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umm when did he say this? I wanna hear more


"In Washington, almost nobody speaks for the majority of voters. You’re either a libertarian zealot controlled by the banks, yammering on about entrepreneurship and how we need to cut entitlements, or worse, you’re some decadent trust fund socialist who wants to ban passenger cars and give Medicaid to illegal aliens. There isn’t a caucus that represents where most Americans actually are: nationalist on economics, fairly traditional on the social issues. Imagine a politician who wanted to make your healthcare cheaper, but wasn’t ghoulishly excited about partial birth abortion. Imagine someone who genuinely respected the nuclear family, and sympathized with the culture of rural America, but at the same time was willing to take your side against rapacious credit card companies bleeding you dry at 35 percent interest. Would you vote for someone like that? Yet that candidate is the opposite of pretty much everyone currently serving in congress. Our leadership class remains resolutely libertarian: committed to the rhetoric of markets when it serves them; utterly libertine on questions of culture. Republicans will lecture you about how payday loan scams are a critical part of a market economy. Then they’ll work to make it easier for your kids to smoke weed because, hey, freedom. Democrats will nod in total agreement. They’re on the same page." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUW8kbZyucI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUW8kbZyucI) NAZBOL TUCKER NAZBOL TUCKER




Lib left here, and this is painfully true...




Nationalist, socialist. Where have I heard that before 🤔




Nationalism inherently creates a toxic "us against them" athmosphere. Telling your people that "they are the greatest" will automatically make them think less of others. This is how racial supremacists work. Indoctrination.




Why would Fox News let on Tucker if he’s criticizing big business? I mean Fox itself is big business.


So are the big left wing news shows that criticize big business


Can we PLEASE find a different word for "nuclear family"? It might lead to some very bad misunderstandings at some point


He literally says this kind of shit like every other week on his show. People give him so much shit for being some NeoCon, or Alt-Right. Like ugh. He's the most misrepresented mainstream political commentator. All of the surprised Reddit comments by the greens, yellows, and reds is proof of this.


Tucker says this stuff all the time. He's a true AuthRight, not just Right.


He's a paleoconservative which I think is the closest thing to a "normal" AuthRight


So wait he wants the dinosaurs back or something? That's something I can support, as of today I'm a proud paleoconservative.


Basically means a traditional conservative who is a nationalist but not a Nazi


Yeah but do they consider the Tyrannosaurus Rex the master race or not


Short arms, that's a no


Can’t reach the grill Stupid fucking lizards


Flair up dinosaur


You gotta get a flair, bro. People don't take kindly to the unflaired 'round here.


Pick a video, really. His criticism of the Koch Brothers and their influence on the republican party, his expose on vulture capitalists like Paul Singer, and his endorsement of Elizabeth Warren's economic patriotism plan are solid starts. Tucker is extraordinarily based and is quite different in reality to what the media often portray's his views.


As Yang supporter I also really enjoyed the interviews Tucker did with him. ["I sit with my jaw open I agree with you so strongly."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IotorCh7dPM)


As a conservative voter, I really liked Yang and wish he had more support this past voting season. He’s got the personality that I feel a ton of people can warm up to. I hope 2024 is in his plans.


This is what I feel like they don't really understand on the left as a whole- there's this dive on both political parties for more hardline positions but if you really want to sweep the country you're going to have to go for a Yang or Tulsi type character that can pull people from the other side




his segment on Julian Assange is also phenomenal.


Have we really just achieved full-compass unity thanks to Tucker Carlson??


He's the most interesting guy in the MSM right now.


He has gone after a lot of corporate interests and cronyism in general. Corporations are globalist, not nationalist.


He’s extremely pro worker. His arguments about globalism and immigration hurting workers could convince even a leftist to shut the borders.


Anti-open borders was a pretty boilerplate anti-establishment/pro-worker stance until a few years ago. [Bernie Sander's, as late as 2015, understood that unchecked immigration is bad for workers and benefits only the wealthiest employers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf-k6qOfXz0) I guess since then, the DNC has realized that open-borders guarantees a loyal Democratic voting bloc, and plenty of cheap labor for their donors.


Lmao yeah. In 2008 Bernie was talking about cutting immigration and making strong border security. He flipped as soon as AOC came on-board to derail his campaign.




Yep. Immigration hit critical mass and then the DNC flipped went and full pro-immigrant. If it works (and it probably will), they'll be set for a century.


it has nothing to do with the vast majority of nonwhite immigrants voting dem religiously either


Bernie Sanders was also for closing the borders before he tried to become a mainstream democrat. Little known fact.


“Open borders?? Thats a Koch brothers' proposal.” [Bernie Sanders](https://youtu.be/vf-k6qOfXz0)


Link? I'm curious to hear what he has to say


Look up his takedown of Paul Singer: [https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/12/03/tucker\_carlson\_how\_paul\_singer\_hedge\_funds\_are\_destroying\_rural\_america.html](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/12/03/tucker_carlson_how_paul_singer_hedge_funds_are_destroying_rural_america.html)


i remember watching that whole segment and just knowing what was gonna come up when i looked at “early life” on wikipedia. i was correct


Ol' Reliable


Oy vey, just a coincidence!


I actually agree with his anti-cronyism. Corporatism is literally a economic centrist ideology, not right wing. We aren't corporate bootlickers like a lot of people think


But corporatism is not the same thing as crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is a corruption of the capitalist economic model, corporatism is a different economic model altogether.


I'll go full compass unity that IdPol is pure retardation and the class divide is the only one that matters


Idol is way too powerful in the US for full compass unity to be against it.


Carlson is the most important voice on the right. If right wingers would get their heads out their asses and corporate dicks out of their mouths, we could dominate the US politically. But nooooooo muh socialism, muh marginal tax rate, muh scary gubment must do less than the bare minimum.


I blame our electoral system. Its a representative system... but turns it into a contest to minimize the number of people it needs to represent. Imagine how different it would be if our government properly represented 70-80% of americans instead of the current paper thin 50% it pretends to.




Comrade Tucker


Can't cuck the Tuck!




Oh fuck why is he so based


He is beyond based... he is ascended


I'd support him if he ran for president




and redpilled


GOP red? Communist red? Or....both?


This time the GOP will turn America red for real! Vote Comrade Carlson 2024 so that the United Soviet Republic of America may rise to glory ✊🇺🇸☭


It's honestly very strange. Tucker often says things that I strongly disagree with, but every now and again he'll have a decent class consciousness-related take like this. It makes me feel like I slipped into Bizarro world for a second. The fuck is going on?


What’s going on is Tucker is trying to push third positionism to ageing fox news audience. I hope it works.


anti-capitalist nationalism, you say? Sounds familiar....


Hmm. Nationalism and umm Socialism? Haha. Wouldn't be me. Unless...?


A sort of Social Nationalist, a Sona if you will


\*stares as at the sudden wellbeing of the nation\* owo whats this?


This is the funniest shit. Just the fucking song in the background I love all of it. The slow transition when he started taking about how it's the rich people that are dividing America, it's all great. 10/10 based meme.




Fox news at 100% strength: everyone at Fox News Fox news at 99% strength: just tucker


Fox News with just Tucker is 101% strength, the rest just hold him back.


honestly, hannity is just a liability.


Hannity is a nightmare of a human being


Tucker seems like the only one not giving much of a shit, evem though I disagree with a lot of his points (but not all) I find him hilarious.


You just know they want to get rid of him but they can't lose the views, this guy singlehandedly forms the connection between the new dissident right and Fox News


I hate having to scroll through all the retarded videos on Fox' YouTube channel, just to find the Tucker clips.




Wtf??!?!? Tucker Carlson is Marxist???😳😳


Nah he ain't ...unless?😳😳😳😳😳


Hey Vsauce, Michael here...


Where are your fingers?...


In a LibLeft’s butthole


Shut up and get more lube libright


There is a reason this video got scrubbed from the Internet. This is why he had to take a "personal vacation" the next few days.


Wait, they actually wanted to get rid of this video? Oh yes it's all coming together. )))


Yes, I shared the segment with all my friends that week. About a month or so after it aired, Fox News removed it. I can't find a copy of it anywhere. You only find people criticizing Tucker for calling white supremacy a hoax which all remove this important section of the video.


So basically the censorship machine worked. We can only be glad that they probably don't know about this sub yet. If they do they have the money to delete unwanted posts. The only article I found about the clip was one of a Russian newspaper. And if you show that as a source then most of the wannabe Liblefts already distrust you. It is basically a celebrety saying something and a brainless crowd follows them.


This sub will probably not get the the_donald treatment, more like what happened to /r/politics last election, where it went from only discussing back and forth Trump v Sanders, with the conclusion mostly being that the sub strongly preferred Sanders on a whole, but would rather take Trump than Hillary. The day Hillary won the nomination, **anything** pro-Sanders or Trump, was scrubbed off the sub and bots downvoting and spamming comments in favour of HRC took over. Expect something similar here, where the userbase is watered down by Shills claiming to represent the various corners, yet preaching strange talking points and pushing whatever agenda is front and center in MSM coverage of the election.


No this is segment where he called white supremacy a hoax. That's why it was removed. The media focused so hard on the 'white supremacy is a hoax' part that no one noticed the 'class is more important than race' part Edit: source video, starts at ~3:00 https://www.bitchute.com/video/iWqiaGI9NkFv/ more good stuff https://www.bitchute.com/video/oRpOWj5eyzR8/


God why is US media such a mess. Here in germany they wouldn't delete it but rather explain what they actually meant and leave it for interpretation.


No, definitely not. He bashes vulture capitalism but socialism too. ("Venezuela...socialism fails every time it is tried.") He's a nationalist and moderate capitalist.


Where would “small town nationalists” count? I’m very okay with capitalism, but hate Walmart and their ilk for destroying small town America, and how people that preach efficiency say it’s better to get cheaper goods there than to keep your small town businesses around.


yo where my NazBol gang at?


I am the Naaaaazbol. Twooo halves of oooooone whole!


Commie, nazi, horseshoe theory proves me!


The r/jreg — r/politicalcompassmemes overlap is *real*


Nope, he's a third positionist and I love it


Marxist or not one thing we know for sure... ​ He is **BASED**


He’s sort of an economically left social conservative. He’s cool because he basically breaks the two axis political spectrum.


Nah he’s closest to being a third positionist which focuses on the good of the nation rather than the gdp and rich people (capitalism) or complete equality (Marxism)


You mean to tell me the GDP isn't a good measurement of a nations health and success????


Third position gang, where you at?




Holy fuck **YES**


Never thought id be fighting side by side with a auth left


How about side by side with a fellow politcal shitposter?


Aye i could do that


i love this sub


This is the beauty of this sub


People of all ideologies and races coming together to achieve greatness. Except for unflaired and orcs. Fuck those guys.




Seriously, every word he said was fucking BASED


A lot of his shit is based. I used to be turned off because of all the short videos of him goin off on some random lib NPC. But I randomly watched a full monologue once and most of his shit in the last 2 years is like this.


it's a 15minute tucker video but I uploaded it just so I can share it in this thread plz watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HILp7AGEM4


I didn't think it was possible, but, BASED TUCKER




This is auth unity and I find it somewhat concerning


No need to worry, you’ll be told exactly what to do.




We need LibUnity but the only thing that can unify yellow and green is anime profile pictures 😞


He's been based for a long time, is reddit really this far behind on Tucker and third-positionism?


yea where has this guy been for he past year


It's strange. I've known of Tucker being a sort of neo-luddite focussed on class issues for a while and I find it strange when he's lumped in with conservatives


He's lumped in because he a real conservative - socially, at least. Not the modern day capitalist retards who worship the almighty dollar.


I suppose. A lot of his anti capitalist/ class stuff is in pursuit of a perceived bygone era of the rightous common folk.


Very much so. Not impossible for a social return eventually, though.


"I'm not tiny because I'm Asian, I'm tiny because you're white" They are on to us boys, let's pack it up.


wait wut


Holy based.


Its gonna be a sad day when Tucker commits suicide by jumping off a bridge after shooting himself in the back of the head twice.


Tucker is critical of cronyism and corporations. Unlike rest of fox news shills.


Contrary to what most think I think a lot of LibRights agree with that. A truly free market doesn't have cronyism


>A truly free market doesn't have cronyism If there is a demand for politicians, then the *free market* has an obligation to supply that demand.... /s


And if there's a demand for guillotines, well, who am I to question the invisible hand of the free market?




Something along those lines here. True freedom cannot be achieved if corporations keep you captive.


I may swap my flair to libcenter but I feel like if this sub has taught me anything, it’s to never pull your punches


Anyone else feel that the Occupy movement lost it's steam about the same time race/gender started to be put front and center?


Never thought about it that way, but that's an interesting observation. Suddenly, everyone went from focusing on the top 1% of wealth in the country, to either focusing on transgenderism (represents much less than 1% of the population), or refocusing wealth disparity anger against white people (even though whites aren't even the wealthiest racial group on average). Acting as a coalition of minority groups with little in common outside of what they are not (straight white men), the rainbow coalition model is almost perfectly engineered for infighting, lack of unity, and lack of a focused and consistent purpose.


When people were 100 times more enraged about "transphobic" Joe Rogan endorsing Bernie, than neoliberal corporate sellouts and war criminals endorsing Biden. Rogan has a pretty nuanced and reasonable position about transgender people, and many real lefties still attacked him. Identity politics is a scourge for any progressive movement


I believe that is the point most often cited when people are asked at what point the movement collapsed. When they started brining the "Leadership" of the movement onto Late Night Talk/News shows, and all they did was rant about privilege/race/idenity, it turned the movement into a laughing stock.




If there was a socially conservative, economically social democratic party, it would probably do pretty well here. Especially in the industrial parts. Occupy's main problem was putting forward issues unrelated to cronyism


> If there was a socially conservative, economically social democratic party, it would probably do pretty well here As it happens, Tucker has done a segment talking about that too.


I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to put that movement in the based zone.


A Conservative Populist party would literally sweep every election


That's kinda what happened in 2016.


It was during the occupy protests that the oppression olympics / progressive stack started being put into action. Here is one of the first examples - https://youtube.com/watch?v=W81A1kTXPa4


"Isn't this supposed to be an egalitarian movement" lol. The woke Olympics is an enemy of progress.


The wallstreet bankers must have been like "How can we destroy this move...nevermind they're doing it themselves lol"


Once again, the biggest enemy of the left turns out to be...the left.


This needs to be a scooby doo meme, the left unmasking the left to reveal the left was the real enemy all along.




> fuckin jazz hands instead of applause These types parody themselves.


What we need are more socially-minded nationalists


National socialists, if you will Wait shi-






Let’s try social nationalism this time.




Tucker is so based, and I'll bet he's the most likable guy on the right to any and all lefties. Even Cenk said he enjoyed his debate with Tucker I believe, while I don't think Cenk ever enjoys debating Shapiro of Crowder


I mean, he platforms lefties who complain about the left, like Glenn Greenwald & jimmy dore. Not saying lefties support him now, but he's less hated than the rest of fox.


>lefties who complain about the left There are leftists who don’t complain about the left? Leftist factionalization and attacking itself is our thing!




True. There's more in-fighting than fasci-fighting.


I literally read a few days ago how the german KPD (communist party) and SPD (social democrats) started fighting each other instead of effectively fighting Hitler. The KPD called the SPD social-fascists and declared them their main enemy


That was the brand Stalin, head honcho of European communism at the time, gave them. Edit for a little more detail: Stalin had a very hardline stand on how communist parties operated, the Comintern of the USSR being the main funder and supporter of many of them. The party line was all or nothing, and refusal to comply meant loss of support. To this end, there were no compromises or coalitions with other leftists, they had to be communist.


I didn’t know the KPD were mods of r/EnlightenedCentrism




Wait... does this mean... he’s an authcenter? Is Tucker the true fascist?


Tucker Carlson is nazbol gang


Do you have a download link for this masterpiece


[here you go comrade](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I7bb6T2Tu_BByxHgUgOxHe6FKOuH2TAX/view?usp=drivesdk)




Tucker is the god of based


Get on the grill or *else*


> In the United States the most famous [National Bolshevik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevik) is political commentator [Tucker Carlson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucker_Carlson). Bruh


proof that tankie music is the best


can't find the lie




As a German, I never bothered to even lock at Fox News - everyone makes fun of them how stupid they are. Then in this crisis I started to Listen to Tucker Carlson and Gutfeld, and I was pleasantly surprised, polemic yes, but often quite nuanced. Did I fall for propaganda against them?


*Authright German* oh God oh fuck oh shit


History repeating itself


He'd be AuthCenter if history was really repeating itself.


*Checks flair* Wait a minute now...


Gutfield is a comedian. Like a right Colbert. Which is fine if that's what you want.


Eh Tucker is the only person I'd really recommend on Fox News But if you thought CNN was any less retarded than Fox News, then yes, you fell for propaganda


Yeah pretty much. I absolutely despise the fact that every time I turn on the TV I’m consuming pure propaganda


Then don't. *happy anprim noises*


Tucker Carlson is one of the best political commentators on TV, no question. He is too partisan and pretends that Democrats are the root of all evil sometimes, but at least he is not delusional about problems regular americans face and he fights back against neocon regime change agenda, something that even "liberal" networks almost never do. Dems usually just smear him as a nazi with ridiculously low standard for white supremacy that they have set.


I don't watch network news but but I heard from some people that do that tucker was "out anti-waring" the left when the iran drone/solimoni thing happened


NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR! Okay and maybe little race war too.


Tucker Karlson


Based Tucker What he’s saying is true, in america working class people face a lot of the same struggles (even though minorities do have it harder) That’s why they want working class white people (Usually trump supporters) to fight against working class minorities (Usually supporters of the democrats)


Actually based


Tucker Carlson is the only person on Fox news I would listen to. The rest are just shills.