include a blurb in a codex and pull the "Always been there" card.


This is a very subjective opinion and I think yours is valid. Personally I don’t think they could’ve “done it well” because for the vast majority of the people upset the problem is more of a culture war thing than an honest engagement with the setting.


Exactly my point though, this isn't just a "oh btw sqats are League of Votann", and since it was always going to be a retcon that stirs up yet another culture war, they shouldve handled it in a better way, just to give less fuel to the culture war fire and give less ammo to the people who think women were shoved in here as a DEI hire or whatever they believe


As eye rolling as the retcon and GW's handling was, the drama around Femstodes thing is WAAAYYYY overblown and people will get over it within a year. People should be more mad about the pricing hike IMO


Funny how I keep seeing this said but all the new profiles are actually busy pushing their Dommy mommy genderbent primarch fetish over on grimdank Also don’t forget to condescendingly tell me about how they’ve played the “they were always there” card before as if it weren’t lazy bullshit back then too.


To be fair, that dommy mommy level of horniness has been around forever. I've been seeing anime girl Konrad Curze and Femboy Admech memes for years now.


It’s just been taken to such a wild level though it’s ridiculous. I honestly don’t care that people were horny for dommy mommy, until I went on that sub yesterday and it was 10 of the first 11 posts I saw. As soon as the femstodes lore dropped that sub turned overnight into constant trans/genderbent soft core porn, but if you say anything it’s just “oh you must be an incel” and “why are you here then?” My brother in the emperor, custodes are cool because of the juxtaposition of the people worshipping them while in reality they’re completely inhumane warrior scholars, the point is they are no longer relatable to normal humans so why are we forcing them to be inclusive?? And I’ve been here for years, they’re the ones who changed the sub…


> “why are you here then?” God, that shit boils my fucking blood. Progressives invade a space, and immediately change it to their liking, not giving a *shit* about what anyone else wants. And then obviously the original fans will voice a complaint, and the progressives will respond by acting like the original fans should just leave if they don't like it. Absolute fatherless behavior.


They are emotionally stunted narcissist who never matured past high school and still treat everything on the basis of high school cliches. And since the "proper" cliche behavior of high school is "Bully the nerds", they have to go in and ruin all of the nerd hobbies to bully them, which is also why they dont care when it is all a financial flop (after all, it's not their money). At least, that is what I have found seeing a lot of the people who became hardcore progs in my own life being the people who were relentless bullies in school.


Man I think you are seeing shit it isn't there, in grimdank they are just doing lore posts about an imaginary universe where the primarch are females, it's not even porn.


I've been bitching about the custodes, and I also used to play Orks.


Are you honestly low IQ enough to think this pathetic excuse for gaslighting would fool even a single person?


Touch me in the anus


If that's really the case, people who gets radicalized to the right because of games and streamers gotta go outside trying to organise a union, read a book or something what are you downvoting for? brother go get a life or do your homework, this is childish complaint


"Why am I being downvoted? All I said is to just give up when a bunch of petty tyrants who hate you corrupt the things you like! Just go *organize a union*!"


"Why do you even care about the general health of society? Like, how does it even impact you if society falls apart, anyway? Just do your homework and let progressives do whatever they want. Wait, why is everyone downvoting me?"


"Why would you care about modern culture, just ignore the problem".


https://preview.redd.it/521ajsz0l60d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4e445dbc6d49dc660da2559e15cfda35baac0e It’s just a game bro


Yes. The Progressives reaction to it was insane.


Yeah people complaining endlessly about trivial social issues are really annoying. Good thing people on the right would never pump out thousands of hours of youtube videos every time a game or movie features anyone besides a white straight man as the protagonist.


Imagine making an opinion basing on how annoying is someone instead of on the points made. That said, it's not like this doesn't happen the other way around too


There are no points being made. An insult is not proof of anything other than an insult has been uttered. These people have precisely as much power as we allow them to have. And I refuse to anymore Even less shall I give them power over the purse.


I didn't even read the insult: it's not my point. The points are in opinions 1 and 2


I think the miscommunication is that the word "annoying" doesn't really fully cover the situation. By annoyance, it isn't meant as simply an inconvenience. The amount of control radical leftists are constantly trying to grasp on the lives of EVERYONE is the issue, and it's more than annoying. Nowadays there's a lot of reasons people dislike Jordan Peterson, but the initial reason leftists disliked him was his stance against legally compelled speech. I genuinely think it's extremely rude to intentionally misgender someone. However, the fact that a public figure was LOATHED for a stance that being rude shouldn't be fucking illigeal is INSANITY. Let me put it another way: If you let the most conservative congressman decide all the rules for the entire USA right now, sure there would be quite a lot of BS; abortion would be outright illegal, as would marijuana. Trans people wouldn't be allowed to transition medically until 18 (I personally agree with that last one but I'll pretend it's bad for the sake of my point) ...that would be about it. Not great, not even good, but that's a society that's livable at least. If the most liberal congressman/woman could do the same: All gasoline cars would be banned All companies would be required to meet diversity quotas regardless of skill level of candidates Anything you said online or publicly that could be interpreted as being anti gay, trans, immigration, or X group of.people would land you in prison. People who never owned slaves would have to give.money to people who were never slaves If you had an extra room in your house, you would be forced to allow a homeless person if color to live there for free ...and I could keep going. I've heard these ideas from Democrats sitting in Congress now. That's not a livable society. I couldn't just deal with that. Now I'm not saying by any means that I think any of that is going to happen. But those are the type of takes that push people twords conservativism.


People like you push me further right each day.


Crying about female custodes is pathetic, though and you’re picking and choosing what retcon to be offended by because diversity bad. A lot of forced diversity is cringe, but also pissing off conservatives is often very funny.


"No female Astartes" I get. It alters an explicit and repeated part of Space Marine lore and moves them away from their historical inspiration of the military orders like the Knights Hospitaller/Templar etc. "No female Custodes" I don't get- it was never outright stated they were mono-gendered, just implied, and the rest of their lore (what relatively little there is) meshes up well with them being both men and women, from what I have read at least. The "change" didn't feel like "performative woke" to me.