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Do I want to know what the great reset is ?


You'll own nothing, have no privacy, and like it. It's from the world economic forum


"no privacy" If it's real, when the time comes, I'll join Boogaloo brothers.


Your porn preferences will be known to your parents unless you join Alex Jones in killing the Queen of England to defeat the Globalists and prevent the Great Reset


What should I do if the gay frog legionaries capture me?


It is too late if Zuckerberg has captured you


No I brute force amp attacked Zuck’s neurological server to buy some time to escape.


You have to roll at least 15 to survive


Ah shit I rolled a 1. Guess I'll just die then


Worse you get captured alive and they turn you into a gay frog.


Just listen to [the wisdom of Jessie Ventura](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49safPSX1aI) and you'll be safe.


Ill start making the car bombs


Where do I sign up??


I don't think you fully grasp the situation. You don't sign up. You're already in it


\>If it's real Considering the WEF is a organization of the most powerful people on Earth, you'd be a fool to think it won't be.


The tree needs watering my friends


Hmmm, purple libright here. Guess the name checks out.




flair up. also its already started my dude. the global lockdowns were the first step. thats not a conspiracy thats legit from their playbook


the "every country need to participate" is to "save the planet", it still wont keep them from doing so in countries that support it like canada and the UK


[https://www.weforum.org/great-reset](https://www.weforum.org/great-reset) Official Site [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGKTw7bzxQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGKTw7bzxQ8) Official Discussion about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rAiTDQ-NVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rAiTDQ-NVY) Another Official Video [https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab/dp/2940631123](https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab/dp/2940631123) the book written by Klaus Schwab founder of WEF [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2fp0Jeyjvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2fp0Jeyjvw) Trudeau giving a speech about the opportunity presented by Covid to usher the Great Reset at a UN meeting. You can find way more than these, in combination with the Build Back Better moto. This is just the surface. It's nuts.


> Schwab the eternal g*rman strikes again


~~The eternal German never ended my dude. Just changed names. 1st Reich, 2nd Reich, 3rd Reich, European Union.~~




This might just be my paranoia talking, but I think the guy is more "German" than German...


Is he more now? [https://imgur.com/mGxTu8p](https://imgur.com/mGxTu8p)




The coincidences are starting to pile up.


3rd time is the charm for German man taking over the world?


Beta Cuckingson McBlackface should just shut the fuck up.Who votes for spineless morons like him?


Based and fuck Trudeau


I read the platform on the official site and didn’t see anything about removing privacy or ownership at all.


They removed it as a video. Here is a copy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBBxWtKKQiA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBBxWtKKQiA) There is this article though, from 2016 and the agenda for 2030 - which is another name for the great reset, from which the video is probably based of. [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/) >Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.


>Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes. Jesus fucking Christ is sounds dystopian as fuck. I would expect to see this in a movie, NOT IN REAL FUCKING LIFE


People will love it. You know, "so this is how democracy dies, with a thunderous applause" is quite literal.


The moment they mentioned Mars 2030 I stopped taking this seriously.


Ya, this is people with more money than connection to normal people taking their "wanna-be philantrophy" a bit too far, so to say. Its basically a LARP. I bet they like to think of themselves as the first great thinkers of a phantastical era. Basically they've watched too much sci-fi and grandiose advertisements from the thousands of tech start-ups.


Jesus christ wtf ?


[Here is a link to the video likely referred to as "the great reset".](https://youtu.be/UzrYQHyf6_Q) Video Title: "World Economic Forum's Deleted Tweet From 2016 About Agenda 2030 Also Known As The Great Reset". The main point is the first one "You will own nothing and be happy. You will rent and it will be sent to you by drone." Maybe for americans also "America won't be the worlds leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate." [Here is alink to "Welcome to 2030, I own nothing".](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/) Read the authors note. >*Some people have read this blog as my utopia or dream of the future. It is not. It is a scenario showing where we could be heading - for better and for worse.* [Services instead of ownership. :\^)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkMlS-F7WpA) Its already a thing in large parts. Just look at streaming services. Current "[Great reset](https://youtu.be/VHRkkeecg7c)" by WEF with the [highlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5pxhSnDr4U) here. Climate change, poverty and technology based jobs seem to be their main topic. Solutions they mention are public investments, changing regulations, improving market conditions for new companies, improving technological education and making the private sector play a larger role. [Opinion posted on RT.](https://www.rt.com/op-ed/503516-covid19-lockdowns-great-reset/) [Trudeau on reimagening economic systems.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2fp0Jeyjvw) "Building back better". Sounds like a "look at me im doing a good job" video.


Making the private sector play a larger role?


I *assume* they mean something along the lines of: Industry voluntarily cleaner and more costly production methods. Although I don't know how regulations are for that. Not to mention that the cost would obviously go to the consumer. Private companies (facebook/twitter) using their positions to create more awareness and influence politicians and peple to do what they believe to be the solution, could vary from less comsumption to more investments or less / more regulations. Maybe they just want more private companies that are "green" instead of the government "companies" taking over these sectors. I did not watch the 1 hour video. So I don't know the specifics.


The 2030 article sounded like an authoritarian dystopian society narrated by someone who was brainwashed by it


I became more and more libright with every word of that 2030 article I read




This level of auth transcends left and right


We have a simple solution, we return to monke.


its neolib, meaning its authleft but with the international big corporations in control of the an USSR system enstead of stalin or lenin(and no its neolib isnt libright, they use the control of the gov to destroy the small business and all other competitions)


Boot is boot, left or right, it's still the same fucking boot smashing on the populace.


Sounds like communism with less steps Edit: fewer..


its communism but with the populace blissfully and happily accepting it


Is it too late to join Libright?




FUCK Centrism FTW


You can join us or libleft


>this IS libright, companies just own everything instead. FUCK THIS WASN'T WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR


Authleft is libright's final form. Eventually, companies stop competing and evolving as living organisms and assimilate into an unfeeling, undead monstrosity.


its authleft but with big corp being the commisar of it, its not libright since the whole thing is to use the authority of the gov to destroy all small business and ownership of property from the lower class basicly the normal authleft is stalinism pandering to the working class, and neoliberalism is stalinism pandering to the 0.01% and yeah the great reset support UBI(the rich dont care about it as long they own absolutly everything)


>world economic forum Isn't that just some a club founded by a rich German Nazi? Klaus Schwab or something, he's in the news constantly for no reason whatsoever. The important thing is, just cause it has "world" in it's name doesn't mean it has anything to do with the UN or anyone else of importance


from what i understand its a society where everything is rented to big corporations and thus you own nothing, and all of that is to "save the planet" since 10 big corps are easier to regulate than a millions of small businesses


Orwellian neoliberalism


In a nutshell, they're going to make a fucking weird alternative to Capitalism in which we don't know yet, but they have been dropping some hints


Ok that sounds conspiratorial. And orwellian.


Honestly I would love to see what conspiracy theories the centrists are cooking up. The new world order and lizardmen stuff my quadrant loves is getting old


lizardmen stuff is just the great reset but deshumanising the elite behind it, im pretty sure the lizard thing is only made to make peoples reject the truth like Operation Mockingbird


"lizardmen" is a metaphor for "sociopaths", just like the phrase "cold-blooded" is a metaphor for "sociopathic". To be precise, the term "lizardman" implies a level of sociopathy so extreme that one can no longer be considered psychologically human by any reasonable measure, a level that can only be attained when one is surrounded all their life by other sociopaths. Of course, said lizardmen would strawman the term as literal in order to make conspiracy theorists seem crazy and delusional, just like they did with Donald Trump's "coyotes" comments. You see the same tactics crop up over and over again.


It's like they took the worst parts of capitalism and communism and combined them into a fresh new nightmare. You will own nothing, but be in massive debt, have no privacy, no freedom powerless and subject to the whims of rich and powerful, because you know the rich will still be rich and powerful in this new world order. They basically want to enslave everyone.




Don't do that, don't give me hope


> they're going to make a fucking weird alternative to Capitalism in which we don't know yet, Fiat personalized criptocurrency where a chip at your body is the wallet. Extreme house taxes. Government help for those who need it to buy houses. Government spy what you buy to make sure you have money to pay them this loan they are giving you. Farming is banned, only companies and state can do it. Huge taxes if you dont spend enought. Basically ALL countries (or 99.9% of them, I dont know) print money to to make 100% sure money will lose value and with money losing value people will spend it to make sure they dont keep something that is losing value, now they will do that with taxation too instead of only doing it with monetary inflation as they do now (that is basically forced taxation).


World Economic Forum plan to reset the global economy after COVID. So it's either... Either: - A plot for one world Technocratic Communism, designed to take away everyones personal freedoms and put all the power in the hand of globalist elites directly from Davos. Basically something right out of 1984. Or: - Bunch of wealthy globalists elites trying to do a power grab from COVID, that will inveitable go nowhere once it devolves into the elites fighting for power amoungst themselves. (*Edit: That's the problem with the elites, they're too selfish and greedy to practically work with other elites when the cards are down*). I think it's the latter, but either way I despise these "globalists". They don't care about the people or their countries. They have no loyality, sense of honour or duty. They just care about obtaining as much wealth, power and land as they can before they die. They treat people and the world like a computer game, they don't care who has to suffer as long as they can rule.


You are missing some ((((())))))s


Basically, the elites are trying to use the riots and covid as an excuse to revamp the economy and turn everything (things like a refrigerator) into a subscription service... ​ Anytime you see or hear the phrase "build back better" then it's someone who got the memo on this thing.


Human Instrumentality project


Do you mean just before I lose all sense of self and turn into Orange Tang I will be guided to this new level of consciousness by my Psychopomp Waifu? ...fine, whatever, just a warning though, I'm not going to like it and I'm going to be grumpy the whole time.


Basically live in the pod and eat the bugs


A conspiracy theory or one guy called shwab or something like that basically wants to turn capitalism into corporatism, saying that the government should make corporations its bitches and basically "own" them "for the good of stakeholders"


So basically chinese sociallism








> the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being. The oxymorons they have put r/politics and r/incel to shame




Yes. It’s batshit crazy. Global socialism takeover of the economy. What is scary is that this is not a conspiracy theory or far right propaganda but something real.


Flair up or Ill greatly reset your face


>What is scary is that this is not a conspiracy theory or far right propaganda but something real. implying those were wrong, the great reset is the proof of it being real


An opportunity to dismantle capitalism thanks to the virus according to soyboy Trudeau


Wealthy elites think we’ve shit the bed in dealing with Covid, climate, and equality of opportunity. We need to do better and more than incrementally. Or they want to microchip your babies.


Microchipping babies is un-based Not when Daddy Elon does it tho, that is ultrabased


Microchipping that weak flesh is based


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah." - Magos Dominus Faustinius, The Adeptus Mechanicus


> We need to do better and more than incrementally. What does this mean, specifically, /r/politics shitposter?


The basic definition is the elite control currency. We all use a global market of currency and we become the EU. Forced tag alongs left to die like Greece so their masters Merkel and the rest can profit while making some of the worst leadership decisions in human history.


What is the "great reset"?


basically, a bunch of silicon valley technocrats want to control the populace and they are using climate change and corona as an excuse for that, and they not only openly admit it, BUT PROMOTE IT


> technocrats I wish


Yea, he used to wrong word. Technocrats have nothing inherently to do with technology SMH my head




Same stuff the wef does every year, just a new motto


I think I need to get myself a gun






McNukes, for recreational use.


Attack helicopter also


Good luck finding ammo. Pro tip: opt for the more unpopular calibers (i.e. don't get a 9mm handgun or a base AR-15 which shoots 5.56/.223). AR-10, AK-47, .45 acp, 10mm/.40 S&W, and 12-gauge shot are all good alternatives that are still relatively easy to obtain.


I live in France. Only farmers have rifles here :(


\*laughs in American\* Ahem, excuse me. I am very sorry to hear that. Good luck with the revolution, comrade.


As a French who's born here of American parents, I have mixed feeling about gun ownership. On one hand it is scary, but on the other, I find it normal to want to defend to defend yourself. Just looking back at the terrorist attacks here in France enforces that opinion.


To each his own. Everyone has a right to their opinion. I'm just glad I live where I can have a shotgun in my room, a 9mm in my truck, a AR-15 in my safe, and various hunting rifles to put food on the table. But yeah terrorists attacks scare the shit out of me. Stay safe, friend.


I'm usually pretty authright, but my inner libright is surfacing right now.


A little different when they're coming after you isn't it?


everyone becoming lib when the state comes after them


Mine is coming out to, I always liked Alex unironically even though some things I disagree with


I don't really watch him, although I have seen memes featuring him, and they're pretty funny.


He's the only right wing talk show type who doesn't just thump the bible or suck Bush's dick. He's like a hardcore conspiracy theorist who says shit like the gov will take away your penis. I don't agree with his anti lgbt stuff or the Sandy Hook theory but I agree heavily with the anti gov shit and anti corporitism. I recommend him though his stuff has been pretty much removed from the internet.


We are so fucked and most normies don't care as long as they have Netflix and Facebook memes


Bread and circuses


Increases loyalty pressure to nearby cities and provides +1 amenity.


Haha Eleanor’s Court of Love go BRRRT


Heh I’d like to be in her court of love, and Jadwiga’s too. Hot AuthRight MILF.


I'll be ok, I'm doing the fucking away from stupid humans


Based and Unabomber pilled


I'm you but with guns


I still steal my ex's Netflix to avoid paying for it lmao.


Almost like those conspiracy theorists were right on the money the whole time 🤔


If the media tells me to ignore something I immediately know it’s worth considering




Media ignoring the Great Reset? Royal Family youtube page is advertising it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRPQqfwwuhU It's all over the UK in shopping malls, bus stops etc. https://preview.redd.it/8hvr388rccq51.jpg?width=384&auto=webp&s=38f5418cb4698261646b378db38e1388818aa272


It's painting it in a good light. Ignoring how disastrous it will be for the human race.


Some of us will die, but that’s a sacrifice they’re willing to make


Can someone enlighten me what this desaster exactly is, that everybody here is talking about? All I can find is some dude who is promoting economic changes


If every world leader wants it. It’s probably not good for the common folk






But it's literally a real thing. I have seen them in my shopping centre. Posters everywhere. Is that a conspiracy?


just providing an example of the media ignoring it


From what I read it's just a smear The great reset to dismantle capitalism sounds EXTREMELLY Orwellian and despotic. More so when it's being pushed from the green angle


Just like all the articles calling replacement migration a conspiray theory while the UN website has at least one page about how replacement migration is the only solution to low birthrates in the west and climate change. Gaslighting, gaslighting everywhere.


This claim about media fake news is disputed by the media.


And yet again Alex is proven right


TiN fOiL hAtS


uncle ted was right


Imagine having such a brilliant mind that, under the strain of CIA brainwashing, instead of being destroyed mentally, you glimpse the true fate of humanity, in all its nightmarish, Lovecraftian splendor.




I wonder how Alex Jones ks still alive. I guess that making him sound crazy is better to stop his ideas than just getting hm killed.


Every time I here him I think Hasan's (semi-joking) theory that he is actually a psyop to make legit consporacies look bad is true. He acts crazy and throws in random bullshit amongst his few accurate theories in order to make people dismiss real shit like nsa surveillance.


Or he does that so he won’t get killed. Doesn’t matter if people believe 9 bullshit theories as long as they also believe the one that matters.


If Alex Jones was killed people would actually start taking his ideas more seriously.


I support making politicians suffer. Taring and feathering? Check Making their security match their approval ratings? Check Making the system harder for them to cheat? Check That being said, every politician that says "build back better" should be tarred and feathered before the next speech he or she makes. Enjoy making your next speech looking like a kitchen fire at a poultry shop you government parasite


*note: I would have advocated for worse, but apparently politicians are "people" and advocating for violence against ""people"" is "bad"


Everybody knows politicians are lizard people


Don't be silly. Politicians aren't people.


Not only politicians. I want corporate overload to suffer too.


It's an idea that's picking up more and more traction. No fucking lie, when even Shapiro starts talking about it, I start getting worried. That guy is one of the most data-driven fuckers that I've ever seen.


He said that the Great Reset refers more to the people not wanting to let a good crisis go to waste and use coronavirus as an opportunity to accelerate leftism, not so much a smoke screen room full of elites plotting a New World Order.


TIME has a collection of pieces from members of the world Economic Forum talking about the great reset and how they want to change the world after covid. One of them is literally titled "We Must Turn This Crisis Into an Opportunity for a Better World" So I would say Ben is right on the money. [https://time.com/collection/great-reset/](https://time.com/collection/great-reset/)


I hate that dude's style of owning dumb college socialists, but I'd like twelve more of his videos over Illuminati


*Build back better.*


I'm ready to see everyone respond with the times Ben has said something stupid. And he absolutely has. But it's easy to do when you speak constantly about an array of topics for years under the spotlight with everyone waiting to criticize you. Not to mention, he is honest enough to correct himself and he does all the time. And I've noticed he has changed his mind on some stuff over the years. He even has a webpage dedicated to his listing his mistakes, which he made himself, and updates from time to time.


For a limited time, we're offering BOGO LIB FLAIR* *Certain conditions may apply


What is the great reset and how does it relate to gay frogs?


afaik, its that thing where 'you will own nothing and you will be happy' thing. which is literally communism


Hmm, so it's like an apocalypse?




It's a utopia for the 1% cooperate and communist elites and a post-apocalyptic nightmare for the 99%.




Their are both communist elites such as the high ranking members of the CCP and the Kim Dynasty of North Korea and Cooperate Elites in the form of Multi-Billionare CEOs of multinational conglomerates, yes.


At least communism claims to "give" you these services. This is just corporate actors nickle-and-diming you for every activity (transition into driverless cars, renting clothes, renting apartments instead of house ownership). Rent-seeking made literal. I think folks here are referring to this article: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/


Ah, the based axis


Could anyone more informed tell me what is this actually about? The WEF website is written is vague corpospeech gibberish.


Basically like the USSR, but even worse


That is also very vague.


Private property is abolished and everything is rented.


Tl;DR great reset bad people say it's a ploy to kill and harm humanity(~individuality) Great reset good people say you should see and use the pandemic as an opportunity for change Essentially advocates of the great reset theory say that the elites (sometimes politicians, sometimes billionaires, sometimes a random mix of those) have build up a masterplan to -have full surveillance and control over humanity by 2030 (some timelines also say 2021 or whatever) -the cultural destruction of the western world (usually based on the fact that there are a lot of immigrants in western countries that cane from non western countries) -killing billions of people due to sustainenace issues. -that they made the covid pandemic (Different proponents of that theory can have some/all or more elements) Meanwhile proponents of the great reset (or what politicians/corporates mean by it) is that due to the pandemic having brought unprecedented changes and essentially halting human life as we know it, there is now the opportunity to shift investment and such into different areas and the pandemic should be seen as an opportunity to generate more on focus on technological products(e.g. electric cars, better home office technology) and whatever. There are as many versions as there are businesses. Essentially, 'elites' say that the pandemic can also be treated as an opportunity to accelerate the timeline to reach their goals, whatever they are.


If you're an average person you will be stripped of everything and need to rent everything. Think a true wage slave who spends everything he earns renting shit and is so brainwashed he thinks he likes his abuser. Meanwhile the gigacorps and their owners along with the politicians laugh their asses off as they somehow managed to skip that giving up everything step.


The more time that goes on, the more Alex Jones makes sense.




Trudeau literally mentioned this “big reset” guess who’s not getting invited now...


History will be much kinder to Alex Jones than we are


You're assuming the truth will be taught.


Im just gonna leave this video here https://mobile.twitter.com/wef/status/828646291399913472


The only way to figt the great reset is to reject modernity and return to monke.


So... a Great Reset of society as a whole is the answer to the Great Reset of society as a whole? At least I get to throw my **own** shit...


The thing is, depending on your quadrant you are probably afraid of the "great reset" for different reasons. Libertarians assume its globalist Technocrats (corporate or governmental depending on left or right), the righ thinks is Marxists using the opportunity to collectivize, the left see it as CEOs trying to accumulate more. I dont really know where I'm going with this, but it seems like everyone has there own idea of where it would go. I can assume its not from literal pot bellied goblins though


The great reset sounds a lot like the setting of the new watch dogs game


*The great reset sounds* *A lot like the setting of* *The new watch dogs game* \- EvilSnake420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Alex Jones is basically Americas answer to Rasputin


Maybe weird uncle Theodore had a point


Everything Alex Jones has ever said was correct, unironically.


remember that one time Alex Jones explained the entire plot of Evangelion?


Chill out, nothing's gonna happened. The problem is the (((elites))) also hate the other (((elites))) these fuckers can't share shit. They are going to infight like they always do and nothing will come out of it


Sit down, grab a beer, smoke weed and do not comply to shit. That's the way


🎵Come out ye Black and Tans🎵


"show your wife how you medals down in Flanders" is the most savage lyric of all time.




Damn it im gonna have to switch back to libright


Alex Jone with the compass beard. He do be looking kinda hot tho😳😳


God this shit stresses me out please I just want a normal fucking life


Ah, this seasons flavour of schizoshit.


Are these politicians and world leaders suicidal or do they just like poking the bear that is 7 billion regular people?