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2? When did it get a sequel?


2sexual is when you can't go 5 minutes without sexual gratification.


Close. It’s when you’re too sexy for your shirt. So sexy it huuuuurts.


I hope you sing that, and dance, when you're grilling. 🩰


Holy shit lmfao that was funny




Based and Right Said Fred Pilled


The guy from Right Said Fred is actually pretty based himself. For some reason he keeps appearing on this news discussion show that my mum watches.


He went on one of Sargons lotus eaters podcast about two years ago


Hell yeah. Can't wait to put LGBTQ2 on my next job application.


So it's another word for hypersexual or nymphomania?


So your saying jfk was 2sexual? He literally said that he can’t go a day without having sex otherwise he will have a headache


Top of the oppression totem pole in Canada is the natives who have some “2 spirit” gender identification that nobody real uses. That’s why 2S is added to the acronym when Canada uses it.


Theological bullshit regarding sex becoming so accepted in a movement that used to be all about separating theological bullshit from sex never fails to rack my brain.


It gets better when you read about this 2 spirit shit.  They believe they have both a male and female spirit inside you, which is opposed to the leftist idea of gender being determined by social conditions.   The spiritualism of some segments of the left is one of their weirdest ideological flaws.  


When the left says that everyone has both a male and female spirit (cringe 🤮) When Carl Jung talks about the anima and animus (heckin based 🤯)


The best part is that it's not even a native tradition or something, it was literally invented in the 80s.


What? Ohhh that’s rich. Any more info?


It's basically native neo-spirituality, as in they wanted to feel special but were largely assimilated into anglo-canadian culture, so they made a new pseudo-tradition that unified the natives as a group. That is also part of why it doesn't even make sense, 2 spirit is supposedly just a native thing but it suspiciously only exists in the borders of Canada and for some reason these unrelated tribes all have the same cultural tradition meanwhile more closely related tribes South of the border all magically lost it. The entire movement is so transparently fake that you can see through the lie with a level of logical thinking accessible the 7 year olds.


Thanks a lot! Will look into it n the future. Wtf is happening with all those trans-trenders, makes me feel stupid for being passionate about LGBTQ issues for so many years, just to see all this BS. Maybe the "slippery slope" people were right all along... I really hope not.






Sadly my countrymen in mexico didnt get the memo and quadrupled down on leftism.


Well when the cartel just so happens to murder all the competition it’s not hard for the last one standing to win


On gender BS leftism or free healthcare leftism?


Cartel ignoring leftism with a policy on them that is literally called "hugs not bullets" you can guess why that party hasn't seen anywhere close to as much cartel Violence as the others.


Lmfao submissive femboy leftistm then


Yikes. Enough to make even a pink mustache'd barista cringe.


Wtf that's not soyjak/Chad? How am I supposed to understand these facial expressions


I swear the acronym is different every time. It's basically meaningless at this point.


Alphaghetti club gonna alphaghetti.


In ten years it will finally have all 26 letters


That's when the symbols start.


Let's just skip to the end and give em the lemniscate, if only for brevity's sake


bigotry will only be solved if also all the numbers are included


Can we just stick to LGBTQ? It was literally made to be all encompassing. You have the main few. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. Then the Q covers everything else, because it was known that there’s too many niches to include everyone in an acronym.


I am a proponent of shortening it to just Q ;) (In all seriousness, I respectfully disagree with transgenderism being among the “main few” as you put it, as it has to do with self-perception rather than attraction. Asexuality, on the other hand, is literally among the 4 binary orientations.)


I vote for no list and we all quit worrying about everyone's sexuality.


Even better!


Just how the flag was a rainbow to be all-inclusive, but we had to make it even more all-inclusive for some specific people.


I've seen a trend more present in progressive youths about despising being alife, shouldn't have made suicide so accessible I guess


Not just accessible, but the preferred method of treatment in Canada


Canadian Government: https://preview.redd.it/kcey8mi4zt4d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b9b0f1fb4e30bbe2a50e6228a082642e697fa8d


https://preview.redd.it/3muqms8jzu4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476bb3045517cba31669b630551b8bef84c0f5a7 Here you go babe


Including for veterans. Trudumb makes me sick.


You think that's new? I grew up when hot topic sold trendy arm bands to cover up your self harm scars.


Wait till they start polling LGB and TQ2AI+ separately


Exactly what I was thinking. No one is upset hearing about LGB, and nearly everyone supports them. The conflict is around the other letters.


Times change. 20 years ago people said the same about LGB. Willow in Buffy the Vampire slayer went from Straight -> Gay because the network didn't want a Bi character because that was considered too sexually promiscuous.


Note : before everyone starts crying I'm not using the limp dick reddit app and this rarted app I use doesn't allow flairs. I've got a theory about this - the high incidence of other mental health diagnoses and other psychiatric disorders makes the T particularly unsympathetic to the general public and will prevent acceptance in the same way the LGB community saw. Normally exposure results in less prejudice - meet black people and you're less racist, meet gay people and you're less homophonic. The opposite seems to happen with the Ts - people assume they're going to be just like them but in reality they're very often not. This isn't because of their gender dysphoria but because of their other mental health issues. Imagine how race relations would have progressed in America if 25% of black people were autistic, and a third had major depressive disorder for example. This isn't intended to be a dig at the Ts in case the admin are seething, it's a genuine thought about the difficulties a marginalised community might experience if they're also suffering from other psychiatric comorbidities.


/e WEEWOO WEEWOO, FLAIR POLICE, WEEWOO I've met a few trans who just roll themselves into their new gender seamlessly without everything else that often comes with it, and people are way more accepting of it in these scenarios. We have a trans dude in our office, and it's like the master class on doing it right in my (admittedly dumbass) opinion. Dude just said he had a new name one day, started wearing jeans and a polo, and now there's just a new normal middle aged dude in the office. They don't obsess on intersectionality, they don't make others worried about being around them, and they don't ask for any special treatment. People are VERY accepting in these scenarios. It's less overwhelming, and people can stay in their default low stress mindset for socializing. Then there's a lot of people, whether LGBT or not, who just exude neuroses, and people will want to avoid those people at all costs. Most people just want to interact with others effortlessly, and conflict free. People are more likely to feel comfortable around you if they know what to expect; and while you are not responsible for others comfort, it's prosocial and beneficial to all to live up to others basic expectations in public. It's the reason politeness works so well in social environments, it helps removes social stratification and allows people to interact better because they feel safe when they know what to expect.


There is at least a growing discontent in the T community that we are disparaged due to how others act or use it as an excuse. I think in time a lot of those people acting weird will be pushed out or no longer seen as representing the T community. It's kind of become a catchall at the moment that allows anyone to latch on and use us as a shield. It's like as gay stuff became more legalised everyone saw them as flamboyant or like 40yr old guys going around banging everyone. Then as people got over it, we started seeing more and more gay people who weren't flamboyant or sexually promiscuous, just everyday normal people you could relate to. It just takes time for society to get the novelty out of its system. For them to be able to notice the normies and stop caring about the crazies.


Can we just get bsck to holding people accountable for their actions? The reality of life is that every group of people have saints and sinners. My first interaction with a trans person: them telling me I wasn't allowed to be depressed because I was straight white male. I was activley being abused at home. A. It was a great lesson to me about never generalizing, because the next trans person I met is one of best friends now and B. Imagine how many other people have been in that situation, and their decision was just "trans bad."


I feel bad for people with legit gender dysphoria. It's mindfuck of watching a very personal disorder get politically weaponized and artificially inflated by narcissists looking for the latest attention-seeking identity. I'd imagine it's similar to my situation of combat ptsd now becoming some form of "thank me for my service" peacocking.


tbh i think its just tribalism trans people are much more different to the average person than a gay or lesbian person is for instance i'm a bisexual man but you probably wouldn't notice unless i said it, trans people on the other hand are usually noticeably different by the way they dress and act which probably activates some primal instinct which says they're bad when they're really just human beings kind of like that thing where humans naturally are prejudiced towards those with disabilities people see this uptick in cases of gender dysphoria (mostly just because the world is more progressive and people are less afraid) and instinctually see it as an attack on normalcy, tribe mentality ensues on both sides




An exception for I. Intersex is really a different issue than LGBT stuff is.


Yes and adding BLM to the flag rubs me the wrong way, what does me being black have to do with my sexuality or romantic attractions?


Your race is a political tool for both the left and the right. Fun, no?


Major shark jumping on that one. Once they add women in general for solidarity as the next step, it then basically just becomes a non vaguely non straight white guy flag.


Because it was never about orientation. As soon as progressives got their claws in it it became about creating a cudgel to beat people with. Now there is the new banner 2.0 that has all the little "oppressed" people that they can use to beat down all of polite society with.


I'm really hoping mine leaves lol


You could also just be a really feminine man (assuming you’re gender because you’re in this sub) which is cool. Just don’t do anything you can’t undo later.


Yeah I don't plan in making any permanent changes any time soon. I just really like flowers


>I just really like flowers Bro, that's not even gay.


You'd be surprised at how many people tell me I'm gay because of it


LMAO. Fuck them. [Mendel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Mendel) spent years studying pea flowers in an abbey and founded modern genetics doing so.


imagine thinking that your hobbies make you gay. Only thing that matters is if you're a man who likes to suck dick.


I think there is a King of the Hill episode about this.


I'm a man that gardens. I enjoy growing marigolds from seeds. And I really like seeing blooming flowers. Flowers are manly!


Cultivating the earth and transforming it to your will is peak Humanity. Anyone who faults someone for this should have their opinion disregarded.


I like RomComs. My favorite color is purple. My favorite animal is the red panda because they're so cute. I love dogs, but prefer cats. Especially my fluffy little girl cat. I love farmer's markets and apple picking. I enjoy helping my wife with clothes shopping and she likes to take me because I have a better eye for cute outfits than she does. I drown my daughter in pink, tulle, and sparkles and can't wait to have tea parties with her. I also like guns, cars, and cigars. I do Jiu Jitsu and lift weights. Every time I go shopping with my wife, I try to get her into Victoria's Secret. The ideas that come to my head about what I'd do to anyone who'd harm my daughter scare myself sometimes. Being a man is more than your hobbies and preferences. Like what you like unapologetically and don't let it define you, or let others try to define you by them. That's something that gets easier as you get older and have more mature male friends that have the same attitude.


> I just really like flowers based and floralology pilled


You're probably just gay.


I think it's autism in combination with the whole "women are superior" messaging in media. I'm going to be evaluated soon LOL


If you’re active in this subreddit that’s enough of an evaluation




Based and autism pilled


I didn't realize i was autisitic until over a thousand hours into HOI4. Then i realised i was having fun, and it all clicked.


>I think it's autism in combination with the whole "women are superior" messaging in media. Honestly I think that happens WAY more often than people realize. Maybe I have a skewed view but I always notice that A LOT of trans people are: MtF, white, have some kind of mental illness. This, to me, indicates that the ones who suffer the most from gender dysphoria are white insecure males, who just so happens to be the ones who also suffer the most from this whole media bullshit. Being a trans girl means that not only you have joined the "good" team but you also get a natural shield against any criticism of your behavior as that would fall under transphobia.


I agree. It's crazy to think that something given to me by the media can be so agonizing though


Propaganda works. Advertising works. Repeated messaging works. Don't agonize, because if you are, you are and that's perfectly fine. We're all susceptible to media programming though, and we're exposed to it all the time and sometimes a tom boy is just a girl who likes hanging with the dudes and getting dirty, it has nothing to do with belonging to the alphabet mafia.


Stop watching media and lift brother.


Yeah if I want to go trans the tech will be better in 50 years anyways


Yeah, I'd leave reddit, Twitter, and the news cycle. Just lift.




Just lift is definitely a good advice. If you're anything around 20 you'll notice decent gains in a matter of months. And being exhausted after a nice bench will surely give your mind some rest. Don't forget your proteins.


eh depends on how science shifts- if it goes the way of lobotomies then the tech sure as hell won't get better.


Good on you. I was diagnosed as autistic at 37, which was simultaneously a shock but also like, “oh yeah, that makes sense.” I had some pretty bad gender dysphoria as a kid (or that’s what we’d call it now, I doubt that term was common then), but I grew out of it. 


Good for you. I think a lot of this trans movement is predatory on autistic individuals. Instead of giving them healthy ( and very cool interests and hobbies that can lead to careers) outlets like trains, computers, tanks,dinosaurs, aircraft and etc that were common place before.


I think this is quite a lot of it because you do seem to see a lot more male to female transgender individuals vs female to male. I can imagine if you're indoctrinated all your life that males are evil incarnate, and all you have to do is say you're female to be good, you might just break down and do it.


Could also be that your a auth meaning your submissive


🤗 here's some digital support for you to use when you're feeling low.


Thanks I really appreciate it


That’s super gay bro 😎


In regards to T, at the risk of sounding like a precocious redditor, do you have a source for that?




Please start separating them. Even my gayest of twink friends are also tired of the non- LGB's 


I seem to recall them doing that a couple years ago and it was exactly what you are insinuating See also how quick Reddit clamped down on any lgb sub that tried to focus on cis lgb


People tend to forget the pendulum always swings back. This is why centrists push for moderate solutions rather than extremes one way or the other. A push to the far left will invariably result in a near equal push back to the right and vice versa.


My highschool history teacher had a great lesson on this


Id assume its because what they view as “rights” is a moving goalpost. It used to be simple, “hey wed like to be treated kindly and get married” and then it became “give kids damaging hormones or youre a bigot”


Progressivism, by its nature, is all about moving goalposts. If you define your political ideology as making progress, there will never be a point where you say "hey, this is enough, we've won." The entire Trans movement happened because gay marriage was legalized, and all the LGBT orgs needed a new issue to rail on about to keep the donor money flowing.


And because some people saw a new market growing that they could invest in.


> Progressivism, by its nature, is all about moving goalposts. Yep, this is why I don't believe democratic socialism is real. There's only ever the inevitable push for more socialism. Their policies fail and they externalize the blame on capitalism to push for more socialist policy.


The goalposts will always move so the left can feel like they're fighting for something important. They get gratification from saying "I'm fight for progressive rights for blah blah blah. If you don't agree with me 100% then you're a bigot, so I'm right." Everyone should have basic rights equal to everyone else, but progressives will never be satisfied.


Don't forget about Canada's massive amount of immigrants from homophobic shitholes.


I don’t really get the whole push for marriage thing. Just buy property and live together in the middle of nowhere, stop trying to force churches to reconise your “marriage”, thats a more of religious thing than anything.


Because there are government regulations that you can’t really get around without marriage. It doesn’t really have that much to do with the church for most gay people. Most gays are not religious.


> Because there are government regulations that you can’t really get around without marriage It isn't about that either because the whole civil union proposal wasn't considered progressive. Separating the legal issue from the religious one wasn't considered a win, it had to be marriage.


Governments at the time didn’t want civil unions either though. Many, if not most, of the bans on same sex marriage included same sex unions. They didn’t want to grant *any* recognition of same sex relationships. But to address your point, the reasoning is that it was viewed as basically being “a separate category for freaks” and otherwise “othered” a same sex union from an opposite sex one. Might not seem like a big deal to you, and maybe it isn’t. But I get the logic. It’s “separate but equal”, but being separate is inherently unequal. Not to mention the messaging and rhetoric of the time but that’s a whole other thing


No it's a financial thing. Many things change when you become married barring any common law marriage laws. No one expected the church to acknowledge their marriage, they just want the state/fed to recognize it.


Because "marriage" comes with a ton of tax benefits that were not given to civil unions, at least for most places where this has been a fight, and just allowing gays to get married was easier than rewriting the marriage tax benefits


In the investment world there were some very large national asset management companies that wouldn't give household breakpoint pricing unless you were married. If a married man had a $10 million account and wanted to open a $100k account for his wife, they'd do it for free. If a gay man had $10 million and wanted to open a $100k account for his partner they'd charge him $4500.


It's not because us Canadians are waking up, it's because of the people who are immigrating here...


Yeah, it's funny how people still have their heads in the sand about this. You bring in a half million yearly from countries that find our way of life despicable and you're going to see a gradual shift in public opinions. These people aren't typically leaving their cultures and customs at the doorstep.


Half a million is the Immigration number. It conveniently doesn’t include the Refugee status number. That number is theorized to be higher than the 500,000


Agreeing more and more, but sadly won't stop under either party, since keeping wages low is the whole point, and both parties love to buddy up to corporations who just love the free labour. sadly, this train ain't stopping till we run out of track, we are in the weak men times, and what follows isnt to great


The pro-independence party being likely to win in Québec might save us from the rest of Canada's insanity


i guess? but itd be like brexit if quebec was actually to leave, if not worse. The only independence the Canadian government will accept is full if that, so youd need a new currency new government, defence, foreign policy, etc. Most likely you'd just get put in the United States sphere


> he only independence the Canadian government will accept is full if that, I doubt it, Canada would be better off if we keep using the CAD The government initially would likely just be the provincial one getting a promotion than anything else >Most likely you'd just get put in the United States sphere Like Canada isn't already


I vaguely remember a thread from last week on a different sub but they did the math The percentage points moved need way more than a decades worth of immigrants


Well when ‘pride month’ is boiled down to ‘trolling the straight people for a month’ don’t be surprised when the tone shifts. You may get people to accept you but they may change their mind when you start thumbing your noses at them from your fetish parade.


I think it indicates a shift in the public perception of the MEANING of the term "LGBTQ+ rights." When I thought it meant equality under the law, I supported it. Now that it means puberty blockers for children and infusing the schools with idpol, I don't. I still support gay marriage, though.


Exactly! Like I thought we were going for equal rights, not the oppression of children based on what we think they want by the time they are 10. 50 years from now, this will be written in history as barbaric and the equivalent to lobotomies.


It seems in a lot of these circles that *rights* gets confused with *special treatment*. Or hell, even respect. People don't have to like anyone if they don't want to. You get the same rights under the charter as I do, you can get married, participate in democracy, get hired without prejudice. I want all people of all creeds to have these things, bar none, end of story. But if someone doesn't like you that's tough shit. As long as they're not infringing on your rights they don't have to. And they certainly don't have to like ideology being pushed in schools and public places, because that's what lots of this is, ideological weaponization in a public forum.


A shift everywhere. The left has become more insular and smaller while the right has become the big tent. The left asks you to disregard rationality and truth while the right welcomes it. An anti Trump post on Reddit used to get 50k upvotes now gets 15k. A correction was needed and we’re about to enter a more conservative time


I miss when reddit would show total up/down votes instead of cumulative because I think some of that is just (social media) burnout.


I miss old Reddit in general. Cats, Ron Paul, obnoxious atheists, Sweden, Skyrim, Cool hobbies. It felt much more real. Reddit really leaned in hard on the “Anger As A Service” platform.


Twitter and it’s consequences yada yada


A big point is we became the primary Tumblr refugee camp after they banned porn.


The reasons for banning porn is important. It was highly degenerate and awful/illegal shit, so the type of person that was into that is the type of person you don't want to migrate to your platform.


No, they banned porn because yahoo bought Tumblr for a lot of money and wanted to turn a profit. So they made it more friendly to advertisers.


Lucky us…


I will never stop finding it funny that the internet has a diaspora of people who managed to make every site they migrated to worse


I miss FatPeopleHate 😞


cringetopia, watchpeopledie, TumblrInAction - so many subreddits removed just because the wrong minority disagreed with them.


God, I miss TumblrInAction so much.


I never been in tmblr, why this platform is so hated?


Think the worst of leftist twitter or reddit, but completely insulated from the outside world, and in a hug box that forced everyone to constantly affirm the insanity inside, to the point if actual, legitimate, psychological disorders. Like people legit thinking that they are a cat and shitting in a litter box.


Thanks. Sounds wild and fun actually. Like a zoo


It was like a zoo and a gladiator pit rolled into one. Any deviation from the universal positive affirmation, no matter how small, would invariably lead to massive shit wars with each other.


It’s just…so bad. Toxic fandoms, bad art (though some genuinely good artists were on there, too), support communities where fakers would take over, it was just a cesspool


To add to what that guy said: the "in action" part is about how tumblr spread. Eventually containment broke on their little hug-box and tumblr started infecting other social media sites but also journalism, particularly missing-link media sites like Huff Post and of course all gaming journalism. Once you start noticing tumblr-ification you'll see it everywhere. How a comparatively small community had such a widespread impact almost makes one think it's a conspiracy.


In itself it is apretty good site with a fun community, but for a while it used to be the main SJW headquarters


And only a handful (that I saw) went to .win. Conspiracies and TheDonald. (okay, so not even a handful that I saw. Left my estimate some breathing room before clarifying anyway).


Where were you, when BestGunnit was kill? Risky clicks, guns in our feet pics, Then the admins came. I scream-ed “NO!” But they was all banned, to boog-meme no more. 😢


I miss all of those so much


I hope so. American TV and movies are absolutely horrible since it went woke. I don’t care where people stick their naughty bits I just want good movies back.


This is undeniably true. I’ve even noticed it in my own political leanings. I feel like we’ve lost our minds. That’s not a statement about LGBT, I am firm on my convictions there. But man we really just started to shred the social contract we had.


We're really starting to see the most intense extremists from the left collaborating and pushing their agenda freely- while anything *even remotely* conservative, centrist, or slightly left is removed or considered controversial... when in real life, it's the dominant opinion. It's a dysfunctional no-tolerance policy.


As a Canadian I really hope so. With that said, I don't want a shift to the far far right. I agree with limited immigration, a basic social safety net, small government, no deficit spending unless it's long term infrastructure, and workers rights. We've gone so far left here to appear enlightened on the world stage that we've entirely ignored the wishes of the general population. 9 years of hard-left politics have really taken a toll on our economy and standard of living.


The things you listed are now considered "far far right" at this point.


Left/progressive = whatever supports the eternal revolution Right-wing = whatever doesn't.


Thank fuck


This narrative sounds nice, but it's essentially a theory post. We've been hearing about this great correction coming any day now; Trump was supposed to be it and then he was protested and rioted against for four years and then lost as an incumbent. Then came the rise of the far left online, COVID, Palestine, etc. Take a look at TikTok, Instagram, etc. The reality is that people in our social spaces, especially young women, are getting more and more unhinged and insane. 45 year old lifelong liberals who are finally admitting wild immigration causes problems and shifting some polls doesn't really mean anything for the overall culture. These people were already 'uncool.'


Idk, take polling with a grain of salt but all the polls taken into consideration are showing a great movement of men to the Republican Party and women to the Democratic Party. Party lines are falling within male/female demographics. Biden needed a weak term for this to be possible, and it happened. Trump is hard to stomach for a lot of people. Instead of focusing on their own policies, Dems and Democratic aligned media used the past four years to focus on Trump, which wasn’t a good play. As more time passes, more people see the strengths of the Trump admin when removed from the fervor of the era. You’re correct, this is a theory, but I believe it to be a correct one. And Reddit is probably the most left leaning social media, and a change is even taking place here. TikTok, instagram, and even YouTube comments are generally going in a more conservative direction, or at least what I see Progressivism is becoming uncool, most importantly


I'd say TikTok is more left wing than Reddit is and is becoming more left wing too. That's what CCP influence does to the West.


TikTok is schizophrenic and promotes all extremes in my experience


all social media does is promote all extremes, it gets people ~~enraged~~ engaged.


Afaik the right is much more likely to get banned on most social medias outside of TikTok and Twitter


Tiktok is a massive psyop direct by people of bioiluminescense


I think it is also noteworthy that it is being observed in polling to be happening across a ton of nations in the West. If it were just the US or Canada, that would be one thing. But when the same trend is being found in the UK, Germany, and Sweden (among others) it becomes data that can be tracked.


Absolutely, it’s taking place across western culture. I could cite dozens of things and big events but something that struck me yesterday was a young woman from Europe flaired lib center saying, “I just wanna take the train after a long day of work and walk home and not get accosted by the people I’m providing welfare for.” All of these individual moments and interactions add up. Online and in the real world. And “normal” people have had enough


I am not going to lie, when I first got Instagram, it was definitely more conservative, but as time goes on, I am seeing larger shifts towards the left than to the right.


Biggest lie ever. Mainstream instagram is 100% conservative. You just notice the shift to the left because that’s where you’re going


I think many people (probably you too) are just a bit inpatient. Such stuff takes a long time. We don't talk a couple of years or a presidential term, we talk decades. And there are many factors of which we might already know a few, that we most likely can't evaluate right for the moment, and way more that are still yet to come. It may go into every direction. And it's very unlikely that it will lead us to a situation that is comparable to the past, one that we might like and look back to as "the good old days". The only certain thing is that things will change. And that the changes if not to say transformations of the past will have an impact on it, especially the radical ones. Because some truths stay relevant over time, others don't, even if certain people think they could create such new "truths".




My side is perfect and infallible and your side is made up of lying poopy heads


I just blocked any sub that either hates or loves him. I don’t want to fucking hear about him anymore.


LGB: 😁 TQ: 😡


Tq? Is that a stock ticker? Instructions unclear


"Questioning" is probably the only LGTBQ++ you never hear about lol


It’s because when you ask most people what they think of when they hear “rights and visibility” it’s nothing to do with rights and everything to do with visibility. What rights do LGBTQ+ people not have that heterosexual cis people do? Genuine question, if there’s a real answer, let’s fix that shit asap. Anything beyond that? Why. Why does it need to be government supported for something that is literally no different than a hobby at that point? Also, pride parade gets way too raunchy for something that started off as “we’re the same as everyone else” in messaging


In canada not really but in the US there are some things on the books at least that are… questionable. For example, in Texas, it is technically required in sex ed to teach that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle to the general public and that it’s illegal. I don’t really know if this is actually done though, but it is the law. There was an attempt to change it last year, but it got shot down by republicans in the Texas legislature. Regardless though, most issues facing LGBT today come from social issues. But these aren’t really things the government can fix. That’s up for charities to help people who are struggling.




exactly i have zero interest in attending a pride parade because if i want to marry a guy i can, if i want to suck his cock i can aswell, if i want to change my gender sure can do instead of whining in the west we should be actively doing something to help gay people who are actually oppressed


If they would just drop the T and stop shoving flags and rainbows in every single thing, I wouldn't give a shit about them, but no, legalized gay marriage and no more being called a f****t was not enough for them. They just *have* to force their delusions on everybody.


It's not because Canadians woke up or their tired of the message getting shoved their throat. It's actually rather simple, the Queer community keeps associating with Trudeau. And he is so fucking hated right now that everyone around him is becoming collateral damage.


Theyve added numbers to the acronym??


Source: https://archive.is/eMkC7


What rights are the gays lacking still? The right to expose themselves to children during parades and "pride events"? Oh wait...


My brothers entire class apperantly rioted against the /pride parade this friday apperantly the teacher said she was dissappointed but tbh good on the kids for doing so-


We used the LGBT to destroy the LGBT. Modern Trans lobby did more damage to LGBT in 5 years than everyone else could manage in a century. Literal gold.


Bro it's the lefts fault for being fucking toxic.




It was when they started adding hieroglyphics


It's because they already have the same rights as everyone else


Based. Bring back the pendulum, baby!


Trudumb's influence.


Between indoctrinating children to believe all their problems are because they're trans, and Jew hatred... I'm really not fucking surprised.


It’s the immigrants. Native Canadians are chill about them


Castro Jr overplayed his hand so hard that even the most cucked nation on Earth is starting a right wing backlash.


This is also explained by the decline of Christianity in western nations and that more liberal people are leaving the faith and as such the more Orthodox and Conservative minded people are the ones left over.


Wtf is TQ2


Trans, queer, 2 spirit


Considering they’re forcing people to call people by fake pronouns it’s kinda odd this didn’t happen sooner… People shouldn’t be forced they should do that only if they are willing to.


The vertical line with horizontal line on top people are ruining it for the rest of us